Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Lisa. your son is quite an attractive guy and what a gorgeous grand-daughter.  I'm sure there have been many happy hours for you tied up in that little one and many, many more to come. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Hi Lisa:

    Beautiful grandchild and son. The picture is one to keep. I was fortunate that my granddaughter also visited Sunday and that too was a memorable time to cherish. She is here in California for a short time. She is a grad student at Ann Arbor. Michigan State and only came for a month to visit. During this month she is working as an intern at the Getty Museum so has very little time off. Her major is Art History.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2010

      shannon56   I wondered what was an "ipsilateral recurrence", googled it, found an explanation on this site - and found out that's what I had! Who knew? In any event, it was comforting to see that the treatment with the best outcome is mastectomy as that's what I had. It's also comforting to know that it's not so peculiar as I previously believed. Thanks for pointing me to that information!

     Great photo, SoCalLisa - how does it happen that our baby boys turn into grown up men? I find this whole thing about my children being adults quite magical. The grandchildren my daughter has provided are another kind of extraordinary magic.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2010

    Welcome shannon and lost creek!  Consider another pair of arms around you.  You have found a wonderful group of ladies who will "take you under their wings" and help you through everything! 

    Lisa.....what a great picture of your son and granddaughter!  Grandkids are the best.  I am so excited!  I am going to get my oldest grandson (age 6) the week of July 4th and I'm already planning some neat activities for us to do!

    It's rained here all morning and now the sun is out so it's getting a little steamy.  That's O.K. as I have several things to do inside today and can't do the mowing because it's extremely wet.  We have enough moisture for now, so it can stop raining here anytime!  It's messing with my golf!  Hey Pam.............I'm assuming that it finally got hot in Florida, right?  LOL

    Well, I'm off to get more work done around here.  Hugs to all of you great ladies!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    Yes, hot in Florida.  95F, heat index 109!!! Very little breeze. No clouds. But plenty of Vitamin D!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Hi Gals....I am so scared....I just want to cry.  Went to my Oncologist, & she wants me to try the Femara.  I have been on Tamoxifen for almost 6 months, & DO have a few side effects, but nothing compared to what I have read about Femara!  Do any of you take this?  I am 72, & I know Tamoxifen has been around for years, & that Femara is supposed to be better, but I am just afraid of trying something so different, & with the extreme side effects I have been reading about.

    I know Arimidex is out of the question, because mostly the cost, AND I hear how you lose your quality of life with so many aches & pains in your joints!  Any suggestions?   I have a 3 month supply, but I'm just afraid to give up one thing, & try another.......Jeannette

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010


    I do think it is the younger women who have the most trouble with the AIs. And lots of women do fine on them. You won't know how it  might affect you unless you try. I am not without complaints about Arimidex but I am hanging in there with it. Activity seems to be crucial to tolerating it. And I sure DO NOT want a breast cancer repeat. About cost... I think that all three AIs are equally expensive. :-(

    Good luck. Have a positive attitude. Take a chance... it might be okay.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2010

    Jeannette - no need to panic! I've been on Femara almost 9 months and apart from some creakiness which could be attributed to age, I'm mostly all right (which reminds me it's time to pick up the next lot of it). My hands don't make a fist like they used to. I told my 6 year old grandson I can no longer punch people in the nose. He considered this and announced that I could still slap them in the nose - which is likely true but I pretty much avoid both. It doesn't hurt as much as not function as well as before - still considerably better than the possibilities of a recurrance.

    With any drug, if you read all of the side effects that everybody can get, it is worrisome - but not likely to happen.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010


    I definitely want to put a major second or third on what the others have said.  I think we "mature" women have a little less trouble with this type of medication than younger ladies. 

    As well, since the age of heavy-duty lawsuits, manufacturers and anyone else connected have to tell you every possibility there is or may be as far as side effects.  Before law-suit days, your Dr. told you take it and for the most part you did.  They might briefly mention to watch for a headache or upset tummy or whatever ---- but it was NEVER a big deal.  Now we are bombarded ( especially on t.v. ) with different warnings till we are very easily made nervous just to change to a different brand of aspirin. 

    I applaud the fact you are concerned -- indeed we all should be, but this is not something un-tried.  It is proved that those who take these drugs have far less to worry about with recurrence.   If it were me ( I was nervous adding Arimidex when I did ) I would give it a try.  The truth is :  it will either work for you or it won't.  You won't know that till you try. 

    Sometimes I think we are now in a world where we have instant access to tons of information and what have we done ( sweet Jeanette please, please don't take this wrong ) we scare ourselves half to death.  Our biggest fears so often are the things that never happen.  I hope you will stop feeling upset -- it is what it is.  You can handle this Jeanette.  I have great faith in you. 

    Big healing hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010
    Thank YOU sweet Jackie!  and Lassie & Pam....Okay, I cried a little & talked it over with my Husband, & I WILL take the Femara...maybe next week.  I still have about 2 weeks supply of Tamoxifen.  I can at least give it a try.    Geez, it just makes you so depressed & scared going to the Oncologist & seeing all the women, even much younger, that have lost their hair, & going through chemo.....I just want it to be over.  I guess I got a little smug, taking the Tamoxifen, & thinking that's all I had to do.    Guess it was a wake-up call.  I read the gals on the Femara thread, & feeling so bad for them....but you know, maybe my age, WILL work with me on this one.  I can at least try!  Did I ever mention I trust you gals?  And tell you that I love you!  xoxoxoxo
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Jeanette, anything that holds back his beast cannot be passed up. Get stuck in.

    I take Arimidex, have done nearly 7 years, and just got the OK on another year . I suffer badly from se's, joint pains, carpal tunnel, plantar fasiitis, and still I plod on, the alternative, for me, is unthinkable.  

     I understood that Femara is somewhat more gentle than Arimidex, some girls can't stick Arimidex, go on to Femara, and se's subside. Arimidex is supposed to be coming 'off' licence soon, so should be cheaper.

    Tomorrow my sheep are being shorn, and I haven't a cat in hells chance of helping. I will be there tho' watching, and making sure no-one is rough with my girls. I have a team of Aussies coming, so hoping for something nice to look at !!!!! I used to love shearing time, but now can't even catch my lambs,I am so decrepit !!!  They have grown quite quickly this year, lots of rain equals lots of grass.

    I shall be keeping a couple of fleeces....just hoping I can find the person who spun my fleeces into balls of wool a few years ago, as I have a craze for knitting at the moment, WHEN I sit down to watch tv I whip out my knitting. so far have knitted half of a winter jacket for my g/daughter, she will be 2 just after Christmas so am knitting a bit bigger than she is now. Should get some lovely grey/ fawn coloured wool, so a new gardening hat will be happening.....I know by experience that that is all I will do before the craze leaves me !!!! Daren't start anything bigger, it will never get completed.

    Off to bed early tonight, have to be outside for 7.30, an unheard of hour for me nowadays. I need to wake myself up, do my hair, and put a bit of slap on.... he he he... Just finishing off the last of my bottle of cherry brandy I got for my birthday, so should sleep well.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Who remembers the famous photograph

    used as the model for this is on our bayfront

  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited June 2010

    Jeanette; I don't chime in much but am always reading the posts of this one and a few others. I just wanted to let you know I am on Femara and doing OK. Some hot flashes and it has worsened my diabetic neuropathy in my feet and a few leg cramps. Also caused some nausea in the beginning but that seems to have passed now. My doc said it was turning generic this year. Take care Flo

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    From the iconic photo that symbolized the joy and passion of one returning after WWII.  Thank you Lisa, I think it must evoke even greater emotion as a statue.  And then to discover that he didn't even know me goosebumps!

    Thank you for your good wishes re Arimidex, Jackie.

    Isabella, it's enlightening to know that it's possible to be 5 yrs and counting (+3 on the way) on the Arimidex...that is very encouraging...also the cherry brandy sounds delightful.  It must be a great joy to have sheep and actually knit from their wool.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Lisa, I'm sure I saw that before somewhere --- mental fog all over the place.  Julia, great big thanks for some fill in on it.   I probably would have guessed "returning" from war, but definitely not which one. 

    Gram 5it is good to see you this morning.  We are missing many that used to come a lot.  It's ok though -- just do want you to know you are missed and not forgotten.

    Lost Creek,hope all is going well with you.  I need to get out and get my out door dogs fed and a little happier than they sould just now.  Will be checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    I knew I could count on you means so much to hear about you & what you are going through with the SE's!  Thanks Isabella....yeah, I have heard a lot about Arimidex also....glad you are sticking with it!  My Oncologist DID tell me to take more Glucosamine, to help with the joint pain, when I start the Femara....I have been taking it anyway, with the Tamoxifen.   You are like me!  Everytime I sit down to watch TV, I pick up the yarn to crochet!  Lord knows I don't actually NEED another, yet another blanket or wrap, but I just can't control myself, ha!  Must be great to have your own wool!   And cherry brandy?  Man, that sounds good....even right now.... at 6:30 in the morning!  Well, maybe with coffee?

    And FLO!!!!  How have you been?  Okay, so it is Femara for you also?  Do you take the vitamins with it?  I'm not so afraid of taking it now....and I get the leg cramps from Tamoxifen nothing new there!   I guess it is the "unknown" that made me worry so much about starting something different.

    Love your picture always!   Wasn't that after WW 2 was over?  And the Sailors had landed?   I was about 9 I think, & I remember the celebrations in town!   If I am wrong, just forget everything I just said!  Wink

    Bye gals!  take care of yourselves! xoooxoxxo

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    The photo was at V-J Day, the end of Times Square..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    That's what I thought Lisa!  Very famous photograph!  I remember driving with my Uncle into Downtown Denver, & all the horns were honking!  Everyone was so excited!  I think it was 1946?  I was about 8....My Dad was coming home from the Navy....finally!  He had been in Japan, 2 days after the Atomic bomb had been dropped...."cleaning & sweeping up all the streets".....Had to wear "white suits" he said.  I didn't know this until about 10 years ago.  I got to "know" my Dad, after my Mom died....& he told me stories about his life & I actually got see him as a different person than what I grew up with....I was sooooooo fortunate.  Miss him so much! xoxoxoxo

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2010

    Good morning!  This is such a great group, and I apologize for not being here very often.  Hope it's okay for me to give you a quick update and then ask a dumb question....

    I started Femara about 2 weeks ago, after being on Arimidex for just over a year and having pretty severe SEs.  The only SE so far with the Femara is terrible itching, but it's getting better.  The onc is sending me to a Rheumatologist because my aches and pains didn't go away during the month I was off Arimidex -- thank goodness he doesn't think it is related to BC!  Saw my PS yesterday because my 2nd implant is getting firm and mis-shapen.  He told me to wear a sports bra or cami for a couple of months, exercise the implant and then we'll see how things are going.  My options, if this implant develops contracture, are to keep it unless it gets real painful, have it removed or have lat flap reconstruction, which is basically starting all over again.  I'm either keeping this implant or having it removed - no more surgeries unless necessary.

    Here's the dumb question...  Do any of you have both cats and dogs that live indoors?  We have 2 young neutered male Bengals and one elderly (nearly 17) Oriental cat and I want a small dog.  My husband thinks it's a bad idea, but he wouldn't really care that much if he came home to one more pet.  I've never brought a puppy in when we've had cats, so am looking for some experienced advice.  Thanks.

    Have a wonderful day!  --bonnie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Hi Bonnie!  My Daughter has an older dog, & 2 middle-aged cats, & a little kitten!  They all seem to accept each other very easily!  A little puppy might drive your older cat nuts, but maybe not!   But your 2 other cats might think the puppy is another little toy to pester!  Good luck!

    And thanks for your comment about Femara....I have always had trouble with my skin....allergic to everything, so I will watch out for soon as I start it next week.  Is it like Tamoxifen, & your side effects start after a couple months? 

  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    To all who are taking Arimidex (and others too)

    My onc had me start taking vitamin B6 for foot pain when I started the Arimidex.  It actually does help quite a bit.  Also if my feet are really hurting she told me to put a table spoon of white vinegar in about 2.5 gallons of warm water (warm like getting a pedicure).  Gets rid of the pain in about 10 min.

     lassie11 - why I wouldn't wish recurrence on any one it is comforting in a way to know I'm not the ONLY one out there with recurrence so soon after treatment. Foot in mouth

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2010

    Chevyboy -- The itching from Femara started after just a week and that is the only SE so far.  I've only been taking it for 2 weeks after over a year on Arimidex with terrible SEs. 

    I guess I'll have to find a mellow puppy that might enjoy playing with the cats because my husband is going to drag his feet, hoping I'll give up on the idea of getting a dog.  Ha! 


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies, I hope you are all well today. 

    Today was my first rad.  The woman who followed me was on her last one and she showed me - yikes it seemed like she got hit really hard and was just cooked.  Don't know if that's what I wanted to see but I obviously needed to..   The rad techs have recommended AloeLife Gel as the only topical that they recommend; saying it works well, and suggested I start using it early.  Well I got some last week and started to use it and my skin doesn't like it at all.  Red, tender, etc.  So I don't want to use it with rads, but the techs today didn't really have any other suggestions except stay away from perfumed lotions.  What worked for any of you?  I've bought several non-fragrance lotions today - Aveeno & Eucerin - did any of you have good luck with otc lotions?  Which ones?  

    I appreciate the discussion of Arimidex & Femara.  My doc definitely suggested calcium and large amounts of Vit D to help with Arimidex se's.  I could start the Arimidex any time, but wanted to wait until rads are done and try to deal with one thing at a time.  Do any of you know if taking the calcium and Vit D during rads might cause any problems or issues?

    Critters:  I have a 3 oz bird, a cockatiel, and a 130 lb German Shepherd.  No puppies for me for awhile, so I'll doubly enjoy any photos you post!



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Bonnie, how do you live without a dog is my question. I can't do it. I have had dogs all round me from as far back as I can remember, always dogs at all our relatives homes.

    I got my very own dog when I was 11, as a reward for passing an exam to get me into the grammar school ! I actually have 14 dogs live in the house with me and no, it doesn't ponk, because I restrict them to rooms where there are no carpets and soft furnishings!  I can easily steam mop my kitchen floor most nights, and while the weather is good the dogs seem to spend a lot of time laid out in the garden. What I cannot do is have my cats live in the house, alongside the dogs. At the moment 5 of the dogs in the house are Daxies, and they will most certainly kill any cat on sight. Before I had Daxies the cats would happily pop in and out of a cat door as they pleased, but now its firmly shut, and the cats live outside. They are fine with that, I have put lots of beds and boxes in my central heating boiler house, where its quite tropical in winter, and have had a cat door put on that for them.

    If you go for a very soft breed they will all live cheek by jowl, but anything that has terrier or hound in it beware ! I would imagine your older cats will not take to a puppy straight away, could be a fair bit of  'cat swiping' going on !! but it'll settle.

    Had a good day today watching my sheep being sheared. It is so frustrating not being able to even climb over the gate now to get to them, I feel so useless not pitching in....takes a bit of the interest away.

    Lisa that WW2 photo of the statue took me back. I remember the day sweets ( candy ??) came off ration in 1947, we were queuing to get into the village shop to spend our money. I don't remember much of the war days, we were pretty well OK as both sets of g/parents were farmers, so food was always on the table..... but I really loved my sweets and chocolate. We would have to share a small bar of chocolate, 1 square each, and all of a sudden I had a bar to myself. I feel very guilty sometimes when someone tells me what a terrible time they had getting by on the meagre rations everyone got, but we had meat, vegetables chickens, eggs, fruit...of course I didn't realise how lucky our families were, just never had to worry about not much food.

    Off to town tomorrow to buy something to wear at my Aunts funeral on Thursday....not got a clue what I want, but something different I will HAVE to wear a skirt, and I do not like skirts ! I have a black 'funeral' skirt I bring out on these occasions, but am looking for a decent jacket, NOT black, and not too heavy...I see a lot of sales are starting so something will be out there....I HOPE.


  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2010

    I used Aloe Gel, Aloe cream or Vitamin E cream after every rad session and before bed every night and had no problems with burning.  Aveeno or Eucerin should be fine to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated, too.  I started Arimidex before the 28 rads and my skin got a little tender and a little rashy at times, but that was it.  The Arimidex wasn't a problem -- no SEs for the first couple of months.  -bonnie   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Good evening everyone,

    I keep dogs and cats in the house together.  I have three small dogs and several cats.  They sometimes torment each other, but do get along.  As I introduced each ( the cats were inside first ) of the dogs into the house......I sat them down and warned them that the rules as stated were:  you get three passes -- but just remember that cats were here first.  It is your duty to find a way to get along with them -- or else out you go.  It works pretty well.  I have one feisty cat called Jimmy who will back any one of the dogs into a corner and give them a piece of his mind -- so when they do play -- it is not too rough. 

    I've always thought that once the cats see that the pooch means no harm -- they relent and go into toleration mode.  Also, if your cats are and have always been kept in they will behave differently.  Cats that stay inside all the time lose some of the aggressiveness they display out of doors where they have to have defenses up all the time. 

    Creams and lotions for radiation --  my Dr. had me use Aloe Vera Gel from Wal-Mart.  Very in-expensive and it worked well up till I did the 5 boosts.  I got sort of crispy fast then.  Another gal used Aqua-Phor and swore by it.  Some said Calendula cream and Udder cream.  Most of these things are from Wal-Mart.  You might want to try a combination.  I think though.....I would really make sure you plenty and keep your moisture level as high as possible.  Also, make sure to rel all directions -- if not sure ask the techs. Some creams can be left on and some should be washed off before doing the rads. 

    I personally would more than likely only do one tx at a time as well.  I did not have my rads start until a couple of months after my last chemo and the Arimidex was about 3 months after the rads. 

     What a day today.  We had two big pour-downs after the heat had gotten up to 96 degrees.  Just a little toasty for me, but I can still operate ok -- the sweating starts fairly fast though.  Got to my cousins' to get my haircut tonight.  Feels much better already.  Don't know why I let it get so long.  Far too hot for our early humid summer. 

    Hope you are all going to have a really wonderful night.  The storms kicked out my phone, Internet and t.v. but came home from my haircut and all was back.  That is great -- otherwise it was going to be a long night. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    See ya'll later. 

    Many hugs,


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited June 2010

    hmm...indelible ink in our going 2 remember that. so good to catch up on the 'puter..testing gi now.looking for cancer. apperently peristalisis is not happenningg..could b ms could be chemo, could be cancer. will know in a few days..the pics were beutimus !!thanks...light and love,   3jaysmom

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2010

    Lisa we have a print from the original picture hanging in the living room since my DH is retire Navy and I am a nurse- I LOVE the picture ans all it evokes of the tremendous relief all over the world! Julia I am sure if I saw the statue I would cry.

    Jeanette I know NOTHING about these drugs as I was spared but I tend to lean towards the idea that anything is better than CA......could be just me however,

    All you lovly woman have a great night= hugs and love to all. Miss Kitty

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2010

    During rads (twice) I used baby powder and some ordinary vaseline lotion. I don't usually sunburn easily and neither time did I have much of a skin reaction.