Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Hi there

    CB and LC - a fruit cake takes about 2-4 hours cooking in a slow oven so you don't dry it out. Some take even longer. A ten inch sultana cake cooks in about an hour.

    Love the picture of the horses SV

    Must get moving, been a slow start this morning. My SiL managed to get me rather upset last night - didn't show it until she left. Was told that I was a stranger and not a member of the family well great after 38 years - but its always been the same.  All I asked was why was my MiL having more tests done by the Dr.

    Anyway some windows need cleaning now the kitchen is sorted.

    Hope you all have a great day.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Alyson!!! As many have said before, we can't pick our relatives but as she is just an SIL, you can distance yourself (nicely) from her toxicity. SV, be ready for the invasion of the BC ladies on the 3rd of December. Any one who wants a little weekend gab fest/hen party/photo op on the OBX the weekend of 12/3, PM me for details. The condo/house we are getting is big enough for all, right SV?

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Alyson:  What a hurtful person your SIL is.  I have one like that too.  My hubby says to ignore it, but I have found that easier said than done. 

    Sending a big hug.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Thank you SV, I just love those wild horses..

    if you get a chance to spot some more, I would love it...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Our museum has a Dia de los Muertos

    exhibit every year ..Day of the Dead

    It is celebrated in Mexico..we are only about 15 minutes from the

    Mexican Border

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Alyson-Sorry your sil is such a pill.  Probably jealous for some reason. 

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited October 2010

    Thanks SV for the camera info.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Love the pics, ladies!

    Alyson, susgul is right - your SIL is just jealous of something. Just ignore her - I'm surrounded by toxic people and trying to have as little to do with them as possible. One of them just suddenly died, and now I feel guilty of all things! It takes a lot of self-confidence to deal with these kinds of people, but you've got to take care of yourself first. I'm sure you already know this, after 38 years of dealing with her. I just wish I knew this when I was in my twenties!

    Got another call about Itty Bit, but if she was hiding in the yard she didn't come. It was already dark, so we'll go back in the morning. I hope she hasn't gone wild on me!

    I was supposed to kick back and have a drink after this hellacious week, but now I'm just exhausted and bed looks better!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your messages. SiL has always been toxic and my DDs say she is jealous. Not sure why when she is a high power and successful business woman. My children very early on picked up things about her and would comment on how she bought her children's affection. It wasn't until they were much older that I said anything to them about how I felt but they knew. Even DH who usually says to ignore her said some very strong things about her last night and he very seldom swears or says nasty things about anyone. I think she must have been feeling a bit guilty today as she rang and offered us something she didn't want!!!

    I have just made a sponge in my new cooker - reasonable success but think I will have another try, its getting the temperature right. I have photos which I will try to put up tomorrow.

    Must think about dinner as we are having friends over.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010

    Alyson - I too am sorry about your nasty SIL.  Some people are just insecure despite their successes and if they take exception to you, there is nothing you can do about it but ignore it as HeartnSoul says.  I have a brother like that - he is a very successful businessman - owns and runs 5 service stations. I have always felt his jealousy. I tried for years to get in his 'good' books but he seems to think I was 'spoiled' because I was the only girl (not true say my other brothers) and that is his mind made up!  Nothing I have said or done for the last 35 years as an adult has made any difference to the situation and I don't imagine it will ever change. 

    You will grow to love your new oven I'm picking.  It took me about 6 months to get the temps and cooking times adjusted when I got a new oven when we redid our kitchen a couple of years ago - it was so different from the old one.  I went from a very 'passed its use by date' F&P oven to a Bosch and it was like going from a mini to a Rolls Royce.  The new oven holds its heat so well that once it is up to heat it stays there, unless the door is left open for a long time, and it takes about 5 hours for it to cool down completely when it is turned off.  The old one was on/off/on/off even in a 20 minute cooking time!

    Itty Bit - WHERE ARE YOU??????

    SV - thanks for the horse photo.  My DD and I are real horse fans - she likes up and close hands on and riding them but I prefer to admire them from a distance.  I Googled them and looked at some of the videos and photos people have posted - so lovely.  We have wild horses in the tussock lands in the middle of the North Island.  They are the decendants of military horses that got away and survived in the wild. They are called Kaimanawa horses as that is the name of the mountain range in that area.  There used to be annual culls and round ups :( to keep their numbers down as they were damaging the fragile ecosystem of the area but now they manage the numbers with birth control.  They not usually near the road but two times lately when I have been travelling through that area I have seen a herd within 100 yards of the road - screeched to a halt and enjoy the rare sight of them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Alyson, you have to much going for you to even worry about such a nasty and toxic SIL-so sorry that people need tocause pain!! So many people love you and (we) focus on the one person who pushes our buttons. i wanted to enlarge the stained glass window my mom loved-used it at Steve's memorial.

    I am being such a post hog but feel so out of touch with everyone and not on upcoming trials and issues. want to send support and love to all-mb-let me know what they find out ASAP! ((((ittyBitty))); (((Alyson))) and all. SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Now that I know that Christmas Cake is = to Fruit Cake I understand. I may  be the only person in North America who enjoys fruit cake. I especially enjoy the Collin Street Bakery Deluxe Fruit Cake. I have been buying it for years.   

    As a teen I found a recipe for fruit cake balls and successfully made a batch.  I have never had frosted fruit cake but I have used royal icing for decoratig cakes when I used to do that sort of thing. I once created a cornucxopia decoration on a cake that was a big hit. It looke dso pretty but I am sure it hardened to rock hard. 

    I am having ahard time with TAXOL just niw and DH is going out of town on Sunday for the week then out again for the next. I love being able to read here it keeps me good company.  Thank you all


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning girls!  Alyson....I also have a SIL that has more personalities than an Ant!  Sometimes she can be nice, like when I was asking her about the time she had breast cancer with the MammoSite device...She even actually sounded "human"....

    THEN she can turn into this crazed sort of banshee type woman, & what makes it worse, is her DAUGHTER is just the same!   I was accidentally sent an email, from her Daughter, which was supposed to go to her....And I nearly dropped my teeth!    I could NOT believe the ranting & trash talk, & WORDS that came out of that girls mouth. 

    But all that matters is.....I will never forget, nor forgive what was said.  I will always be civil to SIL when I ever have to see her...(Nashville) only because she is my Brother's wife.  But her Daughter who lives here, is just a sorrowful hypochondriac, that is SURE she has every illness & condition ever "invented!"   And she canNOT get enough sympathy!  DB just can't figure her out...and thinks it is & always has been the constant drinking of Pepsi all day long...& not much food.  

     But he said that MOST of her problems are in her head...I think she is just crying out for more attention!  I'd like to smack her up side of her head...  and maybe her biggest problem is the "pain" pills she feeds herself!   

    In other words Alyson...You are much better in our minds, & in your heart. You can't let someone like that cause you one minute of grief!  I know it's easy for me to say...but you will get "stronger" and not let that person get to you! 

      Come home little Itty-bit!  We all miss you!   

    And yes Rae...thanks again for your Recipe!  I WILL be sure & cook it longer, you guys, Ha! 

     Maybe that was my whole problem in the first place. Rae, your stove or oven sounds like a real gem!  Mine is a gas stove & oven, but it still works really well! Rae the pictures you sent us once, with you & the Wild Horses! You guys are so lucky to know about & actually see something like that!  I guess we are so intrigued, because most of us "city folks" haven't seen anything like it. 

     But last week, driving a service road home from Golden, we saw this most beautiful HUGE ELK with this gigantic rack just standing beside the road in this little wooded area above Coors....He was so still, he looked like a statue!  I was so excited, & afraid for him!  We went on slowly, then I started blinking my lights so the on-coming cars would know SOMEthing was there!   Wow, that was amazing!  Never saw anything that big, & so close!  

    Ginger....just take it easy...& come read what we have to say, ha!  I don't know anything about Taxol, but I have heard so many women here talk about it.... Is it like chemo?  Love you guys! xoxoxoxo      

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Morning....girls, Jeannette ( Chevy-boy ) is so right, that people like Alyson's SIL are so tied up in themselves and have such a high opinion of themselves........and do anything they can ( even to claiming illnesses, or making what they might actually have far worse ) that when they see someone like Alyson with the love of her family trying to protect her and certainly cherishing her....they are puzzled....and try all the harder to somehow be seen as loved, cherished and cared for...........and it is all the wrong way and due to that will never happen.  Sad but true, I think what they want most will never come.  Being highly aware often is the most we can do and keeping emotional distance -- especially if we can't control the physical distance always.

    SV -- your stained window just says so much and is such a creed to use in our personal life. 

    Itty -- you are so loved.  Come home.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Just dropped in to say hi. I agree with Jackie, the stained glass window just says it all and offers all of us a chance to give back in our lives.

    Hope everyone has a great, se-free weekend.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Chevyboy, Taxol is chemo. I had AC X4 andnow Taxol X1 completed and X3 to go.

    I am taking the advice of someone on here. We just moved here in July and left our Christmas tree behind. I went on line and found a decent prelit tree at Home Depot and I am sending for it today. The suggestion here was to go ahead and pput up your tree now, don't wait. I think with a prelit tree I can get my husband to put it up and I will enjoy the lightds. I like the colored lights indoors and I know it will make me happy. 

    A good thing, you can tell the Oxycontin is working, our DD brought over our 11 week old grand daughter this week and I was kissing her little toes, Well she picked up her foot higher for me to get her toes again, It was so cute and she is so very sweet. Just the most smiley little 11 weeek old I have even seen.

    Love yoyu all


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    ((((AWWWW-GINGER))))). And i know ittyBitty be out there looking for her Mum. Ok, the gals are organizing for the "First Reunion" in Duck. WE need a name! the vegas group' does the "TaTa" reunion. We are picking out choices for rental houses that are awesome. Get ahold of Jackie if you want to come. Dress warm-we'll be outside driving the beachs and looking at lighthouses, the wild swans will be here and the wild horses!! And for those game enough, it will be ocean striper season and we can charter a big boat with huge cozy cabin to take us out of Oregon Inlet for a 1/2 or full day's fishing and yummy fish 40 pound striper to B-B-Q. For those of us needing the "cleopatra tour" of fishing, ya do nothing but sit in the warm cabin drinking toddies or whatever and watch young hardbodies run about and pull in the fish for those who do not want to sit outside in the fighting chairs and crank like a b*tch on montrous reels to get the buggars in. SOOOO much fun!! But i need to know ASAP so I can get the "fun bus" organized and on schedule for our crusade up and down the Banks. We will eat at the "Black Pelican, which is the original telegrapagh station where the Wright Brother's sent the first telegram of first flight and we will go to the monument for Pix of all of us. We can go from Hatteras lighthouse up to Corolla light house for the history/ghost tour with me as you personal guide! My SUV will hold 6 easily and my Dad's 9 easily. All we do in the winter is four wheel on the beach! And yes, I can get everyone close enough to touch the wild horses if they are in a good mood and not in the back country swamps munching on pine nuts!!! Most time, when the wind is blowing from the west, they are on the beach to mark territory and keep bugs off. There are several herds, each run by a stunning stallion who wants to make sure his property is well marked and his gals stay where they are supposed to be. The photo i took is of an black stallion i know well and normally, he will let me touch him-in fact he used to nip my butt and try to herd me about like one of the mares. But i was really living with them then doing photos for a coffee table book-the was life before cancer. This gang generally comes down to the beach every morning to mark their territory. And, this is only ten miles from my house (no roads up there-just beach). ohhhhh, i am just so excited!! And a birdie tells me that GD is having a B-day this week?????? True or no, Ms. K?????? I cannot wait to get my eyes on you, especially after the U-Tube dance!! You are my hero!! MB are you coming, what about Miss Kitty; Jackie; Ginger; CB, Lisa, H&S, Mandy-all are welcome and what a thrill! I so wish the NZ gals would book a flight out-Alyson and Rae!!!  I cannot wait, bring warm clothes-we do not stay indoors much here!! XXOOO, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013



    I cannot get my photos to do a montage like Lisa does-using picasa-but nada. I even edited and did small pix so not to be a board hog-nada! They came out huge regardless! Sorry!! Anyway, these be some of the locals we be hanging with!! XXOO, SV


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    SV - Thank you for the horse photos - their colours are so beautiful.  Our wild horses are pretty much dark brown across the board.  It is so good to see you excited about life and, great organizing! - what a FANTASTIC time you will have. I am sorry to miss out on a chance to get together with all you lovely ladies but with 2 DDs in university and one more going next year, the purse stings are firmly closed on any 'fun' spending for the next few years :(  Hang in there though - one day I might get there!

    Edited for grammar 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2010

    Well, we finally tracked down the potential Itty Bit, but sadly it was not her. We put up new signs yesterday; tomorrow I'm going to call a neighbor who apparently feeds strays and give him a close-up picture of Itty Bit. She's worrying me to death - I'm afraid she's forgotten all about us by now. Plus, now I think I've got pneumonia and I'm working on a bladder infection. Since it's the weekend, I'm trying to stave off going to the ER by taking Vicks "Chesty Cough" - well, it sounds appropriate. Besides, I don't want to get zapped with an Xray machine when my onc just gave me a CT scan last Wednesday. I hope she can tell from that if I have pneumonia.

    SV - I wanted to go to the "Big Time at the Banks", but I'll be near the end of my rads and I might be feeling "puny", as they say. I don't think I even have an immune system anymore - I think I need a shot of Neulasta for regular maintenance now! Those photos of the horses are awesome! I'm going to try to make the trip, though - I'll let you know ASAP!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2013

    SV love the pix

    in picasa put all the pix on the bottom and click on the green thingy, then click on collage and it brings them all on one page..from there you have alot of choices..

    Here is another example

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2010

    Lisa, thats lovely. Have a whole lot of photos ready to go, especially after today.

    Friday was our little one's 2nd birthday and we had a small gathering for lunch as it is also DD's birthday today. Have a couple of lovely photos of DGD wearing the little Amish bonnet we bought early this year when we visited PA. So DGD had both sets of grandparents which she loved as well as her Great Grandma - it was a lovely lunch. I had made a 'mouse cake' for her and a Victoria sponge for DD. My new cooker is working well and I am getting used to the temperature and times needed.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Here is another way of doing them

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2010

    Wow Lisa, that's great!  Clever clogs!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning Gals!  Thank you SV for posting the new pictures!  I did "save a" & will use them to change my "desk-top!"  I just think it is amazing that those wild horses take care of themselves, & yet are tame enough for you to get close pictures like that.  You & the Gals sound like you are planning a fun trip!  I'll be thinking of you all!

    Ginger!  Enjoy "your" little girl, Ha!  How sweet!  She knows you love her, & wanted you to keep kissing her toes!    AAAaaahhhhhh! Wish my Grand-sons were that age again, sometimes....But I've loved every minute we've had watching them grow into men!

    Beautiful pictures again Lisa! xoxoxoxoxoxoox

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    All I can say is WOW to all the pix!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

          I am still too illiterate in the wonderful world of computers to post pics in spite of downloading photobucket and have lots of pics downloaded and able to send them just fine via regular email, but for some reason cannot get them on these thread. So I will just enjoy the ones you post.  My friend, Leona, the one who is dealing with BC treatments now and I wrote about (Lobular) had a was actually her son's, but you know how that gets to take care of the pets.  Well, this summer she thought he might like a change so took him out of his little fish bowl with the rock and put him in a big potted plant so he could get some fresh air.  Well, she did this several times, but the last time she went out and the turtle was gone.  She was sooooo upset and of course her husband was yelling at her and saying it was a stupid  thing to do and she should have known the turtle could scale the sides of the pot (it was a tiny little turtle and I don't know how adept they are at climbing, but it seemed like he wouldn't get out to me) and her son was crying and I think they spent a day looking for him, crawling around the backyard.  No turtle and Lee kept saying she hoped he was enjoying his freedom and had found a water souce and I kept thinking, That turtle is toast.  He is so small he is never going to make it outside (he was one of those like we used to buy in the dimestore or petstore as kids..about a big around as a silver dollar} plus it was such a hot dry summer and also I figured a cat or some other animal probably ate him.  Well, don't you know just this last week, Lee called up so excited, exclaiming I found him!  Mr.Turtle is back! We found him in the pot and he looks really healthy!   Her husband had dug around in the dirt when they discovered he was gone and said No way was the turtle in there.   I however,think maybe he was all the time because it is a huge clay pot and would have been much more difficult for that little guy to climb back into it and why would he want to?  But he's back home and everyone is happy.  Point to story....maybe Little Bit will turn up and be none the worse for wear. 

    SV,  I know you are counting me as part of this trip and believe me, I want to be, but I have to find out what my onco decides to do about my liver.  I am  having my PET/CT on Monday and depending on what it shows and the results of the cell search (Yes another one....which I can't understand since last one was less than two months ago) .  If all is well everywhere else then he was saying he would like to schedule this chemoembolization the week after Thanksgiving and I know it means at least a week of recovery, maybe more so I don't know if I am going to be traveling then or not.  It sounds like so much fun and I love meeting anyone I can, face to face.  Don't count me out, but I cannot promise anything until after my next onco consult.  In the meantime, I plan on seeing you in Florida next weekend, Barb.  Have a good Sunday. ladies.  I am at my father's again and hope to plant a new hydrangea bush out by the fence we just had put in so the one little dog can't escape....his goal in life to get loose and run.  Marybe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

     Good morning everyone.  Mary......afer I upload the pic I want to gives me a screen so I can choose the size, after which I rt. click and a screen comes that has the word copy in the list which I hit.  Then I just go to where ever I want to put the picture -- usually here, sometimes in an email and hit v for view and it will dump the picture wherever I've chosen.  Don't know if that will help you at all.

    Just felt I should chime in here and say that I have way too many responsibilities here to be able to travel.  I guess my traveling days took place long time ago and looks like they may not return.  I will be thinking of all of you though. 

    It's a gorgeous day outside....hope it is that way for all of you.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Jackie, love the kittens. They are just so cuddly. Every time I see one I want one but DH gets 'that look' and I pass.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Mary, you just do what you need to do and I will be praying for you this coming week. Please keep us posted on what your onc wants to do.