Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • JaneJollyfoot
    JaneJollyfoot Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2010
    Great idea northstar! Thanks for creating a place for us "older" folks Wink.
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Mornin All,

    HeartnSoul, big hugs, and deep condolences on the loss of your kitties - what a shock to lose both. Our critters really do have a place in our hearts and families.  I sure hope ittybit comes home! CB and Jackie said it much better - but {{ HNS }}

    Welcome to all I've missed - and best wishes to those having treatment, making decisions, enduring travails... 

    SV - the bottled tomatoes will be base stock for wonderful soups, stews, and pastas this winter. And I will know what's in them, how they were grown; plus none of that nasty plastic can-liner.  All that makes me happy, which maybe boosts my immune system.  Besides, at our elevation, there's a certain competition as to who can get tomatoes to ripen, much less have enough to give away or bottle.  So, pod, (-; - if you're in my neighborhood this winter, stop by for dinner, when we'll probably have soup and salad, and homemade biscuits.    {{{ SV }}}

    And maybe DH will be out of physical therapy for his back by then.  No sailing or rowing for us until next spring.  He messed himself up pretty bad just 'not realizing' what he was doing - the same repetitive motion for hours -- I think it's a guy thing.  He's in good physical condition, the motion was easy, and he is paying dearly.  Family doc said rowing was notorious for causing back problems for exactly that reason.  He gave DH a cortisone shot, more meds, and serious take it easy instructions - for months!  Keeping DH down, or slowly rebuilding strength should be (not) fun.  He is not one to lay about, at all. 

    Oh well, it's keeping my mind off the upcoming first-after surgery mammo, somewhat. And I'm being legs for both of us, so am getting in my steps & weight-bearing exercise.  Hah. I'm pretty tired by end of day.

    CB thanks for the picture - it made me smile.  Lisa, your photos are stunning as always. Amazing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    A quick but very welcome, welcome to you JaneJollyfoot as I am having to leave the house in moments. Glad you found us. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    morning readin but not postin too much...overdoing it a little bit with the arm.thats me.i want to be as good as new yesterday.YEA RIGHT...


  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited October 2010

    Heart and Soul: I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitties. I love them too. Barbie died at a ripe old age and it appears to be from natural causes. And I agree, she died right in your arms. If I were a cat, that's where I'd want to go, in my guardian's arms.

    Itty Bit may have been trying to tell you something was wrong. They're far more intuitive than we sometimes give them credit. I'm lighting a candle for her safe return or at the very least that a kind person takes her in and loves her.

    My heart aches for you. I'm so sorry this has happened, especially with the heavy burden you already have.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    GD Sentinel nodes are the ones that light up after an injection.....and there can be however many there are.....but it has been found that these nodes are the first to catch anything draining from the breast as a foreign object or cancer cell debris.  If nothing is found in the Sentinel nodes ( I had three ) than removing any more is redundant.  It is confusing --- a lot because there is always the un-expected thing that crops up now and then.  As a rule.....if you have clean margins, and clean Sentinel lymph nodes -- then the cancer has not spread anywhere -- usually.  I don't understand a lot of things either --- just remember praying that I wouldn't wake up missing a bunch of lymph nodes.  We have a lot of them in our bodies and they take the "junk" away when we have a wound that is healing etc.  Lots of things -- even a bruise can cause the nodes to have to go to work.  Thank God they came up with being able to "find" the right lymph nodes for breast surgeries -- it has drastically reduced time, effort, healing and all the other parts of a surgical procedure.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Morning all

    Welcome to thoise who have found us.

    Sorry about the lose of our cats Heart and Soul - it is so difficult. I get into such a panic when one of my cats is missing for even a day- mine are outdoors cats, well they come and go as they please. Hope Itty Bit comes home. Angus my ginger cat, his mother was called Itty Bitty. He is usually called Gus the guts as he is never satisfied with his food so goes out looking for meals elsewhere. Barnabas is a beautiful blue/grey half Russian blue a very dignified cat but a real baby at times especially when he decides her is sleeping on our bed.

    Saw my gastro surgeon on Tuesday and will have op to fix hiatus hernia on 25 Nov. I couldn't do it before then as we are going down to Wellinton on the weekend of the 20th. DH has a meeting down there so I decided to go as well. I am not looking forward to more surgery however it has got to a point where I cannotcope with the reflux and the pain much longer.

    The kitchen is in and is beautiful but still have the floor to get done and then the appliances get installed. Can't wait to get my stove in then I will have to learn to use it. Isabella will probaly know how to use a stove with 3 ovens. DH said last night he now knew why I wanted a new kitchen, it was so that I could display my Portmeirion china. I have quite a collection. WIll need one or two new pieces for the kitchen so am hinting about Christmas presents.

    I had better get dressed and stop wittering on.

    Big Hugs


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    thanks jackie for the node info.i knew my dr didnt follow protocol but i did not know there were many sentinel nodes.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2013

    I had four sentinal nodes

    one was positive

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    Dr #1 took out 1 sentinel was positive.

    Lisa-how did you find out you had 4 sentinel nodes?

    was it written anywhere? did your dr tell you there were 4?

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    I had 3 nodes, all clear.  It was included on my path report and discussed with my surgeon at our post surgery appointment.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Same here!  I was told she was going to remove the Sentinal node, plus two others...and the tissue was frozen, then she waited for the phone call to see if they were clear, because if they weren't, they would have gone after more.   And yes, this was all discussed at the post-surgery appointment.  It's also on the "final" pathology report.  And I would ask, if I hadn't been told.

    Alyson!  Aren't you excited about your NEW kitchen?  Wow!  Congratulations! 

    I just got my flu shot....!  Did you gals get one? Or are you going to?  I was told it is "3 in 1" this year!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Alyson, I have no idea how to use a stove with 3 ovens. I had an old AGA taken out when I moved here, and am now on an electric stove with just one oven, and it never gets any use...I hate cooking, to me its a complete waste of time. I am actually going to bake a Christmas cake tomorrow. I got the 'bug' and have assembled all my ingredients, and will make an attempt in the morning.

    It is 7 years since I baked a Christmas cake, 7 years since my dx. I just stopped all cooking when diagnosed (any excuse !!!) Just completely refused to do it. I thought my time was very limited, and didn't intend to spend one minute doing something I absolutely hated. DH took over, a bit hit and miss, but on the whole not so bad. He did all our

     Christmas extravaganzas. I just hovvered around directing. Now I eat mainly cold food, cold meat and salad, or microwave meals, and not ONE minute is wasted cooking....and not much washing up either, I only run the dishwasher every 3 days now. I love to eat out, so sometimes get a decent meal !

    Welcome to our newcomers, always nice to find some others in the same boat as we all are.

    Sorry about the cats Heart and Soul, hope the lost one has decided to return by now.

    Jane, looks like we have yet another dog lover, going by your avatar.

    GD How is that arm of yours ?? It could take months to return to normal, if it ever does. I've never lost the numbness down the back, and underneath the arm, and my Drs all assured me it would all return to normal. HA. I've learned something here. I also thought there was only one sentinel node..seems I was wrong!

    Oh, I am sat here in the quiet house, and I can hear mice fighting in my conservatory, I noticed they were inside a couple of days ago, I shall have to be mixing some cement in the morning, never mind Christmas cake !! There is a smallish hole in the stone flagged floor, so I think thats where they are getting in. I am panicking they'll get into the kitchen, so have just shut myself in. They're never about thru' the day, because the dogs are always around, but the dogs have gone to bed, and the squeaking starts ! If they get into my kitchen they'll be under my kitchen units, and the dogs will spend their days snuffling and scuffling, trying to break under the units.

    I was bitten by a fly yesterday, so am sick of small creatures. I was just standing at my mirror, in the bathroom, putting on my make-up, with bare legs, when I suddenly felt what I thought was a pin stabbing my leg. Nothing at all to be seen, then a minute later I looked at my leg, and there was a big fat fly sitting on the  'pin prick', probably about to get me again !! I got him ( well, it had to be a him ) with a towel, and down the loo he went. We only seem to get these biting flies at the end of the season, but they are quite a nuisance. Still have 2 largeish bruises on my arm, from being bittenby MILs dog 2 weeks ago tomorrow. There are six big white scars made by its teeth, that I think will always be there now....thank you MILs dog !!! I haven't seen it for 2 weeks, and its great. I never want to set eyes on it again. I am hoping to get to see MIL tomorrow afternoon,and will have to lie to her again about her dear little dog !

    Managed to get out into my garden this evening, and spent 15 mins pulling out weeds, then I had to pack it in, I just couldn't stand up any longer. We have been having a lovely crisp sunny Autumn ( Fall) day,not very warm, but weather that makes me want to get into my garden...then when I get there I can't do a thing for back pain. Goodness knows when I will get my back operation...not looking forwards to it at all......but anything has to be better than not being able to get about easily. G/son is back helping me tonight, was I pleased to hear his car on the drive. He wasn't in such great condition, his knee is still swollen badly, but he managed to hobble round, and do the heavy lifting for me.    I can manage to get about on the farm, because there are lots of pens and fences to grab hold of as I go around, so can work in a fashion. Its the lifting that does for me nowadays.

    Sending 2 dozen larger calves off to market tomorrow, I have to admit defeat, I can't manage to catch them anymore now, so let someone else do it. I relied on G/son to feed them all for me one evening last week, when I wasn't here, and he forgot to fill up a fair few of the calves water buckets. If I am suddenly taken ill I just think 'who will do the job properly now' I didn't like to say anything to him, as he is such a help, but I always have to go round and check when he goes home that things are all maybe its time to sell the calves, they are very labour intensive, and a real tie, can't go far when I have a batch of calves in....and DH will not do anything now more than he is forced....infact some days he never comes up at all, suits me, but also leaves me all alone responsible for animals that I really want to keep, but am just not up to doing when I think about it. Just wait 'til its snowy and icy I will not be able to get outside at all., so, all things considered I am having to wind down things. I have been dreading this day coming, but have to be practical about things. I still have my sheep and cows, they're out in the fields, and more or less look after themselves....very easy to manage, I really will feel I'm all washed up if they have to go !!!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    CB.. I HAVEN'T got my 'flu shot. I am scared of needles anyway, but our "3 in 1" now includes the 'bird 'flu vaccine that no-body wanted last year !! How do they have the cheek to mix it all up, and represent it this year ?? There is loads in our press about it !!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Granny, all four showed up after the radioactive stuff was in....on a

    reading...the surgeon told me and also it was on my path report from the surgery

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    LISA--i had the radioactive stuff in but i was sleeping.were you? no one told me you know dr#1 was a real jerk BS. he told me NADA.Dr#3 got the amended path report from him that changed everything.I AM SOOOO MAD.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Everyone, thank you so much for the kind words about my kitties. They are so much a part of the family - the house seems so empty without them. Especially Barbie, my old girl. I haven't seen my 21 year-old son cry in years, but we both just cried all day that Sunday, and off and on for a few days afterwards. It's just so hard to lose someone that's been such an integral part of your life for so long. She practically helped raise Christopher! She was such a little mother cat.  She was probably hard of hearing because she was very loud and followed me all over the house meowing. She definitely made her presence known, and now it is sooooo absent. I used to joke that it was like being followed around by a senile old lady yelling at me, but now I miss it so much. She was so pretty - if I can figure it out, I'll post some pictures of her and Itty Bit. And Itty Bit has the most expressive face I have ever seen on a cat, and she absolutely understood every word we said. Maybe she ran off because her old friend had just died earlier that day and she knew that, and then I had to go and swat her. :(  I go out and call her everyday, hopefully she'll hear me, and we put pictures up around the neighborhood. I've called Animal Control - fortunately they haven't been in our neighborhood. I don't like them very much - I know they perform a necessary job, but if they catch your cat, you've got 5 days to get yourself down there and see if your cat is there, or they put them to sleep - that's not very long. Once I went down there looking for my missing cat and came home with another one! I just can't go in there without wanting to adopt them all, so I make my ex-husband go look for me.

    Unfortunately, I have so much other stuff going on - I have to have a CT scan next week, plus an MRI, have to get measured to begin my radiation treatments, and there is a lump near my lumpectomy scar I have to have the doctor check. I've been trying to get through to her since Monday, but her nurse - Nurse Ratchett - has been blocking me. That nurse just doesn't like me - she has zero empathy. It makes you wonder why people like that become nurses in the first place.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    {{{HnS}}}} big hugs and much love and prayers going on for you.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010


    At the top is my pretty girl, Barbie, in a box. Cats and boxes....The 2nd one is Itty Bit - look at that questioning look on her face! She was either listening to us or expecting something. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013

    Both kitties are so sweet. I hope and pray Itty Bit is safe and warm somewhere rightnow and in the morning will be on your door step.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Granny, when I had the sentinal node stuff, it was very new

    ten years ago almost..anyhow..the day before they put in the

    radioactive stuff, then put me in a machine to read it and  gave  me

    a copy of it to take to the surgeon the next day..she put in the purple

    marker before the she could see from both markers

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    LISA 10 yrs way they did yours sounds better then the way they did mine.

    see how much they learned in 10 yrs. NOTHING....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Yes!  They put they injected the nuclear dye into the nipple, 2 hours before the surgery.  I had to "massage" under my arm to "move" the dye to the lymph nodes!  That's how they could "find" the nodes with the purple dye, probably using the ultra-sound looking at a monitor! 

    And I'm sorry, but who mentioned the "lump" after your lumpectomy?  I had the same darn thing!  I was told it was a "seroma".....a pocket filled with fluid, that is quite natural after that surgery!  It has gone down a lot!  Especially after my last mammogram, because it smashed it to pieces, I think!  So let us know....Okay?  IT'S YOU HEARTNSOUL!  With the lump!   Maybe it is the same thing I have, but is better now!  Tell your Nurse Ratchet you've had just about enough of her!

    Also, did any of you gals get that long "wire" inserted into your breast into the exact spot where the tumor was?  They did this by using the ultrasound, inserting it, and watching the monitor to see where the "clip" was, marking the tumor spot!   That way the surgeon could go right to the spot! 

    Isabella...your posts make this thread so interesting, I swear!  I think we all love reading about your exploits with your animals & you taking care of yourself!  You sound a lot happier, anyway!  Yes, my flu shot paper says.."The 2010-2011 vaccine provides protection against A/HIN1 (pandemic) influenza, & two other influenza viruses-influenza A/H3N2 & influenza B.  It will not prevent illness caused by other viruses."  So it also says I will be protected like in two weeks.  But Isabella, honestly, it didn't hurt even a little!  And if you turn your head the other way, you won't even know!  I figure at my age, I had better get one, because I get so sick with asthma when I catch something!  I have not been sick for over 12 years now!  Well other than this breast cancer stuff, but I was told I am "now a survivor"  by my Primary Care Doc...Tongue out 

    Thank you Heartnsoul for the beautiful pics of your cats!  I wish I could give you a hug! Hang in there & your Son.  I'm sorry.

    KANTALOPE!  Are you alright?  Come on kiddo...hang in there!  It DOES get better...

    Love you all....xoxoxoxoxo

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Oh Heart and Soul, I am so sorry about your cat and do hope Itty Bit will return!  How heartbreaking to lose one and the same day have the other run away.

    Isabella, I had my flu shot in my onc's office before I even processed what was happening.  All I'd done was ask him if it was okay to get the flu shot (beginning radiation) and almost before I knew it it was done!  Wouldn't recommend it necessarily, since he charged me $36 for it and it would have been a lot less if I'd gone to one of those clinics at a drug store, but at least it's done!  That's the thing about this BC thing--I just can't think things through now.  Guess there's only enough room in my brain for the big issue and to heck with everything else!

    Hi Alyson, and congrats on the new kitchen.  Sounds awesome!!

    Chevyboy, yes, I had the wire locator put in prior to my lumpectomy, too.  The jerk who inserted it (without anesthesia, I might add) had to back it out and do it again because "I moved".  For a long time afterward I fantasized about having part of his anatomy immobilized in a vise and having my way with a locator wire! Surgeon was livid because all her patients were to be anesthesized before the SNB injections and  the wire insertions and she'd taken training in doing both herself, so she was going to do it.  Somebody got their wires crossed, so to speak, with me.

    Chilly nights here but still warm during the days.  I'm ready for fall and the end of DST and the extra hour of sleep!


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010

    granny - I had the radioactive tracer test the afternoon of the day before my surgery.  The machine uses gamma rays to 'see' the hot nodes where the tracer has drained to from the breast.  After the test the man marked two spots on my breast with indelible pen showing how deep and how far in to 'dig' to find the nodes. I also took a copy of the pictures to the surgeon and once I was 'under' the next day he injected the blue dye which also drained to the nodes and confirmed their location. When he visited me in hospital the next morning he told me he had taken 4 nodes and that they all looked fine but he said he would confirm that when the path had been done.  My path report shows that 4 were taken and that they were all clear.   I do remember him saying that the position of the tumour makes a difference to how well these tests pick up the nodes but for the life of me I can't remember why now.  He said because my tumour was at 3 o'clock about 2 cm from the nipple on the left breast it might be difficult to get nodes to show up  and that if they didn't show he would take about 11 just to 'make sure'.  Luckily they showed up really easily so I got away with less digging around.  Even with only 4 taken quite a lot of the back of my arm and underarm is still numb and it must be the sentinal node surgery that did it as I had a prophylactic mx on the other side and there is no numbness on the arm or under it.  There is plenty of numbness on the foobs though!!!!

    lisa - your doc did exactly what mine did and your surgery was 10 years ago - they must have been pretty onto it at the time and you were in very good hands by the sound of it!

    heartnsoul - It's SO heart wrenching to lose our beloved pets. I am sorry to hear you have lost your loving Barbie and I too hope Itty Bitty turns up.  I lost my little black moggy, called Weenie, 14 years ago and I still miss her.  I missed her so much in fact that I couldn't bear to have another cat and eventually got a dog instead after 3 years.  He is now 11 and had a mouth cancer earlier this year and had to have 3 teeth removed to stop it.  I hope it worked as I will miss him desperately when he goes.

    Isabella - farm work is hard work even if you have a good back.  My friend has about 80 Angora goats (down from about 250 a few years ago) and at 72 she is now starting to find caring for even the smaller number quite challenging at times.  I help her when the shearing is being done now and for vaccinations etc but soon she will have to seriously think about what she is going to do in the future years.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Mornin Ladies

    Wire localizations: any doc who did that without anesthesia should be ___________ insert your favorite torture.  Good grief no anesthesia is stone-age medicine!  I've had a couple of wire localizations now, and all with at least a local anesthetic.  First one was 14 years ago.  My doc was doing them back in the stone ages I guess. 

    At my surgery in April this year, they did the dye a couple hours before the surgery - it was all part of one process including surgery, and thanks to modern chemistry those few hours are pretty fuzzy in my mind.  I recall getting the dye, but nothing else about it.  I recall they gave me a Valium (my first) before the wire localization (I'm queasy around needles), and I ended up telling that doc & the staff a bunch of jokes while they were doing the procedure......

    CB you've given me hope that the lumps in my breast are just seroma leftover from the surgery or rads.  

    Have a great day all - best wishes!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    after reading lost creeks post i am not so seems my dr.did the same thiing.i had the dye injected as soon as i got to the hospital and then after a while(dont remember how long) they came to take me away.went to sleep and dr.jerk took out only the sentinel node.i knew it was too easy.THANK YOU MY SISTAS FOR TELLING ME TO GO FOR ANOTHER OPINION....thats why i needed the other surgery.the sentinel node was positive but he closed me up for possibly more surgery down the road.

    its over.i must move on.goin to the onc.on the 27 for the results on the onco test.that should be fun.

    thank you my sistas for always giving it to me head should be in a better place now that i am considered NED>>>its not.maybe its the full moon tomorrow.ha.

    praying for all of you for cancer free forever.God bless.hugggggggggggs


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Granny Dukes,

    Keep us posted on your appointment on the 27th. I hope you get good info and a good plan for treatment. I really understand about the SNB mess. I am 65 and in my entire life I was never traumatized like I was by that radiologist.  It is hard to forget and leaves me with a certain fear that I never had before. I hope seeing a new Doc and getting another opinion is helpful to you.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    thanks Ginger----------i dont think that i will ever forget this years nightmare.gonna be a month that the pain started.

    i wish cancer would get cancer.enuf.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    CB- I got my flu shot too.  I am more out and about this year than normal & have more exposure, so just did it. My arm was a bit sore for a couple days.   Also had my doc order the zoster vaccine and am going to take that preventative too -- I have waffled for years, but tales of shingles convinced me.

    Cooking:  I've been cooking for a family since I was ten.  Most of the time I just cook because I have to, and it's simple 30-minute or less meals. Or, I spend a bit more time chopping &c, then we eat the same thing for three or four days, so I only really cook a couple times a week.  Unless they're unable, folks mostly have to fend for themselves for breakfast & lunch at my house and there's plenty to graze on.  But I do like to bake, and to eat what I bake.  Going out to eat is rare for us - not many places around here to go. If I was alone, it would be much harder to eat well!  I'd just eat popcorn or  ice cream...

    Critters & their importance in our families: when Mom had a family reunion many years ago, I had a cockatiel that was "special" to just about everybody in our family.  One of those gift-creatures.  So, he got his health certificate, I paid the fees, and he flew east with us as carry-on luggage.  He made a lot of friends on the plane, too.  Many smiles remembering that week. Thanks for helping me think about it...

     Have a good day.  It's book club for me.

    ps, edit to add:  My brother is a nurse. He always gets flu shots.  This year he got the flu before he could get the vaccine.  He said it was the worst - terrible pulmonary-  he's ever had, and urged me & DH to get the shots.