Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Chev, if this was what set you off, you need to re-read it because that was not about being attacked, it was an affirmation especially when read with the previous paragraph about affirmations. ?????

    3jays said 'i don't sit it, rarely share it here, but we've ALWAYS said we could share any feelings, and it was "safe" to do so. so, please, no attatcks about being down..   the nice thing about being down is, there's always up to go!!!'

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Exactly Barb..... Actually nothing "set me off."  I have been reading this discussion board for the last 3 months....and not posting because of  how this has turned into a "private" public forum.   This is just for the "select" few now....and anyone who would like to post, is either ignored or never comes back.....

    I might have  lost my hearing, but I can still read.... EVERYone belongs here....not just 5 or 6 older women!  

    Who is attacking someone when they are down?  Not anyone that I know of!  That's the whole point. 

    We ALL get down...NOT just one or two of us....And yes, the nice thing about being down is, there's always up to go!!!  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Chev, as you said this is a PUBLIC forum and whoever wants to post here is welcome to do so as long as the post does not break the rules of BCO.  I really do NOT understand what you are all upset about. If this is what you are mad about:

    This is just for the "select" few now....and anyone who would like to post, is either ignored or never comes back.....

    I might have  lost my hearing, but I can still read.... EVERYone belongs here....not just 5 or 6 older women! 

    That is a figment of your own imagination and in no way reflects my views nor anyone else here, I think, although I can only speak for myself. I am truly sorry you are in such an unfounded uproar. You are clearly attributing bad behavior to members of this thread (myself included) and I for one, will not allow you to impugn me. Please read paragraph one several times until you "get" it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    I get it Barb!  I did not "impugn" anyone.  And how come all of a sudden, all of this is a "secret?"  Everyone knows the "history" going on here....

    So don't worry.... You all can have this discussion board.... Who wants to post where they are no longer welcome?   I was on this forum before most of you....I mean if you read the link I posted, showing how we all got along!  What happened?  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    I don't know. Jeannette. I thought we all got along great with one notable exception who chose to be judgemental, condescending and at times very patronizing. She then chose to leave. Her choice.  The world (and this thread) is a much calmer and less stressful place now. As it should be for ladies recovering from BC.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    OK gals, I thought everyone would enjoy this mouthwatering photo of my birthday dessert we had on the cruise. The dinner was served in our suite and we were in bathrobes. Decadent. But the dessert was REALLY decadent and we ate every bite.  She says as she heads out to watch sunset and listen to a duo in a beach bar. Note that DH was NOT the star of this pic.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2011

    I read this thread everyday because I always end up feeling better.  I recognize familiar names & enjoy reading about different subjects.  I'm waiting (aren't we all!) for results from my lumpectomy & sentinental node.  I haven't written much because my thoughts are still all over the place & haven't settled yet.  I feel I've gotten to know you but I'm hiding over here in the shadows.  I do want you to know you make me feel so much better.  Thanks for being here!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Mostly are always welcome here....You know, the hardest part is the waiting....But just get the results of your tests, keep track of them...and keep all of this information where you can find it.  

    We've all gone through this....and that's why I would like to stay on this maybe help someone like yourself who is afraid, & depend on us gals for support & maybe a soft shoulder...."just because"..... It's just easier, to go through this with other women who have "been there, done that." 

    So don't hide....stay with us....((((hugs))))

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    ahh, Barbara.. great!!qoute!!  so, lets see, glad tthe church ladies came thru with yummy foofd, SV take the immodium, and dont wanna hear you get tx and turn it down, ever again,,\\.. i know its' hard, but think first! AMYJO; i planted all day yesterday, and am no good for anything today. we're ALREADY having a drought in so. fla. so, everything that was reaDY to be transplanted, went inot scotts moisture control.  that, and i mulched the front garden, so it will retain moisturre, as well. i've replanted many of the butterfly "volunteers" and the butterflies should be here soon! we put in a shade house this year on the patio. now, we'll float a screen for overhead for me. i have a "personal mister" to set up; and then, i sit with my doggies and enjoy spring.. by midsummer its' too hot for any of us, mister, or not..congrats on finishing the rads you have, 6 more to go, girl YOU CAN DO IT!!!

     laastly , SHEILA: jow wonderful with the magpies! they really ARE good impersonators.. i have sparrows who sit in a large tree by my villa, and they"sing back to me" they recognize my voice, now, and never fail to start when im outside.. they sing, i imitate, it, and they go, and so on, and so on. its' always been that way for me. we have a few cats nearby, so i won't feed them, lure them to their death, so, its' long distance.. waiting to hear about the wedding, ISABELLA>> oh, and Alyson, you got the right person on skype, but i gottas figure out how to answer.. got CHRISSY thre other night, but my laptop didn't have a webcam. we thought it did. CHRISSY, i bought one today, so will get on, and see. not up to snuff today, so maybe not tonite. still having ALOT of trouble sleeping. so, just dowhat i can, when i can!!

    be well ladies, MARYBE.. i haven't cked my email yet. will write ya later, g.f!     3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    We are back home..the Indian Wells Tennis was great...

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited March 2011

    I think that what Chevyboy was referencing is regarding the mention about ignoring certain people on this board. Although people aren't fighting, a number of references have been made. I needed to delete one yesterday by a member who posts on this thread. It certainly does not make for a warm atmosphere. There are two "groups" posting, with a few who aren't in a group. BCO would love to see it come back to where it used to be as well. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Hi all

    Hope all the newbies are doing well, we have been there so do understand how you are feeling.

    Just back from playgroup with GD. DD2 is waiting for baby 2- was due Saturday just gone.
    She is very tired and has a cold as well. Had lots at playgroup today but also several 2yr old tantrums. Bea and another little girl decided to tip sand over each other - they were quite happy with the outcome!

    Will find a picture of one of our magpies for you 3jays. The Australians have exported them over here as well.  We have a bird called a Tui which is a wonderful mimic as well, they often call just like a phone ringing or whistling a dog, its such fun. I was amazed at the different birds I saw when I was in the States last year.

    image alt="" />image alt="" />

    A magpie and a tui. 

    Have just made six jars of green tomato chutney - it was a bit thin but will be fine.

    Big hugs to all

    (Corrected spelling)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Alyson, I love that photo of the

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Allyson, lovely. Welcome once again Mostlymom. Big hugs for you.

    Mods, really not sure why you are involved. We had issues some months back where a certain member attacked another in a patronizing, disrespectful way and we, on the thread,  handled it by stating that we did not appreciate the the disrespectful and patronzing and downright mean posts and perhaps if they felt the need to do that they might want to find another thread to post on. All was well until very recently. All was handled respectfully.  

    I think that we can handle our differences as ladies.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Saw these today..don't you love the shadows

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Beautiful, Lisa! Great pix! Check this sunset out from tonight.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    wow Barbara, that is one beautiful picture

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Lisa,  Were there more people there than in the pic?  Looked like wonderful weather. 

    MostlyMom,   Waiting for test results is always the worst part of this whole deal , in my opinion at least.  When you know what you are dealing with it is much easier than imagining what if? I always go to the hospital and get a written report for myself because I like to see it in writing and also know that way know for sure that they are not keeping me in the dark about anything. I hope your results are good.

    I really think I am getting the hang of this Skype thing.....just hope it really is free as they said and I don't get a big fat bill at the end of the month. 

    Going to bed early tonight since tomorrow is a 7AM work day.....really dislike those.  Goodnight, ladies.     

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, there were alot more people there for the was probably just

    the first game of the can only go into the stadium on cross overs

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Evening everybody.  Mostlymom, everybody is driven borderline crazy with the waiting and anybody diagnosed with breast cancer (or any other kind for that matter) can sympathize and identify with you!  Waiting for results is like a limbo you can't escape.  Two days after my diagnosis we went on a long-planned first ever family vacation (well, the first since the kids grew up) complete with our daughter, our son and DIL, their one year old baby, and even DIL's mother.  It was so hard for me, because you know all I could think about.  And it was always on my mind, always.  Anyhow, once the surgery was over, the results came in, and I was actually taking action, it gradually got better.  It will be the same way for you, too.  The waiting stage is just so hard.

    We kept GS today because he has conjunctivitis and is persona non grata at daycare today.  He's really talking a lot more now, albeit a word at a time as he learns them, although some he just hasn't grasped.  All food is now "hot", including the popsicle I gave him this afternoon!  

    I'll try to catch up here tomorrow if I can.  Haven't read any posts except the ones on this page today as I've been too busy, and am going to Raleigh tomorrow for a retirement lunch for a co-worker.  Bed, here I come!  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Chevy....I hope you will keep posting here with me.  You have a beautiful shining soul and you talk with your heart.  People who care often talk from that space.  Those are the people I listen too as in my humble opinion they are the most genuine people there are.  I appreciate you and care deeply, always.

    Mostly Mom -- glad to see you again.  Nice to know you feel good about coming here.  Some of us got done with all the harder parts of this journey some time ago, but do wish to stay around to offer whatever comforts we can --- someone did it for us and it made a difficult un-planned trip much less harrowing.  If we help your step be just a bit lighter along the way then good. 

    See you all tomorrow.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    i don't really know what to say anymore.. this is the first time my name has come up, and im very upset by this whole thing!

       remembering that i came here for encouragement, hope and support. and thats' what i've found.. whether i was feeling down, or very happy, you ladies are there for me, and for that, i thaank YOU!!

       Alyson, thanks for the pics of the birds. they went straight to "my pictures"..      3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Everyone must be asleep, haven't even seen the Aussie girls on tonight. Hope you all slept well.

    Big hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hi ALyson and all, had a visit from my SIL today and it was wonderful!  I haven't seen her for some months so it was lovely to cach up again and have a good ole chin  We have always been close but it seems that since my brother's death three years ago, we have become even closer.    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2011

    Hey Alyson, not asleep, I have been watching the moon rise because I missed it the last two nights due to heavy cloud cover.  I just had to get my latest camera out to try to get some pics and am delighted with the results.  It got better shots than looking at it with the naked eye and because there are still a few clouds about the pics look as if the sky is on fire.  The first two shots I just held the camer in my hand and the moon was a long thin shaky line.  I then attached a tiny tripod to it and got really clear shots. I wish I could post them here but I have tried and Mozilla is very picky about this site..........won't let me cut and paste for one.

    We have a gang of teenage Magpies who show up every so often and they have me in stitches with their antics.  Two of them go for the same worm or bug and then start a fight with one lying on it's back and screaming blue murder while the others rush over to have a go all teenagers, they are bullies.

    Got to baby-sit tomorrow so, fingers crossed, there's no food dramas this week.


    It's now 10:11pm here and the moon is above my roof so no more pics.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hi Sheila, good luck with the baby sitting tomorrow hope you have a fun day with the littleun!  Do you use Picasa for your pics?  It's free on the net and works well with cut/paste for posting pics here.  I would love to see the moon rise you have just snapped!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Barb....I don't think I'd go sassing the Mods right now.  After all we are posting on "their" forum.  Again, this is not a group blog, we are posting on a Publid Forum, And the moderators are doing what they are supposed to be doing!  

    I'm not the one who ever mentioned names...I would not do that.  We all know about the elephant in the room.....  It just never ends, does it?

    If your feelings are so strong about what you perceive as:  "disrespectful and patronzing and downright mean posts and perhaps if they felt the need to do that they might want to find another thread to post on."

    I think your opinions should be handled more gracefully maybe on FaceBook, or email....just not here. 

    Also, anyone can "post on another thread"  or we can start our own thread....But a few of us started here, and we just wanted to stay here!   And we do have every right to do that. 

    Thank you Mods.... ! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Ladies.............What has happened.......I joined this forum in Feb.2011 after getting a diagnosis that none of us either wanted, or asked for.............I found comfort, support, and everything I needed to keep me sane on this site............I had people tell me "get off of there", "what are you doing discussing this with other people", "you don't even know what you have yet, and your already talking about it"...............I won't tell you what I told them, and I'm talking some family, friends, techs, doctors, many of whom said "stay off the computer"...........well I ignored all of them, and found peace, contentment, and information I needed at the time............I'm 1 month from that first day now, had surgery, pathology, and return for my 1st post surgery appt. today..............I am very disheartened at what I have read the past few days........what is wrong with all the bickering, name calling, disgrunteled, posts I have been seeing............Aren we not all in this together........some very bad, others bad, yet others with good news.........I had tremendous respect for each and every one of you.............what has happened.........Maybe I missed something along the way.............I have spoke directly to a few of the women here.....and have joined in many discussions with other women.........If you find someone you really connect it wrong to carry on a conversation with that person.         should we fear offending others because we find a person similar to us.............How many of us love the neighbor next door, but hardly bother with the lady down the street..........come on gals, lets not ruin a good thing, and turn this forum into a place to rant, rave, and nit pick..................Aren't we all in the same boat, and if one of us falls overboard would we not jump in the water to save each ladies have saved me, and put a different perspective on my BC.  For that I am grateful, and always will be...............I need you gals...............hugs.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Ducky, I totally agree. Chevy, I did not 'sass' the mods. You need to relax. I have ALWAYS been respectful and have NEVER been mean. No one is attacking you. Ladies, I hope we can all be a great comfort to one another for the future. (((((HUGS))))) to all my sisters!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    My connection to BCO is now permanent. I don't have to sign in anymore ??? Even tried unplugging my pc, but still get straight on BCO ! Well, saves a few seconds. OK....what a nasty attack on you for no reason, you have many more things going on with your health to deserve that totally undeserved  tirade. Rise above them, they are just not worth bothering with. THIS is why I don't have the time of day for religion, this is the sort of person who pretends to be a do gooder, but who is rotten to the core.
