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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011 are too funny.  Glad you are back.  Hope you put us in your the top of the page on the right side.....across from where it says....jump to bottom is where we get into your favorites....or you can look up to the far left side of your page and see if their is a little box that says add to favorites or maybe on either of those and it will tell you what to do from there.  That is how I keep track of the places I like to save on Breast Cancer. Org and go back too time after time.

    I had a really good day today.  Some times the ones you expect may not be so hot can do a total turn-around   So thank the was a really fine day. 

    I too really like coffee.   When I visited my daughter in California ( we lived out there for 25 yrs. )  Kate would take me to Starbucks ( a place I myself would normally not go ) and order some wonderful iced coffee with a banana blended in.  I thought I was going to hate it, but it was love at first sip.  Had one almost every day until I left.  Good thing we are not near a Starbucks.  As I recall they were rather pricey and I would be a resident of the poor house by now if  I could have gotten those all the time. 

    New appliances....always a thrill -- we older gals end up keeping things till it is not only on its last leg, but the second half of its last leg.  I'm still learning about the new stove I bought a yr and a half ago with a convection oven.....and it even converts the times for me.  I thought it was broke but the repairman laughed at me. I just didn't let it heat enough to the convection fan to come on. 

    Anyway... so glad you are back and hope you don't lose us again. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    Believe in the goodness of life.
    Believe in the power of time to heal and to renew.
    Believe in the power of forgiveness and gratitude.
    Believe in the gift of rainbows and butterflies.
    Believe in the laughter of children.
    - jlh
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2011

    As I posted on the other threads I follow:

    Hello everyone.   Welcome to the newbies.  I have been reading, but not posting.  As with other detours in my life's journey, I am back on the main road and will be concentrating on in person adventures.    A couple of adventures right now:   volunteer club I belong to has a big shake up over the head person's conduct and comments.   Two friends have BC and one has recurrence in less than 6 months and starts chemo Friday.   I will have hand surgery in a week and the other hand once this one is healed.  

    I am backing off from checking the threads each and every day, but I offer my best Hugs, Blessings, Good Vibes, and prayers for all of you.   Nancy  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Oh Hi Nancy!  Been so long since we've heard from you!  I'm glad you popped in!   Jackie knows what it's like...about the volunteer club, and "stuff" going on.  Just makes it miserable for everyone.  Sorry about your friends also..... And YOU!  What is going on with your hands?  Is it trigger finger, or something even worse?  Let us know, okay?

    I's kind of hard to check in every day, but I'm not working, or volunteering or anything like that....just lots of  stuff going on, getting ready for hard-wood flooring....We FINALLY got ALL the rug out!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah!  Moving furniture a little at a time....baseboards...Now I have to paint the floor after I get up all the staples....We get our new flooring next week-end....(fingers crossed)  But even the PAINT looks better, Ha, ha! 

    Okay....just taking a break...gotta go back to slaving....Wink  Take good care gals....prayers back at cha' Nancy!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Nancy....we will definitely miss you.....and all I know will be hoping for good outcomes on your hand operations.  I am sorry to hear that your one friend is having to deal with a recurrence so soon. Seems like, if less that 6 mos.,  that they did not get all there was or something.  We can hope that with quick attention perhaps they can get it all gone now.  I hope and pray so. 

    I do know how difficult it can be with a group of volunteers.  For the most part I just try and get the work done and leave the " politics " of everything behind me as I shut the front door....knowing sometimes a bit sneaks in anyway.  Hopefully while you are busy with your hands perhaps that will get sorted out. 

    Hope when you are back on your feet you will let us know how everything turns out. 

    Hi to eveyone else tonight.  Had a long day so will check back in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    "Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."
    Denis Waitley
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2011

    Third AC down, this one has kicked my butt.  Have felt pretty bad.  Slept most of Sat. and Sun, just got up to eat a little etc.  I find out from ONC that I will be doing Taxol for 12 weeks once a week starting Sept. 15th.  Said we would talk more about it on Aug 25th, my last AC.  I really do not know how I will handle 12 weeks at 172 miles one way and the price of gas, guess we shall see.  I just wish it was over with.  Hope you are all doing well.  Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Oh Marcha... I am so sorry....  I didn't have chemo....but Jackie will help you get through this!  I'm just sorry.... (((((Marcha))))  Hugs for you....

    Yes, that is a long way to go for treatment....Why don't you ask if there is some sort of "help" getting you there...from some cancer volunteer department....Maybe even the Oncologist might know of something?  I know here in Denver, if you call & just ask for help, they will find a way to either get you  there, or help with gas.   I wish it were all over with too....  That is a tough road you are going down....but SOMEday it will all be behind you....  Just don't get discouraged....We are always here, wondering how you are doing.  I wish I could help you more!  Sleep lots, and drink lots of fluids....I know the treatments are sometimes worse than the actual cancer.... It's like you have to walk  through fire to get to peace & tranquility.  ...

    I'm praying for you little friend....xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hi Marcha,

    The chemo is cumulative....which of course just means that each one that we do the se's seem to last a little longer, are generally more annoying, and zap your energy level pretty bad.  The last one is so tedious......your so glad that it is the last one and yet despite knowing ( at least for you ) that you should feel good......there is a little edge that wants to hang on and hang on.  Finally though you just become aware at some point that it no longer troubles you.

     I did 4 A/C --- the first not too bad, the rest horrid with major vomiting.  Felt very tired at times and just generally un-well.  At the end of #4 I really felt I would not have been able to face doing another..............then the 4 rounds of Taxotere started.  Overall... it was not as bad, but I was into throwing up by then and it  just kept on.  The worst of that one was that I developeed esophageal thrush right as I had the first one....oh that was not good.  I hurt everywhere ( Taxotere is known for causing bone pain ) and my bones felt as hard as steel while they were hurting....somehow made it hurt worse to me.  All thru that bout of se's I kept telling myself that I only had to get thru the next ten minutes and I would feel better.  I didn't, but it did help me get through the few days it took for the Taxotere to stop bothering me.  My bones never hurt that bad I think the bout' of thrush turned on the se's far stronger for some reason.  Though I had a sm. amt of bone pain after that....the thing that really bothered me was that my mouth tasted to me all the time like I had been sucking on a dirty penny.  It was hard to eat or drink and found that I had to switch to Kool-Aid which is actually very strong......and so I could keep up my liquids ok

    We get through......even when we are not sure we can go one more step.  I think in part, I was so irritated about having gone so far with it by that time I was not going to let it make me give up.  I actually did think about it though a time or two while they were trying to diagnose the thrush properly.  There never was any i n my was all in my esophagus. 

    Anyway, I will help you all I can get through everything.  Right now it sounds like having to drivde to get the treatments will be the major hard part. 

    Do you have Amtrak train service.  Also, I think you might check around on the pages here and see if you can locate any help with transportation through any of the help pages here at BCO. 

    We will be thinking of you and hoping that something will come up when needed to handle this.  If I get some time I will look through the forum list and other places to see what suggestions might be there. 

    Healing hugs,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing is so gentle as real
                                                                                          - Frances de Sales
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Running very late today, but thought I would tell you, ( sure hope it keeps happening ) that when I moused into here.....I opened up at the last page like I used too.  I hope whatever glitch had a hold of my computer has let go. 

    I hope you are all having a great day.  I'll be checking in later to see if anyone has come.  Thinking of  all of you.....very much Marcha.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
       "My only true harmony lies deep within my soul, wherever that is. I know that somehow I am in tune with the universe."   Mercedes McCambridge
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Good morning everyone.......we are having such nice weather the past couple of days.  So far today overcast...may rain, I don't know but on these super hots days like we have had I don't "need" the sun near as much.  Days are getting shorter.  I'm starting to have to re-arrange the times I do certain things. 

    I am thinking of all of you.  I think Chevy is working really, really, hard, but she is going to be rewarded for her diligence with great floors.  Saying hi to Nancy, Arline, Dar ( who can't post lately ), Marcha, Gram and all the rest and hoping all goes good with all of you. 

    I'll be checking later as I always do.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Hi Gals!  Yes, I did some cement work today, then we took out most of the tack-strip!  THAT was really hard, but he did it....Then again, pounding in nails, or taking them out.   Cemented edges where the sub-flooring did not meet the wall.  But THAT part is done.  I then cleaned the walls.  Also painted around where the tack-strip was.  Now I'm so tired....but it already looks good, ha!  Even without any flooring, except the painted ply-wood.  Still have to clean mirrors & pictures......  Then just wait for the laminate to come in.  I have to sort more "stuff"....I'm getting rid of things I don't use, or need.... 

    Other than that, I'm sitting here having a chocolate coke, Ha! 

    I met my "older" friends that I used to work with, for breakfast....We meet once a month, and that is always fun....

    Yes, Jackie....the weather here is hot, but cool in the mornings!  That's when I love to fool around outdoors! 

    Okay, you girls take good care! Talk to you later! xoxooxoxoo

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011
    Hi  girls,  I think I have my computer behaving a little bit.  I feeel like I am out of the loop.  I have found outr its not my comjputer its the area.  It will usually let me  write one letter then shuts me off.  Sometimes not even one.  IK went off arimadex for a month.  My onc said with me going off one month will not cause my cancer to come back.  I dont think I feel any different.  I want to blame everything on that little white pill.  but think its arthritis and old age.  Think I am going to have to have a total knee.  Getting hard to walk.  My new motto is to be positive.  I have to work at that but know i can do it and so can everyoCoolne.  Hugs ande love to all  Hope it keeps working DAR
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011 great to see you here.  We really missed you but I know these new fangled machines.  I have a tech. service Dh got for me and it seems like I am calling them all the time about something.  Even today....when I log into my Google home shakes all I'll be calling them again tomorrow.  I have this service with them until August they are going to wish they had never sold it to Dh. 

    Dar I also think you are right about the little white pill.  I have done pretty well with my Arimidex but I do notice weather changes more than I ever did since I started taking it.  It's not bad, but I do sort of dread those weather changes.  Otherwise.....I don't notice much at all.  I have things that hurt before I took I think if I do get anything from the pill it is negated and covered up by what was already there.  Works for me. 

    We had a wonderfully cool day for us and it is almost chilly out right now.  About 70 I think.  Easy for me to work up a positive attitude now that I wasn't drenched with high humidity and 100 degree temps.  I did ok, and got my outside work done, but it sure stole the starch quick . 

    Hope to see you all here tomorrow.  Don't work too hard Chevy......I'll have to get on the ball and get something done myself if you keep that up. 

    Hi to everyone.....I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    "You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose."

    Rhonda Byrne

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    ,Jackie and Chevy Marcia,and Gram.  Sometimes I can post when my computer feels like it.  This computer is like a finiky little lady. . Ten minutes from now it may decide I will shut down on you.  Oh well hope everything is going well.  I feel relieved about my little white pill.  I think I am just full of arthritis.  i will go back on it with a different attitude.  The weather here is beautiful.  the sun glistening off the lake.  If it would only be like this in February.  I know it is in Florida but I cant go there.  Hugs to everyone  DAR

  • Arline
    Arline Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2011

    Well Here I am back from the land of white coats and iv's !The surgeons removed the mysterious "lump" from my chest wall and I am home now with just 18 stitches and tape and feeling fantastic and ready to go shopping.  My biopsy was breast material left there. When the surgeon made the incision I warned him about the movie "The Alien" and told him to stand back!  Seems that while performing the b-i lateral a perfect circle (think eyeball) formed under the stitches and the skin closed itself around the strange thing, and it just sat there proudly for these past four months, with no blood supply!  Very rare..  No liquid inside...............just a perfect white circle of play dough .  I asked the surgeon if he wore a glass eye and maybe dropped it!!!!  Yes, girls I was awake, I wanted to see this whole event.  I have to say we really had a good time during my surgery..................jokes were flying and I truly admire these people for their genius.  That was two days ago, and I did stop for dinner on the way home, as I had no drugs in my system., and I was starving.   My husband was a wreck.  So now after the swelling goes down, I will be nice and flat and proud of it!  I hope all of you are doing well.  Hope  your not working too hard Chevy!  I miss your words of wisdom Jackie, Lord know I could use a little wisdom!  hugs..................Arline

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Hi Gals!  Dar....I know what you mean, about Winter time, Ha!  But at this point, I almost welcome the snow....Wink  Summer gardening is a lot of work, even if you don't have any other projects in the mix!

    Arline!  It sounds so good to "hear" you laughing & smiling!  I think you make the best of any situation, right?  Glad that is over....  You have a fun sense of humor!  I sort of watched them when they did arthroscopic surgery on my knee, but the pain got so bad & un-bearable, I closed my eyes so tight I think I passed out!....  That was a GOOD thing.

    Glad your Husband is alright....I think it is harder on them. 

    Hey Jackie....I'm still hanging in there....going to wait until the 16th to call again about the hard-wood flooring....  I know you have to wait for ANY flooring....but maybe it will be worth it, right?

    Okay girls....gonna relax today....  I need to get my mind off of something I can't fix....Talk to you later....xoxoxoxoox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.
    Heda Bejar
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Had a long day today, but a good one.  End result.....I had to call my computer geeks and have a bunch of virus materials and trojans dumped into their geek waste basket.  Wasn't cheap, but I'm now not afraid to use my computer again. 

    I will have more to say in the morning....glad you are back Arline.  Hi to everyone else.  Good to see you too Dar.  In the morning then....I'll be back

    Hugs, Jackie

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011


    Years ago, my grandmother rented her extra bedroom to people taking treatments or their caregivers.  The hospital had her on a list of homes close by.  I guess we'd now call them Bed and Breakfasts.  Is that a possibility for you?  I will pray and I am so sorry this difficult.  

    I'll be praying,  Nancy 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Hi all,

    I was mapped last week and will begin rads next Monday.  I went to a pt.  I do have a bit of lymphedema.  She worked on getting things moving and after that, I felt less of that burning sensation but now have a large seroma.  It bled through the incision some and is quite uncomfortable. I can't get comfortable and falling asleep is difficult. I will have it drained on Monday.  I was surprised how much a little set back affected my mood.  I am working on a new commission and maybe that will distract me.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    ~ Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with. ~    Thomas Carlyle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Nancy....isn't that an experience -- getting mapped for the rads.  Hoping they are as boring for you as they seem to most people.  I am sorry to hear about the seroma.  There are so many little ( and some not so little ) sideroads to this diagnosis and journey.  With you it seems to be how quickly you got some LE to deal with and them a seroma too.  No way to know which glitches will come along to put either a pebble, rock, or boulder in the path. 

    Anyway....along with your painting...thought maybe you'd enjoy the quote.  Sometimes I just pick one and see if it fits anything someone has mentioned.....and sometimes like today I read first.

    Hope you all have a good Saturday.  I'm thinking about you and sending some high vibrations out.  I'll be checking back later on.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2011

    Hi All, getting better again.  Actually had enough energy to put clean sheets on the bed.  Usually Hubby or Daughter would do it, but DH is a t broom shop and D & DG have went to DG's Math Toutoring.  Decided I would attempt and WAL LA got it done.  Went to bed last night at 7:00. thought I was just going to lay down and get rid of a headache, but went to sleep, did not sleep well but got through till 5:30 waking up every hour or two but managed to go back to sleep.Going to do what I feel like today and not even get dressed.  Managed to get to work 3 days this week, just did what I absolutly had to, the gal I work with is great.

    Have been having dull headaches at least once a day, think it may be my glasses.  I really do not want to go to the eye Dr. until this is over, because I know it will all probably change my eyesite.

    Trying to keep my chin up and getting stronger until I go for the last AC.  

    NAD a B&B would not be possible my house is full to the brim, will never know the empty nest syndrome.  I am glad they are here to help.

    Take Care


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    How fun to hear from just about everyone!  Nancy, I had a seroma also, but it's kind of taking care of itself.  Mine WAS a seroma & not a Hematoma....A Hematoma is filled with blood, is that what is wrong with you?  A seroma is filled with fluid... The fluid sometimes fills up a "pocket" left from a lumpectomy, or in my case, from where the MammoSite device was...(which is probably the same pocket as where they took out the "lump"......

    I didn't have to have mine drained...and each time I had a Mammogram, it flattened it out a little more, but I too, was worried for awhile.  It still shows up on the Mammograms, but it feels a lot smaller now.   Let us know after Monday!

    Marcha!   How fun you have a "full house".....It just means everyone cares so much about you!

    Yes, the Empty Nest Syndrome.....  I remember that when I walked my first little girl to pre-school.  I cried all the way home....Cry  I wanted to just wait right by the door of the school....

    And then when our youngest started....  Did the same thing....  But I would meet them by the door of the school, then we would go home for lunch of Macaroni & cheese & deviled egg sandwiches, ha!    Then moving away to College.... sniff, sniff!  THAT one was hard also!   But we still have our youngest (50) close by us....  They'll always be my "little girls".....

    Hope your head-aches ease off a little....Remember to always rest, or sleep when you can.  When is your next treatment?  Geez, you would think you were one of my kids or something. Wink

    Okay I gotta go spray paint all the registers now....  Then straighten up the kitchen.....again!

    Thanks again Jackie for your affirmations and sayings....It always helps to read something positive to get us going again....thank you for that.... Love you gals....xoxoxoxoxo

    (edited to use "spell-check"...Wink)

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2011

    I just made coconut macaroon cookies from an angel food cake mix, pretty good.

    One box angel food cake mix ( one you only add water to).

    1/2 cup of water

    1 1/2 tsp of almond extract ( I did not have almond so just used vanilla)

    Beat water and cake mix for 30 seconds on low. then beat one minute on med.

    Fold in 2 cups of grated coconut.

    Drop onto parchment covered cookie sheets by teaspoonfuls

    Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes.  Cool on rack on parchment paper.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Okay, I just printed it off!  Thanks for that one!  I made this rice dish today...enough for probably 100 people.... but like I said, I'm trying to clean out stuff.

    I cooked rice, saffron, a handful of frozen red & yellow chopped peppers, re-hydrated mushrooms, a can of chicken bouillon, fresh Italian parsley, seasoning mix, and lots of water....then I just simmered it for a couple hours....  We had some for breakfast....It's like "Congee"  a rice dish from Thailand & Viet-Nam....  You can add chicken, I guess.  It also calls for fresh ginger, grated...but I didn't have any, and it tasted good!   Probably have more with our pork chops for dinner.  I've fried, them simmered them for 3 hours....kept adding water, so they are brown & really tender.

    Okay, now what else?  Wink  Theres the main course & dessert... yuuuuuuuummmmmm!