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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Good morning.....and it will be.  We are due later for a pretty good rain if it goes as they expect.  We have had such wonderful warmth as of late.....and a beautiful sun, so it is hard to complain that rain will come.....but in truth....I'm not looking forward to the mud and extra little smelly dogs....needing a swipe and wipe as they come in....sigh!!!! 

    I just need to remember and be grateful that I am here and can be greatly annoyed by a few things....pestered by a lot, but otherwise happy and willing to have my good life.  Hope you all have a good day too......we are fortunate....rain or shine....we get to choose.

    I'll see you all later on today.....after work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Good Morning!  Man we are buried!

    Started snowing last night, and so far, about 13 inches....They say snow all day and tonight! Not much up in the high country, but the front range here is buried. I-70 closed out to the East, and accidents everywhere.

    So I'll find lots to do around here....This is one of the "blankets" I was telling you about Jackie, one that I crochet...

    I did the two on the back of the sofa also, but not as big as the brown/red one.  It's just nice to cuddle up under one while I'm reading or watching TV.

    I'm reading Water for Elephants now....Just into it a little, but already enjoy this one Kaara!

    Desny, my DH has had a pace-maker for about 13 years now....Had one replaced last year, but he is doing good with that.  Doesn't even have to take any heart meds.  His problem was "Heart-block".... The lower part of his heart just quit working, and his pulse was down to 35.... He could barely energy...   I think it is easier to deal with than the other types of heart problems!

    Talk to you later! xoxoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Chevy:  Beautiful work...oh...I'm so envious of everyone who has this kind of talent!  Mine got passed off to someone else, so I just have to watch and dream!  Glad you are enjoying the book.  Don't bother with the movie...wasn't nearly as good!

    Off to see DS and DGD...her day with Grandma!  Such fun! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    News Alert......Just heard that Komen has reversed its position......I signed a petition as I'm sure many, many of you did.  It is so wrong to single out poor women to go without screenings.....just due to what is not in their wallets....such shame......and I'm sure it didn't hurt for Komen to hear how many people would stop contributing to them and send it to Planned Parenthood instead. 

    As I said on the other thread I am on.....never understimate the power of a bunch of pissed off women if you will forgive the vulgarity. 

     Chevy....I'm in line for any of those you make and don't want.....because I am sure not blessed that way either.  And it is about that - wowie.  Gorgeous. 

    Hope you are all going to have a better day now with the above news.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012

    I cannot find the Feb surgery forum and want to post there also....Had my double mass on Weds...back home - I am doing okay...just concentrating on very very very happy surgery is over...thank you for your prayers are with you all also....Barbiecorn

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Barbie:  Glad you got through your surgery and are on the way to recovery!

    Sending you prayers and healing energy!  Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Circumstances and situations do color life but you have been given the mind to choose what the color shall be.

    - John Homer Miller -

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Barbie....if I was any good at find things on this computer ( too old I guess ) I would find that forum for you and put a link in here to it......

    Instead all I can do is say I'm so glad for you that you are tolerating everything ok just now and that you have the surgery behind you.  I hope things will continue to be well and do know that all of us here will continue our hopes and prayers for a strong is not a great journey but is so much easier when the burdens are shared ones.  Maybe someone else can help you find the Feb. group.

    When you do.....if you have at the top of your computer a place that says bookmarks or favorites....and you are at the site you want or use all the time.....just hit that and it will tell you what to do to put it into a list at the side of your computer.....and you can go into the forum or group directly from there each time if you wish.  I have done it and it makes it very easy.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • vicky3blum
    vicky3blum Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2012

    hi. i would just like to join this group. i was diagnosed less than 3 weeks ago.  i have an appointment with surgeon and oncologist on both monday and wednesday and find out the results of mri and other stuff.  so far i have no idea what is going to happen.  i know it is IDC er. positive, her2 positive.  thats all. it helps to not feel alone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Welcome, welcome vicky3blumand I'm so glad you found us.  I'm so sorry about your diagnosis.  This can be a difficult journey but it does tend to be easier when it is shared with others who have or are going though it.  People who don't have this disease ( though they mean so well ) just tend to not be able to identify quite enough to connect with us. 

    You will get all your test results, path reports, and will I think get a lot of info on what treatments might be best suited to your status.  Not doing anything is usually one of the hardest parts to undergo.  We do understand, we have been through it, and we will support you and help you along the way as much as you need and as much as we can.  Being with others just like you tends to spread our burdens out and the load is not so heavy. 

    We care how it goes so hope you don't lost touch with us. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012

    It helped me a great deal to share with everyone here....there is so much hope today - keep a positive attitude....God Bless You - you are definitely not alone - that is for sure!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Hi Gals!  I found this link....  Vicky, maybe this will help you also, AND Barbiecorn!  And in the upper-right hand corner, like Jackie says, click "Add to my favorite topics" and then you will be able to find us again...Wink

    Do you know what you will be having Vicki?   A Lumpectomy or a mastectomy? 

     I know it is like a kick in the stomach when you hear you have Breast Cancer, but all of us here have been through it.... Barbiecorn is the most recent, and  she is BACK with us!  Congratulations Barbiecorn!  You done DID it! 

    Just remember to don't be afraid....ask lots of questions to your team....Write them down, and ask them and check them off when answered..... And then you probably won't remember them anyway, but somewhere down the line, you will "understand" what everything means, and why your team advises you of certain things!    And keep copies of all your reports and tests....

    And most of all, don't make any decisions  without talking it over with your team!  Do you have family to support you?  Sometimes you can't talk to family....they don't understand, and you don't want to worry them also, so you can come here to talk about "things."

    So if you are "afraid"..... so were we....It's just the un-known, and the waiting that drives you nuts.

    Take good care, and come back!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Vicki3blum:  Welcome to the group.  You will find a lot of comfort and support here.  I was a newbe like you not so long ago, and now I feel like an old timer!  You can share you thoughts and fears here and we will be happy to help in any way that we can.  When you have your final dx and know which way you are headed for treatments, there are other threads that can help with that.  I joined a Dec 2011 surgery group, and we all kinda went through our surgeries together, comparing notes.

    My advice is to be your own advocate and do your own research.  It helps when you speak with your medical team if you understand what they are talking about and have some ideas ahead of time about your treatment options.  Be sure that you make it clear to them that you want to know ALL of your options for treatment so you can research them and make the best choice for you.

    I wish you all the best...keep in touch.

    Sending you prayers and positive energy! 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Hi I read this thread from the begining (took awhile) but I am almost 2 years from dx and getting better.  I wont say its behind me but I dont look at it as much.  I take tamoxifen because I am scared not to but se's are not bad.  The other al caused extreme pain and I could barely walk.  The cancer was low grade, kinda large, and they didnt expect it to hit the nodes but it did.  Had it on both sides but right was small spot.  Just removed the lumps.  Cellutitus x2 and le which is under control.   Breasts are just starting to get back to normal thank goodness. 

    Jacke I also am 100% disabled vet so the va did my treatment.  They farmed me out for surgery to a dr of my choice and radiation which they didnt do in Kansas City.  I did chemo at VA and the nurses were great, we had a big social event once a week.  I still go see them because they make me laugh.  My onco at va is very laid back.  I was scanned before surgery and after radiation and everything was right so my onco says no more scans and mammograms once a year.  I do watch for lumps but none right now.  At first it scared me that the va wasnt going to watch closer but the dr says I doubt we will see this cancer back again so going with that.  Of course I have an insane med dr that likes the numbers to come in on blood sugar and blood pressure and she watches everything.  I do love her but shes picky.  I did try to get out of al's but he said no, they are needed.

    I am 65 so guess I blend right in here and glad they have a place for us, it breaks my heart to see the younger women going through this.

    By the way after reading all the posts I feel like I know all of you.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Oh a side note, I could be 3a not sure because I had different drs call it.  My lump was 6 however encased in a cyst and not all bc so i dont count it as 6 lol.  Look for the positive.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2012

    I just want to say that women with the names Vickie, Barbie and Jennifer could not possibly be in a forum for "older" people. What are we all doing here? How did this happen?  :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    We're not actually "older" we're just "seasoned"....Ha!  I don't want to be "older" until I grow up.  And the names?  Maybe they're not real pj....Wink  I would like to have the name Elizabeth Darling.

    It's funny, that our bodies just seem to grow older faster than our head does!   I mean I still THINK the same as I did years ago....

    And getting cancer now, is a heck of a lot better, than when we were younger, I think.... 

    jennifer!  Where HAVE you been?  We're all here, just waiting for you......  you can keep the name jennifer if you want... IF I HAD IT, THEY WOULD think I was named after Jennifer Jones...(Okay, I know none of you know of her)

    I'm just going once a year also....for a mammogram and a physical, and blood work including the CA 15 test.... I also took tamoxifen for 14 months!  Didn't have many SE's at all, other than the hearing loss.... But you know, like Jackie told me, maybe that amount of time, DID protect me, and taught me how to appreciate a lot of things more now!   It's like maybe things happen for a reason....

    Take good care everyone....xoxoxo

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    I have been here, it seems that it has taken almost two years for me to come to terms with this, omg, I know we shouldnt wish time gone but I woke up and found it was over.  Well for now. 

    I dont know why I got Jennifer years before it was in but my mother must have been a trend setter.  A side note about my mother she did die from bc because she alsolutely refused any treatment.  She had it at least 8 years that I know of .  I begged her to get treatment but she refused because of her beliefs and totally her decision.  She was 71 and died in 98.  Still miss her alot and wished she was here during my bc, she had a way of easing your mind.

    Thats depressing and the two year out Jennifer is trying to be a happier person.  Last nite I went with the kids to the opening of a new casino.  That was a mistake, there were 8,000 plus people there before we got there.  Had to stand in line forever and it was cold.  We only stayed about an hour and of course the kids hit the bar (problably why they wanted me to go, I drive) I feel like I have reached a new level when I go to a casino with my grandson.  How old am I. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Well pj --- I'm with you, as I drink a cup of my afternoon decaf so I won't be up half the night. are really committed to have read this whole thread.  I'm glad to hear you are doing well.  I still get followed up on a regular basis.  The V.A. Hospital I use had quite a shake-up right before I was they were farming anyone out that possibly needed surgery for a while though I think since they don't treat many women there....they would have done that anyway.  They chose the facility/Dr. and I was very fortunate.  I had absolute trust and faith in Dr. Ryan, ( a female ). 

    I am very glad you found us here too.  Most of us stay here to help others along because it really isn't an easy road much of the time and we all ( at the roughest points of it ) got such loving non-judgemental understanding here, tons of encouragement and so I choose to try to give back as much of the warmth and positive feelings as I can.  That is all I ever got here....and it made my journey so much easier ( it was still a toughie though ) than it might have been. 

    I'm wishing the best for everyone here -- old-timers and new-timers alike.  

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,497
    edited February 2012

    Jennifer...maybe I should have waited for your note, but this is a difficult disease to accept.  I mean....some of us ( and I do sooo feel for the youngsters getting this ) don't really ever "think" we will get something like it....why.  I don't know what I thought I would get but this was just as likely as anything.  I think ( you can tell I knew nothing ) I thought since I had gotten in my 60's that I didn't have to worry anymore about it.  Sigh!!!!

    I truly feel bad for your mother.  Moms are such special people to begin with.....and I think it must have been hard to see her losing a battle that could be won.....but you are right.  We can all do what we feel we have too.  I just feel the good Lord gave us lots of different avenues --- and though I'm not big on pills, or operations, or any of that......I won't shy away from what I know in my heart and soul will save me. 

    We were all supposed to be enjoying slowing down from work or retirement.....having our kids raised etc.  It didn't really seem too fair to have to  --- we now interrupt this portion of your life to give you a hellish disease to debilitate you, make you wonder what train hit you, and give you serious doubts to conquer but we will ( if you can hang on ) return you to your life -- albeit slightly different in due time. 

    I'm not thanking this disease but my appreciation for things is so much more.....and my ability to take delight in little really try to see them, and to melt into life a bit more rather than fighting it, or ignoring a lot it like I did in my totally complacent before cancer period.  You are at the right place.  We have your same questions and feelings.  We will keep looking for answers.

    My question right now is ......Nancy, where are you????

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    A CASINO?  Where was I?  You didn't call....Ha!  I don't like crowds, so we don't even go on week-ends...but I love to go play for a couple hours, have lunch, and go back home....

    I don't drink but one,  (an Amaretto Screwdriver)   when I get there, and we won't drive home after dark anyway.... It really is a beautiful drive, up Clear Creek Canyon...but only when the weather is nice....

    Jackie!  You are drinking de-caf?  Ha, ha!  I make it every morning in my 4 cup pot.... (DH has his own pot, & brews regular coffee.... but if I CAN, I will go get an Iced sweetened Grande' Coffee from Starbucks, and add a little creamer!  That is the best "comfort food" in the world!  But I have to get it by Noon....otherwise I will not go to sleep !  

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012


    I was committed to moving on.  I posted somewhere else that about 2 weeks ago I just started crying for no reason.  Never cried during dx, surgery, chemo, rads.  I took that as a sign that is was over and had to move on.  In order to move on I had to read all the posts, to see all the struggles.  By doing this I freed my  head.  My struggle is no worst or better than anyone else's.  There are women on here that struggle for years with mets and have full lives, this was so great.  I admire the strength I find here and by the way most of you are medically in the know,  When there is a fix of any sort for bc, we will find it here first.

    The VA in Kansas City has women patients however evidently very few of them have bc.  They work closely with KU and doctors move back and forth.  They cannot do bc surgery nor radiation but made sure I went to where I wanted and fee based it.  Thank god, it would have put us in the poor house to pay for this.  I have medicare however it doesnt cover everything where as the VA even covers meds.  I live in Leavenworth which has a VA hospital and they can cover emergencies -cellutitus type stuff.  Girls its been a ride.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited February 2012

    ChevyBoy - I'm usually a lurker, but definitely "of an age".  BMX last year.  Couldn't resist chiming in.  Of course I remember Jennifer Jones.  One of my favorites.  How about Esther Williams?

    Thanks everyone for your posts.  Great support.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Mommarch, I said I would let you know about the Prolia shot. I had it yesterday. A few minor aches but nothing serious. I hope it works and I don't lose any more bone mass.

    My mama named me Rose Lee. I asked her if it was after Gypsy Rose but she swore it wasn't. The actresses of the forties and fifties had real class. At least most of them.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited February 2012

    Speaking of class acts ladies, go to you tube and type in 'Big bad handsome man, Imelda May' or 'Johnny got a boom boom' and enjoy some retro music done by a modern young Irish woman and her band who play music the way it was played in the sixties, not a keyboard in sight.

    I am enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon, just kicking back and listening to great music.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Minus Two!  And yes!  Margaret O'Brien?  Of course Betty Grable!  My Dad was in the Navy during WW2, and she was the pin-up...(wow, that's an old word) of the times!  

    I was named after Jeannette McDonald....Ha!   Can't sing a lick! 

    Ptdreamers....My Dad LOVED Gypsy Rose Lee!!!  And Sally Rand?  Wasn't Gypsy Rose Lee the gal with the feathers? the video of Johnny Ray singing "Cry"....My girlfriend and I used to scream that out at the top of our lungs!  And smoke in her room, and hide the ashtray under her bed, Ha, ha!

    You guys, I've been trying to read Water for Elephants, and it's just to bizarre for me!  I started skipping through the pages, & tried reading once more, but the vivid explanations of these poor animals and what they do with them, is just sick!  I don't LIKE that stuff!  I finally read all of the reviews on B&N, and see SOME of the readers have the same opinion, so it isn't just me.

    I just can't believe that Author would/could write such descriptive sex crap!  I mean I am no prude, reading Jackie Collins, etc, BUT..... THIS was just "too much information for me".... If it were a free book, I wouldn't care, but spending money, because of good referrals, without reading the reviews is something I won't do again....Man!  It just made me soooo sad about the animals!   It is on my Nook, so if I can figure out how to get it off of there, I will....Wink don't go out buying that book....Ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    This is a short video of Darrell Scott....My Brothers friend.....My Brother Kenny is the drummer!

    Darrell wrote songs for lots of singers...Like the Dixie Chicks, etc....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Barbie, I'm glad your surgery went well.  Isn't it wonderful to have it behind you?  I've heard that healing from simple mx with no recon is relatively fast and then you're back to normal activity.

    Welcome, Vicky.  I remember so well the awful shock of being told I had bc.  Take a deep breath and try to understand all that you'll be told about your dx (diagnosis).  There will be decisions to be made.  Feel free to share with us as you go through the process that we have already been through.  I'll be thinking about you.

    I must get ready for church.  I'm taking my mother to the 9 am service, which means I had to get up early.  My middle brother, who is a good cook, is bringing a big pot of chicken and dumplings to my mother's house for lunch.  My dh will make a salad and bring it.  He doesn't accompany us to church.

    Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2012

    We have a neighbor whose name is Randolph Scott. Remember him? Not the neighbor, the actor :) he says his mother said they did not name him after the actor but... Hard to believe not. My DIL's name is Audra, like the Linda Evans character on The Big Valley. I've only ever met one other Audra, born in the same television program time span. :) It seems ironic that we pick an unusual name for our baby, we think, and twenty or thirty years later you run into the name all the time. True of my dear son. I always wondered where my mother got my name. Now watching old 1940s movies on TCM I understand. I was named after all those rich, shallow "B" movie star roles of the post depression Hollywood age.

    I always wished I had a "family" name, one passed down from my great-great something or other. But I surely would have ended up a "Gertrude" and not Lillybeth so I guess I'd better settle.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Chevy:  Sorry you don't like the book...I thought the writing was great...I guess the animal cruelty and sex is a bit much.  If you didn't like Water For Elephants....absolutely... don't read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo...very graphic!  I couldn't believe the movie played out those scenes in graphic detail for all to see, but that said, the acting was outstanding, and I think the girl who play the lead is nominated for best actress this year.  I'm fortunate that I can get involved in reading books like that and then am able to detatch myself from them so they don't bother me later.  The only thing I don't read are horror novels or supernatural...don't like to invite that stuff into my head.  I just bought Fall Of Giants, book one of Ken Follett's century trilogy series.  That should keep me busy from now until summer!

    Having lunch with DS and his new girlfriend today.  She sounds nice...hope she sticks around for awhile.  He knew her in high school and somehow they reconnected.  I would like to see him meet someone and settle down, but he's over 40 and a confirmed bachelor, so not much hope there.

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone.