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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Vitamin F.  I love that! 

    Today was a nice day.  I took my mother to church.  The interim pastor is the best preacher I've ever heard.  He's a professor at the Baptist Seminary in New Orleans and teaches preaching so I guess he should be capable.

    DH cooked the meal today and brought it to my mother's house.  My younger sister and her husband joined us.  She brought garlic bread.  I made green salad and also cooked some Dreamfield linguini.  DH had cooked huge meatballs in tomato sauce.  He actually cooked it yesterday so that it could be warmed up today.  The meatballs were delicious.  I acted the pig and ate two.

    DH also made strawberry shortcake with a Duncan Hines sheet cake and fresh strawberries. 

    Needless to say, we brought home leftovers.  But no dinner for me tonight.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Well quiet time is over, everyone is home safe and sound.  I did not sleep very well last night, went to bed at 9:30 and finally got up at 11:00 and popped corn, did not get to sleep until around 2:00.  I will take tamox tonight and if I do not sleep will switch to morning dose.  I hurt pretty bad last night, I had really over done it yesterday.

    Hope all had a good day

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Well quiet time is over, everyone is home safe and sound.  I did not sleep very well last night, went to bed at 9:30 and finally got up at 11:00 and popped corn, did not get to sleep until around 2:00.  I will take tamox tonight and if I do not sleep will switch to morning dose.  I hurt pretty bad last night, I had really over done it yesterday.

    Hope all had a good day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    mommarch.....whew...glad you finally got to sleep in the wee hours.  I ( the few times it happens ) am so out of sorts everywhere if I don't get a fair amt. of sleep.  I do tend to sleep like a log when I fall asleep. sleep seems to do as much for me as anything...sometimes more. 

    Hope it goes well for you tonight.  We are getting out rain....glad it waited until after dark.  It was fairly cool today.....the temps will come back up.....but I miss that little summer we had already....

    Hope you all will have a great Monday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi, took a little break.  Have to have my thyroid scanned tomorrow and I read alot about hyper, it helped, just didnt want to burden you all with my insanity.  From what I read hyper and cancer are a rare event.  Only about a 2 percent chance of it being cancer.  Of course I have put myself in that 2 percent area alot.  BC just took away my mind.  I have to be at VA at 7:30 in morning to take a pill and then return 6 hours later for scan and return Tues morning at 7 for rescan.  The problem is that the KC Va is an hour drive and while I drive ok, I dont sleep and I will be very tired.  I recruited my daughter to drive so the poor girl is going to have to listen to my junk all the way.   Plus when I have one of my crying things she will deal with everyone for me. 

    Now I am stressing about taking treatment for hyper cause I really like eating what I want and losing weight.  I will have the drs monitor closely so they dont cause a large weight gain. 

    Other than that things are good in Kansas.  Guess I went to sleep and missed winter and sorry to all of you that have had the horrible weather the last few days.  We have missed tornados for the last few years here, most of them to south of us. 

    Kaara I want the thermo thing for my breasts, I dont trust mammograms anymore.  Going to take it up with my dr.

    Mommarch how healthy is that drink, gotta have it.

    Tamoxifen, all it makes me cry all the time.  Today I cried cause the internet wasnt working. Cried because I couldnt find the butter.  Daughter brought me a glass of wine and it helped, guess I will become a drunk.   Went down to 1/2 pill for a few days but got scared and started splitting it up 1/2 when I get up and 1/2 when I go to sleep.  My personal dr says the pill and thyroid is causing the crying, she had to listen to it too.  I am sick of myself so I dont know how everyone else can not be also.  Will try to avoid whining to all of you and talk about nice things from here on.  sorry

    Have a great day and munnibunny you are in my radar, you will do ok.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Morning gals.... I think Mommarch, that you just have to take breaks when you are doing a lot of extra stuff....Stop, sit down, and have a cold drink, or a nice cup of hot tea, & just take it easy.

    I can usually get another shot of steam, and start all over again.  And relax before jumping into bed, like watch TV or read for awhile... And I never have caffeine past 2 in the afternoon...Wink Not even my Iced Starbucks.... I just get them when we go out somewhere, and sip while we're walking.

    Jennifer, are you sure it's the Tamoxifen that makes you cry?  I took it for 14 months, and I never had that one... Are you taking any other pills?   Also, ask your Doc about splitting up your pills... I always took mine in the morning...I never thought of splitting them.  Is that just something you wanted to try, because of hearing about the potential SE's?   I'm not sure you would get the same benefit, with the 1/2 doses....

    I just quite taking them...but I didn't notice any other personality changes, when I took them or stopped. 

    It sounds like you are depressed....and maybe that's causing the problems?  Something is out of balance, in your system.   We are all here to listen, so it's okay with us if you want to talk, but it's best to find out what is making you feel this way.

    Also, just try and not worry about tests.... don't think of the worst, but get it checked out.... Take good care.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer1:  Hope you get your thyroid straightened out...that can cause mood swings.  I remember when mine was undiagnosed.  I thought I was going I'm fine.  As for the tamoxifen, I have been reading about it online, and discovered that they are now doing studies to see if a lower dose is just as effective, and they have preliminary results that show it is.  A low dose of 5 mg. seems to work and the SE's are far less.  As you know I'm taking only 1/2 my prescribed dose to see how my body will tolerate it.  I also read that some MO's are giving Effexor (anti depressant) along with the tamoxifen to control hot flashes and mood swings.  The ladies who take it say it works very well for them, and it doesn't interfear with the tamox.

    I know it's hard, but try not to project into the future about what could happen...just try to remain in the present because that is about all we have any control over.  It is what it is...the past has already happened and can't be changed...the future we don't know about...but we can control our actions and responses in the moment.

    Praying that everything goes well for you today!  Sending prayers and hugs! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  That is beautiful...I get those sent directly to my internet site, but I have never learned how to forward them, except for facebook where you just hit the button and it goes:)  so I'm glad that you shared it.  There are some really inspirational ones at  I go there a lot and watch them when I need a pick me up!

    So far so good on the tamoxifen startup...take two!  Woke up feeling like my old self today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jackie:  Yes...that is exactly what I feel like now...that I'm on a voyage of discovery...never knowing what is around the next bend.  I have charted a path for myself, but I have to be willing to "adjust the sails" if and when the wind changes.  I've lived my entire life that way, and I suppose this new twist makes it no different, just different challenges that could have more serious consequences if I make the wrong choices.  I'm trying to be open to all possibilities, which is why I do so much research on my own and continue to explore all the options.  Hopefully I'm making the right choices for me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good morning everyone......FIRST.....Jennifer.....if your thyroid is off you will have terrific mood problems....the thyroid is one of the things that regulates this.  My thyroid was hyper for 7 yrs. and no one was able to diagnose it ( till it almost killed me ) but once I got treatment....I went back to the person ( good-natured, happy, productive, reasonably bright, energetic, organized ) I was though you will notice....I'm not telling about things that don't sound positive.  I could be grumpy and frustrated and other things as well.......but it is all more controllable when your organs are functioning properly.

    You will be I think, glad to RETURN to who you were before this began.  To tell you what it was like.....I was almost a stick person from all the wt. loss ( a lot  of what you are losing is muscle, so it makes you very weak ) and went down to 113 #'s.  My ribs were sticking out.  It was so bad that if I fell ( I did that more than I liked then ) I would have to drag myself to something stable like a chair or help pull myself slowly up.  I had no strength with so many muscles depleted.  Not to scare you bu my total recovery took almost three years.....and I had transitory amnesia.  It was an extremely frustrating time. 

    Don't play with this sweetie......the sort of Ins. I had as well as a Dr. that just wasn't too with it, to say the least, got me in a position where I might not have made it save for the other Dr. in the practise being there on my last visit.  I had already told my husband I was going to die and to just let me alone.....that I was ok with it.  My body at that time was filling up with fluid and organs were starting the shut-down process.  Acceptance brought me peace....but it wasn't time for me to leave this life.

    I hate to put this here......but I want you to see.....this is an extremely important gland.....and has sooooo much to do with how our bodies operate --- this needs to be right.  I did obviously recover and now take synthroid to make up for the fact that my thyroid no longer works at all.  You can be normalize you --- but you do need to see to this. are normal, normal, normal ---- but having reactions to a gland that is not functioning correctly.  It will do all you say and do get this handled.  I just say these things not to scare you ( yours is being found much earlier than mine ) but just to let you know I have had this experience......and other than the cancer, there is nothing wrong with you that won't come right if you attend to this thyroid issue. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.  We are having a bit of sun here....not enough to suit me, but at least I think the rain is done.  That is a bonus.  Warmer temps will be coming back soon and of course....this coming week-end ( Sunday ) we change our clocks.  I'm going to be happy.  I feel I need the extra daylight at the end....helps me feel my inner time clock is where it should be.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer, it is a cape cod, one ounce vodka and cranberry juice and lime if you like in a hi ball glass.  May not be healthy, but sure is good and refreshing.  I have always loved wine, but I tend to drink to much of it.  So decided if I want a drink this is better or a small amount of brandy.  I cried this weekend also, house was such a mess I was overwhelmed, had my cry and then got it done while everyone was gone.  Feels better now.  Hang in there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2012

    Again u guys are great---i'm tired alot and my bones always hurt etv, etc--so I decided that's ok, I'm older this is fine with me--And I do have better days and thst's when I do things, and when I don't I don't do anything with no guilt.And that drink sounds yummy too.That would put some hair on my no chest.But there's a point I wanted to make---Being older I have no small children to worry about, it's just me and my cat.I feel so bad hearing more and more how young all these women are that are facing all this. I think at my age (mid 60's) it's a whole other ball ame and mentally dealing with it differently. Just odd or maybe it's just me-I feel like I don't need to know everything, what am I going to do about it. As long as the Drs. do fine with me--I'm like a CIA Operstive I'm on a need to know basis--That was my choice. I may sound silly to others, but it worked for me. LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Hi camillegal.....welcome to our seasoned ladies forum.  I think your attitude is just fine.  Our bodies react so differently often to the very same thing that no answer for everyone is completely right anyway.  I think part of the measure of success is when you find something that works for you ...... and you have. 

    Hope you will come back and talk to us often. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Cheveyboy. That was very inspirational. Welcome camilegal. Some rain, some sun, another great day. Have a good one.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    camillegal:  Welcome!  Whatever works for you is what is right...a lot of my friends are that way..they don't want to know anything, just let the doc's handle it.  Me...I have to turn over every stone...they think I'm crazy!  You will find a lot of comfort and support here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2012

    Again u guys are great---i'm tired alot and my bones always hurt etv, etc--so I decided that's ok, I'm older this is fine with me--And I do have better days and thst's when I do things, and when I don't I don't do anything with no guilt.And that drink sounds yummy too.That would put some hair on my no chest.But there's a point I wanted to make---Being older I have no small children to worry about, it's just me and my cat.I feel so bad hearing more and more how young all these women are that are facing all this. I think at my age (mid 60's) it's a whole other ball ame and mentally dealing with it differently. Just odd or maybe it's just me-I feel like I don't need to know everything, what am I going to do about it. As long as the Drs. do fine with me--I'm like a CIA Operstive I'm on a need to know basis--That was my choice. I may sound silly to others, but it worked for me. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    It is so beautiful here!  I think it is at least 70!  But still a few ice patches left.  I've been out raking the lawn, getting a winter's worth of pine-needles, sticks, bark, & leaves off, hoping it will rain someday!

    I raked my garden area, and am going to start some tomato seeds the end of this month. 

    I just made some Asparagus soup!   Bought a can of stalks, added scallions, & water, & put it into a blender.... Then a little butter, and milk blended with flour & chicken bouillon....And it really tastes good!   It's a lot better than trying to cook fresh asparagus, then blending that....

    Jackie....I liked what you said....It's kind of like we are like a work in progress....  It all takes time, and learning to do something a different way.... Like getting older.... I've learned to do a LOT differently!  I can't scramble around out in the garden, or around the house like I used to...but I figure out a way to get back up easier, like holding onto something, or making sure I'm not falling off a step-stool too often. Wink

    Hi Camille!  I know.... I hate reading where most of these women ARE younger than we are.... trying to raise their kids, and get breast cancer!   

    I also trust my team....but I think I'm kind of done with's been over two years.... So that's all in the past....  It's not silly at all, Camille.

    Mommarch....just don't go gettin' down because of the house!  When you feel like it, clean just one corner at a time.... Then do something fun, or peaceful......  that work will always wait..... And if someone comes over, they probably wouldn't notice anyway.  Just take your time....

    Hi dreamers!  YOU have a nice day too!  Take good care everyone!

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Chevy you are right, thyroid not tamoxifen.  Had uptake today and it was 34.4 percent too high whatever that means.  I just hope it isnt cancer, cant do another round of that.  The man who did my uptake was great, said he has been doing this 25 years and all thyroid problems can usually be solved. 

    Kaara, where did you find that study.  Would love to cut back to 1/2 of these, blood clots and uterine cancer are a small concern, still a concern.  God I hate the word cancer.

    Jackie, you lived with this for seven years.  OMG I dont know how you did it.  You must be one strong person.  The weight while down is not severe right now.  Think this came in Aug so I dont have to live with it as long as you did.  The reason is that it took me til Aug to lose the chemo weight and I had a very hard time.  Then sick with cellutitus and thats when it started.  I also breathe heavy when I walk esp the stairs and have trouble getting up and down.  At one time I loved cooking, love to make bread by hand and do all kinds of desserts.  Havent cooked in awhile. 

    Mommarch sounds like the cranberry juice makes it healthy.  Why it is a health drink.

    Camillegal,   children are grown here  but I have a great grandson that is 11 months who I watch while his mom goes to school in the evening.   I have had him since he was a month old in the evenings and his face lights up with a smile when he sees me, that has made my world a better place. No drugs can replace that.   Also feel so sorry for the younger women, they shouldnt have to go through bc.  Glad to talk with you

    Munnibunny are you doing ok, was thinking about you today and hope its going well for you.  The first 4 were not nice one but was at a rock concert when my hair started departing and it freaked me out.  Came home and took it off and it comes back, everywhere, even places you dont want hair.

    Everyone have a nice day and thanks for all the info.  Going to have this lined up soon and ship everyone a loaf of bread.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer1:  If you google low dose tamoxifen, you will be able to read about some studies that were done using the lower dosage.  Some of them haven't been completed but it was enough for me to reinforce my decision that the smaller dose might be right for me.  I just don't see why a smaller person would take the same dose as a larger person.  Doesn't seem logical.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer, I have underactive thyroid (hypo).  So does my middle sister and my mother.  My younger sister has hyperthyroidism, which is probably more serious.  Untreated it can cause heart problems.  We all take synthroid.  Actually my younger sister had a procedure that was supposed to kill her thyroid.  There is lots of interest in the possible connection between thyroid disease and breast cancer. 

    Jackie and Kaara, wonderful posts by both of you in response to Jennifer and others posting with concerns.  Jackie, your story about untreated thyroid disease is really scary.  Thyroid disease is not difficult to diagnose and treat.  Clearly malpractice on the part of your dr.

    Beautiful day here.  Signs of spring everywhere.  

    Wishing all a peaceful night's sleep. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I'm hypothyroid as well, and mine went undetected for almost ten years.  I was having really bad spells where I would almost pass out, and thought I was getting diabetes.  Finally a doctor that saw me in the emergency room while I was on vacation diagnosed it.  Now I take synthroid and another pill that stimulates the thyroid, and together they work great.  I wonder about the connection with bc.

    Have a good night everyone! 

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    smva....the chemo will be adriamycin& cytoxan 4 rounds...three weeks apart.  the mo said through iv and if viens get bad a port...but thought veins looks ok

    i read so much on hear about tamoxifen and after the 4 will be 5 yrs of tamoxifen

    just still trying to grip all this...i am 67 yrs old

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Carole,  Yes...I am hypo now since I basically no longer have a thyroid that works.  I had to see a specialist about it, and he is the one that told me that he was thanking God I got in as he felt that I had scant hours left before I would probably go into a coma I would probably never return from so to speak. the course of treatment I had to drink radiated iodine three different times.....this helped me avoid having my thyroid removed.  Had a neck goiter the sized of a big boiled egg.  The first two times I drank the iodine ( at that time they encased it in a strange looking cement type heavy jar ) it turned my thyroid on even higher.....seemed like I was feeding it in some awful way....but the third time he said he gave me enough to fell a horse......and that did it. 

    Interesting about thyroid and breast cancer.  There was thyroid problems on both sides of my family.....but to my knowledge I'm the first one in the family to have developed breast cancer. 

    I hope you all had a fantastic day.  I'm heading for my recliner but I'll be back in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Wow all of you have been great telling me the thyroid stuff.  It has made it easier.  Last nite I took a vicodin and slept great.  I dont have alot of pain but the pill makes me feel so much better esp after a long day and my legs hurt a little.  Problaby going to have to deal with an addiction if I am not careful but right now I look for any window.  One problem at a time. 

    Jackie I havent got a goiter but a thickening of the neck.  Pointed it out to onco as well as weight loss and he didnt seem concerned.  Pointed it out to ER doctor also and when they cant see anything they blow it off.  Thank goodness I havent had this for seven years,  for you to live that long with it is awful.  By the way in my circle of friends (those that are left since bc) no one has thyroid disease so totally in the dark about it.  When I told one, she told me I was reading the se's of tamoxifen and applying them to myself, what a witch. 

    Carol, you are so right, wonderful posts and it has made a total difference.  Didnt cry all day yesterday and its looks good for today too.

    Munnybunni, ah got your name right, you will do good.  I do have chemo toes and they are going away just has taken almost a year, least of my problems. It is totally overwhelming when bc comes uninvited into your life and for along time seem to operate on auto-pilot.    The shots kept my wbc count up and steriods put weight on. Never once was I sick. I did eat alot of yogurt to keep my stomach in order, chemo kills everything so I put good baterica back in, dont know if that was right but seemed to work.  Firm fan of yogurt, think it heals alot of stuff.

    Chevy you soup sounds totally good.  Unlike Jackie I am down to 170 which problaby seems stupid to worry and when this is fixed have got to maintain this weight rather than going up again so its the health diet stuff.  Right now can eat anything without gaining but that is going to be over. 

    Every one please have a good day and thanks for the support. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer1:  Glad you're feeling better today.  A good night's sleep cures a lot of ills:)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. 
    For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness 
    is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
    - Martha Washington
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer, this meant a lot to me.  When I was first dx'ed with bc, I explored and soon found a discussion forum on the "one-step" surgery and reconstruction, which was exactly what I had chosen.  It was a small group but we posted to each other daily, offering encouragement and sharing experiences. 

    I also found this forum and joined it.  You have to keep your judgment and be alert as you navigate because there is some misinformation.  But the moral support is so meaningful.  And many of the women are well-informed and can direct you to good information.

    My family were supportive but they didn't understand what I was feeling and going through like my bc family.

    I have my morning free for exercise and whatever I choose to do.  This afternoon my mother has a 2 pm dr. apptment with the kidney specialist so I'll take her.  She doesn't drive and has never had a driver's license.  Believe it or not, that's not too uncommon in her age group in the south.

    Happy Tuesday!

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, thank you, I finished the uptake test this am and was 42 percent high, getting info from males techs is impossible.  All he would say is that he has seen a lot higher.  Usually with women I can get a general idea whats going on, but those men.

    Carol you are so right, this site has been a lifesaver for me.  After LE, cellutitus and now thyroid I talk to others that have the same problems.  I wish I was more in tune to it when I was in treatment.  Today I read about neuropathy  which I still have a little left in fingertips and toes so I know its not abnormal.  It really helps.  And no my family doesnt have a clue (maybe daughter does), those boys just act like I am the same as before.  I have a SIL that doesnt drive and never has, she is 85.  As stupid as this sounds, saying it anyway, the only thing I would do different is not to have radiation.  I hope no one that reads this takes this as anything but a personal decision.  I know that it takes the odds down but to me the cost has been high.  Not everyone pays those costs.

    My dream is that they get a better fix on bc and no other woman has to have neuropathy, cellutitus, LE or even thyoid (still think its related to treatment).

    Everyone have a great day, pretty in Kansas today but the rain is coming.