Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    SV - glad you made it through, but you sound a little disappointed! Well, it still sounds like a good time was had by all...well, sounds fun to me! Smile

    Alyson - those earthquake pictures are something! With snow and detours, it sounds like quite an exciting adventure going on there, too!

    Here, in Georgia, it's just hot. But, we're getting a "cool" wave - lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s. So looking forward to that after this long, hot summer! 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    its still very hot in new AC is just pumping away.i hate the summer.where is the best season of them all...the fall....i just cannot wait..

    i plan on being home this weekend as im in a crappy mood and i dont want to inflict any pain on any of my friends or family....ill clean my house and chat with my sistas....

    who ever is safe.who ever is sorry the summer is ending enjoy the last of it.

    im gonna dig out my leather jacket and dream



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010

    Alyson -- finally saw some pics here on the earthquake.  No predictions though on injuries, missing people are any of that.  News said the quake was same size as the one in Haiti so not good at all.  Hope you remain fine and all family and friends. 

     Hugs, Jackie

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2010

    Sorry I missed the news about the earthquake Alyson, it must be a big shock to be woken up by one of those events. We get threatened by cyclones (hurricanes) here at least once a year and, touch wood, haven't had one hit close by so far.

    I made a phone call at 10:00am which changed my whole days focus too. 

    I woke up this morning as a Grandma-in-waiting and am finishing it as a bonafide Grandma-in-fact.

    Yes ladies, I now have to sleep with a Grandpa each night for the rest of my life. Who'd a thunk?

    I suppose having a gorgeous 7lb 5oz grandson to cuddle and spoil will go some way to making up for that though but I will have to wait til tomorrow for that pleasure as I was only allowed to see  him for two minutes as he was busy 'bonding' with his mother.

    Gotta go, it's one am here and even the computer is tired and keeps blinking the screen to black.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2010

    Yay!! Congratulations Sheila - I hope that baby lives nearby so you can enjoy lots of baby hugs.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010

    Great news Granda Sheila.  Lots of loving hours to spend now.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Sheila, big congratulations, its the bestest feeling in the world to be a grandma....I just love every minute of it, even tho' my G/kids are mainly young people now.

    I had 1 G/son and1 G/daughter to see me this morning, and just a message now from another G/daughter to ask if she can come for her tea tomorrow. I just love 'em all.

    Alyson, I haven't seen any news today to see any photos of earthquake, but it sounds bad. How far away from it are you?

    Have had a lazy day, well, as lazy as you can call giving my bedroom a really good clean, and STARTING to clear out a wardrobe, plus 2 showers so far because of my intolerable itching. The itching is marching up my body now, and if I had a bust it would be reaching there by bedtime ! I am ripping into my waist and just above now. I have filled a hot water bottle with cold water to put behind my back so I can sit still, I think I must have fleas ! If any of my dogs had mange I would say I had probably got that, but they haven't. I DID catch mange some years ago now, from some cats, and it drove me nutty. I tried to get an appointment with my GP yesterday, and was told Sept 14th, so I didn't bother, and I will not discuss with the receptionist just why I want to see my Dr. to get an earlier appointment, to my mind thats my business.

    DH has had a go at me this evening because I never made it to the hospital to see HIS mother. I am sick of going, and wanted a day off. Sometimes I need a day to catch up on my own problems. I have made it 7 days out of 8, and I am just so tired of running back and forth. Just getting myself cleaned up, driving there, trying to park, then the long walk down endless corridors to the ward, then sitting there listening to MIL nattering on about coming home/ her bowels does me in !! My walking is not too hot at the G/daughter this morning had me laughing, she said 'Ooo, Grandma, I could just do a run of backflips across your kitchen, its so  big'  She's a bit of a gymnast . I'd just like to be able to bend and pick up something up with ease, so walking up and down hospital corridors is hard on me at the moment.

    Just off to have a slow walk round my garden before it gets dark. The nights are drawing in now, I need to have a look at what I have been neglecting this year....I just have been unable to wield a spade or hoe very much. The most I can do is pull up big weeds, and look busy with the secateurs. Since DH and I do not communicate much nowadays he won't empty my wheelbarrow nor cut the lawns, so I have to wait 'til G/sons appear to get those jobs done now, things are looking sadly in need of a smarten up.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    Congrats Sheila, being a Granny is just great. We will have our little one this afternoon. She is at a lovely age (22months) and thrills us with her obvious joy when she gets here and is a source of enjoyment with her chatter. On Thursday saw the scan images of no 2 who is due in March amazing to see a real little face. So give that little one a big hug.

    Earthquake has been big news, its a long way from here on The South Island. It has destroyed so much of our very English city Christchurch. It is a miracle that no one died as it was the same size as Haiti, for once people are pleased about our strict building codes. Have family and friends there and managed to make contact during the day. Have a look at some of the images - one I love is of a restaurant which has lost its whole front and the salt and pepper are still sitting on the table.

    Hope you are feeling a bit better Isabella do try to rest though I know you won't.

    Bigs hugs to all


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010


    The shock of being old enough to be a grandparent is more than offset by the joys a little one brings to your life. Just be prepared, if the new parents are like in our family, ... no one knows anything about babies like they do! :-)  I had to ask my son many times who he thought took care of him. It was sweet, funny and endlessly annoying. Fortunately DIL was more circumspect.



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Congratulation Sheila! What a wonderful thing to awaken to. Yikes, Alyson. Here we are worrying about a 'sort of' hurricane' and you all are dealing with an earthquake! One thing better about having to deal with hurricanes is at least we have a semblance of a warning. Enjoy the darling little one today. Isabella, don't let DH get under your skin. You have gone above and beyond with MIL and I'll bet you have visited more than DH.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh man, I just wrote this lengthy post-only to have lost it into the ozone. i am letting everyone know how excited i am about everyone's news from new grandma's to newbies to itchy skin (I got duck lice from a duck blind once and thought i'd die) and Isabella, it has to be treated!! A freind jsut sent me Suzanne Somers new book-"Knockout-interviews with DRS who are curing cancer." I don't do the SS thing but man, the first few pages are captivating.

    And Ok gals, this is the first pix I am posting with my "hair" finally growing out!! This is how little it has grown since January chemo!!! And it is coming in Black with a ton of gray-nothing like old hair. And enuf of me! Alyson, i am SO glad you're ok. I saw the news this AM about the earthquake and I was really worried but sounds like you too "dodged a bullet." I am stunned that noone was killed-we are just getting some of the pix out of the devastation! I am so glad that you are OK. And i wasn't disappointed that Earl missed us-just embarrased that i put so much self-endulgent stuff on our thread and nothing happened! Welp, I wore myself out doing "two" posts so need to close. Madima, you are in the right place-we all have our bonnets on a bit wonky but I do not think there exists a greater group of women! Love to all, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Congratulations Sheila!  I still remember being with our daughter when our first Grand-son was born....24 years ago!  I LOVE being a Grandma!  I was lucky to only work part-time at Coors, so we got to watch him from the time he was born, until they moved to Colo. Springs when the first one was 8!  And I cried over THAT move!  It is the most wonderful thing in the world to be with them, to talk to them, to have them take everything out of your bottom drawer in the kitchen, crawl through the dog-door, go on a train-ride up to Georgetown Loop Railroad, explore a mine in Idaho breakfast at "Breakfast Queen"....Then there was Casa Bonita at least once a week!!!!!!  Wow....I really miss that!  Just have fun every day!  Pack those memories in, because they grow up way too fast!  Both boys still call us every week from Orlando....There is such a bond there!  Thanks for letting me remember.....Cool

    And Isabella!  Do you get the "speed channel"  I am getting ready to watch the 2010 "Drifting 1" championship!  It is broadcast from Japan!  I have never seen this type of race before, but I have HEARD of it!    Actually, from the looks of it, those drivers are nuts!   See if you can watch one sometime~ 

    And just are in can do whatever you WANT to do!  When we spend all of our time trying to please everyone else, it just drains us.  You are MORE than a good daughter-in-law!!!!!!  I wanted to wring my MIL neck more than once!  Just because she was so ungrateful!  Her son, my husband, couldn't take it, so I had to listen to her...I moved her 4 times, because she "hated" every place she was in.   Maybe I did it, because my dearest Grandmother was in the same shape as her, & I would do ANYthing for my Grandma....because I was all she had.  So  they were both in the same assisted living & nursing homes.  I don't know how I DID it!    I must have had more patience than I do now. 

    Alyson!  I am so happy that you all escaped what could have been a big tragedy!  I remember after that one San Francisco earthquake, & my Mom & Dad, were just scared to death!  We went driving through the city, & over  the one bridge, that by that time, had been just "cut off"..... Just to be around something like that, makes you so thankful that you escaped serious damage!    I'm just sorry!  But glad you are alright!   I felt one earthquake in Richmond Ca. one year, & it sounded just like a TRAIN coming through the house!  I ran to the bedroom & jumped on my Dad's bed!!!!!!  He said, "It's okay, it's just an earthquake!"  I yelled something I thought pretty appropriate, & he just laughed!     If my Mom had been alive, she was so used to these things, she probably would have gone back to sleep, Ha! 

    Okay girls!  Sheila....just enjoy your grand-children.....they are the most enjoyable, fullfilling thing in life!  Those of us who have them....always want more!   Bye for now....xoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    SV your hair is great.thank GOD you have it.

    Alison.been prayin for you

    Shelia congrats again on the new baby.

    stay safe my sistas


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    SV - better safe than sorry when it comes to big winds and water.  It's like "Just remember to reef" when you first think about it and sailing (life) is much easier, yes?  Glad you folks escaped major damage!  Besides, you got a great new mega-flashlight out of the deal. I'd name it Earl.

    Isabella, your dH isn't going to give you a bit of slack and he is going to guilt trip you at every opportunity - he appears to only be thinking of himself.  After all, it's HIS mother, not yours, no matter how fond of her you are.  You just finished taking care of your aunt didn't you? Or did he do that? (joke)

     Lisa, we miss your pix! But I see them on Life's a Beach, and as ever you bring a smile to my face.  I still haven't bothered the learning curve of posting pix, but will get around to it maybe this winter when things are slow.

    Alyson I am glad to know you folks are safe - we always get such severe photos of others' weather or disaster-crisis, you never know until you hear from the people involved. 

    Welcome to all new members - sorry to meet you in such circumstances!

    Right now I am enjoying feeling better after rads and have been walking and exercising.  Have seen a good LE therapist for the minor-but-real LE resulting from rads and will go through some therapy with her - she's about an hour away.  Started A three weeks ago and so far so good. Fingers Xed. Had first blood work after dx & tx this week, waiting for results.

    I seem to have caught some bc virus that requires me to clear out and clean closets and cupboards - with no relief in sight yet.Undecided  I haven't seen a thread about this se of bc and as far as I can figure the only cure is to go somewhere on vacation!  However, until the rains come, we'll be sticking close to home for our entertainment, so closets and cupboards are fair game.  As is, my celebration of rads-completion is delayed gratification:  we'll be going to Vegas for 2 Cirque du Soleil and one other show, later in the fall, and taking his sis & my DD.  DH will be in Vegas with 3 beautiful women....Cool Well, at least 2 beauties...  I've never been to Vegas - it should be quite an experience, and well out of my comfort zone.Surprised  Autumn:  we have had a mild summer are beginning to get an early leaf drop. Hope we get a good winter with lots of rain - the Sierras have been drought-stricken for several years and our forests need rain!  Last week I drove up the hill into the high country and took the dog for a walk.  The air was so clean and smelled so good.  High mtns are sort of like the beach - the air is scrubbed clean and the smells are so vivid.  It's rejuvenating. I'm always reminded of the Kate Wolf song "Seashore Mountain Lady."....

    My project this week is to go through ten boxes of old Christmas ornaments and reduce it to two. The local volunteer Fire Dept Auxiliary thrift shop will be getting a carload of c**p from me.Wink

     Best to All -  and hugs all around.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010
    CB, I have to wonder just what you were in a past life?? Drifting?!! OMG that really is a hoot that you are now addicted to watching "Drifting." Don't tell Isabella-teehee-They actually made a movie out of it that was supposed to be a great hit here but it fizzled. I think more bec, here in the south "drifitng" is simply normal driving!! And Lost Creek, when you are done with the cleaning and still have the BC virus, please come over to my house!! Honestly, I think it has a lot to do with "control" issues or lack of control. And that certainly is the case once I was diagnosed. Everything went so fast I felt as though I had no control over anything!! I used to love yardwork but now I go outside and just stand there and look and go back inside then stand there and look. I am very tired all of the time and just not sure what is going on. They drew a bunch of labs last week and no results yet. May be the meds they have me on for the bleeding ulcer and IBS-which the doc doubled on Friday bec the pain is so awful. So I am wondering about in this kind of "dreamy" state and cannot seem to get moving in any direction. The weather is gorgeous today and should be down fishing but I want to head for my comfy bed!! I just do not have energy to do anything-not even to think about doing anything. Short note for now, love to all, SV
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Just had a lovely indulgent chocolaty creamy cake, and took 2 pieces , with my G/daughter. We have been sitting putting the world to rights most of the afternoon! Next time she says she will stay here and go off straight to work in the morning. She is my 1st G/child, I was never so excited as when she came into the world, looked after her while mother and father worked for nearly 5 years before she started school, so we have a great bond....just wished she lived much nearer to me.

    Have to dash now, customer coming to look at a litter of puppies I have ready to go....I don't feel like being nice to anyone tonight, but with the recession the puppies take another 2/3 weeks to sell than they would normally do, so I have to put on a smiley face for new old customers know I can be a grump at times !!!!! I very rarely answer the 'phone after 5pm, and just about not at all over a w/end. People who know me know to leave me messages !!!

    CB. I just love drifting, we don't often get it on the stations I have . I am stingy and won't pay for all the fancy channels, I never find time to watch everything anyway. Just leafing thru the TV listings and there is a programe I would love to see this afternoon, IF I had the correct channel. A documentary on my very favorite car, and how its made...the Bugatti Veyron, now theres a car, If I had a million I would buy one he he he. I have just recorded some Grand Prix motorbike racing to watch later tonight, I like to watch that, but cars are my NO1 passion.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    Hi all, one of my friends is living near the earthquake in NZ

    She sent me an email in which said she and family were ok, no

    water, roads impassable so her brother had an all terrain vehicle

    and brought water to her least none in her family were

    injured..she said she has a few more gray hairs now

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    Gosh, you brave souls who live in earthquake zones amaze me. That includes ALL you Californians! Of course they can happen in less prepared locales too. Like E. Canada a few months ago! Experienced one while visiting DD in So. Ca. a couple years ago. That was enough for me... give me a hurricane any day!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    I'm with Pam on hurricanes vs earthquakes. We get pretty good advance warning about hurricanes.  Glad your friend and family are OK Lisa.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Lisa, so glad your friends are Ok and family too. For some reason, Alyson, I had no idea that NZ was in an earthquake zone-but then it is connected to all of the movement that goes on in Japan, I think. I suddenly feel very dumb about NZ tho been watching tons of docs on it bec it looks so beautiful. AND OMG, Isabella, I just cannot believe you and 'drifting'. How did you and CB get to be so alike?!! Hey, get out there and sell those pups. Remember "pounds" in the bank-I can't remember what kind of pups they are. That must be a terrible burden to sell pups bec people (I think) take forever to decide and you do have to put on your happy face to get the people and the pups excited!! Glad your G-d got to visit and you are scarfing up yummy chocolate cake!! But the visit sounds so important to you. So I am thrilled that you got to do it. Closing again, xxoo, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Hi Gals!  Geez, Lost Creek!  I caught it from you!!!!!!!!  I have been doing the same thing for a week now!  And no relief in sight!  Except I love to do it!  Yes, closets, cupboards, the basement steps....Actually when I was almost finished organizing, I stepped back off the step like I always do, but I had 3 more steps to go!  Talk about "will the bottom ever come?"  I thought what the heck happened!!!!!!!!!  So I was down, rug shampoo all over me, because of course I knocked it down too, & of COURSE the lid was not tight....but I held onto the little bottle of Irish Cream.. ... Hah!  I thought "can I get up"....I was on my back, with no bones sticking out, so I rolled over, in all the slop, & got back upstairs!   I am woman!    I SHOULD have just opened the bottle of Irish Cream & relaxed!  Wink  I told my Husband, when I thought he wouldn't roll over in a fit of laughter, & he said I'm NOT to go around stairs when he isn't home!  Yeah, that's gonna happen!   He is just afraid I will lay there in a heap, with something protruding.  I'll have to remember to take that bottle of Irish Cream when I climb stairs...or back down! 

    Then I took my little neighbor, who is 88 to the store....She is soooo fun!!!!!  She never drove, & her knees are a mess, but we had a great time.....then sat & had a hot-dog, iced coffee, & laughed!  I told her this is lots more fun than falling off the stairs!   

    Isabella....That is actually the first time I have seen "Drifting!"....It sure didn't last long, just 3 judges, then the ones that qualify, race each other, & are judged by that!  So it's a short race, around the corners that they "drift" into each other!  Looks just like a wreck waiting to happen!  I did that once on black-ice, going up Berthoud Pass at dusk!  Thought we were going over the cliff. We never went up in the dark again!   Your Grand-daughter sounds so fun!  They just make our lives perfect, when we are around them!  

    And SV.....It isn't a matter of control issues, it is just cleaning out "junk"....Ha!  I have saved & collected this "stuff" for 50 years!  I don't want the "Hoarder" show to come-a-knockin! Ha!   I threw away some lotions & creams that I just never used!  I buy new ones, but don't throw the old ones away!  I saw a 2002 expiration date on one, so it had to go!    And I have actually "found" a few things I forgot I had!!!!!  So I kind of enjoy cleaning out this period of my life!   I still have a long way to go!  And I can't write very long....the Spring cup is coming on....Isabella & I have to fix a beverage of choice & prepare to do NOTHING!!!!!!  Ha! 

    So bye gals!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    where did everybody go?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Bermuda triangle ????????????????

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    Spent the afternoon in the ER... fell in an asphalt parking lot. Broke glasses, hurt shoulder, big black eye and 7 stitches to brow area. Dreadfully embarrassing and ruined a new Talbut's blouse.The Bermuda Triangle would have been better. :-((((((


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Oh, sorry about the fall Pam, HOW on earth did you manage to fall ?

    I have a fear of crashing in public and causing a stir !


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    pam..i feel your pain.why is everyone falling lately????im the queen of walkin real slow now...take it easy girl..will be prayin for a speedy recovery...God bless



  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2010

    I haven't fallen lately, but sometimes, as I told my Onc last week, my hips give me the 'yips.'

    One or the other of them decides to let me know they are there by giving me an electric shock of pain if I turn/twist too suddenly and I 'Yip' involuntarily.  This can be quite embarassing when out and about so, consequently I walk very carefully somedays.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Pam so sorry to hear you fell. I did also two weeks ago in the airport as I ran for the tram. Flat on my face. I was lucky I didn't break any teeth. I'm still pretty badly bruised but I was soooo embarassed. I ca totally relate.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    Pam, hope you feel better! So sorry to hear about your fall.  Are you able to just take it easy today - or even a few days?? If it was bad enough to break your glasses and send you to ER, you really took a tumble.

    Did everyone have a good weekend? Yachting, Drifting, dogging and catting, family, whatever. Even our sisters who weren't celebrating the great American pasttime of Monday holidays?.. 

    After looking for what seemed like forever, I finally found wild-caught shrimp in one of our meat markets and we had shrimp on the barbie.  YUM!  Don't know why wild-caught are so difficult to find in Norcal, maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.  I even made bread this weekend - first time in years and haven't lost the touch. DoubleYum.  And, I know exactly what's in it: No soy, no processed whatever...   Then we went out to our favorite lake (sort of a well-kept secret, and difficult access, so quite lovely and very peaceful) and spent an afternoon with the dog, who discovered dragonflies and tried to chase them in the shallows, still with the toy in his mouth.  And, he still hasn't looked up.  He looks so confused when they "disappear."

    Well, winnowing 10 boxes of Christmas into 2 is a challenge.  Right now, I'm at 8 keep/2 go, so in the wrong direction!  I will keep at it... but I might need to keep 3... Laughing

     I will be putting up a few more tomatoes today, and the last of the corn.  We had a couple of warm days, and now cooling again.  Fall chores are around the corner.

    Best to all, have a great week. And best wishes to you who are waiting for results and enduring treatments & se's, or bad situations and rough patches..

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    It was mortifying! One little gash and tons of blood!!! No one wanted to touch me as I was covered. I was close enough to my car that I could beep it unlocked and someone got me a box of kleeenex so I could staunch some of the blood... sitting on the asphalt... in 90F weather... tits over teaketttle :-) ... no cell phone with me...  absolutely and totally embarrassed. 

    And I never got to shop!!!

     My blouse is a loss but my pants, which had a lot of dried blood on them are going to be okay. I soaked them overnight in dishwashing machine soap and hot water. Can't believe the stains came out! They are a light blue and white check so no small problem. 

    Stiff and sore today but able to drag myself to the computer and whine a little :-)
