Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2011

    Marybe - My son wants a pair of those cane corso's... said the biggest one got to be 240 lbs. He knows some breeders in Athens, Ga. They recommend new owners spend several days with the trainers before taking one home. They are HUGE dogs and need strict training. He said to tell your neighbor that he is jealous.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited March 2011

    Oooh, I don't think I would want a dog THAT big! My brother has a one-year old pug - he's the cutest, silliest thing! He absolutely loves his crate. Just last night my brother was telling me Halsey (named him after the Navy Admiral) will sit and stare at him when it's time to go to bed. He drags his blanket around with him until my brother will finally give up and go to bed. I guess the little baby rules the roost around there!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hi girls and welcome Ludricus!  Marybe, that dog is going to be huge!!!  Just hope it has a gentle nature.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Just for the record, I'd rather have the pug than the cane corso!  Anything that's bigger and dumber than I am needs to live somewhere else!! 

    Got my surgery date today--it will be a biopsy and procedure on left implant (supposedly it only involves 2 stitches but we'll see).  I got a copy of the MRI today and they didn't rule anything out but it sounded good.  Went to my support group today--I feel so sorry for some of the women there, especially this one girl.  Many are so miserable and have no real family support.  I just wish I could help some of them. 

    I did hug someone and then thought later about it.  I know it never hurt when anyone hugged me but I hope that was the same for her.  I've come to some acceptance about this disease; that its something that never really goes but that you can get to the point that you're not thinking about it all the time.  I look forward to that.  Also, darn it, this summer I'm getting a suntan.  What if I do get skin cancer?  I'm an old woman now and these last years are going to be fraught with danger and risk.  Dragon

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Hi all.

    Not long home from the hospital where I have been since early this morning. MiL was so confused this morning, poor thing and she was seeing things as well. At least we had a laugh about that and could tell her about DH after his heart op last year when he had hallucinations. Stayed untill after lunchto ensure she had her meals. At least she is now talking about getting a meal provided every day which is great. She lives in a retirement village which has that type of facility.

    I will go and have a rest until later but had better think about dinner first. We have had 'scratch' meals the last few nights.

    Must post this or I will lose it. Big hugs to all

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Cane Corsos are the breed that attacked and killed that gal in her apartment house hallway in San Francisco some years ago.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    So many posts today!  And me just now getting on this late at night, too. 

    Good for you, Ducky!  I'm glad to see you (and your fabulous support team) got through okay.  You must be a wonderful mother to have raised such wonderful children, too.  

    Thinking of you tomorrow, Martha, and if you don't see anybody holding your hand, try to feel all of us holding it!

    Barb and Lisa, beautiful pics as always!  I've never seen a bottle brush but they're beautiful.  Lisa, love the balloon, too.  Always envied those who could go up in one and they do have rides around here, but my fear of heights always stops me from trying.  Heck, I don't even like escalators.  Going up is fine, but coming down, that's another story.  Elevators and planes, no problem at all, so go figure.

    Welcome to you, Ludricus.  All of either have been where you are, or are going through it at the same time, so know that you're not alone. Come back often.

    DH finally went to the dr Monday and is taking an antibiotic.  So far, not much help, although he did feel a little better yesterday.  Today not so good, so hoping for a better day tomorrow.  He's so rarely sick and just doesn't cope with it well, always tries to do too much.  Men are such bull-headed things, aren't they?

    Aylson. I'm sorry about your MIL and hope she improves more tomorrow.  Glad she's decided on the meals.  My dad got meals delivered the last year he lived at home, and they helped out a lot.

    Got to get to bed now, so big hugs to all and good night.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Cane Corso's are not recommended as pets. If I have it correct they are the dogs used to protect flocks, they live with them, they consider themselves part of the flock and will vigorously defend them. Some people are considering them to protect their Alpacas, which can cost 13, 000. and up.  This is another example of a breed that is going to be misused and then destroyed because of human stupidity. Yes the puppy is cute, really cute and he isn't meant to be anybodys pet. His protective instincts have been bred into him over hundreds of years.

    Thanks for showing us the puppy, I hope his owner is working with a very good dog trainer, a Cane Corso is not a do it yourself dog. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Thank you QCA for your thoughts .  I do have a wonderful children...They are characters, and won't let me get down, no matter how hard I try  sometimes....They are not little children.  They are 53, 52, 51, 47, 45, and 42...........I have grandchildren as old as some of the ladies on this site.......That is who I pray so hard for.......I could not imagine going through this fear, and anguish knowing I had little ones in my life who need me.........These women are the hero's of breast cancer.................As bad as this is, I can't imagine this happening to me at a younger age...............Right now, my news looks promising  after the surgery.  We have some more pathology to get back, radiation, and some sort of medication, but for now as I said to everyone wo prayed so hard for me..........."For now the beast is gone"....oh yes, he may rear his ugly head again, but with the help of God, my family, and the amazing women I have befriended on this webiste, I will fight...........My son said something really funny last night......The BS  the radiology oncologist, and the oncologist said the tumor was 2 to 2 1/2 cm......when they got the pathology back it said it was 1.1cm..........My son's comment to the Dr.when he told him the news when he heard the smaller size tumor was "cancer saw who it had to take to battle, and decided to jump out as soon as the you  made the incision, but a small part of it didn't make it out fast enough.".........."cancer had no idea that it picked the wrong body to enter".  The Dr. said back to him...................I thought the same thing to myself the first time I met your I said before, and will say again........I HAD CANCER, IT DID NOT HAVE ME.............

     By the way little great-grandaughter is improving each day, and may be home this Friday.........She has gained weight and is now 5lbs 8oz, and it looks like she is only going to need physical therapy.  She is having a problem with Apnea, but will come home on a monitor...My son, her father, said the other day..............another tought lady in the family......

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Must take after her great grandma.......

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Thank you for all your advice about the puppy, but I must say I am feeling rather bad now.  All I know is that it's a sweet little puppy and the boy who has him is a very nice boy, but now I am going to worry about what is going to happen...the dog getting mean, the boy having to give him up and get his heart broken. They don't have a lot of money and I don't know what they paid for the dog, but am sure they won't have money to spend for proper training.

     I don't know if you ever read about it in the papers, ( it was here in Cincinnati and a lot of peple seem to raise alpaca here) but last year some sick people took this baby alpaca and beat it to death with a baseball bat....I think his name was Majestic and it was a horrible was two teens and an adult who drove them to the farm...FOR NO REASON .....they were sentenced to time in jail and I myself think they should have beaten Them with baseball bats...too bad there wasn't a cane corso to guard the pack.  

    Well, I am going to see my other eye doctor today to have some of my funky eyelashes removed and see if he agrees with the cataract surgeon that the cataracts need to be done before the lids.   Have a good day, ladies.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Aw Marybe I didn't intend for you to feel bad. The puppy is cute and I love puppies and dogs too. I don't think the dog would get mean, he would be following his protective instincts toward his flock. I believe they are a dominant dog and the boy will need to be consistent in his training. Do you think he would watch videos about how to train the dog?  I would be willing to send you one for him.

    I had to give up a dog when we moved out here that I loved so much. He was raised in a puppy mill and learned to hate men. He never forgot his puppy mill experience and would nip the back of any mans leg and tore the pant leg off of a snow removal guy in fromt of our house while he was on the leash. This dog loved women and he kept me sane when some kids killed my golden retriever Ernie. My DD made it clear she would never bring her baby over if I kept Scruffy. I am fortunate in that the rescue he came from was able to place him immediately with a single woman who doesn't have company. I hear they are very good friends. He is half poodle and half schnauzer.

    Anyhow Marybe tell me your addy in a PM and I will send something via amazon right away. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    How great Ginger to send a training video.  All puppies are cute as are all kittens.  But as so aptly put....many have been bred for specific purposes and don't make great family pets.  Even if you investigate a breed, you also need to investigate the breeder --- some are much less scrupulous than others.  Found this out with Nixie our last Golden Retriever.  She was fantastic in every way except for the jealous streak that was horrific.  If we so much as looked like we were going to pet one of the other dogs, she attacked it.  We had to re-home her with a single lady and no other pets. 

    A big hi to all the rest of you ladies.  Hope the sun is shining where you live.  I am ready for Spring and looking forward to tomorrow.  Due to be 70 degrees here. 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Here is a nice affirmnation I'd like to share:

    I am free of the past and the future.

    The moment I live in is now, with no history
    affecting my choices in the present.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    Welcome to the newcomers and good wishes to those in treatment and beginning treatment.This is the most welcoming and supportive of groups. Any topic is ok and with our members are spread out all over the world, one of us is sure to have some ideas for you. 

    If anyone gets word of SV and how she is doing, I hope you will post it.

    Despite 2 weeks on antibiotics, I am still coughing, though less than before.  I feel as if the flu/ bronchitis, etc. has kicked in to bring out my old asthma (which I developed at the end of chemo).  Anyway if I don't stop coughing by next week, I'm taking another trip to the doctor.

    While I have had medium size dogs, I love big dogs and had two different German Shepherds (Alsatians for Isabella)--one weighed 103 pounds and was like a guardian to my kids who were quite small at the time.    Any dog can become vicious if not handled properly. For a while Doberman's had a bad reputation and were though to "turn on their owners." Yet two of my veterinarian said they were one of the best breeds and had just gotten bad press because of owners who had mishandled them and had made them aggressive. My second Shepherd was an "alpha" dog and was adopted by us when she was 3 years old.  She had been well trained (not by us since we got her at age 3) and her "alpa" qualities were not a problem. So I hope that the family with the Cane Corso will socialize him alot at an early age so that he also will be a wonderful companion. 

    Have a nice day all!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Morning gals!'s always so nice to see what you post!  I love your affirmations....

    When our Dad died, my Brother was with me in "their" house, & we had to give away, and try & sell all of our folks lives, their house.....It was so heart-breaking....but my Brother saw how hard it was on me, & said, "come here" right in the kitchen, in front of the stove, he said "Let's do an affirmation" I didn't know what that was at the time, but he held my hands & we prayed...I just cried, but he was my strength...don't know what I would have done without him.

    So thanks for todays "Affirmation"....brought back lots of memories....

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Well, at risk of being reported or banned I am going to say what I am feeling right now with a big fat SHIT!!!   Or I guess I could go a step further like in The King's Speech when he was doing his anti-stammer training with the big F multiple times, but I won't, just feel like it.  I just came from the other eye specialist, the one I see for my lashes and Blufferitis (know that is not how it is spelled, but you say it that way) and things just go from bad to worse.  I once again have lashes growing inward so he calls in this resident and has her take a look and says What would you do?...after much discussion back and forth, I guess there are three options...Remove that section of my eyelid and do a graft with tissue from inside my mouth  or do an eyelid lift and recess the area with the ingrown lashes or do something else and I forget what that was,maybe just take that part of the lid off and have no lashes.. BUT the big problem is that I am on coumadin (warfarin actually, the generic) for life....he asked why I am on that again and I went into that long story about having an atrial myxoma which broke off and not it is lodged in my pulmonary artery and I take the blood thinner so everything won't glob up there and the blood and flow around it and how no one wants to touch it since it would be like open heart surgery so it's going to stay there.  I told him when he did my stints, I just did the shots in my stomach, Lovenox I think it was,(now I am thinking maybe it was Arixtra)  while I was off the coumadin.  Well, this must be different because he says I would have to stop ALL blood thinners the day before and for two days after, no shots no nothing, but could do the lovenox up until the day before.  Well, I know Dr.Cody isn't going to like that.  Also he says that he would not want the cataract surgeon removing any offending lashes when he does the cataract and he would most likely want to since a lash scratching on my cornea might cause infection and he wants the lashes where they are so they can be precise in doing this deal where he would recess that area or whichever one I end up doing....IF I do any of them.    I guess I could just live with it, but it is a PIA and sometimes my eyes just itch like mad and it feels like I have sand in them most of the time.  A petty complaint I guess, but petty things bug me. So he was sending letters to my onco, my ophthalmologist, the cataract surgeon and my GP and we will go from there.  Who was that guy who pulled his eye out?...or is that something from the Bible about plucking out the offending eye?....I feel like doing that and getting a seeing eye dog.  Speaking of which thank you for all the nice PMs about the Tim says they probably won't keep the dog anyway, once they realize how large he is going to be and the place does not have a fenced in back yard.  Right now I am thinking I have bigger fish to fry.

    I am not asking for sympathy or advice, I am just venting on this one.  I am in the hands of some very capable specialists, I am just upset by the fact that everything I do has to be so darned complicated....I mean I can't even pick out a bathroom fixture without finding out it's been discontinued!!  It's always been this way....long before breast cancer. I know I need to be thankful that I am in as good of shape as I am at Stage lV.  And I used to always say Well, at least my life isn't boring.  However, sometimes I think this is overkill and I wish for once I would go to a doctor and get a simple diagnosis that some nice little pill would take care of. I am almost ready for boring. I will not waste my time venting to my husband since he doesn't believe in God, fate or luck or modern mecicine for that matter and would just say something like Well, I don't know what to tell you, Marybe.  So anyway, thank you for listening and once again SHIT!!!!  #%$^#&@*!&@^#^#^#!!!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Aw, MaryBe. I am so sorry! I have no advice but I have a great shoulder to cry on.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Oh Marybe, I'm so sorry you're going through this.  It isn't fair to have breast cancer PLUS a bunch of other stuff--iisn't cancer enough?  I'll pray for you and keep you in my thoughts.  I'm having another surgery on the 23rd and right now I feel like if I see another perky nurse with an IV set up I'm going to go postal.  Love to you, Lynda (Dragon)

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Barb....thanks I know your shoulder is always there.  Dragonfly...this is all an end result of chemo...when my eyelashes grew back they came in all messed up...some growing inward and some just sort of malshaped...he said it is not a typical SE or something he has really seen before, but since they were perfectly normal before we are blaming it on chemo. And the droopy eyelids may have happened with age anyway, but chemo and taking all my estrogen away both affect elasticity of the skin so who knows if that is a SE or not, but combined the two are causing problems. 

    Anyway, I am off....the good thing about most likely being ADD is I can't dwell too long on one problem so it's back to checking out bathroom faucets and fixtures until it is time for me to go to work.  I will let those upset me for awhile. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    You are thankful Marybe --- just not quite as much at the moment.  Understandable.  For most everyone the sea legs grow back. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Geez Marybe.....It's like you just can't catch a break....if it isn't one thing, it's something else we can't even understand!   So sorry about your eye lids, & everything else for that matter.  It's also okay to throw a fit once in awhile....We all do that. 

    I'm wearing my new razzle-dazzle hearing aids, and they work great....just that I'm now allergic to the tiny plastic tubing in my ears.  So my ears are puffy, just like a boxers, all red & itch like crazy.  I coated the tubes with clear nail polish, take Allegra every day, & take turns rubbing my ears with either Cortisone cream or Caladryl. 

    I'm just hoping my skin developes a tolerance to this plastic.  Same thing happened when I got prescription sun-glasses one time....rash all over the bridge of my nose, & on my cheeks...  That's not counting the tape they used on my skin after the BC surgery, which peeled off my skin. 

    So the rest of us will just help you get through this, & I'll believe in God with you...He's brought you this far, even if it's always a struggle.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Was that Job with the eye plucking? He had lots of bad luck.

    Complain away, who wouldn't feel just like you do today?  We are all here for you.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, you have a great sense of humor in the middle of all this.  Just remember it's okay to rant, too.  Everyone needs a good rant now and then!  Dragon

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    Ah Marybe, that is a shame.

    I don't know what your doctors need to do. And I do not know if this is related.  But my mother had droopy eyelids when she was in her late 70s.  She could not see out of her eyes because they did not open. So she essentially got an eyelid tuck--done under local antesthesia.  She went home the same day. The main side effect of the surgery was that she looked great but she could once again see which was the purpose.    She had lots of heart issues and she was on anti-coagulents (and about 40 other medications) and she was able to do the surgery.  So maybe there is another way to do the surgery.  I am hoping they will find a way to handle it, because it sounds like it is miseable.

    Take care.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    {{{{{{marybe}}}}}}im so sorry.. we seem to get all the crap; even stuff the experts "say" won't happen.. are the eyelashes still falling out? is there a chance to have the crooked ones removed, and they might grow back? i did that, when the pressure behind my eyes was elevated during chemo. the eyelashes came back, but not nearly as many as there were!!

          i hope they can find a solution , you need to have the cataracts done, eventually. no, you don't want to go blind. i lost my sight suddenly in my left eye, when i had a bad accerbation of the MS yrs ago. thank goodness, its back faily well. thats' no fun, at all!!

       im amazed thast on even SOME days you can keep a good attitude. somedays, (like today) you just need to let her rip!!!    3jays

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Ok, Crisis has passed and I am happy because the vanity they told me had to be ordered turned out to be in stock(there was one in the warehouse on a shelf)  when I talked to a different person today...So I asked, Do you think it will fit in the back of my Mini? and he said I think we can make it work.  So now I have the vanity (it has to be assembled, but I called Ron and he said it won't take long) the granite top and backsplash which includes the drop in sick and a faucet. The back seat is crammed, but everything is there.  The faucet is one they are no longer going to carry so he went around to the display models and took one off a sink top that was missing the plunger, got that from another bowl and found the other pieces in boxes and drawers and I am hauling all of this to Portsmouth with me tomorrow morning so Ron can finish the bathroom!  Finish the bathroom!  Sweet music to my ears.  Well, I guess I should say almost finished since I still have to figure out what I am going to do for a medicine cabinet, but we are almost there.  I am easily distracted.  I will worry about the eye issues later and see what my docs say once they get the letter this guy was dictating today.  FiddlelyDee, I will think about it tomorrow.  Tomorrow is another day.  Now if only I have Rhett Butler to carry me off into the sunset. 

    Thank you all for being here.  As I pulled into the driveway with all this stuff in the car, Tim was pulling in with his 6 pac of Negro Medella which he has probably already started on by now.  He is not going to the funeral with me....knows my friend Kathy well, but says he thinks she will understand.  Whatever. 

    My lst patient isn't until 3 today and the other hygienist and I are working alone since we have the license to do that so it should be a nice calm afternoon without the boss.  Maybe I should not have said that....knock on wood.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    I spoke with SV last night, Tuesday.  

    She was drugged up, and going off at a tangent now and then !!

    The hospital have done multiple tests, and she says they seem mystified about what may be going on. Was hoping for some answers soon.

    I am SO glad her father and brother at long last stepped up to the plate and got her to a proper hospital....WHAT they have been thinking of for nearly 4 weeks watching SV so ill I don't know. Here we have all been worrying about her, Amyjo even offered to go and drive her to a decent hospital, and there were her relatives seemingly not helping.

    SV has been in touch with the director of the 'hospital' in Duck, calling him out on the way she has been treated in their ER.

    She sounds reasonably OK, and is very anxious wondering what the tests will throw up.

    Anyone else with more up to date info. please keep us posted, as SV has no computer with her, and won't be able to keep up with us all.

    Marybe....later for some tea now. Your posts were long and I need to re read them before I answer !!!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    Isabella, Thank you so much for letting us know how SV is.  At least she will get the medical care that she should have had weeks ago. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Hi all, I can't figure out if my lack of ability to focus is a product of Chemo or age or both..