Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Lost Creek..I cook alot( we rarely eat is hardly ever  as  good as home cooking ), but bake no...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010
    Good morning from a windy day down under, but the sun is shining.

    I wrote a long post yesterday but it vanished into cyberspace. Nevermind. The flu has been quite bad here during the winter so get your flu shots. Great coming from me who doesn't have them as I react very badly to the medium they use for vaccinations. It was a bout of flu that triggered my current problems with rheumatoid artritis.

    Anyway I am sitting smiling because I went out to inspect my garden and could smell perfume and it was one of the roses, its just divine. Will take a photo of it tomorrow when it is a little further out and then will try to post some pictures of the flowers and my kitchen.

    I enjoy cooking and baking which is why I am so keen on my new stove. The flooring people arrive soon and I must ring the curtain people and organise that.

    Hope those having treatment at present are doing OK. Do try to have a smile at something today.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Today is the first time I have ben able to take delivery of 2 packages without DH coming raging in the house " WHAT have you been buying now"

    As I can't walk around the shops for very long nowadays I have started buying things from 2 or 3 favorite shops on the internet....and always had a scuffle trying to get my package very quickly thru' the door, and hidden away in the nearest large thing....either the washer or the dryer !! Then say to an irate DH " What are you on about, all that came was a letter'. I shall certainly never go to heaven !! Today I was able to open my packages in comfort on my kitchen table, and not have to spent 2 or 3 hours waiting until the coast was clear to grab my packages from the washer, and rush, as fast as my legs would carry me, upstairs., they'll never understand a womans need for clothes, and shoes, and bags, and undies. he he he.

    Through all the time I was married I kept my own money in my own bank, and no-one looked at my statements but ME. DH tried it on regularly, whenever he saw a letter from my bank he would hang around expecting me to open it, so he could see, but I always hung out until he was out of my way. I never asked to look in on his finances. We had joint accounts, but just no way would I ever use them to buy clothes, just too much hassle explaining myself away. He was very frugal, and I could go over the top in seconds if I saw something I fancied...and I won't explain myself to anyone at all when it comes to clothes. 

    Very cold here today, warm clothes needed. Been to see MIL, she is repeating herself like a broken record, very hard to hold a conversation with her now, so not a lot of point staying much longer than a half hour. She will never know I have been 5 minutes after I leave her. She is still clanking around on a Zimmer. I can't see her living back at her home any time soon, tho' the hospital say she is getting nearer to being discharged. I shall keep out of the way when she does get home, let her own daughters get something done for their mother. Both of them have only visited her once in the 4 weeks she's been in this new hospital, and neither of them work....they are a disgrace, always have been.

    Alyson, I wish we were watching out for the first rose to open, as it is we are watching the last few late blooms . I always dash outside and bring them in to put into a bud vase, as they don't last long outside now, just 2 or 3 days, then the wind and rain bash them up, and they're gone. I love roses, have a lot of very old fashioned ones that just flower once in early June, then thats it. But very worth it. I have a lot of repeat flowering ones, and they're the ones producing the last few blooms of the year right now.

    Nice clean crisp sheets are beckoning me, after a lovely long hot shower. I could stand there under the hot water for ages, it helps my back, but the shower I use at bedtime just runs on 1 big tank of hot water, then it turns cold. I can get 4 minutes max out of it. If it turns cold on me I don't half get out quick. I cannot be bothered to go downstairs to the other shower that'll just go on and on, forever streaming hot water down on me.... too much of a treck at this time of night.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Thanks so much, everybody, for the kind comments about my kitties. Tears well up when I read your comments - I just want to find Itty Bit so bad! I just came back from another wild-goose chase - a neighbor called and saw a dark tabby that looked just like Itty. Couldn't find it so I came back home and immediately the phone rang again from a house 2 doors down. Went out again - just in case - and I saw it. Had to get real close because the chemo has made my eyes blurry, but it wasn't my cat. There are a LOT of dark tabbies in the world!

    Can you believe I left ANOTHER message with my doctor's nurse today, and she didn't call back AGAIN? In this one, I say I would like to see the doctor sometime on Friday. I left it about 2:30 so there's no way she didn't get it. I can't wait to see the doctor and tell her what her nurse does to her patients. Thanks for telling me about the seroma, CB - now I'm not so freaked out about this. Now I'm just getting mad that I can't see my doctor! Tomorrow I'm going to call in during the day and use their emergency extension just so they HAVE to deal with me. I would just show up but there's usually about a 2-hour wait even with an appointment. I'm sure she would make me wait until the last patient of the day...

    About the flu shot - I wasn't sure if people who just finished chemo are supposed to get it? Because your immune system is zapped - I guess if I ever get to see my doctor I'll ask her! 

  • noni1
    noni1 Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2010
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    I just got a call from a high school and college classmate who just has been

    diagnosed with BC...another sister...we stand strong

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010
    Lisa  - my heart lurches everytime I hear of someone new being dx. Even if I don't personally know them it just brings all the terror back and my heart aches for them. I wish her an easy path through her BC treatment.  And I hope she joins BCO and takes advantage of all the support she can gain here.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Wow Lisa, Is that California? Looks like New England.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    You'd be right, Barbara..took it in York Beach, Maine

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Hey Ya'll, quick fly by on this post-this is Max doing the Happy Dance cause Momma (dat be me) caught a fish yesterday. But blew my knee out and it is the size of a catelope-for real and on morphine today (am told I need a knee replacment now) along with boob replacements-just great. I will write more when I am not seeing double. Hugs to all, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    SV you are a one woman really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Isabella, I totally agree. SV WTH are you doing? Marybe, GD and I were planning a steath attack visit to the OBX to cheer you up the 2nd week of Dec. So now you have TWO surgeries looming??

    Let us know and if anyone else wants to make a crazy winter trip to the OBX from (loosely) 12/9-13 or shorter PM me. I am trying to be the tour director...right...with all these strong, powerful, independent women??  Lord save me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh Isabella, you SO have me topped!!! At least I do not have rams, sheep, rabid dogs and ex-H's running me in circles! Or is it rabid husbands and X-dogs :^}}}}}} Hugs to all and yeah GD and I passed out while they were inserting these freaking wires in my boob. I was watching the procedure and went out like a light when I started to look like a SHISH-ka-BOOB. Babarians!! XOOOO, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Aww shucks SV...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013


    I was sharing a little about you to my Dh and DD, both fans of dogs. I am a little bit learning disabled and it showed. I said, Isabella has 13 Jack Russel Terriers. Both DH and DD looked at me in horror and simultaneously said "Is she crazy?" It took me a second to realize what I had said as we all started laughing and laughing.  I was trying ot get out that no, no, you have Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as I am imagining a household with 13 Jack Russels. 

    I don't know if this will read funny to you but it gave us a big laugh and a good laugh is a good thing.

    SV Great looking enthusiastic dog. 

    I was looking at a rescue dog that is one eyed, blind, weighs 12 pounds and is losing his hearing when my DD reminded me I am wanting a dog for some protection. I already have a 14 pound poodle mix.  The blind deaf dog really caught my heart though. If we weren't renting just now I would add him too. Dogs are wonderful companions.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Barb and all, I just love you all to pieces. And I was hysterical on learning of the stealth attack. No, really, after a 'near death' chemo ain't nobody taking no more parts off of me yet. The knees were gone before cancer and a fall just tore up my right knee even more-it has already had surgery (like years ago) and is now encased in huge metal and velcro brace. I just figure on  being a cripple for the rest of my life and I am planning events around all of the pieces falling off of me!! And Ginger, oh no, a 'blind and deaf dog?' You really have a big heart!! And I really want to share that I have a Canon 20d headed to my house. The guy I am buying it from has been so sweet and is sending it out to me to use on my trip down to Ocracoke the first week of November. I cannot believe it as it looks like I am jumping back into photography-hopefully. And if I really like it, I will go ahead and purchase. I don'tknow about anyone else, but I am still having an incredibly hard time committing to 'life' after cancer! It sounds so stupid but...I realize it is a big issue for me. A true cold snap has hit the Outer Banks and the birds are starting to migrate in in droves. We get gorgeous wild swans and with a 300 zoom, I can actually get closeups of them. So trying not to get too excited. Hugs to all, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    hope this works, well see
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    i lost it again! sv,please be careful. i count on you so much these days, and there you go again.. none of us can afford to lose anymore parts! i keep prayinf itty bit will return home. don't give up hope. there's ;lots of us praying, and lighting candles he REplease forgive me if i break out in caps, ladies. my left hand is wandering due to m.s.; and i have to watch the keyboard, cause i can't feel the keys w/my right hand, from neuropathy. i still beat the deaf, blind dog, though, so its' all good. she'll do fine. i have a totally blind little chiuahua , who is also going deaf; and she does fine. we just cant sneak up, and spook her.  yours will learn thank goodness, she has you, and a lotta i said, sorry for the bold type. isabella, i spent an hour or so trying to put pics of dogs for you tonite,to no avail.but, im determined. ive gotten farther in the instructions than i ever have. as soon as i figure it out, you'll be able to,also. if i can do it, anyone will be able to.og bonnie,i keep trying , but am missing something when i try to export from photobucket. tomoro someones coming who might see what im doing wrong.. it only took me 1 1/2 mos. to find the "tree" i was looking in the wrong place, the whole time. i have windows 7 for dummies, and whats simpler than "dummy" cause i need that one!!have a good night ladies. lots of love,   3jays
  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Good morning, Ladies,    My husband just took off for parts unknown (not really, but sounded going to play card, drink and party with some old pals where he used to live) and I think it is just wonderful and that he is going somewhere and doing something.  Too bad it had to be the day after the new dog (yes, we kept her) was spayed and had a little extra done to repair a hernia, plus got all her shots.  So she isnt exactly feeling perky and I dont feel I should go off and leave her, plus if I am not here that means putting the other two in the basement so they are not tormenting her or trying to get her to play and they will feel like they are being punished.  Right now all three are here with me taking their morning naps.  I wanted to call her Hope because it spite of the fact I get sick of all the crap that goes with the month of Oct, I did find her in Oct and the name, just sort of seemed right.  But when I am calling her, Rose and Lilly and all sorts of other names come out so I dont know if she is going to be Hope or not.  Amazingly enough she comes regardless of name which is a lot more than I can say for these other two.  Man, I wish I could post pics, but I just can't in spite of all the expert advice and instructions many of you have given me.  I click on what I am supposed to, but then this box comes up and it wants all this info about the picture and I dont have them organized like that, am just used to clicking on  a pic and attaching it and it's way beyond me.....should be ashamed I guess to admitting to being so stupid, but that is just the way it is.

        I am very sorry not to be able to post pics because when I was in MO this past week with my dad, I GOT TO MEET MISS KITTY aka Melissa.  It was wonderful....we yacked and laughed and just talked about everything and the time flew.  We had lunch at the bar at the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield since we both knew where the place was......sat at the bar since it was crowded and the hostess told us immediate seating at the bar so we took it.  There is a gigantic aquarium from the top of the bar to the ceiling and it was amazing all those different types of fish, very rare and expensive I am sure, swimming back and forth for us to look at when there was a lull in the conversation......of which there were not many.  It was funny because we were there forever, had lunch,  took a break, then had dessert and coffee and just continued to sit there....breakfast buffet went into lunch and people came and went, and finally we were just about the only ones left and the waitress asked if we wanted the last of the coffee in the pot or something to drink and I apologized for staying so long.  She said Oh, that's Ok, I have this really good girlfriend I have known for 30 yrs and when we get togethe we have the best time and we can just talk and talk for hours and I can tell that's how you are.  I put my arm around Melissa and laughed and said Yeh, but you know what is so great, I just met this good friend of 30 yrs today for the very first time. We have been emailing, but this is the lst time I ever met her face to face.  And it was true, it is like I have known her for 30 years.  When we left I said to Melissa, Gee, I wonder if the woman thought we were lesbians or something since I met you on the internet and we laughed about that.  But it was great, it really was.....we talked about BC and the boards, but we also talked about everything.....our jobs, husbands, lives, pets, likes and dislikes.  I can truly say it was the best part of my trip,,,,which doesnt do it justice since a lot of the trip was a trial.  My father is a love, but he's 88 years old and uses a cane now and his brother whom we went to visit and spent the entire time with us, has early Alzheimers (although it might be more advanced than we thought) and he is even more tottery than my father and also uses a cane.  It used to be when we went out there I would just be in the backseat, either reading or sleeping and those two would be in the front seat.....this time it was ME at the wheel, me who does not like driving much at all, especially not a rental I am not familiar with, with Uncle Bill shotgun, yelling at me RIGHT, I said RIGHT...WE WERE SUPPOSED TO TURN BACK THERE.   and Daddy in back also getting yelled at if he didnt answer when Uncle Bill said something which really did not warrant a response at all.  My father is about deaf, but wears hearing aids,  Uncle Bill is also, but refuses hearing aids and I go so sick of yelling and a few times just couldnt stand it and yelled myself.  The roads to this place where my Uncles lake house is are so winding and curvy is is unbelievable....he would say Ok, now we are coming to the S curves and then it would be the snake curves and Iwould grip the wheel and think Oh goodie, can't wait til we get there.  One time my Dad says to me I think you are becoming more accustomed to the car, you did a lot beter today.  Yesterday you were sort of scaring me.  LOL.  I burst our laughing.  Heck, I was scaring myself.  Anyway, we made it and it was a good trip all in all.  I ate EVERYTHING....things I had not eaten in months, like grilled cheese, fries, pizza, salt water taffy, plus a lot of good things like oregon pear salad with gorgonzolla (at a restaurant I read about in a magazine one evening that my Uncle was not too keen on going to, but was fine once we got there) and creme brulee'.....Oh, it was a weight watches disaser, but it was soooooo much fun to be bad.'  My cousin came  down to the lake and we went for a boatride and had lunch at the Port Grill on the dock and fed the ducks and geese and we went to Eureka Springs AK one of my favorite little towns ever and then I got to spend the afternoon with Miss Kitty.   MO is probably a very underrated state....there is tons of stuff to do there and beautiful scenery.  I just wish I could post some of my dont feel bad about not being able to post pics Jaysmom.....Iam sure you will figure it out before I do.

        I have written too much as usual and know there is probably a lot I should be commenting on here, but will save that for another time.  SV....just keep on plugging day all of the BC trauma will either just go away or become so much a part of your life that you wont even think about it.  I actually look forward to my weekly treatment because I have so many friends I see in the treatment room.  Knee replacements are rough, but worth it.  I remember that was about the worst pain I ever had and the PT torture, but  now my knees are the least of my complaints......cant run, but since I was never atheletic  (think I flunked JFK's physical fitness thing we were doing in gym class..)..God, how I hated gym.....those horrible little white gym suits and shy me showering naked in front of those other girls who had boobs and I was still very underdeveloped............BOOBs, why are they such a part of a woman's life?   Hey, Miss Kitty did not have reconstruction and she is so attractive, you dont even notice....I wish I would have had both done and either done nothing or has reconstruciton on both and would at least have a matched pair...Bra shopping is such a chore.  Why someone has not come up with a decent bra for women with this problem is beyond me.

    Sorry for rambling.....Isabella always love reading about the trials and tribulations in the handle it all with such grace.  Have a lovely day, all of you.  I am going to enjoy my time without husband even if it means cleaning.  ah ha, will be the perfect opportunity to wash his sheets which smell way worse than the dogs do. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    'Mornin Ladies,

    SV, sorry about your knee, but glad about your camera!  Looking forward to your photos.

    Lisa, so sorry about your friend. {{  }}  I just had one of those experiences this week too.  Too much bc! We need a cure!    btw, loved your latest photo - you could do a guessing game with some of your landscapes, and Barb would likely win.

    H&S, am still thinking about itty Bit, hoping for you.

    Alyson, I enjoy hearing about your new kitchen.  DH built ours when we bought/remodeled this house, and it's simple but a joy to work in.  

    We are having a nice gentle rain today.  Yesterday I had planned to finish cleaning the garage & getting packages ready to mail, a project that got interrupted several weeks ago & now is in the way.  DH reminded me that the gutters need cleaning, badly - a job that he always takes care of.  Only his back won't allow that much ladder-climbing this year. 

    So, ta-da, and with much grumpiness, I did the ladders & gutters, while he did the light stuff and cleared the debris away.  It was still too much exertion for him; and I didn't know if I'd make it through the whole house, but managed to get it all.  We have big trees around the house & the gutters were filled with debris & yuck & spiders.  I felt very brave.  I was exhausted the rest of the day, but the rains hit a few hours later and it was a pleasure to hear the house working properly.  Now, I am determined to rip out the gutters and get some ground drainage in place.  That's way too much work for an old lady & her DH.... But my walking 1.5 mi/day is working, because I'm not too stiff & sore today.

    Oh, after watching the rice grow during the summer as I drove to rads, last week while taking DH to the emerg. room, we got to see the ripe, golden fields, and harvesters.  Nice, but no camera.

    Have a great day, all.   My first followup mammo is Monday, surgeon Thursday. Wish me luck!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    OH LC, I am double crossing my fingers for a good mammo outcome. Get any news to us ASAP. And MB, WOW I am so thrilled you got together with Miss Kitty. I am green with envy. It sounds like you'all had a blast and so amazing that such friendships can come from such awful events like BC-the silver lining I think. And 3jays, your story is just so profound-it just brings tears to my eyes. WOW, what a group of women we have on our thread!! Lordy, my peepers are not even open yet...had the worst night mares....and two phone calls (I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination); one from Jim telling me he has sent the camera (OMG-What was I thinking-I am now terrified) and another from Dave wanting me to crawl out of my cozy bed and go on an adventure with him today. I would but my leg N brace won't fit in his truck passenger side-so going for the 'take a few days down and try to get me legs back under me!! I am just so thrilled and we ALL have to learn the pix posting method bec meetings like with MB and MK MUST be posted. And 3jay-tears over your kitty and YOU CAN type anyway you want!!!! However your words get on the page-i don't care, as long as they are there!! I will try to send my version of (Posting pix for idiots) cause it took me forever with CB coaching me constantly. i don't use photobucket cause it crashed my computer. Picasa is so easy!! Truly there are just two or three steps after you register on Picasa (free) and voila, you have pix on the page. I need coffee-shelves are empty-no cream even for me favorate brew!! So 3J-google picasa and register and let me know how that goes-then onward from there!! Love you all, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2010

    Wishing you all the very best with good results on your mamo on Thursday Lost_Creek.  I had mine a couple of weeks ago and still all clear so I pray yours are the same.

    Love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV, I still use photobucket for my own pix and picasa...can't wait to see your pix with new camera

    this is from my picasa

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010


    That is an incredibly beautiful Rose photo. Really so pretty.

    Thank you


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Thank you for the continuing thoughts about Itty Bit. I'm still hopeful because my brother's elderly cat came home after missing for 3 weeks. I got the nicest call from a neighbor that I've never met - she said she walks early every morning and calls Itty Bit and another neighborhood cat that's missing - JJ. I think that's so sweet - I enjoyed talking with her and her husband and now we are invited to their Christmas party! Plus, every leap year they have a party in honor of pets that have passed away and they said I'm on their list now. You never know where the sunshine is going to break through the clouds. The clouds are back, though. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've seen Itty Bit...

    All I want to do is just lay down and be depressed. My bladder hurts, I have an MRI and a CT scan next week, 1st appt with my radiologist, and I'm going to see the onc about a lump on my breast Monday. UGH! I just want to stay in bed the whole week and forget about all this mess! I'm sorry to be such a whiner - I know I just have to stiffen my spine, chin up and grin and bear it and then it will be over. So, I guess I can't wait until next weekend - THEN I'll stay in bed all day! :)

    LC - good luck with your mammo. I now know what scanxiety feels like. These tests are nerve-wracking! I cannot believe you cleaned your gutters!!! I haven't climbed a ladder that high in YEARS! I feel like I need to go practice climbing ladders now - LOL! I definitely need to get back to exercising. I was doing pretty good until I got my bladder infection last week - it knocked me out. Onc called in some antibiotics and I slowly started feeling better, then they ran out and now it's painful again. These are actually new to me, don't know much about them or why they've become chronic all of a sudden.

    3jays - I hope you are feeling much better today! I was taking something called acetyl-l-carnitine to try to prevent neuropathy while I was having taxotere and will for a few months afterwards. I got it at the drugstore - I know a lot of people were taking l-glutamine (something like that), but this might work better for some people. I hope that you get some relief with something!

    Marybe, I meant to tell you - my avatar is a picture of my malti-poo, Molly. After the groomer finishes with her she looks all soft with straight hair. Then a few days later, she looks wild and curly! She is such a fun dog - she throws her food around, piece by piece, until she finally eats it. Sometimes it lands at the foot of a cat, and she starts barking at the cat who just sits there staring at her. We still have 2 cats left - Mac and Lucy - and they have fun romping with Molly. Itty Bit just loved on Molly because she's older and helped raise her.

    Well, we've been redecorating my son's room, so I guess I better get back to that. It all started because of the "Cleaning for a Reason" people that clean for cancer patients. I guess it started the ball rolling on organizing the house, but I'm foolishly wearing myself out for these people when I'm supposed to just lay back and let them clean. But I hate to let a good opportunity go by - I've used this as a chance to get my house REALLY clean, like you see on TV - HA! I want to know if someone opens a drawer or closet that everything is not going to crash on top of them. When someone asks me, "Do you have a stapler, by any chance?", I want to be able to say, "Why, yes, it's in that drawer right there", rather than "I know there's one around here somewhere....." and then disappear for 20 minutes and then say, "Here it is!" and then have no staples! 

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Heart&Soul,  I am sorry in my earlier post where I was just blabbering on about my trip, that I did not comment on your cats....the death of one and the loss of another, but maybe she will show up so don't lose hope.  Or maybe someone found her and took her in and doesn't realize that she has someone who is looking for her.  I suppose I should feel bad about the dog we took in because she had to have belonged to someone to have painted toenails....but she did not have a collar or a chip and they allowed flies or something to chew her ears and she had fleas so bad it looked like mange so I figure she is better off with us.  After she recovers from being spayed, we are going to take her to school, although actually she already behaves better than our other dogs except for the fact she jumps up on people.

     Jaysmom,  On your neuropathy in your hands.....I have it in my feet with the chemo I am on now, but also had it in my hands with the abraxane I did....I quit because I was afraid it would not go away and I need my hands to do my everyday job.....but the good news is, it did go away.  My fingers still don't function quite the way they should like on buttoning things or pulling off aluminum tops like on yogurt and pop tops, I have to use a knife or a spoon edge, but I think that is still because my nails have not completely grown back.  Sometimes we have to put up with crap to get better.

    Maybe I better check into that cleaning for a reason.....I am not in that bad of shape, but my house certainly is.....just have a terrible time making myself pick up and am the most unorganized person ever. 

    Hope all of you with upcoming scans and tests get a good report.  When it is time for tests is actually about the only time I think about my condition and then it's what if, what's next and my mind starts going places where I just as soon not go.

    Since I have really done nothing the least bit productive today even though husband is gone and for some reason I don't feel like I can get anything done when he is here, I am going to download picasso and see what I can do with my pics.  You will know if I suddenly start posting pics but don't think I can compete with some of the beautiful pics you all have posted on here

    Good evening, Ladies.  

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Hello all you beautiful gals!  It's a gorgeous Saturday and I get another day off from rads!  Hate that greasy aquaphor stuff, but I'm using it.

    SV--I'm so sorry about your knee and hope the swelling's gone down some today.  Less than cantaloupe size, maybe?  That was a beautiful picture of Max and the beach.  Hope that the upcoming arrival of the new to you Canon 20d will bring us a lot more of your pictures, too.  My goodness, with all you faced with your chemo you are a woman to be reckoned with and a very strong one at that!  Sending ((((hugs)))) to you now and always.  I just might join the entourage whenever it is to descend on you in the Outer Banks too!  Any progress on finding out who hit your friend?

    LC--sending good thoughts and prayers for your mammo!  You went up on a ladder and cleaned your gutters?? Obviously you're not bothered by heights, that's for sure!   I think my fingerprints are still on Chimney Rock, a not so high peak here in NC, I was holding on so tight.  Flying doesn't bother me at all, so go figure.

    Heartnsoul--it's so hard for you about Itty Bit, I know, but he could still come back.  I remember 21 years ago when we moved to this house, my cat Barney ran off during the uproar of moving.  I searched this neighborhood, our former neighborhood, put ads in the paper, called people, all to no avail, but one Sunday morning, he came back--a bit the worse for wear after a month,  but he was back!  Hope this happens with Itty Bit, too.

    Lisa--beautiful rose picture!  Thank you!

    and marybe--so glad you had a great trip.  Your description of the ride with dad and Uncle Bill had me laughing out loud!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited October 2010
    hey y'all, been catching up on posts, we've been "lively" this week, for sure. of course, i want to comment!!first ofmarybe, that's the first bit of hopefullness i've had, just the thought that the neuropathy may sort itself out.. it's the mostwell, 2nd most irritating thing i've been left with LE beats all, but thank          god, i've got that under control since summers" over!im a real fan of the thinking that if the dog was in rough shape; she found you to be her new mommy; and a great job yur'e doing. she's a "lucky dog"; inthis case;it really will takeso call lisaa village to raise this idiot. it will also cure this major  shortcoming, jelousy of you guys who can get pics in here. i feel like i know you all so much better..speaking of pics,so call lisa,the lighthouse was gorg. i grew up in mass. summered in woods hole. looks like lighthouse there. lots of memories. a fav. makeout, 40 yrs and 2 lifetimes ago. wont go into how many guys..loland theroses you post!!you must have a green thumb, not to mention great, even MAX is a fisherman, huh? can't wait for the new pics.. have you heard from the other "ex photojournalist at i keep telling her to give you a ring(or, PM) i would love to be able to participate in the swoop down on you the ladies keep mentioning. between us both, health issues may get in the way for now. another goal i'll be able to keep NEXT year..lost creek, you will be in my prayers all this week. i remember the days the drs. were lined up like cars in a driveway. just keep on trucking, one dr. at a time; and take notes! i'm still praying itty bit will find her way home also. stranger things have happened..they grieve the loss of their mates, too.. i have a story.. a friend of mine had an older, wandering dog she named "mercedes" for the car she desperately wanted her husband to buy her..after he DID buy her a brand, spankin' new mercedes, the dog wandered off. she drove thru her neighborhood yelling "mercedes, Mercedes" till one of her neighbors said " ok, lady, we know you gotta new car; don't rub it in"  she needless to say, was mortified, i wet my pants laughing. point in fact, her dog Mercedes did come back, like a week later.. hope springs eternal.. i still chuckle at that very true story..have a good wkend, ladies. you sure do brighten my day. and Marybe, thanks for the hope.... light and love,   3jays
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    (((((HeartNS)))))) my heart just breaks for you! I hate that we have to give any second of our time to this dreadful disease. We deserve so much more!! Get back to doc ASAP on the bladder infections. If I get them they are hard to knock down and i feel so ill-so big part of all is being so ill upon all of the pressure of MRI and CT scans!!!! No wonder you are depressed. And lisa, you  have to publish!! And Chrissy, Happy Dance for clear Mammo!! Yeaahhh! XXOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    3jays - that's a hilarious story! My son was drinking some juice when I read it to him, and he snorted it out his nose!

    He has a 25 year-old filthy white Volvo that he drives, and he said, "I think I'll go driving through the neighborhood yelling "Volvo, Volvo!".