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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Carole, great idea!  Bella is getting responses on "her" thread.  Man, I feel so helpless when I can't help someone with an answer, or don't know anything about what they are going through!   I felt like a fig in a bag of tomatoes! 

    Aren't these forums amazing?  Just thinking back to when I first started.... I was so afraid.  And now about 2 years later all of that is way behind me....I'm just plunking along, going on my merry way, and thanking God for every morning!   Love you gals....xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011
    "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it."  Halford E. Luccock 
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    Great morning to be alive.....and I chose this quote because Carole does have a great idea that worked for her.....and that is why we are all here.  Those of us who are here to help all were on the same path with many variations.  It is in sharing the things that we have done that worked that new and more refined usable ideas come to light.

    Just saying Chevy.....that whatever our experience is....sharing it will help in some way. Also, I can't say enough how valuable to me to be able to come here because so many that we are around just don't always handle things well ---- and it is a time when we need strength, and lots of understanding.  I laughed about the fig in a bag of tomatoes, but how often do all of us go through something like that.   Sometimes it is not so much what is said -- it is that someone has had the experience in some way and does not want others to feel alone and insecure if they don't have too.  We can't have the answers for everyone, but we can care  and find comfort in numbers and help search and console each other as that takes place. 

    Jeannette -- you are the perfect you, and I'm so happy you are my friend along with all the rest of the wonderful women here and hope you all realize how special you are.

    That is enough of Miss. Smarmy today I think.  I hope you are all going to have a really good day.  You will all be in my thoughts.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2011

    Two treatments left.  Will have one on Wed. Nov. 23rd and the last one on Dec. 1st, if blood work is OK both days.  Hubby and I will be alone for Thanksgiving so figure I will cook a small turkey and the trimmings as I will be high on my steriods by Thursday morning..  This Friday before steriods wore off I cleaned master bath and scrubbed floors and washed rugs.   But then on Sat. & Sun it was all I could do to get laundry done.  Am at work today, only have to work two half days this week.  Will be off 11 days for the Christmas holidays, that is the nice thing about working for a state university.  Hope all is gong well for each of you.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Jackie:  Great thoughts...I always draw so much inspiration from you.

    mommarch:  It must be great to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  I think I need some of those steriods to get through this week.

     DD and DGD are coming over on Wednesday night to begin the preparations for the Turkey which she does in her special way.  The kitchen will look like a hurricane blew through...she will use every pot in the cabinets and leave them all sitting around for someone else to clean up, bark orders to everyone in site, and complain to everyone in hearing distance about how it would have been so much better if we had just done it at her house this year...sigh!  Normally I would take this in stride, but with just getting my dx and then on top of that, my doctor wouldn't renew my hormone prescriptions, I'm beginning to feel just a tad anxious about it all.  I'm doing all the side dishes tomorrow...they will keep in the refrigerator, then all I have to do is make the dressing, the gravy, and get the tables set up...there will be seventeen for dinner not including babies and animals that sometimes come along!  

    Thanks for letting me that's out of my system and I'm looking forward to a great day with the family!  Have a great rest of the day everyone. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Mommarch... Yes, I cleaned my master bathroom too....I mean the one & only bathroom we have, ha!  I took all the curtains, & rugs down....Washed everything, & put it all back together again. Then today I put Lacee in the tub, & gave her a shower with that shower head we have, & I set a little stool in the tub so she would not "escape"....or move very much!  Now she is so lovely, and she is taking a nap, after that traumatizing shower she had....Wink  I brush her all the time.... But have quit trimming her for this Winter....   I love her "double-coat"...but she is very high maintenance in the Summer!    At least she doesn't shed this time of year.... She hangs onto every hair she can get, because she loves to hang around outdoors in the snow.

    I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner too!  Just for DH and youngest Daughter.  I love to cook that turkey....and I'm glad that it isn't for a house-ful of much more work!    Last time our oldest Daughter was in town, we had 18 people over....  Don't think I could do that again.... either I would tie all the kids up together & lock them in a shed, or take them to a neighbors house and I would run away to Starbucks!   It took me MONTHS to get things cleaned, found, and put back together!  (almost)   And the FOOD that was left over!  I could have fed the whole 15th regiment!  AND their pack of horses! 

    Little little kiddle friend....  Thank you for being you....Take it easy Mommarch, glad you are almost DONE!!!  Take good care gals...xoxo

  • BellaJean
    BellaJean Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Hi all,

    This thread is a wonderful read for me. You all put a smile on my face, with your joy of life, and caring for one another. I can  see you  there in your kitchens making those delicious turkeys; sweet potato pies and all the trimmings. You are a wonderful group of giving women.

    But then I believe that women are natural care givers..our joy comes from doing for those we love..but sometimes we give it all away. So, excuse my rant...but don't forget to spoil yourselves while you spoil the rest of us. A quiet cup of coffee; a hot tub; a walk, all do wonders for the body and soul. So remember to be good to you as well.   

    And a deep thank you to each and every one of you for being here for me. You've each made this part of my journey just a little bit easier. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. And we sure have so much to be thankful for. Your friend in Toronto, Bella 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Good Morning friends!  Yes, Bella, I'm having a quiet cup of coffee right now!  DH is still asleep... I mean MOST of the world is still asleep, ha!  It's a little after 5 in the morning...Cool

    And a warm bath sounds good too, but man, when I finally get sat down in the tub for a bath, I am thinkin' I might need help getting out...ha!   Talk about sitting there with my legs straight out?  I feel like I'm stiff as a board!  Tain't as easy as it used to be!!!  So showers work for me a lot better...Wink

    We ARE the caregivers, but I wouldn't have it any other way...guess it's just the way we were brought up...It's like I'm always "nesting"  ..... I like to read books when I'm not flyin' around here though.

    Mommarch.... Your next to the last treatment is tomorrow....Take lots of drugs....just feel better for Thanksgiving..... And take it easy.

    Kaara, are you feeling a little better?  Isn't your appointment tomorrow?  This is all about the same time of year 2 years ago that I was going through the same thing.   I had my surgery on Dec. 4th, & went home that afternoon!  It was such a relief that it was over!!!!  Everything else that came after, was a LOT easier to take than all that waiting & worrying.

    Okay gals...I'm going to go "whistle" and listen for the Symphony...Smile xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Good Morning!  First time I've slept late since this journey began!

    Chevyboy:  Thanks for app't was late yesterday.  We met with my BS and he took quite a bit of time to go over everything.  My dx is Grade 1 Stage 1, ER+ (89%) PR+(75%) HER2-.  The tumor is very small 0.8 cm, so lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy, and depending on the outcome of that, some rads.  I took my boyfriend along for support and another set of eyes, and he was very impressed with this doctor, and he can be super critical.  I said "let's get on with it" so next Wednesday, I meet with the entire, nurses, onco, to go over my dx and get a team approach on how to proceed.  It is modeled after the program at Mass General in Boston, and I thought it made a lot of sense.  The patient has a lot of input into his/her treatment plan.  I left feeling extremely confident that I would be in good hands, so right now I don't see a need for a second opinion.  Like you, I just want to get this done and get on with my life.  Hopefully I can get the surgery between Thanksgiving and Xmas, and go from there.

    My goal is to make our annual ski trip to Breck this year! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    Good morning on this terrifically rainy morning.  Kaara, sounds like you got really good news.  I do think if you are confident in your Oncology team, it makes such a difference.  Your diagnosis ( there is a spot for that if you wish it to show up under your signature in My Home ) sounds fairly good for all the time you had to wait.  It is said so often that we have had the little monster with us for many yrs. by the time something happens to "find" it, so we normally do have some dickering  room.

    Like you, Chevy, and probably many, many others though...once I knew it was there -- no peace for me.  I wanted it gone sooner rather than later.  It felt like something  ( like a person almost ) with real intentions to take something very precious from me --- my health and life.  What a dichotomy that it seems to detract so much from your somewhat negative qualities and bring out of it a kinder, more helpful, more understanding, more caring you.  Just makes the most of what in you is positive.  I hate the disease, but can't say that I mind the fact that along with it I did receive a large jolt out of my complacency that help me decide just what sort of person I wished to be. 

    Marcha....thinking of you on your home stretch. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    Oops....forgot something:

    We must accept life for what it actually is - a challenge to our quality without which we should never know of what stuff we are made, or grow to our full stature. -Ida R. Wylie

  • BellaJean
    BellaJean Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    good morning all,

    Sitting here smiling at Chevyboys two posts, and dying for a drink of water. Off for my CAT for cancer staging prior to chemo , so noting by mouth for 5 hours. Ugh..

    Then I am going to be really bad and have the best danish I've ever had. Where? At my hospital's cafeteria. Go figure Undecided

    I hate all the testing. I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow, as it is second opinion day for me ...with the hope that in the process I get a new MO and get rid of the one I have. Should have listened to the women who saw this person ahead of me. Never saw such negative ratings before for a MO. Cry

    Have a great day everyone; and if you are feeling down, think of a grandma with short dark hair (thanks to Lady Cloriol) stuffing her mouth with a cheese danish or two. Yum.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    Bella......wishing you well.  How bout' a second danish for me.  Sounds super yummy.  Whoops, I just saw your last line......well, make the third one mine for sure.  You know that nothing by mouth always stirs a desire for just about anything you shouldn't have.  Wonder why that is???

    So thinking more of tomorrow and hoping things go for you in a way that will give you some peace of mind and contentment.  Give a hug to Miss Savannah for me. 

    Love to all,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Jackie:  So true!  

    BellaJean:  Good luck with you tests, and hope you get a MO that you feel good about. 

  • BellaJean
    BellaJean Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Hi Kaara, I just read your earlier post and that sounds like good news: both in terms of the dx and in terms of how you are getting treatment. The collaborative, partnership approach is very effective and progressive. You are fortunate to be in a place that actually functions that way. And based on what you shared in terms of your paths, the prognosis sounds good too. My only thought is that if they offer you hormone therapy, really consider it. It has signifcantly reduced the rate of reoccurance. Check the literture if you have not done so already. All the best, and let us all know how it goes.   

    Thought I'd let you all know what I just discovered...I think Savannah has been double dipping into the cat danish stash . She is getting a little broad around the middle. Whenever I go into the kitchen to cook, she is right behind me meowing and meowing for a treat of wet cat food. Problem is that I give it to her. Then DH comes in, not knowing I've just given her a treat, and she pulls the same stunt. More yummy wet cat food. So the question for the day is who is the dumb one here? And we know its not Savannah. Cheers and hugs...    

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2011

    Mostly lurking here but chevyboy's previous post about having a hard time getting up and out of the tub made me think of my aunt and uncle.

    In their retirement they became quite the world travelers. One trip was to Singapore. It was very hot and the hotel they stayed in had neither air conditioning nor showers. My uncle, who was a big, pear shaped man, decided a cool bath was in order. He got into the small narrow tub fine but was not able to get out! It wasn't wide enough to allow him to turn on his side and he had no leverage. His wife, a small woman, futilely tried to help him without success. They finally called the desk for assistance and a belman or waiter was sent up. My aunt said they were all laughing and sweating but finally got him up out ofthe tub.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    pj.... That sounds about right, Ha!  Since my back surgery years ago, everything just got stiff!!!  And then there are my knees..... Would like to say "old football injuries" because that sounds better, but they had their own fling with Arthroscopic surgery ALSO years ago....Ha!    Oh man, I think I'll just stay rightside up in the tub & thank God we put in that shower!   Unless there is a cute bellman or someone hanging around.... WHAT?   Did DH hear that?

    Working in the gardens on my hands and knees?  It's just better to STAY there, once I get down!  I could have lunch served there!   My little dog thinks it's great, because I'm as tall as her then!  Ha, ha!   You know, it COULD be worse... I could also have Arthritis....... Oh Wait!  I do!!!

    And to think I used to be an acrobat, doing back flips, splits & walking on my hands!  I think that was nigh onto 150 years ago. Undecided 

    Bella!  For the next 4 days I am kitty-sitting.....well, sort of!  The neighbors go up to Estes Park a lot, & they are spending Thanksgiving with family in their "cabin".....So I get to spoil "Edith".... She is all white, & the sweetest little cat in the world!  So I will feed her the kibbles, and take her over little packs of cat food, and treats I buy for her, for these "emergencies"... When she sees me coming it's like "meow,meow, meow, MEOWWWW!"  In other words, "Man, it's been forEVER!!"  "I'm starved and abused!'  Ha, ha!  She has a cat door into their garage, so I made her a "bed" with blankets & a plastic bin a couple years ago...  I just hated that they didn't even have a blanket down for her.   They are the sweetest "kids" but man, I think a Racoon would make a better pet for them.  Maybe even a mouse...something that doesn't dePEND on them so much!

    I have to get going & cook the sweet potatoes, maybe cut up the celery & onions..... And call a wench service to bring the turkey in. Wink  Kept it outdoors under cover, because that thing is huge!  I could even bake the Pumpkin pie today! 

    Okay gals....Love you all...xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.

    ~ Marcel Proust

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Jackie!  I've received a lot of wisdom on my journey of discovery!  How else would we learn?

    Chevyboy:  Boy do I ever wish for a cold day in Florida when it's time to buy and store the turkey!  Mine is big too, and then I buy an extra breast.  At eleventh hour DD had an emergency casting (she's a model) and she can't do the turkey as promised, so I am at the store at 7:00 AM getting in line with all the other late shoppers...what fun!  I've already prepared all the side dishes that have to be cooked and will do that this evening so all I will have to do is heat them up after I take out the turkey.  Mashed potatoes get made tomorrow morning and go in the crockpot to keep, and extra dressing cooks in yet another crockpot.  Whew....DIL's are bringing pies and rolls, so we're all set.  Now if they all just show up on time I'll be forever grateful.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Thanks for being there for me when I needed support and comfort...I'll try to pay it forward. 

  • BellaJean
    BellaJean Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2011

    Hi all,

    Oh no...Boy am I missing American Thanksgiving. Just can't get use to Thanksgiving in October! To early in the fall, not just before Christmas and the start of the holiday season.

    To all of you out there doing turkeys ...remember you have a friend at the Butterball turkey all of us in least we can shop tomorrow and we are now getting Black Friday up here this year.

    Chevyboy: I also will be cat sitting...but have to wait till the early summer. Four weeks of Dusty..the ragdoll down the all that looks like your baby. Would be great except that she is a jumper, hyper full grown ragdoll and jealous of our Savannah. Should be a fun four weeks...

    Have fun cooking everyone...and eat lots of turkey for this vegetarian. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Words cannot  express what it means your being here for me. Hugs Bella

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Ha Jackie!  That was good!  I love that you made a special Canadian Thanksgiving for Bella!

    I don't really have my own cat....Just 2 neighbors do!  But "Murphy" likes to come sit on our front porch in "his" chair.  Of course he gets treats.  I found that picture of a "Rag-doll" on google images, so I just wanted Savanah to have an "on-line friend"....Ha!   (you know, it's one of those "dating" sites....)  Ha, ha! 

    Our little Sheltie "Lacee" would LOVE to have her own kitten!   She just loves to "pet" the neighbors cats, & they tolerate her too.

    Kaara....I have almost everything ready also!  I even made a corn-pudding, or souffle'.... whatEVER!   I put a can of sweetened condensed milk, a little cornmeal, frozen, and canned cream corn, a little chopped red pepper & scallions, & whipped eggs.  It's ready to bake.  Then the Green-bean casserole is ready to bake, and the sweet-potatoes!  I can do a lot in the micro-wave, & our little convection oven.  Lord only knows there is not enough room to bake anything else when I get that giant bird in there!    I just have to put the dressing together in the morning.

    I love to do this stuff!  It's like doing "crafts" or something..Wink

    BELLA!  YOU ARE A VEGETARIAN?  Oh well,  I made lots of vegetable side dishes for you! 

    Okay gals....take good care....xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    Another friend for Savanah!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011

    "Life itself is a gift.
     It's a compliment just being born:
     to feel, breathe, think, play, dance, sing,
     work, make love, for this particular lifetime.
     Today, let's give thanks for life.
     For life itself. For simply being born!"
     Daphne Rose Kingma

    Happy Thanksgiving once again.  Hope you all have a memorable day.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2011

    I'm so excited!  I SKYPED my Daughter & both Grand-sons!   We even got to see the oldest ones "new" 2009 BMW!!!  They took the lap-top out doors, & we got the full tour, Ha!  Then they went back inside so we could hear & "see" better, & we just talked for about 20 minutes!  I even moved my web-cam around to show our Laminate flooring!  How fun!  And it doesn't even cost anything!  So much more fun to talk when you can see each other... 

    Dinner is almost ready....  Our youngest Daughter is coming over soon, and then we'll just take our time & eat & have fun!   Take good care everyone! xoxoxo HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2011

    Morning ladies!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Wow..mine turned out to be anything but what I thought initially.  We had a family emergency, my DGD #1 got very ill and had to have her appendicts removed on Thanksgiving and DD was there to be with her, so they canclled out.  My DS's MIL was stung by a bee just before they were leaving to come down, and she fainted, so they had to call emergency to check her out.  They were four hours late.  The others arrived on time, so we had dinner with everyone seated at one table for the first time in years.  There was lots of food so everyone ate when they arrived...kinda like an open house event.  It was ll:30 PM by the time the last guest left.  My DGD got through the surgery just fine and was begging for us to make her a plate of food to bring to the hospital. last GGD 6 months old, must have had too much excitement from all the relatives passing her around and proceeded to projectile vomit all over me, my other GD, the carpets, etc.  Fortunately this was after dinner and dessert.  What great memories!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited November 2011