Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    A spin off to the cat food saga, Isabella, was that the cat got very agro about the time I was trying to feed the baby.  It is a very cranky Ragdoll cat and it took a few swipes at my legs when I walked near it. It took me a while to work out that she probably smelt the warmed up food and thought she was going to be fed.

    It is 1:30pm, Sunday, here and I have been sitting on my front verandah, feeding some butcher birds (small magpies) with mince, hoping one of them will serenade me with a chorus of many different types of bird calls.  These birds seem to be able to mimic all the other birds they hear around here and, even though we are 30kms from the sea, include the seagull amongst their repertoire.   The strangest one to hear coming from them is the Kookaburra because it is exactly the same as the real bird but in miniature, if you know what I mean. The first time I heard it, it was under the window where I was ironing and enjoying the beautiful recital they often share with me.  I had to look out the window to see where the Kookaburra was perched.  I videoed 8 mins of this one bird one day and I often play it to enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Oh AussieS, I want pic of the Kookaburra!! And i would love to hear the call-never heard one!!!

    And Isabella, I want the commemorative Prince William/Kate M plates!!! Though very honestly-and give me your views-I think that wearing Diana's engagement ring is beyond creepy-I would put it in a museum and demand my own ring. And i SO wish I had been born KM-I always dreamed that somehow I'd meet and marry Prince Charles-but we were all kids then and he was still running with Camilla as like a tween at the time-I need to be royalty!! I'd even take Prince What's his face of Monco. (((((serious note-hugs to all going thru treatment, etc)))) dashing notes out cause I may have to go back to admit at hospital for admit tomorrow (today) due to "asmathic bronchitis." It boomeranged on me-I can breath but the cough is too much for me-i hack constantly and am way SOB if I stand or walk. SV

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    SV, take care of yourself!!  I worry about you so much. (((hugs)))

    Isabella, I want to go too.  It sounds like so much fun. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    I found a wonderful affirmation today.  Sometimes they are so apt to me:

    I use all negative experiences as chances
    to learn, evolve and grow,
    instead of letting them embitter me.

    I maintain stillness and peace even as
    I move through unpleasant experiences.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Amy ....sure hope you get over your fatigue soon.  I walked a lot when I had rads, but then I had to be in a motel near the hospital all week --- not home to have to try and do anything else. 

    Darla -- I have relatives in Las Crueces and the Organ Mountains overlook where they live.  It all sounds so pretty. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.  Going to be at least 80 here today but is one of those unexpected high temp. spring days.  It will not last.....but a very welcome and refreshing preview of what is soon coming.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    How about this quote --- it says a world full.

    "Success is not measured by what you accomplish
    but by the opposition you have encountered,
    and the courage with which you have maintained
    the struggle against overwhelming odds."
    --- Orison Swett Marden

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    I DID IT!  I skyped with Chrissy just a few mins was like 1 in the morning there by the time we got off.  Technology is really an amazing thing.  Thanks to Tim for getting it downloaded properly so I guess he is good for something. 

    Yep,Shiela, I would say the cat was POed because someone else was eating her food.  We used to sing a song at camp about Kookaburra...Kookabura sits in the old gum tree ...was never sure what he was, but thought he was a litle bear or something. Glad you got some food  SV.....take some imodium so it will stay in you for awhile. You would not have really wanted Prince Charles....I think he was a real Mama's boy.  My mother used to always say I wouldn't be happy if I was married to Bonny Prince Charles and she was right.  Only 6 more to go AmyJo.....don't wear yourself out with the plants....there is plenty of time left for those....they always say don't put them out til Mother's Day right?  And even then we usually have a cold snap least here.  Well, back to the income slowly getting it together.  Have a good day, ladies.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Morning gals!  Gotta say Jackie, you give this forum a lot of class!  Thanks for the affirmations.

    I couldn't figure out the "block' button!  So then I tried "ignore this member" and that way I can't see what they post....Is that right?  So then I hit "un-block" and sure-nuff, there they were, Ha! But what fun is that?   

    AmyJo....I've been planting my tomato seeds in those little peat pots....and yes, I also set mine out around Mother's Day.  (Even if I have to set up a "cold frame" to protect them from the "last" snow storm!)   Spring just can't come around fast enough! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Good morning Chevy.  You are lovely to say that about my affirmations.  Quotes and affirmations and little pleasant poems all give me a sense of balance and structure......especially when there seems to be so much in the world that is so often un-balanced and structured.  A few people that way as well.  So it helps me and I see it as a gift.

    Yes....I don't know anything about those buttons.  Guess my quotes and affirmations act as buttons and I don't need any others.

    You know.....our yard ( living out in the woods as we do ) has too much shade for a garden.  Our previous house, though in the woods a bit, had a big open area where we could plant.  I do miss that a lot.  Planting a garden is like working right next to God.  Every Spring I get excited by the re-growth of all that went dormant during the winter.  At least here we have deer, rabbits, foxes, raccoons, wild turkey and quail and lots of wonderful things....but no garden.  I think if we did much of it would end up feeding the wildlife. 

    Raising my mimosa glass to you and all the sweet ladies here.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    oh.. you guys are such a hoot.. unlike others, i DO have my down days.. read your bible. psalms is all about feeling bad, etc.. looking for brighter days.. well, thats' how it is for me.

      i don't sit it, rarely share it here, but we've ALWAYS said we could share any feelings, and it was "safe" to do so. so, please, no attatcks about being down..

      the nice thing about being down is, there's always up to go!!!

      i say affirmations every day, etc. prayer, whatever MY own soiritual life entails.. yours might be yours, but we're ALL entitled to our own. thats' what adds the FREEDOM mto BELONGING in this pod!!!

        anyway, Isabella, i think a Gypsy wedding is an occassion that CANNOT be missed!! none of us will get an invite, so you must be our emissarry, and come back and tell us all about it!!

      i so wish you could learn topost pictures here. if you can figure out facebook, you can copy and paste them to here!! try..PLZZZ! believe it or not, a friend of mine has defended the Gypsy king here. they pickpocket at MIA; and he's defended them for years.. always end with stiff funds, 'cause the can't keep them in jail!!!so, i personally would love to hear your stories..

       being Welsh and irish, of course they end in fights>>LOL they don't have to be gypsys for that..

       You know the old joke (im Irish) who are the last at an Irish party? the police!!hahaha..

       well, hadn't expected to rant. but, in case you don't know, the tx for cancer do cause wild emotional swings, and i really recent when im expected! to be "cheery" all the time..

       the old indian saying.. "don't jusge a person till you've walked a mie in their mocassins... IMHA only..     3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    3jays - it is ok to be down sometime.  We all are from time to time.  Sending you {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and wishes for a happier tomorrow.  For now enjoy being down, sometimes it helps just a much as being happy.  It is just different.

    Everyone -say a prayer for SV as I think she is finally ready to get the help she needs without running away from things that she does not understand or may be scary.  Pray that the doctors will be sensitive to her fragil condition and take the time to explain things to her.  I know we all care about her, sometime in spite of herself.  I am ready to provide any physical help I can for her, but we both will need your encouragement and prayers to get through this. Thanks to all of you. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, this is a Kookaburra. We have a few in NZ which have managed to escape Aus. (Don't mind these ones but many Australian species are bad news in NZ)

    image alt="" />image alt="" />

    Their song is really raucous'

    It is Monday morning here so had better get a move on and go fro GD and take her to music and movement.

    Big hugs to all.

    Can't type this morning!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Alyson....that is a beauty of a bird even if it is noticeably loud.  Hope you all will feel better soon. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    OMGG-the Kookaberra is so freaking CUTE. I thought it would be humongous!! SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011
    • Kookaburra sitting in the old Gum tree,
    • Merry, merry King of the bush is he.
    • Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra,
    • Gay your life must be.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    That's it, Ginger....that's the song.  We sang it at girlscout camp.  Do you know the one about Two Blue pigeons? or   Dem Bones gonna rise 'gain (like in again) or the ship Titanic.  I loved camp.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011're not being politically correct!!!! a gay bird... tut'll be getting excommunicated next. ( my brother is gay, but I'm NOT allowed to say that  over here )

    Nothing going on here today...I went back to bed for 3 hours this afternoon...sheer boredom! I didn't want to sew, read nor listen to audio books, I just wanted peace. I had to clean out my outside dog kennels this morning, G/son couldn't make it, so that did for me today..I just grabbed a quick coffee and retreated to my bedroom, shut the curtains and was asleep pretty much straight away.

    Oh, one thing I did manage to do while I was outside this morning was set fire to my hair !! Having a bit of a fire, lots of old papers to burn, and I leant too near the fire....silly me. It sizzled and flared up , and scared me to death, there's no lasting damage, just one side a bit shorter than the other now.WHEN I can find my decent hairdressing scissors I will clip so both sides match. Have a feeling DD has borrowed my scissors, so it might be just easier to buy new, as she'll never remember to return them...meanwhile looks like I have to use my sewing shears.

    3jays...I have been walking around with my camera lately, got a few things to post, but I think it will be beyond me to post here. I found out 4 pages of instructions I had printed out in 2006 that Fumi had posted, fully intending then to get on and teach myself to post, but never did. Probably FB will be an easier bet than bco, I managed to post 1 pic on FB, and was only sat at it one afternoon !!

    I'm hoping to have a sewing day tomorrow. Got 3 skirts on internet, arrived on Friday, and they all need to go up 3"-4". Two will be straight forward, but the third one will be trickier. Its got 6 panels, and has a balloon hem, lots of darts to shift around to get the correct look. I very, very rarely wear skirts, much prefer pants and jeans. Live in jeans at home, but just decided I fancied a change. I also got myself a new jacket 2 weeks ago, bit stupid, as its winter weight, but I really wanted it !!  I will be lopping 3" off the length, and 2" off the sleeves, but it is a tricky job, as it entails altering the linings as well. I shall just about have to take the jacket to bits to do this job ! It is just magic now I am on my own NOT having to answer to 'whats THAT you've bought now ?' Was always a rush to get to the postman first and throw any parcels behind the door quickly before DH could see and complain, or I would have to leave parcels in my car 'til the coast was clear !!  I have always bought lots of clothes and always will !! 

    Midnight here, so completing my lazy day by going to bed early.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Of course its loud, its Australian! And it is quite big about 30cm- 12inches tall, much much bigger than a kingfisher: actually about twice the size, at least of our kingfisher.

    Had a lovely time with GD at Mainly Music, then had a quiet wander around the mall. Sometimes I really enjoy just being by myself.

    Isabella, I should be getting out my sewing machine, maybe later inh the week, first I have to sort out material and things that need altering. Trouble is if I start sewing I will start doing patchwork. 

    Must make a cup of tea.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Marybe and Ginger -  I grew up going to camp and not my DH works for a non-profit camp. I think camp gets in your blood.  Such fun times.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    Isabella -  Gays are still discriminated against by a lot of Americans but I wouldn't call the term gay truly politically incorrect.  Gay rights and gay marriages are being recognized in more states every year.  Even in states like Washington where there are active anti-gay groups, gay pride parades are common and we have a civil union law though it keeps getting challenged.  Even a small town like this (approx. 5,000 residents) which has an embarassingly broad streak of bigotry, has a sizable large community of openly gay members.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Isabella-ROTFLMAO!! You set your hair on fire-good Lord woman you are a farmer-farmers don't set their hair on fire-and yes a gay bird-we have one here that looks like that (i have to look it up). It's body is smaller than a golfball withe head and tail attaches and whe it yells, it woiuld stampede aherd of horses!!  SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited March 2011

    Every summer we were offered the opportunity to go to summer camp, and every summer we declined. Boy, it would be nice if my parents offered me a 3-week vacation now!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Good Lord, I can't believe all the cooking and sewing you ladies do and so successfully.  Last week I gave myself a second degree burn on my arm, in as many months, cooking the same thing, in the same pan.  In Home Economics, I put a zipper in upside down in a skirt, and while putting a cuff on a sleeve, I sewed the sleeve shut!  Been very out of sorts the last several days.  The fibromyalgia has me in it's grip.  Isabella, words fail me as to your hair.  You might trim with pinking shears and really start a new trend!   

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Good morning Ladies,  Sorry I missed you on Skype, Allyson.  I actually went to bed at about 10 last night, turned on the tv and fell asleep, woke up a little after midnight, got up and brushed my teeth and went back to sleep so I guess I needed it. I will be very happy when Boardwalk Empire starts its new season on HBO. I have been dreaming about a deceased boyfriend a lot lately and I never did before so am wondering what is up with friend Kathy said I only have to worry if I dream about fluttering wings. She told me the hairdresser at the assisted living place her mom was at said she had told him she would only remember wings flutter from the dreams she was having when she woke up. Vic was not wearing wings so guess I am safe.

    My tax info is just about organized, but I discovered this morning I cannot find my little date book and I am lost without it so am hoping maybe I left it in Portsmouth or better yet, it's in the car.  I have some PT appts coming up so guess I will have to call since I don't want to break one.  Today I am working for the other hygienist since she filled in for me last week and I must say I really don't like working on Mondays now that I have gotten used to being off.  That means a four day work week before I take off for Dad's again on Friday AM so I doubt it I get anything accomplished here at the house at all before then.  Susg, I hated home ec, probably because of the teacher and I never did learn to sew, but I will say they taught me  how to make white sauce and if you know how to make that, you can make gravy and cream sauces and it is a good basis for just about everything.  H&S,  My friend who went to camp all summer had no say in the manner at all....her Mom was a teacher and she wanted her summers as HER vacation so poor Cyndee got shipped off to camp for back to back sessions and was there all summer....I just went a week or two to keep her company and I always liked it.....except that year we were in the horseback riding unit and I slid down the neck of my horse when he stopped to graze and then Jr.Lifesaving was not much fun either because I thought my partner was trying to drown me when we were doing the life saving skills test....kicked her in the stomach and swam away, so I failed. And cleaning the latrines was no fun, but for some reason the scent of PineSol always brings back good memories of camp.  And then there were the chigger bites and the bugs..  In looking back at it , I was not much of an outdoors woman at all, but I did like the camp songs also I liked Campers Stew which we made on the fire and I loved Campers sodas where you stuck a peppermint stick into an orange and sucked the juice thru it.  Food....guess it's always been a huge part of my life. Ah, Well, it's off to the shower and then to work.  Have a good day.  .

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
    -- Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Great quote Barb as I tend to love them so much.  I have seen that one often.  I think most peopel have all three minds at work.....just depending on the situation. 

    Here is one I have always liked:

    Good character is that quality which makes one dependable whether being watched or not, which makes one truthful when it is to one's advantage to be a little less than truthful, which makes one courageous when faced with great obstacles, which endows one with the firmness of wise self-discipline.
    - Arthur S. Adams

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011
    The seasons are shifting, The winter shades lifting,
    The springtime is filling
    Earth's children with mirth.
    The daffodil yellow, The south wind so mellow,
    The gentle rain falling,
    Upon the green earth.
    The song sparrow singing, New life quickly springing,
    All nature is telling
    A tale of rebirth:
    The deep wells of being, Beyond each day's seeing,
    O'er flowing with new Life,
    Restoring the earth.

      - David E. Bumbaugh, "Spring",
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Morning ladies.... I don't actually know where you get that 3Jays...about "attacking" someone when they are down!  If you go back & read the last 100 pages or so of this "public" discussion board, you will be happy to see that absolutely no-one is, was, or has been "attacked.

    THIS is how it used to be...when we all got along, & when we all supported each other....None of this "ignore" whether it is the button, or just plain ignoring one of your "fellow" women with breast cancer.  We have ALL had breast cancer....and what's more important, we are all "older women".. And we are supposed to have more sense!   

    So I don't really thinks it's very "grown-up" to "ignore" ANY woman, because we all see things differently!   It's like standing in the school-yard watching a bunch of little girls talking about someone who "doesn't belong"....Who "doesn't really have cancer"....who is a "troll"....It's just such terrible behavior, especially when you all have Face-book, email, PM's, and Skpe!   Keep all your little "off-hand" remarks there, and not on this public forum. 

    This used to be a discussion board for any older woman who has/had breast cancer....Someone who needs help & maybe a friendly shoulder to cry on...Not this pick and choose who you like or who you don't like.....

    So you can keep this "public discussion" group just to yourselves....I'm just glad I remember what it used to be like.....When there were so many of us who really cared about each OTHER!

    And you can report this post if you want to, because I have already reported it myself.

    Sincerely, Jeannette

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Chevy what on earth are you talking about? I am mystified. Let me go back and read and see if I can find what offended you.