Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    and now we have a cat fight....well well well.if you cannot take the heat get out of the want to talk about cursing..are we in school????church?????we are plain ordinary people who are suffering with bc(besides many other issues)if you are offended by this few off color words then you should really start a new post and name it.OLDER PEOPLE WHO DONT USE FOUL LANGUAGE. i read back many posts and did not see anything that would deeply offend anyone.How much longer are we going to drag this on....EITHER DROP IT OR MOVE ON. I for one love these girls and im not going anywhere.....

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2010

    I don't understand why some people are upset at being told that the use of swearing is sometimes not appreciated. That's not a personal attack, nor should it be taken as such.

    I am no religion at all and have learned enough words in the time it has taken me to become "older" that it is usually not necessary to swear - particularly with the written word.  On the other hand, if people insist, it doesn't get me too excited.

    When I hear teenagers swearing at the mall or on the street, I use my teacher voice and say "language . . .  please" or some such thing and most often they look at me and say "oh, sorry" and carry on, especially if I have a small grandchild with me. I think it just doesn't occur to them that others hear their conversations.

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010

    I SECOND THE MOTION!  THIS OFFICIALLY ENDS THE BREW HA HA!  As a past President of a big something, I know about how to handle board meetings so this officially ends this problem and we now have our thread INTACT!!  Granny has officially resolved the problem and we can now go back to solving bc problems!!  Have a great night ladies.  I am going to bed!  It will be a joy to see all you ladies back here in the morning.  Whew!!!  I thought this was going to be an all nighter and this is supposed to be for OLD people.  We need our SLEEP!  Pleasant dreams!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    I vote "aye" and Here! Here! SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    well put lassie...NOW CAN WE DROP IT ????????

    lets change the subject.on a lighter note.went to dr today.finally gained 2 1/2 lbs. in 1 month.doin the happy dance. AND im gonna be a great grandmother again gonna have some chocolate for that one.Dark

    sending love,hugsssssssssssss and blessings to all who need it.I love my sistas.God bless.



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    On ya granny!   I fight like my life depends on it.....oh, it does!....LOL  We are, have been and will be fighting BC for a long time, there is no time for fighting anything else.Have a good night all.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.   chrissy

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    I'm stayin.  I hardly ever read other threads cause the ladies that I want to know about are in two threads and those are my favorites and that is where I'm going to keep coming. I backed off too, when that crap happened to SV. It was so wrong. She was going thru a terrible, downright horrific time after that first chemo. I am so glad that we met in herel  Then to be attacked like that, where we thought it was safe to play and cavort with random happiness was so disheartening.  SV... You know I love you. And all the other gals that love to laugh out loud and cry alone. We don't need to go anywhere. This is where we met. This is where we stand. I thought about starting a new thread when I had that awful infection and had to hook up my own IV at home everyday, but I never did because I don't want to feel responsible for keeping something going. It's hard enough keeping myself going. And its freakin HARD to censor ones words when writing in a fit of passion. I go back and try to proofread and edit my posts so they make sense and most spelling and grammar rules are at least attempted. Feels like a member of the POD has beached herself, and there are no rescurers. THANK GOD everyone is entitled... and there really aren't that many things that we ARE entitled to, but speaking our minds in our own language is one of our rights. And I take that shit seriously. Judge not lest ye be judged.

     I'm falling asleep on my keyoard, GOODNIGHT LADIES OF THE CLUB.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    OH and congrats to grannydukes on the new great grandchilld anouncement. It's good to know that the Joy of a grandchild goes on and on and on..

    Edited for spelling


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Whew. Went to bed early last night. Glad all is well this morning. Love all you 'old' girls!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

      Hi Ladies, Just stopping in to say hi.  Seems I missed a little controversy on here, but all is now back to our "new normal" as I have seen it called.  I don't like the term myself....true cancer has changed things, but so does natural aging.  Who was it who said Growing old ain't for sissies? if we weren't tough when we were first diagnosed with cancer, for sure we are now.  I am not an overly religious person, but I do believe in something because when I get good and scared I sure as heck am saying my prayers and  I know it is crazy because I do not think God would really want people to suffer, but I have always felt that we with cancer are special.  If he didn't think we could handle it, we would not be here posting today....we may have not known it years ago, but I think we have come to realize that we are tougher than we ever knew.

       I promise not to babble on as I so often do because I am sure I put people to sleep. (I just can't help it....always got in trouble in school for talking too much)  I am once again at my Dad's, without hubby this time which is so much better.  His sitting around doing nothing drives me NUTS.  Yesterday, I lost my car keys....I am always losing my keys, but the bad thing is this was my last set....the one with the keypad disappeared months ago and it is gone gone gone.  The problem is I go too many directions at once and get distracted  and can't retrace my steps because I don't know where I have been.  So yesterday I am all packed and ready to take off and NO KEYS.  I always hate to even tell my husband this because he just shakes his head like I am losing it....well, I know I am losing it and it is not getting any better....I forget everything and am starting to worry it is affecting me at work for the lst time ever.  But back to my keys....I did not get overly excited yesterday because it doesnt do any good, I just sort of wandered around picking up things, looking under the many piles of crap I have all over the keys.  All the while, my husband is sitting there playing with his Rubik's cube and I find myself getting madder and madder at him, instead of myself for losing the keys.  I asked Tim, don't you have something to do? and he said Uh, no, not really.  Sorry ladies, I know some of you have said your husband also competes for the title, but I for sure have "The Laziest Husband in the World"  Would he ever think of helping me look?  Oh no.  Which reminds me.....boy oh boy can I ever relate to you on the garden, Isabella.  I was so furious when I found all my impatients (sp) looking like little spindles and leaning over because they were so dry they were just about dead......well, I have been watering them even since because it is obvious that even though he has nothing to do, but sit all day, he is not going to water the flowers. Slowly they are reviving.  And the weeds....forget it, they are taller than the plants.  The ferns which were lovely are all brown and lying flat to the ground. I have no cone flowers this year and had lots of both the pink and white last year and I am sure he pulled them out when I asked him to get rid of the grape hyacinth that had taken over.  It just makes me want to cry, but it is my fault for not going in the backyard more often and thinking he would take care of it.....but most days after work even though I am fortunate enough to not really ever feel bad, I am tired.  I love my plants and my garden and used to get so many compliments on it....of course that was back when I was having parties in the yard and haven't had one of those for two years now.  Anyway, I finally found my keys, under some laundry I had carried up from the basement and put on the bed in the spare room.  I guess I should just forget even trying to multi-task.  I do not know if this is chemo brain or if I am getting Alzheimers, but it is getting bad.  Tim cannot find his Ipod and knows he left it here at my Dads somewhere....he was probably too bombed when he took it off.  Can you imagine a 61 yr old man with a ponytail, stoned and sitting around listening to Pink Floyd or John Prine with his earphones in and his eyes shut half asleep and a beer bottle between his legs about ready to fall over!?!   I know there is a Peter Pan syndrome, but I think this is taking it a bit to extreme.  Anyway, for sure I am NOT going to look for it for forgiveness on my part, I practice an eye for an eye.  My father says to me, I am worried about you and your issue with keys and I said Well Daddy, I have a lot of things to worry about these days and can't let myself get too worked up over them.

       I have managed to get my scans scheduled....CT on Monday and the bone scan a week from Mon, both of which will be before I see my onco on Wed. that week.  I also called and requested that they do another CA27/29 next Wed when I am there for treatment only.  I don't care if that PA says the lump I feel in my abdomen is nothing, but a lipoma (sp?) it was not there two weeks ago and also even if she says the liver cannot exhibit pain, that is where I am having pain.  And she can say my think midriff is due to aging, but I know where I carry my weight and it has never been in my waist or stomach's like it's all bloaty or something and since I have actually lost weight, I do not think it is just because I am fat.  I do not like the PA and am just going to tell them, not to schedule with her any more. Wed I really thought I was having a heart attack or something and think they gave me my stuff too fast because I was bitching about needing to get out of there.  The pressure and pain lasted for almost 5 hrs and get this....after being constipated for three months, I had diarrhea the rest of the day!!  

    Ok, now I will be on my merry way....someone is coming to give me a fence estimate today for my Dad's backyard.  Hope you are feeling more up, SV.  Nice to see some of you back who were MIA.  How do you edit for spelling...whenever I try to do that I lose my post. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Hugs to all the gang this morning. And MB, you go girl-write as much as you need too!! Connie, I love you and so glad you are posting again-I am losing track of the tests and battles everyone is facing and so sorry for that but sending blessings to all. I do feel a lot better today after realizing that it has been a year since I was diagnosed with BC. Whenever i am coming up on an anniversary of something really ugly, I go off the deep end. i kept thinking it was like May or something and here it is, in truth, almost October-my diagnosis and surgery last week of October last year. i cannot believe a year has passed!!!! I know that I still need to work hard on the depression because it just has hit me really hard. i think it more like grief and major loss. MB, I am wishing for the best outcome on your tests!! lordy does it ever end-the test and the waiting!! How does one live a life in the midst of such uncertainty and does one ever get used to it all? And congrats GD, on the grandchild!!!! love you all and I have to do make some coffee to get my brain in gear. XXOO, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    I just go to bed, because I am a few hours infront of you gals, and what happens. A war, then a truce.

    I hope we can carry on in this vein. I for one will be 'bleeping' away if I need to use a swear there. The issues that we all carry are enough to turn a saint. Trouble is, all these 'saints' may appear to be so, but among our little group is a published writer of many soft porn go figure !!! Talk about 2 faced... multifaceted would be a better description ! The odd swear word pales into insignificance in the light of this. Pedalling filth to the masses... My God...I've seen it all now. 

    SV, I hope you are OK, this has got to be worse than animals turning on one of their own. Now you have got your significant anniversary overed with can you start to pick yourself off the floor, well, no, pick yourself out from under the floorboards would be more appropriate ! I hope the appointment with the psychiatrist next week can be the start of you getting your mind in order. You are due a great big break right now. Not one of us has gone thru the terrible poisoning you got this time last year, and many lesser people would now be 6' under by now....I take my hat off to you in the courageous way you have clawed your way back from that terrible time to where you are today....which I know you'll say isn't a good place, but it IS  a damned site better than last year. 

     (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS TO YOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Marybe.  I think the spell check thing you are asking about is the 'abc box' above where we write.

    Press it, give it a couple of seconds. It will then underline any wrongly spelt word in red. Click on the red line, and a list of correct spellings pops the spelling you want, and it is corrected for you. I fought with this for weeks before cracking it....its a major miracle that I can help  someone out as I am completely computer challenged!!

    Can someone help me now? I want to send a PM, there are 2 boxes come up, one asks who I am sending it to, the second asks for the subject. The box asking for the name is about a quarter of an inch wide, and will not even half let me put someones name in....I can't expand it at all. I have to wait 'til someone PMs me, so I can attatch a reply !!

    Having asked this supid question I managed, for the first time ever, to change the ink on my printer, all by myself. This was major cleverness on my anyone else it would have been a laugh !!! It DID take me about 40 minutes...but  I DID IT  !!! My 21 yr old G/daughter was here this morning, I should have asked her but I forgot..she was so busy playing merry hell (oooops) with me that I wouldn't go to the hospital last weekend.  She was on the 'phone to the hospital, who wouldn't discuss it with her.... on the 'phone to my GP who was closed...thank the lord. I felt like a little 10 year old girl when she had finished with me... but JUST like I used to fight away on behalf of my Grandma !

    Marybe. I can sympathise with the key situation. Not too long ago I was down to my last set of spare keys, 3 sets were missing, the 'best' set were the only ones that would operate the remote, and all the others activated the alarm, so every time I went out the alarm would set off. I took to parking in all sorts of odd corners, so I wouldn't be noticed 'breaking' into my own car. Then, one day all 3 spare sets turned up, all within a couple of my bag is weighed down with all these jingling keys !!

    I'm off to get myself some tea now...a tuna and cucumber sandwich, and a slice of rich fruit cake.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    to pm someone, just click on their name or avatar and their bio comes up,  on the right of the screen you will see a list of headings including 'send member a pm' just click on this and it will take you to the compose window.

    Love n hugs

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010

    Isabella:  I got a big laugh out of your last line.  Tea, tuna and cucumber sandwich, followed by a slice of "rich" fruit cake.  Yummy!  You English know how to live dangerously!  Smile

    Oh, now you have me curious.  We have a writer in our midst?  I may not read what she writes but I will say she has a right to earn a living whatever way she needs to.  I am "very" liberal when it comes to such things especially in these bad economic times in the States.  Live and let live is my motto.   Judge not that Ye not be judged or something to that saying is what I think is best to live by.  She writes certain type books and I like to cuss at certain times so it evens out in the end, IMO.  

    Enjoy your fruit cake.  Hey!  Where are you getting fruit cake this time of year?.  I LOVE it but we can barely find it during the Christmas holidays .

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hi Ladies!

    Does anybody know ANYTHING that might help raise your white blood cell count? I'm supposed to get my last chemo next Wednesday, but I am currently fighting 2 infections - still the dang shingles and my latest - bronchitis. I'm weak as a kitten and know it's because my body is too busy trying to cope with the chemo and these 2 infections. Any ideas would be most welcome! 

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    Hi gals,   My computer crashed and so I have been MIA for awhile and when I got back on I almost got an ulcer reading all the posts.....thankfully all seems peaceful once again.....I have a personality that can't take any kind of problems so it made me happy to see all seems well once again....we all have been on such a long hard journey that I love it when I  can come to this place and get encouaged.....I think we all have to agree that we get help on this post but sometimes when we are going through a trial or are hurting or angry about something it is easy to lash out at those we care least I know that is how I am....just ask ny hubby....there have been times during tests and all the added problems that I have felt like I couldn't take anymore and it helps to know that all of you totally understand what I have gone through....I think we have to let bygones be bygones and show all the love and care we have for each other on this post...hope I haven't seemed like I am on a soapbox but I do care for each and every one of you and pray for all ot you often........Love to you all....Claudia

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010

    heartnsoul:  Does your Onc know about your infections and your low white count?  They usually will give you Neulasta or one of the drugs to raise your white count but I don't know if they will let you take the Chemo with 2 infections.  I hope you have informed them what is going on with you. I once had a low white count and had to get Neupogen (or one of those drugs like that) to get my count up before they would give me the Chemo but I wasn't sick.  I think my body had just weakened from the former Chemo treatments.  You should let your Onc know you are sick.  Best to you.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Thank you, Medigal! Yes, she knows - she has had me on an anti-viral for shingles for several weeks now, then I got bronchitis last week and she put me on antibiotics (Levaquin), but my last pill was Thursday. Now I'm just trying anything I can think of to boost my WBC so they won't send me away Wednesday. Maybe at the worst they'll give me the shot and have me come back the next day for the chemo. I just hope not, but que sera, sera...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    HnS-Honey, you are too valuable to let this go without getting some advice from your doc. i agree with medigal, does your onc know about this?? You need to call ASAP.Are you on antibiotics and or being treated for the bronchitis-did lab work show a low white blood cell count? i mean once they see that they usually jump on it pretty quickly I think so I am surprised that you seem to be left sort of unattended. This is really important and i don't think there is a quick fix. I am doing a ton of herbal things like echinecia but those take forever to build up in your system. Again, Does your onc know about this? Just worried about you! And Claudia, thrilled that yur computer is up and running and you are back!! Ya know, after Cancer, there just are no BIG deals!! I cannot afford them honestly, but I do get my dander up!! I had a wonderful day and i am just off the beach and whipped. I caught my first red drum of the season and was so stunned as this fish was huge!! I was doing light tackle bec I was figuring on a few mullet in the surf then my rod bent over double.The ocean is rockin' and the currents are treacherous! They had the "no swimming" flags out today and it was just so wierd as winds were blowing from the north and the ocean surf current was running like a freight train from south to north. I haven't seen it like that in awhile so I was surprised to get any fish at all. And the first red drum of the season out of the surf is like the holy grail for me. i completely missed red drum season last year due to surgery and chemo!! So it just feels like a new chapter is beginning in life (at least for today). These fish are like my ultimate "totem" fish and greatest of luck for me-the puppies were bouncing around-so glad to see mummy catch a really big fish finally!! And i always release so back out to the wild waves it went and i know it is a happy camper. Sorry about the spelling errors and such but i need a new keyboard desperately-all of the keys are sticking. OK, i am rewarding myself with a Tollhouse Ice cream sandwich so I am going to munch down now!! Later! ((((Big Hugs)))) SV

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited September 2010

    Hi SV, I'm glad to see you seem to be in better spirits.  Have you seen the news lately about Hurricane Igor?  Maybe you can leave and let your Father and Brother stay there. Ha Ha.  It could wash these men right outa your hair!!!  ((HUGS))   Darla

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    LOL, SV - we posted at the same time, so I guess now you know.

    I love to fish! Once we went deep-sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and I caught something. My pole bent so far I was afraid it was going to snap! The first mate and captain were sure I caught something HUGE - I finally gave up and let the first mate reel it in for me. It turned out it was a 9.5 lb Triggerfish. We were fishing for King Mackerel, and I came up with this dumb, flat, flounder-shaped thing that turned itself sideways to make it harder to reel in. But, it was close to a record weight in Destin at the time. So, got some "fame" for it. But it was soooo dumb-looking.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    SV you sound soooooooooo happy to hear your voice ring again.its about time. gonna tell you what i did when i had the shingles.remember it was a long time ago but it really gave me a lot of energy.i know you are not supposed to eat it anymore but it worked for me..LIVER..i know what you all are thinking.SPINACH HAS THE SAME EFFECT but not if you have stomach problems.i was told to eat as much iron as builds up the entire immune system when its compromised.remember it was about 15 yrs ago.a lot of things changed since then.LEVIQUIN is also a very strong med.i think you should talk to your dr ASAP.

    BTW i felt great after i ate the LIVER for a few dr was furious because i have hi cholosterol and you should never eat organ meat.hey what ever works.I FEAL YOUR PAIN

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    GD - My parents loved liver, but I could never eat it. I did just send my son out to get us some roast beef at the Piccadilly, and that should also be loaded with iron so I'm on the same train of thought as you. That's hilarious that you felt so good after eating liver - just that alone is enough to make me try it again. I would love to feel great again! Hopefully, the roast beef will help. Totally agree - whatever works, works for me! I'll think about trying liver...

    Thanks, ladies, for all your suggestions! I knew I could count on my girls here! Boy, I tell ya, you put all of our heads together, we've got one big, smart head! 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    I loved liver.made with bacon and onions.goes to show you at one time i could actually eat bacon and if i tried they would have to pump my stomach for a week.If your stomach could take the spinach try that too.just dont forget to call the dr.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    WE need a girls' fishing trip!! That would be a blast! just charter a boat and head for the Gulf Stream-and HnS, I love that you caught a trigger fish-they are really hard to haul up-way to go!! And yeah, truly feel like a page has turned in my life-soooooo grateful! Staying up late to watch all of the "Celebrity Ghost stories." Now, Isabella has to have a recipe for getting white blood cell counts up-----i love chicken livers, but cow livers -ugh!! if we had meat in our house it was cow livers or cow brains and scrambled eggs-for real. it was all we could afford. So Isabella, what are the local UK remedies? XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

      I LOVE liver and onions.  I think that is one of those things, you either love it or hate middle of the road. Once when my white count was down they went ahead and gave me my treatment, but a lesser dosage. I have no fishing stories to share....guess I have had a sheltered life....but  I have been frog gigging.  Does that count? SV, So glad you up and ready to face a new day with your old vim and vigor. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh MB, frog giggin SO counts-honestly it is one of the more on the edge sports here in the south-that is bec of all of the water moccasins and other scary things out at night that ya canot see! And I feel like i want to explain something. I reread my posts after the recent fray and I sound so "me" centered. i don't mean to sound that way and am not thinking that way-But i was raised in AA and I was taught from the beginning to share only my own experience, strength and hope and not to "tell other people" what to do-its not allowed in meetings bec it doesn't work with alcoholics-only allowed if you sponsor someone then you can only suggest. But BC has sort of changed my sharing and I haven't found the niche. I am giving orders when I get worried about someone. And truly, I do not know what I would have done without you all helping me thru the past few weeks-i don't have the words for the gratitude I feel for all of you. I am not fishing (no pun intended) for stuff but I just felt I needed to explain myself bec I work hard on not being a self centered recovering alcoholic. Again, after the recent bruhaha I went back over my posts and they just sound so "Me, me, me" and I don't mean them too. I have to be careful cause I can get bossy and controlling really fast!! it is hardwired into my DNA! You ladies are just beyond anything i could have asked for. Honestly, i would not have made it if you all had not let me vent and supported me thru this. Thank you all SO much for all of the encouragment during the past really dark days and for sharing your joy that today feels like such a different day for me. I don't know what i would do without you all and i mean that! Of all the things BC has done, the wonderful thing is that it brought you all into my life and I am so grateful for that. Huge answer to huge prayers for me. you all are the only women I really talk to about BC and all of the horrid things that go with it. i want to say as well as the joy, but i am not at the 'joy' part of having to deal with BC. Truly, I love you all very much! (((((BIG SMOOSHY KISSES)))) SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    What a good day it was. I got to sleep in which is a luxury that I sometimes need. Then I watched the UGA football game on the TV but the sound wouldn't come on, so I found the live broadcast on the AM channel on the radio and watched it like we used to when The team had Larry Munson broadcast all the games. I'm not a football fan except for UGA and the SEC college season. Anyway, there was a momentary lag in the sattelite TV feed and the live radio broadcast which was the faster one, so I kept my fingers busy making earrings and could hear the excitement live from the stadium and heard a touchdown before I saw it happen. It was weird but I enjoyed it.

    Then DH asked me to go out to dinner so I got fussy and did my hair and make up and he really enjoyed it, the fact that I did that. We had a good dinner with our fav server at our fav place. It was nice. Then it felt so good outside this evening that he and I sat out there and had a good chat.

    After feeling confronted yesterday, it was good to read the thread without the threats. I don't like a confrontation, but when challenged I'm glad to see that I didn't back down this time. YOU TOO SV. WAY TO GO... CATCHING THAT FISH!!! You couldn't have done that even six months ago. Look how good you did today, and outside in the SUN?!? OMG, I'll bet you'll sleep good tonite. What an awesome story you wrote. I felt like I was right there with you.

    H&S, I hope they get you leveled out before bombarding you with more chemo. I know you want to get it over with, but better to get the active infections under control, for sure. In a year from now, it won't really have mattered much that they postponed your last chemo a couple of days to a week. Infections can really take their toll. Please take it easy.

    Marybe, You crack me up, but your issues are serious and you remind me of me. I used to get notes from teachers to parents all the time with, Connie talks too much. Like my mom or dad could control that while I was in school. HAH. They tried but I yammered on and still do most of the time. When I realize someone has tuned me out I tend to shut up. Now. That's a new thing.

    I have a new "Back Doc" appointment on tuesday morning. I feel abused in the medical area regarding my back issues. They sent me to a pain management doc before I ever saw a Back doc after I fell FIVE times. They kept treating me like I have had back pain for decades and NO SIR, it started on Jan. 18, 2008. and it's only gotten worse, except for the neck surgery that helped the top part a lot, but I still begin to black out when I look up. The latest MRI showed abundant Arthritis and multilevel Degenerative Disc Disease which is scary. It feels like that's the sticker that has my expiration date on it. I can't read it, of course, but just knowing its there gives me the creeps.

    And thats all I have to say about that... ...Forest Gump. Filmed in my city. Shrimp boats and all.

    Love and Peace,


  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

       There are several movies that I can watch again and again and Forrest Gump is one of them...Run Forest, Run.  SV, you are not all ME ME ME......we all get that way from time to time and it is OK.  What we are going through is a BIG deal and at times it is just overwhelming and if we let it, it will take us to the bottom of the pit.  I get this crap all the time about what a good attitude I have, but in truth it is the fact that my thinking  and thought processes are so scrambled up and I have so much to do and all kinds of other things to deal with and just don't have time to dwell on the BC too much.  Except of course when it is time for scans and those are coming up the CT is on Monday, but I just found out this weekend the other hygienist's mother passed away suddenly so I am going to work for her which means I will be drinking my stuff at work, going for the scan on my lunch hour and then going works out because lunch is 1-2 and the scan is at 1:45 and that one doesn't take long so I told them just to move the 2:00 patient and that would give me time to get there and back.  They no longer use the dye on me since I have an allergic reaction to it even if they do pretreat me with prednisone and benedryl.  Then the following Monday I will have my bone scan and it takes a lot longer since I get the full body done on that one and CT is only chest and abdomen.  I also have a lot going on with my discs and never really worried about the bone scan to much until this last time when they found new mets all over the place and that was due to me going off to MDA and trying the chemo alternatives the onco there recommended.  I really like the onco and it was good that I went there because it gave me a much needed break from chemo and also made me realize that my own oncologist knows my reaction to treatments and how to treat me better than any other supposed expert I might consult.  Oh Auntie Em, There's no place like home.  But for any of you who might be going to MDA, it really is a great place.  I don't think I had joined you "older" more mature women yet when I went there since I was still a mere 59 and posting with the middleaged group.  Anyway, what was my point.....see that is how my mind is just too crammed full of stuff.  So I am not going to be too concerned with Monday's scan since I will just be squeezing it in on my lunch hour.  I like to is my salvation.  When I was tearing around looking for my lost car keys and my husband was just sitting there....JUST SITTING THERE, like he always does, I was thinking Jeeze, I would shoot myself if I had such a dull life as he has.  I am sure  he loves it when I come to my father's or go places without him because he then gets peace and can just sit and have the music on fullbast and have CNN going with no sound and can doze in  his chair and not have me taking pics of him.   I am going to make an album of him asleep in his chair.....he tells me he is just resting his eyes....Yah, right.  Oddly enough the only thing that ever seems to interest him when I go off somewhere without him is what I had to eat....he will say Where are you gonna eat?...or what did you have to eat?   I find this fascinating since he is down to 95 lbs!!!  He eats out alot....probably all three meals when I am not there even though I pointed out to him that I had ovenfried chicken, chili, and meatloaf all there in the fridge that he could just warm up and eat anytime when I left.  He has some malady that they really can't determine, but he just doesn't absorb any nutrition from what he eats, however he eats like he is on fat, no ice cream, no mayo, only wheat bread.  I  think he is anorexic, but doesn't know it. 

    Connie, wearing a weight belt with a back support helped my back a lot....also it was discovered in PT that my one leg is longer so I got a shoe lift and also wear orthodics and it has really helped my back.

       Have a good day all.   You know that song, It never Rains in S. California?.....well, it's also true for southern OH.  Boy do we need it.   I am not a really huggy person , but you guys are special so HUGS to each and everyone of you. 


  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    Good morning gals,  seems everyone is doing better and that cheers my for me today I will be watching MN Vikings......I have recenty turned into a football fan....actually it started last yr. when we aquired Brett Favre....I always was a fan of his even when he played for Green Bay....I have been married to a football fanatic and after 49 yrs. of marriage decided  if you can't change them you better join them....ha ha actually I learned that little tidbit a long time ago....quess that is how we have made it together this long....that is entirely a differerent story some point in time I will get into that story......believe me I had a trial ever as big as the bc one right before my diagnosis...sometimes I even think that may be what brought the disease you really  quessing now don't I???????Glad to be able to chat with you all......I have a lot to unload but will need to wait until I feel able to do so without crying my eyes out.....hope you all have a geat day.....I am sure most of you will have more exciting things to do than watch football.......hugs and xxxxxx Claudia