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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Oh my gosh.....the food.  When I was really young I resented having to eat.  Seemed like it took so much time at our house.  It was not only eating.....but having to pump water at the well and heat it for washing dishes  after.  We did not rinse....that would have taken more heated well water.  I guess growing up we  ate a lot of soap.  Anyway.....since I ran everywhere I went, climbed trees, and did other interesting things.....I never gained an ounce. 

    Now or well, somewhere along the way.....I did finally discover food and how great it could be.   In fact, as most of you know, I was on way too many friendly terms with it when I started chemo.  I have lost 55#'s......but it does not stop me from eating and enjoying food.  I am definitely going to print that cookie recipe.

    Angel food cake has virtually no calories.....I use a lot of it.  I like to take a box of the cake, put in the standard sized can of crushed pineapple ( the one that is the same size as most of the cans we buy at the store )juice and all, and a tsp. of vanilla.  Stir it all up....put it in a pan and bake @ 350 degrees till done......25 to 30 mins I think.  The box would probably say. 

    I also go to our local day old bread store....they sell the square ones I buy up a bunch and put them in my freezer.  When I want a nice snack or dessert.....I get out a cake, slice it and put whatever berries and juice I have in between the sliced layers.  That gives me some of my fruit servings for the day too.

    The cookies sound so yummy.  Glad you are feeling a bit better Marcha.  Doing chemo and rads or whatever you do is sorta the pits.....but you will get your life back.  Some times all you can do is hang on for the ride.

    Hope you all had a fantastic day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    Jackie it is so good to be back.  I dont know how long it will last .  It is the area.  It just goes out.  It is nice to get back.  I went to the arimidax site.  I  got a lot of information.  there are new friends on here. I feel so much better reading posts and feel my symptoms are not all age related.  i have a lot of edema and getquit concerned because I also had renal cell carcinoma.  I never know if its my kidney acting up or that damn little white pill.  I have had all the SEs and they arent fun.  I want to get to know everyone better.  I am Dar with the crazy computer.  Hugs across the miles

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Dar.....Good to know it is not really your computer.  Also nice that you have been able to get in and read some articles on the Arimidex.  I really dislike most pills, but some just pretty much can't be taken out of the line-up.   Like the blood pressure and water pill.  Also I have a Plavix type generic as well as Calcium & D-3 together.  My last test for Vit D.....I was low normal so they are not changing anything.  I can live with that. 

    We just got a mini-pour down.  Bet we have more thought the night.  That is ok......we could use some.  It has been fairly dry the last three weeks. 

    Hope you all had a nice Saturday night. 

    See you in the morning,

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104
    edited August 2011

    Thanks to Chevyboy for letting me know by way of a PM that this thread had become a safe, happy place again.  It was once one of my two favorite forums on  Then it was hijacked and turned negative and spiteful.  I decided I was better off dropping out.  But I would love to rejoin! 

    My DH and I are spending the summer in Alaska.  We've have some wonderful experiences, seen some beautiful places.  Currently we're in Juneau and will be taking the Alaskan ferry down the inside passage.  We're travelling in a truck camper, which has been quite an experience for an "older" couple.  I'm 68 and he's 72.  We own a 5th wheel camper that is more roomy and comfortable but we left it at home in favor of a smaller unit.

    We don't always have internet so I may not be checking in daily.  I look forward to renewing acquaintances and meeting new bc sisters.

    I have been writing a blog and posting some pictures (none as good as SoCalLisa's!).  If anyone is interested, the website is  To read an entry, you click on the date in front of the entry. 

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Oh Wow Carole!  I went to the web-site, and read the first page, so far....  It's obvious by reading this that you are a writer!  Very explanatory & easy to read.... What a great trip!  It sounds like a once in a life-time experience!  

    My Dad was also there in Alaska, building the Al-can highway!!   He told me how the huge trucks would back up with their full loads of sand/dirt, and dump the mix, and keep backing up....That's how each truck would work...backing up, then driving back & forth to start that highway!    He kept a big hand-made wooden photo album of all the places he stopped in Alaska.   I'm looking forward to  reading more of your journey ....It's like reading chapters in a book!  Wink  And yes, I remember so well how this thread was taken over by a select few... but it IS nice here again..... Even Spar pops in once in awhile!   So love to hear from you when you can! never gave up hope about this thread, did you?..... Talk about looking adversity in the face, and ignoring all that was said.....and you did it by only remaing positive and posting your beautiful poems & affirmations.....  And here we are.  Smile

    Morning Dar with the crazy computer!  Ha!   Boy we've all been there.....!  You have had more than your share or problems!  Sometimes I think it helps just taking a break from all meds....then maybe you can figure out what is causing which problems or SE's.  It would just feel better to be able to stick it out with these pills, & be able to think that this helped you from getting cancer again. 

    Okay, better get busy....Love you gals....xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    All major religious traditions carry basically the same message,
    that is love, compassion and forgiveness.
    The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.
    - Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Good morning ladies and a very big rousing good morning to Carole.  I too am anxious to read your travelogue.  I'm pretty certain I would find Alaska exciting and beautiful and I am sure I will thoroughly enjoy "visiting" Alaska with you.

    Yes, we definitely were hi-jacked here, but I hung on, precariously at times, and at times when I was almost the only one posting.  There are still at times some remarks on other threads, but we who chose to stay here.....start here, or come back here are happy and satisfied.  I'm sure none of us wished ill to anyone.......we just wanted this Forum to be what it was when it started.  So glad you are back Carole.....I hope you stay and we will be looking for our next stop on the Alaskan Highway.

    Chevy....I never knew that about your Dad.  How exciting.  What a wonder sometimes....these mosaics that make up our life and the pieces helping share who we are.  

    Thinking of all of you and hoping you have a great Sunday.  I'm off to Alaska now, but I'll be popping in again later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2011

    Hi from downunder ladies, just thought I'd pop in and say hi and ask some of the more experienced Grandmothers here, how do you keep your enthusiasm for your grands (two of) on an even keel when they visit, without putting their parents (sons/wives) off side?

    Sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy shop when they visit and worry that the mothers are getting huffy if I spend too long with the others child.  I just can't seem to help myself seeking cuddles with the little fellas alternately.  We had our daughters 34th birthday today and a dinner at home to celebrate and, though I love the differences between the two babes (11 mths and 4 mths), the differences in the mothers' attitudes are scary.

    Anyone walked this tenuous path before?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    something for Carole:

    ~ We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey. ~ share this  saying John Hope Franklin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hmmm Sheila,

    Wish I had some great words of wisdom, but I don't.  Seems as if each of your daughters ( and didn't I think the same thing years ago when my now adult kids were wee ones ) feels they have the perfect and most lovable baby.  The rivalry is definitely between the moms, but as their is a difference in ages in babies I hope time will help with these emotions.  Moms need to see that EVERY baby is unique while all have different qualities and grandmothers see and RESPECT these differences but certainly don't assign love due to them.  We just love them because they are a part of us -- no other qualification is necessary.  Their is a book ( I don't know if this would help your daughters or not ) called " The Birth Order Book "  why you are the way you are by Dr. Kevin Leman.    I started the book --- got a little lost as I could not devote as much time as I wanted.....and here it sits.  I am going to get back into it.....but you might check for details as to its contents on the Internet and see if it might have some helpful insights.

    Hi to everyone back later I'm sure.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning gals....Sheilah...before I got to the end of your post, I kind of already knew that your little Grand-kids were not your Daughters....  Or you wouldn't be having that worry.... So they are your Son's kids?  Are the Mom's nice otherwise?  They should trust you, and understand that you love them both, & relax when they come over.   I just have Daughter's, and only one has kids. 

    I worried about the two little brothers when they were small, always trying to make sure I paid them the same amount of attention....  I guess in a way, we STILL do, because I want them to know we love them both the same.   Maybe the Mom's are sort of competing with each other?  Are they close themselves?  

    If they do this again, I would talk to each one alone & tell them you feel bad when everyone is together, because for some reason, you have the feeling you don't pay the little kids the equal amount of attention,  but that surely isn't the case at all....and then say, "What do you think?" 

    And if they still make you feel uncomfortable when you are trying to just have fun with both of them, ignore the Mom's.  If you can talk to your Son's about it, ask them "Do YOU think I pay more attention to one than the other?  Or am I nuts for thinking this?"    If all else fails, just ignore the big people.  Kids are more fun to deal with anyway.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Sorry Sheila....I sort of totally missed that it was sons here and daughter-in-laws.  I do still sort of think though.....babies are unique whatever age and I hope the moms will learn to relax and let you just enjoy being a Grannie ---  you can't do everything on a timed basis with babies.  Some are demanding and hard to please.....others are comfy no matter what.  I never had those I do hope things even out. 


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    I just went to Alaska through Carole.  It was beautiful.  Enjoyed it probably as much as you did.  it was great.Sheila I think I know what your talking about weith the grandkids.  But sadly my son died and I think I showed more attention to his children.  But now it has been approx. 5 years and I dont see those kids any more.  They post on face book but thats it.  We moved and now I dont see any of them that often.  My computer is being good.   Has any one lost their hearing from arimadex?  I am going to the DR.I cant hear.  I dont know if its just age or chemicals related.  Hugs Dar

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Dar, interesting question.  I had a "bad" ear before I started Arimidex.  I can honestly say the A has not improved it at all, but I don't truly think it has gotten worse either.  I am having though more problems than I use too --- so don'tknow, maybe the bad one IS getting worse and I just think my overall hearing everywhere is worse. 

    I do know as you age though often you can't hear certain sounds clearly anymore.  My Dh tends to often talk to the inside of his shirt, or wait to say something while I'm walking past the radio or t.v. --- and then complain about the fact that I have to ask him to repeat.  I probably will have the V.A. set me up for a hearing test one of these days.   It is not so bad right now that I can't do fairly well, but I do know it is changing and I do need to keep an eye on it. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.   A bit of a long day for me, so I'm going to go relax. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2011

    Thanks ladies, re the D's-i-law............both girls are very nice but due to their ages, 11month belongs to 25yr old nurse and #2 son, 4month belongs to 36 yr Dr's receptionist and #1 son, and their naivete, there is a small amount of resentment brewing between them. 

    I try to make pleasant compliments about each baby without making it seem as if the other baby is lacking in some way............but by the end of two + hrs, I find I am struggling not to put my foot in my mouth, unintentionally, of course.

    I probably need a lot more practice, being a new grandmother myself.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning everyone!  Dar...., Arimidex IS a chemo drug, just like Tamoxifen.  And I don't mean to make you afraid, but just get your hearing checked.  It could be from Arimidex, or maybe not.  I took Tamoxifen for 14 months....Another gal (on this forum) took it for 6 weeks, and we both lost our hearing....

    But I went to the Doctor, & she thought it must be allergies, so we tried meds, rinses, & EVERYthing thinking we could fix it that way.  Finally she sent me to an ENT...had all the tests, & he told me what I already knew, that I couldn't hear!  If your hearing loss is age related, you will lose the high pitches, and if it is permanent nerve damage, you just plain lose  your hearing.

    I just woke up one morning & my ear was plugged up...and after 8 months, it still is.  I have 100% loss in my left ear, but only 50% loss in my right.  But I would not go to my PC, nor an ENT to have them tell me what it was, again.  The ENT wanted me to pay over $5,000 for a pair.   My friend told me about Cost-co hearing centers..(in their stores) and they give the hearing tests free.  That's where I got my aids, & they were a lot cheaper than going through an ENT or a hearing center. 

    You can also find them on-line, & in every Sunday paper, Ha!  But give it time...maybe it will clear up.  We all know what chemo does to hair follicles, & that's what the "nerves" are in our ears...So if they are damaged, they "lay down" and you won't be able to hear. I quit taking Tamoxifen, but my hearing never came back. Guess it could have been worse.  

     Another thing, MOST Oncologists or PC's don't know about this....But I found a lot of information on the Internet.  Any ENT will tell you that "some" drugs will also cause hearing loss....  But I love my hearing aids, Ha! 

    Dar, sorry about losing that closeness with your Grand-kids....  I guess it just happens sometimes, as they grow up...but thankfully ours are still "with us" everyday, even though they live in Orlando, and are in their 20's.  We talk about once a week, and I treasure those calls..Smile just sounds like the two Mom's are maybe trying to compete with each other, and maybe they don't even realize it....  I would just relax, and enjoy the little ones when you can, even when they are together.  It's the most beautiful thing in the world, to be around your Grand-kids!   I think the Mom's have a lot of growing up to do, Ha!  The little ones will be happy no matter make the best of your time with them....Man, I wish I could "go back" and be young with my Grand-sons again!  I took them EVERYwhere...We made "road-trips" up to the mountains to ride a little loop railroad train above Georgetown, climbed through old mines,  went out to breakfast when-ever I had them, even went on picnics  next to our house beside the irrigation ditch....Cool  So it's like we grew up with them...

    Jackie...did you ever look into those aids you had heard about?   It's just that we don't know how anything will work until we buy it!  Although I did get to walk around the Costco with some aids to see how things would sound....and I was amazed!!  And a LOT of people buy them, then won't wear them....because they don't make sounds the same as natural hearing....You just have to get used to them.  Sometimes it's nice to NOT be able to hear everything....Ha, ha!! 

    Okay...gotta kick start this day....make it a good one! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011


    EVEN A STOPPED WATCH IS RIGHT TWICE A DAY..................................."
  • Phanay
    Phanay Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Hi ya,

    Alas. . . at last I found new posts on "older people with BC."

    It starts out in 2009. I kept going backwards page after page hoping to find new posts.

    Perhaps I'm doing something wrong in looking for this area.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hi Phanay....not sure as you should be able to go backwards to the beginning of Older Women with Breast Cancer.  We were a thread probably in 2009, but then became ( after many of us kept asking for it ) a full-fledged Forum on here.  So....we may only go back to 2009.  I would have to look back myself.

    Anyway....pleased to meet you and glad you found us.  We are a loving small group of older women and share on that level.  BC comes with many, many issues no matter what your age.  I hate hearing that much younger women are getting it, but at the same time, we older ladies get really blind-sided it seems just when we are ready to slow down a bit and relax with adult children, and grandchildren, and maybe only work part time etc.  Whatever stage you are in we will be available here to share it all with you.  We laugh a lot, cry some, joke, and whine and complain now and is a part of this journey we did not wish to take but have decided to do our best with anyhow.  I have always, always is amazing what you can do when you have no choice.  We did not choose this, it chose us.  So here we are.  Pull up a chair.  Our door is always open.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Phanay
    Phanay Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Hi Jackie,

    I have always loved learning. . .anything.  When any of my family wants to know something they ask ME to look it up.

    Right!  That's a lot of work!

    Well, now here I go trying to figure out what all these words mean per the DX.  I just asked my doctor "what questions am I supposed to ask," and she filled in the blanks.  Guess I really should have asked her what the name is of what type of cancer I have so that I could have at least filled in all those questions here when I joined. 

    When she wanted me to get another mammo (1st mammo was from another doctor) because of the first mammo 1 1/2 yrs ago had calcium deposits, I thought. . .

    It's a mammary gland. . . hello!  (LOL)

    My God.  How stupid can one person be.  So. . . I have to wait to find out what kind I have.  I see all of you here know and there are so many names to this BC thing.

    This site has a place where I spent some time reading.  It's about "after wards."  It scared me.  I began thinking why bother.

    I had a 10 per cent chance in 1978 when DXed with uterine cancer.  They said I wouldn't make it.

    I'm the only person in my family that this thing is attracted to.

    I'm wondering . . . after I stopped nursing my children, (3) the doctors never mentioned or gave me those pills to dry up the milk.  It just stopped on its own.  Years down the line I heard women say that they were taking pills to dry up their milk.

    I'm wondering if that has anything to do with attracting BC.

    (((Jackie))) sweet hugs back at'cha. 


    I cannot add to my diagnosis.  Left, breast cancer.  Guess I would have to rejoin after I find out a lot more huh?  Embarassed

  • Phanay
    Phanay Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Laughingly,  hello to all again. 

    Just read about the hearing.  Yup.

    I have to watch tv with the remote in my hand.  Especially those high pitches in womens' voices. Then the stupid loud music that's supposed to make the movie more's dumb, dumb and dumber.  Probably won't be around when the directors and editors finially wise up. 

    My brother is 67. He had been complaining about not being able to hear well.  Tried so many of the stuff OTC.  He said it made it worse.

    Then he told the doctor, and right then and there, they irregated his ear.  He said soooo many large pieces of wax came out.  When they asked how his hearing was now, he said, "I have stereo!"  And it was his primary doctor.  Go figure with these ENT's. 

    I'm thinking of asking my doctor to do the same thing.  I have noticed that a lot of the programs I watch have female actors that just mumble.

    Guess it's me . . . not them.  Very frustrating when you can't understand what they're saying.  Yet the other actors are coming in fabulous.

    I'm not putting down the women, or am I. (I AM WOMAN).  Their voices really are high pitched.  Not all women thankfully. 

    (((love you all)))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning gals!  Phanay, good to "see" you!  So you have not had surgery yet?  Are you still waiting for results from the tests, or biopsy?  

     And you can just edit your information on your "My Home" when you know all of this....Just go to "Edit my Profile" or Edit my Diagnosis" 

      You can ask us lots of questions, but make sure you ask your team, because they are the ones taking care of you.  We can surely support you though.

    Sorry about your uterine cancer....  That can be a BAD one!  Did you have chemo for that?  And no-one really knows why we get breast cancer....  There are so many theories, that it will make you crazy trying to figure that one out.  It's just that for SOME reason  our cells go nuts, and they don't die off, like they are supposed to....... But so far, there is no way to tell why some women get this, and some don't... I thought I was too old to even get a Mammogram...but at 72, they found a small "lump"....I/they, couldn't even feel it, but the biopsy came back positive. 

    If you read these threads on this forum, you will find lots of information, and yes, sometimes the gals get a little wound up, and you just can't pay attention to some of the rants on here, ha!  But a lot of these women have, or are going through hell and back, so even they deserve or support and compassion!

    Just don't worry...make sure you write down any questions you have for your are different than anyone else on here, so you have to be your own advocate, and know everything about your plan, before you start.

    Talk to you guys later! xoxoxoxoxoo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Courage doesn't always roar.
    Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
    at the end of the day saying,
    "I will try again tomorrow."
    - Mary Anne Radmacher

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Good morning everyone.  It looks to be a nice day here.  The sun is muted so there must be some storms/rain somewhere around us.  Got up so late that I don't remember the forecast.....such a short memory I have some days.  Must have been mentally planning through much of the broadcast.

    Phanay  I see you are at the Gateway to the Sequoias.  My folks lived around a little town which was considered to be part of the foothills to the Sierra's.  They transplanted themselves there, as after my Dad passed my Mom came back home here and my hubby and I came as well.  One of my favorite pictures of my Dad is one where is is standing by one of the giant Sequoia ( redwood ) trees.  I know he was deeply moved and very impressed because he did not like his picture taken.

    On to a couple of other things. I think you should have a pathology report ( most of us get one ) and that would give you all the information you need to put up a diagnosis line on here.  Anytime you want to do anything like that just go up to MY HOME.  You can then edit your personal information.....or your diagnosis.  You can change the little statements that you put after your name....forget what that is called.  And you can put us in your favorites or bookmarks -- and just go to that list and get on here from there.  I do that.....just makes it all very much easier for me. 

    Will be checking in with you all later.  Hope your going to all have a stunning day.....or at least a good one.  I get a little over exuberant at times.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Phanay....gotta tell you.... We have used ear candles for years!  We buy them at a little place called Golden Natural Foods, but you can find them at Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage, or probably any health food store.

    They are easy to use, and really get a lot of wax out....even if that is not the problem as to why you can't hear.  The Doctor had to irrigate my Husbands ear once, because he always seemed to push any blockage further back.  But you can google ear candles on the Internet.  I use them about once a month....always thinking I will be able to hear after....but my problem is permanent nerve damage.  I still get a lot of wax out, but it doesn't help my hearing.  I do it to keep my hearing aids clean.  If you slit the candles open after you use them, you can see how much wax was drawn out.....

    Also....don't believe everything you read..... Some women have adverse reactions, but believe me, most don't.... I know I lost my hearing, but MOST women don't. There are so many things that make a difference in your "after-care"..... I have not had any problem since my surgery! And I just accept that "so what if I can't hear"....I can fix it with hearing-aids....

    It's okay to read other threads, but just know that  you are "different" than anyone else!    You can gain a lot of information by reading what other women say... but you are your own advocate for your health. 

    Talk to you later! xoxoxoxoo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104
    edited August 2011

    Hi, everyone.  Glad to meet you, Phanay.  I have been taking Arimidex for 2 years.  According to my dh, my hearing was getting worse before my bc dx.  I do fine as long as I know the subject, but if you hit me with a statement out of the blue, I might have to question you or ask for a repeat.  I suspect my hearing loss is a matter of aging.

    There's a good discussion forum about Arimidex.  I follow it off and on.

    We're in Sitka, AK, a very pretty town with an interesting history.  It was under Russian ownership and rule for about a hundred years before the Russians sold Alaska to the US.  You can still see the Russian influence.  The native Americans, whose name is pronounced Klink-Its, are the Alaskan Indians who carved (and still carve) the totem poles.  This area has forests with huge tall straight trees, so there was an abundance of material for wood carving and for building houses.  The totem poles tell a story. 

    We're set up in a city rv park overlooking the beautiful harbor and a marina.  I enjoy watching the boats come and go.  Today there was a huge cruise ship anchored out in the harbor.  It's hard to imagine a ship holding so many people.  Has anyone in this group taken a cruise?

    Alaska is a very interesting state.  The residents rely greatly on the wild animals and fish to supply them with food.  They also harvest wild berries.  Each household is allowed a certain number of fish and a certain number of deer and/or moose.  Of course, they have to catch the fish and hunt the animals.  We talked to a young couple with two children who said they buy little meat from the supermarket.  They fish and crab and hunt and put the surplus in their freezer to use year round. 

    Hope everyone had a great Wed.

  • Phanay
    Phanay Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Illinoislady. . .Chevyboy. . .Carole Halston. . . Hi ya and good evening.

    I am 2,000 ft above Bakersfield about a foot away from the Sequoia Nationa Park.  Beautiful Black Bears come to eat out of our garbage at the end of the carport.  I get so happily excited.

    I was scared that I had killed them off!  We had them often.  One night I went out to empty the kitchen trash and a most beautiful blonde bear was laying down under the spare bedroom window pawing in the trash.  He/she was not afraid of me, just disturbed at my intrusion.  Many were coming around.  It got so that every morning I would be found picking up those plastic bags from the grocery store and hunting up and down the creek for more of what my household eats or uses.  I was not only doing the 'poop-scoop,' of my dogs, now it was also the neighbors cats and those wonderful bears, 'scat,' it is called. 

    The Bear scat was a-okay!  I was happy about it.  If I could have bronzed it, I would have! LOL.

    But I was getting too many visitors (Bear w/ cub).  That one was scary.  Looked on the internet and was told to put Amonia on a rag and put it in the garbage.  I always go over-board.  You know. If a little is good, then. . .

    We had a huge fire up here for more than a week.  I didn't know if I killed the bears or if the fire did.  So when they began returning, I was sooo happy I cried.

    Chevyboy, I vaguely remember hearing about those candles.  Thanks.

    No I haven't had surgery yet.  After the biopsy, I waited to see my primary.  She is the one that told me I have cancer in my left breast and that I needed to wait to talk to a surgeon to ask all the questions.  She did say that either a mastectomy or (?)  where they could go in and take out some of the breast and node things.

    I told my mom I would be there for her 85th birthday. I asked my dr to give me time before the first appointment w/ the surgeon.  I needed a month.

    Carole. . . don't you know that meat comes in packages!  LOL  Innocent

    I told that to a lady that had a ranch which specialized in meat for the grocery stores.  She got so mad at me. LOL  She was talking about her grand daughter being mad at her because of that movie, "Babe."    I was just joking with her but she gave me the meanest stare.

    I did see a documentry about Alaska and the bears.  Loved it. Love anything that has bears in it.

    I've read so many posts on here.  Today while gardening, my mind listened to my self as I visually reread a lot of the posts and what each has gone through. 

    There is so much heartache that my heart cries.  I had to sit down and cry over a couple of the ladies here.

    You know. . . all my life I couldn't even fill in an A cup.  Then in the last few years, I gained enough weight to fill a B cup.  Sooo happy!  They're so beautiful!  Standing straight out on their own.  Now I may be losing that.

    I keep thinking that I should start "Flashing," everyone in town so that they can remember how pretty my breast were!  LOL  Or take pictures of them and put it on my greeting cards to every one.  Giggles and more giggles.

    My daughter and mom are double D's.  I guess I took after my dad in that area!  (smile.)

    Insurance does not pay for implants. . .right?

    Love you all,


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2011

    Phanay, maybe we should all have the option of a 'bust' made of our busts!............or an impression taken at least, so that we can reminisce about our young selves when we get maudlin in our old age.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning gals....Carole, I remember my Dad talking about some of the little towns he worked in.  Sitka was one of them, and yes lots of pictures of the Eskimo people living still in Igloos...Their whole existence depended on what they could fish or hunt.  I even remember a picture of "ice worms" coming out of this huge slab of ice...or maybe a glacier?  I wish we would have been able to save all of his pictures.   I have never taken a cruise, but an Alaskan cruise would be my first pick!  You are so fortunate to be able to go and your hubby deserve this!  Keep us posted!   I'll have to check your journal...are you posting in this as well!  Have fun, dear friend!

    Phanay, make sure you don't wait too long to talk to a surgeon.  I was just anxious to get it all over with!   Make sure your surgeon has all the reports and Mammograms, and I think you already know what questions to ask.  I had a Lumpectomy, then implanted with the MammoSite Device to give me the radiation.  A lot of women cannot have that, but depending on where the tumor is, etc, you could be a candidate...and it saves a lot of time with radiation. 

    Hi Sheilah!  If I wanted a bust made of my bust, I would have to go back about 50 years, ha!  When I really looked good, I didn't know it.... And we were married when we were 20, so I never thought about that stuff.  Then the next year we had our first Daughter, and  we were finally a family.

    Okay gals....have a fun day....xoxooxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
    Charles Dickens