Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    ps. Lisa, the orchid photo is wonderful - my surgeon keeps orchids in her office, always a treat.  Please stay with us even if we do get long winded -- just scan or skip over the long ones!  Or even write one yourself- just free associate! We ALL appreciate your incredible eye for the camera and for the beauty of life.

    Jackie, your words find more homes than you realize, so please just keep on putting up with folks like me who are prone to spittin & swearin... (-;   Here was me thinking it would give us all a laugh if I transcribed some of the 1700s slang & street language from my new very old slang dictionary. Guess not. 

    Me, I like the long posts and appreciate the opportunity to meet our various members through their words & mental/images..

    SV, I love your fish pix; HUGE congrats!  Good to see you in good spirits.


  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Tough day for of my previous students was killed in Afghanistan today.....A wonderful boy from a wonderful family......we live in a small rural area where everyone knows everyone and this is the first  soldier that  has died over there from our area.......this is tough as he was always a special student to me......pray for his parents as this will be rough......hugs 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2013

    Lost...just so sad for you...don't know what to say.

    A life at that age is a life not lived. 22 is just no age at all.

    Thinking of you and all your family at this sad time.


    Claudia, just saw your post as I was about to sign off. So sorry for you too...this war is awful..I get very uncomfortable each night when there's yet another youngster lost in this conflict. I'm sure when they sign up they do not expect this.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Lost, So very sorry about your nephew and the loss of your former student also, Claude.  It always seems harder to justify a death when it is a young person, but guess life doesn't come with warranties or guarantees and there is nothing we can do to control something that is out of our control.  

    Barb. Are you dealing with funeral plans or a memorial?  Hope your mammo goes well....I no longer go for them because my onco asked why?, said you are already being treated for BC and I guess I never thought of it that way.  However I did get them every year until he said something and can't say I miss being squished.

        I have been very tired the last few days so am going to bed with my book.  Glad to see you posting pretty pics again, Lisa .  I got your instructions Chevy, but alas it really is hard to teach an old dog new tricks and none of my pics are that good anyway. .  Night all.  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010

    lost, so sorry for your loss. there are no words when God calls back one of his finest. will be praying for you and your family.  light and love, 3jaysmom

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh LOST-there are no words-I am so sorry and wish I could be there to just hug you!! So sorry! and 3jay-yeah back again but MERSA-what the frig and how did you get that!! Lord you could have died. Are you ok now?? PM me and tell me all bec i am really worried about you. Well ladies, despite the horrible news and gloom, I was able to get out on the beach today for a grrrreat day of surfishing. We caught the smallest fish EVER! But waaaayyy fun! 

    I cannot figure out how to post pix in a menagerie-help Lisa! I am whipped. Need ZZZZ's. Love you all and angel prayers to all going thru terrible sadness and loss. xxoo, SV

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2010

    Been lurking and following this thread....Have to post now.

    LostC:  Can't imagine your pain.  Losing someone "out of order" like that is one of my worst fears.  So sorry.

    BarbaraA:  Prayer list for Thursday.

    Off on a road trip for the first time since you-know-what, Trying to re-enter the land of normal. 

    God bless us all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh Lost, I just wish I was with you to give you hugs-there are no words-i am so sorry. And ditto  to you Claud-i am so sorry-I just hate this 'war.' There is no excuse for the loss of one American life over oil! . And 3jay-MERSA?!! How in the world did you get that!! PM me cause I am really worried about you. Are you doing ok now?? Hardest talk ever with my best friend whose cancer has returned. I am heartbroken and she is just doing what she can now to buy more time with her husband and soulmate. I hate this disease!! Lots of tears. Despite all the sorrow, today was gorgeous in Duck and I got out to surf fish with the boys. Lisa pix are so gorgeous but you have to teach me how to post a menagerie of photos so i don't have to do it one at a time-still, for those needing a 'beach day', this is what I was up too-yipee!!


    Oh, I think i figured it out. So this is me and the boys out catching the smallest fish we could find in the Atlantic. I am SO whipped so signing off. ((((Biggest Hugs)))))) and sweet dreams to all. love you all very much. SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh Lost, I just wish I was with you to give you hugs-there are no words-i am so sorry. And ditto  to you Claud-i am so sorry-I just hate this 'war.' There is no excuse for the loss of one American life over oil! . And 3jay-MERSA?!! How in the world did you get that!! PM me cause I am really worried about you. Are you doing ok now?? Hardest talk ever with my best freind whose cancer has returned. I am heartbroken and she is just doing what she can now to buy more time with her husband and soulmate. I hate this disease!! Lots of tears. Despite all, today was gorgeous in Duck and I got out to surf fish with the boys. Lisa pix are so gorgeous but you have to teach me how to post a menagerie of photos so i don't have to do it one at a time-still, for those needing a 'beach day', this is what I was up too-yipee!!


    Oh, I think i figured it out. So this is me and the boys out catching the smallest fish we could find in the Atlantic. I am SO whipped so signing off. ((((Biggest Hugs)))))) and sweet dreams to all. love you all very much. SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Lost Creek, words don't express my feelings. Sending you big hugs and prayers of consolation. And to Claudia. How are you Barb?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV, I use the Picasa program, the free download from

    easy to use!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Claudia, so sorry to hear of another one lost in that $%#$$$ war.

    Marybe - Dad didn't want a funeral or even an obit. No fuss no muss. That's my dad. Cremate him then take his ashes to Ocracoke (that's where they got married and right across from where SV lives) and throw him in.

    Soxfan - prayers gratefully accepted. GO RAYS!! Going to the game after the shrink.

    SV - LOVE fishing. For me it is a Zen thing. Love baseball, too.

    Alyson - I have a shrink appt today. I am sleeping better, probably 5 nights a week I get 6-8 hours. Not last night though. Up at 4. Frown

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010 thoughts are with you.....his life was given for all of us....but so hard to understand.  ((((((((claudia))))))) xoxoxoxoxo
  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2010

    I am 57 and my dx is below.  I didn't get an oncotype test and I will ask my Onc why.  always assumed it was because I had postive nodes.  Starting taxol soon. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Zenith, I had a micromet in one node and my onc ordered the Onctotye. It came back (and so did AdjuvantOnline - the one most oncs use) that my benefit from chemo would be 2-3%, At 58, I decided the potential for long term se's wasn't worth it to me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    You guys, that's such a hard decision!  I didn't have to do chemo....but an older friend of my Daughters' had the same type of surgery, at the same time I did in December...but she did NOT want any further radiation nor chemo, even though SOME nodes came back positive.   She is the one that went to visit that guru Dr. John in Costa Rica or somewhere.  He "did not cure her"  like she thought he would.  She is 76...Now she has mets to the bone...Her first chemo was yesterday.  I just feel so bad for her!  

    I'm older than you gals, but if I thought the "treatments" would help me, I'de go for it....and not wait 11 months to do it then. 

    I guess we can never be sure, when we "choose" the path we are taking.   xoxoxoxoxo

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Thanks to all for your words of comfort........Ryane Clark.....22yrs. old killed in action 10/04/2010...another American hero.....God often takes the best of the best......that was the case in Ryane's death......RIP......Love to all Claudia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Zenith and glad you are here.  I'd ask why no Oncotype test?  I did not get one either though.  My txs came through the V.A. and they would not do something so expensive unless there were quite strong indications of need.  I'm ok with that. 

    As far as what to do ---  I figured at my age ( many, many years left to go ) I was going to do all possible and hit it with everything possible.  I did not want to be second-guessing later if I should have done something else.  I felt the exchange was fair.  I was 61 when I found out so figured what was a few possibly somewhat rugged months out of my life in exchange for a clean bill of health.  I did not know anyone close who had cancer so no one to talk to much ---  just had to fly by the seat of the pants.  Probably helped in my case to have limited options -- no second opinions etc.  Top-notch medical care though --- V.A. farmed me out to a wonderful surgeon --- in fact, both Dh and I remarked on the healer's aura she had and we immediately knew I was in the best possible hands.  Hope all goes good for you Zenith. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010
    Your life is your garden
     and your thoughts are your seeds,
      so if your life isn't awesome
        you've been watering the weeds.

    Terry Prince
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Mornin' ladies,

    Lisa, you don't have to read the whole thing - just chatter. (-;

    Claude, I am so sorry about your young man.  May he RIP and live with the angels.  My sincere condolences to his family, you, and your whole community. We live in a small rural area too - the loss of any of our youth is felt deeply. (((  )))   Both your Ryan and our Ross were 22.  If their deaths are not tragic, nothing is.

    BarbA:  I'll call today to make my mammo appt - which will need to happen in the next two weeks because my surgeon followup is set for the 28th on the coast.  My stress is that I keep my own films - over the years have had difficulty with facilities losing/misplacing my films, so I just keep them and haul them around to mammos, then get them back when reports are finalized.  Have recently found out this causes some big difficulty for my pcp at his facility.  I don't want to make trouble for him.  You can pass me your stress when you're done with it... (-;

    We had our first "rain" of the season last evening.  Always an event after 150-180 days with zero precip.  Winter is around the corner.  It's getting time to finish picking the last peppers & cukes, and tomatoes.  We have enough green tomatoes that some of them will ripen in time for Thanksgiving and maybe even Christmas.  Even picked green & ripened, the taste beats hothouse by a mile!

    Welcome Zenith!

    Isabella have fun with the genealogy.  Your two folders made me laugh - my original two folders a dozen years ago has morphed into an entire study - all the bookcases, file cabinets, a microfilm reader-printer, etcetc.  DH built this room for me, it's a good sized room with a big bay window looking out into the forest.  A perfect place for me to imagine indians behind every rock, or worse yet, the British are coming. (big hah) -- Some of my best news lately is that after years of writing historical non-fiction + one small fiction piece, I am being encouraged by Southern MEN to write my fiction novel about Mary the sister of Daniel Boone.  

    xox to all, and thank you so much for your prayers for our family.  It matters. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Kathryn and Claudia.

    I have had these 2 young men on my mind all own eldest G/son will be 22 in 2 weeks.

    I was just thinking they grew up together as babies, toddlers, started school the same year, probably had g/f's around the same time, and listened to the same sort of music. Now your two are gone.

    So very, very sad. My heart aches. This war is just so wrong. A war noboby wanted but the politicians.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Thank you Isabella.  We are just devastated, and I know Claudia's people are as well.  At 22, they are just beginning to bloom.  My oldest gdau played with the nephews and nieces, she is 21.  As you say, the same generation. Senseless deaths.   Thank you again everyone, for your kindness.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Godd Morning ladies-yeah after a day of running up and down the beach, I have slept all day-I forget that I am an old lady now!! Just thinkig of everyone and the tremendous losses and holding you all in my heart. WELCOME Zenith!! Hoping you get reports soon-informantion gives us a bit of control and time to absorb it all-which is like never!! Love you all and will post more when I get my peepers open. ERRGH-I am so over 'cancer week; cancer day; cancer awareness; cancer month; (Elen D Show is on and I am hearing more in the background). I thank her for her committment and money raised but when does it all end! Oh Lordy I am being so ungrateful and will likely get hit by lightening. Isabella, i need to backin our posts to get the Geneology thing you are up to. it became a whim then a 10 year passion for me as I traced my Dad's side back to David the II of England. Our Clan served the Marquis de Butte and our stone cairns are still scattered about Scotland and the Isle of Butte. (does that mean we got the butt end?) Sure explains a lot! And my 'first over to America' grandma was named Isabella too (like precolonial days) XXOO, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Lost Creek and Claudia, I am so saddened  by the loss of two fine, committed, loyal young men in this senseless fighting.  There are no words....

    Welcome to Zenith! Glad you're here.  I'm new also and still learning everybody, but what a wonderful group of women post here. I'm impressed every day.

    I had my 2nd radiation today and so far so good.  It apparently doesn't take much to make me happy.  I was thrilled to learn today that I only have to have 30 treatments, not 33!  Today I was given some sample tubes of aquaphor, which I guess I'll try tonight.  Still wearing the surgical bra to sleep in (tried one night without it but it's better to wear it) and I don't care if that one gets messed up.  

    At the radiation center today they were passing out pink beaded bracelets to all the pts for BC awareness.  DAMNATION!!! I'M AWARE OF IT ALREADY!!! Talk about preaching to the choir, really!!  I know everybody means well, but I'm just so weary of pink, and we have the whole month to go.  I don't mean to sound ungrateful, really, I know if it will spur anyone to get a mammogram or whatever, it's worth it, but I had my mammograms for years and years, and here I am, and here all of us are.

    SV, the group of guys my husband usually goes to the Outer Banks with are leaving in the morning, minus my dear husband.  They plan for this trip almost all year and I do feel bad that he's staying here with me but it was his choice, and I admit I'm glad.  He's a dear soul and even after 30 years, I still marvel at the fact that he's mine. They camped for years and now stay in those fish houses on Portsmouth Island, accessible only by ferry.  No luck with the fishing for the past few years, but they remain undaunted.  I showed him your fish picture and he was most impressed!  I would like to go, but like the other wives, we'd want a little better accomodations than what the guys are happy with.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010
    QCA I'm sure we can arrange a more comfortable fishing trip. I am plotting a winter trip to the OB. Should be easy to find a cheap house to rent. Need to make sure we have a fireplace. Marybe is in and so is GrannyDukes. SV, beware...we're coming.
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Zenith....nice to see you here.

    SV That was some fish you put up yesterday, such a beauty, and what a fin on its back (dorsal??)I have never fished the ocean, just quiet freshwater minor rivers and lakes, NOTHING as exotic as yours.

    You were bemoaning the 'pink' month. I am the arch enemy of Pink...and yet today I bought a Tshirt. A very pretty white T with the words Love Pink, in clear crystal, and the pink bow in whatelse ??....yes.... pink crystals. I shall wear it to sleep in.

    Have been to see MIL today, she has been moved from hospital to a 'half way house' rehabilitation centre. Of course its about 15 miles away, and she had just arrived when I turned up, so was able to settle her in and fill in all her forms. She is bemused, and cannot remember breaking her hip at all. I had a little 'fan dance' at the state of her legs. They have swollen up alarmingly....I haven't seen her for 4 days, but I have never seen anything like it before. The legs had swollen so much they were oozing from what looked like about a dozen, on each leg, small holes. Her slippers were saturated. The hospital where she had been had 'not noticed' , and had not given her any diabetes tablets for THREE WEEKS. No-one had noticed this, either. I, myself, gave the hospital her list of drugs as she was admitted 5 weeks ago. She was given the diabetes drug for 2 weeks, then it was just omitted from her chart....the nurse in charge at the new home rang the hospital and gave them a real telling off, she was really bellowing down the 'phone to them.

    MIL always wears trousers, now she's out of nightwear they are asking for skirts, so they can easily get to her legs, so I had to shoot off to the shops and buy some skirts, some sox, because her feet are so cold, and 2 pairs of slippers. Also stocked up on sweaters and lots of undies. DH will blow a gasket when he sees how much I have spent, but she needs them. He had a fit a fortnight ago when I bought THREE pairs of PJs.....I did catch him tonight and warn him there'd be a big chunk of money coming out of her bank...but, not just how big a chunk is missing !! I'll let him process this, then give him the receipt in a day or two !! He actually said thankyou to me today for spending time with MIL. I was trying to wean myself away from all his family, but suppose MIL is too dotty to realise we are no longer together, so never need know. This also means I have to keep on keeping in touch with her !!!  

    I am in for an early night tonight, I am going to a sheep sale tomorrow, starts at 11am, and there's an hours will be the first time I have taken the cattle trailer on the back of the 4WD (which I hate ) on my own for years. This will be interesting!! But I need a ram, and maybe will fancy a few girls as well ! How on earth I will load them up on my own without DH in tow remains to be seen. I can't walk upright properly, for more than about 2 mins, so maybe someone will take pity on me, if only to get me out of the way so they can load up !! G/son checked all my tyres way can I bend to do this. I wouldn't be suprised if G/son doesn't skip work tomorrow, and turn up to help me, he was muttering at me going alone, and never needs an excuse to have a day off from work.... I didn't like to ask him outright, don't want him to get the idea its OK to skip work!! Jobs are hard to come by here for youngsters, he has had his job now 2 years. He works at a big motorbike franchise. He takes all the bikes that have come in crashed, takes them to pieces, puts the parts on the internet, on behalf of the firm he works for. Then he organises the p&p and sends the bits out all over the country. He loves doing this, just treading water 'til he goes into the family garage business when he's 21. DD and SIL are going to set him up in a department of his own then, repairing bikes. He goes to college 2 days to take some exams, not sure what, but he'll be a qualified bike mechanic when he's out of college.

    We have so many unemployed youngsters it upsets me. They have no purpose at all, no-body wants to know them. They can't afford clothes, nights out, holidays, just no wonder they turn to crime and drugs. I get so annoyed the colleges just keep churning hundreds and hundreds of youngsters, all hopeful they will get a job, with whatever stupid qualification they have in their hand....qualifications that will never turn into a decent job. 2 of my G/sons, and 2 G/daughters are of working age, and all 4 have got a job....goodness knows how, but DD really pushes them, and spends ages sweet talking people to get the kids into employment....and it works.

    Hey, I am off at a tangent again, I'd better get to bed and count sheep !!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV, I became interested in genealogy when I was going through chemo and had diarihhea so

    bad that I had to stay home..anyhow got back to the year 36 AD in two sides

    of  my maternal grandmothers line...what fun isn't it...btw, I have DAR tomorrow ..

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    Claudia and Katheryn im so my grandson turned 23.I CANNOT imagine the loss.I have no words.God rest their souls.

    im just readin today. overdoing the arm a bit.still prayin tho.luv my sistas.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Thank you GD, Alyson, and all. 

    BarbA, how did your mammo go? When will you get results?  

    Best wishes to everyone - whether in treatment or out, to you and those you love, all blessings.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    OMG, I would be so thrilled to have my gals come to the OBX. I need to talk to a friend who has a gorgeous house across the street that he rents and see if he might give us a great discount for winter. Let me know when the general month is-and all welcome. I sort of fell off track with this idea bec I could not get my life or self together. Finally on Effexor and I am feeling so much better. I am taking a bunch of gals (new in AA) down to the Ocracoke A A Jamboree first week november and I am thrilled-cannot wait!! And for the men to get to go to Portsmith for fishing is such an incredible deal but it really is raw camping! We gals deserve the BEST!! XXOO, SV