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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    well ...i am off the my chemo class that is required by akron general hospital before chemo starts

     i will have four treatments 3 weeks apart of AC via IV unless my veins screw up

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone.   I have been lurking and send good vibes to all in treatment, planning their treatment, and/or just hanging in there.  

    My 13 yr old car decided to need over $ 4000 worth of work, so I got a new one and a super deal with 1/3 the sticker price knocked off.    Then a tooth broke off,  Dentist took xrays and that one needs a crown, but a "shadow" showed where I still have a wisdom tooth.    Oral surgeon took one look, said the wisdom tooth is worthless and it was pulled right then and there --- after a few shots of novacaine.   His office is about 3 miles from my apartment, so I did it all by myself.    

    munny - I had one AC via IV, then had a port. But my tx also involved 12 Taxol and Herceptin, surgery and the rest of a year of Herceptin.    The port was the only way to go for me.  

    New onco did Vitamin D level and I am to take 1500 calcium and 2000 Vit D 3,but donot need the mega 50,000 dose to bring it up to normal like I did last time.    And we discussed a third Zometa (reclast) infusion for osteopenia and the potential side effects.    The oral surgeon, who is a maxilofacial specialist  also said he has seen lots of problems from the bisphosponates, including having to have bone grafts.   So, no more Zometa for me.    

    I am off to vote in our primary election and then to the grocery store.   Not much of a life, but I will get out today...    Hugs, Nancy 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    I just got a call from my doctor evidently they found something and couldn't see what it was and now an ultrasound has been ordered.  I may have read to much into what she told me but I felt concern in her voice.  Did any of you have anything like this.  I have just had too much today and need input.  I know people who get nodules and I know that if it were cancer, I problably would have  fight.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    jennifer1:  Is this an US of your thyroid?  If so, they do get nodules, but they are not always cancerous.  Someone on another thread just had hers removed and it was B9.  A friend of mine did find out that she had cancer of the thyroid and they removed it and she is fine..just takes synthroid daily.  Dr. told her that it usually stays self contained within the gland until discovered and removed.

    It's probably nothing, and they just want to make absolutely certain because it has been acting up.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Try not to worry, and get the US as soon as possible to eliminate needless concern.

    Praying that everything works out for you. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Yes ultra sound of thyroid.  There are so many pages of thyroid problems on this site, so I guess I am hardly the only one.  Just another little scarey thing to deal with.  Whatever is there my dr says its too small to read so I will take that as a good thing.  thanks

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone.....Jennifer....that is sound advice you got there.  I try not to worry about anything until I know exactly what it is I'm trying to worry about.  I tend to over-do the worrying only to find out later.....that the worrying didn't do me a bit of good.....because the problem was way easier than it seemed.....or turns out to be not at all what I thought it was. I just bite my nails and wait.

    Gram....I was told I had ostepenia as well.  I think many of us will get some of that.....whether or no.  In fact, the information I found on it was that it is rather normal for a person to have it for many yrs. before it might go to osteoporosis.  I spoke to my Oncologist and she was all for my waiting for at least a yr. and having another test at that time.  The extra D 3 and calcium I take may be enough to keep me where I need to be.....and no point in rushing into using heavy duty drugs if they are not needed. I felt confident about it.

    We are having massive winds again.....probably rain late tomorrow.  Sigh !!!! 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.  See you in the moring.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Again thanks for all the support.  I was crying upset again but that is the thyroid at work.  My brother and SIL went on their computers and researched and called to talk to me, they have a way of making things good.  They both have been my best friends for 40 years.  When they called I had just packed my cell and charger in my purse and was going to check in the mental hospital, please dont think I am a drama person, its the damn thyroid. 

    Worst case, cancer, out it comes.  Next if it is a spot (she didnt use the word nodule) and kill thyroid or take meds.  I have to have a talk with my daughter (she lives with me), she went to bed crying and it isnt her thyroid, shes emotional. 

    Our home has let these things destroy us enough, its over.

    Oh great the Republicans are in Kansas tomorrow, I have no energy  to go see them.  We have an 80 percent chance of rain, welcome to Kansas guys.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I watched a really inspirational movie last evening "Soul Surfer"  It is a true story about a young surfer that grew up in Hawaii who lost her arm to a shark bite.  It was a miracle that she survived the attack, and she went on to become a champion surfer.  

    She went through a lot of soul searching after her accident, went with her church group to Puket to help with the sunami victims, and realized that life was not all about surfing, but about love for your fellow man.  It shows that although your life can change in an instant, it doesn't have to be over.

    She had a wonderful family (all surfers) who supported her and helped her through her crisis.  Boyfriend and I were both crying happy tears at the end.  Well worth watching.   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    "'Every day I go into the world to seek my identity, feeling greatly blessed by the things I don't find it in."

    ~~ Robert Brault
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012, it is extremely doubtful that you are just into drama.  The thyroid is such a problem if it isn't operating correctly.  I did not cry much......I think my problems mainly had me past that, but I was a WAY different person.  It had everything racing so fast that in a conversation ( infinite possibilities right ) I was aware of most all of them and knew exactly what would be said at the end of the conversation.  I could work for hours and hours and did....all of it sounds great....but it is so far from it.  Of course all this before my HUGE crash. 

    You will get this handled and return back to yourself --- which is one of the reasons you can be so unsettled.  You know ITS NOT you, but who the heck has taken you over and you can't cope, which you did before.  Easy to say hang in there which brings me to one of my favorite sayings:

    Give me patience Lord, but hurry.

    Kaara....I have watched that movie as well.  We have such role models in this world and I always come away with the hope that while I may never be such an outstanding model, I am thankful for someone who is........because it gives me something to work toward. 

    For me and for lots of is never going to be something that is made into a movie.....or even has a 15 minute frame time slot ---  it will just be the determination to try and make what is around me better in some way.  It may be in the nth. degree measurement....but as long as I'm  trying and having the desire....I'm as good as there. 

    Carole -- give your Mom a hug from me.

    Saying hi to everyone and hoping you all have a great day.  More wind today....though temps will stay good until the rain comes this evening they day.  Sigh !!!!  Love that sun that makes me bloom.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jackie:  That was very well do such a great job of giving perspective to us all.

    I just got back from the eye doctor and the news was not as bad as it could get.  I only have wet MD in my left eye...the right is still dry, so will only need the injections in the left one.  He said he could stop the deterioration and maybe even improve the sight somewhat.  I wanted a few days to do my own research and get a second opinion if I felt it was needed, but from what I've read thus far, it seems like this is the best way to go.  This innovative treatment has only been in place for about 7 years, so in that regard I am fortunate.

    It's windy and rainy here in Fl today...feel sorry for the vacationers! 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, I'm glad they can help your eyes!  Do you know what the injection is?  I don't know anything about Macular Degeneration....but know you can lose your sight with it.  Hope they can help you.  I only know of a couple older women who have this....a lot older than you....and they give themselves drops every day.

    I watched the surgeon do Lasik on my Daughter's eyes....Man, I just sat there and held onto the seat.  I didn't see how that couldn't hurt!  But she didn't feel any pain.  She also went back about 8 years later, for a "correction" or something?   She sees very well now....Had to wear glasses since she was in grade-school..... It's so different, because none of us in the family even wear glasses, except for distance........Can't hear worth a darn, but I can SEE!  Wink

    It was so funny the other morning, because DH was talking to me in the other room, and all I heard was "that Boulder Sausage''''and then something.... So  I asked, "You want that Boulder Sausage for BREAKFAST?" And he said  "NO!"  I SAID "I added some of that Folgers coffee to your pot!".....    I just cracked up!  I thought it was so funny!  I have to watch him talk, or he has to talk loud, when I don't have my aids in.... I can screw the words up so bad, when I think I hear something!     It's the "word recognition" that is so bad....but my aids are for that! 

    Dreamers!  I love that little picture, & the Dalai Lama!  And when we think about what he says, it is so true......

    Jackie, you ALWAYS make things better, for everyone around you!   It's like you live what you believe....For your DH...for all your pets, and the ferral cats, for Margaret...for everyone!   And you are always there for the rest of us!  You are the calming one on this thread.... and I love that.

    I just "bought" 2 books for my Nook....They are "100 Quotations to make you think" and "Another 100 Quotations to think about" by Wolfgang Riebe.  They were free, so if he has any good quotes, I'll post some....Ha! 

    I am now reading "The Witness" by Dee Henderson.... So far, so good...  And I just finished "The Rock Stars Daughter."  It was really a good book!  About a young girl, growing up, having lost her Mom, and having to go to her Dad, & his new wife & little Daughter, and him being a big Rock Star!  Traveling all over, and resenting him, for his lack of care, in her life...But it was a good read! I also read "Sleeping Handsome"....another GOOD story, and not too long!  They were all free.

    I'm really liking short stories now!  They don't get so involved, with lots of characters and plots, like some of the long books do.

    Okay....  beautiful day out today, if you're into sleet, snow, rain, and freezing drizzle. Undecided  Oh well, tomorrow is supposed to be better....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    PT.....I love the picture and quote as well. The Dalai Lama is full of such wisdom. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  The injections that I am going to get are called Lucentes.  They work somehow to stop the growing of new blood vessels in the eye which cause the distortion and ultimate blindness.  It is a new treatment that was approved in 2006 and the doc says it has a 90% success rate in stopping progression, so it's worth a try.  I can still see pretty good, can even drive at night if there are street lights on.  If I can keep what I have, I'll be happy.  I knew something was going on last August, but then I got the bc dx, and everything else went on the back burner.

    I think my bout with bc has prepared me for almost anything that I have to go through.  Normally I would have been freaking out about an injection in the eye, but now I'm just saying...bring it on and let's get it over with!  He wanted to start yesterday, but I wouldn't let him do it until I came home and did my own research and satisfied myself that this is the best method.  I'm still going to get a second opinion from Bascom Palmer, but I'm not delaying the treatments.  I start Monday.

    Today I see my new MO at the Cleveland Clinic.  The tamoxifen is working ok for me so far.  Been back on it for a week and no SE's that I notice.  I will ask her about how it works with the eye problem I'm having. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    A man never likes you so well as when he leaves your two kids smilingcompany liking himself.
    - Anonymous

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Sorry about the picture that came with the quote today.  Just wanted to thank all of you for your kind words.  I am not in a place where I can do all the things I would like to try and help this Forum is one place where I can try to make a difference of some kind.  It may only be words.....but I do admit....I censor myself very little and just let what I feel in my heart fall out.  Anyway....just know that you all give me much reason to like myself.

    Kaara --- the power of forums.  I hope you know how fantastic to read your info on MD and the possible fix we all could have should this happen to us.  It is one of my fears.  Our senses so strongly give our lives dimensions.  I had a friend yrs. ago who was rapidly losing her sight to MD and it was such a helpless and hopeless event.  Any small consolation was that she was much older.....and had a husband willing to do anything to make her life good.  My own Dad was hard of hearing ( great phrase for quite deaf ) though he had a little in one ear which a hearing aid improved.  Still......later on I watched as it finally got bad enough that he himself realized one day that he was totally un-sure and deeply un-comfortable driving.....and just the day before he had done fine.  I was with him in his car and I could see it myself.  Later that day he asked me to help him sell the car he had just purchased three months before.  That was the last day he drove.

    Now, I have a friend who can only "taste" now and then.....and usually something with some sort of spice though at her age she has to be cautious of spices.  So, just saying that any time there is something we might do to improve what age and or disease processes may be eliminating in some way....all the better. 

    Hard to say if I had to choose.....because even if I couldn't hear.....I could still ( I hope ) imagine laughter, bird songs, puppies playing etc.  Well, if I coudn't see.....I could guess lots of these sounds too.......but sight......things change.  Seasons come and go.....and there are differences....hope I don't ever have to miss anything connected to the senses.

    Cooler today but lots of rain I think.  Temps will go back up in a day or two.  Spring may be early this yr.  Not un-heard of to have a big snow-fall in April......when the redwoods are blooming like crazy and Bradford Pears.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Just cme across this on another blog and thought you all might like it.......I'm going to do something with this for sure.

    3, 2, 1 CAKE
    These individual little cakes are amazing
    and ready to eat in one minute! INGREDIENTS:

    1 box Angel Food Cake Mix

    1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor

    Makes 1 serving.


    In a Ziploc bag, combine the two cake mixes together
    and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take
    out 3 Tablespoons of the cake mix combination and mix it

    with 2 Tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe
    container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have
    your own instant individual little cake!

    KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the Ziploc bag
    and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top
    each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping
    and/or some fresh fruit.

    Helpful Tips:

    This recipe is called 3, 2, 1 Cake because all you need
    to remember is

    "3 tablespoons mix,
    2 tablespoons water,
    1 minute in the microwave!"

    TRY various flavors of cake mix like carrot, red velvet, pineapple,
    lemon, orange, etc. Just remember that one of the mixes has
    to be the angel food mix; the other is your choice.
    The flavor possibilities are endless!

    The best thing is, you open both cake mixes into a gallon
    storage bag, one that 'zip locks' or 'self-seals', or a
    container that seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to
    blend and then make the recipe. Storage of mix is simple,
    put it on a shelf. No need to refrigerate, since the mix is dry.

    Always remember, that one of the cake mixes MUST be
    Angel Food. The other can be any flavor.
    The Angel Food is the cake mix that has the eggs whites
    in it. So, if, anyone is allergic to egg whites, you can NOT
    serve this recipe.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I'm happy to share any information I can.  I was told when diagnosed ten years ago that there was nothing that could be done for MD, so look how far it's come since then.  I didn't bother having my eyes checked for five years for that reason...probably a mistake on my part, but it stayed dry until just this last year.  All my vitamins I'm taking and my diet are exactly what I need for this disease as well.  The eye doc was happy to hear that we are already doing that.  Other than genetics, other contributors to MD are smoking, obeseity, diabetes, and of all things...birth control pills!  I took those for 20 years, and it also runs in my family on my father's side, so that made me a prime candidate.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jackie, that cake recipe is amazing.  You have to wonder how people come up with these discoveries.

    I had a good birthday today, my last birthday in the 60's.  Next year will be the big 7 0.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012
    Happy Birthday Carole.
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2012

    Happy Birthday, Carole! And wishing you many more :)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Happy Birthday Carole.....have many, many more:

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLE!  You are still very young!!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!  I didn't have a birthday cake, and these pictured cakes are beautiful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good morning everyone.  I didn't have any trouble deciding a quote to put here....mainly just which one.  It is difficult to feel too terrible about a birthday.  For one's interesting now.  When your young you are so impatient for the events and adventures that are to come....then, you start to slow down ( I think that is the part where you see how much work it really entails ) but there is so much to be said for being "well-seasoned". 

    I don't feel my age and I doubt whether most of you ladies do.  I often feel patience now and a quieter kind of happiness, and sense of fulfillment.  I feel like I actually do have the time to enjoy special moments.....even if they are sometimes few, brief, and far between.......and I don't truly have to worry about tomorrow or prepare for it nearly as much as you often do when you are younger.  Our whole life is a matter of different phases --- and I am not at all sad to be in this one.  It is a comfort to hear someone say "stop and smell the roses", because the majority of us can do just that. 

    I hope you all have a perfect day or close to it today, and can be VERY happy in all the small ways. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    It has been a gray, drizzly day here.  I "organized" my refrigerator space this morning, which always entails discovering things!  Then I opened up Turbo Tax and did our federal tax return.  I had been putting it off this year because I suspected we would have to pay a goodly amount of taxes but, to my surprise, we only owed $43.  I still have to do the state income tax return, and we will have to pay more state tax because I don't have any state withholding.

    We have federal tax withheld from social security and all IRA withdrawals.

    Tonght we're going out to dinner with another couple, my birthday dinner.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    I finally got my loaves of Sour Dough bread from the Boudin Bakery on Fisherman's Wharf!!!!!

    I cut off a little piece of the tail, heated it, put butter on it, and closed my eyes & just KNEW I was in San Francisco!  Cool  It is sooooooooo good!  I'll cut them both into 3 pieces & freeze it.... I am so happy  you told me about it!   (I have to go back & see who told me...ha!)

    But what a great gift for me!  For Birthday AND Christmas!  So that's my news for today...Wink  I went with my Daughter & met my friend to have lunch at a Pho place....Have you gals ever had this?  It's that hot flavored broth, filled with rice noodles, and they bring a platter of Asian Sweet Basil, bean sprouts, sliced Jalapeno's, cut up limes, that you put in your broth.  Talk about "comfort food!"   It's a aViet Namese staple....I think.

    Congratulations on doing your taxes Carole...and especially for almost coming out even!!!!

    Jackie, that was a beautiful post.... There is so much crap going on in the world.... and even in our own towns..... It's just nice to read uplifting things....  It makes us appreciate our own little worlds a lot more.....

    Kaara, I copied what you said about your eyes....I'll show it to my friends..... Thanks for the information.

    Talk to you later!  

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  I love Vietnamese's almost my light and tasty.  My boyfriend doesn't like it so much, so I don't get to have it that often, unless I can talk a girlfriend into having lunch with me.

    I tried to make your recipe for the pie but the grocer didn't have key lime yogurt...can you believe it!  He promised he would get some in so I could make it another time.  This hasn't been my week.