Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010

    Something else that requires thought.  I have loved quotes so long that I usually see both sides of them immediately.

    "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010

    Despite feeling that I was given quite a hostile reception over a recent post I made, I have to say my world is still loving and I will continue to try and extend comfort to those who may want or need it.  I cannot do much for anyone, but I will still do what I can --- even if it ony amounts to verbally holding your hand.  I do not want anyone to ever feel like someone is not thinking about you and wanting things to go well......and praying to the universe for your comfort and well being.  To all of you, I wish you health and love. 

    Many hugs, Jackie

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    Well, I've missed the camaraderie and want the truce to continue.  I've missed Jackie, and I swear like a sailor - I AM a sailor.  So, I hope we can continue to just love each other.  

    In that vein, (Chevy I'm still trying to clean up stuff - and I'm getting to the hard part - 50 year old birthday cards from people I never knew, to old aunts & uncles - just sentimental stuff, but hard to winnow.  Nonetheless I trudged through and winnowed some more.

    Here is a scrap my grandma and then my mom saved, and I will too:

    It is my joy in life to find

    At every turning of the road

    The steady arms of a friend most kind

    To help me onward with my load.

    And since I have no gold to give

    And love alone must make amends

    My only prayer, While I live,

    God make me worthy of my friends. 

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2010

    I don't really know what happened here earlier, but I'm very happy there is a truce and all is moving toward being okay again.  This is a great place for those of us who are a little more mature to talk to others who are in a similar place in life. 

    I saw the discussion about sleep aids and wanted to add that I am taking Zolpidem (generic Ambien) and cut the pills in half -- they work like a charm.  I have had terrible insomnia for several years because of back and neck pain.  I've tried many natural sleep aids, but had no luck with them.  The Zolpidem lets me get a pretty good night's sleep, but I do feel a little groggy until that first cup of coffee is down the next morning.  I'd love to find something more natural that will help, but so far, haven't had much luck.

    The other day I decided to color my hair and it is so dreadfully light -- looks like straw -- that I'm headed to the drugstore for something to tone it down.  It's bad....

    Take care, everyone.  --bonnie

    Went for my first session of acupuncture this week and am going again today.  The plan is to give it a try for a few weeks to see if it can help with the pain.  Maybe then I wouldn't need so many prescriptions!! 

    Monday is my 2nd mamm since dx (makes me anxious, but I think everything is okay) and then Tuesday I'll see my PS to talk about removing my contracted implant.  It's too firm, misshapen and migrating toward my armpit -- not comfortable at all. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Just an update on the sleep situation. I decided the ambien made me too zombie-like so last night I went to see DH's band play with a friend. After, I went home (with dinner and 3 beers in me) and took 4mg melatonin. Bam! Out like a light for 7 hours in a row. Not sure I will do the beer thing tonight but will try the melatonin again.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    hello my sistas.spoke to dr today.she said no lifting or stretching until the drain comes still in pain from the elbow up and a little swoolen.she said if it hurts dont do it.

    today im drug free...tryin to move results. had 6 nodes removed.6 nodes were negative.i should be happy but i just found out my friend from highschools daughter age 38 passed away from pancreatic cancer.

    thanks again for all your prayers and pms.i still feel like im in the twilight zone.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Yeah K-ok now can we do the happy dance?!! Glad you are up and about a bit but easy does it!! I have been MIA. I just went into a really deep dark hole about everything i my life (truly think depression has to do with damage done to my brain from near death chemo). So, they put me on effexor and it is sort of starting to work-I think. I cannot catch up on everyone's stuff, except ladies that I have PM'd. My brain feels like it is going thru spin cycle. And so wish I could be more support-so many of you all just amaze me-MB and Isabella and Alyson and those of you who have had many more procedures than i have and/or may have more advanced stages of cancer. Just know that I love you all very much and don't know where i'd be without you. And as to sleep, I am on clonopin (I know, but never abused the drug and been on it for a while). I never got a high from prescription drugs but I know it doesn't make it any less dangerous for a recovering person. Anyway, big hugs to all, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    Happy Dance for GrannyDukes!!!!! SV-I miss you when you go AWOL. I so understand the brain being on spin cycle.

    On top of all this BC and not sleeping crap, my Dad is dying. He had a stroke 2 years ago followed by another a year ago. Apparently he had a couple mini-strokes last week and is now bed-ridden and waiting to go to God. Just came back from seeing him. Sigh.

    Love to all and gentle hugs. Don't be fooled, though. I will still kick the butt of anyone who needs it.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    thats the spirit Barbara....we gotta go get BACK....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2010

    Granny, the doc said no lifting or stretching, this right but it doesn't mean no gentle movements. I saw the PT before I left hospital and the visiting nurse made sure I was moving my arm each day and I had drains in for nearly three weeks. I am worried that it will be very hard to get the movement back in your arm. I know, different ideas in different places but your sure can't hang up things or reach high cupboards for a long time and even now its difficult to lift anything heavy with my left arm.

    Must go and help DH clean out a space in the garage to put our old kitchen as we want to keep it to turn it into a summer kitchen.

    Big hugs


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Barb, I am SO sorry about your Dad. It is brutal no matter what to go thru a parent's passing. I was hospice caregiver for my Mom until her last breath-then about a month later, I was diagnosed with cancer. Like what is God thinking?!! ERRGH! Again, I am so sorry-you need your sleep so do whatever works!! (((Big Hugs))) SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    isabella...thank you.i was moving around but pain.lots of pain.not moving the arm at all.the dr said if it hurt dont do drain got clogged on wed.and she cleaned it out,looked it over and said i was healing very well.i usually dont heal very well.she also said everything looked fine.then her office called today telling me she did not want me to wait over the weekend for the results.the nurse said if it hurts dont do it.i told her i was typing and she said did it hurt and i said yes and she said dont do moving it gently.i do excercise 2-3x a day up until the i started today without drugs doing gentle stretches.from the drugs i messed up my stomach.constipation(sorry).im drinkin lots of water and im in back pain but im moving my arm.its a drop swoolen on the inside of my really doesnt hurt.i dont know what else to do.its now fri.night and im supposed to go to brooklyn tomorrow and i dodnt go to the bathroom yet. 1 hr car ride could turn into a

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2010

    oh grannydukes - those pain meds are quite awful for the, ummm, digestive system. And that causes back pain for me. You might need some over the counter meds to help get the system moving.  But since you are drug free, maybe the water and some prunes or somesuch will do the trick.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    Warm prune juice. works like a charm. 

    I think I fell into that same hole that SV fell into. It"s just awful.Maybe it's the full moon. I duno, maybe it was that shot in my hip on Tuesday. Hurt so much I cried. Haven't been the same since, they say that steroid messes with blood sugars. I didn't notice any change much except sleeping a lot and feeling lousy.

    Hope its a good weekend.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010

    These are both such favorites, I could not choose. 

    Have faith in God; God has faith in you.
    Edwin Louis Cole

    He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
    B. C. Forbes

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh laides, I am so sorry for what everyone is going thru-GD-you are getting better and that is good news and Isabella-OMG-Your DH-like do you have him camping outside or what the heck is going on? just way tooo funny that a coughing fit took him to his knees-ahhhh, the drama!! I feel SO incredibly bad..I mean i haven't felt like such a slacker in a very long time. I completely forgot that the 10K cancer run was done on the island yesterday. I thought is was closer tot the end of the month....but how much closer can it get! And David, my dearest, ran in the 10K for me and I wasn't freaking there as I promised to get his pix coming across the finish line. He was so proud cause he made it in an hour-not the old dog he thinks he is...but i feel like crap for totally forgetting. He called today...sort of where was I yesterday. Oh man, I had to tell him that despite his best efforts and a great run, I completely forgot about the whole thing. ERRGH-50 lashed with a wet noodle!! I am on effexor now and truly it is boosting my mood already. I am not in that deep dark hole. Shrink put me on it this week. And isabella, needle-phobia?? OMG, how do you even make it thru treatments?? Short note right now, love to all (((Connie))) and here's to prune juice!! XXOO, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Hey SV, sooo glad to hear that you are on the up road.  You sound so much better and I'm very happy for that.

    Peace, strength, loads of love and many hugs.  chrissy

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010


  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010

    Why are so many making such a big deal about the other "c" word.  Hasn't anyone discovered good old $1.75 drugstore instant enemas?  In 5 minutes you are home freeeeee!!!  No prunes ugggg!!!  However I think you need a DH or even an unDH or DP to help you a bit. And don't do it at the drugstore incase Granny is still on pain pills and is misunderstanding me.   Just trying to help a friend. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    This is the medallion that David got for me for running the 10K cancer relay. Truly my BFF!!

    And this is the second time David and I have been able to get out on the ocean for some rocking wind and waves!

    David finally posing for the camera!! I am so sorry-trying to make photos smaller but not working!!

    Love to my sisters and I had a great day on the ocean!! Need to eat and get to everyone's posts. Oh Isabella, your DH sounds like a stray dog!! Your family truly trumps mine!! And constipation-medigal you either have to be really young or have guts of steel. I am so old that it becomes a medical emergency!! I mean like impacted-Too much info!!! XXOOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Awww, that's so sweet, SV! That BFF is a keeper!

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2010
    SV:  What are you talking about??  This isn't MAJOR SURGERY!  I am neither young or have guts of steel.  They wouldn't put this stuff OTC if it was dangerous to use.  It also has no age limit on the box so it does not say can't be used by OLD people (of which I really don't consider myself or granny no matter what our age).  Frankly "prunes" cramp me up a lot worse than this does but I won't say the "e" word again since it seems to be giving you panic attacks.Smile 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Medigal, I am lost...what is the "e" word? And I am so sorry, I was just teasing you and did not mean to offend. I have Celiac Spru, haital hernia, reflux disease and IBS so "constipation" is a huge medical issue for me and has put me in the hospital. I wish enemas did it for me and I have tried numerous ones without success-even had them done by nurses in the ER and no 'enemas' don't give me panic attacks at all, they just don't work for me. And my Mom suffered several impactions and had to have surgery to take out dead bowel from them. It happens very quickly for me and it did for my Mom. Again, sorry if I stepped on toes. Good grief, how could constipation become an issue?? I am too old and tired for all of the jabs and the preaching. Don't know what to say, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2010

    Awesome day on the ocean, and love the pic of Dave. He's a good man and an excellent friend.

    Yes, I had a steroid shot in hip for bursitis... man thats painful. The inj. left a bruise but hip sure feels better. Now the other side is whining for one. First time in that joint for me. Got one in my thumb once and fainted!!! 

    oops.. low battery, gotta go


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Connie, i am so sorry about the steroid shot. but truly glad it is helping. Now get the other side done to even it all out!! xxoo, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    I'm so upset with one of my best friends!  We have known each other since we were 10.....But we were talking about her getting a mammogram...& she said it will be her last!  I said why would you say that?....And she said because she is "too old" and she doesn't WANT one!  She is one year older than I.

    And then she said even if she has breast cancer she won't do any treatments because she is too old, & after all, "you are going to die of something anyway!"....So I said, "but breast cancer is one of the easiest to cure, if you find it in time"...But she said, "Nope, at my age, I will go in a hospice or somewhere, & it will not be painful!" 

    Am I wrong here, for wanting to shake her until her teeth crumble?   I mean, WHAT does she think all of us women are DOING?  We are NOT too old for treatment!  I have heard of women who refuse treatment, & actually die a horrible death!   Cancer does not go away by itself, I mentioned to her!  She is rigid & stubborn, & I just wanted to cry after we hung up, because it made me think that I was a real "panty-waist" for having a lumpectomy & radiation..."at my age!"

    She said, "Oh you have a Husband & are close to your family" I can see why you wanted to do it!"  I didn't WANT to, I was afraid NOT to!   I did send her a note, explaining how I felt.....but MAN, the ignorance of some women! 

    Okay, I'm done....just needed to vent......xoxoxoxoxo

    And oh, our "walk for the cure" is this coming Sunday!  My Daughter wanted me to do itwith her, so I called her ex-Mother in law, & we 3 are doing it togethere!   And then Breakfast!  Cool

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010
    Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
    ~Les Brown
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    Granny, hope you're feeling better - I'm with Isabella and apologize for not telling you about probably needing a bit of a laxative to counteract the pain meds.  Your choice, I'm guessing you're old enough to have dealt with the problem yourself in the past. Me, I like prunes, and figure they do double duty as part of my food pyramid.  Personal choice. Just take care and take it easy on yourself.

    SV: what great pix, and you on the ocean just did my heart good to see it!!!!!! DH went to a cousin's yesterday and picked up an old family El Toro in need of TLC & some repair, that's eventually going to his sister.  DH has taken our Laser out a couple of times this summer, but I still miss our Pearson 303 cruiser. (for non-sailors, the El Toro and Laser are small racing sailboats, fun, fast, wet and wild).   SV Your friend David is a Friend, in-deed. Glad you're feeling better.  Your photo looks like top of the world feeling better - thanks for sharing it with us.  I'm in the market for one of the row-sail-adapt to a motor little trailerables if you run across one...(-;

    CB, (( )), sorry about your friend; I have one of those too, and it's worrisome, but we are nowhere old yet, just older.  Hope you have a great walk & family get together.

    BarbA, I've been thinking of you and hope you got another good night's sleep; and that you are finding some peace. 

    I'm still trying to sort and sift, but this week, when I got to the shed outside, I found that it had been taken over by wasps during the last couple of weeks, and they're angry ones.  Can't find the nest either.  Now what??!!  My usual method, and what I'd like to do is to just empty the darn thing outside onto tarps, then only put back what we decide to keep. How do I find and get rid of the wasps without getting stung?  I don't know, maybe it's a sign to just move on, and do the job later, next year.  Let the cold, and nature take its course. ????

    Best to all

    ps, I just got affirmation that bug-bombing the wasps is not an option.  Old artwork, from my sis is out there, and for the first time ever, while free-associating on the web, I've found affirmation of her belief "those [her artist friend's] paintings will be worth something someday" -- funny, because the 3 oils could have become somebody's Antiques Roadshow find for $1 if I hadn't finally found her truth, just now. 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,416
    edited September 2010


    I think your friend is limiting her life in many ways -- whether she has cancer or anything else.  My feeling and it is JMOHOthat life has a little instruction book that says the BEST you can with WHAT you have and if you do that from the heart --- you will have done the best that is in you. 

    Again....and JMO  , I don't see a loving God bestowing life on us and our not trying to learn and grow  ---  just giving up to a hospice or anything else before we have done what we could personally to make things as good as they can be.  Hospice is a good thing -- no doubt about that, but it is not something we should desire to negate our responsibility towards our own life. 

    I had the great and truly wonderful honor of caring for my mother in her last months.  She was able to help herself a good deal of the time and I only helped with small things that had become problematic to her.  This was up till she entered the hospital for the last time.  She lived her life fully and well and was ready to go..........she said this to me.  But she did not give up until she knew her quality of life ( even the limited one she had been having ) had reached the zenith.  She was and still is to me my best role model.  I thank God she was my mother as I would want no other. I most definitely have the morals, ethics, and love of life this dear sweet country woman help put there.  She still remains a driving force --  along with a Dad who shaped me but likewise is no longer here.  That is ok.....I know where they are and sometimes in awe -- in the middle of the woods here I say a few words to those I hold so dear............Mom, Dad, you don't know how much I thank you.  You gave me so much and you are still giving, still supporting and standing with me through every struggle and every tear and disappointment.  I will honor your love and still ongoing care by living the best life that I can.........serving where I can and giving thanks to my Creator for you, and all I have been given. 

    I really do hope/wish people like your friend Jeannette could honor the life they have.  Make someone proud -- whether or not they have passed on..........or just yourself.  If we don't do the BEST that is in us then maybe we can't whine quite as much with the results.  No one else is truly in charge but ourselves so if we are not happy with the results we are getting.....maybe we need to change them. 

    Well, enough from me I'm sure.  It is just a few ideals I keep in front of myself.  Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.
