Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    isabella, i have been keeping track of your posts, just reading, praying and reading more. i am so glad the H is gone (no D for him!) and that the dog from hell isn't in your'e home any longer. your farm sounds so lovely.. how is the so ugly he's beautiful ram working out? it worries me to think of all your'e doing alone, with the trailer, and all, but DARN GIRL you are doing it!! that amazws me... hope all will settle for you, now.   light and love, 3jaysmom
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Good hearing from you SV..hope you feel better in the am

    I had that same sort of problem and it turned out to be my

    gall bladder, even though nothing showed up in the CTs, U/S

    etc. but once they had it out it was ugly and my symptoms cleared

    up immediately...

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2010

    Chevy Boy, I had lots of bone mets in ribs, spine, shoulders etc., and none of them showed up on the X-ray I was sent for the first time around.  The only thing that could be seen was degeneration of some of the vertebrae in the Thoracic (neck to waist) spine. I was actually quite chuffed that they could actually see anything in the area that was causing me so much pain, as I thought I was pulling muscles and things that wouldn't show up on x-rays.  CAT/PET scans and MRI's will show these things IF they are there!

    I think your DD has things bass-ackwards or the person telling her these things has.  You know how people don't really hear what is being said?


  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    SV........I was anxious to see a post from you and I hope you are feeling better today.....sounds like you are getting to the bottom of it and  things should start looking up for you.....will be looking for your posts as always love hearing what you have to say....good morning to all you gals and hope all can have a great day......xxxxoooo  Claudia

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Sheilah.....I know DD means well...It is the gal that lost her Mom, that is blaming ANYthing for her Mom's death....I sent my Daughter lots of info about MRI's etc, & she sent this back this morning...

    "OK - I read everything...:)   if I didn't care so much, I wouldn't keep asking for every test on earth, the solar system, and the universe!  All I ask is that you are patient with my questions and perserverance, I sometimes feel helpless so far away, so I guess it makes me feel better just knowing the doctors are doing everything possible for you, my only mom. I do good with lots of information.... I need to have you here with me, and healthy, and happy....I love you, xoxoxoxo"

    Darn kid....made me cry.....

    Sheilah.....Thank explained it so well...I'm sorry about all your problems!  You gals are really my "hero's"...... And it's true....sometimes when we are so busy talking, we don't hear what anyone else is saying!  I get that a lot here at home!  Wink  And DD takes after her Dad in that respect.  Love you! xoxoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    hi everyone

    not posting much today.did a little too much yesterday.just wanted to say hi and to let you know im reading all the posts and prayin for all of you

    God bless my sistas.


    Kantalope....hi chevy.ha

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    SV: I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this testing, but at least your doc is working with you to figure out what is causing the pain.  Having a hefty dose of anesthesia always knocks me out for a couple of days, so I am not surprised that you were so tired.  Take care and be well. 

    Hugs to all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh CB, you made me cry. What a beautiful sentiment from your DD. And Isabella, there is no (d) in the H unless it is 'damned.' And ladies, thanks somuch again for all of the support. I know that for many my upper endoscopy just really is a "little thing" considering all that many of my sisters have gone thru-but this was the first time I was under anesthesia since the BC surgery and "near death" Chemo experience. Yesterday, the last thing I truly remember was lying on the gurney with bite guard in my mouth and tears running down my face thinking....I just don't want to do this anymore. This is not how I thought old age would go!! I want to be hobo-ing it around Scotland or something other than this droll life in hospital. I just don't know how so many of you with way more problems than me, have the faith and courage to keep showing up to recovery. You all are my heros-I would not have made it thru this awful year without the support of all of you. BC just changed everything in my life and I hate it. But I think that God led me on such exciting adventures in my early years cause He knew BC was on the horizen for me. I have to justify this somehow as lame as it sounds!! I have had a truly blessed life and not many people get to do everything they wanted too, like me, by now. Lordy, my brain is flitting everywhere-bless anyone who can read this! And what the heck do they do to you when you are under anesthesia?? Man, my whole body hurts today-trying to get some things done and thought I'd be able to clean the house finally but dic (oh my lord I wrote dic, not doc- and I am leaving it in there-naner naner) says I cannot life or strain at all for a week-errgh!! So I have spent a fortune on 'pay per view' today-I loved Jonah Hex-story line not so great but love the character that Josh Brolin plays!! And my best friends (the church ladies) took such good care of me yesterday, I just cannot thank them enough. I truly do not ask for help ad to have all three women drive with me for the hour long trip to the hospital felt so good! I didn't have to do it alone. Woman energy is so powerful! And I really had forgotten the season change until I saw all of the fields of orange pumpkins and hay stacks on the ride to the hospital. It is such a blessing to have good friends in one's life! I am prattling along-Isabella, are you safe from Cujo and your hubby and when will he be the ex-hubby and out of your life? GD-get some rest and yeah Mandy, the worst part is the anesthesia and trying to flush it out of my system. Really nauseated today with major 'hangover' and nothing calming it down. Love you all, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    WHAT??????  You are tired?  I went shopping with my Daughters the day after my surgery!  Even though I set off the door alarm when leaving the Ross store, because of the nuclear dye still in my system, Ha!  Wink  Guess 72 wasn't so old, after all?  Just KIDDING!  But we DID go shopping the day after, AND the day after that!  My DD's keep me young....Were we supposed to "take it easy?"    Tell THEM that! 

    Just glad they didn't find anything serious!  Try drinking ALOE VERA drink, mixed in juice or hot tea!  It healed my bleeding ulcers when I had so much trouble!!!!! Honest!  They went away...and NO endoscopy!   Walmart....about $7.87 a gallon!   Make a smoothie out of it!  It helps ANY kind of stomach problems!   All the anesthesia did to me, was plug me up BIG time!   Do NOT take MO AND prune juice at the same time!   Just a simple warning......

    Okay time...xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    CHEVY----WHAT??????? YOU WENT SHOPPING AFTER must be the ever ready battery that never quits.all i wanna do is sleep and are my hero.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    SV, so glad you posted!  And so glad this ordeal is over for you.  Well, minus the aftereffects, I guess. BTW, went to Belk's today and the pink ribbon banners are down! 

    Chevy---Shopping?  WOW!! My husband and I went for a ride on Friday after my surgery on Wednesday, and the inevitable road bumps hurt!

    Take care, everyone.  Heck, I'll probably be back on here tonight anyway.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    SV so pleased you now have this day of testing under your belt. Wow, what a hell of a do it was for ?? I would have run I am sure. I sometimes worry myself sick wondering just WHAT I would do if I was confronted with such a day as you've just had...I really don't know. Anyway...just look after yourself, or let your church ladies do it !! They'll feel ever so saintly helping out, so milk it !!!

    Took myself off for a last look at the sea today... well, not last, as in LAST, but last as in the last time I would be getting out far this year. I took 2 yr old G/daughter with me, but she slept most of the time, wasn't appreciative of the sea view, and was sick on my leather seats. !! I had forgotten what a mess kids make on a long journey. My G/son came here from work early and had all my animals sorted out by the time I got back, well I mustn't grumble, but he had quite forgotten that most calves DO like a drink, and many had empty buckets when I went round later on when he had gone....but he had all my dogs done just as I would do them... and I don't think they'd missed me. I was only away for 7 hours, but before I could talk to them I had G/daughter to bath and get to bed. She was howling, smelly and hungry, so it took me some time to get her all sorted, and out of my hair. I enjoyed her being with me, but will enjoy it a lot better tomorrow when she goes home !! I found it hard work !  It was a last minute spur of the moment thing. We are having a week of Indian summer, so I decided to clear off out, will soon enough be kept in by bad weather. 

    I am hoping to get to another sheep sale tomorrow, but will not have trouble driving as a friend has offered to bring back any sheep I might buy in his trailer, so I can go in my car, and feel 10 times safer. It doesn't start until 1pm, and is only a half hour away, so an easy drive. I am aiming to make my new ram work for his living, a ram should be able to mate about 50/60 ewes. I will get another 10 probably tomorrow, and he'll still be under worked !! What a life...I am just a bit wary if I go on increasing my sheep whether or not I will be able to cope with them at lambing won't be too clever hobbling around if I haven't had my back op., and no doubt I will get the call to go into hospital just before lambing starts, and I will HAVE to go, or go to the back of the queue again. G/son has said he will do the sheep for me, but I don't think he knows where a lamb comes out from !!!!!

    I need to be able to take some time to myself after I get my sheep sorted, and just leave them to it for two or three months, and get on with something more ladylike, like making curtains.....and to think a few years ago I had 1,200 ewes, but also had plenty of help at busy times. I could bend and move quickly in those days !!!!

    I have got myself another puppy....I had it all along...right here in the house. I had one of my dogs have puppies 4 weeks trouble here....DH was the one that went in to her before me, and he tipped them all upside down and told me the sexes. I have been watching all my litters for about 18 months for a particular colour, a Ruby, which is an all over very rich red colour. Each time I have had a litter I might have got a Ruby from, it has been a male...I want a female.  This last litter had 2 Rubies, and DH told me they were both dog puppies. I weaned them  last night, and just checked their sex, and wow, I have my Ruby bitch puppy. I was so pleased. I haven't kept a Ruby for years, because I haven't bred one that was good enough....I think the last 2 I kept are about 8 years old now, so to have a Ruby baby in the house will be magic. 

    Now that H has moved on out (thanks 3jays, I WILL knock off the D !!!) I can spend soooo much more time with my animals, and not be constantly clearing up the messes he left behind him...I was sick of cleaning the shower because he was just too idle to spray it everytime he used it, and left all the soap scum on for me to shift, sick of his greasy clothes dumped all over the place, sick of him never clearing his dirty pots after he had had a meal etc etc I have no formal mealtimes, I just do what I have to do, and come in when I want to, and not because its mealtimes. I know its totally wrong, but now I live on ready meals, 5 mins in the microwave, and theres a hot meal. The bathrooms are clean, the stairs are not covered in straw, and no filthy oil covered door handles anymore ...YEA........I am not sure how long d.i.v.o.r.c.e. takes, we are still at the arguing stage, I suppose it all depends on how long it is before we can agree on everything. I had hoped H would have taken my offer of a smaller place of his own, but he has turned it down, and seems to be after more cash.The longer it takes arguing the more money the lawyers nobody wins but them. I am panicking that they will take a big cash sum, and I can't pay H out....and he knows this....equally so I don't want to cave in !!! Could do with a mediating service to sort it all out before the lawyers really get their hooks in. There used to be things like that ..I have to look into this when I have time to sit down.I have sold off a small chunk of land, and put the money in DDs name,  as a fall back, I'll probably get found out, but what the hell !! I have got past caring now with H. He knows nothing about this sale, and I want things to go thru' before he finds out. He lived in a trailer when I met him, so I don't feel he has any claim on land that has been in my family for donkeys years. The law says differently tho'.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Someone once said "the Law is an A**"

    Well in this case for sure it is.  So sorry he's such a jerk; so glad you are divesting yourself of him.

    Thrilled for your Ruby!

    SV, you done good!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Hear hear Isabella! I love your posts. I feel as though I am there with you in rural England. A beautiful, bucolic place. A place that happens to be on my ever-expanding bucket list.

    So my friends, I am doing something I would never have dreamed of doing even 8 month ago. I am spending a ridiculous sum on a cruise. My 59th birthday is coming on 1/31 and I decided I need to celebrate the first anniversary of my 59th birthday since I will be having many more 59's.

    We are booked on a Silversea cruise in the Grand Suite. I'm insane but figure, whatever. We have no children and our wills leave our $$ to our favorite charities. So hey! We are going for it.

    Whew. Pix will be forthcoming. Not until January, though.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    good for you go girl.hey after all you have been through...spend it and enjoy every minute of your vacation...and while your at it buy yourself a new wardrobe.ha.i would.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks GD, in fact I am planning on one for me and one for DH, whose wardrobe consist of jeans, shorts and t-shirts. Could be a new era.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Gp fpr ot Barbara! You certainly deserve it!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Mandy for not thinking I am nuts. My brother does but he doesn't know he isn't getting a dime.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Hi all from a lovely sunny day here in NZ

    SV hope you are feeling better. I am so tired of having things put down my throat. Had a esophageal manometry test this morning and my throat and gullet are very sore. I see the surgeon next week to see what he thinks can be done.

    The smell of paint is drifting through my house. The kitchen ceiling is being painted. Door etc tomorrow and kitchen arrives next week. I will take pictures when it is complete.

    Barbara you are not nuts, We are busy finding ways to spend our children's inheritances. They actually agree with us. Not sure where the next trip will be to, probably Canada.

    Isabella I di wish we had got up to the York area this last trip we will another time.


    Must go and see what I have in the freezer - hope there is something that can be cooked on the bbq otherwise I will have to go and get something.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010

    go for it, Barbara ! you deserve to celebrate your 59th and many, many more!!light and love 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    Isabella ;what kind of dog is she, your new Ruby, and is that what you'll call her "Ruby". glad you got to the ocean with G D; but know the peace comes tomorrow, we love them, but they do take the stuffing out of you. my little guy does. he's 3, and now runs circles around me. just for gigglres... light and love, 3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010


    Hi, I too love dogs. I would also be interested in what kind of dogs you have?  I have been wanting a deep red poodle or mix with a poodle. I always had golden retrievers and have lost two to cancers and one to something that stopped his heart. I loved those dogs madly and think it would be too hard to have the same breed again. 

    I also love reading your stories of your day to day life. My Grandmother lived on a farm and your stories make me think of her and bring me the most pleasant memories. Thank you.

    I can feel a real comraderie on this board. For the time being I am not in a state of fear and am enjoying getting to know everyone. I am in between a round of 4 AC Dose Dense and beginning a round of 4 Taxol Dose dense that has been delayed by a horrid cold. I am on a Z pak and it seems to be working some. I still have the horrid cough. .I think being out 4 weeks from my last steroids I am beginning to feel normal and my emotions are not running all over the place.  I will look at this as a time to take a breath and look around before I begin again.

    Hugs to all


  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited October 2010

    Hi Isabella,

    Just popped in to say that I love reading your posts about life on the farm. Your posts are like reading an on going novel. Almost like a James Herriott story about life in the Yorkshire Dales. Have you ever thought about writing a novel about your life on the farm? My mother was a writer, mainly articles about life in Lancashire (where we are from).

     My mother died a few years ago and I miss her frequent letters and e-mails that were full of life and laughter in England. Perhaps that's why I love your posts so much. She wrote a book before she died, but the book got put on the back burner as the publishing business declined with the economy.

    Hugs to everyone!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh Isabella, I just love your descriptions of life on the farm-crikey 1200 ewes?? Good lord, that is a huge ranch with herd here in the USA. And Ok, do you really need more sheep and why?? And Ruby, now is this a poodle? I would love to see a picture. In fact, I would love to see pix of your ranch!! And Barb, wow GOOD for you!! how cool to go on a cruise!! And I DID go shopping today-yipee! Actually bought myself some clothes and then was whipped and definately time to get home. Also got to an AAmeeting at 7:30-I woke up at 3 and could not go back to sleep. Slept alot today but I am I a lot of pain today-what the heck DO they do to you when you are under anesthesia?? Every joint aches and tummy and throat feel so ragged!! I am being such a whiner-huge storms hit today and it is raining cats and dogs right now!! perfect day to curl up!! Love to all, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Aly and 3jays! The charities will still get theirs and I can indulge myself and DH. (He is appalled at the cost but I don't care.)

    Ginger - this is a really fine group of VERY diverse people but we are all nice people and we keep it interesting as we all have very different and sometimes strange adventures.  

    SV - getting conked out for any reason is always a pain. The recovery just takes time. I found the bottom one easier than the top one (colon vs endo) with the exception of drinking that vile-tasting stuff that wedded me to the porcelain throne.

    ((((GLENIS))))) I know the loss of a parent and am still coming to terms with it. I hope you have her book so that you can re-read it and feel close to her.

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Good morning to all...hope everyone is having a super great day.....We have had the lovliest fall ever with temps in 70's abd 80's  .....just waiting for the other shoe to drop as it will....I live in MN....snow...cold ...and much more....I am driving to see my daughter and family a wk. from now so hope the nice weather holds out...She lives in Holland, MI which means I get to drive right through the middle of Chicago....the only part of the trip I dread.....not used to driving in big cities.....I don't like Mpls. but am used to that as my onc. is there....Barb I am glad you get to go on a cruise....We have never been on one..We usually go to Mexico every yr. and have plans to go the end of Jan to Akumal which is south of Cancun a good hr. or so...Seems like we all like dogs so will fill you in on my two....We have a Golden Lab that is 15 yrs. old and not in very good condition....Most people would have put him down long ago but my hubby would probably put me down before he would his dog....For the first time I got a little house dog.....half terrier and have yorkie.....she is cute but I have her so spoiled I am regretting how much I have babied her....Love all your stories and I agree we have some on here who should write a posts are quite boring compared to yours but I do love reading all of yours......hugs to you all......Claudia

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Good morning Claudia and everyone! I awoke to temps in the mid 60's! How lovely! Finally the heat broke! Florida in winter is like MN in the fall. But not last year. I had my heat on from October until May. Brrrrrrr.

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Mornin Ladies,

    BarbA, good for you on your cruise & wardrobe! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Before, during, and after!!!

     SV:  DH came home last night (with my blessing) with a little Bolger-design classic wooden sail-row boat, that will fit a little motor too.  I think it's about 14 or 15', but is much more roomy than our fiberglass go-fast Laser - where even a water bottle is in the way.  We can fit a lunch, plus, in the new one!  And, with our lake sailing and bouncy winds, having the ability to row, or even motor, makes this a good choice for us.  I guess it weighs about 90#, so we can get it in & out of the water pretty easily. We're already looking into a new sail, and of course we have to name her.  We'll take her out this afternoon.

    Autumn is coming, no rain yet, fire danger is still extreme.  We're in a cooling trend now, though, and I have to harvest & can the last of the tomatoes.  What a treat they were this summer!

    Best to all, take care, and be on the lookout for opportunities to have a good time.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    isabella,yes, we all feel yiu need to read a book..maybe start with a blog..and work least, the bare bones would be there.coming from England, i love the quaint ways you word things my DH(as opposed to your J a**\ H) says he's picked up some things i say now, that i never did before.. and i know i said i was going for a shop the other day; that comes from the friend i have on bco from france. i swear; i'm from mass., and have worked hard to lose my accent (pak the cah in hahvad yaad) but as sonn as i'm with friends from Boston, it takes weeks to get back. im easy to hypnotize, also. guess i'm very suggestable...still want to know what kind of dog (sorry) your new beauty is. hope all is well, and the ram is doing his job...Light and love, 3jaysmom
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010
