Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! And then the ER? Ugh! Hope you heal up fast!

    I didn't do anything fun or exciting this weekend, but I am cleaning! YAY! I've got the BC cleaning fever, too! I needed it! It all started with that "Cleaning for a Reason", and it has snowballed from there. I'm having to work too hard, I think - I should be "recovering" from chemo - but you have to take advantage of something when the opportunity presents itself. And in the long run, there will be less stress for me, so I gotta roll with it, I guess...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    Pam, sorry about the fall..I have had that problem for a couple of years now...I am

    balanced challenged..

    Hope you heal up really fast, and can get yourself a new blouse..

    I saw these on the way home from stimulating the economy today

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Those are so beautiful, Lisa! I love your pictures! Do you know what kind of flower they are? They are stunning...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    Big hugs Pam, hope you are feeling better.

    Spent most of the day yesterday at the doctors then the hospital. DH came down with an extremely high temp. 40 c - 104 in your world and because of his heart valve they put him in hospital. He has a mechanical valive so has to be careful with infections.

    It looks like a beautiful spring day today so hope the rain stays away.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010


    Is your husband "in" hospital or home now? 104F is a high fever! Don't know whether it would be better to be home or inpatient. Don't we all hate hospitals but glad to have them when we need them. Sounds like he is in....... hope it is not too far from home and not for long. Best wishes.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Oh Alyson, prayers for your DH. That is an awfully high fever.

    LIsa, is that frangipani (AKA plumeria)? I am a 'former' devoted gardener. Had a house with tons of tropical plantings, pool, dock. Now in a more manageable townhouse with potted plants, 2 pools and marina. Love plumeria. Heavenly scent.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Ah Geez girls!  I was worried about our thread!  I thought it got pulled for no apparent reason!  I was the only one here!  And Isabella....She was even thinking the "Bermuda Triangle"....I'm just glad I "found" you all!

    Pam, I'm sorry about your fall!  It's so easy to do!  And bleeding?  Holy Mackerel!  I would have helped you, & cleaned you off, & taken you to the hospital!   I'm with you....just sorry.

    We have been BC cleaning!!!!  I mean getting rid of LOTS of stuff we will never use!  I just have to get down on my knees to crawl into my cubby-hole, & once there, I can stand up & figure all that "stuff" out!  THEN drag it all down stairs, preferably without falling...but DH helps with all that!

    We've been married for almost 53 years, & I just couldn't throw anything away, because we didn't have much money, & I thought I would need everything!   Well, not anymore....Between my neighbors, Daughter, & the shelter, everything finds a good home!  I won't be done for another month!  It feels so good though!   That show "hoarders" scares me to death, Ha! 

    Hope your Husband is better Alyson!  Man, no wonder everyone was gone from posting!  Between falling, the fever, and everything else, you guys were BUSY!!!!! 

    Thanks again for the picture Lisa!  That's just what we need today!  It cheers us up! xoxoxoxoxo

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Chev, I think Isabella was right...Bermuda Triangle. I saw the postings but was powerless to do anything. "insert theme from Outer Limits here"

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Anymore falls to report today????? 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    yes, I think those are plumeria plants...wonderful aren't they, wish I had some

    my neighbors do a much better job than I.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited September 2010

    Pam, sorry to hear about your fall.  Let us know how you're doing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited September 2010

    Pam, please add my well wishes in with all the rest.  It is terribly embarrassing isn't it?  I am fortunate to have only tried my best to totally flatten our wooden walkway here in the woods by the lake --- but you'd have thought with my reaction there was a stadium of people watching.  I think it might have been a couple of cats, some birds and possibly a squirrel or two.  I jumped up ( as fast as one my age with the wind knocked out of her could ) , and looked around -- and I mean everywhere just sure I would hear a couple of snickers that someone ( yeah someone ??? ) couldn't manage to hold back.  Of course, even when I could easily see I was alone, I still kept eying the surrounding territory --- what did I think, Davy Crockett was going to come strolling out of the woods.  Sigh ---  you just get so darned bummed when you do something like that it seems to take a half hour to even start to quit caring that you were spotted taking a header.  I'm glad you got checked out  -- though needing stitches guaranteed that you would get medical attention.  Here's hoping your back in business soon. 

    Carole -- what a nice picture of you -- you look stunning.  Good to see you. 

    Alyson, wasn't it just a while back that your husband had that valve replaced --- or am I thinking of someone else.  At any rate glad he is being looked after as that is a very high temp.  I would be scared if anyones temp. was that high. 

    Hoping you will all get well and stay well now.  Your in my mind, heart and definitely prayers.

    Healing hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh man, pam are you ok?? Good Lord that must have been an awful fall to end up in the ER. oh honey you are going to be so sore!! OMG stiches, black eye and all, how the heck did fall and how the heck did we get so old. Remember as children we could fall out of trees and nothing happened! And the crashes I took on my Schwinn bicycle were horrendous bec I'd be goning 900 mile and hour down hillwith no helmet-those were the no helmet no pads days and we survived that. And CB I don't know whether to laugh or cry-too hysterical and i just have this image of you rolling down the suds-soaked stairs but SAVE the liquer!! So cute "Where did everybody go?" I am so sorry we abadoned you. Some of us do get about two seconds of a real life! And yeah, it was one of those Bermuda Triangle Days-man I had so much to do and slept the day away-just so very tired. ' i have gone off my vitamin regimen and need to get back on it!! There is a great movie out on drifting starring-what's his face? So CB you can get an hour and more of entertainment cause it is all 'drifting' in japan, i think. Anyway, it is a gearhead delight!! Geesus, we rampage into projects like cleaning the house and end up on our a$$es!! That is just so wrong! I found three houses in Elizabeth City that both Dad and I can agree on-we haven't seen them-just on the internet but they look good. Then I think, do I want to spend the rest of my life in NC. I truly want to head back out to utah, but the housing prices are just so high!! ERRGH, don't know what to do. And oh man, all me gals posted when i was writing so i missed a ton of stuff-lisa-gorgerous pix!! Glad to see the Village has rallied! Sending kisses to all who got boo-boos today-love you all, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Pam and all, man I got whacked with all of the new postings while I was posting. Pam, I am so sorry-that was a terrible fall and no reason to be embarrassed! It amazes me that noone would jump in to help you-good lord. How did you get to the hospital? I hope it was by ambulance-and I hope you heal quickly. Head cuts are the worst because they DO bleed so much. You poor thing.

    And Alyson, Is your DH doing any better? That is an incredible fever and prayers are being sent your way. I need ZZZZ's so will close. Prayers to all-we have been thru enuf already!! SV

  • whitechocolate
    whitechocolate Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2010

    Hi I'm just new to this discussion board and very new to computing so please be patient with me

    I was diagnosed in 2007 with  BC went through all the usual treatment chemo radiotherapy and now I'm three years down the line on Arimidex and the thinning of my hair is really bothering me

    I wont say much more on this first notice will talk more when I see where this message lands


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Hi Whitechocolate (love the name by the way)  and welcome, yes, I'm eighteen months into the Arimidex thing and I too have hair that has thinned.  Bit of a pain really but I guess it's a price we pay for having a pill that helps to keep us stable.  I keep it short (my hair not the pill) and if it won't do what I want for special occasions, I have three wigs to choose from.

    Love n hugs to you.  chrissyb

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    White Chocolate!!!!  Yeah!!!!  If I could pick another "name" it would be "Chocolate Coke"...Ha!  I lived on those things when I was about 13!  I still have one about once a month!  Glad you are with us gals!  I'm glad you are 3 years down the line!  Good for you!

    I am on Tamoxifen, & so far, my hair is the same....I color it all the time, so I think that is what holds it on my head!  Wink  But I had read where hair loss "might" be one of the SE's.  Do you have the joint pain with Arimidex?

    Okay gals....going to have breakfast with the "old folks"......They are in their 80's & I am just a mere 73... Ha, ha! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

        Good morning all,    I am going for my treatment in a few hours. Won't see the onco today, just getting Navelbine and I think today it will be Zometa also.  Normally I go to the one office and work a few hours before I go for treatment since they start early on Wed, but they had no patients for me so told me not to come in.  My schedule was really light yesterday and I think the economy is finally taking its toll on the dentistry......people who have lost jobs, lost their ins, ....some who still have jobs, had a cut in benefits and those who pay out of pocket are just putting off things like dental unless it is something that causes them pain.  Maybe this will finally ease me into SS disability which I really should get before I hit 65 since for some reason it pays better than my regular SS would, but I just hate to give up working.

    I also like your name whitechocolate.  I am one of the women who was not creative enough to come up with a pen-name so just used my real one. 

    Remember me talking about my friend, Lee, who was diagnosed with invasive lobular BC?...well, she went through the chemo and had her double mast last Tues with immediate reconstruction (tissue expanders) and was so thrilled thinking she was almost done with BC.  I didn't want to burst her bubble and tell her that it's only just begun and that she will be dealing with tests and scans the rest of her life, but I had no idea it was going to be as bad as it looks to be.  They found residual lobular cancer in the breast that had the original tumor when they checked it out and also out of the three nodes they removed one they are saying has micromets.   Micro or macro, I don't think any mets is good.  And why would they remove only three?  That isn't many is it?  I had 19 removed and all were negative and look at where I am today...Stage lV.  Anyway, I just feel so bad for her.  She is meeting with her onco today and I gave her a list of questions to ask.  She had the port taken out last Tues when she had her surgery since she had so many problems with it, blood clots, huge arm (which I think is lymphedema, but they said should go down now that the port it out and it actually has a little), pain.  I just feel so bad for her...I keep saying that she is so young, 47, but when I look back I was only 40 with my lst go round, but that just goes to show how age is relavant to other factors.  Now 47 seems young to me.  I don't know much at all about lobular and have read about it on the message boards and asked questions for of right now I just don't think she is ready for the boards as she is already pretty overwhelmed.

       I am doing fine.  Since the cell search came back zero my onco is not doing scans until Oct, but I am going to move them to the end of Sept since as usual they scheduled them on a day that I am working....they just don't listen sometimes.  Knowing the the tumor markers are up again causes me some concern even if it doesn't him and I am pretty sure we will do those again this month.  In the meantime I am planning trips....going to MO with my Dad to visit my Uncle in Oct and in Nov am going to Florida with five girlfriends ( hopefully the one with the BC is going to be able to be with us).  Also, I am still hoping that we get some plans going for a get-together for all of us on here.  Am so happy to hear that you are possibly going to be getting lodging of your own SV apart from Dad and brother, but I think you have enough trying to get that arranged without trying to find a place for a gang to gather.  So what are thoughts on a location?...there are always places on Craigslist and I think there is a vacation sublet site also.

    We finally got a little bit of rain yesterday,  but not enough.  It felt like a steambath right after, but today we are having some more of those great temps we had last week and over the weekend.  The summer like my weeks, has flown by and this scares the crap out of me.  I am soooo bad about putting off til tomorrow and then the next thing tomorrow has come and gone and I have not done what I was supposed to do....this is especially dangerous if paying a bill is involved.  I never had late charges in my life and now have a bunch of them.  Also I miss birthdays and owe so many people phone calls and emails.  Shall I blame this on aging or chemobrain.  What ever it is, I don't like it.  I am now off the effexor and think I feel better off it than I did when I was taking it, but it's too soon to tell.

      Anyway, enough about me.  So happy to see everyone is still up (on their feet, not taking any more tumbles), your families are expanding with new additions and that you have weathered hurricanes and earthquakes and are surviving personal turmoils as well as this durned disease.   A tough bunch here as you newbies will find will get lots of information as well as support and comfort from these gals.

    Well, I am off to treatment and have to look up a new book to take.  I just finished one by Garrison Keeler last night.  I am finished with my Charlane Harris books until they call me with the latest from the library ( I refuse to pay $25+ for a book) so am reading ones I picked up at a sidewalk sale.  Have a great day!! or as this one friend of my mother's always says Make it a great day!   Marybe

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    Good morning White Chocolate and welcome...

    We all had to start at one time on computers and we probably all

    remember what that was like..I was in class for my job and

    the instructor said, turn on your laptops, and I said how do I open it??

    Long time ago now, but the instant is so clear in my mind..

    Just do it is the word on the street...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    good mornign sistas

    i have a question?????did anyone have nodes removed and not have a drain put in after the surgery???i read it somewhere on a post that if you dont want them in you have to insist your dr.dont put them in.when i told the nurse she said why wouldnt you want the drains???its gonna be a mess.i just wanna do the right thing is sept 20th.dr is calling me later to find out why????i dont know YOU?????

    prayin for all my sistas even when i dont post.God bless


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Granny, the idea of the drains is to take away the fluid that your body naturally produces when it is wounded.  The fluid is called sebum and if the drains weren't there, the sebum would build up and you would end up with what looks like a huge blister that would put pressure on the edges of the unhealed wound and probably burst the stiching as well as being very, very uncomfortable.  I think I would rather have the drains thank you so my body can heal without undue pressure.  Just MHO but I would really think very seriously before making the descision not to have the drains put in.

    love n hugs to you. chrissy

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    It seems so often when I have questioned why I had to have something, the doctor has a valid and sound reason to do it. Darn it! But it sounds like you have a good doctor who is willing to discuss it at least. Disturbing the lymph glands has such potential for trouble down the line that you want to take all necessary precautions you can now. I'd say listen with an open mind. Good luck.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    Drains are a nuisance, but necessary most of the time

    they do their jobs by getting rid of the fluid..

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    BUT IT ALSO LEVES YOU OPEN FOR INFECTION. some drs put you on antibiotics before the surgery.i cannot take me it sounds like 6 of one and a half a doz.of another. on a different thread i was told the drains can cause the infection.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010
    Hi Kantalope!  I don't know much about drains, because the one I had was in for about 10-12 days, from the MammoSite device....The tubes didn't drain, just all around it did....I mean the hole from where they came out.  After if was finally taken out, I DID get a "seroma"....a pocket of fluid.  But it eventually goes away.....Hope this helps...xoxoxoxo
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010 gonna change my name..i like it..

    just waiting to speak to the today or tomorrow as my plans changed and i dont want to miss her call.she will have a lot of explaining to do about those damn drains if she wants to put one in loaded with questions thanks to my sistas.

    i love you all for all this wonderful info.God bless



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2010

    Kantalope - I had three nodes, no drain and no mention of a drain.  I had a little swelling of the breast but no real problem other than normal soreness in area of nodes.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    GD, I had 2 nodes, no drain; no problems; but if the BS had said I needed a drain, I'd have trusted her.  You're liking this doc now aren't you?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Kantalope....I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are doing....Did you already have your surgery?  And are going in for lymph node removal?   I didn't even have chemo, & I can't figure out where you are in your surgery/treatment.    The gals on this thread have all been through don't be afraid to talk about it here~   But make sure you ask your Docs everything!  Write it all down, & ask "why" everytime they open their mouths.   You should keep a notebook, with all your questions, tests, mammogram results, biopsies, etc.  And everytime you think of something, write it down to ask! 

    Okay least you were there, or "somewhere" when everyone else was "out to lunch"....or in the ozone....Or in the Twilight zone, Ha!   I thought for sure our thread had been sent to stand in the corner or something!   I could not figure it out!  I had fallen down the stairs, & needed sympathy, & you guys were all gone!  I thought "Oh fine"...."where are they when I really need them?"  And then Pam fell, & who else?  And SHE was really hurt!  Glad you all woke up!  I thought Isabella & I would have to send out the troops!  To find you all!  Then WHO got a high fever?  I read it, but if I click back, I will lose this!  Hope all our falling & fevers are over!  

    I'm still doing the BC cleaning out thing!  I am sooooooo tired!  Loaded it all up in the car, & we are ready to take it up.  Now I have to clean out the basement in Krap!    I mean there is so much "stuff" down there that I don't even recognize it any more!   But I have to wait until I rest a, I am bone tired.   

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    WOW! So much happening today! Just dropped in to congratulate all who had good news. I'm on a business trip and when I got my rental car, they had upgraded me to an SUV. I checked into the hotel a little while ago, and they had upgraded to the 'presidential suite'. Woo hoo. Maybe that means when I go home Friday they will upgrade me to first class...NOT.

    Big (((HUGS))))) to all my sistas!