Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010
    It's not enough to have lived.
    We should be determined to live for something.
    May I suggest that it be creating joy for others,
    sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind,
    bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.

    Dr. Leo Buscaglia
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    aaahhh Jackie...that's better.... you're back with us.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    GD just emailed me and asked me to post this for her: i saw everyone in the operating room.typing with 1 pain.just sore.resting today and tomorrow.tell everyone thanks.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Thanks for the update Barb, give her our love and prayers, and tell her we can't wait until she's back

    love n hugs.  chrissy

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    luv mt sistas.God bess and thanks more typing.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Love Granny....

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    GD, thoughts and prayers with you as you heal.  NO TYPING!!! Just read all our good thoughts to you and we will know you are getting them.  Save your strength and energy.  Take the pain meds! You'll heal faster. 

    SV, how's your fanny?  OUCH!

    hugs to all

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Granny, thinking of you.

    Get well quickly.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    ((((((((BIGGEST HUGS GD))))))) We'll be waiting for you to get home!! SV

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010
    SV:  She's home.  See earlier post.  Now we just have to tie her to a chair or something so she will rest that arm.Wink
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010 a 1 arm my sistas.took pain killer.feein gooooooood.luv ya all.

    ill be readin your posts.

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010
    Karol:  Sounds like you took more than ONE painkiller!  Can you still see the posts?Smile
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    AAAANNNDDDD ----- She's BACK!!! Welcome back GD. Just read and rest. We're here for you.

    OK, so I saw the shrink today. Nice lady. I think she can help me. She wants me to take the Ambien the onc RX'd. She says I need delta-wave sleep, whatever that is so tonight I am trying 1/8 pill. I do not metabolize most drugs well so we are starting with that. She wants me up to 1/2 pill within 2 weeks. I can go with that.

    She says I am in 'flight or fight mode' and I opted for fight. That's why I can't sleep. Makes sense to me. So we have to calm the primal me down so she can sleep. Oh, to sleep for more than 6 hours once or twice a week.

    Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hey, GD! Glad you're back and I KNOW you're glad it's over! Good to have the pain pills - not only to relieve the pain but I believe they help you heal faster. Now for lots of rest...

    Barbara - sounds like you got a good shrink, but I have no clue how you break a tiny Ambien into 1/8ths! Ambien can be kind of dopey - my mother is also very sensitive to drugs, and sometimes Ambien makes her get up in the night and do all sorts of crazy things. The other day she found her ice cream in the refrigerator! She just moved last week into a nice assisted-living home, so she's a little disoriented in her new surroundings anyway, and I told her, "Mama, cut your Ambien in half otherwise you might wake up and find yourself walking down the halls naked and they'll kick you out of here!" (she's practically a nudist at home).

    SV - I LOVED your fishing story! That's a good one! Tell me you were making that one up! Otherwise, you could have won $10,000 on America's Funniest Videos (or is that all reruns now?). Barbara - did you get a picture of you and the fish head? chrissy - the poor pigeon! Where are video cameras when you need them???

    I have been out of commission most of the past week with these 2 infections + chemo. Just really walloped me! Today I have a teeny, tiny bit more energy and of course, tomorrow I'm supposed to get chemo again, soooooo.....back in the bed for the next 3 weeks. Actually, I don't know if she'll let me get it or not, depends on my floundering WBC count. Been trying to eat more protein and take more vitamins, but I doubt it will make much difference. Even if it does, the chemo will just knock me flat on my back again. Oh, well, it's the last one thank goodness!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Not feeling in the best of sorts tonight, had big shout with DH . I thought he had gone to live at his mothers, as her house is empty, so locked myself in for the night at 7pm....just after this there was an almighty great hammering on the door, DH shouting like a madman  in my yard to be let back in. I have had enough of him lately, he is getting more than usually bad tempered, I am trying to avoid going anywhere near where I think I will bump into him. One thing led to another, and I told him to get out for good. I don't think things will settle amicably now !!

    I asked him to take his mothers dog with him, it can live in its own home. I suppose I was going over the top here, and wouldn't have said anything but for the fact that I have been bitten 4 times in the last 2 weeks, and am sick to death of picking up dog dirt and mopping up puddles all day long. I have 2 sausage dogs that jump on any band waggon when there's a stray puddle around, they are hard to keep clean, even tho' they are both around 8-9 years old. They are both starting to pee now wherever MILs dog has been, and it'll take me ages to clean them up again....if ever because they are getting older. I was perched on a bar stool making a 'phone call this pm., and as I got off it  MILs dog bit my  bare toes, and made them bleed. I was not too impressed. I have really had it with this dog, its a nasty spoilt little thing, I know its been upset, thats why I have given it some leeway, but by now it should have settled. I have offered it a heated indoor kennel, or an outside run kennel, I have a choice of 4 at the moment, just as long as its gone from my kitchen, but, no, DH wants it to have the run of my home, and won't even feed the damned thing, let alone clean up after it. He doesn't believe its dirty, even tho' I shouted 'look at that' just as it pee'd on my doormat yesterday. Under the doormat is a filthy smelly mess. I shall have to replace. 

    I have 2 SILs and 1 BIL, DHs siblings, none of them have a dog. only 1 of them works, but they didn't want it 'because its 'not safe' around their G/children....but OK to bite mine ????????? I did not tell DHs relatives about my BC, and they've not ever seen me without my foobs, and now DH is threatening me that if he has to take the dog back to its own home he will tell them its 'because you have BC' and can't manage to look after it..... thus breaking my confidence. I can see a murder coming up here !!! I shall feed him to the pigs !!...or his mothers dog!

    I have been sat here ruminating and wondering whether or not to go in to ER , my heart is doing a real jig, or was, its cooling down a bit now, my BP was 200/ down to 176/72. I have just rung DD and asked her to nip over and spend the night here, I shall feel safer. This little dog is causing me big problems. ...and to think the flippin' thing WAS going home 10 days ago. MIL was one and a half hours away from coming out of hospital when she fell and broke her hip. aaaarrrggghhhh. If it wouldn't cause world war 3 I would shove it outside in a kennel and be done with it. I am quite sure DD WILL do just that when she gets here, DH won't dare say boo to her !

    I hear today that MIL could be 'months' in hospital doing physio. Her mind has really slipped so I don't know what is going to happen, but I don't want this dog loose in my house for 'months' when I have perfectly good warm kennels going spare. ( I shall have to start and charge DH, if he continues to complain, just like any other customer !!!!)

    End of rant. DD has arrived, nice pot of coffee, and a natter is what I need.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    NCIS is on (season premiere) and I want to get to everyone's posts, most of all happy dance-GD, i reread the posts and still cannot figure out that you are home sweet home. REST-that's an order-sending you the best angels in the universe to speed your recovery and get you back to your feisty self. And Barb I am SO glad you saw the shrink and I hope the meds work-like right away-so you can get some rest too!! Ambien clocked me so you should get some wonderful nights of sleep. OK, I haven't even gotten to Isabella or chrissy (OMG that poor freaking pidgeon) and H&S, I just want to get to everyone but stuck to the TV and I cannot do two things at once. just glad all my sisters seem safe for right now. ((((BIG gentle hugs)))))) and more later SV

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010


    Thank you for your post of concern! I believe the biggest culprit in my meds is the Faslodex injections. I had trouble with my legs when I was on Femara, but not this bad. Since I am back to "normal" LOL!!!!!! I am going to talk to the onc about going back to the Femara. I had taken myself off after 7 years and that's when the "fun" began. I also take hydrocodone AM and PM. So far doing ok after removing the last fentanyl patch. Unfortunately the side affects of withdrawal from that is the restless legs. But God willing - this too shall pass. You helped lots in just responding and letting me know you are somewhat in the same boat.

    God bless!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Isabella, I am so sorry. You just seem to be the 'dumping ground" for ALL of your realtives problems. It is taking way too much out of you!! i wish i could send a brigade over to care for you and you need to get your heart checked-good lord, your BP is off the charts. Tie the freaking dog to a doorknob-I know very mean to the dog but sounds like noone is going to care for it and it is causing such havoc in your dear home-along with your DH-what a #$%% I wish you could just jump on a plane and cross the pond and be with friends who will treat you like the queen you are!! I am so sorry that your family stuff is so awful and yeah, I can definately identify!! I just feel so old to try to deal with any of it and way too tired-exhausted really. Like beyond exhausted. Barb, thanks so much for keeping us posted on GD-love you all-I am trying to watch my fav TV shows and cannot even focus on them. ERRGHH, things can only go upward.....SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    OMG. Isabella, you can't let this man give you a heart attack. OR the little dog. Glad is he either respectful or afraid of your DD. either way works. I'm glad you can call her and she comes. It would be cruel and mean for him to betray your trust by doing what he threatened, but from way over here, I think that either he already has or he will because he knows thats what would hurt you. He likely thinks that you are doing this to hurt him -because they are so self involved. men, I mean. In general. And it certainly can't be anything that's HIS fault you know. He thinks he works hard and right. You think he's sloppy, inconsiderate and fool-hardy. And he is. At least he is right now - and that's what matters. Too bad that he isn't man enough to care enough to learn what, how and how much he needs to learn to GROW UP.

    I've been very fortunate and worked very hard in the man/marriage department. 35 years now. It's not easy and not always fun, but he cares enough to learn and keep learning. I laugh and say, He'd better, we've got him beat 6 to 2.  Me, DD, GrandDD & 3 calico cats makes 6 females to him and the outside dog = 2 men. We make man jokes, but we both (me and DD) depend on him a lot.

    He was very overweight 3 years ago when I was dx. Since then, he knows everyone at the Y, goes there 5 nights a week - minimum. He used to work out for 2.5 hours. Now, it's a bit more reasonable at 1.5-2 hours a night, depending. He's strong as a bear, he can bench 325 lbs. But 3 years ago, he was waisting away in Scotch and junk food. Now he adds his drinks to his calorie count and actually considers them as real calories!!!!!!  I say, I got BC and he got healed. It's really kind of annoying. My mother still thinks he's fat but she's lost in neverland. He broke a bed. For real. He broke the wood supports on a new queen size bed. He replaced it and that was the last straw for his lack of fitness and health. Not any more. He's quit his blood pressure meds with doctor approval. dropped the dose on the cholesterol med and takes more vitamins and supplements than he can afford. But he feels and is starting to look, GREAT.    me? yeah, I'm still a physical mess that feels like a blob. Only now I'm an unemployed, worn out, tired blob.

    It's 9:30 and I'm going to bed.

    Did you see the moon tonight? Thanks for the laughs, stories and special quotes. And GD... please take it easy. Glad you're alright.

    the tired blob.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    P.S.  SV - You sound tons better. Please make sure that hook doesn't cause an infection.

    Also, Susan, you can get restless leg from not staying hydrated. Sounds silly, but especially after or with meds... drink lots and lots of water to avoid restless leg syndrome.. it's a nightmare.

    And Barbara, that's good news about the shrink. Start small with the sleep meds, but also give yourself something that you appreciate having in your life INSTEAD of fighting for your life. You won. sleep.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    SV tomorrow we will do the happy dance

    again thank you all of you my wonderful sistas for your prayers and wonderful words.

    tonight i will be prayin for each and everyone of you..the drugs are wonderful

    i feel no pain...luv ya.God bless.huggggggggggggs

    Kantalope(just for you chevy)

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Oh my, I have to go to bed since I overslept this AM and cannot do that two days in a row....I never oversleep but somehow had the alarm off and also phone rang last night at 3:33 and even though I did not get up to answer it, it woke me up and then I felt like I had to go see if there was a message....the caller ID said no number so I went back to bed and fumed for awhile and debated getting up since I was going to be getting up at 5:00 anyway, but did not....big mistake.

    Isabella,   you don't need to get a solicitor, you need a hit man.  My husband is hard to live with, but at least he isn't unfeeling and demanding and you should not have to put up with him or the MIL or the untrained dog.  I was really ready to post a rant last night when I got home to find husband (no darling to him at all) had forgotten to do the one thing I asked him to do all day....go get tomatoes at the tailgate mkt.  and then I went out back and plants were not watered again!!  I had a stomach ache from drinking the CAT scan contrast and felt like I would fly around the room if someone had stuck a pin in my stomach and he asks Do you want to go out and eat Chinese?  I said no, I am going to bed and I did and slept til my friend Lee called at about 9.  She was ranting about peach fuzz on her face....I forgot about that after chemo...then she was going on about how not only does she look like Edward ScissorHands, now she is getting fuzz all over her face.  I should be ashamed since I know what she is going through, but she made me laugh. I told her just keep thinking, This too shall pass.

    Barb, Be careful on the Ambien....I had a little accident with my car because I accidently took it one day instead of my coumadin....the little orange tabs were both football shaped and very easy to confuse.  I left the  house saying Boy I feel really stange, my one leg feels longer than the other and then I hit the garbage can on the way out of the driveway and hit the corner of a drainage ditch about a mile down the road and cracked my axel.  I didn't realize what I had done until I was taking the abien one night as I should have been and noticed there was a half pill and that was how I took the coumadin. 1 1/2 tabs...little light bulb went off and I thought Aha!!  It definitely did make me sleep soundly however when I took it when I was supposed to. 

    And Granny, dear Granny.  Enjoy your drugs and rest.  So good to hear from you. 

    Susan, we are all in the same boat, sort of.  All living with cancer, but the good part of that statement is LIVING. 

     I got my CT scan report today, but won't be discussing it with onco until next could have been better, but was not horrible.  There is progression in my liver...tumor that was 3.4 X2.8 is now 4.X 3.2 cm, but the good news is that there are no signs of progression in my lungs or any other organs.  Also I guess bones show in a CAT and it said bone mets appear to be stable, but I will find out about those for sure next week when I have the bone scan.  I get my navelbine tomorrow and am asking them to run tumor markers so I have those for next week's appt also.  I hope after weighing it all, he decides to keep me on this treatment since SEs are so few.

     Well, I must go to bed, ladies.  Don't want to get to work late again.  Marybe

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Morning ladies-wow, just opening my eyes and getting coffee going. Man I don't know about anywhere else but the moom last night was awesome-just brilliant and clear with (ok who is the little guy next to the moon) Venus? Both were like jewels just hung there with not a cloud in sight. And MB just reread your post-what do the docs say about the progression in the liver? I am so worried about you!! Sedning big hugs. And me a$$ is so tender-i mean i could not have hooked myself in a worse spot-I am up on all of my shot-but WAAA!! Isabella, you do need a hitman-noone should be treated like that and this guy is no longer a DH unless D stands for 'damned.' GD-hope you are feeling no pain. Barb, did you try the ambien and how did it go? (((Connie)))) errgh, I need coffee-i am trying to decide whether to go to AA meeting or first Bible study of the year with our new pastor. I haven't even seen him yet since I've not been to church-I am still so angry ovor the removal of Pastor Ray by a very few influential but very controlling and misguided missles in the church who remain bent on running everyone's life. And yeah, my doc's office has the 'wall of shame' hanging-it is a tremendous corkboard with all of the hooks and lures taken out of various people's body parts over the fishing season (which is all year). The only ones put up there have great stories behind them-usually some guy has hooked a lure in the family jewels or something as bad. I refuse to be on the corkboard and you are the only gals who know of my "hooking hijinks." I know i have missed a buch of ladies and need to start doing print outs again to keep up with everyone!! More when i wake up. XXOOOO, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    SV, glad to hear that you are at least on your feet all be it slightly fannycapped.  Enjoy your morning coffee and have one for me as it's getting to late to have one here and if I do, I won't sleep at all.

    Love n hugs girl. chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2010
    Not laughing at you SV but fannycapped conjures some very interesting pictures. lol
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Fannycapped and fannyhooked. Hmmmm.

    Well, took a sliver of ambien last night and managed about 3 hours until I woke up. Could not fall back so got up and MAN was I woozy. Felt like I had guzzled 8 oz. of scotch. Now I like a good scotch once in a while but not 8 oz slugged down! I didn't get to somewhat normal until I had three cups of coffee. I will try it again tonight and see what happens. At least I didn't dream about breast cancer (or at least I didn't remember it).

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    Good morning all

    I was a little taken aback this morning when SV said she was fannycapped because that has a very different meaning here in NZ. There are some very funny stories about Americans using the term 'fanny' here especially in public. It is interesting that though we speak the same language there can be huge differences in meaning.

    Granny - sending big hugs. Hope all is well and take care. You don't have to rush back to do things, things wait for you.

    Today I am having a tube put down into my stomach - another test to see what is going on at least the biopsy came back fine. Its going to be great going round with a tube out of my nose. I think I will go and visit my little friend who is having cancer treatment and has to have a feeding tube. She will probably laugh at an adult with a tube.  Also it is funny but felt relief when told that the MRI showed quite severe dengeneration of my spine nothing else thank goodness. But young doctor did say that the will watch the spine carefully.

    Isabella sending big hugs(((((((ISABELLA)))))))) you need them. You also need to learn to say no when people ask favours. I am pleased that your daughter is around to have a chat, you certainly need it.

    Here it is almost the end of September and we are having dreadful weather - parts of the country have had really bad snow with resulting stock loses. Have cousins in the south but haven't heard how things are. 

    I had better get dressed as I am having the kitchen measured for curtains this morning.

    Have a great day.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Barb, I am so glad you got some quality sleep without nightmares!! But honestly, ambien, absolutely clocks me. I really cannot take it. I am like a zombie and it doesn't appear to wear off for me but i was on a high dose (in hospital at the time). Praying for sweet dreams for you tonight!! xxoo, SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    Hi Alyson - Hope your tube's ok. 

    I used fanny thinking it was a milder, even a more genteel, term than "bum".  Buttocks was out, after reading my very old dictionary of slang which says buttocks are women of loose morals.  My browser isn't letting me add the smiley faces, but I'd put a surprised one there!  One of these days I'll list some of the old slang words - many of which we use today as acceptable speech... there are some good laughs among em.

     Barbara, Glad you got a little sleep.  My doc gave me trazadone as a sleep-aid - I guess it's an oldie but goodie with few se's.  It doesn't seem to have the same groggy se's as some - I wake pretty alert.  My dau took Ambien and sleepwalked, ate, nearly drove in her pjs.  Like they say, we're all different -- I hope you can begin to sleep peacefully, with regularity, and NO more se's.

    GD, we're all thinking of you! Pain meds = better living thru chemistry. 

    Isabella, we all admire your fortitude.  But you should be at the top of your list, no one else.

    Chevy, where are you?  I hope you didn't wear yourself out cleaning!  Maybe you're just enjoying all the space you made.  You're ahead of me, but I'm still plugging away.  - and taking the bin out on Tuesdays so DH doesn't get a chance to browse my discards.

    Whoever caught that trigger fish: those are some goooood eating, no matter how dumb they look.

    The salmon are starting to run on our river. Hope to get some good fresh this season!

    Best to ALL

      ps with the Ambien, my DD learned she truly had to hide her car keys someplace her subconscious would not connect, while on Ambien.  She was up in pjs with keys in hand when her kids stopped her. Thus, putting the car keys someplace else, out of the norm.  Then it became the antic dance of remembering where she actually put them...

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hey Barbara - that's what happens to me when I take Ambien. It puts me right to sleep but only lasts about 3-4 hours then I'm wide awake. I'm not sensitive at all to drugs, but like I said my mother is. Apparently, she wakes up about the same time and wanders around and does things - mostly eating, I think. One time she opened her back door and set the alarm off, shut off her alarm, but didn't cancel it with Brinks. The police showed up and she thought someone had tried to break in her back door. I think she goes around getting into trouble for about an hour then goes back to bed and sleeps well the rest of the night. My psychiatrist did say it takes a few months to get your body settled into a good groove with the melatonin (same with the SAMe), but the Ambien might help you hit it hard and fast and get over the rough bumps right off the bat. But Dr. Rountree (that's what my family and friends call me - LOL) thinks that in the long run you're probably a better candidate for the melatonin. There's another sleeping pill called Lunesta that doesn't have the weird side effects some people have from Ambien. It's also very good for making sure you get to sleep, but I think it's more gentle in the process. It came out about the same time as Ambien, so they are the same generation of sleeping pills. Keep trying, you are on the right track, and like everybody says - nothing beats a good night's sleep! Oh, the things we took for granted when we were young - er!