Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Just stopping by.....sometimes I am lax about coming as I don't have much to say.  Don't want to be boring.  Isabella --- don't know if you can do maybe it is all too much no matter which way you do it, but when my dogs get on something ( I keep most of my furniture covered with a sheet etc. ) I first put it in the dryer.....and let that go for a few minutes......and most of the hair is collected off the item in the lint filter.  Then I go ahead and wash, dry and put back on the furniture/bed, whatever.  Just a suggestion if it could help with clogging up of the washer you use. 

    Having great weather today....lots of sun and warm temps.  Later this week we get to the 80's for the first time.  A bit early for those sort of temps, but we seem to have been and be in some sort of climate change for the past couple of years.  Just have to go with it and hope for the best.  Last yr. we didn't have much of a summer so am sure hoping for a much better one this time. 

    Melissa....It probably seems like all the good nurses quit, but you are not really quitting as such.  You are retiring.  I think of quitting more in the way of having perhaps chosen the wrong profession, As well, in your case, you are moving clear across the country. 

    Can you re-instate your license for a while when you get to Missouri.  Just till you feel more comfortable about "not" using it.  Should something come up you would be prepared " to step in" but only if you really couldn't stand retirement.  I felt the same way about giving up my real estate sales license when I got cancer, but knew it would just cost me money  for a long, long time when I couldn't do the work.  It took a while but I adjusted.  I still work at the same company -- just as a receptionist two days a week, so I never actually "quit" working...just changed job areas. 

    Well onward and upward for the day.  I'll be checking in later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    just saw the notes that came in while I was typing.  I have never been a BIG meat eater. I've seen people eat steaks practically the size of a dinner plate and can't understand it.  I enjoy a very small amt. but in truth --- if I lived on a farm etc. I don't know if I could keep it up.  My sister raised baby calf's on her property ( one at a time ) until they were big cows.  Gave them names etc.  I just simply could not do such a thing.  Touch an animal lovingly every day while calling it by name.....and then have it slaughtered to eat.  I never understood my sister at all and though it was barbaric behavior.  Still, if I don't have to feed or see it.....and I do believe that we were given knowledge to take care of our needs......I just think some have gotten carried away about it.  Like hunting deer for sport.  If you are truly using this to feed your family -- that is to me understandable. 

    There is a yin and yang to everything.  Many things we harvest long before the plant dies, and thereby stop the reproduction cycle because no seeds are left.  So, I think meat in small quantities is not a bad thing, but one should always feel reference for what our Creator gave to us to help us in our journey here.  I try not to take it lightly and I so respect you Kathleen for being able to make the choices you did.  You really don't have to eat meat to be healthy and it is great that there are different ways of doing things. 

    I'm back out of here now.  See you all later.

    Hugs again,


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I am never bored with anything you all post. Love to read what is going on in your lives, what you are doing, what you are thinking. I have learned so much from all of you, not just about breast cancer.

    I miss having "girls' to talk to... like in the work setting. i have friends i can go to lunch with, shop with but can't call them on the phone ten times a day.  But i can log in here and get a 'girl fix" as often as I like. Keep up the chatter!

    pam, STDC 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Friends you are all right about so much. Jackie I did get my Missouri license about 5 months ago and I think adjusting to retirement won't be hard for me. Some times DH and I are fairly sure that a couple of show horses (us) got mistaken for working stock as we have worked forever. I may look for a 2 day a week no so demanding thing because many states make nurses who do not work return back to school- NOT!

    Pam-yes I have a therapist and he taught me how to care for them and I think I have not been drinking enough water!- My own worse enemy! Also, DH has learned how to massage the ones I can't read- I was shocked to learn that they return. I am in my bullet proof, compression bra and sleeve on the right and just have this little adjustment to deal with- I have been given so many Gifts from God that I can't complain.

    Kathleen- maybe the move has to do with it - I have been very busy and sorting-tossing-mailing- delivering etc- reclaiming-it is a circle and I have to go through my clothes again- pack my curio, over the ice box and the pot shelf and DH want to go "room by room" - what the heck he is cleaning while I am working so I will do it the way he thinks will work.

    I looked up vegan- not for me- I do pretty well on a balanced diet with a big variety but lean towards fruits and veggies just because I like them.

    Jackie you are right it is not the same as quitting- it is RESTING!

    Big hugs enjoy the days and be happy.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2010


    I'd like to "rejoin"...long story, but my "time out" lasted for months.  JO, I just p.m.d you.  Thanks for checking on me.  I'll read back a few pages--feel like I've made myself miss out on so much of what you all are doing.  Hope everyone is doing o.k.  Helen

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    YEA!   Gram of 3 is back!  We've missed you!

    And are FAR from boring!  I always enjoy reading your posts. 

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2010

    Hi all,   Haven't posted or even been on the site for a couple of months,  Must say I have missed you in more ways than I can count.   Took me a long time to read through all the pages from about the first of Feb till now and I can say one thing for sure, you PODS never give up on caring for each other.  Thanks for being there.  Wow you are all wonderful and the biggest cheer leaders I know, so just count me in cause  "I'm back"

    Hugs to all, Carolyn

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    Just popping by to say I hope everyone has a happy Easter. Have just been to the shops and it is crazy out there, and it is made worse because school closed for two weeks today and people are off on holiday.

    I have hot cross buns and  Easter eggs so all is well.

    Don't eat too much chocolate but remember it is actually good for you.


  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

    Melissa,  I didnt really go on a vacation....just to Cols to visit my freind from 5th grade on...we grew up on the same street and got our first  Barbies together and watched Twilight Zone together on Friday night.  Well, if we were at my house we did....her Mom wouldn't let her watch. Anyway, it was a great weekend....we went to three movies and I had popcorn at each one and we went to a fancy old fashioned tea and shopped at some really unique little shops and boutiques and I actually bought myself some clothes which I seldom ever do these days.  It was just really nice getting away and I needed it.  Last week I was positive I was headed toward a nervous breakdown....walls closing in, unfinished projects starting to get to me. and then my friend being diagnosed with invasive infiltrating lobular BC didn't help.  So I guess it is always good to get together with friends from the old days who knew you way back when because she understands where I am coming a different way from you ladies who understand when I talk about BC. 

    Do you know Shell Knob, MO?  On Table Rock Lake.  My Uncle has a place there.  My favorite place to go when I visit MO although it isn't in MO, is Eureka Springs, AK. 

     I like the No Outfit is Complete without a Little Cat Hair......when I was losing my hair, and it was mixing in with the cat's and the rat terrier's (my silky terrier doesn't shed), I called this the  house of hair.  Hair shirt took on a new meaning. 

      I am afraid I do like eating meat...nothing tastes better to me than a nice medium rare filet....although I must admit I have had some tuna steaks that rival beef...BUT I would never be able to raise an animal and eat it.  However, I justify this by telling myself I didn;t kill the animal and someone has to eat it.  I am a total sap when it comes to animals and if I see a turtle in the middle of the road I have to go back and move it.  I was  having a fit in Cols because the goldfish was in his bowl in the closet of the room I stayed in....I asked He lives in the closet?  What kind of a life it that?  Well, I guess it was to keep the kitten from getting him since normally the guest room ]door is closed  and the fish is on the end table, but the door wasn't shut since I was staying in there. 

         Oh, I got my cholesterol tests back.  My LDL was 131 and the nurse said that was high, but she didn't know if the doctor would consider it high enough to do anything about....seems the Dr. is not going to be in until mid next week.  My total was 191. The HDL was 41 and my triglicerides were 70 and the liver enzymes were normal.  Anyone know how to interpret this?  I am sure I have a lot bigger things to worry about, but I don't want to add anything else to the mix. 

         Pam,   Wear the hose if you are more comfortable with them.  My legs look like a road map, covered with broken veins.  I think hose are like everything else, they go in cycles....I would not be surprised to see hose with seams back one day.  Have you noticed the dresses they are showing for summer....what we used to call shifts or sack dresses.  I used to love those.  Jackie Kennedy wore them a lot. 

        What exactly are hot cross buns.  All the bakeries have them now. 

         Well, I need to go to bed since I am working tomorrow and can't get by on 4 hrs sleep the way I used to. I am reading a really funny book by Chelsea I am Ozzie last week.  I see these people interviewed on talk shows and then want to read their books.   

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone!

    Good to see some missing faces. :-)  I am up at 5:30 AM because I heard the proverbial bump in the night!  Was suddenly awakened by large crash sound! Not glass or breaking china, no tinkling sound. Just like something large and heavy falling off the wall or off a table. DH, who is always vigilant, is still sound asleep. I waited several minutes but curiosity got the better of me and had to come downstairs to look around. Nothing amiss! ? Very strange.

    Marybe, thanks for the wear hose opinion. You will be quoted! I know I will feel better. DD suggested a new product - spray color for your legs, makes it look like you have hose on. I think that  would be terrible.

    Here's a list of cholesterol ideals:

    Total cholesterol: <200

    LDL (bad) cholesterol

    Optimal: <100

    Near optimal: 100-129

    Borderline high: 130-159

    High: 160-189

      Very High: 190 or morre

    HDL (good) Cholesterol: 50 or higher

    Triglycerides: <150

    I've read Arimidex causes a lot of women's cholesterol to go up. I have not had mine checked since i started up with BC, never had a problem before.

    Well, all is still quiet... can't imagine what made the noise.  Back to bed.

    pam STDC 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010

    My LDLs are 130.  My doctor does a great deal of reading from "Commission E" and specific studies involving women's health.  She told me that women run higher LDLs than men and all American studies are done on men.  She sees no reason for me to start cholesterol lowering meds.  My HDLs are 49 and my triglycerides are 76.

    The important number is HDLs.  Women need HDLs at 50 or higher.  The only way to get HDLs up is to exercise.

    Hope this helps.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    Marybe, I'm like you.  I do enjoy meat.  My grandfather was a farmer and we always had meat in the freezer when I was growing up.  Although I've tried to cut back on meat, we are throwing steaks on the grill tonight. 

    Pam, I'm sure that your legs look wonderful compared to mine.  I have the "ropey-looking" veins, especially in the ankle region.  When I taught and stood on my feet most of the day, they really hurt at night.  I swore I would get them taken care of when I quit teaching.  Now that I'm not on my feet everyday, they don't hurt any more.  They just look really ugly.  I'm such a wimp, I just ignore them.  I wear my shorts anyway and I imagine that lots of people look at my legs and say, "Oh my gosh.  That's really ugly!"  Maybe one of these days, I'll go check into the procedures available to correct the issue.  In the meantime, I'm just going to continue to enjoy the bright sunshine that's headed our way today.

    Alyson, it looks like you're all ready for Easter.  I need to run to Wal-Mart and pick up a book to put in my DIL's Easter Basket and then I am ready except for getting my clothes ready and the car packed.  I'm really looking forward to seeing my grandkids.  I'm going to take lots of pictures and then pick Jackie's brain about how to get them on the thread so I can be the proud Grandma!

    Everyone enjoy the day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited April 2010

    Can't stay long....just waned to say a big warm hi and welcome back to GramE and Kayok.  I'll see you all later, after work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited April 2010

    Going to be beautiful the low 80's here.  Hooray.


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2010

    O man, what a great wake up, thanks for the great Summer post, Jacky.   I can almost feel sand between my toes.   Also to be in the 80's here today,  Not planning to spend the day inside,  who knows might even go buy an Easter Bonnet to cover my thinning hair.  Maybe if you get a fantastic hat Pam, no one will even notice if you have hose on or not.   Just enjoy the day all.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    RitaJean I love the disclosure about your ankles- and all other information you ladies shared about legs- I wear hose- just grew up with them and that is that- NOW after hearing all this I too will wear shorts, which I haven't for years- my DH will probably faint! My thighs look like sickly bumpy oranges- I will make up for it with a smile.

    Maybe I had my first Barbie was the brunette and my sister got the blond- I was in 1st grade and she was a Christmas gift- what fun! Now they are collectors items.  I am glad you had a good relaxing and fun visit! We all need that special treatment no and again.

    Jackie I love you writing and gentle ways- I want to meet people so, to sit and have tea and laugh at ourselves. I no longer take myself so seriously and that is wonderful!

    Ladies have a great day, Rita thank you for freeing my legs to shorts - and I promise I won't wear hose with them!!! LOL Love ya all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited April 2010


    I get to come much earlier than I thought.  I'm basically the only one at work today.  Do you they really trust me that much ???  Not hard as this is a system you can't "fool" with and things have to be done right.

    I was re-reading as I often have to do since my memory tends to be so selective in what it allows me to bring back up to the front.  I think I sound so goody-goody....putting sheets on my furniture and it is not that at all.  I just don't want to have to vacuum my furniture much as it is a real chore and I found out that if I don't mind staring at sheets ----  I can yank them off....let them roll around in the dryer for 10 minutes and then put them back on the couch ( if they stayed good and clean ) and be ready for my friend or cousin dropping by.  I'd like to think I'm resourceful and not lazy but alas....I am the latter.  Well, ok -- not so much lazy as wanting to give myself enough freedom to do other things I will enjoy more.  With just Dh and me most of the simplifies life a lot.  Denny does not really like the sheets, but I'm sure he'd like them a lot more if he had to vacuum the furniture every three days or so.  It is purely a matter of perspective. 

    It is nice to be just old enough and enough life mishaps, disasters, diseases and the like to learn to be a lot more comfy about the ripples and dimples that don't belong, and the memory that kicks in and out at will -- never yours, and the ears that miss a few things on occasion and we won't even talk about eyes.  It is nice to be alive to experience these things first hand.....I'll try hard not to complain -- heck, much of this has a fix.  Hearing devices, eye glasses, sticky notes.  Ladies, we got it covered.  See you all later.

    Big hugs,  Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    Wishing you all lots of buns today.

    This is what our Hot Cross buns look like, I thought everyone had Hot Cross Buns. Mary, we eat them on Good Friday for breakfast, served hot dripping with butter (and I must admit anytime we can get them). They are spice buns with a cross on the top, traditionally the first yeast buns baked after Lent. I have discovered that there are hot cross buns in the US but often have piped icing crosses on them. This means you can't heat them. The crosses are made of almond paste or marzipan.

    Like Canada we have a holiday on Good Friday and one on Monday as well. For us here it is the last holiday before winter and so a time to get things done in the garden which we hope to do if it is fine tomorrow. This year we are quite bust looking after our grandaughter while her mother sings in the cathedral choir.

    We are out visiting this afternoon which means more Hot Cross buns.

    Have fun


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    HI Ladies and good evening,

    I think we are all in the same leg vein boat! Well, as long as the old legs get us where we want to go we had better not complain. Ritajean, I too am holding off on medical intervention until they hurt. The saline injection treatment might not be too bad. The old fashioned vein stripping is terrible.  My veins actually look a little better since I began walking so much but it has done nothing for the knobby knees, age spots and scars. Panty hose are definitely  in order... wish there was a similar piece of clothing for arms :-)  Control top, of course, for the flabby upper arm!

    Jackie, I think the sheets on the couches are a great idea.  I cringe every time DH stretches out on a couch in jeans and work shirt. Right now, since it has been winter, I have throws on the couches that do double duty ... under for work clothes, over for warmth. May have to replace them with sheets as it gets warmer. Life is too short to fuss over furniture.

    Marybe, where is Cols? Colorado - Columbus? How great to have a friend from childhood... so many memories! What is it about those old friendships? So special.

    Isabella, you never said... how many sheep do you have now? Are they just pets? Do you have a sheep herding dog? Do you and DH do all the feeding? You need help!

    Melissa, Do you still have your Barbie doll? I saved things like that for years but have slowly gotten rid of most stuff. You can only keep so much for so long. BTW, my neighbor does home health three days a week and loves it... a possibility?

    The mystery of the crash in the night is solved. Mounted 15' up on the post of a staircase is a turned bird house DH made years ago. I guess the glue dried and the bottom dropped out and fell between a bachelor chest and the wall... just missed my laptop! I was beginning to think I had dreamed the noise! The piece did not break so he can refit it and hope it will last another 25 years.

    Wishing everyone good health... good sleep... good night.


  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

       Pam,  Columbus is in OH....our capital in fact.  About a 2 hr drive from where I live.

    Glad you solved the mystery of the crash in the middle of the night....sounds like a book title, doesn't it? 

    My veins are bad....much worse on the one leg than the other for some reason.  The leg that looks like a road map always had a varicose (sp) vein....not a bad one, but it was there even when I was a kid.  As I got older it got more pronounces and now it is the lumpy kind and it gives me the creeps to even think of touching it.  Then I got all these other veins and the little spider ones on my ankles.  I have those on both legs, but it is my right leg they are really bad on.  I used to wear capris pants because of that big one on my calf, now I feel like I have to wear full length ones so my legs are totally covered.  I know this is all petty, just like gaining weight should not bother me, but I guess it is all part of being a woman and I can't help it.  I would never be able to have surgery on any of those veins because I am on life time anticoagulation therapy and would probably bleed to death if they worked on my veins.  I do think they got a lot worse after chemo and I started having edema.

         After seeing the picture, I know I have seen hotcross buns in the bakery, but the ones I see are the ones with the icing crosses.  Right now I could go for a warm Parkerhouse roll with butter. 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    Oh Alyson that bun looks so good- I am up early HUNGRY- thing to lose the 12 pounds I put on during recovery from surgery.Can't eat the page off of the computer however-mainly I don't want to buy new clothes , then there is the image of myself in a window at the mall of my tummy giggling with every step and I elected to not wear boobs that day so I looked like a wiggling pare walking about the mall. It was strange too, I was in an elevator with 2 couples, one in their late 30s and one our ages- first time (and I do out quite a lot w/o boobs) that the "Elephant" was in the room.

    I should have just started a conversation but was so caught off guard-next time I will.

    Veins-yeah I have some varicose veins from a life time of working long shifts on my feet- I have orange puckery skin on thighs- I don't like it BUT IT AIN'T CA!! so I will take it-hands down.

    Pam I have thought of Home health as I am in a very isolated area and they may need someone for that purpose- plus it would be a way to network neighbors tucked in the hills- we'll see, also I would love to teach new nurses their clinicalpart of nursing- Mainly I want to rest this summer however and play on our new property and surrounding area. As for Barbie- she was lost in our million moves as a child- so much was and my dad just tossed stuff. I consider myself lucky as I do have some Christmas ornaments from my childhood.I get them out each and every year and hang them on the tree.Amazed that they survived.My lymphedema sleeve works for the "hose of the arm with the control top panel"- for special occasions I have purchased all different colors in the basketball arm warmers off of e bay. I would not of course replace the LE sleeve , but for a few hours if I dress up and want pretty sleeves I can wear turquoise, blue, pink whatever color I have and it controls the wings my upper arm has grown-without my permission I might add.

    Carolyn glad to see you back too. I am still busy but shoot- a girl needs her friends, as you say in to many ways to count! Helen HI- glad the Chook in you brought you back too.

    Kathleen- this move is just like you say- I think I have something done and then I re-look at it and it needs resorting! Groundhog Day!

    Oh you guys will love this- I dreamed I started a miniature PIG Rescue on the property- and I just might! Have a great day- love ya, Melissa

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    Just popping on quickly to wish all of you a HAPPY EASTER!  Tomorrow at this time I will have a grandson on both sides of me and one on my lap!  What could be better than that????

    Melissa.....I think you'd be wonderful with the home health.  You're so caring and compassionate.  Maybe you could just do it part time at first.  When I retired from teaching, I still kept my question business and even though I finally sold it, I still dabble at writing questions when it's convenient for me.  That keeps me in the "loop," brings in my spending money, and gives me some mental stimulation.  Sometimes it's hard to just walk away from a career...especially if you like it and are good at it!

    Well, I'm off to put clothes in the suitcase and get things out and organized for the cat-sitter who will take care of my kittys!



  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2010

      and Honey,too?????

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited April 2010

    Man, I want a hot cross bun so bad, that looks so good.  Of course I would settle for one of melissa's sticky buns, they are the best ever.  My legs are so totally white like the underside of a frogs legs, dh teasing me about it.  I put on shorts for the first time yesterday, looked real cute with my brace that goes up to my knee. LOL  Hope everyone has a great day.  Welcome back all.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2010

    Well, as long as we are confessing, I figure I will need to win the lottery to have a tummy tuck, facelift, eyes done, butt lift, breast reconstruction, arm reduction (of flabby skin when and if I lose weight), and thigh reduction (same issue as arms).  I am now thinking of having my nose done, too!  I have big veins too - lab techs love to see me coming - they could hit one of my veins blindfolded.

    Food has always been my comfort.  I lived to eat instead of eating to live.  Becoming a vegan will end that!  And on top of that, I am going to have to learn to cook - horrors!

    Rita ... have an absolutely fabulous Easter with your grandchildren.  How fun!

    Melissa ... I know, just when you think you have a handle on it you find more stuff!

    I only have my one cat now and I think sheets covering the furniture is great.  My sisters two dogs don't shed at all (Coton der Turlear), just my cat.  Since he is a tuxedo (black and white) it doesn't matter what color the furniture is - he can always leave black hair on light colored fabric and white hair on darker fabric.  He's a cat for all seasons!

    Jackie ... nothing could be boring about your life!  I love your posts!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010


    I have been wondering how your leg bone (medical terminologyWink) is doing? Is the putting weight on it helping? I hope you are able to get about a bit now.

    What is that nursery rhyme about hot cross buns?


    I don't know how that happened! 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited April 2010

    All that talk about hot cross buns made me go to my freezer, get one out and heat it with butter! Must do some walking today.

    It is a beautiful warm sunny day here in Ontario. Last week while on a little visit to Florida,  I got a rash on both of my forearms caused either by my usually finicky skin being covered last summer (on chemo), being on Herceptin and/or being on Femara. Both of the drugs say that sunlight can be an issue. So those of you going out in the sun for the first time might want to take extra care like I didn't.  The rash is almost gone and the trip was well worth it!

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010
    Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
    One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
    If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
    One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited April 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Beauty of a day here.  The sun is not super bright, but at least we will have very warm temps. again.  Will have to really start making a plan to get out and start the cleaning of the yard --- about an acre, and lots and lots of trees, so we will be ready to mow.  What we are having right now is sure to "totally encourage" that grass to shoot up.  There are a ton of things that need to be done......dirt brought in and yard leveling.  We have had a lot of wash out.....and a couple of out dogs made some major holes.  Then, we will have to try growing some new the new dog pen as well.  It's always something....and it always seems to be rather major. 

    I'm at work and waiting for Dh to come so we can choose what to have for lunch.  My vote is for the Zesty Tomato.  They have lots of great Italian food --- of course, tons of calories.....but all that yard work is going to burn so many of those off.  Well, hey, it sounds plausible right now. 

    Hope you all have an incredible day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    I too am wondering about the healing of your ankle Spar- whatzup?

  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

      Kathleen, I am with you on living to eat.  I truly love every aspect of preparing it. love looking at pictures and reading about food in my cooking magazines, love serving food to others and baking things to give as gifts and I especially love eating it. I love good food and am a bit of a food snob ,  but I am also rather fond of Whoppers and the greasy fries they have at Rally's.  So when I lost my sense of taste while doing chemo, I was not a happy camper.....but once I found out there were a lot worse SEs to come, it was no biggie (and also it did not stop me from eating...then it was like a mission trying to find something I could actually taste).  When you were writing about all the things you would have corrected with cosmetic surgery I had to laugh because I have often thought the same thing, but then again wonder if I really would if I could.....probably my neck for sure.  However, I saw Joan Rivers being interviewed just the other day and Wow, I would not want to look like her....her face looks like a mask.  And then I also saw Raquel Welch on Oprah talking about aging gracefully of all things... Yeh, right.  She's almost 70 and I am willing to bet a lot of money she doesn't look like she does by simply eating healthy and doing yoga.  Have you read the book I Hate My Neck by Nora Ephron.   It is about aging and soooo funny.  I don't like this getting old and the changes that go with it, but in my case I just consider myself happy to be here and think I have earned my gray hair and wrinkles.....heck, I am just happy to have my hair back.  I guess it's all  relative.  In my own mind, I find it difficult to believe I am 60 years old.

       .  Today could not be a more perfect day....sunny, nice breeze, just a beautiful day and the daffodils and hyaciths look beautiful and a lot of the trees and bushes have blossoms. 

             I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.  We are going "home" tomorrow AM and will be going to chuch with my Dad on Sunday.