Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Big hugs and thanks to any and all of the wonderful walkers.  I pray some answers come soon.  So much effort, money, time, testing -- and we seem to still know so little.  I still wonder if it will come down to some little over-looked sequence and we will discover a viral mutant of some kind. Barbara, I too hope the paper editors will support your efforts by printing your letters. 

    Hope everyone has a good day.  Thinking of you.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010
    Thanks Jackie, CB and MB. I had a big sign pinned to the back of my shirt that said: "For all my sisters at BreastCancer.Org and especially my Stage IV sisters". I'm waiting for the friend who took that pic to email it to me. Nothing in the paper as of today.  Here is me and my friend and her kids. getting set to walk. We did 5K. AND dumb me forgot the sneaks and did 5K in docksiders. Only one blister.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    My father went home about ten minutes after I got home from the race. He is at peace now. Thanks for all your kind words.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010
    Barbara.....I'm so sorry..... xoxoxoxoxo  I know he is at peace, but it still hurts ......
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    hello sistas

    barbara....soooo sorry about your dad.

    finally got on the computer.all my results were NEGATIVE. THANK YOU GOD. and thank you all for prayin for me.last night i went with my granddaughter and her boyfriends family to a Avon BC fundraiser.i got some info on it but i didnt have a chance to find out exactly where the $$$$ are going.this was a huge event.they had a survivor get up and tell her story and then they asked for all the survivors to get up.i started to cry.i couldnt get granddaughter started to cry and beg me please stop crying and stand up.i just couldnt do it.all i kept thinking about was all my sistas who were not as lucky as me.

    they played BINGO and had over 150 prizes.i won the first game.ha.all i kept thinking was where is all this money going?????and my poor granddaughter kept sayin dont ask any questions.we will find out.and I WILL.

    hope everyone is doin ok.have to answer lots of PM and emails.GOD bless my sistas.Im always prayin for you.BTW i got a copy of my path tryin to figure it out.dr#1 did send dr#3 a amended path report.ha.



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010


    I'm so sorry about your dad.  


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks, sisters. Just trying to process life without my dad.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2013

    Barbara - I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your dad. I know he's in a better place now, but you'll still miss him. I still miss mine and it has been almost 8 years. I guess there's always going to be a void there - it seems I need his advice about something all the time. But someone did tell me that now he's ALWAYS with me and that seems to be kind of true. I certainly do go around talking to him a lot! It's not ever easy but I always have my happy memories to fall back on, I always feel lucky to have been his daughter, and I always know how loved I was. And you will always have that, too!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

      Barb, So very sorry about your father. It's been a very long emotional day for you....the picture is great, by the way.

    Granny, So very happy for your good news.  NED is great. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010 sorry about your Dad. I send you and all your family warm wishes. When we lose a relative from this 'layer' we become nearly the 'top layer', and this scares me. I still have my mother alive, but as batty as a bee, but at least she prevents me from becoming the sage in the family ! I have watched 2 layers above me crumbling away, and now there are 2 layers beneath me, so I am feeling old !

    I have been busy this last few nights researching my family history. I started 7 years ago....then BC intervened, and it went right out of the window. I just was clearing up my computer room, its totally full of boxes of junk, and I came across 2 folders marked Family History. I managed to get back as far as 1775 on one branch, and I had forgotten all about this. I do wish I had sat down with my Grandmas and questioned them when I had the chance. I am going to set on a genealogist if I can find a reasonably priced one. I shall be going round in circles looking for missing links, when they have all the knowhow, and copies of records to save my time, if I contact people in the relevant districts. It'll cost me as much money to buy all the records I need. Sometimes I have bought a CD thinking it was the correct one, only to find it was of no use to me at all, and had to buy another CD of the neighbouring district just to get 1 name verified. In my last foray into family history I found a second cousin who lived in California, we shared a GGG/mother . She lives in San Francisco, and is an artist. Her father had gone to USA to earn money to come back to UK to buy a farm, but instead married a Californian girl. Small world!

    Have had a reasonable day today, weather wise, nice and sunny, yesterday it was a deluge, everything was soaked. I got mad at the dogs for wanting to go outside and bring in mess and mud.

    Marybe. I don't blame you for thinking about a new car, and driving around the place. It is one of my pleasures to just get in the car and drive, wherever the fit takes me, up and down the country.My wings will be clipped a bit now, I relied on DH to look after all my animals when I went, but I can't see him looking after a teddy bear for me now ! I shall have to round up 2 or 3 of my G/children, and get them to stay over to sort out things. Trouble is I won't rest wondering just what they have forgotten to feed.....and how many dogs they have managed to let onto my cream carpets by mistake !! All my dogs are firmly shut out of my decent rooms, they are not to be trusted ...well, they are, BUT let them lose on carpets that don't smell doggy, and furniture they've not encountered before and they're sure to leave me a little 'message' or two !!  By the time the G/children notice one or two have got thru' where they shouldn't be hours could have passed, and what colour will my carpets be then !! Who knows where kids minds are today ?

    I have a G/son who has just nicely got engaged to a lovely girl, but she's 'ditsy' to say the least. She's just done 2 years at college, Performing Arts and Dance, has packed that in and now started a Beauty and Hairdressing course, another 2 year course....goodness knows when she will get into the real world and learn something that will bring her some money in. She spends quite a fair bit of time here, as G/son is always here, but will never get her hands dirty. I think she would jump up on a chair if she saw a mouse, so ask her to help out with my animals....I don't think so ! This is the 1st G/son I would ask to look after things if I went away, but his young lady??? I don't know !! Not one to get her hands dirty, but can make a mean cup of coffee.

    I am off to bed now, another early night. I never sleep for ages, but I can relax in my PJs after a nice warm shower. I have a film lined up to watch on tv, and some decent radio programes to listen to when that's finished. It will be about 3 / 3.30 before I fall asleep...then getting up becomes a big problem !! I very rarely get myself out of bed before 9am.

    SV where are you ??? Wondering how your appointments went.

    Granny. REALLY good news... Negative ...yeah !! 

    Night all.....


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, my heart goes out to you.  The pain you are feeling may dull with time but I don't believe it ever stops until we join them on the other side.  My father died in 1967 but I still miss him terribly.  I do feel him with me when I need him even now.  As I waited to go in for BC surgery my husband sat on one side holding my hand and I could feel Dad on the other side.  I was just as sure of his presence as I was of my living, tangible husband.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, my heart goes out to you.  The pain you are feeling may dull with time but I don't believe it ever stops until we join them on the other side.  My father died in 1967 but I still miss him terribly.  I do feel him with me when I need him even now.  As I waited to go in for BC surgery my husband sat on one side holding my hand and I could feel Dad on the other side.  I was just as sure of his presence as I was of my living, tangible husband.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, my heart goes out to you.  The pain you are feeling may dull with time but I don't believe it ever stops until we join them on the other side.  My father died in 1967 but I still miss him terribly.  I do feel him with me when I need him even now.  As I waited to go in for BC surgery my husband sat on one side holding my hand and I could feel Dad on the other side.  I was just as sure of his presence as I was of my living, tangible husband.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, my heart goes out to you.  The pain you are feeling may dull with time but I don't believe it ever stops until we join them on the other side.  My father died in 1967 but I still miss him terribly.  I do feel him with me when I need him even now.  As I waited to go in for BC surgery my husband sat on one side holding my hand and I could feel Dad on the other side.  I was just as sure of his presence as I was of my living, tangible husband.

  • Hildegard
    Hildegard Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010

    Talking about "older" breast cancer patients -- I am 84.  Anyone out there near my age?  I'd love to hear from you. About Arimidex -- it is now generic. It costs me $60 for a three month supply.  About the cost of bc surgery and treatment -- 8 months ago I had mammogram, biopsy, surgery, radiation therapy (I opted out of chemo) and a follow-up MRI. Cost for all?  Under $300!  I belong to Kaiser's  Senior Advantage, a most generous program granted to low income seniors by Medicare. Because of this gap program seniors like myself have been able to pay all medical bills without suffering financial ruin.  Guess what!  Our beloved (?) president has knocked the stuffing out of Senior Advantage and by 2012 it will be either far more expensive or gone entirely. Oh well!  By the terms of new federal health care bill, by 2012 I'll be at an age to be rationed out of all further health service, anyway, so my solution? -- Eat, drink and be merry while there's still time.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks all. It is good that he passed as he was not happy being unable to do things he loved to do. I will miss picking up the phone when I have an issue and asking his opinion on what to do. He was always right (Oh, All the years I never know that and denied or poo-poohed it). Youth is stupid.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    Hildegard wrote something very 2012 WILL THIS PRESIDENT KICK US TO THE CURB??????Ive been thinkin about this for a while but been putting it in the back of my mind.I would really like to hear what other sistas have to say...ANYONE?????

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, I am SO sorry about your Dad and there is nothing to say that doesn't sound like a 'repeat'.....nothing original to say only that i love you and sending prayers and angels your way for the peace and love that you deserve. it is so hard.i still have not process my mom's death and it was grueling and long-then I got cancer. I still feel numb. Please do all you can to take care of yourself, be gentle with yourself and set aside time to grieve. Ask for help when you need it and when you don't!! Love you lots, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning girls!  SV....what did your Doctors say?  Did you go to them last week?  I'm just worried about you still. 

    And Hildegard!  Welcome!  Man, you do my heartgood!  Smile  See gals, us "older gals" know what we are DOING!!!!!!!  Computer?  Just ask anyone over 70!!!!!!!  Like they say, "We've been there, done THAT, AND holding a bag of chips!"  Ha, ha!  

    It just makes me feel good to see another "older" gal hanging around & enjoying life!  I just heard something on the radio...."Just because our body starts to deterioriate as we get older, NOTHING happens to our soul!  We are only as happy as we want to be!"  I like that!  We can "feel" young, no matter what happens to us on the "outside!" 

    Barbara, hang in there kiddo!   It just takes a lot of time....but you will always have him 'with you." 

    I better get ready for the "Walk"....and I understand completely Kantalope!  I feel like crying whenever I even THINK about all our other women who have gone through much more than we have!   I will give you a hug!  ))))) woops....I mean (((((((K))))))! 

    Love you all!  xoxoxooxoxoxo

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010 sympathy is with you and your family at this time of grief....After recently losing my dad also I try to connect with all the values and truths he taught me throughout my life to make me even just a bit as strong as he was all his life.....He will always be with me in memories.....hugs...Claudia

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks everyone. It just takes time to process.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    BarbA, sending prayers and thoughts of peace and love (( ))  

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Hilde, welcome and sorry you had to join us.  As far as I know, you're about our most senior member on this thread.  A lot of us in our 60s and 70-s.  You will find this to be a great group of women, and BCO is a really good forum for getting or sharing information.  Again, welcome.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Our loved ones are never lost and never so very far away.  It is just that we don't have the very comforting physical presence, nor the verbal presence but we are a part of them and they are a part of us and it will stay that way.  When it comes time for those we love to give up their earthly life, it it hard to think of it as their being able to give up the pains and disabilities, and diseases that they had to endure.  The loss feels so immeasurable, but in time, which is a good healer, we will recall more of the good things, less of the bad.  We will reach a point where we find our respect,joy, love, admirations, and all the positive things returning to keep us company once again and know the pain has diminished to a tolerable level --- and we will go on in faith, knowing just as they did when they suffered losses, that those we love are only a thought and a prayer away -- and once again they can and will bring us comfort and love.  Love is stronger than anything and love will be back Barbara ---- maybe not next week, or even next month, but it will be back.  Hard times to get through but they will end. 

    Hugs and prayers,


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Hildegard, You give us all something to aspire to. Welcome.

     Isabella, your posts always make me day I am going to come to the UK and I would love to help you feed the animals. Might even help you get that garden back in shape.  My husband continues to drive me nuts....he has been complaining about pain and his swollen ankles for almost two weeks now, says he thinks he might have gout.  Will he go to a Dr to find out...heck, no.  Will he stop drinking beer which I told him would not be good for it if it is gout...Heck no.   So let him suffer.  It's a good excuse for him to stay off his feet. 

    I know nothing about politics and don't even like to listen to the news, but so far as this new health care we are supposedly going to get, I just don't see it being an improvement after hearing from people who live in England and Canada tell about  how long  it takes to get anything approved or done.  One thing cancer has taught me, time is precious and waiting around months for a scan or to get into see a doctor is not a good thing. Who knows it may never even happen.

    Have a good day ladies.  I turned the heat on got down to the 40s last night, but am sure that won't last. 

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    I know you have told me many times, but could someone who knows how to do this, once again tell me  how to ad a picture to my messages?  This is a different computer and I don't think we have photobucket on it, and my husband said it is way too complicated of a process because it isn't like that on craigslist and email, but I explained to him there was some hacker out there who for some reason was stealing our messages so they don't want things to be too easy or accessable. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Hi Marybe!  See, I downloaded Picassa.... 

    Then after you download this program, all of your pictures that you have on your computer will automatically go into Picassa....THEN, you can upload your "picked" photos, & view them on the web, then "share" them with all your friends!  You will have a Google account, if you don't already!  Once you get the program, I can help you "hold" your favorite pics, to upload to your web album!   Or, you can also "copy" a picture from the internet, then "paste" it here, with your post.  With Picassa though, you can keep an album, then choose which picture you want to post, THEN copy & paste! 

    I just finished the Walk for the Cure....It was amazing....To see all of those people, about 50-60 thousand, all walking for the Cure, just made me want to cry...& I did.  We actually walked about 10 miles, TRYing to figure out where we were SUPPOSED to be for the "Family Walk!....The "Volunteers" and Police, sent us in the wrong direction every time we turned around!  But we finally finished!  Then TRIED to find the shuttles.....Walked another 2 miles to right where we finished beFORE~~~~  Yikes!  Next year we will just START out with the 5K, because compared to today, that would be a "cake-walk!"  Ha! 

    Sheilah, my friend & I got our "SURVIVOR" T shirts, but I wore the ones I had made....After the Walk, we went to IHop!  Yum!  Here's a couple pics! 

    In this photo, the 5K walkers are coming towards us in the distance, and our "Family Walk" is meeting them at the finish!  There were "walkers" as far as you could see!  So very inspirational!

    Okay to you later!  xoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    WOW, CB good on ya!! And great pix. I am so glad that you had that experience. how awesome! Sad news for me. My best friend of thirty years who lives in Kanab Utah and had ovarian cancer-went into remission-cancer has returned. I got the word tonight and i am just sick at heart. I really want to get to Kanab ASAP. I just don't know anymore about any of this. Just and FYI, I know I made a big deal about seeing my onc/surgeon on Friday, but then I cancelled the appointment at the last minute. i do not want this disease to take one more minute of my life. Ignorance is bliss right now for me. Truly think everything is oK and this is just some scar tissue-gees, the margins of the lumpectomy have realy scarred up making this huge hole (depression). ERRGH, sorry to be a bummer. love you all, SV

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2010

    Barbara, I am so sorry for your loss.          (((HUGS)))    Darla

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    This is just a quick passing hi to all. Have been in Christchurch - which had the big earthquake a month ago - will tell you about it later.

    Barbara, sending big hugs.

    Have yto go and pack my kitchen.
