Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    OMG!!!........he is sooooooooo adorable!!!!!!  love his coat of many colors.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh Caroline, your DIL and the baby-omg how cute is that! He looks as if he was born to the sea!! That is a catalogue shot and i hope you get that pix blown up and framed. He already has his hand on the tiller-arrgh maties! This is a Captain in the making. I have been living on craig's list looking at sailboats and begging people for any kind of deal on an older but safe and reliable model that is MY own boat and maybe when i can get good enuf, whup the regatta into shape, pirate woman style! And Connie, wow I love shagging and clogging-i am about as graceful as an ox so I stick to my seat. And so sorry on the beach only once-the heat is still too much for me-we have to have a first reunion on the outer Banks when the weather cools and the turons leave. Gotta dash-fitful sleeps with prednizone still, I surf fished until late last night and truly needed to get the puppies out on the beach for a romp. Caught a ton of (well maybe exaggerating "and they were THIS BIG") fish and got in just before a tremendous storm blew in. Morning to all, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    OMG 16 hours without a peep from the pods??!! This has to be a record! Wya'd up and where is everybody??? smooch, sv

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2010

    SV:  I'm here.  I'm kind of a newbie, but lurk a lot and look forward to your posts. Especially since I just started on TCx4.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Hope all's well all around!  Hope you're all having too much fun this weekend and good exercise.  BFF and I are heading out for another hike today, this time wearing our Shape-ups.  We both think they are grrrrrreat!  Lovely picture of your daughter in law and grandson, C.  What a gorgeous little boy!  And I'm admiring your handy work, very, very nice!  And great picture of you, SV.  I can almost feel the exhiliration, the wind and the excitement.  It looks like it might have been taken when you were leading as I, you'll recall, hoped for you.  Who cares who crosses the line, far greater it seems to me, to "lead the way", congratulations!

    Have a great day!

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Suzq, all my very best wishes for an easy time of it during your treatment and beyond.  Hope it goes by like the wind and that you will soon be in the best of good health.  Good luck to you!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Stopping by to say hi.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Well Ladies, I have sort of been missing in action and am ashamed to admit that I guess when things are going well. I just don't take the time to post.  I went to CA last month, returned home and immediately took off for my hometown with my father and Uncle for a few days (Uncle had come from MO to stay with my father who was watching the dogs and cat while we were gone), then they came back here for a day before Uncle flew back home.  Had the weekend to get ready for my sister and her boyfriend who were coming from Portland OR for a visit and they just left last evening to go back home.  I was working some of the time while they were here, but did take a few days off.  Next week will be my lst five day work week in a long while.

       My energy level has been really good and I am not sure if it is my body adjusting to the Navelbine, if the effexor is giving me energy (not a listed effect, but who knows) or if it is the fact the navelbine is not working, thus not giving me SEs.  I feel good, bone pain I was having before I started this treatment gone and have been keeping the constipation under control with Senna.   Have noticed that the neuropathy is returning to my feet and ball of my feet hurt to walk on, but it's not something I can't live with.  However, I called yesterday to get the results of the CA27/29 I had run on Wed. and my tumor markers are now up to 632....this is almost  back to where I started which was 659.  There was a radical drop after 4 wks to 473, next test was 435, not a huge jump, but still going in the right direction, now this jump up.  I don't know what to think.  I am not feeling any different and know this is not the end of the world and that tumor markers are not always accurate, but so far they always have been with me and I was hoping to be on navelbine for a long time.  Not knowing what is in store and sort of being in limbo for me is the hardest thing to deal with cancer.  I can deal with the bad things, just need a few nights to sleep on it and absorb it and then life goes on as usual. And I never lose sight of the fact that I have been extremely fortunate and blessed to have has 12 years at Stage lV with no real loss of quality of life.  However, now I am back to thinking What if?, what's next?, did I do something to cause this to go the other direction?  I had a few drinking in CA, very few since alcohol just doesn't taste good to me after chemo, but other than that cannot come up with anything that has changed.  Except the fact I am taking Effexor and have been on that just about 5 weeks.  I am getting dreching night sweats since I have been on it and wake up with my hair sopping wet....I did not have night sweats this bad when the tamoxifen put me into instant I am wondering if the effexor is messing with my estrogen.  Actually I am surprised I have any estrogen left in my body at all after all the hormonal stuff I have done, but when I had it checked they said I was where a normal post menopausal woman my age would it isn't totally gone.  To look at my skin, you would not think there was a bit left in my arms look like I am 80 and I am gettting those verticle lines above my lip.....A petty gripe I know, but can't help it.  What's the saying Vanity, Woman is thy name.  I don't mind change so long so long as it isn't visable.  My sister says to me, well, grandma's arms used to look like that and I said Yeh, but she was 94 years old.  I know I am jumping the gun since I have not even talked to my onco about this latest CA27/29 and he may just say we will continue with the navelbine for awhile so I need to calm down.  However, I have come to believe that when I am not having bad SEs, it means whatever treatment I am doing is not working.  But I don't like to think, I have to feel like crap in order to live.  Maybe I am just too picky about my SEs.....they aren't something we can pick and choose, but I already know I would rather lose my hair than my sense of taste and I would rather get fat than have my nails get infected and fall off and I could go on and on about what I don't want.  Anyway, enough of this.  I don't know what I would do without friends.....both on these message boards and here at home.

         The weather has finally broken and today it's supposed to just be in the 80s and the humidity is good for awhile.  We have had some real scorcher days.....makes me happy to be inside working.  My sister and her friend went to King's Island (an amusement park nearby) and it was in the high 90s and the heat index was in the 100s that day.  A big switch from Portland OR., but they actually seemed to enjoy the heat.  This afternoon about five of us are going out on a friends boat so that will be nice.  My friend who has been going through  BC is going......she is now done with chemo and will be having her double mastectomy Aug 31.  She's doing it with tissue expanders and silicone implants the way I did.

        Welcome to the newbies.  This is a wonderful place to come for advice and encouragement.  SV, I am so happy to see you are up and sailing.  I myself love steroids....feel like I can tackle the world when on them,  For some reason my onco is avoiding them this time. Isabella, so glad you are making steps to improve things at home...I myself feel I would be much happier on my own again. Love all the pics you ladies have been posting and am always happy when you share good news.  Hope you all have a good weekend.  Just wanted to post and let you know what is going on with me.  Marybe

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    SV - Glad to see you having FUN and the pic is great!

    Yes the grandson just breaths life to all that look at him.

    Julia- Hike on GIRL!

    Jackie- just loving the little drop in Bunny is turing her around- my weekend neighbors called last night for dog food- they had 2 drop-ins and will shelter them in St Louis on Monday-NO KILL!

    Marybe- Face it girl you are a MEDICAL MIRCILE and I am glad you are visiting, having fun and have a good energy level. Remember, none of us know "Whats Next" and we all wonder that I think.....We love ya!

    I am looking for a recipe for Buttermilk pie- anyone have one? Well off to bake buttermilk pancakes so light they float way! Love ya'all! Miss Kitty

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    Marybe - don't put the cart before the horse....until you see your onc....the waiting is dreadful, we all know that, but none of us has minutes/hours/days to waste worrying... Lots of positive energy and prayers flowing to you from far western Canada - very best wishes


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    MB, I am so glad to see a long post from you and i agree with Miss Kitty-may be cold comfort, but you are a medical miracle gal and I am so glad you are in my life!! My best friend judy had her lumpectomy last week (she was 18 years cancer free) and they did not get clear margins-I am dumbfounded bec her surgeon was the same as mine and he is really good (we just did not get along personally)-like one of the best in the biz. SO, she got the news on Friday that she has to go back into surgery in two weeks to get more tissue chopped out of the 'good' breast. I am just sick about it and i know she is so very scared. MB, I hate this disease like beyond anything and tho I pray a lot, I wish I could find some peace with it all. You know my prayers are with you and i wish I could do so much more! I hate what cancer does to the wonderful women I have met and consider my BFF's on this Board. Hey Isabella, how are things moving along with the solicitor? Most important, are you doing OK? And MK, oh man buttermilk pie!!! I have never even heard of it but it sounds awesome-and BM pancakes, my favorite!! I am being weaned off the steroids and down to the 20 and last dose so i expect to immediately transform into an old lady overnight with all of the aches and pains returning in the morning. Well, at least I got the house cleaned!!! and the pups got good summer doggie clipping. man, it is going to be a tough winter-the bugs are jamming into the house and i cannot keep the hair short on the dogs. lots of other 'signs' too. prayers and blessings to all and love you all very much, SV

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    SV steroids-man you talk about energy- and you will probably crash hard when you are off of them. I go to the little hole in the wall named "A slice of pie" and once they had a month speical called Coconut Buttermilk Pie- I am always up for a new type of pie since any pie is was scrumpious! sadly I don't have a cookbook with that recipe. -

    MB hang in- have fun and know we are pulling for you! Thanks for telling us about your travels and where in MO is your Uncle living? Best wishes to your friend.I was too be a chicken to have recon and recently gave up all foobs. I feel free as a bird and if anyone brings it up I use the opportunity to educate them about BC. This is one area in life that we get to make our own decision and be accepted for being who we are......even if our BS and the PS howl as they have at me.

    Caroline the baby is just too sweet! I go back and look at the love in his mothers gaze and it is wonderful to see.

    The pancakes were good and we did a good share of work today- we are watching Errol Flynn in Robin Hood- I gues it is Errol Flynns BD. Lets all have cake to wish him well.

    Hugs to all- MK

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2010


    here is a link to a buttermilk pie recipe. You'll have to copy and paste it as I can't seem to hyperlink things on here.

    Save me a piece!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Melissa, this is one my mom gave me but it's for buttermilk/coconut pie.

    1/2 c. butter, melted
    4 eggs, separated
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1 c. angel flake coconut
    2 c. sugar
    1 c. buttermilk
    2 tsp. flour
    2 pie shells, unbaked

    Mix butter, sugar and egg yolks. Add buttermilk, flour and vanilla. Beat egg whites until stiff and add to mixture. Add coconut last. Pour into unbaked pie shells and bake 1 hour at 300 degrees. Serves 12 to 16.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Melissa,  My Uncle lives in Springfield, MO now at a retirement center.  Until he started having problems he was a Shell Knob on Table Rock is a great place and he gave it to his sons so we are still able to go there if we go visit.  Whenever I would go to Shell Knob, we would always make a trip to Eureka Springs, AK which is one of my favorite places. One of my cousins is in Springfield, the other right outside of St.Louis and the other one in Jeff City.

        That pie sounds pretty good to me.....I love coconut. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh I am just drooling over the pie receipes!! And yes, in betwixt cleaning like a madwoman, I had Errol Flynn day on AMC all day. i just love the oldies! now watching a special about what a letch he really was and had a 15 year old "mistress"-EEEUUWW! Pig. i expect major crash tomorrow after a week on prednizone-at least i won't be eating everything in sight. i think i found the camera outfit i want off of CL but the seller is a slick talker. David and i are going up to VA to check out the potential buy. i would be so excited to have it before the regatta-so i can post my own freaking pix  and not have to wait for David to filter what he wants out of his camera. 2 lens-one a 300 zoom-yeehaa!!!! Love to all and chin up MB and once off the steroids, i will stop being a manicky board hog-hey CB where the heck are you; are we interupting NASCAR--- Me little gearhead!! Big Smooches, Sweet Dreams all, SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Marybe,  back to work full-time, good on, onward and upward, wishing you every success.  For sure it's upsetting to see nasty numbers or ugly statistics but you're right not to give anything like that too much weight, there are so many variables when matching any type of diagnostic with reality.  False positive, false negative, time of day, sample processing, equipment calibration, etc...numbers, that's what they are numbers and that's babkas!  I hope and pray the next 12 years will be even better than the last and every 12 after that you'll continue to inspire us with your good health, strength and wisdom.  All my best wishes!

    Wishing the very best for your friend SV.  I hope the next surgery takes care of the situation and that she is soon in the best of health.

    We had a great day hiking in the woods, a quick hi to the others similarly inclined, admiring cute babies and amazing dogs...we saw a gorgeous champagne-colored golden-doodle with her black golden-doodle pup.

    Hugs all around!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Morning girls!  I've BEEN here, just didn't have much to contribute, ha!  Glad you are going off Prednisone little SV!  Yes, it gets you over the worst part of any condition, so maybe that is what you needed!  Nascar is on today!  Smile  Watkins Glen....I think that is a road track?  I like the ovals better....easier to follow! 

    I've been watching "The Owl Box"....Have any of you heard about it?  It is world wide...A streaming video of "Molly" laying on her 3 eggs (this time)  One just hatched..."Ashley"...And once in awhile you can see her, or especially hear her peeping!  McGee,( DH), brings her food, but soon the other eggs will be hatching.  It was on NBC last night... 

    Once you get started watching & listening to these two owls, it's hard to get away, Ha! 

     Oh, by the way....I watched "Forensic Files" the other night...SV....Do you remember 1993, Nags Head NC ....A "Janet Seguari"...who was at the "Deck Bar" & then the "Carolinian Hotel"..  A story where DNA finally got the guy!  But I thought it was interesting, showing the beach near the Hotel, and looking so much like the beach near where you live!   I'll bet you remember the story!

    And Barbara!  That recipe sounds soooooooo good? I printed it off last night!   I have some buttermilk, as we speak, so must run to get pie shells.....and coconut....(as soon as it gets light out!) Wink's all so interesting reading about you & your friend, & your horrible bout with this cancer....I didn't know about a lot of the important steps you were talking about, when it comes to chemotherapy, and THEN the mastectomy....I always thought chemo was done AFTER , if ever, when there was a mastectomy.   I will never complain again.  I commend you wonderful women who have gone through soooooo much....and still up-beat enough to talk to us gals here in this "place"..... Never under-estimate the strength of a woman.   Love you all.....xooxoxoxo

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

        Good morning,  Am meeting with my friend who has been going through all this and yet another friend who has just started for brunch.  The latter one is a patient from the dental office I work in and her sister hooked me up with her thinking she needed to talk to someone who had gone through this already.  She has had one heck of a time so far....ended up with a fever, horrid headache, thrush, low white cells and in the hospital for three days.  They keep putting off the next  treatment until they find out exactl what went wrong.....Me, I think I would ask for another chemo or at least go for another opinion.  Anyway she is doing steroids now and very upbeat and full of energy and wanted to meet with us for breakfast.  Since she is on the same regieme Lee was on,  ACT, I think it will be good for them to chat.

    Chevy, you are correct.  Normally you do the mastectomy lst, but for some reason this onco does it differently.  When she had a second opinion from my onco, he said chemo after and also said they needed to see lymph nodes, but her onco does it differently and for some reason Lee felt more comfortable with her.  We went out on a friends boat yesterday and got a good dose of sun even though you are advised to stay away from it when you are doing chemo.  I always feel better with a little color.  One of my friends has a husband who is into racing....they saw Patrick Dempsy there and she got his pic....that would be enough to get me interested in racing. 

       I am feeling much better about my elevation in numbers today because this is how it works for me......panic and think the worst until I have a few days to adjust and get used to the idea and have at least a night or two to sleep on it...then, it's back to living as usual.  Thanks for all your encouragement.  I will shoot for another 12 years.

          Eroll Flynn, Clark Gable, William Powell......all of those oldtime actors with the mustaches used to send my heart aflutter.....used to watch those with my mother so I know all the old actors.  Life was much more simple then.

           Have a great day.  It is still decent here, but supposed to get really hot again next week.  The front lawn is too brown to restore this year I am afraid.   Love to all you great people.........

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited August 2010

    On the subject of fish oil and breast biopsies, I've been taking fish oil daily for years, and I had a needle biopsy as a followup to an ultrasound.  Nobody questioned me about whether I was taking fish oil.  It is a blood thinner.  My DH stopped taking it because he takes Plavix and bleeds profusely from the smallest cut.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Marybe, what about John Derek, the most handsome of all!  (in my opinion).

    Thank you for your encouragement Miss Kitty, back at you and then some!

    Always great to hear from Jackie.  Hope everything's coming up roses!

    Talk about crazy friend's triglicerides came back at 530, the normal = <150.  Needless to say, she is very concerned (and so am I) and unfortunately until the test is repeated, she will be in worry city for the duration.  This worry though, somehow does not alter her disastrous eating habits.  Can't picture her ever giving up her great love of the french fry or potato chip, fast-food take out or even cutting back on the ice cream and chocolate. She's impossible and I can't get through.  She gets angry at me when I ask her if I'm talking to the wall.  I suspect a lot of us have friends and loved ones who pretend to be walls when they don't want to face facts.  So what are you gonna do!!!...hope and pray that they will be well despite their cantankerousness.  It's amazing, isn't it, how intelligent and aware individuals can be so stubborn and inflexible when it comes to making a few changes for their own best interest.  I give up!

    Cheerio for now.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Marybe..... Ah yes, Patrick Dempsey!  Wink Cool He is "all that AND a bag of chips!"    And those guys with just ANYone with a nice mustache!  They STILL make a gal take a second look, Ha!  We can always look, can't we?   And what about Tom Selleck?  Yikes!  He is just way too good looking for his own good!   Dang! 

     I'm just watching the Nascar Sprint Cup race, the finish of it anyway..... I think Patrick D. drives the "open-wheel" cas, like the Indy cars!  A LOT of those guys that race, will drive ANYthing!  They just love the sport of racing....speed!  They will even race dirt-bikes, trucks, ANYthing they can climb into & try & win!    I don't know how Danicka Patrick does it....driving her Indy car!......  I also love to watch the NHRA races!  They don't get the crowds that Nascar does, but they are fun to watch, on the quarter-mile!    John Force is still on top!  With his Daughter, & his Son-in-law always ranking up in the top with him!   And Antron Brown used to race his motorcycle, but is placing just as high, driving his dragster!   Now, THAT'S a jump! 

    And I think a little sun is good for's just good for your spirit....

    You are right....Oncologists have their own beliefs, & their own way of treating us.....Some like to throw the book at us, with treatments, while others take a less pro-active approach!   I don't want to ever get this again.....none of us do.....and yes, chemo, if given to us right, is such a valuable tool to fight this.  I was surprised to learn that Tamoxifen is also termed a chemotherapy drug! 

    Okay, race almost over....gotta run! xoxoxoxo

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

       Is tamoxifen considered a chemo?  If I gave that impression, it was a mistake, but maybe it is termed that way.  It's a homone blocker isn't it? .....keeps the estrogen at bay so as not to feed ER+ tumors.   The hormonal stuff did wonders for me for many years, but alas no longer work for me. I did tamox, arimidex, aromasin and faslodex.  The onco I saw at MDAnderson thought they might once again since I had been off of them for quite awhile, but they didn't.

        John Derek.....was he married to Bo at one time?....and Linda Evans and Ursulla Andress. Bo is now with John Corbit and he isn't hard on the eyes either.  I loved him in My Big Fat Greek wedding.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Yes, I think John Derek was married to every Hollywood actress that he could get his hands on! Wink  But man, was he gorgeous!    He WANTED me to go out with him, but I was already married!  Wink  Yes....this article names Tamoxifen as a chemo drug.  I didn't think so either, but I think it means ....that like all chemo drugs, it will prevent cancer from returning.... CS7777 where are you?  Is this true?    xoxxoxoxo

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    SV, pleased you're feeling a bit better, told you fresh air and swear words would help ! I don't get sailing....what does it do for you ? I never fancied  it at all.

    I just lurve anything to do with cars, motor racing, and bikes. I am an avid watcher of FI racing, very rarely miss a race. It has just taken a 3 week holiday, and I was lost today, nothing to watch.....but, this afternoon went out to a local hill climb ( small sports cars competing up a steep mile long course) and really enjoyed being there alone, no-one moaning they were cold, or it was time we were off !!!

    Last year I went and did some track driving myself, my DS paid for me to drive an Aston Martin  (James Bonds car) for my b/day,  I then paid for a go in 2 more big sports cars, and have been again since for another go in 2 cars. Loved every minute of flying round an old airfield at some fine speeds. Up to about 5 years ago DS and I would never miss rally cars, all winter here in UK, I have spent some very freezing nights out in forests watching cars coming steaming thru.The Finnish drivers were always the most exciting drivers, lots of rolls and crashes ! Good stuff.

    Marybe, sorry your markers are up, I can't imagine what you must feel like 'til its been sorted out.This B. disease it will never leave us alone. Sometimes I just wish it was all a bad dream. Some dream, I had to get back home early for some people who were coming to view a puppy this evening. I had been out all day with the freedom of no boobs,( big old jacket on ) and had to spoil the day by rushing in , straight upstairs to slap on my I hate those things ! But how I would hate to be caught out without them !!

    Just looking around my desk, there are 8 pairs of specs sat here, and one pair on my nose. No wonder I can never find any anywhere else in the house.

    Jeanette, I clicked on to owl watch, and the flippin' thing was asleep....I couldn't hear the commentary because I have no sound on my pc at the moment, so had no idea what was going on !  I am pretty sure all our owls have already hatched. I have about a dozen Little Owls in my old oak trees. I had one as a pet some years ago. The silly thing dropped out of his nest,he had just got his feathers, I kept taking him back to beneath the trees so his parents could collect him, but he insisted on slowly waddling around into the farmyard, and towards the house. He had no fear, but as we are plagued with foxes I brought him inside, put him in a dog kennel, so he wouldn't get eaten. He never tried to fly at all, but would just waddle along behind me when I let him out. He would sit on my shoulder and take worms from my hand, but could be a bit vicious and my ear often got his beak ! At the same time as I had the owl I had a crow. The g/kids brought him in just about featherless, and I managed to keep him going. He 'imprinted' on me and would follow me all over the place flying about a yard from the ground alongside me. The racket he made was awful, the house used to almost shake when he began to shriek. His party trick was to sit right on top of my head and root about in my hair, with his beak, looking for... fleas??

    I had them both about 5/6 years, they both died fairly closely together, now I stick to smaller caged birds in my conservatory. I have just bought some more love birds this last week, I love to hear them chattering away when the house is quiet. 

    Hoping for a quieter week this coming week, to catch up with some sewing. I got a new sewing machine last week, and only managed about quarter hour on it. I need 2 or 3 afternoons, lots of things to sew, sick of leaving things half done, and running off to another job, luckily I can shut the door on my half done projects, but things are backing up on me, and even I can see what a mess things are in. I really need a couple of weeks to get complete tidiness, never mind 2 or 3 afternoons !


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    What a Hollywood headline that would have been...John Derek To Marry Chevyboy!  Too bad, it would have been quite the buzz!  Isabella, I just loved, loved, loved hearing about your pet owl and pet crow, did they get along?  Any more stories about them?  You should write a book, that has to be very unique.  I know ladies you're gonna think I'm karaaaazeee but I'm in search of an egg.  An egg whose mom was not fed soy.  I know it's a bit extreme but after a life soy-filled to the max, I'm determined to totally eliminate it from my diet.  You have no idea how many farms have not answered my email, even the federal egg org folks have ignored me.  It doesn't seem so far fetched to me to think that an egg from a soy fed chicken would have it in its dna.  Granted a minute amount but don't we need to be aware microscopically these days?  Two songs come to mind... 'They're Coming to Take Me Away, HaHa' and 'All or Nothing At All'.  I miss my eggy!

    Have a good one!

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Julia,  " They're coming to Take me Away, Ha, ha, tee hee, to the funny farm, those men in their little white coats"...... we are definitely the same generation if you remember that one.  I would keep organic farms use soy?.  They probably do thinking it is healthy.  When I first started WW because of that Megace I was on, I was eating tons of roasted edamame because I didnt' realize it was soy.  To this day I am wondering if I was counteracting the medicine by eating it.  Good luck in your quest.  How about those egg substitutes? 

      Isabella, is there a possibility you could buy or fashion a nice padded bra with cotton padding or something that would not be as heavy or hot on summer days?   Until I had to get "real" glasses, I never could find mine....sometimes they would be on top of my head and I would be looking all over the place.  I also had many pairs.  Now that I am wearing ground in bifocals and had to pay a lot of them, I keep much better track of them.  Mostly because they are on because I can't see without them.

          Speaking of thinking this might all be a bad dream.  Did anyone see the movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio.?....we saw it yesterday.  Boy, does that one ever make you think a lot and wonder if you really understood what was going on at all.

         Well, I am off to work.  Mon is normally my day off but I am filling in for the other hygienist today so that is good since I took some time off last week while my sister was here.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Marybe....I found this article when I went to DR. google, ... "eggs without soy"....See if this helps, or try it for the different options it offers.

    And do those Liquid eggs in a box, have soy in them?  I just never checked!  I didn't really know when I was eating soy or not...except in the very little soy sauce I ate.Wink

    So AH HAH!!!!!  Little miss Isabella is also a gear-head!  How fun!  I KNOW!!!!!!  I LOVE the sound of a Harley going by, or the Nascar starts & restarts!  Man I turn that TV up till it blasts the walls!   When I am driving next to a Harley, with those rumbling pipes, I just think...."hey little boy, can I go for a ride?"  ......Well, I THINK it!  I rode on a Harley at one time!  So exhilarating, & free & LOUD!   And ONE time, we even stopped at a "biker bar" ..."Blues, Booze & Barbecue"...(I think).... If I would have had about a dozen tattoos, I would have fit right in!  Wink Cool  Ah....just to reminisce.   Just wait until SV hears we both like the sport of racing & speed!  And yes!  We used to go watch the hill-climbers on their bikes also!  But then they "developed" all the little mountains around here, they had to go somewhere else.  We still watch them on TV though. Little daredevils they are, but so fun to watch! 

    And you had your own owl?  For that long?  And owls all over the place?    AND a crow?  Wow, you really are the Queen of all whisperers!  I wish you could watch the "Owl Box"....Molly has hatched 2 eggs now...& so sweet to watch her take care of her babies, when she isn't sleeping, I mean!   For the sound, I listen through my "ear pods" that I connect into the speaker.   For some reason, birds & animals just sense that you belong with them!   I am impressed!   Anyway Isabella, it's so nice to hear you talking about fun sound more peaceful....right now.

    Okay's getting light out....gotta go stir up the birds!  Wink xoxoxoxo 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Hi Isabella, Once (almost 40 yrs ago) when we lived in the back-woods, I was privileged to raise an orphaned Canadian Honker Goose.  We tried real hard to NOT tame him (Jake), but he learned to swim and to fly while with us - we lived on the side of a canyon, with good water around.  He flew off one autumn evening, honking, while I milked the goat, and I thought that was the end of that adventure.   But, Jake had imprinted, because the next spring he stopped by with his mate, as they made their migration and it seemed he wanted us to meet her.    I felt blessed to know he'd made it, and mated.

    edited for ps:

    ps: This week the sleep-outside dogs on our street really sounded off about 2 a.m. My neighbors across the road had a bear come over their fence & into the garbage!  My dog sleeps inside, but we made sure to move the garbage can away from the house!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Two words -- Paul Newman