Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Oh, Isabella! I love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels! They are so smart and loving. The doctor getting MRI's and you cannot is the real example of treatment inequity. ????

    Tried to paste the itinerary here but got a bunch of HTML stuff so here is my trip:

    San Juan to Virgin Gorda

    Virgin Gorda to St Barths

    St Barths to Antigua

    Antigua to Bequia, Grenadines

    Bequia to St Lucia

    St Lucia to Barbados

    WOW!! Can't wait to spend tons of money! DH is going to get a new wardrobe. Me too!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Oh, Barb, that's a dream trip for sure! What fun to anticipate!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Bar that trip is a dream come true. I'll hope you'll share it with us after you go. When do you leave?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Isabella I wish I could have thirteen dogs! I love dogs! I am considering the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as a possible second dog. Now that you mention there is not a housebreaking problem with them I am even more interested.

    Please do tell us more stories of your farm and life on the farm.

    I am taking a risk here and want to state that I don't really mind the pink ribbons or the month dedicated to breast cancer. I do want us to have lots of visibility as we, all together, shift all of this attention to alerting people that we need a cure. Let us bring awareness to all that there is no cure. Let us bring that knowledge to the forefront so that no board of directors, or committee, can sit anywhere on earth and not acknowledge that there is at present no cure for breast cancer. Let us call them all to task to find a cure! No excuses, no heads in the sand!   We can do this together ladies. 

    Your friend and sister Ginger

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    That was good Ginger!  That's how I feel also!  I think all the "Pink" just keeps more women aware of them getting breast cancer.  I don't know if we'll ever find a "cure" for a cancer that we already have, but by taking it out, and then following treatment.....that's all we have right now.  

    And compared to when my Mom had it, like 25 years ago, the most common way of taking care of it was a "Radical Mastectomy".....So some of us are extremely lucky that "some" cancers can be taken care of in a less aggressive way.

    I just believe that knowledge & awareness means a lot....There are SO many women that get breast cancer in this age....It just makes you wonder HOW you get it!  I remember when I was 20, my DH's cousin who was 12,  shot me with an arrow "accidentally"...In the same breast that I did get BC in.....Also when the gals in our family were about 25, we were "strengthening" our nails with Formaldehyde!  That is a "known" carcinogen, especially for breast cancer....But we didn't have a clue!

    Some beauty shops advertise "Kerotine" treatments for "damaged" hair...which also has Formaldehyde in it!   Okay, I'm off my soap-box.

    Isabella.....I'm just sorry treatment seems to be so hard to get there!  Yes, I had an MRI before the surgery also!  And how many regular women can PAY for this if their Medical team does not offer it?   That Doctor was very lucky that she could do it all on her own!  I hate to think of all the men AND women who have to "wait" their turn for necessary treatment!

    Barb!  You are one lucky gal!  Congratulations!  You must start packing!  It's NEVER to early!  If you start now, you have plenty of time to re-arrange everything a FEW times, Ha!  When are you leaving?

    So for the rest of us home-bodies, I'm signing off......Winkxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks gals! The trip is 1/22-1/29. Can't wait. Gotta take DH to buy clothes. The shorts and T Shirts aren't gonna cut it.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited October 2010

    Hi BarbaraA,

    Thanks for your kind wishes. It took some getting used to no longer receiving those letters and emails!

    What a super trip you are planning.Good time to go too, when weather is on the cold side in Florida.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Well, so much for our new little boat.  DH spent Thursday on the lake with the previous owner.  No wind, so they rowed.  DH does not know that he is no longer in his twenties, and he did most of the rowing.  Yesterday a.m. was fine, and while I went to doc, he made a motor mount.  The extra back stress just did him in, and he's been rolling on the floor in agony since about noon yesterday.  Wouldn't let me take him to doc during business hrs or to urgent care before 10 p.m.; and then I was listening to the scanner and last night folks were having accidents all over the place, big pileups; and we knew the emergency rooms would be too crowded.  Now, I have to convince him to let me take him to urgent care - about an hour from here.  I think he pinched a sciatic nerve because the pain starts in his low back and runs down his leg.  He thinks he's being a stoic.  I think he's nuts.  Am worried though because he is a stoic and when he admits to pain, it's really bad. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    good morn............Ginger. i hear what you are sayin and i believe in the awareness part BUT people are aware OH YES THEY ARE. but they really dont know what they are aware of. I was not aware of anything.I thought they had bc under control.most people who are not touched with it or dont have a close relative touched with it think we are getting sooooooooooo much money.this one donates 10 cents.big deal.Avon has a C rating.ill ask this question again and again WHERE IS ALL THE $$$$$$$$$$.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    grannydukes, everybody

    I was stunned yesterday when an old friend told me she didn't want to know about things that would just scare her. This is a woman who was a draft counslor and anti nuclear protestor going over the fence into the nuclear reactor facility in full view of the police so she would be arrested!  She is plenty brave and doesn't want to know that there is no cure for breast cancer!  Oh sh*t we are in trouble if people like her don't want to know. So we must raise awareness, figure out what sort of information is not out there? Use the information we have, discover the information we don't have. And act on it! 

    I was part of the age group who changed obstetrical practices, finally allowing husbands in the delivery room. Nursing our babies. I was a member of Another Mother for Peace back in 1968 when I discovered that our soldiers were being sent into jungles with equipment meant for Europe, Their boots were rotting off of their feet giving them horrible fungal conditions. What were you part of? All of you? If we did then, what we did. We can do more now! Like the quote from Fried Green Tomatoes, "I am older and have better insurance. TAWANDA! "

    I worked in Haiti, where have you gone? Up a mountain perhaps? Sailed rough seas, cared for DD family members. You have walked through fire before and we can do it again.  We can do it for our sisters, our daughters and our grand children! WE CAN DO IT IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO WALKED THIS WALK BEFORE US! 

    I was just going to ask, where to begin but I realize we have begun. 

    More later and and if I lose steam with the danged taxol I need to take for 4 rounds y'all get busy and holler out to me okay. I forgot who I was and still can be. 

    Your friend and sister


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Hi all!

    I am of mixed feeling about the "pink".  On the one hand, I think that it is important that people can come out of the closet with the disease and feel supported. Twenty five years ago, it had to be a "secret" (speaking from personal experience).  So I think the awareness month has some real importance. But because it is so upbeat, I don't think it gets across how hard the treatments are and that when you are a "survivor", it simply means you are "no evidence of disease", not cured.  I wish there was more of a balance of real information so that people would understand how serious this disease is and how difficult the treatments are so that rather than buying yoghurt with pink lids, they would put pressure on the major cancer organizations to work towards some serious research about prevention and true cure.  After the Framingham study, doctors could give people alot of advice about simple life style changes that would really improve their chances of preventing heart disease.  My hope for my daughters is that in their lifetime there will be the same kind of prevention information about cancer. 

    However, on the positive side of the "pink" month,  through "awareness" people such as figure skater Dorothy  Hamill have become willing to  go public with some of the post cancer difficulties, in her case the effect of being on tamoxifen:

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Well, even the rx caps on meds at Walgreens are Pink this month -

    as I found when picking up DH's meds after the trip to the ER. Which was an experience in itself... At the moment, they don't think it's too serious, 'just' temporary pain, which they dealt with. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Hello Ladies, Happy Saturday!  Since I'm having radiation treatments now I really look forward to weekends and two whole days off. 

    Barbara, did you go through a travel agent for your cruise?  We may take our first cruise for our anniversary in April (31 years) and haven't decided where to go, or really anything about it yet. DD thinks a travel agent might offer better packages.

    We are suffering grandparent withdrawal, big time. This week was the first week of day care for our 17 month old grandson, whom we've kept for the past 15 months! His parents had this ridiculous idea that he needed to be "socialized".  Makes DH wonder if they think we're barbarians or something!  Grandpa has been sooo depressed all week, so we jumped at the chance to keep grandson today and we just took him home.  I must admit it gave us a sort of grim satisfaction when he cried and didn't want us to leave him! 

    Ginger, I think for many of us the problem with the pink stems from our own acute awareness of BC.  Personally I had no problems with any of it prior to getting BC myself, and may not have problems with it again in the future, but right now, I almost can't bear it.  I recently posted here that I had a major meltdown in Belk's Dept Store due to encountering a sea of pink ribbon banners upon entering the store, a salesclerk with a pink ribbon bedecked sweater on, and even pink ribbons superimposed on the receipt.  I was in tears before I could get out.  On each of the past 3 nights I've gotten phone calls from organizations wanting me to donate to BC awareness, treatment, etc, which bring instant tears.  I'm aware, I'm so aware.  

    SV, hope you're getting rested this weekend and recovering from your procedure.

    Isabella, King Charles spaniels are such beautiful dogs!  We've always had a dog and wouldn't know what to do without one.  Our previous one, Dixie had to be put to sleep due to kidney cancer at 8 years.  The vet said, just take her home and spoil her, and we'd know when to bring her back.  Well, she got steak night, hamburger night, Italian night, all the things she loved and didn't normally get, and we did know when to take her back to the vet for the last time.  She was a bagell (half Basset and half Beagle) and our now dog is also a bagell.  Gotta love 'em.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    QCA - Kathy ---  Hmmm, about those grands.  I do think the parents today may feel that the social aspect of learning to interact with peers is needed.  17 months though seems a bit young.  I do understand this.....but I'm with you....feel this could wait until maybe 2 1/2 or three and still work out well. 

    Glad you explained a bit more on the pink issue.  I think I did not totally understand the first time you mentioned it....but really got it this time. 

    King Charles are a really pretty breed.  They have such a whimsical looking face and beautiful ears as so many Spaniels do.  I too have a half Basset dog....but the other half is Dachshund.  He is adorable.  This means he is one of the longest Dachshunds I have ever seen.  He has the snout of a Dachshund, with the low slung body --- punctuated by full blown Basset legs and a long tail with a white tip --- his ears are both...too long for a Dachshund, too short for a Basset and we adore this little guy.  If you made sounds a certain pitch he will cock his little head to the side and look at you with such a questioning glance.  He can really run too.  Reluctant to have another dog....Mickie came along and it was love at first sight.  We are full up now and no room to save any more.....but we are in love with all of them as well at the cats.  They all get on well together too....a must around here.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday.

    Hugs Jackie

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    I just have to share something.  My DIL called today and told me that she and DS and two granddaughters did a bc 5k walk this morning.  Assuming it might be better to "walk" the 4 year old in the stroller, they did the walk with Katelyn waving her arms and yelling "save the ta ta's" the whole way.   

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    That is too funny Suzq

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    That sounds so cute susgul!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Hi Kathy!  I understand so well what you are feeling with your Grand-son!  We also had "ours" from the time they were born, until they were into school!  I mean I only worked part-time, so I got them, every day that I was off!  I would pick them up from Day-care on my way home, & "rescue" them!  Wink  They are 2 1/2 years one by one, we moved them right into our hearts & home!   I took Brandon, first born to breakfast with me...set him on the seat in his carrier, & fed him bits of pan-cakes & just talked to him.  Took him to Casa-Bonita before he could walk!   So MANY memories!  Then little TWO boys to love!  We were so much a part of their lives!   DD would drop them off with us on my days off, & those were the happiest years of my life! I rescued them from that Montessori school also!  From their NAPS!  

    And yes, I remember when "Mom" would pick the little one up, & when he was strapped into his seat he would start crying!  She would drive around the block, & come by once more for another "hug" so he would quit crying.  THEN  we would keep them over-night when I was not working the next day!  DH showed them how to play darts...with a board hung about 1 foot off the ground on the garage door...Ha!  I could just fall over in a ball of tears if I thought about it.

    Well the youngest one is now 22 today!  Happy Birthday Chase!  I'll call that little muffin a little later!  And Brandon is almost 25....but they are still "my boys."   Just wish they were closer to us, & not in Orlando. 

    So okay, what was I saying? 

    Jackie...I love reading about your dogs too!   What is the name of your pup?  Can you post a picture of him?  He sounds so cute!

    Okay gals....thanks for being there for me to reminisce about my Grand-sons....xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Jeanette -- this is a picture of Chico, our nearly 7 yr. old Puggle.  We gave him that name as we got him in a Chicago suburb ( four hour drive up and back ) which is where the old show " Chico and the Man " was produced.  Freddie Prinz was the "star" and sadly committed suicide -- who ever knows why ???  Sometimes when your "dreams" come true -- the picnic you envisioned still is not the answer. 

    Anyway -- Chico is part Pug, part Beagle.  wrinkles aren't deep enough to have to clean and snout is long enough not to have breathing problems.  Two good things. I'll have to get good pics of Mickie -- the Basset/Dachshund.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Suzq - that's hilarious; started my day with a big laugh! Thanks for sharing! 

    Chevy, loved your grandson-reminisces.  

    Heartnsoul, are you ok?  

    QCA, hope your rads finish up "easy."  I was warned, but have been surprised by a certain amount of lingering fatigue. Take it easy on yourself.

    To all, best wishes!

    I'm canning about 35# of tomatoes today, plus whatever 'nursing' DH needs.  He is still pretty stove up.  It'll be awhile before we take that new boat out together - what with winter coming and all....

    Week from tomorrow is my first followup mammo.  I'll have to stay real busy this week to keep my mind from going off on tangents...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Morning all

    Well its morning here and DH should be getting ready for work but is being lazy.
    We had a busy weekend getting the kitchen painted. Our kitchen is being installed tomorrow but it will be a week before it is completely operational. I will take some pictures of that and of my garden - I am not a great phoyographer but think you might enjoy my new garden with its first roses.

    Jeanette I loved the story of your grandsons. We have our little girl several times a week and she often stays the night. DD2 and I went to the supermarket with her and she was told I would make her lunch when we got back and she said 'but Granny's got no bench'  very worried about how I was going to manage. She is such a good wee thing and chatters away all the time. Now that no 2 is on the way I am not so worried about them up and going to Canada but that could still happen - I would hate that.

    I hope everyone is doing OK especially those who are still having treatment. Its hard taking my sister every week for chemo and she is doing really well.

    DD1 wants me to go to aquarobics with her this morning - I am still thinking about it as it is raining. She said thats not a reasonable excuse as it is a covered pool.

    Hope the rest of you day is pleasant.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Jackie!  That little dog is so CUTE!!!!  He looks like he is waiting for you to grab his little ears & kiss his nose!  And what beautiful markings! 

    Yes Alyson!  Isn't it funny that our Grand-kids give us so much joy in life?   I just talked to "Birthday Boy," and he says he just wishes he could come back one more time for me to fix him a "snack tray" & sit on Papa's recliner with his blanket, & watch TV!   Did I spoil them?  You betcha!   We were so lucky to have been "close" to them growing up!  Their whole family "almost" packed up & moved to Ohio, when they were 3 & 5... She just as well of said MARS....But when time was getting close, I was just sobbing, & said "but I just think family means so much more than moving away for a job transfer."   I just didn't know what I would do without our "boys!'.. 

    Well, thank God, they stayed, & only transferred up to Colo.Springs!   That was great!  We STILL would stay nights with them, or the boys would spend week-ends with us!  They didn't move back to Orlando until they were 12 & 141/2.... But at least we had all established that closeness that will always hold us together.  Yeah, "party-boy" went out last night, & isn't feeling very good today, Ha!  I just laughed at him! it's someone else's turn....Wink  And Alyson, what's the problem?  If you're in the pool, & it ISN'T covered, all you can do is get wet, Ha! 

    Bye girls! xoxoxoxo

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Jackie, your sweet picture warmed my heart. Thanks for sharing.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Thanks ChevyBoy for that sweet story about your grandsons!  They sure  do hold a special place in out hearts and its different from our own children.  Maybe its because we're so much more relaxed with the grandchildren, and because they eventually go home! 

    Oh well, we're making travel plans for when I finish with radiation and I can't wait for that!  That's something we haven't been able to do together since I retired, although each of us have been off separately a time or two.  

    Jackie, your puggle is a doll!  I love these duo-breeds, but what would you call a Basset/Dachshund, a Basshund?  I also like labradoodles.  Our bagell has a beagle head on a low-slung basset body and turned out basset front feet!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Hello ladies, I post over on the exercise thread but of course read around and the other day someone on this thread was looking for Tim Tams but I can't remember who, I am an Aussie, have been here 30 plus years and I found them at Cost Plus yesterday, if you don't have a Cost Plus near you PM me and I'll go get you some, it was fabulous when Pepperidge Farms brought them out last year but they've disappeared they also had Arnotts Plain Assorted, lovely to have with a nice cuppa.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    OMG-save the Ta Ta's. We need a bumper sticker. Crikey, I am gone for a day and five pages have filled. I cannot keep up. Yippee Barb-happy dance-new clothes and a cruise-take tons of pix. And Isabella, we have to get you on to the picture thing-I WANT to see 13 KC Spaniels-how cute could that be!! Welcome Cheryl. Tough news on my end-close friend killed in hit and run while walking her dog, one street over. Police have no clues at all but a bit of car paint, We have never had a homicide here so no detectives and traffic tiakcet cops are trying to handle this!  another friend cancer free for 13 years has it again and no insurance. I am just a little ray of sunshine today. AS to the "people in DE-NILE" about the no cure for the big "C"....I just remembered that the Mayan calendar ends in there is the cure for cancer-aren't we all supposed to die in an Apocolypse or something?? Owweeee, my wicked sense of humor is out of the bag. Where are the days going? Like Halloween?! And wow, this year I have hair and don't have to sleep in a cap to keep last year's bald head warm. Progress not perfection! Still loopy from GI anesthesia and GI drugs, so will close. And LC, did you get the boat out sailing and how was it?? And your poor DH, you know it is bad when we buy new toys and are too freaking old to use them! Lots of Love, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    Sv-was gettin worried about you.glad that sense of humor is always have a mixed bag of crap. This c really does do a number on your head.

    today is 4 weeks out of surgery.physically i feel emotions are still running high.DOES THAT EVER GO AWAY?

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Mornin Ladies,

    SV it's good to hear from you; I am so sorry about your friend who was killed.  Hit & run is a certain kind of lowlife cowardice. Condolences all around.

    As to the boat, it still sits on the trailer.  DH still sits in the chair or hobbles to the bed.  Zonked on pain meds and still mightily uncomfortable.  We'll call our doc this a.m. and see if they want to do more tests on DH, or if he is to just continue resting.  When he told me he'd rowed for three hours, I feared something like this was coming.  Arghhh.  Some day he'll admit he's over 40.

    Got my tomatoes put up yesterday - ten quarts.  They look nice and will taste yummy this winter.  Froze some bell peppers too - talk about easy!   The kitchen counter is covered in half-ripe tomatoes that will ripen during the next days & weeks.  

    We got some rain yesterday, finally.  Yippee! This a.m. it's 50 degrees on the porch, so it's getting time for woodstoves and leaf raking.  Our oak trees had more acorns than we've ever seen, and those little buggers are hard to rake.  Leaf blower doesn't work on acorns on our big gravel yard, either. ugh.

    GD, it does get better, eventually.  Many of us end up asking (or being offered by) the doc for anti-anxiety or antidepressants, which can be helpful.  Hang in and hang on.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    I am using SAM-E and it seems to be working for me. Takes time to build up, though.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    LC, too funny about DH-the only toys left for us old folk are wheelchairs and crutches!! And GD, what is up with feelings?? You OK? Major brain trauma is still dogging me after a year and I had docs put me on new antidepressants to get the blues out of the way. And yeah, my life is a mixed bag-some crap-some not!! I wanna go play today but moving in slow motion! Love to all and blessings-anybody going thru procedures or other stuff that I have missed? I cannot stay caught up on everybody and feel like such a bad POD sister! I am blithering today-got up too late and had a plan but it went away into the ozone. Big Smooches to all, SV