Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988

    Betrayal your energy level, particularly with what you've been through lately, inspires me and motivates me. I'm making progress clearing and ordering the guest room.

    Illinois I'm so glad you were blessed by your friend in that way. Life is so enriched by those giving and receiving moments.

    Carole Bravo on your golf game. I would like to take that up now that I'm in a climate that would support more time to play. Also, so happy for your husband's unexpected and welcome help.

    Today was busy with an a.m. study group at church, lunch with an old friend who moved here a bit before us; shopping, home then an hour conversation with an old college roommate. A full, nice day.

    Hello to those I didn't mention. I enjoy reading and hearing about the Interesting and mundane things we all enjoy.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Reader, my energy level is much lower than it was in December so what I used to be able to do in a few hours took pretty much all day with spaced rest periods. At least it is done now with the last 2 cabinets being looked at and some items culled. Robes were moved to upstairs but only 1 made it into closet. The others will be stored in another bedroom closet that I use for overflow. I hope I can eventually make it back to pre-surgery levels.

    I did clean the refrigerators (have an extra one in the garage) and the science experiments are gone. DH never seems to see spills so the shelves in the garage one are usually sticky. All are wiped clean, outdated food tossed and there is lots of space in them now. Dinner was a Cottage Pie I had in freezer. Need to thaw corned beef for Sunday's St. Patrick's day meal. DH got cabbage and red skinned potatoes and I will bake some soda bread. I will make one with raisins and one with craisins.

    Lovely sunny day with temps already in the 50's and heading to the 70's. Unseasonal and causing flowers to bloom too early. I am watching the squirrels chase each other around the yard and admire their energy levels.

    Had an appointment with audiologist to update hearing aids that control my tinnitus. The warranty was due to expire early this year so I saw her in December with a return appointment scheduled in early January. Well that went the way of the dodo bird but she had placed the order in time so all we had to do was make the swap. So today was a nice visit with all new HA's and she was able to install the app on my phone so I can control "tamping" as well as directionality of HA. Other HA features available on phone as well. Need to get DH in to see her, because he doesn't think he has a hearing problem but everyone else does.

    Will get changed so I can start another household chore for today. I find that if I pace myself, I can actually cross something off my list. Today may be DH's coat closet since it has too many jackets and hats he no longer wears. Time to decompress the closet and donate usable items. I'll wash them before packing them up. Then maybe I'll mop the hallway, the floor of the closet and the powder room. I had cleaned the powder room last week including the base cabinet contents and the medicine cabinet. I want to take some time for myself so I may read on the front porch later.

    Regan is going back to the vet today because her "hot" spot looks worse instead of better and she now has another sore within the bald area. We have been using the cone of shame after we apply the ointment and watch that she doesn't lick but she does evade detection at times.

    Happy "Pi" day and have a piece of pie of your choice to celebrate. DD is going to local orchard bakery for their specials. Love their forest berry pie and hope she can get one.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    The comedy of errors continues. I think I am back. Thought I'd be here yesterday, but Tony got hung up so we had to wait till today. Turned into a long haul. Finally brought the sort of brand new computer home this afternoon and discovered that it would not pick us the wireless mouse and keyboard no matter what we did. So — on the hunt for plug in supplies. The mouse is sticky but will pair with the computer. Maybe later I'll get another one. The Keyboard is not real old. Either that or not used often. My reason for changing keyboards is usually having worn the letters off keys. I don't look when I type but it bugs me when I do see a keyboard with no visible letters.

    So I'll try to recall what I read. Carole, I agree with your assessment about appliances. I think I mentioned that even a short few yrs. ago when Dh was still selling appliances for Sears he told me not to expect much more than 7 or 8 years out of some as they are not made for longevity anymore. My dishwasher is 7 yrs. old, but I wash a lot of my dishes by hand because I don't have a lot anymore, and if I try to hold the dirty dishes till there are enough even on the half load, I find that the dish I need to use is waiting to be washed. I also do not do my pots and pans in the dishwasher. They need to be scoured to make sure nothing has burned on the bottom during cooking. It keeps my white stove much cleaner and easier to clean as well as never having to actually scrub much on the pans themselves.

    I hated having to get rid of my still working machines. True, they did make noises now and then which would get me nervous, but over-all they functioned well. Dh finally got me nervous about the hoses bursting and I did have the money saved up so I did it. I likely would have waited except that I had the time to work with it as long as no problems. I DID know that it would take a careful assessment to find machines that would fit in our space. I'm still annoyed that my mentioning SEVERAL times that I had space issues failed to get through. Thinking was it because I'm a woman and maybe don't know how to use a measuring tape or something.

    Betrayal, I'm sorry to hear that Regan is not recuperating either from her hot spot. I hope the Vet is able to find the right combination for her. Then again if she is able to still lick the spot very much that may be the actual problem.

    I'm sure happy that you are able to make progress on your house and closets. I know it is a great feeling to be able to make a real difference even if it takes much longer. A good feeling of accomplishment is great inspiration for going on.

    Petite, and anyone else I may not have mentioned — I so thrilled to have A computer back after well over a month that I find my mind just doesn't want to settle down. I also have much to try and catch up on as well as getting settled in with windows 11. The differences aren't major, but just enough that I know I will have to re-train to a degree.

    You were all so missed and I can't tell you how fantastic to know I will wake up tomorrow morning and be able to come to this computer any time I feel like it.

    I got another large surprise when I went to pay my bill for all the time and work on the old computer that bit the dust more or less and the transfer to this one. I was figuring a bill somewhere over $200.00. It was $89.00. For awhile I felt like everything I did had issues, and things that made life difficult. I seem to be in the other kind of period now. I will enjoy it while it lasts.

    See you all soon.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    I think today's quote resonates with me especially about the journey bringing me to "now". Thanks for it. Not wanting to remain at this "now" for long but realize I need to just accept my turtle pace for recovery.

    Abdomen has been swelling above incision and it makes wearing clothing (first week of being in "normal" clothing) uncomfortable. Seems like it might be related to pressure of waistbands and yet they are stretchy. So had to take off slacks and now have robe on for comfort.

    Reagan's new red spot is thought to be a reaction to a bug bite. I caught her lying in my flower bed yesterday so she may have encountered a spider.

    Picked myself a bouquet of daffodils from my flower beds today and they are really so fragrant when you get close. I normally don't pick them leaving them for all to enjoy but I must have over 500 bulbs planted for naturalizing and planted in many beds over our property, so no one will miss a few. Like that the deer do not touch them.

    Haha, I thought I was the only one who wore the letters off keys on their computer. This is at least the second laptop where letters that are used most often are illegible. So here are the missing letters" e, r, t, i, o, a, s, d, h, and lastly, n. "Y" and "U" are iffy but I can still read them. I am not a touch typist, never learned, so this is from hunt and peck which means I hit the keys with my nails rather than finger tips. My DS did replace the keyboard on one and I have a label maker so I made letters to stick on but they ultimately fall off. So it does lead to a lot of misspellings that I try to catch before posting.

    You have a computer fixer who is very reasonable with charges. Glad you are up and running again. See you tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    One of my all-time favorites:

    But oh! the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly
    on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish
    thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the comfort--the inexpressible
    comfort of feeling safe with a person--having neither to weigh thoughts
    nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff
    and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep
    what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

    Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
    A Life for a Life

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Ladies, it is wonderful to be back on what should now be the old style basis. Every day with a nice quote and hopefully able to keep up better with everyone.

    It is so far a very cloudy morning. Likely due to the HUGE and noisy thunderstorm that rolled through last night. Fairly ferocious. We were under tornado watch for a few hours, but we really don't seem to have them develop much at all here at the lake so while we were keeping a bit of an eye out we long ago stopped feeling major cases of nerves when we get warnings.

    Betrayal, a bug bite on Regan does sound quite possible since a wound site would be a great temptation for a wandering bug/insect. Being in a planted area with blooming plants would be even more such risk. Hope it clears up quickly.

    Glad to hear someone else wears their keys away. I thought maybe I was too rough on the keys. I am a touch typist learned many, many eons ago in high school typing class. Back in the early 60's typing and shorthand was pretty standard for females. I really enjoyed shorthand although I haven't a clue now since I never used it at all. It was though almost like taking a language course. Even better since you didn't have to learn how to nuance and pronounce foreign words. Unlike the shorthand, through different jobs and situations I kept up with typing. I never really learned numbers on the keyboard though — but thank goodness, most of the time I've not needed to use them.

    I am fortunate we have H & H Computers here. I think since he couldn't actually repair my old computer he didn't charge me for the time. In truth, for him diagnosis is usually fast — and he knew right away when I brought the computer in that it would have to have power supply replaced just to diagnose. We all hoped that was all that was wrong. It was though the motherboard shorting out that blew the power source. Anyway, he charged me for the hour or so we used to set up this new computer with my programs, extra apps and some of the materials from the hard drive out of my otherwise blown-up computer.

    I'm by the way already missing windows 10. I think it is far better than 11 but Microsoft won't support some of its older products. To me windows 10 is not THAT old, but no support means a lot of users like me who are not nerds will have to buy a new computer sooner — just because. I'd be inclined to happily pay for some sort of update or even license fee every yr. or two just to keep a program that had a lot going for it. Not profitable enough for Microsoft apparently. I'll get use to this, but it annoys me already. I can't change the fonts which I could easily do on windows 10 and just about anywhere I wanted. W-11 is set up to not be amenable to this unless you fool around in the registry. That is not something I could feel comfy with at all. I likely can go back to H & H later on if it gets annoying enough, but for now I'm putting up with it.

    Glad its Friday and I did catch up with my banking which was over a month un-done. It actually went quite well for me. I'm a Virgo — to be off one penny upsets me. It is just one of my Virgo things. I'm usually not too much of a fussbudget otherwise, but certain things tend to drag the Virgo right out in full view. I have to balance. If Dh is off he just takes what the bank says and writes it in. I find it way too uncomfortable for me.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    I guess I will be forced to switch to Windows 11 but I would much rather stay with Windows 10. It works for my purposes. Glad for you that you have a computer again, Jackie. I used to be like you, balancing my checkbook to the last penny but no longer balance it at all. I keep track of transactions on a banking app on my phone and seldom write a check. Statements are all online.

    The world outside is definitely green as the trees leaf out. Azaleas and bridal wreath and wisteria are starting to bloom. I got outside yesterday and did some weeding in the front flower beds. Also ordered 30 bales of straw for mulch. It remains to be seen whether I will do the mulching or hire someone. All depends on scheduling my replacement surgery. The pre-op is done.

    I will write a check for the mulch!

    Wishing everyone an enjoyable Friday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Love today's quote and how it addresses true friendship which is hard to find. The sun is struggling to come out, there is a light breeze and it is supposed to get into the 70's again today. Yet I am chilled and sitting indoors in a heavy fleece. The thermometer reads it is almost 72 degrees in the kitchen but I am not feeling it.

    VN came and I have some skin tears from tape so she used a skin barrier on intact areas. After nearly 3 months of tape on my skin, my skin is very thin. She thinks wound may close within the next 2 weeks and if so, no more dressings. Looking forward to that but will miss her visits.

    Got a Walmart shipment of casual pants (Time and Tru) I ordered for wearing around the house. I have some old recycled ones that need to be discarded but will keep one or two pairs for gardening use only. So today I will focus on my bedroom. Now that I am back to sleeping there, it needs some attention. So today I think I will work on drawers in dresser and armoire. Time to organize, declutter, and cull. I think I'll open a window to take advantage of the nice day and air out the room.

    I did get a late start in bedroom accomplishing my goal of sorting through contents of armoire and dresser. Have a discard pile, a pile for DD to look through and a donate pile. Found some pants that are too long so bagged them to go to tailor for shortening. These will be nice to wear to appointments or when I shop. I tried on other items and was not happy that they don't fit so they will be donated. When I finished there, I went into the bathroom and wiped down fixtures but saved tile in tub area and walls for later. I just ran out of steam.

    Did address one area in closet as well and have a donate pile from that brief look. I still have other items in that section that will need to be looked at. Most were things I wore when I worked so a bit dressier. So I will just keep a few of those pieces since I really don't go to places that require me to be professionally dressed now.

    Finding that I tire easily which means I don't get a lot done but trying to focus on the fact that I did do something even if it is a smaller task. Have to stop putting so much pressure on myself but feel it is related to my inactivity for the past almost 3 months. Hard to make up for lost time. I did accomplish what I initially set out to do so will count that as a win.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Jackie - I too wear out the printing on the computer keys. I bought a Sharpie "paint pen" at an art store and every 6 months or so I clean with alcohol & re-letter the keys. Interesting what doesn't wear off. Q and W and Z and X look brand new.

    I did google the Windows upgrade since I have a vague memory of discussing it with my son. It looks like Windows 10 will be supported until the fall of 2025, so I'll stick with that for now.

    Betrayal - I could never manage w/o a skin barrier - even using specialty tape. My chemo center introduced me to the liquid barriers. But I know you'll be glad to be free of bandaging.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Jackie, I’m glad you’re set on your new computer. I too have to get my checking account to the penny exactly. I worked in finance for years. I have fixed my sisters checking and my partners too. But alas, I’m a Cancer. (Ain’t that a kick!)

    Carole, 30 bales of straw is a lot! I’d write the check, and hire someone.

    Beyrayal, don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re getting so much done, it’s amazing.

    Minustwo, I’ll check out the Microsoft update. I think my computer asks me to upgrade to 11 periodically and I ignore it.

    So our guest is gone. It was trying at times but we all survived. I got my walk in, while my partner took his friend to the airport. I set off the iRobot to clean the entire house. We stripped the bed, remade it and got the bedroom back to normal. Partner is in the guest bathroom as I key. He cleaned it all earlier except the shower tiles & glass door. It’s just easier to do it from inside, after you shower.

    Last night hibachi birthday celebration was a lot of fun, with a lot of good food too. The birthday girl also gave out party favors. She’s from Panama and loves her tequila. I don’t, haha.

    Tonight’s drink at our friend’s condo to watch the sunset. We needed that one.

    Tomorrow is a doubleheader game starting at 1:05. Leaving here at 11:30. Then by 6 we’ll head back home for a St. Patrick's day party. I made 2 loaves of beer bread today for the party - knowing I’ll have no time tomorrow to get it done. I hope they taste good. I don’t think I’ve ever made it ahead of time, always been the same day piping hot to the party.

    Weather looks hot & humid for the next couple of days. I like it less. Walking has to be early, and ladies, I just don’t like getting up early unless I have to. (Note, it’s after 1AM now) I don’t think I’ve liked getting up early ever. Probably started with me being in afternoon kindergarten!

    Have a great weekend.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409
    edited March 2024

    Jackie - it was very kind of Jo to contribute to the cost of the washer/dryer. You certainly deserve it. You have been so good to Jo when Dr. B was ill. Your kindness is being repaid many times over.

    Betrayal - I think you are getting a lot done. The past few months cannot be recouped but you have shown remarkable resilience dealing with the health issue.

    Cindy - you are one busy lady and a wonderful hostess. Like you I am not a morning person so it would difficult for me to get out and walking early in the day. My mind and body needs time to wake up in the morning before I can exercise. This is one of the reasons I am enjoying retirement so much - I no longer need to be in the office by 7:30am

    Carole - good for you to get out and play golf alone. I hope your surgery can be scheduled soon so that you can move on. How much recovery time will be needed before you can return to playing golf?

    Petite - a very happy belated birthday to you!

    I had the prophylactic bilateral Salpingo oophorectomy yesterday. Everything went well. I arrived at the hospital at 6am, surgery started on time at 8:15 and at 10:15 I woke up in recovery. By 12:30 I was being wheeled out of the hospital and headed home. I did have a little trouble early in the day as I started to faint when the nurse put in the IV line. This has only happened to me one other time so I must have been more nervous than I realized. I’m sore today but not really in much pain. Getting out of bed or a chair hurts, but I’m fine otherwise. I’ve been able to manage with Ibuprofen only, although I do have a prescription for Oxycodone. I took two weeks off of my volunteer work to ensure that I have time to heal. I can’t drive for at least a few days. The doctor emphasized the need to walk several times per day to speed up healing. I’ve been walking around the house a lot (pretty boring) but I also went for 1 mile+ walk outside today.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Betrayal, I think you are very industrious and an excellent housekeeper of your own house. You put me to shame.

    Harley, best wishes with healing. I admire you for your volunteer work. So far my volunteering has been only in my thoughts.

    We had some heavy rain yesterday and some again last night but it isn't raining today so far. Looks like the sun wants to come out.

    We have a bird saga. Every day for a number of days a lovely bird with brown, black and white markings comes to a living room window sill and pecks at the glass. This goes on for about 10 minutes.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    We’re heading out soon and I figured I’d get this out today so I don’t forget it. Enjoy!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Friend do it this way--that is, whatever you do in life,
    do the very best you can with both your heart and mind.
    And if you do it that way, the Power Of The Universe
    will come to your assistance, if your heart and mind are in unity.
    When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,
    one must be responsible because
    All of Creation is related.
    And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
    And the honor of one is the honor of all.
    And whatever we do affects everything in the Universe.
    If you do it that way--that is, if you
    truly join your heart and mind as One--
    whatever you ask for, that's the way it's going to be.

    Pte Ska Win (White Buffalo Calf Woman)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    A beautiful sun outside my window today and some lovely entries here to partner the pretty sun with and it just can't get better, I don't think.

    I'm with everyone else and wish I had said it first Betrayal. You have been so stalwart in your recovery. I know it seems slow and is to an extent but you have kept putting one foot in front of the over and getting sooo much done. Honestly, I'd have been sitting on my patoot and I know it. So I hope you do take the advice of the others and give yourself a huge pat on the back and a well done. This has been a 'battle' of sorts to get through and what battle has ever been easy or fast. Getting the best result on the other side is the item and I'm looking at some of the other side your providing with all that work and it looks really good to me. You are an inspiration.

    Cindy, I do admire you as well for many things. Glad to hear that you need to have a totally balanced checkbook as well. Since I'm not 'Virgoish' about many other things I sometimes worry about my insistence on the checkbook and some housework, but I can revel in normalcy now. I'm glad you have your house back to yourself. Company is nice, but I don't think anyone is ever on YOUR timetable so it is always (even when very enjoyable) a peaceful serenity when you can be master and mistress of the household on your own timetable again. Just being yourself again.

    Harley, so good your procedure went well. I think with the thoughts of how some have had issues I will always hold my breath for anyone here having anything done. I usually only rely on some form of aspirin for after procedures. I'm often given Oxycodone and end up two yrs. later taking it down to our local police dept. un-opened and putting in the 'old' meds box for disposal. I hope everything continues well for you. You were smart to take a couple weeks off. It takes a bit longer I think when we have to have these things done at a later age.

    Carole, your bird visitor sounds very unusual. I hope Puffin is reading and maybe has some ideas about why this behavior. I have had birds that seemed to have accidentally become confused and flew into our window, but to perch and peck on the window is a new one. Maybe the Internet will have an answer - if one could trust it. I hate it by the way when the birds do hit the window. Makes me sad.

    Cindy, I love the Irish Toast.

    Hope you all have a beautiful, happy, productive Saturday even if all you do is rest from the week just past.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980

    there are stickers for windows that help birds see them and are pretty inconspicuous to people. DS and family are birders and they use them on all the large windows. It foolproof but cuts down the collisions

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Thanks Wren. I appreciate knowing there is something I might do. It will be a bit tricky. We have a set-up in this house which we love but is not the usual kind. We have a long living room and on the outer wall on one end is a bank of four tall windows — so I think I would maybe have to buy four stickers.

    Do you know if the stickers come with suggestions for placement on the windows? I feel like most of the incidents have been on the upper portion of the windows.

    I love most living things except maybe Brown Recluse spiders and a couple others like that and would like to do things to help alleviate issues for them. People may get irritated with me as I will slow (I have been known to stop completely if need be) to let squirrels get across the road or turtles or most anything that is on the road. We do live out in the countrified area of our little town which makes it easier somewhat. I also tend to slow down for walkers and even more if they have their pets with them.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited March 2024

    What's wrong with this picture? (HINT: this is Chicago, and it won't be spring till Wednesday). I should take another one today while the magnolia blooms are more open and before tonight's winds and tomorrow's temp drop blow & chill them all away!

    MM, if you need the url of the, uh, "safe space" on this forum, let me know if Jackie hasn't already sent it.

    Betrayal, hope your healing continues. Guess we all get "thin-skinned" at times. (I find myself putting moleskin in more & more of my shoes lately, as I blister at the drop of a hat). And hope Regan's lesion is just a bug bite and heals quickly too.

    Sorry for missing birthdays again. But between Reddit, Quora, NextDoor (especially heated and often irrational debate about the upcoming State's Atty. primary, usually devolving into thinly-veiled-race-based insults against the Mayor), errands, appointments, etc., time flies.

    Harley, heal soon—don't overdo! Must be a relief to put that surgery (and the risk that necessitated it) behind you. If you do hit the Oxys, prunes and dates are your friends—they are a natural source of sorbitol, which acts as a laxative.

    Good news on the bloodwork front: my MMR titers were positive, so I'm immune to measles, mumps & rubella; and my a1c fell from 5.8 a year ago to 5.5. Weight down to 158.5 today—and my size 0 Chico's knit Travellers' pants (and the size 1.5 top for them) fit. I plan to wear them Sat. night at a brief gig I have (20-min. set in a songwriters' circle downtown) and then the rest of the Bar Show Cast Party/Rookie Show/Awards about a mile northeast. I don't expect to get a performance award (I already got "Spear Carrier" a decade ago, and you can't win the same award twice; I didn't have enough featured stage time to warrant "Horse's Ass," which is sort of like Best Actor); but at our bandleader's "The Stranger" (Billy Joel) tribute concert, the producer dropped a hint that I ought to attend—one of my numbers is up for Best Ensemble.

    I have been getting some more exercise "through the back door:" I have 3X/wk PT at a clinic 1/4 mi. away from its parking garage, and each session starts with cardio on the "arm bike" set to max resistance. Trying to stretch my c-spine to mitigate paresthesias (and head off the need for an MRI) and improve upper-body strength & flexibility.

    Judy, if you've been watching local TV lately, you'll find out where our surgeon Dr. W landed after leaving NorthShore/Endeavor: City of Hope (fka Cancer Centers of America) up in northern Lake County. (His partner Dr. Y did my lx, but he was the one who repaired my "exploded" axillary seroma).

    Happy St. Pat's to those who celebrate. Tomorrow night we're going to Cooper's Hawk in Morton Grove for their holiday special (corned beef & cabbage, here I come). No Irish coffee for me—not really drinking anymore and I don't need the sugar.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to those who are of Irish descent or adopt being Irish on the day. Being of Irish descent, we welcome all who care to join the festivities. I have a corned beef which I will cook with red skinned potatoes and cabbage tomorrow. Today I tried a new recipe for Irish soda bread and made one with raisins and the other with cranberries. I want to see which is the favorite tomorrow (plus I like to toast it for breakfast). DD and DSIL will join us for dinner. It's a family tradition. They'll drink Harp or Guinness as well.

    Thank you all for the comments about my trying to get back to my normal housekeeping routines. It is appreciated. Today, I just did some straightening up, wiped off the glass shelves in the baker's rack and the glass top of the coffee table. Supposedly cats will not walk on glass topped tables because they lack depth perception, but I want to blow that myth out of the water because I have cats who make it a habit to leave their paw prints all over that table. I did a few other light household tasks such as the floor in the primary bath but they were quick fixes. The family room is dusted and straightened up as well. I lived in that room for weeks so having it tidy makes me feel better.

    Today was sunny with temperatures close to 60. Lots of my daffodils are in bloom so the yard looks nice from just about every window. I like them and have transplanted them to places beyond their original beds. They look so cheerful. The deer like the little blue ones whose name I cannot remember and I had to chase them today from the bed under the Japanese maple. They have eaten the ones up on the hill.

    Sandy, congrats on your weight loss and the ability to fit into some outfits you've had stored. I was hoping I would have some weight loss after this surgery but abdominal bloating persists. I actually get an indent where my waistbands are and they are elastic so not tight. I hope this goes away soon. I still am eating smaller portions. Is that tree in your yard? It is lovely but again the blooms will be short-lived with this goofy weather.

    Harley, glad your surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery. Don't force healing and remember what you can see heals faster than what's in your abdomen.

    Carole, that bird could be seeing its reflection and thinking it is another bird. We have an issue with the center pane of the bay window this time of year. It is usually cardinals that fly in to it. I hang a towel to try to avert this. I looked into the reflective stickers but they cannot stay on the window in our climate.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Loved the Irish quote and today's quote as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    The value of all service lies in the spirit in which you serve and
    not in the importance or magnitude of the service.  Even
    the lowliest task or deed is made holy, joyous,
    and prosperous when it is filled with love.

    Charles Fillmore

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Beautiful Sunday morning. Cool right now at 41 degrees, but the sun makes it so pretty. Happy St. Patrick's to all. I only have a very slight amt. of 'Irish' in me. Due to the dreaded salt though I no longer do the traditional feast. Glad for those who can and who enjoy it.

    I haven't much planned for the day. It will be back to the odds and ends of catch-up things. Only matters if I get things done. I'm getting a bit more use to the new computer. I'm still not thrilled by windows 11 but it certainly beats not having a computer at all. I just had the old one pretty well figured out for everything I liked to do and didn't even have to think about it. This one is just odd. I open my mail and seem to have to find ways to "urge" it to download mail. Even after several hrs. after I know lots of mail normally comes in I have to nudge it to do its job. I hope it is some little switch somewhere that maybe wasn't turned on. I use to have mail popping in whenever it came, not building up for hours at a time.

    Getting use to as well the new washer and dryer. I still have to look up the brand name on it ( Madea) which is a new one on me and I do think is something new. The saleslady (my Dh's old boss) spoke well of them but then two things — she is not only a salesperson, but as well, these machines came to be the only ones she had that would work for us due to mainly size. As well — I refused the machines that would only use the new Pods. I want control over how much soap I use just off the top and I'm pretty sure they don't make pods for the size of load you have or for delicate wash etc. The thing is while I'm tall, I do have to reach stretch to reach the bottom of the machine. That x-ed those machines out originally, but as we went through the small amt. that might be right for us we ended up having to eliminate all the others and this brand was all that was left. We have to compromise and I told Dh we would get a plastic Spaghetti spoon or something to remove socks and over items that size hard to reach.

    Hope you all have a good day, good health and a happy heart full of hope and lots of Spring inspiration.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited March 2024

    I googled Midea brand and it has been in business since 1968 and it makes appliances for GE and Whirlpool. Did you get a top loader or a front loader since you mentioned you had difficulty reaching the bottom? I am short so I like the front loaders because I can reach the bottom and the back easily. I wash my compression stockings and bras in a laundry bag because they are easier to corral and don't get tangled in other clothing. My washer and dryer are European so smaller in size than today's models which seem to be on steroids based on their relative size. I just measured and they are 23 inches by 23 inches so I will really need to stick to this size. Hope these keep hanging on for a while.

    Happy St. Patrick's day. It is 54 degrees and sunny so a very nice day. I am wearing green, have an Irish scarf and am wearing my map of Ireland necklace. So feeling my Irish heritage. I have the corned beef ready to go for dinner later.

    The birds have really enjoyed the suet cake and it looks like this one will have to be replaced soon. I haven't seen the bluebirds lately so I am hoping they are still in the area. The wren has been having a field day on the suet cake visiting several times a day. The blue jay is at the bird feeder pushing the seeds he doesn't like on the ground where the doves will feed. Later the deer will come through to feed on what seeds are left.

    The daffodils are the road are in bloom so I will have to go down to take a look at them. Not able to walk up the driveway yet so I'll drive down. I'll also check out the ones I planted last year in the bed by the stream. Love that spring is finally coming.

    Hope that everyone has a grand day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Hmm, I googled Midea and didn't find much info at all. I was hoping for a lot. Didn't really have reviews either which tend to tell a person a lot for what they might watch for or even ask about. I got the top loading this time. My old Kenmores were front loaders. Really did love those machines. Rather than buying the pedestals for the Kenmores which were outlandishly expensive I thought, Dh made me a custom size since I need to fold right at the machines. I don't have room anywhere for a folding table.

    I was concerned as for some time, off and on noises would erupt while using my machines like strange rubbing, growling sounds, but then I might not hear them again for a few weeks. Also now and then the washer wouldn't properly empty out all the water. This too was not consistent, but at 17 yrs. of age I felt we likely had pushed fate far enough. If I were younger and more agile I might have waited a while more, but I didn't want to risk a huge mess. Fortunately, I usually don't have to leave while I'm actually doing laundry but I might be (bad ears) not able to hear if something did occur that I should know as soon as possible.

    As you mentioned Betrayal, most of the machines we looked at were just too big to fit in the compact space we have. Neither machine could be over 26 and 3/4 inches across. I think we had about four or five sets in the store then which were possibilities. We had rejected the Midea's at first since you had to reach so far down into the tub. Yet, one by one every other set turned out to be not acceptable with two sets being Pods only, even though they were the right size and price range. The Midea's turned out to be slightly more expensive than the first set we picked out which turned out to be too big for our space once they were delivered and had to go back to the store.

    They gave them to us for the same price. It was going to erase being able to sell us anything if not, and that as well as the store owners very close friendship with Jo made it the thing to do I guess.

    As far as we can tell, nothing else in the house ( tv's, dishwasher, fridge, water heater) is in danger of needing replacement and I am crossing my fingers as I make that statement.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980

    anyone wanting to see cherry blossoms can go to the Univ of Washington website. They have a quadrangle planted with 90yr old cherry trees starting to bloom. They were a gift from our sister city. Pretty spectacular.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    I loved the cherry blossoms on the Quad & "Red Square" (so named for the red bricks) on the UW campus when we lived in the U. District a block from the canal.

    That magnolia is indeed in our backyard. Every year the blossoms get blown away by chilly spring storms.

    Wore my green (ok, forest green) Irish sweater I bought last year in Kinsale. I was skeptical about buying size M, as the salesclerk suggested because "these sweaters stretch;" but it was pretty snug in the shop. Tonight it fits perfectly. Funny how really high-quality wool doesn't itch. My other fishermen sweaters (English, not Irish) are cotton. Bob shamelessly wore the beads thrown from the floats in the 2019 Irish Channel St. Pat's parade in NOLA—they went with his green Duluth shirt.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Haven't been here for a week so lots to read.

    Betrayal, you are amazing. I have trouble doing a job a day and I'm well. I do have to do more thinning in my office as the "new" stuff is smaller and more open the what I currently have. Won't have so many drawers to just stuff stuff in. You might think about calling your local domestic violence shelter about your work clothes. Many keep a closet for women looking for work to "dress up." Your cat is beautiful although I don't envy you the long hair. DD's long haired is forever barfing up the hairballs.

    Sandy - we took a Bedapest to Bucharest trip 10- 15 years ago. Very interesting although not nearly as scenic as Budapest to Amsterdam. A river cruise in Portugal is on my bucket list but suspect it will be still there when I'm dead. We never got to Egypt either.

    I'm loving all your descriptions of spring in the east and midwest. I don't miss the winter but do miss the spring and fall. Very few wildflowers for us this year as it was too rainy. The cactus should bloom in April but who knows with the crazy weather.

    Jackie, glad you are happy with the computer. You have been very patient but the price sounds great. I'd like the link you are sending to MM. I've especially your recent quotes about friendship.

    Haley, hope your recovery goes well. I'm sure you will be missed at your volunteer jobs.

    Puffin, hope you see lots of new birds. Sound as if you have found a group that are great to travel with.

    Have spent time this week watching the Indian Wells tennis tournament. We went several times and it was always a fun few days away. I'm more of a tennis fan than Ken but he always got to pick the restaurants so he was happy. Had brunch today with a former golf partner and spouse. She has been very ill but is very much on the mend and it was great to get together.

    Busy week ahead. Golf, including a couples mixer with dinner. I'll play with a friend. His wife with the mending collar bone and Ken will join us for dinner. Book club is at my house this week and we're going to a fundraiser for the food bank on Sat. Bridge two afternoons. When I read what I just wrote, I realize why I don't get to the "jobs."

    Have a good week everyone.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    A well-kept garden filled with flowers
    Has no room left for weeds to share;
    The mind keeps out unworthy thoughts
    When loveliness is dwelling there.

    Leona Bold Martin

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Taco, I envy you your busy week. Recently my social life has consisted of trips to keep physician appointments and this is the first week, I don't have one. My DD and DSIL took this week off and we are planning a day trip to Lancaster for some Pennsylvania Dutch food and the outlet stores. I really don't need anything, it is just a chance to see how pretty the Amish countryside is in the spring. They will be plowing the fields and I love to watch them.

    I cooked yesterday and the corned beef, red skinned potatoes and cabbage were good. The cranberry and raisin Irish soda breads were a new recipe but a definite hit. Sent some home with DD and DSIL because the loaves were large and they were already laying down the rules about sharing. So it was a pleasant day. They brought pies from their local orchard bakery: strawberry rhubarb and very berry. I had slivers of both since this is a combo where it's hard to decide which to eat. They were so good.

    The weekend was busy so I may just limit what I do today. My knees have been very sore so steps have been a real challenge but even walking or standing is uncomfortable. Seems the meloxicam I am taking is not working anymore. I do keep pushing myself because it is arthritis and if I sit too long, it is worse.

    Taco, I hope you do get to take that cruise of Portugal and maybe even Egypt. The Nile cruise is phenomenal. It was a bucket wish that I did accomplish as was riding a camel which I also did. Never realized how far off the ground you are when on a camel's back. Misty gets brushed daily but is also on a dry cat food that controls hairballs and for the most part it works. However, when she eats Tawny's dry food, she usually leaves me a reminder of her poor choice.

    Sandy, that tree is beautiful and I do hope you get to enjoy the blooms this year. The Japanese bush in my yard is in full bloom and this year seems to have an abundance of hanging clusters. Forget the name of it.

    Sunny but cool today, temps only in the 40's and with a light breeze it feels cooler.

    Seems hard to believe that Easter is in 2 weeks so another meal to prep for. I make a scalloped potato recipe from Martha Stewart's magazine from many years ago and it is the only one that I've actually chosen to repeat. My DSIL loves this dish and will be my sous chef so he can learn how to make it. It is more labor intensive but worth the effort and caloric wise is rich.

    I do have one item to check off my want to get done list and will need to involve DH who has been reluctant to participate. So this is one we can do today. I'll try to get him moving now.

    Have a wonderful day and I hope your weekend was wonderful as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Good morning. The sun it out right again. It stayed a bit cool yesterday. Hope it warms more today. I love spring. Unlike the first of the yr. it is now when hope and inspiration grab me and make me want to make all the positive changes, I'm able to.

    We have what I call bush trees. They are in the shape of trees, but don't get too big. They are always first to open their green leaves. When I see those I know good things and lots of green growth are not far behind. I feel energy and enthusiasm wanting to bubble up even though it will yet be awhile.

    Taco, I know what you mean about newer office furniture. I love my desk. It is a three tiered glass desk on wheels that lock. Nary a drawer and only a shelf for a tower on the bottom (which I no longer need now) so I bout heavy plastic roll about carts. I'd do metal cabinets, but we are naturally damper in this area and they don't always do well. I can wash the heavy plastic ones to my heart's content. My 'content' is sometimes slow in coming, but that is okay. I bought this desk at Goodwill. $12.00. It had come from a Dr's office which I'm sure had lots of file cabinets — so it could stand alone as a work space. I've had not one regret, despite the fact that while a good size with a glass pull out for the keyboard, it has no drawers. I have small bookcases that surround it so that wires and power cord etc. is all hidden as it much of the desk itself. Makes it all pretty cozy and comfortable for me. Since I moved out here by the front door in the foyer, I can see and hear the tv in the living room so follow along with tv "events" is I like.

    I will send you that link Taco so look for a pm with it soon.

    Hope you all had a good week-end and are feeling well. Being it is in fact Spring, I am feeling more content as it is always pretty much a great time for me. This is my New Years pretty much.

    Happy Spring everyone.