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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone!  Thanks for all the feedback about my arm.  As you 3 predicted, the P.T. fitted me for a sleeve an a gauntlet.  Each visit she did massage and gave me exercises to do.  I am happy to report that my affected arm is the same size as the other.  I am now wearing the sleeve all day and the gauntlet at night.  I have been dismissed from PT until after the holidays.  I don't look normal though.  My affected arm stands out from my body.   I thought it was the lymphedema but instead it appears to be a wad of scar tissue at the sight of the incision  and where the hematoma was.  I see the SO in March.  I don't know what he will suggest, if anything.  I am FATTER than I have ever been!!!  The same faithful friend (Lorie) who accoompanied us to every Dr.'s visit, took me to join L.A.Fitness.  She is relentless, so much that I am crying "Oh God Lorie" in the night as I try to turn over.  I guess you could call that prayer.  No change on the scale but my body is responding and I am stronger and now can do 35 min on the devilish "eliptical".  The center is just minutes from our house so I hope this is a lifelong change and not just a flirt with fitness.

    Re painting Chevy:  yesterday, I finished the big commission and today I will potograph it and have it posted on my web page.   I have the weekend to clean my studion and then have to begin the 2 paintings for Penn State.  I hope these generate more commissions.  In the past, I dreaded commissions because of the level of longer.  I have matured or gotten accustomed to it and now am eager for the challange.  I am also teaching and doing workshops and no longer filled with self doubt.

    Thank you all for being my friend.  The "cyber handholding" has been profound.

    I'll let you know when the new painting has been posted.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Some really good things to keep in mind:

    There are nine requisites for contented living:

    1. Health enough to make work a pleasure.
    2. Wealth enough to support your needs.
    3. Strength enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them.
    4. Grace enough to confess your sins and overcome them.
    5. Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished.
    6. Charity enough to see some good in your neighbor.
    7. Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others.
    8. Faith enough to make real the things of God.
    9. Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.

    -Johann Wofgang von Goethe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Good morning ladies and it is so nice to see you all on this sunny Saturday.  Wish it were warmer out, but it will get better.  The early morning hours have a decided nip. great to find you here today.  Glad you have a good 'handle' going on the LE problems.  As they say....the gift that keeps on giving.  Hope you will be able to find a solution to your arm and get it in a more "natural" position.  Else wise you sound like you are doing all good things. 

    Interesting.....I think sometimes this diagnosis gives you a different perspective on life.  I mean there for a short while.....I worried about continuing to have a life ---  and later on found that my actions and attitudes had changed quite a bit.  I notice more over-all ---- be it good or bad.  I am much more charitable to others than they know, but as well.....I also learned that I need to demand more for myself.  I was more a total giver --- never feeling that I had earned or deserved many things. 

    My "new normal" has put me in a place where I can respect myself a lot more than I ever did while respecting others. 

    Now --- if I could respect myself enough o exercise life could really go well.  I'm still at my 55 lb. loss.....another plateau I guess, but as I wouldn't be interesting in losing much more than 10 #'s I am not truly upset.  As long as I am going to only do sporadic exercise, I think I 'm going to have to start going over to Carole's for dinner.  She's got it going there.  Carole, you make learning about good sound like a fantastic adventure.  No wonder we all enjoyed Alaska with you so much.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week-end and I'll see you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    More veggies for me too.  Carol, I have a friend here in Atlanta who also joined a community supported agricultural co op. One day she came home with an exotic mixture of eggplant and peppers. She filled a bag for me.  The peppers are a challenge as I don't cook much Mexican food The eggplant was great but not my "go to" vegetable.  Think I might explore that here.  It would broaden my puny repertoir.  

    Chevy, I just read your post.  I was a Onco 16 and said no to chemo.  I begin next week on Aridemix and pray tht I can tolerate.  I am shocked to read that your hearing loss was from tamoxifin.  My MO wants me on Aridemix for at least 5 years.....maybe 10 or 15 and then on tamoxifin.  Maybe by that time there will be something with less risk.

    It is funny though, the things that I dread the most, when they arrive are not so bad.  It is the anticipation and the unknown that is so hard.  It is like the Doplar Effect, where the train approaching is at a higher pitch than when it passes.  One thing for sure ladies, like you said Jackie; when we pass through all this our character has been strengthened.

    I feel lucky.  Odd huh?

     Now I'm going to make a new recipe of red quina and black rice.  Really good.  DH is making the salad, I hear.  We'll have a little salmon too.  NO DESSERT for me.

    xoxo,  nancy 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    .....and Chevy, your attitude about your hearing loss is remarkable.  You take everything in your stride.  All of you are amazing.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited November 2011

    Nancy, please share the recipe for red quinoa and black rice.  I recently bought a box of quinoa but have not yet cooked any.  I also bought some bulgar and tried one recipe with it.  I'm trying to get more whole grain into my diet.

    Tonight I made a slaw with some of the napa cabbage from this week's CSA veggies.  I sliced it thinly and also sliced yellow and red bell pepper and two kinds of radish from the CSA.  I made a dressing that was on the tart side (Bobby Flay recipe).  We had this with curried shrimp and brown rice.  The curry sauce was a jarred sauce I bought and it was really mild and delicious.

    I have lost about 10 lbs and have 10 more to go.  Any time I'm trying to lose weight I seem to become more interested in food and cooking!

    I planted pansies and snapdragons in the pots on the patio today.  They look really cheery.

    Tomorrow we're going to Ocean Springs, MS, to a big art and crafts festival.  A former co-worker of DH who lives in Ocean Springs and his wife always have an open house with lots of food.  I will try not to over eat.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Oh my....I read my last post.....I think I left out every other word a couple or three times.  What is up....some form of strange mental dyslexia or is that what people are referring to when they use the term brain fart.  Sigh !!!!  I think I might have been tired and in a hurry.  The veggies much have gotten to me.  If I'd have been eating chocolate candy like I am tonight ( and isn't this perfect so far ) that probably wouldn' have happened.

    Reminds me thought.....eggplant.  When I was still living in California several family members from here came for a visit.  We went up the coast toward Santa Barbara.....I knew where there was a little sea-shell shop overlooking the ocean.  Afterwards, we went back to our condo where I had prepared Eggplant Parmigiana and salad.  After everyone was done eating and I had cleared the table and we were having coffee my Aunt started laughing and know, I can't believe this....I hate Eggplant and I ate three helpings of that and was too embarrassed to take anymore. 

    I have always dearly loved eggplant, and haven't had any for years.  I may be hunting up my old recipe one of these days. 

    Today was a fantastic day.  I didn't do much but I was busy all day.  I hope all of you had a good day too. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Morning gals!  Okay, Winter is just beginning, and already Carol, I want to start planting again, Ha!  We have had 2 big snow storms in just 2 weeks, so I kind of think  it's here to stay. Undecided

    We are just so lucky we can still plant all kinds of beautiful things!   I love growing Tomatoes.  I ordered some "pea" tomatoes, that are supposed to be so good, and the best large ones I know of are the Julia Childs tomato..... I made a little pot of "stewed tomatoes"....At least that's what my Mom always called them.... I had frozen a lot of ripe tomatoes, ran them under hot water, slipped the skins off, & cooked them with chopped onions, mixed red, yellow, & green peppers, a little sugar & butter, and a slice of crusty bread in chunks. 

    And my favorite 'salad' is little pieces of Broccoli, dried cranberries, diced onions, chopped nuts, with a little Mayo.  Except I add the mayo when I serve it.  Last time, I used a little Ranch dressing.  I read, it's a good cancer fighting salad.

    I love your recipes!  I also like ground Flax, mixed with oatmeal, and topped with warm blue-berries.

    Nancy.... I was worried about the 19 Onco score, but at the time, I was just too afraid to follow what the first Oncologist advised, about the chemo.  And my lymph nodes were clear.  I was 72, and just wanted Tamoxifen. 

    Actually it was not bad at all.... Not very many SE's either....Just thinning hair, leg cramps...and I took it for 14 months.  Maybe MY ears have puny "hairs" (nerves) in them.... And what happens is, the nerves are supposed to "stand up" and "move around" to relay sounds through your ear....but mine just "fell over" and never got up again....Wink  I used to think that "permanent" hearing loss would get better, but doesn't.... It's just one of those things we learn to live with.  At least we could afford the better hearing aids...And at Costco, they were only $2600, instead of the ones over $5000 from an ENT representative.

    Nancy, I looked through your paintings again, so I'm anxious to see your new ones!  And I hope you can keep the Lymphedema at least manageable....I know it happens to some of us, at anytime! 

    Jackie....I didn't notice anything "different" about your post, Ha!  But I know sometimes, when I send email, & the person "reply's" to me, it comes back ALL jumbled up!  And I didn't SEND it that way!  

    Carol, I have read 3 books this week!  I'm giving them away when I'm finished, because I get them from Mile-Hi Market place, or thrift stores, for only $1.    Do you still read, or write?   

    Okay... I got up at my usual time, 5 a/m, but it's NOW only 4 a/m... Cool  So Good Morning to you all....Take good care....xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Morning Prayer
        by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    Let me to-day do something that shall take
    A little sadness from the world's vast store,
    And may I be so favoured as to make
    Of joy's too scanty sum a little more
    Let me not hurt, by any selfish deed
    Or thoughtless word, the heart of foe or friend;
    Nor would I pass, unseeing, worthy need,
    Or sin by silence when I should defend.
    However meagre be my worldly wealth,
    Let me give something that shall aid my. kind -
    A word of courage, or a thought of health,
    Dropped as I pass for troubled hearts to find.
    Let me to-night look back across the span
    'Twixt dawn and dark, and to my conscience say -
    Because of some good act to beast or man -
    "The world is better that I lived to-day."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    I'm up and at them.....well, more like just up.  Dh  did not set the clocks last night.....just let the little clock on the t.v. amplifier handle things.  It does it automatically -- not sure how the engineer got in it though -----but it had the right time.  So, I got up the usual time....sort of. 

    I really wish we didn't have to do the clock changing every year, but I'm sure we would destroy our circadian rhythms or something  equally disastrous.  At least it does give us something to look forward to when Spring comes.....I just hate for it to get dark earlier.  Makes you feel like there isn't enough time in the day.  I should look on it like the Earth getting a chance to rest.

    Gosh....all the talk about food.  I have gotten several of my cookbooks out and have been going through them.  Generally always find something I would like to try.  I keep a basket of them around my recliner and tend to have one open now and then....just in case t.v. is boring. 

    Chevy -- love your explanation of the hairs in the ear....especially about how yours fell over and never got up again.  It is rotten when you can't hear....thank goodness there are "hearing" devices.  We have solutions for most of our problems if we choose to address them.  Anyway....I'm backtracking here.....when you said that I started thinking of that old, I've fallen and I can't get up.....and saw a bunch of hairs in a pile. 

    Dh says it is going to rain most of this next upcoming week....yeck.  I need wonderful sun so I'm not going to be blooming for a bit --- just hope I don't start endless complaining.....its not snow. 

    I hope you are all going to have a glorious weekend.  I too would not mind that recipe for quinoa and rice.  Quinoa is such a healthy grain food.  I use Bulgier as hot cereal lots of times....put fruit in it and it is very good and satisfying.  Keeps you feeling full a long time. 

    Anyway....I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    I tried cleaning out my little cupboard, (pantry)..... I found more STUFF in there that was out-dated, and had little carcases of those little .....what are they?  boll weevils?   My Husband took out 3 bags of "stuff"..... I bought a lot of packages of mixes, both rice and pasta, and I think some of them COME with little "things" in them!   Anyway,  Dang, I hate to throw anything like that away, but I had to.

    So now I'm going to bake a White Confetti cake, & add green mint chips, and white chocolate chips....because it isn't fattening enough just plain!  Wink   A person has to grab every chance at a few more calories.....

    And oh, have you guys ever had Red Beans & Rice from Popeye's?  Oh wow, it is the best! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2011

    I have a hearing problem too, and also have hearing aids..............well let's say my handbag hears a lot better then I do, cause that is where they always are...............not too bad for listening, but when i have to talk, it drives me voice echo's back into my head, and I end up with a friggin headache...................$3,000 for those puppies, and they right now, are in the "bureau drawerj" with the "partial plate" I can't wear, .............the .......Progressive lens glasses I can't see with ($500.00)...........and the compression sleeve that drives me I just hope the person "in the bureau drawer"..............appreciates all the money I spent.,......................Ok, I'm gonna go find the Vodka,            that is if I can find my cheap store bough "cheaters" first...............

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Hi ducky....What kind do you have?  Mine are Bernafon, Veras 9, and they have different "programs" that they can set them with.  Also a little button on top of them that I can push if the "sound" is not right.  And no, they are not perfect, but a lot better than my own hearing.

    Can you go back & ask them to "set" them a little different?  I can do that for 3 years..... Like if my hearing gets worse, or different.  Sometimes when DH has the TV up too loud, I just take them out.

    Ha, ha!  DH doesn't like his partial either!  But he wears it when he goes somewhere...... But Ducky, you SHOULD wear that darn sleeve....I think!    I don't have Lymphadema, so I don't know what it's like....I used to wear compression stockings for the swelling I had in one of my legs, but it got much better!  So they are probably in the drawer with your aids, and your partial....Wink AND your sleeve!

    Man!  Anything to hold us together!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    ducky....sorry to hear you don't hear so good either.  It's heck to get older ( we are not old, just older ) and have all these things happen to spice things up while it tends to hold us down.  But, it is at least coming when, if fortunate, we have kids raised, our home paid for and have been able to do a lot of the things we wanted to nice vacations, or a face lift or something.  Still, things eventually wear out a little so we sort of have to expect some loss of senses. So far, I'm not losing anything too fast and I can still work a 14 hr. day if I really, really have to --- but I don't want to.  That is for younger people now who need the experience of it.  These fall under the category of  been there and done that.....and we need to let those behind us take the reins on a lot of it. 

    I don't truly mind being older as it has always pretty much been a number to me, but I really don't want to have it ---- or any one part of it happen too fast.  I'd like to just gentle into doddering around when I'm 91 or 92.  Least wise, at my current level of getting things done and having to work --- I think I can't slow down too much until around there some time....maybe 88 if I really must be a little sooner.  Hope I'm not raising my bar too high --- but I think I read somewhere to aim much higher than the sky.  If you fall it still should be among the stars.  That sounded good to I'm aiming high.

    I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Hi Jackie:  Don't be so sure you'll be "doddering around" when you're 91 or 92.  My boyfriend's DM is going to be 97 in January and she runs circles around all of us, takes no medications, and only has problems with her hearing.  Blue Cross refunds money to her every year because she doesn't use her Medicare Supplement Policy!  Her doctor told her last year that she needed to be on statins and she answered "What for?"

    She's my role model for growing old gracefully!  I'm off to the doctor this morning to see if I can finally get this suspicious spot diagnosed once and for all!  Wish me luck!

    Have a great day ladies! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Kaara.....wishing you the very best there is for today and always.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2011

    Well #8 Taxol was last Thursday.  Have done OK.  I feel pretty bad on the ride home, so I have started to take a pain pill right after treatment, my legs really bother me on the way home I had hubby stop and get me an ice cream cone and for some reason that helped along with the pain pill.  Friday morning I have some energy from the steriods so I get what I can done, then start to wane Friday afternoon.  Sat & Sun are just for doing no much of anything.  I am at work today, after I get breakfast and dress I am tuckered out.  Only 4 left.  If feel pretty blessed that I have gone through all of this pretty well.  Have a great day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Jackie:  Thanks so much for the flowers and the good wishes!  It brought tears to my eyes when I opened this page and saw it.  You are a wonderful role model for comfort and support!

     Unfortunately my trip to the doctor was not productive...did yet another US and could not find the suspicious spot, so now he is scheduling me for a stereotactic biopsy, to be done by his radiologist.  He said he wanted the radiologist to do it because he was better at targeting these spots that could not be found on US.  I am waiting now for that call.  And the beat goes on......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Kaara....well everyone did their best I think.  I'm sorry that it will take more work to find the answers everyone is seeking. 

    Hopefully, this biopsy will be scheduled really soon and the waiting and suspense will be over. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Marcha...Only 4 more to go.  That is so wonderful to hear.  I hope they go by as fast as possible.  You have done so well and really hung in there with every thing.  Soon enough you will be looking back in awe for what you accomplished.....and you will finally start getting your life back.  Talk to you soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    I finally got the call...biopsy is scheduled for this Friday.  It's a relief to know that it's finally going to happen and I am one step closer to a diagnosis.  Thanks for all the support everyone!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited November 2011

    Chevyboy, I read quite a few mystery novels this summer in Alaska.  I bought books by Alaska authors and enjoyed the Alaska backgrounds. 

    Today was a great day, temperature in the 70's but not too hot.  I played a women's golf event and had fun.  We had a great score and thought we might win, but we didn't!  Lunch was nice, too. 

    Chevyboy, are you still a NASCAR fan?  DH watches the races on tv.  He's a Tony Stewart fan.

    The weather forecast calls for rain tomorrow.  We really need some rain.  Then the weather is supposed to cool off.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    WHAT???????????  Nascar?  Oh wow!!!  Yes, I watch it every week, Ha!  "Smoke" is really doing great lately!!!  I like him too...And I also like Kyle...that little rebel!  He gets himself into more trouble, with that ego of his....BUT he is one of the best drivers out there!  The crowds hate him, but his driving skills, and his team, could make him one of the best ever.....  

    Only two more races left.... and yes it would be great if Tony could just win this one, this year!!!  Jimmie Johnson & Jeff are always there, but someone "else" would be fun!  It COULD be Denny Hemlin...  But Kenseth is up there too!  I just wish that ONCE Junior could win a race.... The crowds go nuts when he is in the top ten....Maybe next year.

    Yes, I like Danielle Steel, because a lot of her books take place in San Francisco...Or they talk about it...... and I have so many memories of there, because of my folks... I read 2 of hers last week.  I also like books about trials...AND mysteries...and court drama's.

    Good luck Friday, Kaara....hope you can finally get SOME sort of answer...

    Marcha...always thinking of you, and it won't be long now....Yes!  Ice cream is ALWAYS a great healer...Wink 

    Okay's one for all of us....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    . Every hardship, every joy; every temptation is a challenge of the spirit; that the human soul may prove itself. The great chain of necessity wherewith we are bound has divine significance; and nothing happens which has not some service in working out the sublime destiny of the human soul. -Elias A. Ford

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    Hi from stormy southern Illinois.  I hope is doesn't get too awful today.  I love to read books, but for years I've tended toward the ones that give true accounts of things --- often about the more well known Nicole Simpson or people who have just vanished without a trace. But always something that is NOT fiction. 

    If not that....then I have a list and many spiritual authors as I've had this deep curiosity about it for many yrs.....since right after high school.  My first serious beau ( we were engaged at the time ) died and I guess being at that rather impressionable age...the thoughts and questions began and have never really ended.  I have had to take a lot of time outs for different reasons during the years, but have nurtured that part of me fairly strongly since then.  I have many thought and ideas formulated when something inside would just come to life upon discovering different information and in time much of it formed a cohesiveness. 

    There are many people who do not see things as I do, but that is ok.  We each come to what answers we need, when we need them and in whatever fashion.  I do not question anyone else about their beliefs or non-beliefs because I don't think it proves a thing.  Those who can see it will and the others won't....end of story.  The same fits me....what feels so right to me stands out to me like a red flag, but I'm clueless for others a family member of mine who is an Atheist.  If that is what resonates to you -- then who am I to try and "change' your perceptions.  I'll give you the courtesy of trying to "live" with your choice, as long as you are willing to do the same for me. We are all in this world to grow --- and I don't know any other way.

    Ok....I don't know what sparked all of that but thank you for wading through it.  I am thinking about all of you today and hoping you will have a fine day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Had a great day today...DD picked me up and we went shopping and out to dinner...went into a wig store and both of us bought cute wigs!  She was going to cut her long beautiful hair, and I talked her into buying a wig instead to see if she would like it.  She really looks cuter than I thought she would!  We haven't always had the best mother/daughter relationship, so this was a really special day for us, the kind you cherish.  I broke the news to her about my upcoming biopsy and she handled it well.  Tomorrow my GD is bringing my GGD to visit. She will be six months old and is sitting up already.  Filling the time before my biopsy on Friday with good memories!

    Jackie...thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are always meaningful. 

    Enjoy your evening everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. Lao Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,492
    edited November 2011

    What fun Kaara --- to spend time with family hopefully is always meaningful.  It is sometimes hard but I always seem to have things work out best when I don't pre-arrange anything in my mind.  Like a will-o-the wisp, just go and do and enjoy without any expectations either way. 

    I remember one time when my Mom came for a visit and wanted to take me out shopping --- actually not something either of us were greatly fond of for the most part.  We went through so many sores and finally along early evening time.....when I had found some egg rings I wanted.....Mom graciously stepped up and paid the bill.  Later in the car she remarked that it was not what she thought she would be buying for my birthday.

    I said to her....was that what we were doing???? shopping for a birthday present for me.  I thought we were just having a girls day out and doing a lot of window shopping and I just had the neatest day....enjoying being with you. 

    So yes....sometimes the good -- maybe even best times are the ones we really weren't looking for but were totally open for when they arrived.  Glad your daughter did well with your news and I will be thinking of you tomorrow, you can be sure. 

     I'm going to do an early shift tomorrow and start at 7 a.m.  It will be interesting to get off early  in the afternoon and not come home in the dark.  Anyway....I won't be using my computer until late afternoon I don't imagine.  I'll be having withdrawals for sure.....this is generally how I start my mornings. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day.  Despite dire sounding weather it is just cold here but there is sun.  I can do most anything if I can see and feel the sun.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2011

    Good luck today Karra, I hope the news is good, but you know we are all here if it is not.