Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    White Chocolate-I don't tnink i got a chance to WELCOME YOU TO THE POD!! And horray-a gal from Scotland to add to our tribe. WELCOME!! I always write that we are a busy bunch-so jump in with both feet and grab on-I would love to see some pix so learn how to post them thru one of the sites-i use Picasa Website to upload then transfer to here so all can see. OK, tell me more about you!!! Ad wha'd up with all that is going on-this is the club that noone wants to join but this is an incredible group of women!! Hang in there, Big Hugs, SV PS and ALyson, my dad used to "cook dinner for his freaking hunting dogs andleft a huge pot on the stove-Mom was pregnant with me and she came home and ate the whole thing proclaiming it the best stew he had made-and see how i turned out?? My non-stop crying was that 1) I was starving and 2) i had to many freaking clothes on and 2) i was born with celiac spru though noone knew it then so they'd feed me gluten and i'd be sick as a rat-so i cried! More ideas-I am so glad I never had a baby-I would freak if I could not fix it!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    Good to see you back SV.  You sound like your feeling better.  Are you back to breathing normally?  Looking forward to more of your wonderful pictures.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    SV - glad you are back with us.  What is the verdict from the doctors at the EC Hospital?  Did they get you asthma under control?  I was worried about you - still am.

    I have 2 DD and they are so different from each other.  The oldest one was always calling, even when they lived in Germany to ask questions about what to do with her first child and with the second one she was a lot more relaxed.  The youngest one still has never left any of her 3 girls alone with us for more than an hour and even at that she was calling every 15 minutes and her oldest is 11 yrs old and taller than me! Her sisters are 9 yrs and 3 yrs.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    DuckyB-OK IF I READ YOUR POST RIGHT, it is time for the HAPPY DANCE!!!!! Yeehaw gal-so the tumor is smaller than they thought?? I am still whacked on solumedrol and poor Isabella was one of the infortunate few to call while i was in the hospital. Isabella, I am SO sorry, I SO wanted to hear from YOU but i could not keep my mouth shut (been on steroids now for 6 weeks and a lunatic) but wow I was so thrillled that you called-and Chrissy and all-I cannot tell you all what it means to me. And ASheila-you did WHAT???? Fed catfood to the baby-OMG-I am sorry but i am laughing hysterically. If projectile vomiting is a possibility, you have got to get the old duck and weave moves back in there-grandma!!! MY Dad fed his hunting dogs better than Mom (and me after i was born) so every night he would cook up this huge stew-but he forgot to tell Mom-so she was preggers with me and came home and ate the whole thing of doggie stew proclaiming it the best stew she had ever had. Of course Dad had to tell her-like he cannot and still cannot keep his mouth shut. So, no verdict from EC hospital cause I got pissed off and walked out and took a cab home. After three days of intensive testing, they had no answers and I was still breaking ribs (felt like it) coughing my head off. So don't know anymore than when i went in-I cough all night but i can breathe a bit better. it is just too wierd as my sats the whole time were running 97-99 and I could not cough up any phlem (there is none) just this dry hack with a lot of pain in one place. No fever but never run one anyway-just terrible sweats-errgh, can stay awake for about a minute.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    glad to see you back, SV, BUTTT have you got a plan now that you're home..? another dr. for sure.. email me girl/ im worried bout cha...3jays

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011
    I got a lot done at my Dad's even though I really just went for my friend's mom's funeral.  Ron had already been there for two days and had completed quite a bit  and when I got there he went to work on assembling the vanity and ended up not leaving until today.  I get along with the man so much better now than when I was going with him and even told him that he should thank his lucky stars we did not end up together because I am VERY hard to live with and he agreed.   There was a place under the medicine cabinet that had missing tiles and I came up with the idea of putting some of the tile I had left from the kitchen there and he cut them to fit and I LIKE IT and I took a mirror I had with me since I could  not find a medicine cabinet I liked and he just attached it to the exisiting cabinet and he put up the lights I have been waiting to have installed for two years so it is coming along.  I called the guy who does odd jobs for my father and he got the wallpaper off that I had started in a matter of hours so now all I have to do is paint the walls....I am going to do a rust or an orange and do some ragging to emphasize the cracks and old plaster wall since there is no way we could patch them all.....oh we could, but I think the effect will be good once I am finished.  I am also going to spray paint the existing white tile not sure how that will work, but figure it is worth a shot.  Ron asked me today if I was ADD and I said probably.  Drove home late this afternoon through some bad rain and certainly hope that doesn't mean more flooding.  I am going to post some pics of the river and also the bathroom projects.  I am back to being the pictureposting fool, 3 jays.......oh, I love the pics of your dogs on the pet post. The tall one in the middle is my former classmate who now lives in Australia and the other one is my friend Cyndee from met her Barb.  When I see pics like this, I always start rethinking the gray. 
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, you got your Skype hooked up yet?  If you do, do you want to turn it on so we can talk?


  • Unknown
    edited March 2011
    Here are some pics of the Ohio river taken last Sunday .
  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Chrissy,  I am signed on to skype....Now what.?  Definitely need a tutorial on how to do this. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    you need to open it so you will be online.  You will see some contact requests, one of which is me, just click on accept and I will call you.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    I opened it, but I don't see any contact requests....went to how to add contacts, but honestly don't know your skype name...have Barb's and Susan and Rae.....also it tells me I can add facebook contacts in this page I clicked on.  So all I am doing is seeing myself on the screen just sitting here looking perplexed.  I think I will go to bed and try tomorrow. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Well, I just hit a key wrong and lost my entire post, so here goes again.  Welcome home, SV.  Missed you girl and hope you're doing much better.

    Marybe, I like your idea about the bathroom walls.  Post a picture when you get it done;  I'd like to see that, and love the thought of rust/orangy walls.  Sounds like you got beaucoups done today.

    We're babysitting for GS tonight and hope he sleeps late tomorrow.  He's apparently learned a new word, "uh-oh", and he certainly got plenty of chances to use it tonight.  DS and DIL went to our DD's birthday party tonight at a local restaurant / bar, and goodness knows what all they're doing.  DD's 29th BD was Wednesday and I took her out for dinner that night, then yesterday one of her girlfriends from Chicago arrived for a visit.  This afternoon there was a wine tasting party at a vineyard here in town, then the birthday party tonight, and Tomorrow night the family's coming for dinner here and I will cook.  DD's apparently getting as much out of her 29th birthday as she possibly can!  I suppose all of this is preparation for her next birthday, the big 30.  Must think the world will officially end then, I guess.  

    DH has finally begun to improve, so the antibiotic must be working.  It's good to see him feeling better since this respiratory illness has lasted a month now.  It took me that long preaching at him to get him to go!

    Hope everybody has a good weekend!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    maryebe.. i hink its chrissy 57.. chrissy something.. so you should get her

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    3jays, it's chrissyb37.  What's yours?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    3jays, I just sent you a contact request.  Turn your Skype on!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    good tomsee you, chrissy. am still tryin tofix webcam for next time!! 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    alyson, yes, it was me you got. don't know how to answer yet,...duh.. im a slow learner.. ask chrissy, she

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Kathy, so glad your hubs is on the mend. MaryBe the batroom looks great!! Gals, I have Skype hooked up. I will see who is online later this AM and give a holler. SV, you really need sustenence. Be sure to eat!!!

    Have a great weekend all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    I found a reallylovely affirmation that I'd like to share:

    I help the world
    by keeping my mind still,
    not indulging in emotions
    that cycle endlessly,
    and going deeper
    into the consciousness that I am.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Hoping for sunshine today.....Spring is starting to spring and I an anxiously waiting.  The green here and there that I can see is having the deep, clean vibrant green that comes in Spring.  A strange, long, cold winter and I am glad that we are ready to start the awakening from it. 

    Hope you all will have a fantastic day.


  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Barb.  I know it was a typo, but I had to laugh when I read batroom....I hang out in there with Robin when we are changing.   We did used to get a lot of bats in that house....they would come down the chimney so my mother closed it off with a big shadowbox type frame that she displayed things in.  Nice talking to you last night and you also 3jays.   I will try Skype again this evening, Chrissy

    This is the other bathroom....the one on the 3rd floor....we moved the black front the lst floor up to there since it was just not practical for my father who never bothers to wipe a sink out let alone clean a toilet.  Ron tiled the floor and I am going to use beige and black and will paint the big room up there which now has twin beds, some shade of brown so it will all sort of run together.  When and IF we ever move to Portsmouth, the 3rd floor will be "guitar center" since Tim certainly cannot hang out in the basement really is like a bat cave...big stone walls and smells musty. Although, now that I think of it, HmmmmmmWe then put whit in the lst floor bathroom.   And now, I can't believe it, I am officially finished shopping for toilets....or stools as I guess the contractors call them. 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011
    Since I am in a picture posting mode today, here are a few from my hometown...a charming little place which was wonderful to grow up in and is great to retire to, but I can't say much for the inbetween years. Which is why the town is shrinking rather than growing....about the only thing is  has going for it, is Shawnee State University and I shudder to think what goes through an out of town student's mind when they look around the place.  My church, the Portsmouth Brewery Arcade and our floodwall which is all murals.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Hi everybody! My son and his wife and our grandkids are here, 3 yr old boy and 7 yr old girl. I am so happy they are here, it is wonderful to see them. Our DD came over with her 6 month old and the kids had a blast playing together. 

    I had three housecleaners come yesterday and I am really ecstatic about it. I hadnt had a cleaner in an occupied house since 1974. About time eh? I am going to do it again sooner than 37 years. 

    I have 3 boosts left. The fatigue has hit hard. I feel like I have lead on top of my arms and hands and feet and legs. I am getting tired so fast. My knees kill too. Now I understand fatigue, I didn't get it before. Ah, all the lessons that BC has taught me. 

    Marybe I hope your eye problems get fixed soon. You don't need anything else just now. The bathroom shopping has worked out and it sounds like you are makoing great strides in getting it all done. Good for you.

    SV please eat, you need to heal. Have you been in touch with the Docs from the hospital to find out your test results? You had to go through the tests might as well find out what the found.  I have had pneumonia and the cough was the worst, I felt like I had broken my ribs too.

    I hope everyone is having anice sunny weekend. I am happy to see the sun here it seems like it has rained for weeks on end. 




  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Hey Jackie!  How can you always be in a good mood, with all that is going on with your feet?  Ha!  It's beautiful here today also....I'm just starting more tomato seeds in those little peat pots...

    My ears are a little better!  Smile  I just don't wear those HA's all day...when we come home from somewhere I take them out...Now my puffy ears don't itch so bad....and they're not as red!  Okay, onward & upward....Ha!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011 nice to see you again.  Good moods....they are always better and more productive than bad ones.....and you make less mistakes when you are in a good mood. 

    So great news that the hearing aids are working out.  Did you ever think that something like hearing loss would happen.  I sure did not think my feet would go down the tubes.  Glad there are a number of remedies which I'll be looking into soon.

    Your're pretty good at that too, aren't you.  Maybe you think like me......Life is just  TOO DARN SHORT to put up with ailments that have a fix.  There are enough road blocks, false starts, wrong turns and all.  No point putting up with it that I can see.

    Like you....onward and upward.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    I have got an invitation to a wedding in May...a gypsy wedding no less. Very suprised.

    I wonder have you seen the BBC documentary series yet ' My big fat gypsy wedding' ? It was riviting. I watched the whole series, never thinking I would ever get asked to one....but I did !

    I have a friend who is a proper gypsy. He suddenly turned up on my doorstep about 30 years ago, asking could he keep two of his horses in one of my fields. I couldn't think of a good reason to say no, so he brought his horses, and now has about 20 in my fields. He pays up his rent regularly, and has never been a moments bother. He has 12 children and can neither read nor write !!. Now and then I have helped him with reading some of his mail, and have filled a few forms in for him. His accent is terrible for me to understand, tho' with the passing of the years its got easier. He is a mixture of very strong Irish and some Welsh, and his wife is Irish. They both talk so fast it is hard to keep up with them when they get telling the tale. He did live in a caravan when I first got to know him, but as his family grew he bought a bungalow, and they all squash in there . And , would you believe, his name is Elvis !!! At first I thought it was a sort of nickname, but, no, Elvis he is.

    He flagged me down 2 days ago, jumped out of his truck, and asked would I come to his daughters wedding. I am tickled pink to have been invited, but as is the way with these affairs no-one knows where it will be held until the day before. This is because none of the big wedding venues want gypsies on their premises, and will cancel the reception if they get wind it is a gypsy wedding, leaving the wedding party high and dry at the last minute. ( From what I hear gypsies are prone to shouting and fighting, and usually the tradition is that the reception ends with a massive food fight.)

    I have said I will go, but what I am letting myself in for I don't know. I can always feign illness and leave if it gets too lively, but I'd really like to go just for the experience and will want to stay 'til the bitter end and watch all the fighting and food fights !!!! Transport will be laid on for me, and return transport at night, so should be a hoot. I shall probably wish I had never met Elvis by the end of the night. He has 6 more daughters coming along !!!!

    Sheila, I laughed my sox off at your cat food incident, never mind it won't hurt him...'what doesn't kill them makes them stronger' I always say when people come here and see their kids getting a bit of dirt on their hands. Sometimes you have to wonder whats in cat food these days, the stuff I buy smells to high heaven, but my animals love it !!

    Lovely warm Spring day here,trying to stand upright for more than 10 mins , to do some tidying up, but my back starts to complain and I think I have spent more time sitting on the seat watching the world go by than actual gardening.



  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Oh, Isabella, the Gypsy wedding sound like so much fun.  I can picture a big tent with lots of wine and long flowing skirts and streamers.   I know the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but not gypsy.  John Cobin was in it....ummmm, very nice looking actor....think he lives with Bo Derrick now. 

    Ginger, hang in there.  You don't have many more to go.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    A little aside on Bo Derek......she is 55 years old.  Somehow ( maybe because John Derek was so much older than she, I thought of her as much younger.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    It has been a beautiful day today.  DH took me to Home Depot to get some potting soil and some plants.  The trip wore me out so I had to take a nap before I could start planting anything.  I did manage to get all 20 plants in pots and re-pot 2 plants that needed it and the started some tomatoes and peppers in those little peat pots.  By the time they sprout it will be time to transfer them to the garden DH has outside.  DH put a table up in the shade of the house for me to do all my potting so that I would not have to be in the direct sunlight.  He takes such good care of me.  I had to take another nap after the planting session. It is getting late and I need to go get ready for bed.  I think tomorrow will just be a day of rest and more rest.  I am almost done with rads.  I only have 6 left and I am so ready to be done.  Hope everyone has a good nights rest.  Amy Jo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    MB, my head is spinning over the Skype posts-Good Lord!! and Isabella, rolling on the ground-your first gypsy wedding-like a proper gypsy?? What the heck is that-oh I know I watch BBC too!! You live the most amazing life-how cool to be growing gypsies in you field!! You have all of the FUN!!! (((GINGER-please rest))))) Well, I have had the worst diarreah (TMI) since Wednesday-then the church has the big church dinner social today which is the event of the year-and all of the church ladies brought me buckets and plates of fried fish (best in the world-like ever); hushpuppies; fries; slaw and all the goodies-and what the hay-I went for it and did some fish-but the hushpuppies-OMG-to die for. And now I am sick as a rat so I am trying to sit up and get the grease down. I have the feeling that it is going to be a long night!!! Big hugs, SV just looking for gratitude today!! And Isabella, watching the BBC version of "Being Human" (I so wish you could see the American one because it is hysterical-not dark and well-English) but watching Robbie Greene back on the tele-OMG-I could drink his bathwater (oh no, I am going to get reported again!!)