Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Hey WC, welcome to the club!! I know it is that last place anyone wants to be but the women here are awesome-we laugh, cry and most important, support each other thru thick and thin. And we were all first time posters!! You'll catch on and no question is too dumb to ask. GD, what is the fear about the drains? Do you qualify to have a home health nurse come inand deal with them is you get them? Actually, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am not sure that you have a choice. You can get thru this! I am having an emotional meltdown and don't know why. I made an emergency appointment with my therapist, came home and still had to eat a half-gallon of ice cream-errgh! Love to all, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hey fellow Twilight-Zoners! Glad to have everyone back! No more falling, though, you guys. I'm not exactly a ballerina myself - I asked my PCP about me being a bit "wobbly" before the bc thing came up, and he said they have physical therapy for dizziness and balance problems, and I was going to do that. I think I still will after I'm through with the rads. Lord knows I'm usually the one that enters a room with a bang - and a boom - and all eyes are upon me and I say, "Ta-dah!". Actually, I've been doing that since my twenties and I am a bit of a goofball so I guess now it's just part of my "schtick". Boy, have I made some notorious entrances - hahaha! 

    Chevy - is that falling down episode the one where you saved the bottle of booze? I meant to "ooh" and "aah" over your injuries, but I was so amazed with your quick thinking that I was speechless! I am so sorry about the stairs (dastardly things, they are), but impressed by your booze-saving skills!

    SV - I've been on kind of pins and needles the last few days, so I took a xanax and *poof*, I'm not tense or upset or anything any more. I can imagine people get mighty used to this drug (like my friend, she takes it everyday), but I save it for my "special" days. Now isn't that a nice way to look at these bad days? And of course, I always remember what my grandmother said, "This too shall pass", and I can get on with my day. It's been a lifesaver for me through all this.

    BarbaraA - here's hoping for an upgrade to first-class. Tell them you don't want to break your winning streak!

    Okay, I guess I'll go cook something for my son. Actually, it's just going to be "Shake-n-Bake" chicken, but my son can stand there like in the old commercial and say, "And Ahhh helped!".

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,408
    edited September 2010

    Living causes infection:  here's a quote I can live by.

    "Life is part positive and part negative. Suppose you went to
    hear a symphony orchestra and all they played were the little
    happy high notes. Would you leave soon? Let me hear the rumble
    of the bass, the crash of the cymbals and the minor keys."

    -- Jim Rohn

    We are going to have things happen.  I say get out there and fight -- if you get an infection or anything -- deal with it.  Life is not perfect and we have to make adjustments all the time.  I might get struck ( Lord, I hope not ) by lightning --- but I'm not staying out of the rain and storms.  I have things to get done and a life to live and I'm going for the bass and cymbals.   Granny -- don't dream too much about possible problems that have not arrived --- honestly, I think that almost helps them come.  Put your feet forward with confidence --- we have to come out of the cocoon because cocoons are holding patterns, and live and use what we were given.  I'm betting on you so don't let me down.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • whitechocolate
    whitechocolate Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2010
    Hi Chevboy thanks for answering my message, and yes I get joint pains from the Arimidex but I'm going to a great herbalist and he's given me different things to take to help with the joint pains& the thinning of the hair. As I explained in my last message I'm not too good at this computing stuff, when I get the hang of it I hope my messages will  be more interesting but right now I'm not even sure where this message will land once I submit it Bye for now WhitechocolateSmile
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Hey Jackie!  That is very well put!  We just can't over-think what we are doing.....We have to trust a lot of people....and we also have to just ask questions, & believe & trust that "they" are helping us!   I was not afraid of the "journey".....I knew where I was going, & each "stop" was something different....every day also, was a little different....But I believed I was on my way to simply getting better.   And I'm HERE.....It's been 10 months....(wow!) and I couldn't feel better!  We do what we have to do....some have to go through a lot more, but all of us do it just to get over this!    That's what you need...."confidence".....!!

    And White Chocolate....You are doing great with the computer stuff!  Ha!  Just stay in touch with us.....And I'll be here....I mean when I'm not cleaning out the basement, or falling off the steps!  Wink  It's funny now, Ha!  Because I didn't really get hurt....& I didn't break the Bailey's Irish Cream!....I was taking it down the steps, because I just don't drink it very often...Maybe I should just make me a "club-house" down there, & drink up all the stuff, Ha, ha! 

    Bye gals.....Have fun....! xoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    I am so proud of myself!! I just couldn't stand being with myself today so I got me chainsaw out and cut me down some big ole trees. We did have a lot of dead and cracked tress from Earl that I had not seen. OMG was it ever fun!! Except that if I look up I cannot keep my balance and i fall over. Luckily my chainsaw has a safety so if your hand is off the trigger it stops-still stupid I know-but I had to do something!! My dear neighbor saw a potential catastrophy so he came over to help and finally-in his kindiest way suggested that maybe he should go for the big limbs and I should cut the lttle stuff once the big stuff fell off. Need less to say, i still had a riot. REALTY CHECK for me though-his Mom died yesteday from BC that mets to lungs and bones. It was the first I had herd and she was a true southern matriarch. Really sad and just brought me back to my own stuff that I wish would go away!! Sorry, Cancer has not made me a better person! And CB you stop laughing about falling down the stiars-that is no joke-friend of mine went headfirst and was knocked out in the middle of the night and she was all alone-she is 75 and a bc survivor. I am yelling at you because I love you! (((BIG HUGS))) SV

    And where did everybody go?

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

      I hope someone took a picture of you with the chainsaw, SV.  That is sad about your neighbor's mother, but just because she had mets to the bones and lungs, does not mean it is going to happen to you.  Plus, it did happen to me and the liver to boot and I really think I am doing just fine and will until the scans tell me different.  I liked your part negative and part positive quote, Jackie....sort of another way of saying every cloud has a silver lining. 

        Another beautiful day here and a good night to sleep with open windows. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2010

    Open windows? Only if your bedroom is moving down the highway at 70 mph! Still so hot here! The power company was working on our lines today so cut our power from noon to 2:00. NO AC! Amazing how fast a hermetically sealed house in Florida can turn into a sauna! DH says it always cools off by Halloween. :-)  Enjoy your great temps!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    good evening sistas

    spoke to dr.she said all the right things.she is not sure how many nodes until i go in for surgery but she said what ever i want she will do.she did suggest the drain because i dont have a car and someone will have to bring me in every few days to have her drain it.its no big deal for her.its up to i weighed it out and said yes.

    i also spoke to her about taking grades which another sista told me about.she gave me the right answers to that too.take grade 1 and check grade 2.if grade 2 shows signs of aggressive c growing she will have to go to grade 3.its all mindboggling but im ok with it.i just want the darn c out.

    went for the pre op.veins were pissed off today.i only had the sentenil node removed from my left  arm and that is where my best vein was.she tried 2x on the right but could not get she said you only had 1 node removed did anyone ever tell you not to have blood taken from that arm????dr#1 never said anything.sooooooooo after the 3rd. try she finally got enough blood.i hope there wont be a problem with that.does anyone know????

    i read all the posts and i thank you all for all your you are a pisser.i would have loved to have known you when we were young

    sv glad you are on the right track

    the rest of you know i love all  of you very much.God bless Isabelle,Barbara,jacky,marybe and anyone i forgot because my brain is not only frozen but DEAD



  • mrsnjband
    mrsnjband Member Posts: 64
    edited September 2010

    SV, I so understand how you are feeling.  That was me for 2 years, it has just been the last year that I have begun to get some energy back.  I was attached to my bed & I also saw those same movies 22 times.

    I have vertigo as well, I have been using the scopolamine 1.5 mg patch for motion sickness and it has really helped a lot.

    Hope this helps in a small way.  Sending love & prayers. NJ

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    OH NJ, I cannot tell you how much your experience and sharing it DOES help me. I have never not been a woman in super high gear until chemo leveled me. Thank you so much because I also had really good balance and that is gone too. And yes, I didn't want to admit it, but i think I have seen every movie on cable at least 22 times. But today, I forced myself to get out and my head was spinning the whole time-had to take a phenergen bec I was so nauseated. This at least gives me some hope that recovery is out there-even at two years. Luckily i had adult mono when i got sober and truly was in bed for well over a year and another year to even begin to build some stamina. And GD, i am so glad you are going with the drains-it just sounds so much safer and seems to be the protocol. As to using your Operation arm for anything, i was told i would need a doctor's order for anyone to take blood pressure or blood from my BC affected arm. And that is where all my good veins are-i have nothing left in the right arm that does not blow. But even though I have tried to get bloodsuckers to take it from my BC arm, they want a doctors note saying it is ok. And MB, you just continue to amaze me!!! i love you lots and am in awe of how you handle everything. And pam,OMG, I would have freaked out and jumped in the car with AC on full blast. I still cannot do heat or the sun. Today, I just had to get out and I maybe can get pix of me with my chainsaw tomorrow because there are big downed limbs that need to be pulverized!! So if my neighbor comes running out to help, I will have camera in hand. I am watching Destination Truth-Josh Gates is such an idiot and how did he get a job like that-he never finds anything and seems to have stupid written on his forehead. Good Grief, I would kill toget a job like that! BUT, tonight he was at Pompeii. I am always mezmorized by the preservation of that city after Vesuvius blew and buried it. Everything is frozen in time from the ash. I have had a very strange fascination with that place since a small girl and think I might have been there in a past life. Anyway, it is on my bucket list of sites to see along with a safari!! Sleep tight ladies, SV

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    Hi again gals,   It has been since Jan. that I posted so maybe you have already forgotten me...just felt a need to reconnect again.....have been gong through something personal being the sole caregiver for my elderly mom and am just now getting to grips with it....Just had my yearly tests again and all is good so I felt the need to celebrate with those of you who I know understand....Am taking Evista now as my only means of treatment.....took Tamoxifin 5 yrs. and Femara 5 yrs after my 6 months chemo.....13 yrs survijvor now so God is good....would love to hear from any of you... a bc sister Claude1944

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    welcome back claude...and to have a party with you..sure..we love to party and hear good news.i dont dring but im sending my drink to chevyboy to have it for me..had to get you on that you can see we still have a lot of fun on here....God bless you.your my hero..


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,408
    edited September 2010

    Welcome back Claude.  No one is ever forgotten here.  Glad things are better in your care-giver status.  I had the honor of being able to care for and help my mother before she passed away and it is a time that I can look back and treasure.  My mother was just a country-woman though she had many great experiences and she was the foundation of my life.  I miss her every day, but I know exactly where she is so she is still a source of comfort and joy to me. 

    Big congratulations on your 13 yr. NED status.  By your words you have extended the reach for all of us and continue to help us know that it is possible.  Life is for the living and you are living proof. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    To K and Jackie........thanks for your encouragment and answering.....I really didn't know if I would still be in the loop after so long of not posting but you just confirmed to me that  even though we have never met in peson we are a bond of sisters that only those of us who are in can fully understand and appreciate.....I will try to keep up the posting and wish you a great day and week-end....Claudia

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    there is no loop doors either.come and visit.bring some dark

    and do stay in touch with your sistas



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Yes Claude!  Where have you been?.....Glad you hooked up with us gals again!  Man, you have come a LONG way with this cancer thing!  Congratulations!   I'm on the 5 year Tamoxifen thing also!  I wish I was a far out as you....but at least I feel great, & thank God every day for another new morning!   Is that a picture of you & your Daughter?  So sweet!!!!!!

    Grannydukes real name is Kantalope...except she keeps forgetting.    And "they" think I need a "drink" because I fell of our steps, but saved the Bailey's...Ha! 

    I think a lot of us have taken care of our Mom's or in my case, my Grandma, & also my Dad...and like Jackie, they ARE so memorable....Awfully hard at first, & so heart-wrenching, but my memories of them all are beautiful.  I miss them so much....still.   If you just want to talk, we are always here....I mean most of the time.... Some times these gals get lost in the Twilight Zone, & forget to keep track of me, because I am older. Wink   But Isabella is usually hanging out somewhere.  And Jackie is always there, for lots of encouragement. 

    And SV....who knows....she's probably out pretending she is Paul Bunyon or someone!  Don't give her a new toy...because she will amuse herself for months!  And she wants to go on a Safari, so we just humor her. 

    mrsnjband .....It's good to hear from you too!  And PAM!  HAVE YOU COOLED OFF YET?  Ha! 

    It gets down to 50 degrees here in the early morning, & just 80 now....& no humidity.  But at least the huge fires up near Boulder have been contained.  So many people lost their homes, & just EVERYTHING....Man, I feel so bad for them.  They live in the forests, & there is just no way to prevent these things from happening up there....  Man, between the hurricanes, tornado's, earth-quakes, & fires, we have to hear some GOOD news....

    So are our good news for the day.....Congratulations again on your 13 years out!  BIG HUGS & KISSES! XOXOXOXOXOXO

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010 great and  encouraging to hear from you......Yes the pic. of me was taken in Mexico last yr. with my granddaughter from MI....Iam 66 yrs. old so I would be considered part of that older group also.... We have nine grandkids and had the sorrow of losing one that was s5 months old 4 yrs.  is something that is very hard to get over....I retired from teaching a couple of yrs. early as I needed  to be there for my son and daughter-in-law...It is so great to be able to talk to other survivors as we do have a bond that ties us together....Thanks again for the nice letter......hugs......

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Hi Claude, welcome back to the fold.

    Hi Whitechocolate.

    Just been having yet another medical mystery tour with my docs... I really am sickened once again. Its going to be a case of 'which bit still works' soon, not 'oh dear, I have A problem'....I am slowly, ever so slowly, falling to bits !!!!!!!!'

    I showed up at my docs yesterday t/time for appointment with a locum, as my own doc had no spare appointments, so was taking a chance here !! Actually Dr was disheeee, about 35ish very tall , dark and ever so handsome (why aren't I 30 years younger ?) I explained about my itching legs, thighs and stomach. I was covered in scratch marks, all over my body, one of my knees was bleeding, I must have been sat scratching away in the waiting room, without thinking ! He spent a full half hour with me, which is a miracle in this country, 10 mins is the allocation for an appointment, went off to ask another Dr for an opinion ( which is what the locums usually do, it annoys the hell out of me, 2nd class service I always think! ) Anyway, he comes back , picks up the 'phone, and calls one of our local hospitals, and proceeds to tell them he is sending me in right away !

    Woah, wait a minute, what's he up to I thought. He fills in 2 big forms, prints off goodness knows what from his computer ( which turned out to be the last 6 months of my medical history )  and tells me to go NOW to the DUH clinic ( what??) I didn't know what he meant, and still don't.

    'What are you looking for' I asked him. DVT he replied...I really panicked then , as he told me I would need a blood test on admission,  a scan of my right calf, would probably be admitted, and them need a 10 day course of some jab or other, and back onto Warfarin for 'months' ( I have just had to come off this, and go onto high dose Asprin as I cannot hack the regular blood tests )   Jabs and me DO NOT go together, I have a terrible needle phobia, so I immediatly started to argue the diagnosis with him.... When I first got in to see him I explained that I had just been put on beta blockers, and one of the 'rare' symptoms is 'bad itching' It was on the packet insert. Dr couldn't find anything about beta blockers and itching in his MIMS handbook,and also nothing on the internet, so he discounted this....but I was going with this one, how can itching across the top of my chest be associated with DVT in one of my calves ! 

    I know I am taking a monster risk here, but the jabs would have done for me I just know it. I have been sitting all day well, maybe not ALL day, waiting to keel over and die....but it hasn't happened !!!!!  I did ask could I just go have my calf scanned, THEN maybe think about jabs when they'd looked and seen if there WAS a problem, but Dr didn't think this was the way things happened. ( Just about 6 weeks ago I had walked out of the hospital refusing a blood test as I was so scared....I then went to my own Drs nurse and had it done in a nice quiet room, not a busy open hospital clinic, and  again I walked when doing pre-op for my back surgery, as the nurses were so cocky, and were quite threatening ) I have quite a history of turning tail and hopping it when needles are mentioned !

    I eventually left Drs surgery by telling him I was 'on my way, right now' to the hospital, just to get out and home. I have been expecting the 'phone to go all day asking where I got to.

    Just to make things a little more interesting MIL fell out of her hospital bed and broke her hip, Wednesday morning. She was all set to come home, or at least to a 'transitional bed' in a local old folks home at 11am, at 9.30 she tried to get herself out of bed to go to the loo, and fell. The hospital should have had sides on her bed, and didn' we go again, everyone looking to me to shout, so I have sent for an official complaint form and will have to take it from there. I DID NOT want to get mixed up in MILs goings on...I am trying to pull myself away from the whole family slowly, but have just been pulled right back into the middle again.

    I got a 'phone call here about 10am on Wednesday to tell me MIL had fallen, broken her hip, was in pain, on morphine, and waiting for an operation. I got back on to the hospital to see what was going on and was told they'd probably be doing her op. Thursday afternoon. She is 92, for goodness sakes, and they were just going to leave her in that state over 24 hours, so I really had a go at them and said there would 'be trouble if it wasn't done by tonight'....and by 6pm she was done and dusted. Now I have to start trecking in and out to see her all over again.

    I am supposed to be going to my G/sons engagement party tomorrow night, but do not feel like all the bustle and noise....I haven't had time to go out and get them a present, and , well, I just don't want to go....but its one of those things where I ought to go. I may show for an hour, I may not ! I'd rather be on my pc nice and quiet on my own !

    Have a nice w/end one and all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Isabella, just when i think it cannot possibly get worse for you -it does!! I am so sorry about news of MIL and YOU need to get to the hospital and find out what is going on!! i am really worried about you and in the UK when a doc goes that nuts, take advantage of it and get immediate treatment. i SO hate that you do not have access to immediate care in the UK-it really worries me. SO go to the hospital so I can sleep without worrying about you!!!!

    And BIG welcome back Claudia!! I am not sure i was around when you were active in the village but the bond we all share - to me - means that noone is a stranger. hope you stay and bring us up to date on all that has gone on with you!! We all need to hear about your experience, strength and hope!! I know it is hard caring for loved ones. I just went thru it with my mom and she passed about a year ago-then I was diagnosed with cancer so no time to mourn much of anything. But glad you are here. And WC where are you and what are you up too?? Are you OK? Or as OK as you can be?

    The weather has turned a gorgeous 70 degrees and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I was about to lose it being trapped in the house under the AC bec after chemo, i just could not do the heat!! I had the most magnificent day on the beach today and it has been such a long time since i've been able to get out and get some face-time with the great ATLANTIC ocean. And here's me with my pups just digging the day today.

    And the sweetest thing ever-my David has decided to run the 5K BC run in my name. I just feel so honored!! He is just the best friend ever! I mean for him to volunteer to do that for me is just such a huge deal to me. And the Paul Bunyon in me still lives MS. CB. And yes, I am thinking about new toys. I need a wood chipper-tee hee!! And Cantelope, sending lots of love your way! I am whipped and cannot get to everyone right now. But love you all very much, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    SV you look wonderful.God bless.dont listen to chevyboy about my name.she gave it to me BUT i must say i do like it and i do LOVE

    Isabelle..ill be sayin a extra prayer for you.get better real fast.

    everyone else.blessings and hugggggs


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hey everybody! Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading everyone's posts and how you are the coolest women on the boards!

    Can't wait to go to bed tonight - I've been exhausted this go 'round with the chemo (my 3rd).

    I know everyone is enjoying the cool weather moving in - fall is my FAVORITE season. Maybe because I was born in September, but as a kid I always looked forward to the change in weather, my birthday presents, and even school starting! But here it's still HOT! You lucky dogs - haha, I accidentally wrote "you lucky dongs".

    Okay, you lucky dongs, enjoy your weekend. I'm kind of sick, so I will probably be in bed or the recliner. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    ((((((((heartnsoul)))))) SV

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited September 2010

    SV, you look gorgeous and so happy.  I love your dogs.  Darla

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    I did write a long post on Friday(my time) but it vanished into outer cyberspace.

    Isabella I do hope things get better for you. Big hugs to you and all the others.

    Thursday was quite a day. I had to have a gastro-endoscopy done as I have been having very bad reflux etc.Showed I have large hiatus hernia, inflamed stomach with multiple polyps and inflamed duodemum. Just what I need. Not sure what will happen now. Stomach problem is probably from the drugs I take for arthritis. I know its not life threatening but it is just another thing to contend with.

    DH is out of hospital n- they evidently are very cautious about infection if you have a replacement. heart valve. One positive is that he couldn't get to work which he would have done if he was at home. 

    just wishing for some fine weather.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2010

    Morning Isabella....Man, when we don't hear from you, we just gotta know it ain't good!  I'm so sorry.....but I know the feeling ....that "trapped' feeling when we are on this train-ride taking us somewhere we don't want to go.   So now what can you do?  Are you just going to "clank" around, hoping that what-ever you have/had, will go away?  I'm just sorry....but I'm mostly sorry because you were so afraid.....Just don't worry....go ahead & re-conoiter , & figure out what's next.  I wish my Mom would have "high-tailed" it out of the Hospital, when she just went in for a "check-up"...Doc sent her to Emergency, then THEY made her stay, and THEN they decided a triple by-pass/valve was what she needed...(at 82)... And I lost my Mom.  So Isabella, I'm glad you left.    No tellin' WHAT those Docs will decide what you have!  Just let us know....and don't scratch.  Put mittens on, like we used to do with the babies. 

    SV....LOVely picture girl!  Ha!  You are just how I picture you....and I love your pups!  But why are you in the sun?  You need an umbrella!  Well at least you weren't out there in your little yellow polka-dot bikini!  Don't you just thank God for a beautiful day like that?  We are soooooo lucky & fortunate to be here, all together like this....

    Heartnsoul.....we're here for you kiddo.....just relax & take it easy, & I hope you don't get too sick.....And Claude....yes, we ARE all like family here...except we can talk about a lot more than we could say to our families, Ha!   I didn't watch the cancer show either.....It's sad enough to think what WE have all been through.....but I guess we are the lucky ones.   Maybe SOMEday, "they" really find a way to "prevent" or cure cancer...We have come a long way, but so much more has to be done.  I just don't like to see other people suffering & hurting like that.  And especially little children & young Mom's and just ANYone!   Where is my Bailey's?

    I was going to post my latest photo....just took it yesterday.....Ah yes, here it is....

    Elizabeth Taylor Picture Gallery

    Okay, bye gals!  WinkCoolSurprised xoxoxoxoxxo

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

      Off for my usual weekend at my Dad's as soon as I get a few errands run here.  Spent yesterday afternoon with my friend who has the lobular breast cancer and had her double mast last week...I asked if she cared if I went with her to the onco appt just to listen and she said that would be great and I listened and learned and feel so much better now.  I have really been more upset and worried about this whole deal than she was because she didn't even know they were talking about when they told her a node had micromets......all I heard was METS...micro or not, I was thinking oh no.  BUT I think things are going to be just fine and am sooooo happy for her.  Her dr was 2 hrs late....and I thought mine was bad.   SV, loved the pic.....I knew you had dogs,but for some reason did not know they were Springer Spaniels....beautiful.  We have friends who had had three....the lst was black,the second liver and now they are back to a black one, Scarlett.  They give them all names that have to do with Ohio State.

      Well,ladies gotta go.  Have a wonderful weekend and I will write soon .  Think you are making a good decision about the drains friend still has two in and all that gunk the comes out!!...I just don't think it would be good for all  that to be building up under your skin.  Sorry you have another thing to deal with you take protonics or anything for the reflux? Isabella!!...what can I say.   You are like Job.   Will write to all of you soon.  Love, Marybe

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

       PS   Love the pic, becomes you, great with your violet eyes. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Elizabeth Taylor is definitely one of the true beauties in the world. Nowadays, they are soooo plastic. I also thought Vivian Leigh was beautiful. hmmmm.....who else? Lauren Bacall

    Now for handsome men, I would have to say the first actor I fell in love with was Clark Gable, and no...I don't have a Gone With the Wind complex. Tongue out Oh! and Elvis Presley! That man melted my heart!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    CB, you are simply not wearing enuf jewelry!! Oh, to look like that-i actually watched 'Cleopatra' yesterday for the first time-like the whole way thru and sorry but as gorgeous as ET is or was, she cannot act. Richard Burton (yum) is working (or talented) so far out of her class that I was sort of stunned. But lordy, to be as gorgeous as that woman was-sigh! And i remember the first time that Ed Sullivan had Elvis on the TV. We had one of the only TV's in the neighborhood so everyone packed into our tiny house and so funny bec the TV station would not shoot any TV footage below his waist. So all we got to see was his head-too funny. I must have been about 6 years old. i way overdid it yesterday and yes, no umbrella and I keep forgetting that i need one. I am a crispy critter today and just whipped! Very scared as I am supposed to get upper endoscopy done this Tuesday-i have to have mac anesthesia and that is what scares me and colonoscopy next Tuesday. ERRRGH! So Isabella, get yourself taken care of!! And ((((MB)))) I love you lots! xxoo, SV