Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Lisa, I vote for all of the aboove.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, sorry about your eye problems. I don't know what I would do, its a real mix up. I didn't  realise you had such problems with your eyes. Will you have to wait 'til the cataracts are 'ripe' enough to operate on, or can they go in earlier these days...I remember one or two people I know having to wait 'til their cataracts were ripe enough to remove.

    We have entropion in dogs, ingrowing lashes, common in some breeds, but not mine. Never thought it could affect humans, but then, why not !

    The puppy you have next door. Cute as it is now don't be fooled. It will grow, and get territorial, and if it can get to your 3 dogs it might well attack them. My 14 yr old G/daughter, who lives a way off from me, rang me all excited just before Christmas, asking what I thought about her getting a Neapolitan Mastiff. ( These cane whatever they are called dogs! are Italian mastifs, very much the same ilk as the Neopolitan mastiffs).I told her she was being stupid, suppose I upset her, as puppies are cute, and she wanted it badly. She wouldn't listen, and went ahead.and got it. Now she wants to rehome the poor thing. It is only 9 months old, and has been banished to a cold stable until it goes. I am so mad at them for doing this to a dog, but my DS will not listen. It was inevitable that the dog would get into trouble. It has killed half a dozen ducks , a kitten  and bitten 10 yr old G/son. My son has alsorts of ducks and hens running loose in his back yard, so it was asking for trouble. Worse still they have taken in a 2 yr old Neapolitan male that was in trouble for biting, and now that poor thing is on the transfer list again...both of these dogs will end up being passed from pillar to post, until somebody has them put down. I have yet to read the riot act to DS about this...he knows my feelings on doing this to dogs, so I have not heard from him in a few weeks, he will be hoping I will have forgotten about it when we next speak, but I WON'T have.

    I have been out choosing paint for my new bedroom...I looked and looked, and ended up with white !! Just with a VERY tiny hint of pink. The room will be quite dark, so had to keep it as light as possible, and don't want to go too clinical and all over white. Of course I can't get it painted yet, my window frame hasn't arrived !! I left a 'person' here today while I was out, to lop me some branches from some weeping willows. I had 6 dead branches that were spoiling the look of the trees. I clearly marked the six to be cut off, and guess what ? he'd removed 2 of them and then another 4 perfectly healthy and covered in new leaves, just at random, leaving 4 old dead branches still on the trees !! I also asked him to re hang a wrought iron gate, making sure it was as near to the floor as was possible, so no dogs can creep underneath....guess what ? he had put it on wonky, and one end is 4 " above the ground....ample room for my Sausage dogs to creep under should the fit take them !  I was SOOOOO mad. I paid him off , and sent him on his way. He had the cheek to ask if I wanted him again !!! No more out of workers for me...there has to be a reason why they're not in employment !! This one anyway. Last year I would have been able to do both these jobs myself, but no way now. To answer ads. in the local paper for handymen is like asking for gold...they want the earth for simple jobs...working on the theory that because the cost of living is rising so steeply they will ask top money. If only they'd see they are killing their work by asking too much.  A fair price would bring them in much more work, and lots more recommendations from satisfied customers. I used to have a list of fair priced tradesmen, but one by one they've priced themselves out of jobs with me. All apart from my plumber, a lovely young man who is so fair with his prices its unbelievable. He is asking me about a third less than the rest of the tradesmen...I HAVE put a lot of work his way as I tell a lot of people about him. He tells me he keeps my prices down because of this ...but ?? who knows in todays world. !!

    I also got myself some pansies, polyanthus violas and fritillarias(sp) while I was at the do it yourself store this afternoon... my work for this week !!


  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Isabella, Yep they are ripe and ready for pickin'.  When I asked him that,  Are they ripe?,he said that is a rather archaic term, but yes they are ready.  Now I am all confused after talking to the other doc so don't know what to do first.  My eyelashes were perfectly normal before chemo then after they came back in they just didn't know which way to go I guess. I can't even recall how we discovered what was going on...I think my eyes were itching like mad or something and all they did then was pluck the offending lashes out, but they just keep growing back like that.  The biggest problem I had was with the tearing because my tear ducts were closed off from the chemo, but stints corrected that.  When the doc called in this resident or intern or whatever she was today and asked what she thought they should do to me, I suggested "Just shoot me perhaps?, but that was not one of the offered options.

    I feel really bad for this boy and his dog next door....came home this evening and the puppy was out back playing with our you think maybe the dog will turn out OK or are genes going to take over? 

    Good workmen are hard to find these days....most of the time you end up having to do the job over yourself. That is why I have my exboyfriend doing the work at my Dad's.  He is really talented and he knows how picky I am so does it right the lst time so he won't have to do it over.  What is that joke...a hard man is good to find? 

    Lisa, think I have to agree with's a little of both, but that's Ok we are all in the same shape.

    Where has AmyJo been.  Saw 3jays on my pet thread so know she is alive and kickin.  Later ladies, have to go get my clothes ready for tomorrow since I plan on getting an early start.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    So gald SV is finally getting some "real" medical care.  Hope they can figure out how to treat all of her.  She is in my heart, even when she sort of goes off the deep end.

    Marybe - glad the bathroom is almost finished.  The doctor's will figure out what to do about the eyelashes, eyelids, and the cataracs. I am so excited about the get together in MO this September.

    BarbaraA - thanks for being there for all of us through everything.

    I have 8 more radiation treatments to go and so far everything is still looking good as far as the skin goes, but I am so tired all the time.  I have to take frequent naps. After donig the least thing, like take a shower I have to take a nap. I am going to PT to help with the neuropathy in both arms and the pain in my shoulders. Bone scan tomorrow and so starts the next round of tests.  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Well ladies got another call today from my BS. He said the tumor which looked like a 2 or 2.5 cm turned out to be 1.1cm.......Final pathology said "no lymph nodes involved"........He also said he got 2mm margins on most areas, except closer to the nipple where he has 1.25mm/1.5.  Greek to me, but I am calling back tomorrow, and let one of the 6 listen to what he has to say again......The BS seemed happy with the margins.  He said 1mm margins are usually excepted around the country, and mine are much wider...........Well at least that is what I thought he said............Honestly I'm not sure what the hell it all meant, but the BS seemed elated.  I go back on Tuesday to get the drain out, and to see him............Got the shock of my life today when this huge thing that looked like a long string came out of the end of the drain tube, and into the bottle........My daughter was emptying it, and said "what the hell is that thing", I said "just pull the damn thing, and she said "no", closed the bottom of the drain bottle on it, and it chopped off, but the rest still stayed in the tube...................Still there,  have no idea what it is "although my son did ask me if I had a unknown tapeworn and it found its way to the drain in my boob"....Comedians all of them..........Then to top it off I told the Dr. about this alien thing that came out from the tube,..............asked if I could just pull it............and I thought he was going to come through the phone............Well we're having some pretty gorgeous weather here in our part of Pa. tomorrow and Friday, so I think I will take this very happy body, with what seems to be very good news for a ride to my other home in Cape May Beach, NJ.............Damn life is good.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Ducky....sounds like pretty good news to me.  I did not have drains so don't have a clue on that.  I think it's always good when nothing  shows in the lymph nodes.  Clear margins basically are always great as well.  You I think have made an excellent start at getting through and hope the rest of this part of the journey goes as well. 

    You are so right....Life is good.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    just wanted to say hi, and im here... marybe.. you answered my question about if they plucked the eyelashes, wouold they then come back "wonky" it'll be interesting to see what they decide to do! im now grateful for another thing. not many of them came back, so far, but they seem straight!

      after this, you wonder what else is in this world, that can go bonkers, eh? believe me, we have ENOUGH...NO MORE!!

     Be well, dear ladies.. please remember to indent your paragraphs..PLEASE!! its so much easier to read that way.. at least, for this old ladies eyes..oh, and Marybe, about the dog next door.. don't trust him with your little ones. they'll get used to him, and when he's grown, DNA WILL TELL!! listen to Isabella, who knows what she talking about!     3jays

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, I am now blind just thinking of your poor eyes.  My eyes worry me to death most of the time and I am constantly rubbing them.  I could never wear contacts because they would wind up on the floor.  ((((hugs))))

    Chrissy, We have the International Balloon Fiesta here in Albuq, around the 8th of October and it is worth seeing.  I live about 7 miles from the launch site. 

    Welcome to the new ggbabies.  My 3rd ggd arrived last week and they are so precious.

    Welcome to all the new ladies, sorry for you having a reason to be here but this is the best place to be under the circumstances.

    Welcome back Chevyboy and Ill. Lady.

    Whoever I missed I am sorry, my memory just ran out.  Darla

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Darla, my list just keeps on getting longer and soon I will have a list that covers just about every state in the      Mmmmmm how long did I say I was coming for?  Thanks for the idea.

      Marybe, oh your poor eyes!  I do hope they make their minds up about what to do.  Maybe they could work together and get it done all at once?........wishfull thinking I think.

    3jays, are you on the mend yet?  Has that problem with your chest cleared?  I sure do hope so.

    Ducky, glad to hear that things a going smoothly with your healing and the final path report was good.  It's always a comfort when that happens.

    Isabella, don't you just hate it when your kids do something that you've warned them against and then stay away because they know that mum was right in the first place and they don't want to be told 'I told you so'?  Ah well, I remember doing just exaclty the same thing as we always think we know better than experience.

    Amyjo, how is your skin holding up?  Are you feeling ok?  ((((hugs))))) to you girls, that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and!

    To everyone else, hope your days are good days.........

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

        Don't you all worry about my poor eyes....I can see and what is going on can be fixed, just have to figure out how and when.   The way I operate everything is the end of the world "When it happens", then something else happens or I get to sleep on the idea of whatever it was that was so upsetting and earthshattering at the time, and move on.  That's just the way I am and have always far I have not had anything I could not deal with so that's a good thing. Drains are definitely icky, but it's good to get that gunk our of there so you just have to live with it until the doc says to take them out. I just remember it being in the way....had them twice...lst my mastectomy and then when my implant acted up and they had to go in and do a biospy and check out the implant.  My friend Lee had hers in for about 7 weeks and she was going nuts, but they just kept draining and the fluid never did get totally clear. 

      Well, gotta get my shower and wash my hair and then get ready to take off.  I could not sleep very well for some reason so woke up off and on all night and just decided to get up at 5...did not drink coffee or anything, but think maybe it was all those Lindy Lindor balls I was eating...ummm, let those melt in your mouth....Heaven.!! 

        if today is as warm as yesterday, it will be really nice.   Will be in my element at the funeral, since black is my color.  My mother always said, wear it while you can and I think the time frame there may be running can be againg when you get to a certain point, ever noticed that? 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    This old chook has a confession to make today.  She may have to hang up her Grandma's pinney and take the walk of shame. Cry

    She was doing her second full day (one day per week at their home) of babysitting 6 month old grandson yesterday, when she tried to feed him cat food for his lunch. Surprised

    First day, his mother pointed out container in fridge and explained her system for feeding.  This time son didn't explain anything so, at lunch time, seeing the same type of container in fridge with similar coloured (pumpkin) contents, Grandma warmed it up to feed to baby. Embarassed

    GSon screwed up face and almost projectile vomited it back at me.  Grandma, not wanting to look like a fool to D-i-law, considered adding milk to soften it's lumpiness. Grandma thought the smell was a bit strong for such a little person but, knowing how new mum's are about their off-spring, and bearing in mind that things have changed since her last baby 30yrs ago, decided to txt his mother for info. Innocent

    Imagine Grandma's face when answer came back, 'cat food.'  Ooowahhhh! Frown

    When d-i-law came home, Grandma confessed her sin and is now waiting be ejected from her precious grandsons' orbit.  Cry 

    Son has already warned Gmother once not to blow rasberries on baby's tummy, 'germs' doncha know?

    Grandma almost told him that most of his 'germs' came from his mother when she used to blow raspberries on his tummy and look how he grew up into a 6ft+ bronzed Aussie.

    Grandpa says Grandma shouldn't have told d-i-l about her mistake, but she didn't seem too concerned at the time.

    Who knew being a grandparent could be such a minefield? I mean, how can you give someone (who thinks he knows it all after 6mths) the benefit of 37 years parenting experience when his own mother does something like that?


     P.S. 6ft + because I can't reach that high to find the exact no of inches above that.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Oh Sheila, no shame, we all make mistakes and at least you realised that there was something not quite right.  I'm sure you will be forgiven, if not for the fact you are granny then for the fact of convenience.  This generation likes that we, the older generation, can be used for their benefit.  No I'm not jaded, as I have been there and done that and believe me, made mistakes as well, but if asking granny to babysit is more convenient than paying the expense of day care, granny will win hands down!  No matter how big they grow, they are still our small children and we love them warts and all.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    I think you've hit the nail on the head, Chrissy! They need a free babysitter and, having two grandma's on hand, the kids know which side their bread is buttered on. 

    On reflection, I don't think they would tell us about all their mistakes either.  I'll probably have to wait until they are celebrating something in the future for all their boo-boo's to be exposed.

    At least that's one thing the last fifteen years has taught me, give them a few drinks and all the childhood transgressions rise to the surface.  Most of their tales I'm glad I didn't know about at the time, and some of them, I wish I still didn't know about.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Shiela, had to giggle to myself as I was are oh so right!  It sometimes almost makes my hair curl as the different childhood transgressions are discussed amid a lot of laughter........but sometimes my laughter is almost choked!  Again you are right, there are some that I wish I still didn't know


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited March 2011

    Oh Sheila, I hope you don't get fired as babysitter! Maybe the solution is to have the baby at your house - then you know what is in the refrigerator!

    Today I am taking my grandson to stay overnight with my father, his great grandfather.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Aussie....sorry, your story was so funny to me.  Brought back the time when my MIL bought my little ones each a box of cookies.  Here in the stores there was a small box which had a picture of a circus train with animals and the cookies were called animal crackers.  She bought them each a box.  The wee ones complained about how hard they were to Grandpa took one and his was very hard as well and didn't taste like much either.  Upon further checking it turned out Grandma-ma had been in the wrong isle.....boxes nearly identical but she was in the dog treat isle.  I still laugh when I think about that. 

    Thanks for the welcome back Darla. 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
    May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
    May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
    And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.
    - Irish Blessing

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Sheila, I was rolling on the floor laughing!! Great way to start today.

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Oh Sheila.  I just about blew my tea all over the computer.  I'm sorry because I know this is upsetting to you, but I could hardly stop laughing.  For two years I thought my first GD's birthday was 4/29.  Not!  That is the birthday of Beau, one of my Standard Poodles!  My DIL thought it was funny.  Not my son!

  • whitechocolate
    whitechocolate Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2011

    Hi out there Whitecocolate here ,as you,s can all see I have'nt answered any messages since Sept2010 as I do not have computer skills in fact I hate the thing,computer I mean here goes.

    I want to ask some question especially anyone on the Medication Arimedex, I'm having problems with joint in my feet/ankle's resulting in swelling and soreness. I hate to complain as like everyone El's I found the treatment hard going, But the Medics and everyone treating me were wonderful and I swore I'd never complain about anything  again, but once I felt well again I took a laps in memiory and the moaning has started. Next problem my hair is really thinning so much, I found a good herbalist and he put me on Florisens herbal tabs the first six month they seem to work great and I myself could see and feel the difference but now my hair has started thinning again, the thing is I'm due to stay on the Arimidex till 2012 and I'm just wondering how much hair Ill have left by then.  I know I know I should'nt moan its only vanity but I am moaning, so hope someone out there can give me some answerer's bye from moaning Whitechocolate

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    ohh, white chocalate, /welcome i don't think we've met.. i tried the ALs', but got so sick, i had to stop. ive had multiple strokes before bc; so, tamoxifen is also out. im going the herbal roue, and praying really hard. so far, ive been foumd NED 3xs in 2yrs!!yeaH!

       the thinning hair is driving me crazy , also. i thought if i thinned, it would be in the back, my hair was so thick on my crown. and, i had hairpeices to clip on the back..NOPE!! thin on the crown, where not much can be done..

       someone recommended i use avenno shampoo and cond., and that seems to be helping. others have used rogaine, but italso has to be done forever, once you start, and that gets exp! 

       remember to keep your scalp clean, theres' a system here in the states at CVS drugstores, that cleans the scalp; some ple say scalpicin; something like that... the sebum has to be clean for the follicle to  restart.

       i took Biotin for awhile, and that DEF helped.. my nails, and hair.. ALL hair started groewing, shaving my legs is hard, w/LE and i was growing a fine mustache as well.   So, i stopped. id try the biotin, see if it gives a jump start.. if you weren't too hairy before chemo. it does seem to work.. good luck. ck out the hair, hair..another question thread. its helpful.  good luck, and be well. come around as you can.      3jays

  • whitechocolate
    whitechocolate Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2011

    Hi 3jaysmom thanks for answering me and no I have'nt tried any of the product you spoke of,

    but i ll inquire and see if any of them may help me. Thank again not writing much as still not computer savvy bye for now Whitechocolate

    PS The reason the name Whitechocolate is through my treatment people kept bringing me whitechocolate

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    Thank you ladies, it's so nice to know that I am not the only person of a certain age on this board who doesn't seem to think as critically as she used to. I had hoped that I wouldn't get a bit 'dotty' in my old age but it seems that I may be.

    Now..............I wonder if I can blame it on Arimidex or would I have done the same thing without any  help?  

    My husband was with me on the day and it never occurred to me to ask his advice about anything to do with a he wasn't much help when we had our own babies but...............I have noticed lately that he checks things I tell him I've checked (locked doors etc.,) them! Maybe he is being kind and I am a lot dottier than I thought I was.  

    Whitechocolate............I have been on Arimidex for 2.5 years and have not lost any hair but I do have very sore feet in the mornings...............almost like walking on cut glass when I get out of bed.

    Sorry I can't offer much in the way of remedies but what the other ladies have suggested has come from experience so maybe worth a trial.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    its a great tag name. i prefer dark chocalate to white, but ANY chocalate gets big votes here!! WHERE ARE YOU LADIES///

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    Thank you ladies, it's so nice to know that I am not the only person of a certain age on this board who doesn't seem to think as critically as she used to. I had hoped that I wouldn't get a bit 'dotty' in my old age but it seems that I may be.

    Now..............I wonder if I can blame it on Arimidex or would I have done the same thing without any  help?  

    My husband was with me on the day and it never occurred to me to ask his advice about anything to do with a he wasn't much help when we had our own babies but...............I have noticed lately that he checks things after I tell him I've checked (locked doors etc.,)them! Maybe he is being kind and I am a lot dottier than I thought I was.  

    Whitechocolate............I have been on Arimidex for 2.5 years and have not lost any hair but I do have very sore feet in the mornings...............almost like walking on cut glass when I get out of bed.

    Sorry I can't offer much in the way of remedies but what the other ladies have suggested has come from experience so maybe worth a trial.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    aussie sheila.. iwas just cking in before going to bed. i didn't get to tell you, but iLMAO when you posted about sitting for your Gbaby!!i ate my own dog fooed one time, after tx!! thought it was something i left in the fridge too long/ DH says "you now the beneful in the little bowls you bought for the dogs"" see a raised eyebrow as he says it..YUCK!!! i know why your GB shivered.. that'll teach your DIL to mark thew bowls. mine always does.. it solves all the problems... night...         3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Sheila, that was so funny about the cat food!  I know what you mean about keeping grandkids.  We kept our 1st (so far only) GS for his first 15 months while his parents worked.  DIL sent breast milk, and made all the baby food when he started solids.  Some things made me shudder, like cut up apples, little pieces with the peeling on, that I knew he couldn't handle (they take teeth, don't they, and at least more than 4), and vegetables with (sometimes) canned salmon.  I never told her I kept my own little stash of baby food, and I also cooked the apples!  He'd never touch the food on salmon days.

    Hi, white chocolate, and welcome.  I'm on arimidex too, but am only 3 months in and you're almost done.  So far, the only thing I've had is stiffness in my hip joints, especially when I get up and after sitting a while.   But, my hair has been thinning for years, part heredity and part as a side effect of the blood pressure medicines I take.  I started taking biotin about 4 months ago and my hair may be thickening slightly (my dau. thinks so, anyhow), and I'm going to continue it.  Takes a long time though.  I'm going to visit that Hair, Hair, Hair thread 3 jays recommended.

    Marybe, I'm sorry you're having such a problem with your eyes and your unruly lashes, but it seems like you're coping with it well.  I, too, tend to immediately assume the worst case scenario at first, but I can't help but feel there's got to be a way to do this to your benefit.  There HAS to be!

    Anybody know how SV's doing?

    Night, everybody.


  • whitechocolate
    whitechocolate Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2011

    Hi QCA or KATHY,  see how bad I am at this computing I'm not even sure which one has answered my message, but thank you's both anyway,,I will find out more about Biotin and I will find out more about hair treading,  whats that all about and more important is it painful.

    However have to go as the sun is shinning, and we've had a long winter here in Glasgow so  when

    the SUNSHINES we Glaswegians just drop everything to get a glimpse of the SUN.

    Bye for now Whitechocolate

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Here is a great affirmation:

    I choose loving and healthy thoughts and feelings.

    white chocolate:  The sun used correctly has lots of healing properties and great Vitamin D.  I'm sure our winters are shorter than yours....but we all start to long for Spring, daylight savings time and the heating and healing rays of the sun. 

    QCA....the newer generation parents a bit differently.  One grandma I know ( and I identified completely ) was a bit off about the fact her daughter would not allow peanut butter in any form for the first 3 years ---  due to possible allergic reactions.  In my generation of child rearing....p-nut butter and jelly sandwiches were a main lunch menu item.  I don't know if there are more allergies as such to anything....or is in this modern world we are able to hear of it more.  Of course, I would not want such a thing to happen but it is clear there are many differences.

    Hope you are all well and happy.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    I hope it teaches her 3jays, I was operating under the impression that she was trying to be a 'natural' mother ie, preparing all baby food herself when not breast feeding, using cloth nappies etc.  I haven't seen Gson in cloth nappies yet and due to lack of sleep he seems to be a bit of a grumpy little fellow.  Their pediatrician doesn't seem to be able to tell them what is wrong with baby. They never leave him alone and any suggestions offered are brushed aside.

    When I saw bought baby food in the pantry, I assumed it was for when they were out and about. Like you, I would never use the same containers for cat and baby food.................I probably learnt that lesson many years ago when my fridge was always half full of leftovers.

    Lassie, we go to their home because it is a 30 min drive from there to here and the mother works close to home and she can come home at lunch time to breast feed the baby.  She has now almost given up the breast feeding during the day and he was asleep when she came home on the day in question.
