Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010
    SV - fortunately, I see the doctor on Monday, so I can tell her that the antibiotics took a while to work, and just when they started working I ran out. Maybe she'll give me something stronger. Today I bought some cranberry pills - someone on the boards said she was sick of getting bladder infections, saw these pills, took 10 of them that night before bed, and woke up the next day feeling fine. Now she takes one every night as a preventative. I don't know if I'll take TEN, but I'll take a few and see what happens. Hope your knee is getting better - you've got things to do! I always feel like I'm too busy to be sick!
  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited October 2010

    HeartnSoul, You're babies are lovely. Holding out hope that beautiful tabby will find her way home.

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited October 2010

    3jays, I loved the story too. It's far into the wee hours and I'm laughing my head off. Guess I'll just get up and pretend it's light out. Hot flashes have been awful tonight.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Heart&Soul --- I think you basically described what most of our lives have become --- a somewhat less than clean, terribly cluttered,  and somewhat obnoxious mess in nearly every room.  I see things now and then and think....hmmm -- that is not mine.  Wonder who left it here ?  I have talked about this before, but not lately.  For two years almost no one did much here......only things that you could not do without --- like laundry, etc.  Most of the rest.....well, we werent' going anywhere and neither was the dirt and disarray. 

    After I finished rads and started to get my sea legs back --- I pretty much finished the project I started  a couple of months before I got my diagnosis --- was going through everything I had..  I had boxes stacked everywhere......gathered them all up plus everything I could easily tell I would no longer use......and hauled it all to the local auction barn.  Some brand new, some moderately used, some falling apart.....and a library worth of books.  My theory is this.....yard sales are a lot of work --- people talk you down to nothing and usually it is already priced rock bottom, and at the end.....someone comes along and offers you a pittance for what is left.....and you often take it just to not have to "deal" with the left-overs.  At auction.....even on things that are not in such good shape.....the price generally goes up -- never down.  If something is not "going" they put something a little better with it.  This way.....all the stuff is sold -- no left-overs.  I made $2,500.00 and was able to made some head way here.  We are still a work in progress, but way farther than we were. 

    It also feels good that even though I often don't get to the things I think I should, it is not because I am feeling bad --- but rather due to just having so much to try and get to in one day.  I am so blessed that I can do so much, so often, even with some lingering foot neuropathy.  Life is good and I am so appreciative of getting the opportunity to do over.  I have what seems a perfect second chance to look at things a little differently, to stop and actually smell the roses, to love more than I ever have or thought possible, to help as much as I can, to enhance even more those parts of my life with deep meaning -- like my spiritual side which has taken on far greater importance now.  It is a joy to be alive in ways I must have often missed before.  I can't say I really thank cancer for all of I think much of this might have happened anyway....but it does add a dimension -- perhaps making it so that many of these things are felt a bit stronger, a bit more up front and I think a lot sooner and faster for sure.  I'm doing things over at a time when I still can call up lots of strength and energy and at a point where I live in love and hope for the future.  I'm glad I wasn't a whole lot older --- or even younger. to ramblilng on.  Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow.  I'm planning on sleeping in till at least 7 a.m.  See you all soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Illinois Lady, thank you for writing. You reall spoke to me tonight.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    hey ladies, back for more..heartnsoul,im so glad you laughed at that story. one of the funniest that's happened in a long time. i'll have to tell my friend Camille your sons' out there shouting "volco" now..loli'll put my 2 cents in for cranberry pills. its worked for me for many years. the tick is, to take em reg. then, it seems to ward off infections. do get more antibiotics for this one, since your gonna see the doc. just a quick fly by..nite 3jays
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning gals....Jackie!....You even made money!!!!  Smile I don't like yard sales either!  And now I stay away from anyone else's "stuff!"   I just don't "need" anything else, & this morning I'm going through my higher cupboard, (the one I need a stool to stand on to reach) and get rid of most of the TEA that I have been "hoarding" for years!  I love tea, but I don't drink it!  Hardly ever!  I'll keep the millions of bags, but I think I'll get all the bulk tea together & mix the leaves in with my garden!  I did that with all my older vitamins, & I had huge tomatoes!  They might also like TEA!  Ha!  I just used to buy tea "on sale" and at places like Ross, or TJ Maxx. 

    So THEN I will try & organize all the plastic left-over containers!  I can't ever find what I want in that mess!   I should probably even take a bunch of those things away!  All of my cupboards are either too high or too low, & I am in-between!  Just short.  And it hurts my knees too much to crawl around trying to reach in those "what-ever it is" in the cupboard!   Anyway, that's my plan.

    I'm so glad you have come this far Jackie...Or at least you are putting on a good front!  You are like an inspiration to the rest of us....But for me, I wish I WAS a "whole lot younger," Ha!  I KNOW all these parts didn't take turns hurting even just 10 years ago!  But we are SURVIVORS! And that means the world! 

    I have a mammogram next month...Then to the Radiologist probably for the last time, and then a week later, the Oncologist!  It's been a year in December that I had the lumpectomy...And I'm as good as new!   And yes, I have a whole new out-look on life, and "what I have"......Kind of makes you sit up & take notice of all the things you have to be thankful for!   So hang in there girls!  If I can make these rattling old bones work, & keep on "keepin'on" you can too! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010
    Chrissy YAY on the clear mammo! Marybe I knew you would keep that sweet dog. She won you over even when she was flea bitten and mangy. QCA I also loved the weekend time off from rads. I even had one 3 day weekend in there. That was great. I'll keep you posted as the stealth attack on SV plans progress. LC prayers and big (((HUGS))) for you. I was just as anxious as you were two weeks ago but know we are pulling for you and praying for you. HnS I am saying a prayer for Itty Bit to come home every day. Jackie What a wonderful idea about taking all the stuff to an auction! Regarding the changes cancer makes in all our lives, I think it made me 'grow up' faster than I would have otherwise. I am still not sure if that is a bad thing or a good thing so for now I just accept that it is.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    My Foot-Note: drat and double drat --I did not sleep in until 7 a..m. It was 5:45 but hey, there is always tomorrow.  Lets all go and have a great Sunday anyhow. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    I just read this on someone elses post!  I loved it! 

    " *¨* .*¨* You can spend your life being angry about it. Or you can forget it and move on. The choice is yours. Don't let anyone else control your happiness *¨*¸¸¸.*." 

    This was on the Tamoxifen thread....listening to all the women having so much trouble with joint pain, etc.   Sometimes, the treatments are almost worse than the actual surgery.  xoxoxoxo 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010

    Nothing wrong with a little anger - sometimes it makes us fight harder!

    Forget about it? Forget about that lol - My breasts speak to me everyday lol

    But yes - we can move on...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Claire, lets have a group ((((GRRRRRR))))))! That felt good. Now back to our regularly scheduled day.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Evenin' Ladies - just a quick note - 3jays, I too laughed myself silly - great story!

    To all - best wishes this week, whatever you're going through.  

    We had quite a storm today, and satellite connection is iffy now; I have other letters must write...

    Will be out of touch for several days, and will let you all know the results of mammo as soon as we get back. THANK YOU ALL for your good wishes.  They matter, a lot.  The imaging center called me today to reschedule tomorrow's mammo due to technical problems, but since I'm driving such a distance, we agreed to work something out. If I'm lucky I'll get an ultrasound instead of mammo.  Am still swollen & sore from rads which ended in early August! Ugh.

    Jackie, great idea - and another "shining" example.

    Isabella, hope all's well with you.  Hope your near-X becomes your Was-bund soon.  

     xox to all

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Itty Bit is still at large, but I'm still hopeful because of all the stories of pets coming home after weeks. Thanks everyone, for the kind words and prayers about my kitties. Something made me cry about Barbie today - I don't remember what it was, but I guess it can take you by surprise sometimes.

    Illinois Lady - I'm so determined to get my house in order again. I've been working all day helping my son organize his room - trying to get a "big" kid to throw away ANYTHING is almost impossible! I am definitely going to do the auction thing - that's a terrific idea! I've been setting aside good stuff not quite sure what to do with it; thought about a yard sale but I'm not that crazy yet. I'm totally wearing myself out trying to get things in order before my last visit from Cleaning for a Reason, but this lady does a fantastic job! (probably trying to get me to hire her!)

    She's coming Friday, and Friday night I can finally heave a HUGE sigh of relief because the cleaning/organizing will be done (in most of the house-well, not my room *sigh*), and my week of tests and doctor's visits will be over. I'm having to call it a night now because I'm exhausted and I still have to shower and be there at 8:30 am for an MRI. I've never had one of those - I wonder if I should take a Xanax? Then my onc is going to check a lump on my breast at 2:00 (which means around 4:00 (*sigh* again). Then my 1st appt with the radiologist is Tuesday - don't know what to expect from that, and then a CT scan on Wednesday. I just may have to pour myself a drink come Friday night after making it through this week! 

    LC, good luck with your mammo! Hope you get an ultrasound instead - oh great, I hope mine doesn't say I need a mammo for that lump. I'm going to BEG for an ultrasound! Of course I could be like Chevyboy, and they could just squash it away with the mammogram! That's one way to deal with a lump! Tongue out 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Yay! The lump is just fat necrosis and the MRI is over! Exhausting ordeal walking all around the hospital, then I have to do it again tomorrow for the radiologist. Darn, he used to have another office closer to home but instead I have to go 6 weeks back and forth to the hospital. Well, I don't care - at least I'm moving forward, closer and closer to getting things closer to normal!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    (((HEARTNSOUL))))) YAY!!! Deep calming breaths. Still saying prayers for Itty Bit.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2010

    So glad to hear that.  You deserve some good news for a change.  Darla

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    HeartNSoul COngratulations!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Isabella, where are you?   I made a funny joke about your puppies. I wrote that you had 13 Jack Russel Terriers but I meant 13 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. That would be one giant difference in household Peace and Quiet! 

    I hope you are well and having a day of peace and good health. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    WOO-WOO ((((HeartNS))))) great results!! So happy for you. Short note tonight-Irony-a very close friend who just beat cancer was killed surfing yesterday. It was a very calm break and he hit wrong and broke his neck. I am in tears-but if I had a way to chose, that would be it!! One more angel in the sky even though he is a guy. Long day and love to all, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    H & S --- wonderful good news -- fantastic.  Hope this is the start of something good -- like good news on all your tests etc. 

    Healing happy hugs, Jackie

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Thank you, ladies! You are all the best for caring - you know exactly how each small victory feels!

    Got a hot lead on Itty Bit today. A neighbor a few streets over called and said a cat has been hanging around his house for about 10 days. We went over there and called but didn't see her, but it was dark by then. We're going to try again in the morning.

    SV, so sorry to hear about your friend. Like you said, at least he died doing something he loved, but still sad.

    Gotta clean a little more before I call it a night - I HAVE to be ready for these cleaners Friday. Then, of course, I have to maintain it all and therein lies the problem - LOL. 

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited October 2010

    Good luck HeartnSoul. I'm hoping it's Itty Bit. Lighting candles. Let it be. So this is an occasion when having a bit of fat is a good thing! Congrats. Love good news.

    SV, so sorry about your friend. Yes, I'd like to be having fun too. But he's still gone. I'm sorry.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV, so sorry

    heart and soul...glad for the good news..

    I am currently prepping for my colonoscopy/and upper endoscopy

    as we speak..there has to be a better way..

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Yes Lisa......a little on the barbaric side   Definitely too much going a long way.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    lisa:hope everything came out, silly, i mean the test, not the prep!! i just finished mine a few months ago, up one way, and down another..all ok. some polyps removed, but not cancer, thank you God!! hope you get the same, or better results. let us know.    l&L, 3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2010

    SV, sooo sorry about your friend.  It's hard enough to loose anyone, but when it's sudden like that it seems even harder.    A gentle warm (((HUG))) and a strong shoulder to cry on.  chrissyb

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    sv, i"m so sorry to hear about your friend. i gotta say like you,if it's gotta be, when my times out, i hope its something like that; doing something i love doing..don't want anything lingering. and i have not so good odds of that, with MS. i hope God knows im a chicken, and takes me suddenly, like your friend. the grief we experience when they go suddenly from us can be mind melding, though. i'm lighting a candle for you, and his family tonight. good night, myy friend. hope you can get some rest.   light and love,  3jaysmom
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010

    SV - oh man - you poor thing, it is just one thing after another for you at the moment.  So sorry to hear of your friend's death.

    Lisa - I have never had the 'clearing out' stuff but I have had three close friends tell me it is worse than the test. Hope it is not too bad for you and that results are A-okay.

    3jays - I too wish to go quickly - I watched my beloved Dad struggle through 18 terrible months with a mind turned to mush after a stroke only to have his body ravaged by a skin cancer gone mad. Horrendous end for an incredibly dignified, humble, loving and intelligent man.  If ever there was a case for euthanasia his was it.  Sorry ladies, a bit maudlin, but I have had a lot of trouble accepting what happened to him - the doctors definitely got it wrong when they decided they could rehabilitate him rather than letting the pneumonia take him away and unfortunately most of my family agreed with them.

    Nearly midnight and I have to work tomorrow so better get to sleep.

    Take care all