Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    SV - This disease has obliterated my emotional immunity (and yours by the sound of it) and it is taking a long time for it to recover.  Any emotional turmoil throws me into a deep hole and wipes me out for days - I just want to crawl into bed and stay there. But I get up and keep going, as we must, and I eventually bounce back .... it is exhausting though.  ((((Hugs))))

    I was in tears laughing when I read your story about the carts - oh man, I could just see you in that cart parting the crowds! Thanks for sharing that with us.  Just had to read it to my DH and he was roaring too!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    I am in line here for the emotional experience too was beyone horrific

    but I do have to say that time has been my has been ten years now

    and seven years from all the rest of the horrors afterwards. soothes after

    the years and wears the rough edges off ...but underneath is still that dullness of the

    emotional immunity to protect us...

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    Lisa, I want a cabin beside that lake. Beautiful.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    I took that picture sitting on a chair just outside the door of our room, actually it

    was a motel, but it was peaceful...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Here was another picture from our room on another Lake

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010
    Wow Lisa - that could be views of lakes in the South Island of NZ.  Where is it in USA?
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2010

    You are so right Rae.

    Beautiful pictures Lisa. I would love to sit and look.

    Feeling tired tonight and getting rather anxious about Thursday when they are going to operate on my hiatus hernia etc. Want to get it fixed but hate the thought of another op and the very restricted diet I will have  to follow afterwards.  I thought I would have a couple of days to get things sorted this week but both DDs keep appearing - I know they are worried, however I had a great weekend. DH had a meeting out of town so I went too. Had a great time shopping and generally relaxing other than having dinner with a friend - it was so good.

    Would love to get to bed but have to wait until DD2 comes to  pick up DGD.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    I went to my Doctor appointment today. My chemo is now officially done unless the Neuropathy I have reverses itself in the next week. The doctor said my neuropathy would become permanent if we continued to push Taxol. Currently my foot bottoms are numb, I feel nothing on them. My fingers are tingling and feel numb like they are covered by thin cloth.  

    I guess I am supposed to be happy but it scares me to end Chemo early. My Doc says that my  stats are a 100% certain the Neuropathy will become worse and permanent vs a 2% chance of recurrance. which could happen. I am of course paraphrasing. 

    My tongue is still feeling burned and tastes are transformed into unpleasant tastes.I actually lost 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I wonder if this is part of neuropathy.?   

    I also got a UTI yesterday. I thought I felt unwell and then I found out why.  

    The Doc says I will get stronger, feel better as I move farther away from chemo. I can hardly walk across a rom withour feeling winded. 

    I will begin Radiation in January. 

    My mind is just not settled around this, I had been prepared to do anything they said, to tough it out. Now I am told to stop, that is a big shift of gears

    E verything has been about Chemo and now it isn't. 

    Hugs to all of you.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    (((ALYSON))) big hugs for you on Thursday!! You can do it! and {{{GINGER}}}}, take heart in your onc believing you need to stop chemo. He has been doing this a lot longer than you have had BC. Your ER is + so you have the anti-hormonal fallback. I pray the neuropathy improves every day.

    Lisa, I love the lake pix and I so agree about emotional immunity. BC makes that a necessity.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Morning gals....I think our state of mind has so much to do with out attitude!  It's all in how we choose to "see" it.  For myself, sure I had cancer, sure it was NOT a fun place to be in, but after it was "over".....I just went on with my life!  I am not so wrapped up in this cancer thing that it takes over my every thought of every day! 

    As far as I am concerned, I'm done!  Cool  I KNOW my family and friends don't want to hear my whining when I DO have a bad day.    I'm not "mad" at cancer for what it did to me, or any treatments...because I'm DONE!!!   

    I had lunch with my girlfriend Janet yesterday...I have known her since 1972....We have gone through so much together, always being there for each other.  But on top of all her problems with her marriages, (like finding out her 1st husband was actually into other men)  and her 2nd husband was into way to many women, .....

    She is now living a great, happy life with her DH who adores her!   THAT "before" life didn't hurt her, but her heart problems, her diabetes, then breast cancer, which required 3 surgeries... then chemo, and now her brain tumor, (which is benign) have only added to her strength & character!   I admire my little "Janet"....I love her attitude, and her love of life.  The point is, that after all that she has gone through, she faced it with determination and the only hope of going on with her magnificent life.   She is not afraid....ever.  But when she & I are a little worried, we get ahold of each other & talk it over.  Yesterday was so special for us both.   My DH went with me, but didn't want to have lunch with us, so he walked around Cherry Creek mall, then came back when we were having coffee.....with a huge chocolate bar for both of us.  How good is THAT?  Ha......

    So make today count!  Come on SV....You are doing sooooo much better!  Just don't look back!  It's like they say, you can't do anything about yesterday, but you can live for today!  And even tomorrow is yours as a gift!  (or something like that.)  xoxoxoxooxxoxoxo

    This is so beautiful....

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    You are so right Chevyboy.  I haven't yet reached your state of "I'm over it" as I just finished rads and started the next five years of treatment but I am making my days count and looking to the future. I know I will make it through this and that I have much left to do in this life.

    Thank you for the link.  It is not only beautiful but inspiring as well.  I've never tried to link anything in an email before but today I will learn to so I can send it to a few friends.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.
    - Eckhart Tolle

    If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.
    - Jim Carrey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    I live by quotes so often as they say it so much better than I do.  The day each of us were born we received a beautiful gift --- given to us by our Creator.  It is our life.  There were no real strings attached, but also, no real guarantees. 

    We are here to learn -- to grow -- and anything might and could happen.  As ET states....our life is now and now is always on-going.  So what we do with each moment is up to no one but ourselves.  We can live fully or not as we choose --- we can let pain, grief, upset, or any other negative emotion be the guiding force -- or we can step out of the " woe is me " and embrace the time of our lives and be at peace with it. 

    In this moment -- you can live for all your worth, take hold of your gift and make it count.  You can give up pain and regrets -- and you can give up un-certainly as well. 

    I don't want to make anything sound easy ---  it is not, but if life is not being fair or good or very livable then something needs to change.  Maybe it is just an attitude -- but we have the power....we just need to harness that power.  Sometimes all that takes is your heart felt decision that you will......and day by day you will grow stronger and stronger.  There are rewards -- no one is prevented from the life they want, but you have to start by living the life you everyone --- please live.  Get over those hurdles and live......listen to a baby laugh or cry, go out and watch a sunset, look up at the stars at night, listen to a beautiful song that moves you........there is no other time but now......breathe in and out, deeply.  Be who you are proudly -- everyday, knowing you are giving your all to it.  You'll get out what you put if your not feeling good about what is coming back to you -- just change it by changing how you think about it..  You can do is called living in the moment -- not letting yesterday be your guide, nor worrying about tomorrow which is not here.  Now is what you have --- may we all live it fully.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2010

    Lisa:  PLEASE post where you found a motel with those magnificent views!  I have been looking for a place like that all my life!  I just hope it's in my price range and not too far from where I live!  Thanks!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Hi all..

    Medigal....those were two lakes in Glacier National Park in Montana

    it was my favorite of the National Parks...those were two of the lakes

    and here is the view from the hotel on the third lake

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2010

    Wow!  We went there and saw that same view.  But for some reason whichever motel that was was not there at the time or we could not get reservations.  I know I would have stayed there!  I think we have photos of that lake.  Glacier NP was one of the most magnificent highlights of all our travels.  You are sooooo lucky to have been able to stay at whatever motel that is.  Thanks for sharing.  Brings back such great memories.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Medigal..we stayed there in June before all the tourists got there...when we started looking

    we didn't know about which motels/hotels  had which views and we really, really lucked out..

    twice the more expensive ones didn't have the views of the less inexpensive ones . But

    at Many Glaciers there was only one hotel...It was the last thing on my bucket list...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Lisa, another item to add for my bucket list, which is getting longer rather than shorter.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Barbara, I am going to start a new one...I think Holland at tulip time is going to top it..

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2013

    Everyone's posts about how to deal with the cancer card we have been dealt have been very inspiring and uplifting for me. More things to print off and ponder. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts!

    ((Ginger)) - hope you feel better soon!

    Alyson - surgery's no fun...I know you'll be happy when it's over. 

    Lisa - beautiful pics, as usual! I need to start my Bucket List! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone:

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    am usually the one reading the quotes, etc. telling everyone about "staying positive" BUTTT>> im just not there, today. GINGER, i agree w/ Barbara A about your onco. he's done much more . believe me, i wish mine had shown up in the beg/ of taxol. it didn't till 3mos after. it looks i may be keeping the neuropathy in both my hands, and feet. its' been a yr. since i finished.

       im just sure im not out of ptsd..thats' mfor sure.. when you go thru all that we have, some of us, even more; we just all move along at different paces. somedays, im good, some, really bad, some just "here"

     the one thing i don't do anymore is pretend to feel one way or the other, to make someone else comfortable..

       im just pluggin along, getting thru whatever it is for one day.. just one more day, good OR bad, its' just a day...

       happy thanksgiving, ladies...soon...3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    well...   there ya go!   3jays
  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving.  Travel safely and enjoy this special time. 

    And for those of my sisters across the pond who don't celebrate, I still send warmest greetings to you!

    Many hugs to all!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2010

    Best wishes to all - enjoy the day. Health and happiness to you and those you love.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

     Oh bubbles. I have just lost my 2nd long post this week. I am too wacked to do it all again.

    As soon as I pressed 'Preview' it flashed up at me the 'webpage has expired'  I thought it would show up again when I got back to where I was, but No, It Did Not !!

    Alyson ...Good Luck with your surgery tomorrow.

    Love to everyone else. Will attempt another post tomorrow evening.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    Isabella perhaps you could write your post in Word and then copy paste it into the message box. I was, as always,  looking forward to reading your post.

     Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

    I will be eating a meal prepared by my DH, DSIL and DD. I prepared Thanksgiving for over 30 years and felt so sad the first year my DIL hosted. My DH thought I was crazy, but finally after all of those years one has all of the dishes and implements to prepare the huge feast and now it is over. I was quite good at it too!  All the food was served hot or cold, I took pride in that and probably avoided poisoning anyone. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2010

    Hi Ladies; Isabella, I was just thinking of you & wondering how you are.  Alyson, good luck tomorrow!

     We had quite a week - have had a mild autumn and although the leaves are beginning to drop, we hadn't had any big frosts  yet.  Saturday we got a foot of wet snow, which snapped and dropped trees throughout our neighborhood, and knocked out power for miles.  Our "main" road to town has been closed since Saturday.  Our place suffered quite a bit of damage to trees, and one tree snapped and fell into our line from pole to house, fortunately DH was able to get out there and remove it - and glad the main power was out while he did it!!  Then we got some rain, and a lot of messy slush.  Now temps have dropped into the low twenties and everything is iced.  Our street has power restored today, but neighbors do not.  Luckily we had propane, wood heat, and running water.  Hot running water is something to be thankful for.  And with that note, I'll leave you all to think of the simple things we can appreciate ... {{  all  }}

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    Thanks for including us in your celebrations Mandy -  my mouth has been watering for days reading all the lovely things you ladies will be enjoying over the weekend.  Christmas is the only day we really go overboard on food here and it is a long time between Christmases!   

    Alyson - your op will be over now.  Hope all went well and that you are resting comfortably.

    Ginger - know how you feel.  My job as a hands-on Mum finishes in a few months when my youngest DD joins her sisters at university.  I am not looking forward to the 'empty nest' and will miss having my girls to 'do' for.  I will probably drive poor DH crazy with too much attention!!  Fingers crossed you neuropathy will eases with time.

    3jays - yup, however hard you try, you just can't 'get over' PTSD.  Femara makes it worse for me too.  Most days are 'ok' for me now and some days life is glorious and I enjoy every beautiful thing the day brings but other days I drop into a deep, dark hole and nothing seems good.  I have learnt, like you, to roll with the  punches as fighting the bad days just seem to make them worse.