Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010
    Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. Chris
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Hmm Pam, there should be another way.  I know you can control blood sugar with cinnamon, and as well, eating good proteins any time you know you will be eating something sweet -- like dessert.  For that reason, I was always told to not wait a couple of hours for dessert as a lot of people it while you still have all the freshly eaten protein in your system.....sigh.  So many questions and sometimes hard to discover the "real" answer that helps.  It was funny though.....Men are hard to convince with sound logic sometimes.  I think many foods in some moderation -- you need fish for good heart health, and eggs for the good protein.  Skim milk for Irish oatmeal etc.  Good bread when it's eaten 100 percent whole grains, unbleached etc. 

    Men should know....going to the store is nearly a job in itself.  I always re-read the list of ingredients in most as some of the companies are sneaky and change things.  I don't eat like I should like the amt. of fresh, uncooked, raw veggies, but I do try to keep everything varied and not give into temptation and fix favorite menus too often.  I also will have a little dessert, but in between the no's no's will make simple jello with fruit in it . 

    Well onward for the day.  See you later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Oops, Flossie.  I forgot to say hi and welcome.  Sorry you are here, but glad you found this thread.  So many wonderful ladies here who will share with you. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Hi everyone,  I just wantd to update you on  my situation,  As I mentioned earlier my last chemo was March 11 and then I received a call from the radiation oncologist that  I would hve to either do radiation or a masectomy and I needed to give him an nswer right away.  So anyway I told himm that I needed more time to think about my decision and in the meantime I spoke with my oncologist, my family doctor and the surgeon. With all the information that I got from them, the surgeon explaine it best and in a way I could understand and made me feel more comfortable, he and my family doctor basically said the same thing and i feel comfortable with going for radiation now.  I have an appointment for my markings tomorrow.

    I have a question though for those of you that have been through radiation , after the treatment are you able to carry on with daily acivities or does it burn  you really badly or what?  I'm wondering.

    Also, I wound up in the hospital again, I had a temperature of 38.6 and my white lood count wa very low again I was in the hospital from last Tuesday until last Friday. I got anothershot of Nupogen which boosted my white blood count and my fever ent down.  Im glad that the chemo is done so I shouldn't have to go through that again, but now I'm anxious about radiation.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Hello Tarry1, so sorry about your hospital stay last week and hope they can get your white blood count stabilized for you.

    I did 33 rad tx's, 28 to full rt breast and armpit with 5 boosts to the lumpectomy site only.  I started out going in the morning and then continuing on to a full day of work.  I switched to working a full day and going for rads afterwards, only because the machine kept going down first thing in the morning, delaying my getting to work sometimes by hours.  I actually liked having the rads at day's end because I did have fatigue, and so I could go home and crash early.  I had no other se's, not even burning, just a good tanning of the area.  Some people do burn terribly, some only a little and others not at all and your rads techs will keep a close watch on the area and advise you of products should you need any.

    Good luck - you can do this.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    I had no side effects from rads until the last two weeks.  I developed blisters under my breast and a radiation rash across the top of my chest.  I used a belly dressing in my bra to keep the area sterile and to pad the area with blisters so my bra wouldn't rub. 

    The blisters and rash healed almost imediately after the radiation stopped.  I was tired for the last month of Rads and for a couple of months afterward.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Hi Tarry1,

    So good that you got answers to your questions and have a plan.

    Most people who had chemo find radiation a breeze. I hope it is that way for you. The 'every day thing" is inconvenient but it goes pretty fast. I think the protocol for Canadians is shorter than in the US.  I had some blistering and oozing after about TX # 25 but it was more annoying than terrible. I took naps or went to bed early... no big deal. The biggest aggravation was time... like Patoo said, there were many delays.

    I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

    pam, still the disgruntled cook 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years.  I am that for moral reasons (I would never kill an animal so why is it okay if I left someone else do the 'dirty work' and pretent it was never a breathing living being.  Enough preaching!  I am also a diabetic.  I have great difficulty following a prescribed diet.  I feel better if I do but tend to feel very deprived!

    I read that a vegan diet is not only good for your heart - it can repair damage.  There is no question that a vegan diet is probably the healthiest diet.  Most people can't adhere to it (me included). 

    If you want more information on vegan diets a good source is Dr. Neal Bernard at

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Hi Kathleen,

    It is Dr. Barnard's program that my husband has embraced. He has bought two of his books and we have been to the grocery store twice now. DH is still balking at how much things cost so he comes away with not enough food to follow the program. Plus we do not live near a big city so don't have access to a health food type grocery store. At least there are fruits and vegetables available. But NO fish, no dairy, no eggs? That is too extreme IMHO. 

    How do you ensure you are getting enough protein? Can you control your blood sugar adequately?

    A man with a little knowledge is a dangerous thing... especially in the kitchen :-)

    pam, STDC 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Tarry,  I had no trouble with the rads.  I also used Biafine cream and it kept me from burning.  My radiated area turned quite brown but did not blister.  The last couple of weeks I did have some fatigue.  I could have worked if I would have been working at the time but probably would have just collapsed when I got home.  I also drove myself to and from rads.  Like Pam says, it just a real inconvenience to go everyday  but it goes pretty fast.  I think you'll probably do just fine with them.

    Pam, I don't think that I could go completely vegetarian.  I need my protein.  If I don't eat enough protein I get headaches.  I have changed my diet quite a bit since my diagnosis.  I try to stay away from the sugars and wine (which I always enjoyed) with a nice meal.  I drink more water and had cut back on my meat portions, but I still ahve the meat.  I eat more veggies and fruits but I'm hungry again in a hour if that's all I eat.  I think that moderation is the main key.  I can certainly see why you would be a bit disgruntled at this point!  I always thought that fish was really good for you.  Does this diet plan tell you why you're not supposed to eat fish?

    Kathleen, I admire you for trying to eat mainly veggies and fruits.  Did you always eat this way or just after your bc diagnosis?

    Well, I'm off to enjoy some more of the sun.  I have already walked about 2 miles this afternoon.  I need to get back into my walking routine.  I feel so much better when I work in a daily walk.

    Hope everyone is doing well today.


  • Unknown
    edited March 2010

      Isabella,  Hope you have seen your Dr and the pain is better by now.  I thought gabapentamine (sp) was generic neurontin.  All I know about neurontin is from when I quit taking it and had all sorts of pain, even in places where I wasn't having it before, and it was then I was told Oh, you don't just stop taking that.  You have to wean off of it by decreasing the dosage.  I guess it masks pain and when you stop, Bam all those aches and pains it was covering resurface full force.

    Tarry, Only radiation I had was to my sacrum, not the breast area, but it didn't even cause me any fatigue.

    Rita,  I think it is great that you walk.  I visited an old friend this weekend and she  is into exercise, has even done half marathons.  Well, we only walked two miles Sat.AM because I was along and she knows I am out of shape and yesterday we didn't walk because of rain, but I could feel my muscles aching in the front and inner part of my this is just a sign to me I need exercise.  So today the dog got a nice long walk and I am going to try to keep up with it.

         It seems like a lot of people have stopped posting.  I miss them.  

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Back from the third grocery trip in 24 hours. We actually found veggies burgers this trip. And soy milk. This is turning in to a two cuisine family. I avoid soy - I know there are conflicting ideas about that. Now DH is eschewing meat. I may have to build a barrier down the center of the fridge. While he was out earlier I roasted a plump chicken... feel like I am doing something illegal :-)  So now I am facing the prospect of prepping two meals. I know there are men who cook but not this DH. And I am not sure i want him to... at this stage of life. 

    I know, Ritajean... fish is good for you! Just now I am blissfully ignorant of the vegan philosophy but I am sure I will eventually "learn" why it should be avoided. DH is like a person born-again, like he has seen the light and wants to share... wants me on his team, not just as support but as a convert too. I rue the day PBS ran the infomercial that introduced DH to Dr. Barnard!  IF his diabetes was not already under excellent control with diet and exercise I might understand but that is not the case. This just may be more life shaking than breast cancer... well, maybe not, but at this moment it is pretty disruptive. 

    I am going shopping tomorrow and eating lunch out!!!

    Thanks for listening.

    pam, STDC 

    Marybe, two miles with no build up is very good. This is a great time of year to get started so hope you can keep it up.  One mile is enough to start. Don't get so sore it discourages you. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Hi Marybe....yes ,I got mixed up. I was on Neurontin (gabapentin) last year, it didn't work, and recently have been taking  Lyrica (pregabalin) which I thought didn't have much effect, but as I've slowly come off it I find I need to be back on it, as it took away quite a lot of the pain. I wish I didn't have to pop all these pills, I was quite OK thankyou, before bc !!

    I got quite fatigued on rads, I went 6 weeks, well, barring the machine breaking down I did, It was a nuisance at the beginning, but I found the last week really pulled me down, took me months to get back to some sort of normality.

    I had a good w/end sheep buying. I just wanted a few for pets, my numbers have been going down over the years. I have a small paddock next to my garden where I can get a dozen, and can go chat to them each day. I got 5.... DH would have bought another dozen if I had not stopped him. I know my limitations, and how many I want. DH wasn't pleased with me, he tried to persuade me to buy more, and the man I bought them from rang tonight to ask did I want another 4, but NO I don't , thank you. I am not in the condition I was pre-bc, and will manage with what I want. I did hear DH tell the man who I bought the sheep from 'I'll see what she says, and let you know', but I'm not listening to either of them !! Years ago, when I was a youngster of 35 I had 1,200 female sheep. Lambing time was a nightmare, but I revelled in it, my kids took backseat, often missing school, because I was so busy....but over the years my numbers dwindled, and I just looked around after Christmas and thought I would fancy a few more, as there didn't seem to be many around.I have quite a few lambs, all black, very small, its  lovely to hear  them bleating for their mothers at the moment, waiting for some nice sunny days to let them go outside. Tonight the rain is lashing down, not weather for anything to be outside, snow is forecast again this week, just as I have a good show of daffodils in my garden !

    I had planned a day shopping today, but it was so wet I couldn't be bothered to drive too far, and ended up at an outlet shopping centre, under cover ! I really shouldn't have gone, I have only got half of my packages in the house yet, and DH just managed to come walking up as I was going in the door. He had to have a moan about what he saw in my hand, so goodness knows what he would have said if I'd attempted to carry all inside !!! He is out for the day tomorrow, so can unload my car then !!

    Off for a shower and nice warm bed, still have my electric blanket on, it actually has never been switched off for 18 months now...apart from when it blew up ( probably from so much continual use ! ) I had another one on my bed within hours !!! I am a softie.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    pam, hang in there and sneak food when you need to!! What are you ordering for lunch tomorrow?  Enjoy and don't feel guilty.

    Marybe, I'm missing some of our posting podsters as well....gets and feels lonely at times.  By the way, been meaning to tell you, I think of you as true warrior goddess with your diagnosis and the length of time you have been dealing with this.

    gentle hugs to all my pod sisters!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    I am having a big juicy hamburger!

    pam STDC 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Hey Pam, I think you've discovered the perfect way to outsmart Dr. Barnard.  LOL   That hamburger sounds pretty good to me!  Maybe hubby will tire with all the shopping and preparation soon and will revert back to his regular healthy eating habits.  Thanks for sharing your new diet dilemma.  I have been giggling and can hardly wait to see your next post to follow the progression.  Smile

    Marybe, I think you did pretty good walking 2 miles without being a regular walker.  I only work up to three miles after several 2 mile trips.  Then unfortunately I get away from it during the winter.  Since I live outside of town, it takes 20 minute one way to get into town to a health center or the mall to walk so if I go everyday, it takes nearly 2 hours of the day.  I usually talk myself out of it.

    Isabella, glad you had a good weekend and purchased some sheep.  Also glad that you got out today and made some purchases.Even a shopping trip in the rain can be a "mood-lifter!"  So what exciting things did you buy?

    I had a gut-wrenching day today.  I had to take my 18 year old cat into the vet for his rabies shot and general check-up.  As soon as we head for the car, he starts howling and hissing.  I made the mistake of never taking him in the car when he was little except to go to the vet and now he knows where he's going when I pick him up and head for the garage.  It's a real juggling act because he braces his feet and won't get into a carrier so I put him in a cardboard box (lined with a garbage bag because he usually stresses out and has an accident on the way) and away we go!  Needless to say, he's not as highly impressed with his vet as I am!   Gosh it was good to get him home, where he promptly jumped out of the box and crawled off to hide behind the TV stand.  The rest of the day was a "breeze."

    Well, I'm going to find a good book and my recliner. Catch you all tomorrow.  I think we may need to send out the searchlight for our missinig gals!!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Hi all.

    It was a long day for me.  Had to drive 75 or so miles west to the V.A. center in St. Louis.  John Cochran Hospital/Jefferson Barracks.  I had a bone density test.  Long way to go for that....and a 20 minute test to boot.  Wow !!!  Than to lunch.  You would have loved it Pam.  We went to Jack In The Box.  We used to have one in Centralia, but it closed.  I was thrilled to see this one on our way home and yelled to have lunch there.  I love the Sourdough Jack Burgers. I still feel like I am in heaven.  Then home to get water in my jug, then out to feed the ferals., then over to Maggie's and I did not get away from there till almost 7:30 p..m.  Then home to dinner, then do my own cats and I'm now sitting here at 10:05 p.m.  I think to myself....I have to stop this insanity of long, long hours.....but haven't figured out how to do it yet.  Sigh!!!

    I'm thinking about all of you, even though I've been a bit lax on posting lately.  Hope you all have a marvelous day tomorrow....

    Hugs, Jackie

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Hi Tarry 1,

    I finished rads last week 25, 30 min drive each way and only about 10 mins for actual treatment. Did not get fatigued at all, just got tired of going to and fro, so I started counting down from about halfway point, seemed to help my mind set. Currently just looks as though it has been in the sun, no blistering, and my skin is very fair and fine and normally burns very quickly. I was advised to get "Aqueous cream" this is a very basic non perfumed cream, often used by chemists as a base for prescription creams, and on young children with exzcema, unlikely to cause allergies and very inexpensive, under $10.00 for 500mls, thats about 4 cups.

    Rad techs told me to remember that the process continues in the body for up to a month, so to keep being careful and using the cream and no under wire bras

    Bone density scan last week, now on to Arimidex and Fosomax Plus , onwards and upwards going to beat this thing whatever it takes

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Dotti, Aqueous cream very good.

    I have just got into the house, absolutely soaked right to my skin. all my clothes were stuck to me, and my hair hanging in rat tails. I set out to work outside, it was an ok morning, but we had a very sudden thundery downpour, and I couldn't be bothered to come inside and find a coat. Still, have settled all my sheep in, cleaned all my dog kennels out, and I feel better for it. I shall suffer this afternoon with arm and back pain.....I never learn, think I am still16 ! 

    Pam you are cracking me up with your DHs diet!  Is it Dr Barnard from South Africa, he of the first heart transplant? If it is then he should have listened to his own ideas on diet, he died from heart trouble !!!

    Rita I bought 3 sweaters, a pair of trousers, and 3 more pairs of shoes (I have a thing about shoes, have already bought 4 pairs since Christmas !!) I also bought some baby clothes , we have 2 x 1 yr olds, and a 6 monh old in the immediate family. Not buying Easter Eggs, clothes instead.

    Today, when I dry out I need to go and get myself a washer. I run 2, I try and keep one for all the dog blankets, and working clothes, and a 'best' one for mine and DHs things. My dog washer blew up 3 weeks ago, and yesterday, while I was out No2 washer had a fit and blew up !! Dh was full of it when I came in, trying to blame me for the racket it caused before it gave up the ghost. As if I could have done anything when I was 30 miles away ! I have both washers on an insurance scheme, but, of course, they can't get out until NEXT Tuesday, and I can't function without a washer !! As the 'dog' washer is very ancient I will replace that so I can keep on truckin' with all the washing we generate ! I shall sell it to our scrap man, make myself enough for another pair of shoes !!!!

    I am just starting to thaw out. I had to put the heating back on to warm up the house, too lazy to go outside, find some logs, and light the log burner, even tho' the log burner is MUCH hotter than any heating system !! DH out for the day, so he'll not know....I'll light the log burner towards teatime, and he'll have no idea the heating has been running. He keeps having fits about the cost of heating oil, it has got to a terrific price, its costing nearly £100 a week( I think about $150 ) to heat the house, and thats just early morning and from 3pm...long gone are the days when we could leave the heating running 24/7 right thru winter.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    I am too curious about the lingering side effects of rads--anyone out there with those types of effects, lumpy skin? damage under the radiated area? I was so concerned about that it affected my decision and yet I am still quite happy with my BMX.

    I am one of the MIA PODS- needed a rest and had/still have a ton of work to do at home for the move. We are getting closer and closer- and I am excited BUT with the rurals (trips out of town to care for the volunteer Firefighters), packing, sometimes not sleeping and work- it was too much. 

    Rurals' are completed and I still have a very full plate.

    Just wanted to say I- miss the gabbing and adventures of one another's lives!

    signed Miss Kitty- or MIA POD

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2010


    This is just a quick note to say hello.  Love the posts about various diets -- mine has been awful lately because I really crave sweets and often give in to my cravings.  News here is that my DD and I went to Las Vegas for 3 days last week -- it was fun and good to spend some time with her.  I'm going to retire in May after nearly 25 years of working in 3 different jobs at the same College.  It's just time to move on and have some "me" time.  Take care, everyone.  --bonnie

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited March 2010

    Bonnie - congratulations on your coming retirement. You are so right that some "me" time is in order. I believe that retirement is the best job ever!  

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    BonnieK... is your new plan to retire in May due to a very successful weekend in Vegas? Got to admit the timing of your announcement and trip is suspicious :-)  You know, you won't have time for all those "me" time things like you think you will.

    Melissa 5-19... we thought we were going to have to send Captain Ahab out looking for you! When is the big move? Is DH already there? About after effects of radiation... I would say I have very little physical signs now. My lumpectomy scar is pigmented but the rest of the skin has faded to normal. The nipple is quite pale - definitely from rads. Not lumpy, minimally fuller than it was before. All okay for what it has been through :-)

    No, Isabella, this is a living Dr. Barnard, Neal Barnard. He also has a book about diet to prevent cancer recurrence. Yes, VEGAN diet! DH was good enough to buy this book for me too :-(   I love to hear about your shopping trips... sheep and clothes! And all I bought today was a pair of shoes, how boring! Now I got them home and don't like them so much. 

    Ritajean, I agree that exercise has to be convenient. Right now I am having to alter my usual route and it is making it harder for me to get my full hour in. I only walk on the beach when low tide coincides with my time frame. Otherwise the sand is soft and makes it hard to walk. When the tide is low the beach is wide and flat, like Daytona Beach, and you could drive a car on the surface.

    Jackie, I would be jealous of your burger but went to Five Guys and had a burger myself!!! It was delicious. I felt quite illicit. DH has been quiet about his diet tonight. Could it be he is getting hungry? I called DSD (step) while I was out and told her I was worried about DH's diet ideas and maybe she could talk some sense into him... if the subject were to come up. She was as appalled as I am so I hope she gets the chance to reason with him. I am ready to call in all reinforcements. Breakfast today was a bowl of grits  with salsa... okay but where was the egg? Something was definitely missing!

    Speaking of electric blankets... same DSD sent me an electric throw and it is fabulous. Very soft and I keep it at one end of the couch. The heat really seems to relax my tight muscles. I think it would be too much all night but great for cuddling up on the couch. She ordered it from QVC... very thoughtful.

    What is everyone doing for Easter or Passover? DS (who is the local son with children) took them down to Islamorado (Florida Keys) for spring break so no egg hunting for us. Looks like we will rendezvous for an adult Sunday dinner... that is, if we can find an acceptable menu for the vegan amongst us!

    Hope everyone is feeling good and enjoying spring weather,

    pam STDC 

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Hi Isabella 4,

    Ialso run two washers, one for us and one for dogs, trouble is all that dog hair is very hard on the machine. Problem is DH will insist on putting too much in dog machine at once, can't complain because he does clear dog beds and puts machine on most days....just forgets that it all has to be either hung out or put in drier...I usually find it a few hours later.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Easter best wishes from the bottom of the world

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Morning all I seem to require less sleep these days and feel great.

    Really good things have been happening here- I was under a miss-impression for years that I could not draw my retirement until age 60- correction , I can draw June 1 2010 and am leaving Las Vegas on May 20th- ecstatic! I was toying with not working anyway- the me time factor is huge for DH and I and was somewhat tired of nursing. Have been yelled at by people who say "the trouble with our profession is the good ones quit" - I say there is a time for everything- like seasons.I am concerned about giving up my license however and will spend some time thinking about that!

    All new comers welcome. There is a wealth of information, patience and caring here. I currently am experiencing recurring cords- but "It aint CA" so I just deal with them and it is easy compared to some things that could happen.

    Marybe- did you go on a trip- hope all is well. Pam go ahead and send Cap. Ahab- I need help packing and will put his fanny to work!- I guess I am not that far out from finished- just my clothes to go through ---again-- and my curio cabinet to pack- been giving stuff away to better homes and it has been fun- how nice to share.Feels GOOD!

    I wish I had room for two washers- hummmm well think about that, sounds good.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Dotti and  Isabella,

    What I would like is two dishwashers! Remember the movie Ground Hog Day? I feel that way about unloading the dishwasher.... over and over again. Same spoons, same bowls, same glasses. I  wonder if having a vegan in the house will create some variety in the dishwashing department. A ray of sunshine :-)

    Now I have decided I don't like the shoes I bought yesterday. I wanted silver but these are too silver, too glitzy for a church wedding. I am struggling with the panty hose  question... DD says NO ONE wears hose anymore. Well, no one must have legs that look as veiny as mine! Coupled with no tan yet and it is not a pretty sight.

    Has everyone seen the latest health-exercise news? Just to maintain a healthy  weight you are supposed to exercise one hour a day! I do it but don't like being told I have to :-(  That much exercise activity also uses up all reserve energy so not much left for yard work, etc. At least that is my excuse.

    Melissa, know you are doing stretches and massage for the cording? I am so sorry you are having this flare up when physical demands of packing are upon you. Do you think the added work has brought it on again? Do you have a therapist? You know how it is, medical people never take care of themselves.

    Wishing everyone a great day. I don't think of any of us in the NE where all the flooding is occurring. 82 in Denver??? That's hotter than here. Sunny and warm, great day for my one hour of exercise :-(  Does golf count? I would certainly think so. Good for you duffers.

    pam, STDC 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Isabella ... I had to smile at your antics.  For you to say you think you are 16 again means what?  That you can only do the work of 3 women instead of 4!  You continue to amaze me!

    As to the veggie diet ... I stopped eating meat after I lost a rabbit over 25 years ago.  My reasoning was that some people also eat rabbit and a cow was no different, so I stopped eating meat.  There was not an undue hardship as I did't like much meat anyway.

    Dr. Barnard founded Physicians for Responsible Medicine and lives in this area.  I met him once when I worked at the sanctuary in Silver Spring, MD.  He was/is? dating Ingrid Newkirk (co-founder of PETA).  She lived at the sanctuary and I guess he stayed there at times.  When I met him it was early Sunday morning and he and Ingrid were having coffee outside.  The reason I was there on that day and at that time was I came in to give a shot to a rabbit.

    As to protein in a vegetarian diet, most Americans get too much protein.  There is protein in lots of plants, legumes, nuts, etc.  A diabetic does, however, need carbs too so don't cut back on those - about 45-60 grams per meal.  Good luck - my aunt and uncle tried it because they didn't want animals killed -- p.s., it lasted less than a week!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    It's a small world, isn't it? Guess there really are only 7 degrees of separation.

    Do you eat dairy as well? Eggs, cheese, etc? That seems doable, maybe throw in a little fish too. Or are you a pure vegan?  We took a diabetes nutrition class a couple years ago and have been carbohydrate conscious since them. I thought it was working very well for us ;-(   Your aunt and uncle are my hope for the future!

    pam STDC 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    I posted one page before the last.  I don't find that anyone has to make a special meal for me.  There is usually a salad, side vegetables and bread.  Usually my family does and I feel bad about that.  My lifestyle shouldn't make more work for them.

    Having two washers and two dryers would be great!  One of my sisters does have 2 dishwashers but she entertains a lot.  Personally, we don't even use the one that we have.  As a single person I would run out of dishes, glasses, and silverware long before I had a full load to run!

    Melissa ... whenever I had to move, I would think I had everything pretty much done when I would find a full cabinet or drawer that needed to be packed!  I think your stuff reproduces overnight!  Usually, toward the end of packing, when I am fed up with it, I start giving away or trashing stuff!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    I saw a cute sign yesterday for you cat lovers.  It said: