Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010
    IllinoisLady - you're right about that. My grandfather was definitely a "Moses". It fit him to a "T". He was a writer - poet, author, columnist, reporter. He was roommates with Thomas Wolfe at UNC-Chapel Hill in the early 1900's. He used to shout out history facts or poetry when you walked past him. I wish I had paid more attention - he was so funny, too. Last night, I said to my son, "I should have named you Moses." He said, "I would have hated you if you did." We burst out laughing about that, and I said, "I bet Grandaddy is laughing right now, too." I really miss him.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    GramE - Happy dance for you!!! Jackie, I used to have 2-1/2 acres with hundreds od hardwood trees in far suburban MD and the leaves would be three feet deep when we would come back from our FL timeshare the 2nd week of Nov.

    I REALLY love palm trees!  Well, I love the neat ones like Christmas palms, foxtail palms.  They only drop a frond here and there. Others issue TONS of pollen, drop nasty squishy seeds and seed pods. Yucky to clean up.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    It looks like my chemo is cancelled due to my numb feet. I will see the Doc on Monday but they told me not to take my steroids. If you recall I was walking with my book light IN my slippere and didnt even feel it there. I suppose thagt would be at least an 8 on the numbness scale.  I finishes 4 CA and 2 Taxol. The nurse said the Taxol is what did this. I want to avoid reccurrence. I wonder what they will advise now?

    SV Maybe they can put some sand skis on your crutches. I argued against a cane once because I vainly thought it would make me look old! Hah I am 65 and insisted on crutches because I thought they looked more temporary. How silly of me, I am sure not one person who saw me thought, "Why look how young she is. Poor thing on crutches." The ortho must have thought I was simply mad. Now here I am just two years later walking around with a book light in my slipper. Vanity, vaniity.

    Have a great weekend 


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Barbara and Jackie - I'm surrounded by 8 acres of hardwoods, but my landscaping only consists of a few bushes here and there - because of the leaves! No grass - too shady anyway - so I don't have to worry about trying to keep leaves off the lawn (that's and endless job, for sure). My ex-husband tried to grow grass when we first moved here and I said, "Give up, John. The leaves are going to win." Basically, it's a fight here to keep nature back. We've got ivy (ugh!) growing at places in the woods so I have to go out there and cut it off the trees or it will eventually kill them. Just today I heard a tree fall somewhere...if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's there....

    Ginger - I'm SO sorry about the neuropathy - I hope it goes away soon. I hear Taxol is pretty tough stuff. Maybe when it clears up they will finish with the Taxol.

    Talk about vanity, I'm doing the same thing. My knees have been killing me - I guess from the chemo - and I had to do a lot of walking around the hospital yesterday. I saw some people in wheelchairs, and I was thinking, "Darn, I wish I had a wheelchair!" NEVER before would I have thought such a thing, but I'm not to the point where I would actually DO it.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    Had to go to a huge warehouse restaurant supply to get the last of the groceries for our senior center Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday.  I knew I don't have the stamina to walk even half way through that place.  I took our center wheelchair and a healthy, younger volunteer along to push when my arms gave out.  I also had another cook along to help shop, drive the 180 mile round trip and push the big platform type cart around.  We will be serving from 250 to 300 dinners On Thanksgiving Day and again on Christmas. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Happy Saturday everybody!  Next week is Thanksgiving and I can't believe it!  Time goes so slow when you're young and so fast when you get older, doesn't it?

    GramE-- wonderful, wonderful news!  For you and for your waiting room companion, too!

    Ginger-- I'm so sorry about the neuropathy, and I hope it clears up now that you're off Taxol.  It must be so hard to walk without much feeling in your feet.

    chabba-- Cheers for using the wheelchair when you needed it!  Doing all those meals sounds like a daunting project to say the least, and I admire you for it.  My DH is in Methodist Men and his group  does a meal at the homeless shelter here every other month.  DH always does the cooking, or a big part of it.  The next turn for them is Christmas Eve and  I imagine help will be scarce so I told him I'd help him.  There are usually only about 50 people who show up there so it's not on the same scale as what you do, but in our sort of small town, 50 is far too many homeless!

    HnS-- Are you still doing radiation?  I finally finished Wednesday--got to ring a bell hanging in the hall and all the techs and the rad onc cheered.  Sorta felt foolish, but was so glad to be done (about medium well, I think) that I didn't care! I'm taking a 2 week break before starting on arimidex so I'm going to enjoy it!

    DH and I went out to lunch Wednesday with a group of retirees from Social Services (he retired from there) and we got there early.  He said we should celebrate so we went into the bar of the restaurant and had margaritas!  We may have set a precedent for this little group of retirees, as we went into the room where we ate still holding the drinks!  Don't think we've ever had a margarita with a reuben and a BLT before, but it wasn't bad at all!

    SV and Lisa-- what beautiful pictures!!  Thank you for sharing.  SV, I hope you get that business going soon--you've already got a lot of customers!  And {{{HUGS}}} for the knee.

    Hope all have a good weekend and grannydukes, good thoughts going your way for the wedding Sunday!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    ((((GramE)))) Happy Dance!!! and Ginger-big hugs and yes I have thought about developing a line of "SandyCanes' to use on the beach for those of us growing old and gimpy!! And yes, I am trying to figure out how to do the 'wheelchair thing' especially since I have to hit Walmart and Harris Teeter today. I have never used one of those motorized carts and I just cannot wait to see the havoc I can muster up in a crowded store trying to drive one of those monsters!! This is a venture that I don't think one does alone-i mean hop to the motorized cart on crutches-then what do you do with the damned crutches?? And talked to my ortho guy today and he wants to 'give it four weeks' before re-evaluating my knees. I want to smack him-yeah, you try living like this for four weeks!!! Whine, Whine!! Got any cheese? Love to you all and cannot wait for Dec 3. I was trying to attach an ecard for Thanksgiving for all but that isn't going to happen!! So know that I am praying for all of the health and happiness we all deserve this upcoming Thanksgiving Day!! I SO hope that all of you will have a day that is blessed with fun, food and friends! XXOO, SV

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    SV---I don't know anything about Harris Teeter but I bet you could leave your crutches in the care of the greeter at Walmart.  Crutches would be worse than a cane and I broke one of those when it sliped as I rounded a corner at the grocery store when I used one of those moterized things years ago after foot surgery.  The next time I left the cane with a checker.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited November 2010

    SV, it took me awhile to give in and start using one of those carts but it is great fun.  I couldn't go to Walmart because it feels like my hips are breaking if I walk very far so I finally took my sister with me while she was here from Louisiana and I made her go in and get the cart and then I went shopping.  First time in a long time I could actually look at things and not be miserable.  Darla

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Oohhhhh, I am POed.....had a long post and it is gone with the wind.  Congrats to all who have been getting good reports.  Hang in there is on the way or at least a lot of moral support.  If it is ok I want to be the cook because I love cooking.  I am at my Dad's and the water is off here for some reason so we are going to Bob Evans for breakfast.  My husband is at home with two of the dogs and the cat and I have Harley the one in my avitar with me since he is taking pills and I know he won't get them unless I give them to him.....Groan....but I wont get started on ranting about my husband and his lack of observation skills or energy and the house smelling like pee since I already did that and it was sent to the ozone. I should be worrying about bigger things like cancer, but it's the little things that drive me nuts.  For now chemoembolization is on hold and my onco is keeping me on navelbine even though onco I consult with at MDA says he feels it is not working or liver would not have progressed.  Ah well, I feel good and am looking forward to seeing Barb again, meeting SV and hopefully you, Granny.  Hope the wedding  goes well and Grandson gets better each day.  I love reading all your posts and seeing the pics (one of these days I will get some on here) and continue to be inspired by the message boards.  Oh re neuropathy, it should go away and it is nice your onco is giving you a break instead of waiting til you start tripping over your own feet.  And SV, have you thought of trying a walker....I always had very good results with those and have had so many times I needed one, that finally I bought one instead of renting....crutches killed my armpits!! I watched a really good interview with Prince Charles last night, Isabella.  Later, ladies. Have a great day!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    "Vanity, thy name is woman." I'm still not up to the point where I would use a cane in public, but yesterday I was wondering what happened to my father's walker when I was getting out of the car. MB, you're right, a walker isn't that hard to use and pretty swift. Definitely, the less stress I put on my knees, the faster they improve. Plus time going by is helping. SV - I guess that's what your doctor is hoping to see, and I hope your knees do get better in 4 weeks. I'm trying to keep my feet propped up as often as possible, putting ice on my knees and drinking lots of water to reduce any swelling. Mine do seem to be getting better, but I could be completely miscalculating as I don't remember much from one day to the next. Undecided

    SV - I fear for the people who cross your path while driving one of those carts! But think of the fun! Especially if you giggle and laugh like you're crazy! I just may have to try that myself, I need to go to Target but it's HUGE!

    MB - I do the same thing about not thinking about cancer. I never have time to worry about it because of all the little stuff that flits through my brain. Sometimes I stop and wonder if I should be dwelling more on this disease stuff, so I think about it, and then I tell myself that's what the doctors are for - it's their job to dwell on all these things; it's over my head anyway. Maybe it's for the best. I hope they hurry up and make up their mind about the chemoembolization. I hate waiting for things, so I guess that's another good reason to worry about other stuff.

    QCA - haha, margaritas and BLTs! Not too bad, I guess. I know you're happy to be (medium well) done with your radiation! I have 19 days left - I'm marking it off with a calendar (like I used to countdown 'til Christmas, but um, not as fun). Still, I'm supposed to be through Dec. 20th, so at least that's before Christmas. How are you feeling? I'm afraid I'll be REALLY tired come Christmas - it's already wearing me out.

    I don't usually do it, but next week I'll be cooking a turkey. My son loves it when I cook - oh, I'm feeling guilty like I have deprived him so. But it will just be the two of us, and that's okay with me. I'm too tired to worry about serving other people right now. Probably won't entertain for Christmas, either. Maybe I'll feel up to it for New Year's, but kind of doubt that, too. My friends and family have pretty much stopped calling/visiting. I don't know what it is about cancer that makes some people drop out of your life, but some have. So sad - I don't get it. I wonder, when you start feeling well and are getting out and about again, if they reappear. I usually don't have a long memory, but I don't think I can just forget about this. Sorry, don't mean to be Debbie Downer here. I'm not feeling depressed about it, I've already accepted this for what it is. Just kind of wondering aloud and I guess with the holidays coming up, it makes it all that much more pronounced. 

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2010


    Hi, I am new on this thread.  I remember when I broke my leg 4 years ago.  I had been using a walker and went to the grocery store.  The man at the door showed me how to use the motorized cart, and he was so nice and suggested he keep my walker in the area where they keep the carts, and helped me in and out.  The cart was a little bit frightening at first - thought I was going to run into people.  But it worked very well, and a couple very nice folks reached things for me which were up too high for me to get. 

    Hope it works for you!  All these new things to learn!


  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2010

    I never did try crutches.  Being such a klutz I was afraid I wouldn't be able to figure them out.  So, I went from a wheel chair to a walker to a cane, with my broken leg.

    Insurance paid for the walker and cane.  We borrowed the wheelchair.  So I am set when the time comes once again.  Also, got a raised toilet seat on the insurance company!  What more could I ask for?  LOL


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    SV, it is a good thing there's an elevator in our house. Can't wait to see you!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    hey SV---that scooter is soooooo much fun.i had to get one for my friend who must use it.she cannot walk at all Sooooooooooooo she tells me to go get it for her....well i never used one before.i got in it a flew------------ past girlfriend almost died laughing.i didnt want to get off about feelin goooood...try it you will like it...get dressed up lookin good...and start zoomin all around your favorite store....feel better....huggggggggggggs


  • bubba
    bubba Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2010

    I feel like the new kid at school but have been browsing through the posts on this site and see a lot of threads in common.  As I was just diagnosed in October I'm afraid I'll be more of a taker than a giver but thought that might be all right at first anyway.  It's really amazing how epidemic bc has become.  Mine's IDC, triple negative, and a Nottingham score of 9.  Had an excisional biopsy by a general surgeon on 10-21 and then my sister browbeat me into seeing a breast specialist whose name we kept coming across from anyone we knew who had bc or knew someone who had -- in fact I started referring to her as Dr. Walks-on-Water.  Don't like changing horses midstream as it's not fair to either horse or beneficial to the rider, but am really glad that Dr. WOW is taking over.  Have had everything poked and scoped and breast conserving surgery scheduled for 11-30.  Does anyone else have insights on the trip. neg. Nottingham 9?  Thanks, Nancy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2013

    I'm sorry you had cause to join us Nancy, but you are most welcome in our group.  As you can see my diagnosis is very different from yours but you will find answers among our band of sisters.  I don't usually say much, my problems are so common that my questions are generally answered by just following the thread.  I find strength and comfort just by reading following along.

    I wish you well.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Hi Nancy, and welcome.  There is a thread dedicated to the tripple negative diagnosis if you would like to check it out it may give you a whole of information that you are looking for.  Lots of ladies follow quite a few threads as there is no resitriction to how many you visit.  Visit us often.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.   chrissyb

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    HnS-- I do have some fatigue, just sort of wiped out some days, but am hoping that will decrease soon.  I still do the same skin routine that I did all during the treatments.  The skin is already a bit "less red" except for the boost area, where iit's a bright red circle.  Looking back I'm amazed at how quickly the time passed, and you'll be looking back at this before you know it, too!  You'll be getting a great Christmas present this year, having this behind you!

    Nancy-- Welcome to you!  We're all sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    Welcome Nancy -- we are here for you when you need us.

    I had no problem with rads so I have not said anything.  I would try and take a walk everyday, and going to and back involved a fair amt. of walking as well.  So, I only had a couple of "those" kinds of days......and it passed after a couple of hours.  I convinced myself that all the walking really did help.  On rare occasion I still get a 'reminder' and it is one of the few times I can actually take a nap during the day. 

    Hope you all have a great Sunday. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Mancy and lWD, welcome to our humble home here on this thread-the good news is that we really aren't that humble and are in fact, a bunch of raucous "elder" ladies who have joined to laugh, cry and to give tremendous support to everyone here on the board. OK I AM NO LONGER A CART VIRGIN!! OMG, I never had so much fun in my life as I did driving one of those motorized carts in Harris Teeter. Ya' have to get the ones there cause they go the fastest and turn the tightest. The ones in Walmart-do not compare!!! And, having never used one, I put on my most pitiful face and crawled in to the cart in HT and just WENT FOR IT. I have not had such fun in a long time!! Mostly 'tripping' on people (I know I am a bad cancer person and lightening will strike me soon) but people could not do enough to help me OR, to get out of the way. I could clear whole isles by simply showing up at the end of one and giving the "poorest kiity in the world' look as I gazed down the crowded isle and it was like Moses parting the Red SEA! People fell over themselves to get out of the way of the cripple. and to reach stuff for me on the higher part of shelves that I could not reach. I am SO BAD! But really, in making light of the adventure, I did need the cart and simply could not have walked to the produce section with out it. And the HT ones have a horn and a back-up dinger thingy that lets people know when you're backing up cause there is no rear view mirror and ya' cannot see anything. I do feel terrible but if ya' got to use handicapped devices-I think best to do it in style!!! I don't think I took advantage of any kind person, but then again, I was looking at people's butts, not their faces!! I mean guys ushered me out to my car as I drove my buggy to the car door and they unloaded my groceries and everything-well not everything-teehee. Oh this is a whole new world to conquer!! Yup, I remain a sick puppy and am sure my head is not quite right as noone could have that much fun in a motorized cart. But they have to be fast and the carts at Walmart GO SO SLOW!!! That was no fun at all. Me being trapped among the Walmart crowd butts is just not - well it's not for the eye's of a polite and gentile, southern lady!! Spandex was everywhere I looked and they don't take as kindly to the "handicapped" because well, i think everyone in Walmart is in the same crowd as me!! Oh well, HnS get the fatigue checked-you know my story-when they finally did the labs, the chemo had blown out my thyroid-I had no Vit D or iron and I had a myriad of issues that needed to be medically treated to pull myself out of the fatigue. That is the worst part of all of this for me because I truly want to go, when I want to go and being really tired gets in the way!! And having to take naps during the day has never been on my agenda-until now. As to my knees, truly, I thought -pull fluid out of the knees and slam the steroids in and i should be good to go-but NOOOOO, my ortho guy called me on Friday and said i was a lunatic (no secret there) and that I am supposed to be resting and that it takes 4 weeks for the knees to recover from the procedures he did to me-HUH? Huh??! Another thing that is so not right in my world! And I have to say, I am over the moon about the women who can come, coming to the Outer Banks Dec 3. I just cannot wait!!! GD , please try and come if you can-you need the r&r and I want to see ya gal!! love to all-Have a great Turkey Week-and prayers and blessing with all-SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    It was a rainy, rainy weekend here...

    but nice and sunny today...saw these as I went out to get the paper this morning

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    Beautiful, I especially love the Pansy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    I wrote a long post but i have no idea where it went. Well, i was headed to my cousin's for Thanksgiving but my Dad came down to my apartment for a 'visit' today. He looks so lost I nearly burst into tears. This is his second holiday without Mom and I just wasn't thinking about him. He never includes me in his life and I have sort of written that relationship off-like years ago. But he came down and wanted to see more of the larger format pix i am doing on canvas (they really are gorgeous) but they are at David's being worked into new hardwood frames. I told Dad I was leaving for Winston tomorrow and he said "I wish you wouldn't go." Honestly I was stunned bec the things I do just don't seem to matter to him so I did not think this would be any deal at all. SO, in an instant I decided that i needed to be here to take him and my brother out to dinner-it was like a Higher Power thing-still i have such mixed emotions. This is so hard to explain but just got this moment of clarity that as much as I want to be at my cousin's house for the gorgeous feast she throws in the gorgeous home she has-I just felt i needed to do this instead. So I am trying to do it with no regrets. I am realizing that many of my choices rigth now are "flat out" cancer-driven-like i want to get what i want done now, this year, in case the cancer comes back and I don't get another chance to do things like celebrate with my cousin in an old southern home with traditional southern Turkey day-i just don't know. i hate it that cancer is dirving my life-i am so afraid of it and though I am supposedly in remission, I just have the feeling that I am not and that the disease is still in my body waiting to surprise me with something worse. i don't know, I am just so scared to give in on any choices i make because next year, i might not have them. Not sure if that makes sense or not. i think I hate holidays and being a cancer survivor-nothing can be taken for granted as far as I think. I could not celebrate anything last year bec i was so ill from surgery and chemo. I am just trying to grab on to 'what i want' this holiday. i am realizing that I am really having a lot of conflict with this disease and life issues that are important to me (and holidays are just one). Truly when i was diagnosed and when I went thru the 'near death chemo" I just stepped out of life in many ways. Trying to make a decision to join life again is so hard bec I do not want to be hit with cancer again-i dread it-bec there are no treatment options for me. it is a death sentence. And I am still facing the impact-SE's of chemo a year ago (like my knee joints failing) and looking at more major surgeries that are really going to put me down to recoup again. God, I wish I had never gotten cancer-that is so awful bec so many women are dealing with cancer issues so much more severe and awful than mine seem. But given the fact that i cannot do RADS or chemical treatments like chemo, i just don't know anymore. Trying to deal with all of the losses this disease causes is just about impossible. Sorry to be a whiner, but I think I did the best i could for my Dad-i mean he is 84 years old now-and though we don't get along-I was just so surprised by his visit and his attitude today. Anyway, just needed to vent i think. Hugs, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

     Melissa, little miss SV....Cancer is not controlling your life!  You are now!  I am so glad you are letting your Dad back into your life!   Just take each day as it comes!  Your Dad needs you, & you know it now....I was there when my Dad needed me...after my Mom died.   I grew to love him, not even considering what feelings I had about him, up until this time.....Our Dad's only have us Daughters' after their wives pass away.....It's like maybe they see so much of their beloved wife in us...& we have to be there for them.  I wish I could still talk to my Dad....but I know I was there for him, when it mattered the most....And this Thanksgiving, I will thank God for all the beautiful memories I found with my Dad, when he missed Mom the most. 

     I just love this....

     Maya Angelou said this:
    'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'

    'I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.'

    'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.'

    'I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a life.'

    'I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.'

    'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back...'

    'I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.'

    'I've learned 
    that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.'

    'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back...'

    'I've learned that I still have a lot to learn..'

    'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    Jeanette --- I so relate to every thing you have said.  We are all here on this Earth for a reason.  We may not know what that reason is, but as long as we are here, I think we need to do the best we can with what we are given.  Some times.....we might feel slighted, and cheated just a bit by what we got --- or how things worked out.  So -- go have a bit of a pity party and when you are done........get right back on the merry-go-round. 

    No one gets to pick and choose -----  I would say that well over half of us, and maybe more than three quarters of us, did not have this, or anything like it in our life script.  I myself had great intentions of whiling away my hours traveling and marveling at the wonders of the world.....while I and many friends, all fine people, sampled wonderful sections of life, great food, wonderful stage plays, fine wines at the vineyards and any other exotic thing that tempted us along the path.  Instead, I got so much of what I saw as not only un-fair, but something that make me quite sick while being frightened half out of my wits.  Part of the time I was afraid I was going to die and a couple of times I was afraid I was not. 

    One day....after the thousandth or more frustration I realized that I was exactly where the Universe in all its wisdom put me.  I was living the life I needed to live because in order for me to grow better, wiser, ,kinder and more helpful to myself and those around me.....I had to give up any fanciful idea of what I would have like to have been meant favor of the blessings I got instead.  We don't get to pick most of our circumstances -- but we can pick how we react to them.  When we learn to not let them have the upper hand --- then we are back in charge.  Every day is your gift.  You can use it however you will.  You can use it to grow in some way, or to stand still or to stagnate.  You are the only one who will answer for the day......and you will only answer to yourself.   

    I will be thankful in a couple of days while I am eating a marvelous dinner, that I can choose -- not my circumstances, but am blessed with the ability to live side by side with them and make them as good as I can for right now.  Right now......that is all we have --- no point in worrying about tomorrow or next week or next year.  Live for right now --- take advantage of all the Universe will offer you.  If you are worried about next year....I think your going to miss this one.  Be grateful for the breath of life and use it wisely.  Use it for right now because this is what you have and where you are --- and it can be as ok as you want it to be.  It is a choice.  I hope we all make good ones.  I care about you and I want it all to be good.  I hope and pray you do too.

    Healing Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Jackie and Jeanette, well said. Melissa, this is a holiday to heal. Spend it with your father and brother. Go into it with a positive attitude and gratefulness for having famlily. We all need to be thankful for many reasons.

    Being alive is probably up there pretty high on the list but we are able to help and assist others who follow the path and results we were dealt. I take much comfort in trying to help others who are where I was back in May-July of this year.

    I am very grateful to my higher power (what a PC word...God) for saving me. I am going to continue to try to support others who are afraid and devastated to the best of my ability.

    My life has changed significantly. I volunteered before but I do probably 30% more since BC. I love it and I feel great about helping people.

    Can't wait to see you SV and MB, GD and anyone else who wants to come!

    Happy Turkey Day!! Let us all be grateful for what we have and can do for others.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    You know that all this night i have been thinking of a "gratitude list" like a lot of them!! i was actually invited to two other Thanksgivings outside of NC and the people who invited me actually know me and really want me to come. What a blessing that is. When I was drinking and using, noone wanted me near their house!! And J., I love the Maya Angelou Quote-in fact-and there are no coincedences but this is so wierd, I used the same verse in my Mom's obitaury. My Mom never knew a stranger. And yes, I do an emormous amount for others and it gives my great joy....I don't know, I am just so lost in this disease thing and there are times when I am so very afraid now that I am feeling better and getting some good active days under my belt where i can ejoy life and not be ill. I spent close to a year after a bad chemo of like 'every day' thinking I was going to die or wanting too, I was so freaking ill. And abandoned by my onc. I would just lie curled up in bed-just me and God-and the emergency room 3x a week! It really was beyond awful. I am really missing not being able to get to my cousin's house. I think that is all it is. XXOO, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Thought-provoking words, Jeanette and Jackie.  I like the Maya Angelou piece also.  Thanks for posting this.

    SV --- You're going  with your instincts, and I suppose they're telling you it's the right thing to do to spend this holiday with your father and brother.  Maybe you have a relationship similar to mine with my father.  He died in January of this year at 93, and now that he's gone I wish I'd worked a little harder to make our relationship better.  We were like oil and water all my life---he a southern conservative who always referred to Nixon as "my  President" and a lifelong supporter of segregation. I was sort of the thorn in his side, with my liberal views and activism tendencies.  I got accepted at Chapel Hill for college but he wouldn't let me go there because I'd "get involved in all those things I had no business in", so he shipped me off to Meredith College, known as the Angel Farm. And it was absolute heresy for me to major in psychology, but I did!   I do know that he loved me and did the best he could according to what he knew, and now, I regret not knowing him better than I did. I have memories now, some more pleasant than others, but that's all I have left of him.  Shoot, I was the child who had  to put him in a nursing home just one year prior to his death.  I'd like another chance.  Anyhow, I do hope it goes well for you!  BTW, I got such a kick out of your adventures with the scooter at H-T!!  Have these visions of a mad-woman careening up and down the aisles--Love it!!!

    Hey GrannyD ---How'd  the wedding go? Well, I hope!

    And LWD, welcome!!  It won't take you long to get to know all of us here, and we're glad to have you. (Well, sorry you have to be here, but glad you found this group!)


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    SV, looks like we posed at about the same time.  Thinking of you, Kathy