Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Good morning ladies-I slept so GOOOOD last night and had fishy dreams! Oh Lordy MB you are too funny-i have this mental image of you torturing your poor DH while he is trying to sleep and you are taking pix of him-and yup-i run around like a crazed squirrel (even if the drama is just in my head) bec i just cannot imagine being bored to tears. ((((Connie))))) and (((((MB))))) for upcoming tests and scans. Why can't they find a cure so we are just done with it all and can go on and live wonderful lives!!! And Connie, what is up with your back? Did I not know you were having back trouble? That has to be the worst kind of pain ever. I am so sorry and prayers your way that the docs start treating women like real patients and really work on the problem instead of the "it's all in your head." When it comes to women's health  Western Medicine is in the Dark Ages. All research in the field still done on men bec they don't have the hormonal issues that we have-I get furious over this kind of "Freudian thinking" on women's medicine and research. ERRGH, I need coffee-didn't make it to church today-my bad!!! ((((Big Pod Hugs)))) And am thinking about heading offshore to fish cause the whales will likely be out there-and i will take a camera this time!! XXOO, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    Morning! Going offshore because the whales are there. You say that like, I'm gonna run to the mall. Like it's easy and I know its not easy. You have to plan your clothes, food, transportation, gas, bait, tackle, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses.

    I'm good at making lists, just that by the time the list is made, I'm too tired to go do.

    Yes you did not know about my back. And yes, it is without doubt the most miserable, inhumane torture. After my BC dx/surgery/radiation and I went back to work, two months later (for Christmas 2007) I had an emergency appendectomy. What FUN! then I went back to work. I suppose I was weaker than I thought and tried to do too much, but I had five random falls, 3 weren't too bad, but 2 of them were. The last and final straw that quite literally broke my back was a trip and fall in a city park downtown on bricks. I felt a bad pain in my Lumbar.

    That's when the fun really began. The medical carnival of mistakes and misreads and oops I'm so sorry I didn't see the damage in your NECK. through all of 2008. Finally saw a Neuro who did a discetomy and fusion cervical 5-6 in Jan. 09. There are buldging discs in multiple levels, there is an abundance of osteoarthritis up and down. And the last MRI about a month ago says multilevel degenerative disc disease.  great. This was NOT in the plan.

    gotta go, baby's crying... grandbaby that is.

    Its a beautiful day here. Hope yours is too!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    Good mornign all.I should say good afternoon as its 12.30 here in NJ.

    tomorrow is the big day for me.It finally came and i am quite the wreck.everytime ti try to do my meditation i fall

    I am getting picked up at 5.15 in the at 7.30.please say a prayer for me that they get all those c nodes and everything goes as planned.ill be off for a while so im sending all of you huggggggggggggs.God bless my sistas


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Good luck Granny, prayers are with you.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  chrissy

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

      GD, Of course you have our prayers.  Know we won't hear from you for a few days since you will need your rest, but look forward to hearing (reading) that you are A-OK and recovering by the end of the week.  Positive thoughts, but NO positive nodes.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Granny, sending lots of positive thoughts to you.

    Get well quickly.



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Good luck tomorrow, GD! Finally, it's here! You did all the leg work to get to this day and I pray they will get you all fixed up! The best part of surgery is when you wake up and they say "it's all over, you did fine, and you can go home soon!"

    I can't meditate to save my life - my mind wanders all over the place. Nobody can hypnotize me, either - haha, can't concentrate enough. So, about the only thing I can do to relax is listen to ambient music and think about pleasant things. If my mind goes over into bad stuff, I just steer away from it and plan to deal with it later.

    SV - I need to live near the water! I love to fish for saltwater fish. I don't care about fishing in the lake, although sometimes we go trout fishing way up north of Atlanta in the Chattahoochee River. Always just throw those back, too. When I caught that triggerfish, I was picturing it being a marlin or something and having my picture taken with it! When out came this dumb-looking fish that looked like a plate, I wouldn't pose with it so my boyfriend had to. I still have that picture and even he looks dumb with it - poor guy! I would love to charter a boat and go fishing - my favorite way to fish - 2 fun things at once!

    Connie & Claudia - I'm a big football fan, especially the SEC. So, I watched the Bulldogs blow the game in the last 2 minutes (why didn't they do an onside kick???) But my son goes to Ga Tech, and they won! I told him he better get his sorry self to a couple of games while he's a student there because it's not often Tech is in the top 20 - maybe every 5 or 6 years - and right now they happen to be on a good run. I went to UGA, but I don't mind cheering on Tech - as long as they're not playing Georgia. Now I'm watching the Falcons win, so that's cool, too.

    Connie, I am always too tired to go after I make my list and get ready! I need to start doing that the night before, because I ruin my day. I mean I go and all, but I'm too tired to participate in anything. Maybe if I learn to make a few changes here and there, I could actually enjoy myself. Usually, being spontaneous is the only way I am certain to have fun, because I haven't ruined it for myself yet! Hope everything goes well with the new Back Doc - I hope they get it right this time! My friend has been through hell with so many back surgeries - I don't remember what her different problems were, but they started at the neck. You're absolutely right about not doing chemo if I don't feel well - my son just asked if I was going to do it anyway, and I said, "Not if the doctor says no." Last time, with my recent shingles breakout, I nagged the doctor into letting me go ahead and do it. She relented, but I think in the long run I just ended up prolonging the misery of my shingles. This time, I'll just say, "Yes, ma'am", because trying to fight these 2 different infections has me exhausted! Seriously, I'm weak as a kitten. Did eat some roast beef last night and trying to get lots of rest - hope I can somehow catch up to a semi-normal immune system after all this chemo is over.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    thank you everyone for your prayers.that operating room will be full tomorrow with all my sistas.i feel them already lifting me up because right now as down as i am im climbing slowly up.thank you for that.luv all of you.God bless


  • thel
    thel Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2010

    I am 71 and have IDC with surgery Sept. 22,2010.

    Having a modified radical mastectomy.  Would love to

    hear from someone with a similar diagnosis.

    Thelma Embarassed

  • thel
    thel Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2010

    Hi ! I noticed your remark about "no chemo".

    I will have to decide on this too....may I ask your reasons?


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Hi Thelma! It's nice to meet you! Were you asking me about not doing chemo? I am doing it, but I may not be allowed to have it my next appointment because I've been sick. I know it's a hard decision - here are a couple of links where they are weighing the pros and cons. Maybe one of these situations is similar to yours: 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Wow K, the time is finally here...good nights sleep....sweet dreams and know that we are all going with you into surgery!!! You are not alone-just think of all of our avitars for strength and we'll be sending angels your way. plz let me know ASAP what they find out. Love ya gal!!! And Thelma, hey there. Same prayers to you-I only had the lumpectomy but now they want to do radical bilat mastectomy on me so wish i could give you some experience on the surgery and recovery. i can give you experience on my chemo deal. i was either overdosed on chemo but-in truth, was told after third opinion, that i had a delayed allergic reaction to Taxotere. The allergy hit me within a week and it was like i had been dropped into an acid vat. I SO wish I had truly educated myself but ya hear cancer and I froze like a deer in the headlights-i figured my first onc (who had good reviews) knew what he was doing-once I went downhill, he didn't know what to do and basically abandoned me. Chemo is tough and i think it really has to be an individual choice-i know many women who got thru it ok. but get as much info as you can-go to the 'chemo room and talk to the patients there' about their experiences and really see what is going on with it. Blessings to you and prayers on your surgery date!! Big Hugs, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    im leavin...luv ya gals.God bless.ill try to get a message to you.hugssssssK

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Ask for lots of drugs and remember we are with you!!! ((((BIG POD HUGS)))) SV

  • mom2westies
    mom2westies Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2010

    Thelma, We have several things in commom.I just turned 70,had lumpectomy on June 1 and finished radiation last Tuesday. I'll gladly share my experiences in hope that this will make your upcoming treatments easier to understand.  Jane

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    Welcome to the club, Thelma. This is the BEST place for all your stuff, medical and otherwise. the ladies in here, and we are Ladies, regardless of our language, we are all here to help you too. We help ourselves, and each other by openly writing whats in our hearts and on our minds. And sometimes we get really silly.. I consider that as healing as any medicine.

    Good Luck GrannyD, we will all be there with you in spirit. I hardly sleep the night before a surgery or difficult procedure. Just imagine all the white light surrounding you and your medical team. You'll do fine and be strong in no time.

    H&S, I know what you mean about being weak. And when you are a strong, independent, forward thinking woman, it's damn hard to need help and have to ask for it.

    I still vote for the commune retreat center. Maybe some rich old gal will dedicate her property to become a retreat center where gals like us can get together so no one person is put out hosting the lot of us.


  • CatbirdC
    CatbirdC Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2010

    Hi  All,

    I've never written on this forum but have been following it and think you ladies...and you are ladies...have a great friendship going and truly care for each other.  That's what I think these groups should be so that we can address the various problems we have and say what we think without worrying what someone might think of how we express ourselves.

    I'll vote for the commune retreat center too Connie.  LOL  We could have them at various points all over the US.  :o)


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited September 2010

    Good luck Granny I have already said a prayer for you and will continue to do so.  Hope to hear the good news from you soon.   Love ya, Darla

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Welcome Catbird!!! To the club noone wants to be in but lordy what a chance to meet some of the strongest ladies-old and wise and crinkly and we don't care!!! We are living the dream! XXOOO, SV

    And CB where are you???? HMMM-Missing you and hope all is OK-sorry but try as i do i cannot keep me foot out of me mouth! SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Just wanted to put my goodluck in for GD.  Holding your hand as you are going under and will be beside you as you wake.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010


    Thank you for sharing those beautiful iris'. They were my mom's very favorite and even thought she's been gone 5 years it is still hard sometimes to deal with it.

    God bless!

    Susan B.

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010

    Need your pra;yers for a drug problem. I am in treatment every 28 days with Faslodex injections and Aredia infusion. The bone pain really got to me. Onc gave me hydrocodone but that didn't do the trick so she also gave me 25mcg Fentanyl patch. Well, the bone pain was nothing to compared to accidental overdose of the patch in 2 different ways. I am now going off the patch. Supposed to change every 72 hours, but left the last one from Wed on. Am going to cut off 1/4 of it tomorrow and another 1/4 Wed. I don't wish the side affects of an overdose on my worse enemy. The overdose was truly a dumb accident in that I didn't pay attention to my schedule of when to change. Plus I only have 1 kidney and my nephrologist told me to be cautious as Fentanyl can cause blood pressure to be a little low. I already take meds to balance my blood pressure. The treatements are for BC mets to spine in 4 areas diagnosed in January. However, THE GREAT NEWS IS there is no evidence of the mets on my last PET scan. God is getting me through getting over the BC and I'm playing Russian Roulette with my body. Go figure. You can all give me one lash with dental floss!

    God bless!


  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010

    Need your pra;yers for a drug problem. I am in treatment every 28 days with Faslodex injections and Aredia infusion. The bone pain really got to me. Onc gave me hydrocodone but that didn't do the trick so she also gave me 25mcg Fentanyl patch. Well, the bone pain was nothing to compared to accidental overdose of the patch in 2 different ways. I am now going off the patch. Supposed to change every 72 hours, but left the last one from Wed on. Am going to cut off 1/4 of it tomorrow and another 1/4 Wed. I don't wish the side affects of an overdose on my worse enemy. The overdose was truly a dumb accident in that I didn't pay attention to my schedule of when to change. Plus I only have 1 kidney and my nephrologist told me to be cautious as Fentanyl can cause blood pressure to be a little low. I already take meds to balance my blood pressure. The treatements are for BC mets to spine in 4 areas diagnosed in January. However, THE GREAT NEWS IS there is no evidence of the mets on my last PET scan. God is getting me through getting over the BC and I'm playing Russian Roulette with my body. Go figure. You can all give me one lash with dental floss!

    God bless!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited September 2010

    hi guys..wanted to tell SV; you have cetainly grown to be a kind, and loving woaman, for all that. I  know you'eve said your a friend of bills, obviosly, the only one in the prayers remain firmly with you; on both fronts. it's so wonderful of you to invite others in the off cold does it get  there? pm me anytime for a talk, if your so inclined.. will be praying for you tues. morning with your church group.. light and love,   3jaysmom

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Susan,  Wish I could give you some advice for the pain.  I have bone mets, lots of them, but I am fortunate in that I am pretty much pain free with my treatments.  I get zometa (which is really the same as aredia, but they give it to you faster) and I used to get faslodex, but have never had any SEs or discomfort with either. Now I am doing another chemo and it's not bad so far as SEs go.  I was having pain at one point when I had mets to the sacrum and they radiated that.  When I did the hormonals I had a lot of bone and joint aches and actually was taking arthritis meds....celebrex , Viox before the took it off the market, ultram, lots of different ones and they did help.  Sorry I am really being no help here at all, but want to say Congratulations on the good PET scan. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Morning ladies-Susan please be careful-i was on fent ptaches and told not to cut them up. Have you talked to your doc about all of this? I have a pain management doc who really monitors all of my pain management needs very closely. I am just so sorry you went thru that and sending lots of prayers your way for a solution that works for you and is safe. And wow, what wonderful news on your PET scan! Celebrate yourself!! I need coffee-hope to get out to fish today-lot of love, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    HEY-where is everybody? Did I do a "no no' unbeknownst to me?? I mean 8 hours is like a boycott!! Are the moderators on our backs? Wha'd up? I am worried that I did something wrong-oh I just hate where my brain goes-i cannot take abandonment!!!! OK, I spent the whole day surf fishing and the only thing i caught was myself. YUP, launched a huge cast and hooked myself in the a$$ with a #2 gold hook. i mean the winds were clocking at about 45 mph and I really launched my rig to get it out there past the breakers and all of a sudden.....yeeeeouch! The hook dug into a place that I could not see let alone reach. I haven't done this since I was a kid and I cannot imagine what the tourists were thinking while I was doing a "Charlie Chaplin" routine on the beach trying to figure out a way to get the hook out of my a$$. I kept going around in circles trying to see it. All I got was a reality check on just how big my butt has gotten!! Good lord! I could not muster the courage to go up to some stranger and ask for help to get the hook out of my surloin!! And I had to get it out because I couldn't sit down and it was in a very delicate place in my butt.

    So, I had to use my tin snippers and 'blind' clip it then pull it thru......ooowweeeee!! But worth it for a day like this one the beach!! EmbarassedYellTongue out SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Hey SV,  I been sleeping but I'm baaacccckkkk.  Are we talking fishing stories?  I got one for you.......a few years ago  it was about four actually, I had taken two of my grandsons to my brothers' place over at Wallaroo.  While there my brother and I decided to take the youngest fishing from the jetty while the eldest spent time having an art lesson with my SIL.  Unfortunately the fish were not running that day but we persevered.  On one cast I was watching and waiting for the sinkered line to come back over my head and drop nicely into the water.  I waited ...nothing happened....I thought I'd snagged my line on something and so started to reel it in.  It was getting heavier and heavier but I couldn't see what was holding it up so I started to follow the line so to speak.  By this time a crowd had started to gather and there was much laughter happening, including my grandson and brother.  I kept winding and eventually was lead to the other side of the jetty......on looking over the side to see what had happened to my line, I spied a pidgeon, hook in its tail feathers, flapping like crazy to get air borne and unbeknown to me, each time it did, I would reel in a little more line and drop it right back in the drink.  Eventually, the hook gave and the poor pidgeon flew away.  I must have hooked it in mid air as the cast was returning. 

    Love n hugs.  chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2010

    Wink  oooooohhhh I needed that laugh chrissy.  Fishing for birds!  Oh my!

    SV  Sorry you were feeling lonely.  I think I've slept all day.  Only been up two hours and now I'm ready for bed again.  Five more boosts & i'm done with radiation.  Hope then I can start getting some energy again.

     Night all.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    SV I'm here! Went to bed early. If I ever make it until eleven, it will be a miracle. I have a fish story. I was sitting in a John boat in Little Cayman just off the reef wall and hooked a real nice gag grouper. I'm fishing with a fly rod...more fun that way. So I finally get him to the boat and am pulling him over the gunwale and a barracuda leaps up and takes him away from the gills to the tail. I caught a beautiful fish head.

    (((HUGS)))) for GD who had surgery yesterday.