Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    oh, my pc has had a brain fart....or I have !!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    prayin for you SV.stay safe.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Isabella, you just crack me up. yeah brain fart, I went out to get hurricane supplies and came home with ice cream and gasoline. Priorities! Truly these things do not bother me normally but this looks huge and right now i can hear the ocean 'rocking' from my bedroom. It really is too late for us to evacuate. Closest safe place off the island is Rocky Mount and that is hours away! At this late date, best to ride it out. I hope to get some great pix! Love you all, SV

  • Gitane
    Gitane Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2010

    Hang in there, SV.  Exciting is one thing, but this.....  You and those dogs take care!

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited September 2010

    In my thoughts and prayers SV. Just looked up your weather and looks like you sure are in for a BIG blow....Stay safe

    I am away for a week so may have trouble connecting....stay well everyone.


    BTW saw the gyne man yesterday and have slight prolapses but he thinks the problem might be a bacterial infection - and here I thought it was yeast. Seems like there are just as many of us with bacterial infections as yeast. Who knew! Will be 'treated' for a week - then hopefully all will be wellWink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010
    "With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose."

    Author Unknown

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    Illinois....thank you for those gonna put it on my facebook wall.thats a make you feel good feeling.we were chosen to fight this beast.AND WE ARE GONNA WIN

    luv ya sistas

    God bless


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    Can I exchange the gift of breast cancer for something else?  :-)  It's true I have been wearing it for more than a year but I have decided I really don't like it, it does not fit me well, and it was not on my wish list.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Illinois and GD, I truly do feel that God chooses special people to deal with things or maybe it's after having to deal with these things we become special people.  I don't know how many people tell me that I am an inspiration to them and this always amazes me since I do not feel special at all, just feel like I am dealing with the problems that come along as best I can.  I think that is all we do.  No one is happy to have cancer, but I think it makes us appreciate life so much more and thankful for feeling good when we do, which face it, is pretty much something we take for granted. I think the fact that I have been Stage lV for so long gives other people hope and that makes me feel good because we are lost if we give up hope. 

    SV, sure do hope you are OK.  You on the other hand are someone I do feel is an weather this storm as you have all the other adversities that have come your way and get back on the boards soon. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    I managed to get a shot off to share. Most of the island evacuated including that we had to get my Dad off-so he and my bro are on the road. I am here with friend, me doggies, enuf propane to blow up a small country, and me kayak!! H. Earl due to hit at midnight which does make it bad. All of Eastern NC under evacuation orders. Everyone drinking early in hopes of "sleeping thru it."

     The pre hurricane party has started at Tim's house----yeehaaaa! Truth be told, we are all a bit worried and we are pretty hard core-been thru alot of these but.....not sure about Earl. All precautions have been taken. XXOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    SV, I hardly ever evacuate either (Charley being the exception) but this Earl looks BIG!!! Hope you are in a two story house as I think the surge will be pretty significant. I''m praying for you and all the outer banks folks who decided to tough it out.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010

    Pam, I certainly understand.  I think challenge might have been a better word ---  no one gets through this world w/o them.  I guess I'd just as soon keep my cancer --  it might have been blindness and I would not see the beautiful world any more -- or hearing and I would miss the birds, good music, waves lapping at the shore and all those special things.  I seldom complained but I must admit, I had some moments ( God forgive me now ) thankfully mainly fleeting ones when I thought I might be better off dead.  I've never said that on this blog because when I got through those couple of tough afternoons I wondered how I could ever have had such despicable thoughts and kept hoping the good Lord was too busy to notice my thoughts ( yeah - right ) and I have never had them again.  I seldom say ---  I had a rough time through some of the chemo days because I don't want to upset anyone else --- we all have very different reactions and in fact, many of the stories I heard sure sounded far worse than mine.  So, I am blessed with all I had before cancer and all I have now.  I can see, and feel, and laugh and hope those coming after will have an easy time, and pray hard for those having problems.  I'm not glad, nor would I ever be that I got this disease, but I have recovered now.   I'm living a good life.  I hope I don't, but in the future I could have a recurrence and if I do......I will face that with courage and get well again. 

    I know your just teasing Pam --  we don't get to pick and choose our challenges/gifts, but you don't know who is watching and needing to see you be a success --- who will do better if you are un-afraid and seemingly confident no matter what is coming at you.  All of you are an inspiration -- you are a gift to someone else --  you have gone up against quite an adversary.  You met your challenge.  You are all awe-inspiring.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    I always think a little levity goes a long way in dealing with life's trials and tribulations. 


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    SV... the pics of Earl from space look horrendous, I shall be listening in from my little radio to see whats happening...if it hits you at midnight, it will be 5am here. Usually just turning over to get some sleep at that time.

    Does anyone know anything about beta blockers and itching ??? I am going slowly mad here.

    Have been on beta blockers 3 weeks now, and about 10 days ago started to itch, it took me another week to work out that it probably is connected to these tablets ! I saw my heart surgeon last week and he went and doubled my dose....just before I put 2 and 2 together to associate beta blockers and itching ! One of the main listed symptoms is itching....I know they put loads of se's on the drug insert to cover themselves, but this is too much of a coincidence for me.....I am fetching blood now, cannot leave my legs and stomach alone. My legs feel like rough sandpaper, from all the little scratches criss crossing my legs.

    I am in the middle of yet another week from hell, so cannot find time to get to my Drs. I am certainly not increasing my dose with the itching as intense as it is at the moment. I remember when DD had her 3rd baby she had some blood disease, quite serious at the time, I cannot remember the name of this blood disorder, but she used to attack herself with a metal hairbrush to get relief !...she was told it was her liver and kidneys that were in a state, and not to have more children ( did she listen ?? did she heck )

    My soon to be ex MIL collapsed a week ago tomorrow, was taken into hospital ( where she remains ) her dog was brought to me to look after, her washing is being brought to me to do, her Drs are ringing me, social workers are now involved, and they are ringing me constantly. I get a call each morning from them, then usually a call in the afternoon. DH keeps asking me when I am going to visit . I have made it 6 days out of 7, so feel I am doing my bit....because I am going independantly of him he doesn't know what I am doing. Tomorrow I am passing on all calls to DHs cell phone as I have no time for myself right now.

    DH had the very bright idea that I might like to put up a bed in my sitting room, to have MIL here until she is stronger....this really did it for me...I am not about to turn my house into a hospital. I have told DH that he has 2 sisters where MIL can move in , or, alternativly he can move her back home to her own home and move in with her himself, along with her un-housebroken dog and her washing !!! ( I just love what you said, Pam, about a little levity helps lifes trials and tribulations ) Right now I have  had enough of life's trials and tribulations !!!!! Even if I was on more cordial terms with DH I would not have had MIL move in, she is 92, can't see too well, constantly moans to anyone who will listen about her toilet habits, and she can tip a cup of tea over  just looking at it.( her carpets are stick to them ) My sitting room has cream carpet, so with all the mess she'd make, and her dirty dog, who I know she'd insist on having in there with her, I'd be going mad. So, tomorrow I really am making a stand, diverting all calls for DH to sort out, putting unfortunate dog in an outside (heated ) kennel, and asking DH to either sort out his sisters re. washing, or go down into MILs own home and use her own washer. My kitchen is just starting to get a faint 'smell' of dog as MILs dirty little dog just squats where it likes. I bawl out my own dogs if they so much as look like they're going to squat, but this little devil just looks at me and gets on with whatever it is going to do. Its bitten me 2 nights when I have been putting it into an inside kennel to sleep, tonight it got the broom round its backside, it caught my hand as I was bending down to catch a hold of its collar, to put it to bed, and fetched blood, and no dog gets the better of me !!! 

     DD seems to have done a vanishing trick, I keep getting calls from my G/kids asking if she is here... she will not answer the phone to me , her DH,or her kids. She is at work as normal, but just gone to earth !! She flounced out on me a week ago after I said I could NOT do with her 4 horses here....I feel bad, but they are damned great things, NOT small ones. She was mad because I had said I would have G/daughters tiny Shetland pony, which isn't much bigger than a large dog. DD is looking after it at the moment, along with her own horses, but for how much longer she will keep all her animals no-one knows.

    I am just getting more than a little fed up of all problems coming to my door at the moment, so trying to minimise the stress starting doubt I will be upsetting someone no matter what I do !!

    I am really fancying a salad sandwich right now, I keep smelling salad, even tho' 'fridge door is firmly shut, Think I am losing it !!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010
    Isabella, Earl ain't got nothing on you gal. We are starting to get big gusts and expected to hit 145mph around and after midnight. I am going to shut down all electronics in just a bit. It just got really dark here. But I am ready with the only flashlight (i swear) left in town and I know why-bec it cost me 59.99. It is one of those guy toys that does everthing. It looks like the Starship Enterprise. Worst hurricane here WAS Isabella (bel) so you can do this. Set boundaries and keep yourself healthy and unstressed!! Lordy, I would love to be in the UK but i am praying that you get some relief from all of the relatives soon. i feel like a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders with both my Dad and bro evacuated off the island and far away from me!! it is like medicine for the soul! Love all, SV
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010


    You have enough to deal with! Tell EVERYONE you cannot handle their problems right now and take care of yourself!!! Good heavens, I can't believe anyone would be expecting you to  take on your MIL just now. If anyone tries to guilt you into doing something.... well, they are selfish and inconsiderate and haven't a clue what you are going through. 

    It is all about you right now!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010
    Isabella-ditto Pam-get these nuts off your back. ok gals, shutting down for the night-Earl's a'comin'! Sweet dreams all, SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010

    Our weather report says Earl is losing a lot of its punch and may not do much until it gets farther up -- Nantucket area.  I say, who knows for sure. 

    Isabella --- so sorry about the itching.  Hope your Dr. can switch you to something else and get that itching cooled off for you.  Also, with the other gals, I too think no one, but no one should be asking that you continue to be the slave for all their needs.  They need to buzz off and fiend for themselves.  If they would give it an honest shot they might surprise themselves at how good they could be at managing on their own.  Please know you are  deeply in my thoughts and prayers that things come right for you very soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Morning Gals!  Jackie, you always seem to be just a step or two ahead of the rest of us, Ha!  I mean you are always thinking the "best' is about to happen!   And if it isn't we surely will learn something from it.    Yes, someone told me, "it's all about your attitude"....

    So many women have gone through a LOT more than I....and they are bravely facing each new day!  I know the women with stage 1V would gladly face this for themselves, than having one of their kids or husband with the same diagnosis.   So for you women, who have come soooo far, you make us all proud!  This cancer business has come into our lives, & gone, for a lot of us....and yes Jackie, if it comes back somewhere down the road, we'll just deal with it like we did before......NO-one ever  thinks it will get the best of us!    

    And like you, your problems are enough to make any grown woman go after everyone in your path with an iron skillet!   And yet, you are IN it, & you are taking care of it!  Sheesh!  Good for you, there are other ways to take care of her.... You are not the only one that can "help" her!  And no use turning your house over to her & her pup....That was a good idea, to have your DH take her to her house, & care for HER now!    I was almost in the same spot one time....My Grandma couldn't go back to her house, after her I took her little dog, but worked with a social worker, & we could put her in "Assisted Living"  "for awhile"....she said.  But then dementia took a hold of her....And then she COULDN'T ever go back to her home.  I couldn't be there for her, because I was still working.  So it wasn't best for her or me, for her to live with us. 

    Man, when you think about it, some of these "times in our life" that happened, were much worse to me than getting cancer.  

    SV.....I couldn't sleep last night, so I got  up & was watching the weather channel, about Earl, being broadcast from Kill Devils Hill....It hadn't really got to be bad yet!  Maybe you guys will make it through there alright!   Sounds like it is on it's way up the coast?  Let us know what damage in your area!  The ocean pic was great!  Looks like it was just coming in! 

    And your neighbors!  Now, I hate to say anything, but that place reminds me of a REAL red-neck  bunch of guys!   AND you think I am a redneck!  Ha!    Weren't they supposed to "batten down the hatches" or at least get all their stuff put away,  where it wouldn't get blown into the next county?     I know when we are buried alive by our occasional blizzards, that trap us in our homes.......that is just a good reason for SOME partiers to take to the streets in skis, & anything else they can climb onto & make the best of a not-so-fun situation!  I am usually shivering in my boots & parka, hoping the power doesn't go out!  And cooking like we would never see the light of day again!  

    Okay gals.....y'all take it easy now, you hear?  xoxoxoxoxo

  • madimas
    madimas Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2010

    Hello:> I am 65 13 yrs breast cancer survivor, I was always looking for women in our age group to talk with and or meet or create groups because For us I believe its diffrent expecially being single, I just recently went onto medicare and am getting reconstruction sugury , I still only have the expander:. I live in Northern virginia if any one wants to chat, let me know:>:>

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Hi madimas and welcome.  Wow 13 yr survivor congratulations!  There are a lot of women here and we always love to see new people join us. 

    love n hugs. chrissyb

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    welcome madimas. im impressed with your 13 give us soooo much hope.thanks for becoming a sista.we laugh,cry and pray together.

    God bless.sending you a big huggggggggggg


    ps.SV still worried about you

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    OK, ladies, back online and Earl was like most of my old boyfriends-Big with no blow. This was the biggest non-event in my life. I am glad as it could have been terrible and I know Ocracoke and Hatteras underwater, but to evacuate everything-OMG-hindsite is 20/20. I stayed up all night-winds hit about 3 am and by 5am were clocking gusts in at about 130 mph but just gusting not sustained. We did get a ton of rain and it is still raining. Lots of trees went down on our property but they needed to go down and chainsaw will be in use shortly. Geesus, the power did not even go down and I was already to play with my new man toy (I know what you are thinking-shame on ya'll) a monstrous flashlight that cost me like 59.99. I just don't believe it and should be greatful but darn I was hoping for some excitement!! And welcome Madimas-yep the club noone wants to join but great gals and support here!! So, Earl spared my house, me doggies, Dave's two sailboats and just about everything else!! Just dealing with majorly flooded streets and trying to make drama where there is no drama. And I was so ready!! Haven't slept yet and need some ZZZZ's. Love you all and thanks for all of the concern-i just wish I had major events to report. XXOO, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    SV--- all is well that ends well.Thank God..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    welcome madimas! Great news SV. Flooding is not cool but a tree down on the roof is even worse (been there). All my "older" sistas, have a fabulous weekend!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Hi madimas!  Yes, we are all here to talk to!  Ha!  I'm impressed!  13 years....!  That is something I look forward to, except I will be about 86....MAN, that sounds ancient!  Undecided  And good for you, getting that reconstruction surgery!   That means you always care about how you look, not only to yourself, but for everyone in your life!    I would have done the same thing, if they told me I had to lose one! glad you were spared, & not afloat out there somewhere!  Now THAT would be a major inconvenience!   And I can't swim...except I'm tellin' you gals, when you get older, our "perky little boobs" turn into things that feel like water balloons!  So "floating" might be a plus! Ha, ha!   And when buying bras, I don't even THINK about the cute little flouncy ones that mold me into something fit for a barbie doll!  Now, they are for comfort, & it's nice to just "keep them in place."  

    We went to the "Mile Hi Farmers Market"....otherwise known as the "flea market"....And it was nice & cool for a change, & bought lots of stuff we didn't need!  I bought a beautiful pinkish flowered velour spread for our bed!   So soft & pretty!  Now I have to go through our other comforters & give some of them away!   We went with our youngest daughter...(49) we all had fun....lots to eat, but the market wasn't very busy today.  This week-end should be a lot busier!

    Okay gals....gotta get busy organizing my books!  I bought 4 NEW  ones, for only $1 a piece!   All I have to do now, is read them!  Wink

    Till later! xoxoxoxo Jeannette

     Grannydukes!  What does the "K" for your name stand for?   Are you being incognito?   I'll bet you are a Katherine!  Or a Kasey...or maybe Kantalope....tee-hee!  xoxoxoxo  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    We are watching the first pictures from the big earthquake in the South Island 7.4. Have spoken to my cousin who said her little dog was being a pest for some time before hand and so she was awake and reading. She sounded really shocked.No damage to the house but lost a lot of antique glass and crockery. We are lucky we have been able to speak to relatives in the city as we have just heard the cell phone networks are about to go down. NZ is an earthquake area but Christchurch is not usually affected. Quite some morning as a big storm came right up the country last night and the central North Island is covered in snow and there are major detours.

    I too watched some of the footage of Hurricane Earl. Folks are just the same world wide, there is a big storm so people go out to look at the sea.

    Must get dressed and start getting things organised as we are having guests this evening. 

    Hope you all have a good weekend and hope SV is fine on the Outer Banks


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2010

    SV - Glad you're safe. 

    Welcome madimas. And have a god week end all

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    SV pleased you've come out the other side OK.

    Welcome madimas, just join in, we have alsorts of topics going on...from totally mad to very worrying.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010
    Oh madamas....Isabella says we are mad, but that uses the term loolsely, Ha!  We are just slightly off our rockers for the most part, but so happy to be alive, & being able to talk to all these wonderful women!  And we are here for you, no matter what....same as we just want you to feel welcome, & we are great women to talk to!   Our Isabella is just really going through enough stuff for 10 we are all here for her!   And you! xoxoxoxo Jeannette