Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Hi girls!  Stopped at a place I drive passed everytime I go to the city as the rose garden is sooooo beautiful I couldn't resist.  I knocked on the door and asked permission to take some pics so I could share them with you.

    P1060287.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

    P1060282.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

    P1060284.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

    P1060289.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    chrissy, is it a private house? theyr'e gorgeous!! im a real fan of roses. don't usually like the "fluffyOnes i think they're called doubles here, but those are just too beautiful! thanks for sharing...       3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Yes 3jays, the house is privately owned by an older couple who obviously spend a lot of time in their front garden.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    This article was posted on another link...the Tamoxifen one....And it talks about how helpful MRI'S are in some cases!  I thought it was interesting. 

    Isabella, I'm at least glad you have your calves in order now, & that you can still say NO to Dear Husband....That family of his will HAVE to come around to help out, won't they?  Do you have any way to "advise" those Sisters that you cannot help anymore like you used to, because of your physical condition!  I think they all deserve each other.....if they don't "come around"...

    And yes, your Grandson sounds like he cares about you very much....some kids just "get it"  and others don't even care.....

    You said you are taking Arimidex...I have heard a lot of women talking about the same issues before.  Some even had to stop taking it.  Can you try another one?  Like Tamoxifen?  Or even Femara?  Maybe just ask about need to feel better than you do!  I feel great with Tamoxifen...& just a little over 4 years to go.   I HAD a Plantars Fasciitus once, & that was like having a gnawing tooth ache on the bottom of your foot!  Finally got it taken care of.   I have also heard of "Trigger fingers" while on Arimidex.

    And long time no see, GramE!  Good to see you back again!  Just let us know about that Hearing....I moved my Grandma a couple times, because I wanted to wring the necks of the whole staff.   Glad you took those problems further.  SOME nursing homes, will just break your heart, when you walk in them....How is your Mom doing now? 

    Radiologist told me "See you next year"....Ha!  So only see her in one year, but the Oncologist every 6 months while on Tamoxifen.  I'm so happy!  Cool  I figure my age says I'm really old, & I just don't want to try THAT one again.  

    Beautiful pictures Chrissy!  Thank you...More for my "desk-top"... You are in Australia!  And you must have beautiful weather!  Man, we had about a 10 minute blizzard here yesterday!  It was 60 degrees earlier, then dropped to 30 & the wind & snow came in with a vengeance.

       I-70 was STILL closed at 1a/m this morning.   It's supposed to be sunny today...It's funny when the weather people get so excited, while trying to "predict" the weather, but it is doing something totally oposite outside.   I think...."just look outside you people!  What good do all your Dopplers & "wind factors" do, when all ya gotta do is step outside & stick your finger in the air!" 

    And of course the road crews can't predict the "black ice" that forms on the therefore they don't "spray" until after someone slides to smithereens.   And that they did... Because there was a 32 car pileup on I-25...(of course) ....So the "road crews" were dispatched AFTER all the tow trucks removed the wreckage.   I'm just scared to death to drive, unless I have to, in the winter.  And little pick-up trucks drive on snow & ice like they were racing for the Nascar truck series!   So they are usually the ones off the side of the highway, upside down! 

    Okay, I'm done....just glad our Doctor appointments are out of the way until Spring.   I think if you are younger, the winter conditions don't bother you as much.  I'm stayin' in & having a nice cup of hot apple cider with a piece of hard cinnamon candy in it.  And the weather can do what-EVER it wants!   Come on Spring.....Cool

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Gram E..good to see you here..hope the Senate hearings go well...that is a grand response...

    3jays, I had trouble with teeth too after chemo..wonder what that is all about?

    Isabella, good for you for standing up to your DH...way to go

    Crissy, you know I am a sucker for roses..thanks

    I am off, girlfriends day out and lunch...actually we are all tennis gals..It was

    eerie a few years back 5 out of ten of us got breast cancer all around the same

    time..something in the water there? At any rate the club was sold and we play on

    the city courts now..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    wow! Lisa, still playing tennis, im impressed. i can't make it outta bed somedays...still..   they warned me in chemo that it might mess up my teeth, but today is a year out! i just guesss i'll be gratefl it didnt happen during chemo, and now, its just finding the $ to get them fixed...    3jays
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    Please sistas i need prayers GS is having a total meltdown.makin everyone crazy 4 days before his sisters wedding.please pray that he can accept the fact he is a mess right now mentally and physically.cant sleep,eat and in constant pain.and he wont go back to the hospital.the dr told him he is pain meds either.

    he is havin a meltdown and im gonna have a breakdown.

    and the dr.wants to set up a treatment plan

    and i want to go to see the sistas.

    the stress will kill me before the bc will.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Man o'Man, Kantalope!  I just don't know what to tell you....I'm so sorry about your Grand-son...AND you.  If he IS healing, that fact will catch up with him...& maybe the wedding will take his mind off of it for awhile.  I think it's only natural that he is so depressed!  Keep talking to him...& sometimes you might have to change the subject.  You can drag him up just by letting him know how much you care. 

    Now don't YOU go having any kind of breakdown!  You know stress is just NOT good for you, or ANYone!  You know that.  Get yourself out of it, if even for a couple hours....Do something good for YOUR self! 

    Your Doctor & you will straighten everything else out....just hang in there kiddo!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    (((GRANNYDUKES)))))) sending really strong, sincere prayers for your GS Eddie so he can calm down and concentrate on healing. He is angry that he can't be there for his sister. I can totally dig that. (Man, does using 'dig' really date me back to the 60's or what?)

    I agree with ChevyBoy, you can't freak out now, you are the only sane one there right now. Everyone needs you to be the cool, calm and collected one. You can bring serenity back into the process. Sure the GD will be going berserk. I mean, heck, she's having a wedding. Anyone having a wedding is berserk!

    Do whatever you have to do but it would be great to see you in NC. MB will come Friday and leave on Monday as well so we all will!! Cool

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Grannydukes: take care of yourself. I am sending some ((((((((hugs)))))))))))) to you.  Grandson will heal--young people do, but he will have to come to terms with his injury and taking care of himself.  I think one of the hardest things is to watch a daughter or son or grandson go through hard times. We are used to fixing things for them but sometimes we have to just be there and let things happen in their own time. But he must feel your love and the love of his family and he will be fine in the end. You need to take care of yourself too. And be sure to join the sistahs in North Carolina so you can report back to me (and everyone else)  about how great it was.

    Sending you love and prayer.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    No pain meds today. I hope this is it for this round. I am more numb than before though. I am getting a bit worried it will be permanent

     Granny D, big hugs for you. A friend has reminded me that I can only carry my pain, my anger, not anyone elses.  Only he can work through his confusion and pain and you are infinitely more useful to you family if you are well cared for your self. 

    Does anyone know how much radiation is in the airport scanners that do a full body scan and see through your clothing. I don't think I need anymore radiation than my body is going to get in January. Anyone know anything about this?   Our choice is the scan or the physical patdown where they examine yoiur breats and genital area as well, while wearing gloves. Good Lord who ever thought the world would come to this.  I am not a miss priss but this choice is terrible.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    Thank you Ginger,Barbara and sistas/friends

    what wonderful comforting words.Thanks for caring so much.

    I have been so self involved I forgot to tell all my sistas I read every post im just too weary to post.IM PRAYIN FOR ALL OF US.EVERYDAY.

    God Bless.



  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    GrannyD - I wish you peace ...

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited November 2010

    GD, Hang in there.  Don't let GS frustration get to you.  He is the only one that can deal with this and please don't stress yourself over it.  I know it's hard to watch but he will get through this.  Big hugs.   Darla

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Ginger, there's another thread on the scanners and  the pat downs are verry intrusive. I dread this, as I travel almost every week. Have been lucky so far that I have only had to go through the wave scanners maybe 7-8 times. I was in Boston last week and they didn't pick me. Whew. But I am going to Raleigh on 12/1 and I am dreading it because I do not want any more radiation.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    Thanks I will go look for it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Morning Gals...I just have a stupid question....Do any of you still get "monthly cramps" even after being WAY past menopause?  I had a hysterectomy, but still have I THINK that's why I still get those blamed cramps!  I used to have severe cramps when I was way younger..

    I take Aleve, & chew a Pepto-Bizmo ...and just wait for them to get better...they last about a whole day.  Any of you ever even HEARD of such a bizarre thing?  Dr. Google shows you CAN get them right after menopause, but THIS old???? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    And did any of you watch this?  I mean in case we have to ever have another surgery...THEY look like fun!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Oh, so many things I want to respond too and support I want to give and am out of freakig ink to print out every's posts so i can remmeber what is going on. GD, just because your GS is having a breakdown-doesn't mean you have too-he has enormous trauma going on and it takes time to heal that-until then he will be irratic and very angry most of the time. Truly think it due to head trauma and he has little control over that. in my own experience with my head trauma, nothing could be done until time began to heal some of the brain stuff. Until then, my emotions were all over the chart and nothing could be done but relaxation techniques and keepinglife VERY simple!! And CB, yes, I do have 'cramps too but thought it due to my "old lady bowels." And the black ice-if you've never driven on black ice, that is a real trip!! Chrissy, The roses are absolutely gorgeous and i cannot go back a page and look at who shot them or I will lose this post. So hope it was you. Lisa, R U out and playing tennis??? Way to go! Isabella-i am so proud of you for the work you are doing ON YOURSELF-way to go gal. And 3jays, You are one of the bravest women I know-don'tknow who you are doing all of this with MS too-Good Lord!! Rae, thanks so much for the 'wisdom' in the Peace message!! Just wanting to send lots of love and light to all-my freaking knees are killing me and yes, my teeth began to crack and fall out a year after chemo along with my knees collapsing!! Most of all, I am trying to get it together to send everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING card or something special by doing a paste on the board-obviously not there yet so this is just a warm up. Truly I hope all will be blessed this Thanksgiving with a day of wonder, serenity and health-and the ability to stuff as much turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie into each and every mouth!!!! Love you all and trying to figure out what to do-i am still on crutches and cannot stand due to my knees and feel so very useless. And yes, SLEEP is still essential for me-I have to turn off all stimulation including TV and just get quiet in my head and let my body rest-this is a post chemo thing still lurking about!! I, too, slept 12 hours yesterday!! So don't anyone feel bad-our bodies need so much care simply bec of treatment and that includes RADS!! Everyone I know who has had Rads is exhausted and the daily walk is 'to the mailbox and back.' And GRAME-so good to hear from you and you are getting there gal-Lots of hugs and prayers! So for now, i am sending all a very measly HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! And will work on a major event for the board and my PODS!!!! Going in 20 diff directions-David and I are producing new line of big format pictures on canvas-trying to get website set up on my own (GRRR) and get a newspaper ad in for Professional Photog. Love you all, SV

    OK, this is one of our first canvas picture prototypes. This is of Kitty Hawk Pier (now destroyed after Hurricane Izzy) BUT, this is the kind of stuff I wll be selling on my website-when and if I ever get it organized. Trying to use wither 'GoDaddy" or VistaPrint. Any ideas on website designers??? And any pix you all want done, send them to me and i will try to get them on canvas-this photo is living room sized-like for a wall in the living room. But trying to get you all a special present to celebrate the one year anniversary that I have been on and all of the very close sisters I have met on out thread. XXOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    SV-BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't Wait to see you!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    SV - that is such a cool picture! See, in spite of the physical problems we're having to endure from the chemo, there's just no stopping our minds from coming up with new ideas! It almost drives me crazy because they're even harder to implement when you can't walk around. As my knees are hurting again, I'm thinking they only stopped hurting because I was off of them for the 12 hours I slept. As much as I didn't want to do chemo in the first place, I have to keep reminding myself I had to do it because I had a large, Grade 3 tumor, but I really, really wish the SEs would quit alright already.

    CB - I get cramps, too. For me, I think it's just another chemo SE, because my period came back during my first chemo. My onc said it affects the female organs, so I guess I can expect those to continue for a while, too. Not the periods, but the cramps. LOL - I realized I wasn't clear about that! 

    rae - I love that peace quote! Another thing to go on the refrigerator - haha! I used to make certain the front of my frig was clean and clear of papers, I liked the way it looked. Now, it's all messed up and I don't care. I need to see this stuff to remind me of what's really important, cause this brain ain't gonna do that right now! 

    chrissy - thank you for pics of the beautiful roses! It must be a joy to drive by and see those - they are awesome! 

    Went to "Look Good, Feel Better" today. I DID get a lot of great stuff, and my eyes actually got some eye shadow on them for the first time in forever! My son was amazed - he said I looked like an Egyptian, haha. His surprise reminds me of the first time I wore nail polish when he was a baby - he just kept staring and staring at my fingernails, he was fascinated.

    Ginger - hope you are feeling better!

    GD - hope you can find some peace.

    Barbara - love all the avatars! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    Something to cheer you girls:

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Jackie!! Missed you!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    Lady, just got the same e-mail, shall we take turns posting our favorites? 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    HAHA! Love that one, Jackie! I was just telling someone my grandfather's name was Moses - he always said it was a good name, and why doesn't someone name a baby after him?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    h&s -- your grandpa was right.  It is a good name --- has been around for a really long time.  I think there are people who certain names actually fit.....and I bet your gramps was one of them.  I however, did not name my son Moses --- Jeffrey Neil seemed more appropriate to go with the last name which was a French derivative....his sister was named Kathleen.....but we always called her Kate as the nick-name Kathy or Cathy was so prevalent then. 

    chabba...interesting, as the one Rae posted earlier up is one that I also have.  Guess lots of us GOOD people like those. 

    Hi Barb -- Been keeping a low and quiet profile as I try to catch up with two acres of leaves to move out of our yard.  Big yards in the woods are wonderful --- especially in summer -- not so especially in Fall.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    hey ladies, its' so good to see all of you. SV, you know you have a special place in my heart... and, even in the midst of the storm; you're still planning projects for the future. THATS' exactly what we all need to do: Barbara A has got it, too, i know. we need to plan for our future, 'causewe're doing all this TO GET ONE !!!!!!LOVE ALL YOU LADIES..SV, sometimes a wheelchair is a lot less trouble than crutches. don't let your ego get in the way. whatever you need to use to get by, USE IT!!!     3jays
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2010

    2 1/2 yrs since dx - Mammo yesterday - ALL CLEAR, come back in a year.   Got to talking with another gal in the waiting room and she is 3 yrs out and also got good news.    Total stranger, we hugged and cried on each other's shoulders.    

    Cyber hugs for all.   Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get back online.   Nancy 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Nancy, that is really great news.  Congratulations!!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Nancy, so glad to hear that...isn't it amazing how we all can bond...

    even strangers in a waiting room