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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Kaara, when they put the clip in me, it was during the biopsy....And then it was taken out during surgery.  I would think they can't find the location of your surgery, because the tumor IS gone, along with the marker/clip.   All of us only hope, that the tumor was removed, with nothing left.   So it shouldn't show up..... But your Pathology report should show where it was.

    Couldn't the RO take a look at your final pathology report and tell where the tumor was?    And then treat that area?  I think that is how they mark you for the standard radiation anyway.

    In the two years since my surgery, my Mammograms are still "all clear"....meaning nothing is supposed to show up.... I still have 5 clips in my other breast, because  they were put in during my ultra-sound....thinking that there was something "different" in that area.  But the MRI proved there was nothing wrong.

    Good luck with your decision!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Chevy:  The BS left the clip in when he did the surgery so that they could find the location of the tumor site, but my RO said it is not there...she can see the clip, but can't see the surgery bed as she called it.  It has completely trace.  This is very unusual according to her, and she thinks it is because it has been over a month since my surgery and I have healed exceptionally well.  I want to believe it's because prayer has healed me.  I had a lot of family and friends praying for me.

    Since this happened, I got a call from my PCP today as well.  She was looking at the results of my echo cardiogram that I had and said that everything was fine, and that there was no trace of a mitral valve prolapse!  I've had MVP for 20 years..what happened??  I see the cardiologist tomorrow, so I will ask him.

    I have a lot of thinking and praying to do this weekend to reach a final decision.

    Thank you all for your kind words and support! 

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557
    edited January 2012

    Kaara, our miracle woman. With your luck, I think I'd also see the dermatologist and maybe he/she would say all your wrinkles also have miraculously disappeared!

    In all seriousness, it's great that your tests are so clean. I understand your new dilemma, though, about radiation. Make your decision and be comfortable with it. Best of luck.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Wave:  I'm as surprised as anyone about this!  While I believe in the power of prayer, I've never had it apply directly to me before, so of course I'm in awe at this moment.  I had so many friends and family praying for me.

    As for the wrinkles..well...a good healthy lifestyle and diet takes care of that!  No botox for me! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012

    As far as having decisions to make and things to think about.....I found these and just thought maybe to lighten things up a bit:

    "'Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be, and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic!'" (Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass)

    "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." (Roald Dahl)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012
    A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
    Charles Dickens
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012

    Kaara....the week-end is coming and I will be hoping for you, for that true wisdom.  One of the hardest parts of this journey for so many is the tough decisions that have to be made.  In my extremely humble opinion.....I would likely always err on the side of doing more rather than less.  But that is only because I think it is easy to have that one cell escape -- not be seen.  I had very clean margins and no lymph involvement --- but that was not a guarantee that just because those factors were present......that there still wasn't something lurking there. So this week-end.....I will be thinking of you and hoping that you can come to a decision that will give you a positive feeling that you are ready to go back out in the world and live.  Good Luck to you.

    Our weather seems fine right now, but I think more rain is on the way this evening.  After two days of it.....have to admit I was hoping for more of a break.  I need some sun to cheer me and help me bloom. 

    Hope you all are going to have a fine Friday......I'll be back after work.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    To Jackie, Chevy, and all others who have given me so much comfort and support during this challenging time in my life..I so appreciate your kind words and encouragement.

    I didn't need the weekend to make my decision.  After my visit with my naturopatic doctor yesterday, and learning the results of my circulating tumor cell blood test (negative with zero circulating tumor cells) I made the decision that I would not do rads.  I couldn't get the five day rads program, and the three week is overkill IMO for my bc.  My naturopath would not give me an opinion as to what I should do, so with all my tests in, and low scores, I made the decision.

     My diet and supplementation program that I am on will take care of preventing any recurrence as much as any rads or drugs will do with less SE's; however, there are no guarantees either way, as we all know.  I am comfortable with the decision and my family supports it 100%.  They were praying that I would come to this very decision on my own, and I have.

    These decisions are so individual and not to be taken lightly.  I would never, ever recommend this to anyone...the risk is probably slightly higher and the committment is huge because you have to stick to a pretty strict diet and take a lot of supplements.  After doing it for three months, I feel that I can stick to the program.  I am going to be followed closely with thermography alternating with mammograms, so if there is anything there, it will be caught early.

    It's been a tough journey and through it I've learned that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was.  I hope to remain on the site and help others as all of you have helped me.

    Prayers and positive energy to everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

     Hi everyone!  Wow, we had a snow storm this morning, now sunshine!  But still really cold!  That's Colorado, "wait 5 minutes and the weather will change." Wink

    Karra, I found this information about "thermography" compared to Mammograms....Just make sure that even if you don't continue with "standard" care after BC, that you always get your Mammograms every 6 months.

    Actually, I was never offered "thermography" nor knew anything about it, until you mentioned it.  I do get the CA15 blood tests every 6 months, or more likely yearly now.  That just measures your "tumor markers" and they look for any "change" in the numbers.   My Radiologist said she doesn't believe in the "every 3 month tests"..... So every Doctor does have different opinions. 

    Since no-one knows what causes breast cancer to develop, or even if they "get it all" during surgery, and I wish there were a way to tell if there ARE any stray cancer cells in our body, but there is no blood test, to show this..... I asked!  No way of knowing that stray cells aren't lurking in our body, anywhere. 

    They only have chemo to shrink tumors before surgery, and after!  And they know this works....

    My Doctor friend had a bi-lateral mastectomy 5 years ago...chemo before surgery, AND after, and now on Arimidex...She is doing great, but what an awful thing to go through!   But she did everything in her power to come out NED.......

    I wish I could take Tamoxifen!  But I won't, mainly like you, because we are afraid of the side effects.  "Of further treatment"...... I took it for 14 months, and I'm hoping that helped, and gave me some sort of comfort zone....

    I don't know that I am "cancer free"....We all hope so...and we all do what we hope is the right path to take..... There are so many women on here, who have clear nodes, but are stage 3 & 4..

    I don't know how this happens....other than I do know that cells travel through our blood, not only the lymphatic system.  And cells just go haywire, for no apparent reason, and then they travel along & cause a malignancy.....

    So all we can do, like you, is cross our fingers, do as much as we think is right, and pray to God that we can live another 50 years.  Wink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012
    Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.
    The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
    William Ellery Channing
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012

    Good morning......did not get the pour-down during the evening hours people said it was too dry......but later on thru the night there was rain.  I am thankful there is sun outside now.  I was getting ready to be really moody if I had to go another day without sun.  I find it so hard to "bloom" after too many gray days in a row. 

    Kaara....good you have your made it through your difficulties and have reached a point where you can feel you know your way now.  That is what all of us want. 

    Nancy.....where have you been.  I need to go to your web-site and see you. 

    Marcha.....hope things are going well for you too.  How's the Femara doing for you?  Will this one work out do you think???

    Chevy -- what are you reading now?  Lately consider I've done something really major if I get the newspaper read.  However:  reading more is high on my list of things I want and need to do.

    I hope you are all going to have a marvelous Saturday....and that you have sun where you are. 

    I'll be checking in later....see you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Chevy:  Yes, thank you, I am definitely planning to alternate thermography with mammograms to keep on top of this.  Thermography just picks up suspicious areas of tiny blood vessels forming long before a mammo could and would indicate that you need to get further diagnostic testing...most likely an MRI, since a mammo would not be able to see the area of suspicion.  It's been done reliably in Europe for many years.  Natually, insurance here doesn't cover it, so it's an O/P exp.

    BTW..there is a test that can detect cancer cells circulating in the body.  I had it done.  It's called a circulating tumor cell blood test.  Mine was negative...I had zero cells that were detectable.  My naturopathic doc did the test and said that there could still be a microscopic cell or two floating around, but anything that small could be handled by a healthy immune system, which is why it is so important that I continue to follow my diet and supplementation program.

    This is not going to be a walk in the park...I know and lifestyle changes are very hard to commit to and follow, but I've been doing it for three months and I feel confident that I can stay on the program.  I think we have to live our lives believing that we are NED, but at the same time, doing everything possible to stay that way.  There is no silver bullet.  

  • WynGator
    WynGator Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2012

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well, we finally got a second opinion on Thursday and yes, my mother absolutely needs to have Whole Brain Radiation.  She has at least a dozen tumors and that is too many to handle with radio surgery.  So, I take her for her first treatment on Monday. 

    Although, the outcome is no different, she feels better about moving forward with this treatment.  The doctor explained that to wait and see and do nothing would prove to have debilitating consequences quickly.

    Yesterday, my mother called her medical oncologist to report some pain & swelling that she was having in her leg.  Well, off to get a quick scan and yes she has a blot clot in her leg.  So yesterday she began her heparin shots.  She was told by the MEDICAL oncologist that now this is going to make her radiation treatments more difficult as her risk for brain hemorrhage increases greatly.  Gee ... that seemed like a terrible thing to tell my mother.  But, he said that the blood clot was the most pressing medical difficulty at ths time and that it had to be handled immediately. 

    I intend to speak with her radiation oncologist on Monday to alert them to this new issue.  I hope this doesn't delay her radiation treatments because the doctor we just saw for a second opinion also felt time was of the essence to begin treatment. 

    Has anyone here had something similiar or perhaps anything you think I should ask the radiation doctor on Monday?  Thanks again for your help <3

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Kaara...the CTC test is comperable to the CA15 test....and most Oncologists do not believe in them, unless you have mets....

    It would be a miracle if a simple blood test could tell absolutely if we have ANYcancer cells in our bodies, but that doesn't happen at least yet.

    I had  the tumor marker test with my annual physical, and it showed "no change"....that is about all it can show, unless the numbers change and start going up.

     Laurie!  So good to hear from you....I'm running, so I'll catch up with you later in a couple hours.. Take Care! xooxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Man Laurie....It just doesn't sound very good, does it?  I mean your poor Mom has to go through so much!  Is there any idea what caused the blood clot?  They are probably using some sort of blood thinner? 

    Call the radiology Oncologist on Monday, and ask if you have to bring your Mom in, under the circumstances!  And would it make a difference?  If they are giving her blood thinners, I can see why they would want to wait, because of the possible hemmorhage.  Are the Heparin shots to thin the blood? 

    My Dad was back & forth, back & forth, trying to get his blood work to be normal....first it was too thin, then too thick....I mean every day was a visit to the Hospital for the tests. 

    Maybe it's just best to wait for any further treatments until your Mom takes care of this blood-clot.  If she were healthier, it might go away faster, but she has other problems.... and all this stuff just wears a body down....

    Let us know...okay?  Take good care...xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Jackie, I'm reading the 6th in a series of books... Have you heard of A Fair of the heart, A Fair to Remember, The Perfect Blend, Grounds for Change, Home is where the Heart Is, and The Heart of the Matter?    The Authors are Donna Marie Rogers & Stacey Joy Netzel.... I'm almost through with the 6th book....

    They're fun to read, because they are mostly short stories, and you get to know & remember the characters in them.......

    So I'm either working on my crochet blankets or reading...I've been putting "ruffles" of crochet on the blankets, making them warmer...I mean like just adding more ruffles onto the whole blanket... Oh heck, I'll take a picture sometime....Wink 

    Am I the only one here today?  xoxoxo

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2012

    Yes my husband is home and will be taking care of me..My surgery is Weds. Feb. 1st my birthday...I can't wait for it to be over with...I know it will be hard, but having it over with is something I am looking forward to. God Bless Us All!!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited January 2012

    Chevyboy,I am here lurking in the background. Trying to gather stuff to do income taxes next week. doesn't seem to matter what organizing system I devise I still all these little pieces of paper and receipts.

    Barbiecorn good luck with the surgery and a early Happy Birthhday.

    Chilly here today but no rain or snow. Hooray.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Hey Dreamers....I go next month to a senior center close to here....It is through AARP and they don't charge anything!   Can you check into that?  Even my Daughter called up, and they are doing hers, and she is only 50.

    Barbie!  Oh wow!  We will be "with" you!  What are they going to do, do you know yet?   Don't worry...  Just go to sleep and wake up and it will all be over....It is such a relief!  Feb. first?   We'll be thinking of you.....   How else can we help you?  xoxoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Good luck Barbie!  Sending you positive healing energy!

    Just returned from seeing the movie "The Iron Lady"....masterful!  Another oscar for Meryl Streep! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012

    Hey, hi everyone.  Yes... those tumor marker tests.....they are often un-reliable and many Dr's won't even use them as they often give false positives...then you must go for a lot of other tests to rule in or out what is going on.  My tumor marker test is always around 14.  It used to be a little lower.....right after I was done with all my chemo and rads.....but in time came up a bit.  My Oncologist said he would not be getting excited if that number changed if he could find no other indicators at the time of any change. 

    I guess I pretty much have the viewpoint that we are here from the will and grace of God.  And until he is ready for matter what we do or don't do, ( not saying that you might not feel better, or look better, or whatever ) until our name is called we will be here.  So, for the most part my rule of thumb is I majorly stay away from things I know tend to upset my system, and do the rest in moderation. 

    Laurie....wish your mom didn't have this new trial to deal with but of course, the clot needs to be remedied first.  Hopefully they will be able to deal with that in short order and then quickly move on to radiation.  We will keep your Mom in our prayers that they will be able to intertwine the two so as to not lose too much time. 

    barbiecorn.....we will all be praying for a great outcome for you on surgery day.  I think we probably all felt safer after our surgeries were over with.  I know I sure did.  How ironic huh.....we walk around for 6 or 7 yrs. with the cancer inside and as long as we don't know it.....we feel great, look pretty good, usually have plenty of energy......and then find out how betrayed we were by the body that is us.   You have a foreign invader that you usually can't see or feel, but until it comes out you feel violated....used against your will. 

    We are here for you.  We always have to pay for our taxes to be done.  That price seems to go up almost every yr. too.....I don't think we have AARP people here that do taxes, but I feel like I need to know that everything is in order and that we can sit back and relax knowing we have done our duty for the tax yr. and won't be getting any audit surprises. 

    I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2012

    Double Mass on Feb. 1st.  Just your prayers on Feb. 1st and knowing that you all understand gives me so much support.  I doubt myself sometimes that I can handle the pain, the drains, etc.  but your encouragement means so much to me.  God Bless....Barbie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Well crap Barbie!  Just makes me want to throw up.

    Yes, we ARE all here for you, but just doesn't seem to be enough.  If you can picture this....that you have a little pocket, and we are all in there watching over you!  We will be your guardian angels....

    Honest to God Barbie, I know you will be alright!  About 3 days?  Let's kick some butt! xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,498
    edited January 2012
    When you come to the edge of all the light you know
    and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
    faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
    There will be something solid to stand on
    or you will be taught to fly.
    - Barbara Winter
  • WynGator
    WynGator Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2012

    Thanks Chevy and Jackie!  I do believe they will have to move forward with the radiation however I do plan to let the radiation oncologist know about this latest development.  

     I think my mom developed this blood clot due to several factors.  Age, loss of mobility and also the cancer itself.  All these things are listed as possible reasons for blood clots.  I believe that these types of complications happen as the body has all this stress and illness.  I really think she cannot be the only person to have a clot while needing radiation, but I do think it makes her case a bit more difficult.  I guess that is why they say doctors "practice medicine" because no two cases are the same and the unique nature of each individual makes medicine an art as well as a science. 

    The heparin shots are helping and her levels are starting to move in the right direction, but right now she is still too low (which means the blood is too thick).  I would think this would actually have the reverse effect in terms of hemorrhage at the start.  It is only as the blood thins that problems might show up.  Perhaps the radiologist will stop the blood thinners.  We shall see.   I will keep you posted.  Thanks again :)

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Laurie:  Keeping your DM in prayers!

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2012

    Thank you so much Chevyboy...I will keep you all in my pockets...much love to all!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2012

    Karra, you were talking about Thermography?  I looked into it, thinking that it would be another way to detect breast cancer before a mammogram could.....but I found this...

    Sounds like it might be useful in some other areas, or maybe mets, but not to be relied on as far as trying to detect cancer....Do you have anything more that says it might help?

    I just don't like to spend money, where it isn't proven to help....None of "my team" has ever mentioned it.  I had never heard of it either, honestly, until you brought it up.....

    Best of luck!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2012

    Chevy:  I read the article, and I agree, it should never be used to replace a mammogram, but as a first line of defense to detect early growing cells, possibly.  It's used extensively in Europe.

     I don't want to be cynical, but cancer centers and hospitals have billions of dollars invested in mammography equipment and they aren't going to be excited about bringing in additional equipment for diagnostics unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to work better than what they already have.  I don't like the idea of getting radiation every time I get a mammogram, so alternating with thermography for me is a way to avoid over exposure, particularly if I'm going to have to do it every six months.  Everyone has to do the research and make their own decision. My naturopathic doctor recommended it to me.  My BS said he didn't believe it was as reliable as mammography.  I'm going to give it a try and I'll let you know how it goes. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited January 2012

    This thread has been VERY active the last week or two!  I've been reading posts for about an hour to catch up.

    My DH had an angiogram on Mon. and during the procedure a stent was placed in a main heart artery, his 3rd stent.  He had two placed in 2005.  He came home on Tues.  Very interesting that the tube was inserted in his right wrist rather than in the groin so recovery afterwards was much easier.  In Cardio Care he was able to get up out of the bed when he needed to urinate.

    Since arriving home he has been suffering with sinus congestion but otherwise is doing well.

    Several pages back there was a discussion of reconstruction for older women.  I will be 69 in March.  In 2009 I had bilateral mx and immediate reconstruction.  I went into the hospital with breasts and came out with breasts the next day.  I had a drain on either side.  I also had a pain pump that automatically released painkiller into my chest on either side for 5 days.  I had to pay for the pain pump.  My BS charged the price he paid, $500.  The drains came out after 9 days, if my memory is accurate. 

    Even though I had some healing issues, I do not regret opting for reconstruction.  I feel "normal" having breasts.  If I were younger, I would go back to my Breast Surgeon and undergo some revision to improve my reconstruction results, but it's really not important enough to me to give up physical activity even for a few weeks.  I still have my own nipples and am slightly fuller than before.  The small incision scars are becoming almost invisible.

    I could have opted for DIEP reconstruction since I live close to New Orleans and women from all over the country and from other countries come to NO to undergo DIEP by a renowned group of surgeons who specialize in that type of recon.  But the 1-step recon. with implants was less complicated and the recovery was faster.  I wanted to get back to everyday life (which includes golf) as quickly as possible. 

    With all that said, simple mx without reconstruction makes for a speedier recovery and, I'm told, much less pain. 

    There was also discussion of arimidex and tamoxifen in some of the posts I read.  I've been on arimidex for 2 plus years and tolerate it very well.  I do get weary of the warm flushes.  Before starting arimidex I read the discussion forum on that subject and took a lot of the advice to heart.  I keep phsically active and take fish oil and glucosamine/chondroitin (which I've been taking for a number of years prior to bc).   Since I had to stop HRT cold turkey, I also began taking Effexor 75 mg.  Consequently, I haven't been plagued with depression and mood swings.

    Chevy, I'm glad your DH didn't break his arm.  Laurie, I wish you strength and wisdom in being a caregiver for your mom.  Jackie, I admire you for being such a strong person.  You've been through a lot.  Wave, I love your photo.  Like pj, I have great memories of visiting Charleston.  It's one of our favorite southern cities.  Great restaurants.  We also like Savannah.  Pj, I'm glad you're doing better on tamoxifen.

    To everyone else not mentioned, I wish you a great Sunday evening.

    Hugs to all.