Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited September 2010

    I love the shirts.  Walk well.

    In this area we have an annual 24 hour Walk for Life in late May or early June.  This year it was held between my diagnosis and the surgery, not sure which weekend.  But I do intend to participate next year.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Alyson, that just brings tears to my eyes.What a prescious child. Out of the mouth of babes-its just broken. Anything broken can be fixed!! I am so glad you are getting some springtime coming your way. Nothing heals my soul more than to be out looking at all of the glory and color poking its head up after a long winter!! Good on ya'. Short note-my surgical breast really hurts and I have found lump near the margins of the surgery. Could just be scar tissue though I feel very ill. I DO see my onc/surgeon on Friday to have him check it out-likely nothing but I know he is still pushing for double mastectomy for me. Today was a pajama day-just pulled the covers over my head and slept. We are getting torrential rains from the tropical storms and the only road out of town of Duck has washed out as of yesterday-so there is NO way to get out of Duck. North leans to the end of the island and the Atlantic. i needs me waterwings!!! Love to all-GD how are you doing and Barb, are you getting some ZZZ's in? Hope all is well. XXOO, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh Alyson, that just brings tears to my eyes.What a prescious child. Out of the mouth of babes-its just broken. Anything broken can be fixed!! I am so glad you are getting some springtime coming your way. Nothing heals my soul more than to be out looking at all of the glory and color poking its head up after a long winter!! Good on ya'. Short note-my surgical breast really hurts and I have found lump near the margins of the surgery. Could just be scar tissue though I feel very ill. I DO see my onc/surgeon on Friday to have him check it out-likely nothing but I know he is still pushing for double mastectomy for me. Today was a pajama day-just pulled the covers over my head and slept. We are getting torrential rains from the tropical storms and the only road out of town of Duck has washed out as of yesterday-so there is NO way to get out of Duck. North leans to the end of the island and the Atlantic. i needs me waterwings!!! Love to all-GD how are you doing and Barb, are you getting some ZZZ's in? Hope all is well. XXOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited September 2010

    CB Love the shirts! I will post pix of me in my shirt during the Komen on Saturday. SV-hig gentle (((HUGS))) for you before your Doc appt. Hate those. QCA-I remember Hugo. Terrible storm.

    We are having tropical storm type rain also since the storm is passing south of us.

    Gotta run-off to see Dad. Love to all!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2010

    CB - great work on the shirts.

    SV - sorry to hear you have another worry with your breast - just what you DON'T need!  I opted for a bmx straight off because I knew I would never stop worrying about every little twinge or change in a breast as the years went by.   Have never regretted my decision for a second.  And the op and recovery wasn't so bad really. I'm sure chemo would be a lot worse to deal with.  I hope your dr on Friday is able to alleviate your concerns.  I know what you mean about too much rain - we have been inundated this year - everyone all over our small country has just had enough.  It has caused many road and railway closures because of slips.  We needed rain as we had had a 6 month summer without it, we were on water restricitons and drought had been declared in large areas of NZ but then the rain started and it just hasn't stopped long enough for anything to dry out.  They are saying now that the damage from the earthquake in Christchurch was worse than it ordinarily would have been because of the high water table level after such a wet winter.  I hope it clears for you soon,

    Barbara - One more day you have had with your Dad - wonderful.  They are all so precious to you both now I am sure.  Hope the hurricane doesn't travel your way.

    Hi Kathy - hope you managed to get some sleep since your post 20 hours ago!   I couldn't sleep for months after my dx - just too much turmoil in my brain and it wouldn't switch off.  I used to stay up all hours on the computer too and then finally I would get tired enough to sleep a little.  Now 21 months later I do get to sleep at a reasonable hour and sleep about 7 hours a night but I still wake several times a night courtsey of Femara I think. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    SV - sorry to hear about that lump, but if I could follow my own advice - which I can't and don't - I would say it's probably nothing and you should believe that and it will make you feel better. That and a big ol' slug of Southern Comfort - ha! I wish I could talk myself into believing the best all the time, so that's my prayer for you. Don't worry about it, because I DO know worrying just wastes my time, and the doctor will say it's okay. Peaceful thoughts for you and good news on Friday!

    CB - those shirts are so cute! I'm sure y'all will have a lot of fun!

    Barbara - hope you're sleeping! And hope you had a good visit with your Dad!

    I'm going to hit the hay now - my back feels like it's broken. Don't know if it's the chemo or the Neulasta, but whichever it is, I'll just be glad for a new SE. I really don't like this one! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited September 2010

    I'm bushed -- got up at 6:15 and worked at my job, went to the county seat to attend a hearing, came back and had to find my dog -- then a very quick late lunch, then on to Humane Society where I worked for another few hours --- then home right after 9:15 p.m. tonight --- got laundry going, dishwasher, my bed sheets changed,got my bath, doing this computer and I am starting to fade ditto with everything heartnsoul said......Thinking about you all .

    Great shirts too.

    See you all soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2010

    Phew Jackie - I am tired just reading about your day.  I have been dogsitting my friends 10 month old collie (like Lassie) today because she is away on holiday and her husband had to go to his brother's funeral.  I am bushed too - she is sooooo energetic that I have been out for 4 walks around their 25 acre, hilly property trying to tire her out.  It doesn't seem to have worked yet but that will have to do her as it is raining now.  I have my 11 y/o cocker spaniel with me and he refused to go on the last walk - he was too tired! 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited September 2010

    Thanks to all of you for the warm welcomes!! I know I've found a great group and I'll get to know each of you as time goes on. 

    SV - I'm hoping for good news for you Friday, if you're even able to get there with the road out.  I just watched the weather on tv and you're getting hit hard.  Still pouring here too, but nothing like what you have. Having been to Duck, I know what you mean about the road.

    Heartnsoul76- I go right through Peachland on hwy 74 at least once a week on my way to visit my aunt in Rockingham.  She's in a nursing home and I do her clothes and take her snacks and books, puzzles.  She's the last of her family and never married, so I'm her closest relative now.  She's a joy to me!

    Chevyboy - Love the shirts, and congratulations on 53 years!! Wonderful!  My husband and I may not make it quite that long---the marriage would, but maybe not us!! I'm 60 and he's 64 and we've been married 30 years now. 

    rae - I envy your easy access to Tim Tams.  I can't even find the Pepperidge Farm ones here now and only bought them once.  I've been on the Peter, Paul and Mary website for years and at one of the concerts in Virginia a lady from Australia kindly brought many, many packages of them for some of us website regulars.  That was my introduction to them and I was hooked!  Rationed them out slowly so they'd last, too.

    I had my radiation simulation today and start those treatments on Tuesday for 33 times, so looking forward to starting.  I'm also trying to eat more healthy and avoid sugar.  And here I go thinking about Tim Tams.  

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited September 2010

    SV, big hugs to you, try to not worry.  Love, Darla

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    Good morning gals......I lost my last post so will try again...We are enjoying gorgeous weather here and the leaves are just stunning...hard to  get anything done inside when it is like this.....SV ...have been thinkiing of you and praying for the best on FRi.   Chevyboy your shirts are just soooooocute....also congratulations on 50 yrs...We have ours next yr. and boy it has gone so fast it is hard to believe we have been married that long.......I actually have to get ready to go into town and buy some groceries but wanted to wish you all the best...Have a great day...........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited September 2010

    Let your heart guide you.  It whispers, so listen carefully.  ~Littlefoot's mother

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    hello everyone

    just wanted to say hello to all my sistas.been reading all the posts but its so hard to keep up when you fall behind.prayin for each and everyone of you.God bless.

    gentle hugggggggggggggs.


    ps.goin to dr for final path results tomorrow.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited August 2013

    Grannydukes:  Good luck on those final path reports. And remember to have them make a copy for your to take with you.

    SV: Bummer about the lump.  I had one of those and they biopsied it---turned out to be scar tissue. So I am hoping yours is the same as mine--nothing.  Sending a few prayers up.

    CB: The shirt is fabulous.  You are a real talent.

    Allison:  As I read your post all I could think was "out of the mouths of babes."  What a sweet story.

    My news--I had a clean mammo on Tuesday. I had been all worked up and imagining the worst---but I was so lucky.  And I am thankful.  

    I can't follow everything so if I have left someone out, you are still in my heart and prayers.



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    thanks mandy

    chevy the shirts are just great

    SV still prayin

    all my other sistas get hugggggggggs


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Kathy, welcome...we'll all look forwards to getting to know you, I'm sure.

    SV...just wishing good luck for tomorrow. WHY don't you consider a BMX, get all this stuff off your chest (!!!!!) ahem, sorry. Just do it. Thats the way I worked. I just could not sort my mind out to having a single MX, only to end up doing it all over again 5 years down the line. I just must have got so lucky, I had a surgeon who agreed to do it...and this IS UK....we don't get anything given here, its "take whats offered to you and be please !!"

    I have this bad thing with needles, and that must have come across from me to him, there was just no way I'd have a needle biopsy, or any other type of biopsy, and I asked him to defer all to do with needles while I was under anaesthetic, and please would he put me a line in. as well, while I was out ?? AND HE DID. I think if I had got the alternative onco, in the department, a real old fashioned stickler for what he HAD to do, like it or lump it I would NOT be here today, because I would have walked, I couldn't have coped with his 'do as I say' type of treating patients.

    I was just VERY lucky I was watching a hospital series, filmed at my hospital, and this older breast surgeon featured heavily, he was soooo brusque with the women, and I remembered him when asked to choose between 2 oncos. ...and the filming was 2 years before my dx.. My breastcare nurse said I had made a very wise choice, she didn't like his manner.  

    I have been chasing a love bird round and round the house all afternoon, or at least it seemed like all afternoon ! Somehow it kept getting out, I was petrified the stupid thing would decide to land in and among my dogs, and get eaten. In the end I had to lock all dogs away, shut all doors and windows, and chase it with a fishing net. It is now in a rather dark box, only 1 side has a mesh panel in it, 'til I can get out and buy a new cage that has finer mesh. It will cost me dear, as I will have to shop at my local pet store. I really need to order from my pet food wholesaler, but they don't deliver 'til next Tuesday, so will have to pay almost double what I'd normally get a cage for. Never mind, it will leave me with a spare cage, so will go out and get some more birds. I love to hear them chirping away when I'm on my own. Sometimes it annoys me, like when I have company, its hard to hear a conversation with all my birdies talking as well !  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Ladies, thanks so much for the prayers on the "abnormality" I feel in my breast-I am sure it is nothing but freaking out bec i don't remeber it being there before and my breast hurts. I feel like an idiot going to my doc for a check only to have him say it is just scar tissue or something i have 'blown up' in my tiny pea brain. Very tired tonight so quick note. i love you all, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    QCA - ah, yes, the good old Andrew Jackson Highway. We've traversed the state a thousand times on that road - through Monroe, Peachland, Wadesboro, Rockingham all the way to Goldsboro. I used to love going through all the small towns. My grandmother stayed in a nursing home in Wadesboro - the people there were so nice.

    Back to the doctor for me tomorrow, too! Ugh! It seems endless.... 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Hoping for good results for everyone seeing the Dr's. 


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010

    Isabella - I have birds inside too in my lounge in a large indoor aviary.  I have 6 budgies and two cockateils.  I agree they are great company except when I want to watch TV - some programmes just seem to encourage max volume from them - or when I am on the phone as talking seems to get them all chirping in on my conversation.  I tend to tune out their noise and one day I was talking to a man on the phone and he said 'can you please turn down the volume on your birds' LOL!!!  Lucky you with your surgeon.  I had to fight for my bmx even though I have private insurance and wasn't going through the state system. Surgeon thought I was over reacting (are you sure this is not a knee jerk reaction?) and the insurance company said prophylactic mx was cosmetic! I eventually convinced my surgeon that I needed the bmx for my emotional health as much as my physical health and he then supported us with the insurance company and they finally agreed to pay for it after my DH had made the 'she doesn't need this stress at a time like this' comment several times.

    Granny - glad to see you back posting again.  Hope the pathology results are good news and I hope you are recovering steadily.

    SV - wishing you calm in the storm.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    I see only half of my post is up....goodness knows where the rest of it went ! I just got the message 'multiple posts are not allowed' WTH, I was only posting once.

    I am up fairly early, I have a cold, so am sitting at my pc to wake up with a big mug of coffee.....will probably need a second mug before I can function.

    SV Good Luck today.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010
    "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."

    John N. Mitchell

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Wishing all good results on tests today....will be anxious to hear all the good news on the next to all.....Claudia

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning Gals!  SV, I wish you the best today, at the Docs!  Is it just me, or why am I thinking that why would anyone have a double mastectomy if they did not have cancer?   Are those preventative measures?  Yes, I understand totally why we HAVE to have them, or at least ONE!  But to have both of our breasts removed, when we don't KNOW if we have cancer, just seems like an over-zealous approach!    I would ask the Surgeon, "Well, do I have cancer?  Will you give me an ultra-sound, and maybe a biopsy, & show me where I have cancer?"  And THEN you could make a decision!  Sure, if they do find something, & it's possible it could be in both breasts, then you would know what to do! 

    We both had Lumpectomy's.....But if your nodes were clear, why do they think you should go have both breasts removed?   I just feel bad....I feel bad for all the women who have under-gone this surgery, and who are STILL fighting cancer....And I'm walking Sunday for all of you!

    I'm just saying, in my own un-informed opinion, that if it were me, I would at least know the reason that I were having my breasts removed. 

    And then there is my friend....Who will do NOTHING if she gets Breast Cancer....Totally opposite ideas! 

    I just feel bad......for all of you women that are going through so much....xoxoxoxoxoxxoo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010


    Having both breasts removed might be indicated for a number of history of disease, intolerance to chemo and or other measures, BRCA test results etc.  I would have done this in a heartbeat --- if needed and never looked back.  In fact, would it have been necessary to remove one breast --- I would have had both taken and been done with it.  I am not my body parts and the spirit/soul that lives within me can stand alone and does not need any thing that comprises my physical body. 

    Having said all that......I'd just as soon have it all --- but the best part of me has no need of it and if I had to make a choice.....that fact would have a very heavy influence on that choice. 

    I do feel for anyone having to make that decision and I have formed many of my ideas about issues such as these  all during a protracted study of spirituality which I still study to this day.  I like to have answers --- it makes it so much easier sometimes to live --- and I was forever it seemed hitting a wall until I figured out where to find answers to some of the strongly nagging questions I did have -- like, why me.  Why am I here -- what have I to contribute....I'm nobody  and I have no talent so I'm taking up space here for no good reason. 

    To make a long story short --- when you find something that will answer these questions, you suddenly discover that you have a whole lot of answers already for questions you have not got around to asking yet.  This is not to minimize anyone who has pain and distress while walking this path --- I'm not totally free......but just know what I would do and it is not as threatening or scary as it once would have been.  We are born resilient......we just have to find it within ourselves again. 

    I wish you enough.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

        Sometimes they do the double mastectomy as preventative.....if it is lobular there is a very good chance it is going to show up in the other breast if they have already found it in one.  Something like an 80% chance?  My friend Lee's cancer is lobular and she is still recovering from's been a month and she still has one drain in and says she just wants the d----- thing out .  She is doing very well with all this actually.  I only had one breast removed and to tell you the truth can't remember how I felt about it, that was so long ago.  We all react differently and may think we know how we would react, but until you are there and it happens to you, you might say what you think you would do, but you don't know.  I always said I would never do chemo and now I am on what?, my third one I think.  Anyway, I am saying my prayers for all of you awaiting test results....waiting is the most difficult part for me, but I have found out that I can get scan results the very next day so always go pick them up at the diagnostic records dept....but even doing that, I don't always know what the onco is going to say.  This time my CAT scan showed progression in my liver....tumor is now 4.2 X 3.something cms...don't know where the report it now...and my tumor markers hit an all time high 741, but the bone scan showed no change...they didn't use the word I like stable, but it said no change and that means no growth or no new mets so that is good. However, I was sure he was going to say we needed to change from the navelbine when I went in there for my appt on Wed, but he says he thinks it is working...said tumor markers aren't the only thing to consider, that the fact my cell search was zero last month makes him happy and that there is no progression in the bones so he feels the navelbine is containing things.  I asked But what about my liver and he said the tumor did increase in size, but not that much and that my cancer continues to be a very slow growing disease.  He said he is going to look into some other treatments that will attack just my liver, like ablation....that about blew me away since I was asking about that last year and he said he didn't feel it would work for me.  Who knows maybe some new info has come out.  Sometimes I feel like we are all just part of a big test study and that they are learning from us for the next generation of breast cancer.  So I guess I am not going to cash in my IRA money and buy a new car and start galavanting all over the country....however I do plan on going to MO,(going to see my Uncle, but MissKitty lives there also)  Florida,(hope to see you Barb)  New Orleans ( good friend lives there, no BC, but who know since she never goes to the doctor)  and hopefully NY to see, yes you Grannydukes and the christmas decorations. Somehow I keep dodging the bullet, but I still feel I should do as much as I can while I can and am able to enjoy things   I had told my onco my plan and he said I needed to come up with a new one since dying is not in the immediate future and I should not spend all my money.  I find it amazing how my whole future hinges on these scans and tests...even more amazing that I allow it.  But I have never felt I have much control over this whole deal so just try to go along with it.  I said goodbye to the shrink today....don't think a pyschiatrist was what I needed as all she did was have me try one antidepressant after another and as I told her today being depressed and even the cancer is not what makes me is coming home to my husband who does nothing all day, but sit.  However, as I told her I just need to keep reminding myself, it is  his insurance that is keeping me alive and she agreed.  I told her I would call her if I get an uncontrolable urge to kill him.

        When I was at the hospital the other day visiting my friend who just had a kidney removed and a ureter and is waiting for bladder biospy report, I ran into a woman I know from the treatment room when I accidently got off on the wrong floor....driving home I was thinking My life is cancer....I always said I would never let it take over, but my life is cancer.  But in truth I am very very fortunate because I still feel good and am able to work and live a pretty normal life....told my onco I am not going to see that PA again because she pisses me off the way she blames most of my complaints on aging...also he said what she told me was a lipoma is not, but he said it is nothing to worry about.  Remember Alfred E Newman, What me worry? 

    Good for you, walking for us, Chevy...I along with everyone else will be cheering you on. The walks are fine, but in general I think Oct is way too full of BS....a lot of companies look at it as a way to increase sales and think Ah ha, I bet they will buy our brand if we stick a pink ribbon on it. Or am I just being overly sensitive here?   Hope your cold is better Isabella.I am afraid I could not handle the birds flying around....ever since I saw the Alfred Hitchcock movie, I have never been the same.  Welcome to all the newcomers...this is an easy place to feel at home.  Sweet dreams to all.  Marybe

    Heart&soul....What is that sweet little face in your avitar...a terrier of some sort?  Do you know Roswell, Ga? 


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010
    Yes Mary- there is a much higher chance of Iobular occuring in the other breast - the rate is roughly 3 times that of IDC ie 24 - 30% chance over a 5 year period I think it is.  I had lobular and the increased rate was a major factor in my decision to have the bmx when only one breast was affected. Also, being dx at 52 with many years to (hopefully) live, I felt sure I would be face the 'alien' again in time and I wanted to prevent that if possible.  I also had the mastectomy rather than lumpectomy as I wanted to avoid radiation if possible.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Mayrbe, as usual your posts are thought-provoking. I hope we can meet up when you get here. I am going to stay at a friends's in Miami so we can meet up. We'll firm it up later.

    Just wanted to chime in here before I leave for the St Pete Race for the Cure. This is my first one. Never been much of an activist but I've changed. I am walking this race for all my sisters but especially for my Stage IV sisters. All the pink people don't seem to get that any woman can be Stage IV tomorrow. More reseach $$ are needed for metastatic breast cancer. That is my new mission. I sent a pretty direct letter to the editors of the two paper in the Tampa Bay area. Wonder if they'll have the guts to print them. If they do, I'll post the link.

    I'll get off my soapbox now and wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Barb, I don't mean to be thought provoking, just say what is in my head at the time.  Sometimes I just wish I could shut my brain down and not think so much, but I think all the the other day I was driving and thinking of anti-depressants...effexor, celexa, lexapro and how that ex keeps popping up in all of ex an ingredient in them and if not why do they all have those letters in common?  That is the kind of crap that goes through my mind all the time and is probably part of being ADD....think about things like that when I should be concentrating on what is going on right in front of me...what the shrink was saying, home work assignments, the police officer who is writing my ticket.....but no my mind is always off somewhere in left field.  Anyway, I think it is great that you are doing the walk. I think the walks are impressive in the fact there are so many women out there, all different ages and sizes and shapes, and it makes you think Wow, this is a disease that affects everyone.  You and Chevy are both doing your part and should be proud....I did the race for the cure many many moons ago and actually enjoyed it and met a lot of nice people and felt like I had accomplished something because I am sure most of my friends were shocked at my doing something athletic.( I have terrible feet and suffered through gym class)   But I got POed when I asked the officials at the race who took my money and didn't even comment on how much it was (I was really proud of what I had collected) if I could hand out one little sheet of paper and a stamped envelope for this breast cancer letter writing an internet friend of mine was doing.  It was to generate letters saying that  We needed a cure NOW and it was started by this woman who was Stage lV, trying to make a difference.  Well, I was told No, it would burden the walkers down with paperwork....that really upset me.  That and the fact I think it was around the same time some big CEO in the American Cancer Society imbezzled a bunch of money.  My friend who started the letter writing campaign did collect hundreds of thousands of letters, but never the million she wanted to arrive at the White House (like Miracle on 34th Street with the letters to Santa) and she died with who knows how many tupperware crates full of letters. I know there are lots of organizations who are really trying to help out with funding for breast cancer and guess I should let go of my petty little gripes.  We are all proud of you Barb and of Chevy and all who are representing us when you walk.  Stay on your soapbox, maybe the right people will hear you.   Marybe
    Diagnosis: 4/1998, IDC, Stage IV, 0/19 nodes, mets, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Gals!  What I mean is .....if I HAD cancer (again) I would surely take into consideration my age, the tumor size, prognosis, and if necessary, have a double mastectomy....Man, I know what can happen when cancer is either ignored, or has spread...

    .I just mean I would have to know I had cancer first, and then go from there.  I myself, would not do it as a preventative......Unless the Surgeons told me that my type of cancer will spread, or in the nodes, or the tests proved that is was not just cause for a lumpectomy.  I consider myself so lucky, that I was a candidate for that.  We couldn't even feel a "lump"....The mammogram found this tiny spot, as big as my smallest  fingernail....So the lumpectomy, with Radiation, hopefully took care of it all. 

    I know at my age, if it happens again, in my other breast....Then I would have to start all over again.  And then make maybe different decisions.

    Barbara, thank you for writing the letters....Maybe they will be posted!  I KNOW that any one of us could be stage lV tomorrow...That is so frightening!  But to listen & talk to women, like yourself, & others in stage lV, give us so much hope!   This is what makes me want to cry.... when I think of all the women that are so much worse off than I,and have gone through so MUCH.   I know I will see them tomorrow, & I'll thank God that I can walk that one mile with my Daughter!  I could walk a lot further, but just not up-hill!  Maybe next year I'll try the 5K?

    Cleaning out the shed just did a number on my BACK!!!  I should learn, but I don't!  I'm fine till the next day ..... THEN I can hardly get up!   A couple Aleve helps!  Gotta get ready!!!!
