Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    edited July 2010

    I  would be grateful if you  Could  provide me  full contact  details of AMAZONE- front closure bras as I want to buy couples of it. You know everytime  when I go for my  follow up check up I find very uncomfortable  to remove  my clothes. This seems  really good.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Happy Birthday to you Chevy- and thanks for that cake & the excuse to have cake!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Okay honey, this is the picture & the description....order a little larger than usual....Just go to Amazon.....they type in front-closure bras, & it comes up!  I love them so much, I have 4 of them!

    Gelmart Posture Back

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited July 2010

    Hi to all and healing vibes to those taking tests, awaiting results and undergoing treatment.  I just passed my one year BMX anniversary and didn't think about it on that day. Last year this time I was spending most of the day in bed or in a recliner in the living room recovering from surgery.  This year DH and I are enjoying our summer rv travels that we missed in 2009 thanks to BC.  We're currently in Detroit Lakes, MN, where we've had some very pleasant cool weather.  We've played a couple of rounds of golf, done some bicycling, visited the Farmer's Market on Saturdays and bought fresh veggies, bread and jam.  Last year this time it would have been difficult to imagine feeling good enough to climb on a bicycle and bike for miles.  I can remember my first walk out on the street last July.  I managed about half a block and now I'm back to walking 3 miles with no problem.  It takes time to recover and regain strength.

    Thanks to Pam and Jackie and others who are always quick to offer sympathy and encouragement. has definitely been a positive influence in my BC journey.

    Maybe it's the Effexor I take to help with the Arimidex SEs, but I enjoy each day more than I once did and I don't let things upset me if they're not life threatening.  I'm able to live more in the Now. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    HI Carole!

    Envying you the cool weather! It is brutal here... near 100F, even beachside :-(  

     You have done a great job and are an inspiration to your sisters who are suffering in active treatment. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not an oncoming train!!!!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY  !!!!!!!   Anne, hope you have many 58yrs huh!  Love n hugs to you DH.  chrissyb

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    ANNE Happy 58TH unbelievable! Good for you!

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    Happy happy b'day Jeanette. Here's to a GREAT new year!

    Happy Anniversary, Anne. Wow - 58!  I am only 44 years married - so multi congratulations!!!

    Have a good w/end all


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Did anyone else see the article about the healing effects of the forests?  Scientifically proven, the serenity of that natural environment de-stresses, encourages you to breathe more deeply, eliminates the cluttered thoughts and actually on the cellular level heals!  (like electrolytes for the spirit!).  Bff and I had a wonderful day yesterday hiking in the woods.  We found choice rocks to park ourselves, gab and laugh.  52 years and counting and we're still laughing.  Talked about the good old days when we took our reflectors and tried to catch the rays at the ball game only to have them confiscated and get major league admonishment.  What were we thinking?  We topped it off at the mall where we both bought a pair of Shape-ups by Skechers.  Hope you all get a chance to commune with nature soon and reap the benefits of God's garden.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Great note Carole.  You are a positive, strong person who like we want for all of us was down for a bit but far, far from out.  There is a good life awaiting. 

    Julia --- I'm very much with you --- water has the same effect.  I recall sitting at the edge of the water and each incoming wave was my blessing since it carried everything away that was negative in my life at the time.  I'm sure the peacefulness of the forest could do the same thing.  Also --- if you are walking at the same helps as Carole so aptly said to put you in the NOW of life and that is where the good answers and healing come from all the time. 

    Blessings and healing to all,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Happy Anniversary Anne! That's great!! Pam, it was 93 degrees here on the beach yesterday. At least we have a breeze all the time. Caroline - WOW!! 44 years is fabulous! I have only been married three years as of 7/28 (2nd marriage) but we were dating for 10 years prior to that. I hope to be celebrating 25 years (I think 44 might be pushing it a bit).

    Julia, your description of your day with your best friend was so great. My best friend is 1500 miles away. What I wouldn't give to have a day with her to commune with nature and SHOP!!!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2010

    Anne, Happy Anniversary!  58 years is so great.  We're coming up on our 34th in November.  Be happy on your special day and always. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Huge congratulations Anne!  Happy Anniversary!! 

    We're looking at 34 in November too, Susgul.

    Julia, that must be why I am so drawn to the forests (and the water).  Thanks!

    Have a great day, all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Happy anniversary Anne!!!!!  Wow, that is really an accomplishment!    I thought WE had been married a long time....but just 53 years!    Actually, it IS better, the longer we are married!  I know sometimes we all have a lot of "bumps in the road"....But if you can stick it out, & love each other,  no matter what....It will be worth it!  I don't know WHAT I would do if something happened to him....That is my biggest fear.....We just have something together that bonds us...and like you, I am sure.   I'm not afraid of cancer anymore, just of something happening to my Husband.

    It's 94 degrees here now too....I just stay in & do "stuff" around here!  Man, I can't take the heat.  And the swamp-cooler makes it great in here!  

    Okay gals!  Have fun & stay cool!  xoxoxoxo

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010 sorry I missed your birthday yesterday...I had a whole 24 hours not on my pc...don't know how I did it ! Happy belated there a square of your lovely cake left for me !!

    Anne, Happy Anniversary. Wow, 58 years...thats some marriage.

    Jeanette... I know what you mean about sticking it out, glad you can keep on doing just that !

    I have been so sorely tried these last nearly 30 years!! There was barely a day without something happening, never any quiet time tho', and just too many things driving me round the bend. I had got to the stage where I was wishing DH would go out for the day, just to get some normal life for myself. I think if he'd gone out and worked away from home I would have been able to have an ordinary life, but we were together 24/7. As you said Jeanette, stress can cause an awful lot, and my stress levels for the last nearly 30 years have been thru the roof, ALL the time.

    I loved my farm, and my way of life. I loved when I had a busy dog boarding kennels, but DH breezed in, decided he would become a farmer, had no idea what he was up to, so we were clashing from the get go.... I had been to college, got a degree in agriculture, yet after a few months he was Mr Knowitall Farmer. When his ideas failed he looked to me, and blamed me for things going wrong, when, right at the start of his latest scheme I had told him 'things do not work that way'  You don't just get 'schemes' in farming, tried and tested methods always work best.

    He made some spectacularly wrong cattle purchases. He came home one day with about 80 of the most disgusting animals you'd ever see, and I could see they'd not be any good at all. He poured money, MY money, we were not married then, into them, then when they were sold, at a great loss, he blamed me 'for not telling him how to feed them properly' Shouldn't ever have bought them without my knowledge, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear !! Then after the loss came the big feed bills for me to pay. 80 cattle do not eat cheaply !! After that I wouldn't let him lose buying any stock. I knew he didn't like it, but I had to dig my heels in on that. I also had damned great issues with his untidiness, the place very quickly became a dump, after he started to work at home. Plastic feed bags blowing all over the fields, piles of farm twine all over the place, never picked up as he went along, and never picked up without a big argument with me, always me getting the blame for 'nagging' at him. I used to pride myself on keeping the place looking so clean and tidy, and it really upset me to watch this mess developing week on week, knowing that only a big row would result in me getting some order about the place. It was a big embarrassment to me when I had my dog boarding customers come and go, I felt so bad about all the mess they had to walk thru to get to the kennels, and look at it all the plastic blowing about in the fields and on the road as they drove in and out. It didn't lose me any customers that I knew about, but I felt they'd be talking about the state of the place among people in the village.

    My relatives, without exception told me to 'get the place back to myself' time after time, but I didn't listen we ever !! Anyway I have an appointment with my solicitor next Tuesday, am working on a 'pay out ' scheme. Wondering if the fact that we were married just short of 6 years may get me out of paying the full 50%. I have proof of the money he has lost me over the years, so I don't know, we shall see. Am hoping for a quick painfree break, but I think I am wishing for the moon !!! I may have to sell off a bit of land to rake cash together to pay out with ! I always said I would never do this, but whats a field or two to get some peace. I have 2 good sized paddocks I rent out to pony people, they have been rented out about 15 years now, so wouldn't really miss this land, am not bothered farming it again, so hope this could be the answer. All I want is my life back, stress free, and tidy !!

    DD was told on Friday that I do not want any further problems while I am dealing with all this. She wasn't pleased, because I think in her mind she was already moving in. I got a 'phone call from her  very early Saturday morning, like 2 am, she was out with her friends in the middle of town, half drunk and crying, could I come and pick her up. I sent a taxi. She will get a real telling off when she does appear again !! She left me a message of apology on my answer machine today while I was outside. A 'phone apology may be OK for her, but to me it was a 'wonder who on earth that is at this hour' get out of bed at 2am, sort out a taxi, then lay wondering if she was OK.You'd think she was 18 the scrapes she gets herself into, and not 43. She is more trouble to me than my 2 g/sons 21 and 18 are. I would have got out of bed for them, and picked them up and brought them home, but DD had her friends with her, all probably in the same state she was in ! And, blow me, I was having this trouble with her when she WAS 18 !!!!

    Right off to bed. I shall have had my 3 day ECG machine on 3 days tomorrow, its making me itch something terrible. I haven't had one 'episode' while its on...typical. Will be so pleased to finally rip it off. No idea what make the unit is, no manufacturers blurb on it anywhere. I hope I don't have to have it back on again for a longer time, to try and catch the irregularity.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    OMG J., you are just a baby!!! happy birthday and I am doing the happy birthday dance!! You are the bee's knees my dear! (((((BIG BIRTHDAY HUGS))) i want cake and just so wish we could micrwave outselves to each other for important events. Michele, prayers and blessings with you-hang in the GD! OK the "Hound of the Baskervilles" is on-gotta dash. xxoo SV

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited August 2010

    Isabella - congratulations on making the solicitor's appointment. I hope it works out in your favour.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Isabella.....look how strong you are!  I am very proud & impressed!  You have put enough time into that relationship, & it sounds like it has been draining the life out of you!  You WILL get on with your life.....  God, how awful, that it comes to this....that you have to go through soooo much before you decide that it is just ENOUGH.   

    I'm "sticking it out"  There was about 8 months that I was NOT "sticking it out!"....It happened about 9 years ago.  Sometimes people just "break"......and like you, can't take it any more.   8 months to try & sort out my life....filed for divorce twice...went back every time.  After running away 5 times, we both got help......It was so hard....on both of us...I almost cry now, thinking about it.... But every night I thank God that I have him.... It did something to us almost lose it all, but get back together, & make it work.....Yes....almost 53 years, & most of them worth it! 

     Also, I had that event monitor...& same with me... it didn't "happen".....I THOUGHT IT DID...I mean that "feeling" where I was going to pass out...but it all came back "normal".   Just heart palpitations!   The stress is what was wrong with me.....and I think you have every reason  to be stressed!   And I want you to have your sheep back, & go out & listen to them. 

    You have had a beautiful life there for awhile.....I know you will get some of it back someday....So just hang in there kid!  You haven't smothered him yet....there's always time for that. Undecided And oh yeah, one more thing...We can always do it for you!  Wink  (I'm KIDDing!)

    DD will someday maybe learn to be responsible for her own life....maybe or maybe not....but dear can't "fix it."   And don't accept any more aggrivation in your life, at least right now.

    I know how it hurts.....She is "yours".....but it will help her more, for you to let her un-tangle her own life right now.  

    So be yourself, & don't be afraid!   You are worth all the happiness you can find dear girl.....We are all with you......sweet dreams little friend.....xoxoxoxoxo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Happy Belated Birthday Wishes, Chevy!  We've been gone on a golf weekend and I just checked in.  Sorry I'm late with the wishes.  I hope you had a GREAT day!

    Anne....CONGRATS, too!  That's just wonderful!

    Jo and glad to see posts from you.  I've thought of you often!  As always, you both have just the right things to share with us!


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

       Isabella,  I admire you for your strength and courage.  I wish I had the guts to get a divorce.  My husband doesn't cause me excess stress (other than the fact I am seething most of the time), he's just here.  It is my fault since I got married for the wrong reasons (insurance) and do at least have that and have to remind myself that if I had not married him, I probably would not be here.     

          To all the rest of you....sorry I did not send birthday wishes,congrats on good scan reports, commenting on others worries, concerns, victories and happenings.  I was on vacation in CA for a week, but my main reason for not communicating is that I just really haven't had anything much to say.  Navelbine seems to be working so I am just going along with life.  Think of you all often and to be honest with you don't know what I would do without the message boards.  I have been wearing an activity monitor and working on a questionarie that some group is doing for a BC study.  My husband asked if they were paying me to do it and I said, No and he then asked why I was even doing it and I told him it was with the hope that maybe I could help some other people out, just like when I participated with that interview in MN that I had to pay my own way to get there to be a part of and he says Oh.  I am sure he is the main reason I don't feel like writing much....he's like that little black cloud Winnie the Pooh had following him around.  However I am really glad all of you keep posting because even if I don't always respond, I think of each and every one of you, keep you in my prayers, and enjoy reading about what you all have been doing. 

           Has anyone heard from Fidelia?  I did post asking about her, but evidently no one has. 

            Hope you all have a good week.   Marybe

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010
    Okay, which one of you gals were out frolicking in the drink & almost drowned this boat?  
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2010

    Is that Still Vertical at the wheel?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010
    Sorry about that Marybe......Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place like a "Holding Pen" or some sort of time out for DH's when they lose all interest in just being "nice?"    And they could all go there, & be programmed into something more acceptable? Wink  Then we could tell them, either they can come back to us, & play "NICE"....or hit the road JACK!    It's just a thought.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Marybe --- sure nice to see you again.  Hope you enjoyed Ca.  I know exactly what you mean about not having much to say.  Despite how often I'm on the blog --- I have never been much of a conversationalist.

    Hope you all have a great day and Anne congratulations from me as well.   Hi to everyone else.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Hi Marybe, it's very thoughtful of you to take part in that BC questionnaire and the other...paying your own way to MN.  Not everyone does anything extra for all the right reasons with no apparent reward.  The reward for giving in any way is an internal satisfaction - the true gift for the one who gives.  The rewards are far greater than the gifts for those with a kind and generous heart.  You are rich with kindness, great to meet you!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Hi glad to see a post from you!  Sorry that things have been a little "rocky" around your house.  Wouldn't it be nice if we all had magic wands that we could wave to correct situations and problems?????

    Hugs to everyone.  Today is a work day around the house for me.  Wish you were here, Jackie, as I think I'm going to tackle my car and you're the detailing pro!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh Isabella, i totally missed the part (post) that you are meeting with a soliciter????!!!! OMG, I am so proud of you-you rock. i do not know how you put up with it all-the farm a wonder-and I would give anything to have it! DH-a disaster. happy anniversary anne!! And the photo-OMG i am stunned, it is gorgeous but did somebody photoshop the whale in there? I was there at the wheel and I do not remember seeing any whale-tee-hee. Glad to see MB back on the Board-you know how much I love you gal."  and CH, yeah, up to three miles!!! And finally getting to play too-you deserve it even if it did take a year. I think docs are finding some real issues-like today-I just could not breathe. Went to doc and he thinks my lungs are severely damaged by the chemo. My lung capacity is down to nothing. I did not know that and we did not think to look at the lungs (major reason for depression) until we started seeing that my O2 sats have been running really low for me. So I am off to my pulmonologist who found my cancer to begin with and I love him. Today is the first day we have looked at this as a potential issue. I went to the doc falling flat on my face (I cannot stay awake) and some of it is the aftereffect of the black widow spider bite (all black widows should die-nothing with that much poisen should be around anything except dinasaurs) Oh wait, I think I are one (a dinasaur). So they did a bunch of breathing treatments on me today bec my 02 sats were around 90 and I sat at 99 and it is like my lordy, I can stay awake to actually type something and to feel like I am not going to fall face first into the carpet. Very close friend just had BC surgery again. She was clear for 18 years then it arrived in the other breast. They think they got it at Stage 0 which is such a gift as her husband has colon cancer. They went ahead with surgery to be safe so Judy is sore but getting around. Both are still very active and Kelly is one of the AA oldtimers with over 50 years sober. But he is a mess over Judy and this new reality!! We are doing rotating house visits to try to help but - geesus, I hate this freaking disease.  So , I have great hope that (besides getting clocked by a prehistoric spider) a huge part of the problem IS the potential lung damage. I have to go thru all of the breathing tests-it is like I have chronic bronchitis and I just could not figure it out until they did the breathing treatments and my lungs started rattling-they are clamped shut. Another fantastic SE of Taxotere. Hugs to all and prayers for all waiting for tests and blessings to all who are living the dream! (((BIG POD HUGS))) SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    SV, I hope the lung situation is minor and cleared up very soon and that your energy is back in no time at all.  So sorry to hear about your friend and her husband, I hope they will soon be in good health.

    Does anyone belong to AARP?  I get their information in the mail every month now and I'm wondering what the advantages are and if it would be good for me.  Any thoughts on this?  Thanks.

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2010

    Julia257-I belong to AARP and find it to have some useful benefits.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    and we belong to CARP (in Canada) - very good info for retired people
