Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Good morning, Ladies.  Another successful fondue party, although this one ended way earlier than I thought it would.  My friend Kathy, who has been having the issues with her lung and heart was unable to come...she now is being treated for psuedomonia along with her microbacterium avium.(she's the one I am going to Chicago with and she said she is doing all she can to be able to go) there were just 6 of us.  These are my heavy drinking friends so I thought it would be a late night, but everyone was gone by 10:00 and I had the mess cleaned up by 11.  We started at 6 since Tim has to eat early, am not sure why, but he does...probably because he never eats enough to hold him over for long.  Even though I have made fondue at least 100 times, it always comes out a little different...I think it has to do with the wine base as I always try to get something cheap and half the time they quit making what I used the last time and also the cheese is different...I always look for the Gruyere imported from Switzerland, but the imported stuff from Trader Joe's was not as good as what I got at Sam's....had too much fat in it....and the stuff at Fresh Mkt....Whoa, they charge way too much.  I need to get a life I guess....spend way too much time researching cheese.  Barb.  Am glad to hear your brother is getting better....I will call you since I always seem to miss your calls.  39o in Florida! Wow, that was colder than here yesterday...think it was in the 40's and today is it going to be in the 50's.  This happens every year, all the little green shoots come up through the ground and then the get covered with snow.  Winter is far from over, this is just a teasing little peak at Spring.  I always love Spring when I am surprised at what comes up...sometimes the squirrels and chipmunks transplant things and I will have a lone tulip come up in the middle of the yard or somewhere odd.  My poppies have multiplied and it seems like each year there are a few more which makes me happy because it took forever to get them started.  Because Tim is such a lazyass, we still have lots of leaves in the backyard so guess will have to hire someone to get those when it really does warm up.  I used to do it all, but just cant any longer.  I don't know if it is the gemzar or what, but my shoulders ache, my back still hurts in spite of PT and I know this one area that is bugging me is my sacrum where the scan had detected new mets.  Monday I am having a dexascan? those only cover your trunk area?...they wanted to know if I had any metal implants in my back or hip area and I said No, only knee.  I would actually like to have my legs checked out also since someone was telling me those biophosphonates (sp) I have been on for at least 12 yrs now, can not only cause osteonecrosis, but leg fractures.  Something is going on with my feet...left one wants to stay flat and it's an effort to make it bend....think I will dig out my big rubber strap I used to have from PT and exercise it a little...maybe it's part of neuropathy, but I know my circulation to my feet is fine since the vascular guy checked all that out.  Jeeze, I sound like a wreck, don't I?  But really I don't think I am in that bad of shape, all things considered.  Just the other day at work, I was sitting there scaling teeth, thinking how I really do enjoy my I do want to keep on working as long as I am able. I am just really fortunate to have employers who are very understanding about allowing me to take off for appointments as well as vacations.  I used to be afraid to ask for time off, but find I am not afraid to speak up about anything these days.....told my friend Lee (she's the one I talked about with lobular BC) I think she is nuts for wanting to adopt....she is 48, she has a 9 yr old who is as spoiled as can be and I think very used to being the only child in spite of the fact, he's always saying he wants a brother...and she doesn't know what is going to happen with her cancer and hasn't even done the exchange yet, plus her husband is a contractor and work is not that plentiful now and her job which is all on the phone is driving her nuts.  She said well, at least you tell me what you really think.  Well, I do think she is nuts, Sorry.  They have gone through some sort of training and yesterday someone was coming to see them in their home environment.  I said what do they say about your  health and she said she isn't going to tell them.....Now don't you think that is going to come to light somehow? ....I would think they would want this child to go into a home with two healthy parents...not that she is necessarily going to have problems later, but she shouldn't like about her medical history.  Oh well, it's not my decision. 

    AmyJo, know you will be happy to get your rads started and hope they go well. SV and Isabella. where are you? How is the room addition going?  And ChrissyB, it is only logical to sort of plan this whole deal around you since you are coming the longest distance....and it is not inconveniencing anyone else....the Fall is a nice time of year and the trees should be really pretty so when we get a week picked, we will just tell my cousin.  All, I need to do is be in good shape then.

    Well, I better making bread pudding with the white bread that was leftover from fondue....guess I will throw the rye needs to dry out before you use it for fondue, but not for a whole fondue is this coming Sat.  Tim is actually getting so he likes the stuff.

    Have a good one, Ladies.  It looks like Spring out there, but I am going to be in a movie theater seeing The Fighter, the last of the academy award nominations I have left to see.  I would love to have an Oscar party....wouldn't that be fun, everyone could really dress up and I would have a red carpet and champagne (which I don't like, but that would be appropriate) and lavish appetizers ...but not this year. 

    Brattie enjoying seat while guest went to bathroom....Tim is not passed out at end of table (for a change) but talking to one of the friend brought this lovely cake, called a sweetheart cake for dessert. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Oh MB! The food and that cake look AWESOME! I am starving now and I just ate!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Marybe: That food looks  great and it sounds as if you have found a way of entertaining that everyone enjoys.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

     for anyone who wants to chime in-am I so incredibly wrong?? True he owes me nothing because he never gave me anything-but i remain stunned and cannot pull a silver lining out of this in any way shape or form. I so fear that i will die of cancer in the back of a garage where my apartment is. Not quite what I imagined. And my health keeps crashing on me so don't feel like I have much option to pack up the car and leave-but I may need to do that anyway. I am trying to eat right but i am throwing up everything i eat and i do not know why. I am living with people i hate and have always hated and just don't know how I got here. I know I am so whining cause there are so many of you in much worse shape than me.

    Right now, I wake up at 3AM-turn the boob tube on and watch tv until midnight-that be it. No help here on the island as far as therapy goes and i need to be back in twice a week at least. Everyone loves the artwork I do but my heart is not even in that. I keep thinking that will pull me out. Oh Lordy, I am really on the pity pot. ERRGH! SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    SV, have the docs taken a good look at your gall bladder and liver??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    SV I have no answers....I am sorry for your situation, and don't know what to do.

    Do you have relatives that could give you sanctuary at all, with a front door to call your own ? Would you want to leave OBX ? Are you better among the friends that you have there, and would a move far off make you feel more isolated ?

    You just gotta make the effort to pull yourself around, NOT easy I know with the problems you have with your health, but, if you don't, well....the alternative is bleak. Have you approached your medical team, do they know of any places where you'd be able to be secure and sorted ?? Over here we have 'sheltered housing' usually 1 or 2 bed bungalows, for anyone over 55 ,who is in need of one. (well, not as easy as that to get one, but you know what I am saying) These places have wardens, who check on you each day. The rent and taxes are paid for locally by the authorities, and the bills are low because they are not too big. My mother managed to aquire one ( goodness knows how ! ) and was there about 15 years...she was actually very happy there, AND she could keep her dogs ! Bassett hounds at that !

    I know the snow and cold weather has been getting to you, but it will pass, and soon it'll be warming up, and you just got to get out of that place and get onto the beach again, and go for some sailing have to look forwards and think this will soon be happening, and with some MUCH BETTER food than you are now eating you will get over this hump. Stop eating rubbish, and get some good stuff inside you.

    Right I think thats you told !! Love and hugs to you.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Happy VDAY to all my 'older' sistas!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    SV, love that flower

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Welcome to Joyce and any other newbies I missed.  If I go back i'll lose this post, but you'll find us a diverse, interesting group to be sure!

    Marybe,  what beautiful food! Wish I had some tonight.  I was interested about your friend Lee who's trying to adopt at 48.  We had our children later than many people and I'd just turned 32 when our daughter was born.  We adopted our son and were extremely blessed to adopt him at 2 months old just before DH turned 40 and I was 35. We're his parents, period. So, I know about what stage of the process Lee's in with the home study, etc., and I'm surprised that she'd even be allowed to go through that unless it's for a much older child, certainly not an infant or toddler.  Age 40 was the cut-off point for the agency we went through for babies.  The only stipulation we put on our adoption was that our daughter should be the oldest child.   By the time I was 48 I was dealing with teenagers and I certainly did not have BC at that time.  I'll be surprised if an adoption works out for her at all, and she'd certainly playing with fire if she doesn't reveal her medical history to the workers.  An adoption can be revoked for up to a year following placement for that reason alone, or that's the way the law is here.  I'm glad you told her what you thought.  I know very well that wanting another child can become an obsession, and DH and I were just so fortunate that things worked out for us.By age 48, we'd have been reconciled to having an only child.

    SV,  you're really going through a bad patch now and I'm so sorry.  I wish there was something any of us could say that would make it better or easier.  I hope you  know that we all love you and are cheering you through this spell.  Hell, girl, remember you climbed Everest, right?  You ain't done yet, either.  XOXO.

    Barb, glad Dave's doing better and will hopefully be off the ventilator in the next couple of days.  Seems like you have the caregiver role in your family just like I did in mine, although neither of us asked for it.  It's like somebody has to be the one to do it, and there's nobody else. It's so hard to be that person and you can't step away from it any more than I could.  Hugs and prayers for you.

    Connie, {{{hugs}}} to you, too!

    And 3jays great news from you!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Dave update: off the ventilator. When I went today the respiratory therapist had pulled it and he was trying to hack up 6 days of gunk. Things are really looking up and maybe I can start to relax a little.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    BarbaraA - so glad to hear Dave is doine so well.  Still sending prayers for his healing and strength for you too.  Your family is so fortunate to have you to take care of them.  I seem to be the one that fills that role in my family in addition to being the peace keeper between all of them.  

    Marybe - please enjoy being able to work at a job you really love.  That is something is really rare these days.  The food looks and sound delicious, wish I lived closer.  I am not much of a wine drinker, but I do enjoy any excuse for a party.

    I am still really tired and sore from my last Aredia IV on last Friday.  It always makes by bones and joint ache so much for about 3 or 4 days then I am back to normal again.  Hve not yet figured out why I am so tired, unless it is because I am not sleeping much due to the night sweats. The onco said to try taking vitamin E to see if that would help ease them.  I will try it for a couple of  weeks then call him for the Rx he said he would give me if the vitamin E did not work.  We'll see how things go for the next couple of weeks.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and a Happy Valeitines Day tomorrow.

    Joy and blessing, Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    (((((((AMYJO)))))))!!!!!!!!!! Love ya' SV ps-lordy, we are going to chase allof the newbies off the thread!! But this is cancer recovery -downdowndown-upupup-grrrr!!!

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Oh SV,  So glad to see a post from you.....don't know what the other one was all about since you deleted it, but I am guessing you are going in that black hole again.  You pull yourself up by the bootstraps right can do it, I know you can.  I am really sorry if you are feeling you have to move?  Amyjo....sorry about the aches.  I had written a long post and once I got locked up and then this last time I hit a button and poof it was gone so I am quitting while I am ahead. Barb, So glad your brother is breathing on his own...that must be an awful feeling, having to be so doped up that you can't pull the tube out, but the instinct to do so it there.  Sorry, I ate your piece of being taken down on steroids, but still am eating like a large pony....maybe I just like to eat?  QCA, wrote a long reply about Lee and of course it went with all the rest I wrote....could not agree with you more....this is not a wise move on their part, but who knows if it will even happen....and yes, it would not be an older child...she was told that they would not want to change the already established hierarchy. I do not dare try to post a pic of anything tonight for fear I will lose this again.  Sleep tight, all.  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    theres' always WAY too much to comment on, in here. we're just chatty cathys... SV, i love ya, gal. maybe its' not depression, as much as boredom! gee; i hope so. i want you to get the lightbulb, anyways.. sad isn't something to fool with! 3oo a month is a lot, i know.. but yeah Angus is gonna be good now. maybe not beach, good, but plenty other places to play out there. will ya just settle down, and rest sum?MARYEB.. you named YOURSELF the PPF.. picture posting fool.. so, get us some pics! and i don't think its' too mean to take pics of tim passed out w/ his own camera... hope you're feeling ok now.. love to all you wonderful ladies.. connie, keep yer chin up. mothers' can be esp. evil..


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    SV, sounds like cabin fever to me.  I get nutso when I can't get out of the house.  Hope your physical ills are getting better and Angus's too.  I got an email from the lady that has two of my big birds ( macaw and lilac crowned amazon), she had been given a sun conur and said Sonny, the amazon had a fit when they brought him in. I emailed her and asked how Lucy (my male macaw baby) had reacted and she said he didn't pay much attention to the new bird but is running the household.  She said he calls her daughter when it is time for her to get up and won't stop until she does.  She also calls her mother when she is laying down and not in the room. Her mother is ill with some type of rare abd. ca. I told her that sometimes I miss them so much I can't even put it into words and she said she could appreciate that because their home would be incomplete without them.   Barb, I am so glad your brother is on the mend, welcome to all the new ladies, I'm sorry you have to be here but at least their is someplace for the comfort and understanding we all need. If I missed anyone I'm sorry but my memory isn't that long. Isabella, you are such a power house of energy and ambition that it makes me ashamed of myself for being so lazy.  Love and hugs to all.  Darla

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011
    Our granddaughter is 6 months old today. She had banana for the first time, they let her feed it to herself. She was so funny, squishy, squishy and oh what a face she made! 

    I am going to try to post a photo here if her yesterday.

    I go see Zoe after Rads a few times a week, We play and have fun and experiment with lots of sounds.  I just adore our daughter, it was like sunshine leaving the house when she left for college. Now, to live a little drive away from her and our granddaughter is just so wonderful. When God has a plan it beats anything I could dream up myself.

    Hugs Ginger

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    What a beautiful girl and how great that you can be that close and enjoy her so often.  Darla

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Aw Ginger, adorable. Babies are the best. Darla, I know how much you miss your babies (well they ARE!). HUGS!! MaryBe, your food makes me overeat after I read your posts. SV, NO BLACK HOLE!! Isabella, how was your weekend? 3Jays, congrats on finding Murray! Sometimes w get lucky. AmyJo, I am sending gentle hugs to you. So sorry you keep having pain. Hopefully they will get it right soon.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Darla, I would love to hear about your birds. Isn't it a comfort that you can call to ask about them?  I had to give up one of my dogs last July when we moved. He had been a rescue dog and lived in a puppy mill for the first six months of his life and had been in rehab for another year and a half. He hated men and adored me. He would nip at the back of any mans leg except my husband who was very patient.We tried everything to change his behavior and nothing worked.  He bit the back of my son in laws leg, amongst others, and that was the final straw. Our daughter was pregnant and said they would never bring the baby over if I kept him. It hurt so much to send him back but the rescue found him a new home immediately with a single woman who didnt have company. The rescue keeps me updated and my dog Scruffy is happy there. I still miss him, I think he saved my life during the depths of my depression. I still tear up when I think of him but that doesn't mean I don't like to think about him. We had a lot of fun together and I swear that Scruffy could read my mind.

    Our neighbors had a parrot who was definitely a family member.  He would yell "Ma-om" in the voice of one of the teenagers and the first time I heard it I was thinking, "Why doesn't she answer the danged kid!" I have always admired the African Greys and have heard of them living on extended cruise sailboats.

    I send you hugs missing your birds, I just want you to know we are here to listen if you would like to talk about them. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Thanks Ginger and Barb,  I teared up just reading your posts.  At the time I rehomed them I was under the impression that my death was immenint and they were being cared for by my son.  Well, he didn't want to have to find homes for them after I was gone (thoughtful, isn't he) so I worked on it for months until I found a family in Colorado who was looking for a bigger bird since they already have a cockatiel.  I had three parrots at the time but the largest of the Amazons (a double yellow head) had learned the F.... word from my teenage grandson being at my house when I wasn't there, and large amazons are not reliable around kids, they could take a finger off it they were upset enough. So I kept him for a time but let these people take my blue and gold macaw and the lilac crowned amazon.  When I loaded them in thier truck it was the hardest thing I had ever experienced since losing my oldest son.  They had brought pop-up carriers for the birds not realizing they could chew through them and I told my sister after they left that I bet the Macaw chewed his way out before they got home.  The lady called me when they arrived and I told her what I had predicted and she laughed and said they hadn't even got a quarter mile before Lucy unzipped his carrier and climbed onto the back of the back seat and road all the way home there. I could go on ad-nauseum but I have to go to the onc at 2:30 so I guess I had better get ready.  Thanks for listening.  Love and hugs to all.  Darla

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    {{{{DARLA}}}}}}  (((((HUGS))))))

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2011

    Wow, do I have some catching up to do and I apologize if I miss anyone!

    Ginger, what a beautiful grandbaby!! What a wonderful reward for you to go cuddle her after your rad treatments...It has to make the treatments a little more bearable.

    Oh, Darla, you must have scads of stories about your birds....and I bet they have their own stories as well...LOL. Please keep sharing them. Did you keep the bird with the colorful vocabulary that GS taught him?

    Barb, so glad Dave seems to be recovering, perhaps this experience will make him more accountable and less of a leaker. I had no idea how much care your Mom needs, you certainly do have a special place in heaven reserved for you.  Is it any warmer now in Fla....for your sake I hope it is. Today in Wisconsin we are having a touch of Spring....38 degrees and really beautiful, I only hope it sticks around.

    Marybe, your fondue parrties sound totally delicious!! Keep the pix coming!  Brattie certainly seems to know his place in your hosehold!!  How are you feeling? Any better since your last treatment? Hope the worst of the side effects are gone. hang in there, somehow we'll make it through all this and remember we are here with you. Is your weather any better?

    Amyjo...I do hope you get your energy back soon, are you feeling less tired now since your last treatment?  Are the aches subsiding now....((((((gentle hugs))))). Does the Vitamin E seem to be helping with the night sweats? Hope you are noticing a difference.

    Had my mamo this morning and since I got home have had an aching, pulling feeling in the boob and under my arm...never had this before and the tech was extremely gentle and during it didn't feel like I was going to pass out, don't know what this is all about. Hope the tylenol I took helps.

    All take care....suzie

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Wow, everyone is on today, that's a good sign (I think).  I hope I can remember everything.

    Darla - more bird stories please, as you feel up to telling them.

    Barbara - so glad Dave is doing better.  When will they move him out of ICU and into a regular room?  Will he need any more surgery or is the infection clearing up with medications?  Still praying for Dave's healing and for strength for you.  Take care of yourself and remember we all love you. Sending you lots of {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}.

    Suzie - Keep a close eye on the aching and strange feelings since your mamo.  There have been a lot of problems listed on different threads about problems after mamo on treated breasts.

    Ginger - What an adorable baby. I know you are so happy to have them close.  I have 5 grandchildren and I enjoyed having them live close for a long time. The army has moved 2 of them to CA and the other 3 are now in OK while their dad finishes school and gets some experience in his field.  Hopefully the ones in CA will be back to the east coast by Dec. They are expceting another baby in late July.  We were so fortunate to build close realtionships with the grandchildren when they were very young and it has made it easier to stay close to them when they moved so far away.

    I had my final simulation today and the rad treatments start tomorrow at 2:30pm.  I did finally get the results of my last PET scan and the bone mets at least are stable for now. There are no new ones and all the others look the same.  I now have 15 tattoos and still dreading the treatments.  They tell me the treatments will not be as bad and the planning or the simulation were since they should only last 10 minutes max.  My arms and shoulders hurt so bad from having them up over my head so long that I lost it again today.  They kept telling me to breath regularly and that is kind of hard to do when you are in so much pain you are in tears.  I finally regained it long enough for them to finish after they let me put my arms down for a few minutes.

    Hope everyone has had a great Valentines Day and gets a good nights rest.  Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    (((((((AMYJO))))))) LOVE YOU!! SV

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2011

    Is everyone watching the Westminster Dog Show tonight? Just switched over to CNBC at 9:00 PM. Beautiful animals!!!

    Amy, I so hope your time on the table for radiation gets easier and shorter. I shook so badly that my belly button was probably moving in and out of the field. And COLD... it was freezing. I do believe radiation is easier than chemo but it is still stressful and tough to go through. Hugs and prayers.


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011
    OOOOHHHHH, I am POed....had a post written complete with pics and Bam, gone to who knows where.  anyway, I loved the bird stories....I myself am afraid of things that fly (except for airplanes, but live things), but I liked the stories.  Even so much as a moth makes me scream and my screams are not ladylike little eeeks, they are loud AWhhhhhh.  My onco has a parrot and he said once they were wondering whom to leave him to....they live to be something like 100 don't they.  AmyJo, sure do hope the rads get rid of all your back pain.  Ginger, She's a beautiful little girl.  Barb, So glad Dave is getting better.  And are some pics for you....the dogs all tuckered out the other night and in my bed and the Godiva box of chocolates Tim got me for VDay.....he does try and knows I love the heart boxes and have a collection of them that one day I hope to decorate a wall with. 
  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    I'm pretty new on this forum, but qualify by age!  Just want to send hugs and prayers and hearts to anyone going through treatment, or trying to keep positive through a long bout of trials.  My hubby has had 3 cancers and add in mine--we have a lot of experience trying to keep going in the middle of all these medical "inconveniences."  Wish I could send over my puppy to kiss all of you.  Not able to watch Westminster as no cable but will hopefully see later.  Of course if MY puppy was there he's be in the final judging.  Don't they have a category for best cuddling dog? Dragon

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    pj - I will take an Aleve in addition to my Fentanyl patch to hopefully ease the pain.  (Thanks to Omaz for the suggestion.)  They do cover me up with my shawl or a towel to keep me warmer since I go from sweating to teeth chattering freezing in a matter of minutes.  Being covered up even with something lightweight helps both conditions.  I asked why they keep it so freaking cold and they said the equipment needed to stay cooled down and they generate a lot of heat.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Dragon - so sorry to hear about all the trials.  Glad you found us, just sorry you have to be here.  This is a good place to come for information, support and encouragement.   It would be nice if they had a