Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Julia, I belong to AARP.  I enjoy reading their paper and use it for motel discounts when we travel.  I know there are lots of other advantages but that's about all I've capitalized upoon!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010
    Julia...We also have out auto insurance through AARP, and our Homeowners!  I think it is through Hartford....But it's worth looking into!  Also, we don't buy a "membership"  to AARP.......but they and Secure Horizons are "partners" somehow...  Because when I get an "Explanation of Benefits" about either prescriptions or Dr. visits, it comes from "AARP MedicareComplete from Secure Horizons".......Starting in November, instead of us paying $50 each for our medical a month, We will pay nothing!.....It's all worth a call to find out!    Our neighbors found this out....And have been paying nothing for their medical....He just got out of Hospital, So we'll see how much they have to contribute when their "bill" comes....But they love the plan!    When my bill came for the Breast Cancer surgery & radiation, the total was almost $73,000......but I only had to pay a little over $2000..........Most was for the expensive radiation treatments.......Jeannette
  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited August 2010

    Hi, I have a friend who thinks she may have breast cancer. They won't do a biopsy for at least 7 days due to the fact that she takes fish oil. I have never heard of this...have any of you. She is 61.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    Hi candie,

    check out

    looks like the doc is right.....


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited August 2010

    Thanks,, I didn't know this. Calling my friend no. I kne I ould find the answer here....thanks again


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hello my wonderful sistas.been running for over a week now.missed all the celebrations.i wish you girls the best.sorry i missed the cake but i had my share while i was trying to get out of the dark getting there.SV spider you really needed sorry.

    i just wanted to remind you that even though im not on here every day i never ever forget to pray for each and every one of you.i found this prayer i wanted to share with you

    The light of God surround me,the love of God enfold me,the power of God protect me,the presence of God watches over me,Wherever I am,God is.

    I love my sistas


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Julia, and all my gals-thanks for the encouragement. I am on mega prednizone today and I have already eaten a jar of extra crunchy peanut butter and a gallon of Hershey ice cream and now i cannot sleep-but i can breathe a bit better. It is like my lungs are coated with something icky that won't come up. So I am up wathcing the Steve Mcqueen Marathon on AMC-I had such a crush on him!! But i think I was like 10 when he did "The Magnificent 7". AHHH lost love! And as to AARP, man I have gotten great benefits from it but I use it for everything, including car towing and added healthcare to cover extra co-pay. AARP is also an excellent political platform for all of us old farts that everyone forgets about-dare I write-in Congress!!! AARP works better than the U.S. government. I know, shame on me. David and I have entered the weekly sailing regatta on the Outer Banks tomorrow. The gun goes off at 5:30pm and I am ready to rock. Dave says his sailboat "Jollymon" always comes in last sooooo - given Dave's passion for sailing but his lack of organization and competativeness-last will be OK. He actually has a Masters Captain license meaning he can captain huge boats and he used to bring them in and out of the OBX for rich people. And some guy just traded him another sailboat for some work he did-so now has two, along with every toy possible for water fun from from parachute-kite board flying to windsurfing and an outrigger canoe that he is built and is sure will not sink. In fact he has two or three of everythijng and parts to spare. The canoe hasn't left his front yard!! Gotta love it-if we make it out of port I will be more than amazed! (((HUGS)))SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Thank you ladies for your opinions on AARP.  That was a great benefit indeed Jeannette on the medical bill.  Well it sounds good to me, I'll be their newest member.  So it's now official...I'm old!!! 

    I'm glad you're breathing a little better SV.  It really is miraculous how we heal from serious things.  My boyfriend has had double pneumonia about 5 times.  A regatta, how exciting and fun!  I hope the Jollymon leads the way.  Very impressive...a Masters Captain License!  Sounds like he could be the captain of a ship crossing the Atlantic or Pacific.  What's OBX?

    About delaying biopsy after ingesting a fish oil pill, I wonder why.  Could it be there's an anticoagulant effect?  I've had quite a few biopsies and never asked about this.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely prayer Granny.  Hope all's well.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    SV.... thinking of you, and hoping your lungs continue to improve...lots of sea air, and a few swear words will help.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    I just made a typo, corrected it absolutely immediately, and was told I 'could not submit posts so quickly' first time I've seen this !!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Isabella, would you behave? Wink  I ALWAYS hit either preview or submit, then if I see something wrong, I click edit...& then re-submit.....And it always works....but I don't know what you did...  I was waiting for you to post, to see how things were going!  I think about you all the time.....just wondering.

    SV.....Yeah, hoping you are feeling better....You should just go out to sea....& stay there!  Don't go back to that house!  Ha!  Sounds like a fun day....knowing you two, you'll probably capsize the boat, & get tossed into the drink again!   

    Julia.... Just call Secure Horizons, & see if they offer insurance where you live.  The Medicare Advantage, with AARP comes along with it.   And yes, it works great for us....My Husband had his pacemaker replaced in June, & we haven't heard anything yet, about if we owe anything.  So it's worth looking in to!  Bye gals....

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2010


    I play word games here all the time. They can be pretty rapid fire. I get  the "can't post so quickly" message all the time. Count ten seconds and hit submit again. Maybe twice. It will go.

    Hope things are okay. We all know what a stressful time this is for you. We are with you in spirit.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Hey Candie............cute picture!  I hope you're spoiling that adorable little girl.  How's it going for you? 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    I have been without a computer for a few days- glad i didn't miss MILES of postings as it is difficult to catch up.

    BTW there is a DH HOLDING PEN---- it is just always FULL. I think some never get out and others just bounce back and forth so fast you guys can't get yours in.

    Marybe- so glad to see you and happy to hear that therapy is working. Don't beat yourself up for marrying for insurance coverage- there are worse things than taking care of yourself, which is what you were trying to do. The real shame is that we live in a place where couples marry and divorce with their health care in mind.- I am not anti USA- I just think so priorities are screwed up.

    Carole- Happy 1st year without thinking of it! That is cool. I did not realize our surgeries were so close- some how (probably in my shock of being DX'ed)- thought you had "time under your belt".

    Best wishes to all with tx and tests- Hugs to the entire group. I just baked chocolate chip coolies- come on over! Miss Kitty

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    Jeanette, thanks for thinking of me, and thanks SO much for all of your PMs of support. It means a lot to me, as you girls are all I talk to about my troubles, my family would have fits if I told them the extent of the stress I have been taking for years. I still haven't gotten around to the round of 'phone calls due to them all, I just cannot be bothered to sit there listening to their 'told you so's' .I'll get around to it eventually !

    Seen solicitor yesterday, had preliminary hours chat. He wants to 'think on it' for a other words he has other fish to fry !! He did tell me that he thinks the financial sort out won't be 50/50 (WHY don't these guys ever commit themselves properly)  I just want to be able to give DH enough to get a small house, and just leave me alone, I have had this place over 45 years, it has been in my family for donkeys years, and solicitor says thats in my favour, big time . I hope he's right.

    Today  have been surreptitiously rooting thru lots of old  farm accounts, to see just how badly DH has been doing...I just haven't even bothered to look at the accountants yearly stocktake...its breathtaking the losses we have stood the way he has handled things, and I am disgusted with myself for just being so wrapped up in my dogs and kennels, and NOT watching what was going on. I could see cows and sheep in the fields, calves in the barns, so I just have assumed everything was going on as normal. Most all of the time we have been together, and certainly the last 6 years I have earned, on average 5 times as much as he has brought in, so all this will show when it comes to a sort out. I have just let things go because I haven't always felt really well, and because I have always earned well from my kennels, and then onto pensions that matured from MY earnings, so never needed extra, always run the house, renewed everything, and kept myself in pocket money from my own efforts. We have always been a bit of a mine and yours household in that respect, never asked DH for a penny. If I wanted anything I went out and got it.....end of.

    Well, it will all come out in the wash, as they say. And talking about washing I just thought today WHY is it we all have laundry rooms downstairs, when all the clothes and linens are stored upstairs ? I am getting sick of throwing dirty clothes over the staircase, then following them downstairs and taking them to the laundry room, only to bring them all back upstairs again to iron and put away. Guess what I have planned for DHs bedroom when he vacates it !!!!!!! Yep, I'm moving my washers and my dryer upstairs....there will just be room for my ironing board, and an airer, and I will be away.  

    Not seen DD now for 6 days, I don't know what she is up to. G/son No1 called Tuesday, and G/son No2 has been down for his tea tonight...they both roar in and roar out in goodness knows what sort of bangers they drive...they sound good, never mind that they look like scrapyard jobs !! I have a small rough car track, I have the odd banger around myself, none runners at the moment, and the boys like to play round my track... I don't dare ride along with them, these days ! They keep trying to get me to dig big holes in the track to liven things up a bt....I am not a fan of 4WDs, which is why they want me to dig holes, so I am not spoiling my track for myself, it stays as I like it. I don't think I have been out there for over a year myself, NOT the place to be with slipped discs. 

    I am sat here waiting to get to bed...I have a little dog been having puppies all evening. I think she must be finished by now, she had 5 at the last look-in, so am off to get her settled, and get myself to bed now, its after 1am here.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited August 2010

    HI PODS! Friends new and old! I can't believe I actually caught up on reading. There are so many posts now, that's sort of a twisted blessing. More friends are good. Having more ladies get a BC dx is not so good.

    Happy birthday to Jeannette! I don't eat cake except Angel Food sometimes. But I hope you h ad a wonderful week, sounds like it.

    And Happy Anniversary to all the anniversaries. Our 35th wedding one was 8/2. DANG, we are on the downhill side of Summer ALREADY!!! That's crazy. I wouldn't believe it if it weren't so horribly hot outside.

    My life has calmed down!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?  It's so much better than all that stress. Day after day after day. We are still busy, but the major source of irritation is behaving himself and leaving us alone. What a huge blessing that is!

    I got the shots in my Sacro-Illiac and it's helped a lot. Most all the sharp stabbing pains are gone. Now I feel pain that stays in my hips and doesn't radiate down my legs.

    Isabella - I'm so sad for you and the loss of your marriage. I consider myself either incrediblly fortunate or extremely tolerant. maybe both. Please know that I include you in my prayers. I hope the separation goes smoothly. With him taking the responsibility to behave and leave without incident. I'd give that a 50-50 chance, he is a man after all. Odd - I think, how they (men) have so many behaviors in common that we despise and they never feel compelled to improve on it. And women who accept that are far more content than those who can't accept it. 

    SV - glad to hear you on the mend, again. That's good. I'm still playing with my beach glass, it's harder than I expected, doing wraps with wire! Story of my life. HAH!

    Gonna grab a cold brew and watch the sunset. I'll be back.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Hey my dearest POD sisters, I want to list everyone individually but so much is going on with all of us, I cannot keep up-COULD it be that we are coming back to life??!!! And blooming! I am so proud of all of you and what women warriors we are. Isabella, get a woman soliciter who carries 'snipping' gear in her purse. Awesome that it sounds like you are moving forward but I can't help but think that there has to be a lot of pain for you. Big hugs to you. Connie, you sound so good and I am so thrilled and glad you life is calming down! PLEASE PM me you address so I can send you some sea glass that has real presentation as jewelry. I just did not understand that you are a master craftswoman. You need big pieces and did I send you a big sharks tooth for jewelry? And lordy, I used to get those shots in my sacro-illiac-much needed but that is one humongous needle. Still, it stopped the pain. Ditto your remarks on men-still Happy Anniversary, gal. Enjoy the brew. Miss Kitty, how is "Cujo" doing? And glad you are checking in on the Board-I miss you but you must be drowning in veggies and stuff by now and so much to freeze and put away for the winter-good grief, are you becoming a "Walton?" (Goodnight whoever). Amazing that a Las Vegas gal has gone gonzo over farming and I am still do jealous of you! Julia, OBX is island speak for the Outer Banks where I live (off the coast of NC). CB (J), your garden and pix on picasa-gorgeous! again I am so jealous. OK gals, I am on prednizone for the second day and have energy up the wa-zoo!

    David and I actually made the Sailing Regatta today and I had such a blast! One of the first days out in a long time where I actually felt like a human. Doc put me on Augmenton too so I am breathing really better, but he wants to do a lot of lung function tests to see if the chemo did damage or just what is going on. Thyroid is still way out of whack but that did not stop me from rocking the ocean today in the "Colington Island Ocean Regatta" and here is the proofLaughing

    And yes, I am at the helm and we were winning the freaking race until David decided it really is his boat and he is the captain-so I bit my tongue and let him take the helm and we LOST the freaking regatta!! Men! What is up with men-ok who has the secret? I mean, here is the crippled BC gal winning the race and he loses it for us. I did not realize how competitive I am and I could not believe I let him have his way. But truthfully, I was having to use my BC surgery arm and the winds were high (rails under the water high) and my arm and shoulder really could not have taken the strain of the tiller much longer. This is the part of David that I love (platonic relationship) is that he works so hard to help me have incredible fun but he is so sensitive to my needs when he knows I am getting weak (from the surgery et al) and he just takes over and does his best to make it all ok for me. I mean that is so sweet!! But he is someone I truly share all of my weaknesses with and he understands bec I used to be so physically strong and he does not diminish that for me. It is incredible that two recovering alcoholics can even be on the same boat together for a whole day, have a blast and compete in a sailing race, without killing each other! We stayed out until about 11pm sailing in the dark with lights on and it was magical. There will be more pix when I get them from the Captain!! So sisters, take heart because I felt like I was dying a few days ago and give me a little prednizone and antibiotics and nebulizers and I am on the Titanic-Queen of the world! Like before it sank. SO, what a day for me and I cannot be more thrilled and just so happy to have been out on the ocean just rocking the wind and waves-as disabled as I am-I am just thrilled!! Oh Lordy, I am babbling-so much more to tell but hope to have a few more pix as this was a landmark day for me-this was my first sailing regatta ever-I felt like a Kennedy!. GrannyDukes, and all of the rest of my sisters thank you so much for all of your support. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to share the awful pain of BC and chemo 'recovery' as well as the incredible miracles that God throws our way. Blessings to all going thru testing or treatment and Carole I had no idea you are a year out-big congrats!! OK, need to close-just love you all, SV

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    Yeah, SV ....  looks utterly fantastic - you are an inspiration for us all!!!!!!!  (BTW how do you post these pics? I have tried but nothing will paste?)

    "Our" ocean is covered with hazy smoke from all the forest fires. The sun was a shocking red tonight before it vanished behind the haze. We need some rain.....

    Cheers all,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Hey Caroline, ChevyBoy is the total expert on telling us how to post pix. You need to pick her amazing computer geek brain. She taught me how to post pix-long live the redneck geek squad!

    Good girls go to heaven; bad girls go everywhere-Mae West! StillVerticle
    Diagnosis: 10/22/2009, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIa, Grade 2, 0/3 nodes, mets, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    SV you are so funny!!!!!!  Wink  I'm not anywhere NEAR a "geek"....Maybe a redneck gear-head...Ha!  I try & muddle through all this tech stuff...but my DH doesn't know ANYthing about "connectivity" issues either with phones, TV's, programming VCR's...not to mention computers!    So I have learned how to do it. 

    Yes...Caroline, Picassa is the best program  that I know least for me!   I also find that you can experiment by doing this......If you see a picture on-line, or in your email, try to R-click on that, hit "copy"....then  open up your site, go to "our" thread, "Older women with BC"...then down where you would type a post, R-click there, & hit "paste"....And it works for me, that way.  But Picassa will put all your pictures together in their program that you have on your computer, and then you can "upload" any that you want to share, with ANYbody into an "album" & do the same steps with those pictures!

    Hey Connie.....I kind of thought you were in the middle of a bees-nest of some sort.   I could see that one coming.....Hope it all straightens itself out....You are very lucky to have your sweet understanding Husband!   Just glad you can get some relief from that pain! 

    Isabella.....geez, we all wish we could help you....I sent you a PM....

    SV again....Sounds like you & your Buddy rocked the open seas!  How fun to have someone to go out "and play with!".... And glad you are feeling better!   At least you DO have some good days!   Just quit sittin' on spiders & whatever ELSE you get yourself into!   It seems like every time you get something as little as a hang-nail, it just sends your body into "over-drive' & you get sick as a dog!  

    Okay's starting to get light out now, & I'm setting the hose while it's cool!  Only 62 degrees here!  CoolSmile

    xoxoxoxoxoxo jeannette

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    good morning sistas...dr #3 wants me to see onc.first.and do mammo over.dark hole again.shit.but i wanted to tell you that today when i opened my email i got something from another site about cryotherapy with early stage cancer.does anyone know anything about that?many years ago after a bad pap test i had cryo they are using that waiting for dr#3 who i seem to like to call and see what she thinks.

    SV you are amazing.

    God bless all my brain could never remember each and every one of your stories but i love and pray for you everyday


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Sweet GD, I thought that cryotherapy is freezing the site. That is what they did to me when I had a bad PAP come back. That sounds like it would be a good option. i just SO hate that you cannot get an answer. I PM'd you-it is like it we don't fit the 'planned out cancer recovery mold' they have no idea what to do with us. I think it tells me how little they do know-scary. Love ya gal and I wish you had been out there on the wind with me!! We all need to get away from this freaking earth shattering disease and all of the decisions that go with it-as well as the treatments! Waiting on the Capt. to get more pictures. I wish i could photo shop each of you onto the boat and you could feel the wind in your sails! XXOO, SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    SV Hoo-Rah! for you; it did my heart good to see you out on the water & hear your great day. One of my favorite boat names was "Endorphin"; another was "This Side Up"...  For those of you non-nautical, when you call someone on VHF radio, you say the name of the vessel you're calling three times.  I think our all-time favorite boat name is "Happy." 

    I'm happy for you! "Happy, Happy, Happy."

    GD, I'm thinking of you and sending best wishes.  Waiting is so hard, and each doc has an opinion.  I guess you and SV prove that even with all the personalized choices we get in tx, some of us still don't fit in "the box."  Hang in there, you have a lot of support here at BCO.

    Isabella, you have my great admiration for your courage and your competence. You may already be familiar with (my latest book indulgence) the Brit. Capt. Francis Gross's 1795 "A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue", but it was interesting to me that in that era if you called a man a pr**k, it was a term of endearment.  So you can use that as an excuse if he sees or hears us podgals calling him names... it's just a term of endearment. At least that's what I'm telling myguy.  Wink Hah! 

     All of you, have a Great Day! My Rads are done yesterday.  I saw Onc today and she thinks I'm doing great, which isn't much consolation to my sore girl, but it worked for my heart & head.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh LC, Happy dance, Happy dance for the last rad. That is a huge accomplishment. David's boat be named "Jollymon." And he just bought a second sailboat today and we (I am) are trying to figure out how to change the name without bringing on bad luck. The new/used boat is called "de-light-ful' and all i can think of is kevin Spacey in the movie i think about Cole Porter "isn't she deloverly and delightful" and the idea of it is driving me nuts. Any ideas on a ceremony on how to do this and not be cursed for life. Well, already feel cursed but I will throw myself on the sword to protect David. It is a major "no no" to change a boat name-period. But there has to be a way to do it!! Give me some ideas from the old seaman books ye' olde seafaring POD of the best sisters-ever! XXOOOO, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    so i guess no one knows about the cryotherapy,surgery pertaining to bc.i guess i will just have to wait and see if anyone posts.if not ill bring it up to the onc.

    thanks sistas for the support you always give me

    giant huggggggggggggs


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited August 2010

    RitaJean, how are you..good to see you!! all is well about you?

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    SV:  you might try this site.  I think grape juice or even apple cider would satisfy Neptune and Aeolus... He has some nice incantations if you want.  Most folks agree to obliterate all old-name traces...

    We also heard when we renamed our boat, from Relief to Pacific Crest to re-step the mast, and put a coin underneath.  I think we did that.  We had good luck on her, but nowadays I'd worry some about whether the metal might corrode & cause problems. 

    Have fun, whatever method you choose; I think that's the biggest message! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh LostCreek, your idea sounds like the perfect fix and right up my alley. I have to copy it and present it to Dave-when the timei s right!! And crikey you even have a website and he is addicted to website info. I just have to sneak this up on him!! And somewhere in my rattled brain, I too have heard of this ceremony or one like it so think you are on the right track. I am whipped and am waiting for David to post more photos-at least one of him at the helm and the glory of the other boats surrounding us. Truly, this opportunity really filled the hole in my soul-man to have raw nature making the riggings sing and to find that sweet spot where the sails are trimmed and the boat is healed over with the downside rail under the water and water is blasting over the bow-what joy!!! Priceless to me. Sweet dreams all, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited August 2010

    AHOY MATIES!!!  I think I can smell the salt air!!!!!  I'm SO happy for you, SV, my friend. just knowing that after all you've been through you can still sail the ocean blue.  Sailing is hard work... but the ride is sooooo worth it. HIP-HIP-HOORAY for DAVE gettin you out there like that. He is a true friend. Now next year when he has business in Savannah for the week of March 17, I want you to come with him! He won't get away with it again. Good men are few and far between.

    CB- You know it's the kids who are really in the middle of the swarm. I stick to the outside as much as possible, just watching, most of the time. Sometimes I wish they didn't tell me all they do.

    This weekend is a big Shag (dance) to-do over in South Carolina and I wanted to go.. just to watch. I've always loved watching them dance that one and still want to learn how but dh hurt his hip pretty bad, got an inj. in it yesterday, so we won't be dancing this weekend. Oh well. Things happen.

    I've only been to the beach ONE time this summer. And that time only lasted 2 hours. Lordy, I miss it. I know that at anytime I can just take off and drive there for the day, about an hours drive from home, but it's such a hassle, lugging chairs, cooler, umbrella, going alone is hard. going with a baby is harder. Going for the week? With a healthy and strong dh, a happy DD with her happy baby... Now THATS PRICELESS!


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    So here is my darling DIL with my wonderful 7-month old grandson - his first sail ;-)  Note the Jacob's coat (AKA crocheted bunting bag) I made him - fortunately large enough to go over his life jacket. This one is especially for you SV.

    Thanks, Jeanette for your right click instructions - tried and tried but couldn't get it to work. My great son wandered in just at the right moment and we cut and pasted using the URL (or something - I think I will remember it for next time)

