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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Minus!  I forgot to answer!  No, I never ate there, but I loved going to Berkeley!  I got to have my Grand-sons come there, one at a time, to "meet" my Dad!  What fun showing them Alcatraz, the Wharf, eating clam-chowder, and I have the neatest picture someone took of us from the back...We were looking out at the little fishing boats, & my 8 year old Grand-son, had his arm around my shoulder..... It means so much to me, just to remember.....  He is 23 now.... 

    And the sour-dough bread?  Warm, with butter?  Oh wow....nothing better!  You just can't get it here in Denver....nothing tastes the same.  I just had some Irish Soda Bread, from the store.... THAT was really good!  Had raisins in it, kind of a heavy bread, with course "sugar"? sprinkled on top....but I liked it!

    Also the older one...(11 at the time)  always fell asleep going back on the SFOAB Bridge.... after a full day of going to the Persidio, Golden Gate Park, and driving down Lombard!    We still talk about our "special" time!

    Kaara....hope they get your eye issues straightened out....I know Macular Degeneration is one of the worst eye diseases you can have....

    Jackie.... Hope you aren't working so hard....but I kind of know you are!  I worked on my cupboards again....threw some stuff out, and bought some little plastic tubs/baskets at the dollar store....Man!  That made it a lot easier! 

    Now I almost know where everything is...Wink  Talk to y'all later...xoxoxo

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2012


    The Panera Bread stores have a very good sourdough and other breads.  I know they are in Colorado, because we visit our granddaughters in the Loveland/Fort Collins area...

    I think their Rye bread is excellent...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Vicki, Thanks!  We go to Panera's all the time!  But my Husband usually goes in & buys his big loaf.  I'll have him get me a sour-dough.... Also the Rye?  I'll have to try it.

     My Daughter & I ran in to get a sandwich one time, but the line went so fast, & I didn't know the menu, and I SHOULD have had the sandwich on Sour-dough! 

    We went to one in Orlando....Had the clam-chower there, but the one here only serves it on Fridays....Undecided   Thanks for the tip!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

     Chevy:  When I get too desparate, I order from Boudin - link below.  Bread like you remember w/the San Francisco salt air.  The clam chowder is pretty good too. They have a restaurant & bakery outlet on the wharf now. There was in one of the foodcourts at the SFO airport too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    Kaara:  Forgot to say your research sounds hopeful.  Hugs going your way.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012


    i had a mammoprint that showed high risk so that is why the need for the chemo...dr said that i was healing well and they could start next week but i have to have a colonoscopy on march 12 so they are waiting to hear results of it

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Minus!  I think you are a life-saver, Ha!  I just ordered the 2 loaves from Boudin!  We even went in there on our last trip... I brought home 4 loaves...but they freeze so well!   The shipping is almost as much as the bread....Ha!  But worth it.  I'll order more if I become addicted.... and I'll also try the bread from Panera's.

    I never thought of going on-line for the bread!  So thank-you!

    I  have the recipe for the clam-chowder from Fisherman's Grotto.... I begged the waiter to see if he could get me one... It's so rich that I couldn't eat THAT very much, but the Progresso soup is pretty tasty. 

    Morning Munny.... Okay, I understand....Sounds like you have a plan!

    Colonoscopy? Drats! Oh to take care of all those "things." I'll probably have to schedule one again either this year or next.

    Carole!  Races this afternoon and tomorrow, ha!   Glad that last one and all those problems are done with. 

    Talk to you gals later!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Gray and overcast here this morning with the wind chimes jingling outside.  We had a little rain last night and a front came through lowering the temp to the 60's.  Turned the A/C off.  I have lots of things to do indoors today, including laundry.

    Have a good Saturday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Some things are provoking and somw are very thought provoking.  A. Einstein's thoughts/quotes almost always amaze me.

    "A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." (Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good morning to everyone....sun it out nice, though it has cooled very substiantiantly from the 70 degree temps of yesterday.  I hope it stays out......tomorrow soulds icky....but not going to consider that today and just enjoy.

    I really was struck by all the devastion on t.v. this morning from the storms/tornadoes of yesterday.  They were sighted at one point just a very brief few miles from the V. A. Hosp. where we were as we were herded into an interior shut down, and sat there for almost a half an hour till the all clear came.  Horrendous to think they went past us a few miles and over the Indianna border started leveling everything there almost. 

    I'm saying yum on the bread as well.....I am a huge bread lover and somethimes wish it  were otherwise.  I love sourdough, lt. rye, and brown whole grain bread.  We use the br. whole grain for all our toast here.  I heard on Dr. Oz ( not that I rely on everything he says ) a day or so ago that bread is higher for salt content than potato chips.  I nearly fell over.  Made me think that when I am reading labels ( the little description charts ) how often it doesn't sould like all that much.....but it sure becomes that way if you compare it to something else. 

    Kaara.....I think you have probably taken some wt. off some shoulders about macular degeneration.  I've known a couple of people who "lost" their sight......and it has always bothered me to an extent, not yet directly for myself....but just a little apprehension due to the fact that only one of my eyes work well.  The other is free from disease.....just has been lazy for a long, long time, so I dread anything going wrong with eyes. 

    Bunni....chemo is not a walk in the park, but people can have very light ( minimal ) se's ( side effects )  and go to work and generally do everything they might have anyway.  There are so many drugs as well that can help so that if you do experience them with a little more strength you will be able  to do all right.  One of the biggest reasons I stay here is to be able to say things like that.  I did 6 months of do know that a huge number of people find themselves in the unenviable position of needing to take strong measures to put themselves in the most optimum position to get to NED status and stay there.  . 

    I'm thinking of you and wishing you well --- and of course, everyone  -- no matter what their status right now. the picture of your playing cards with your Mom.   My mom has been gone since 1998, but I love hearing what anyone does with their parents.  Like Chevy and any of you who no longer have your parents alive or near, where would we be without those very special people. 

    Hugs for a great and beautiful Saturday.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I have to do a colonoscopy...but before that, I'm getting a thermogram of my breasts on's the three month mark and my naturopath wants to do a careful watch.  Of course that will be followed by a mammo at the six month mark.  Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing shows up in either breast, but if it does, it will be very early stages because that is how thermography catches it...before it would show up on a mammogram.  Since going off my hormones, I no longer have dense breasts!  It looks like someone stuck a pin in them...oh well...time to buy smaller bras, and mammos will be easier to read in the future...that's a benefit!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    I am home alone this weekend.  Trying to get some much needed house work done.  I really don't have the energy so I work for awhile and sit for awhile.  Will get there sooner or later.  I enjoy time alone.  Have not had any in the last year. Family went last Sept., but Hubby came home the next day because I was in chemo and did not want me alone. 

    Last night I had a cranberry juice and vodka drink a meat pot pie and went to bed at 8:30.  Needed the rest.  It is cool here today, no rain.  East Texas has had rain and when we went this week everything was green and blue bonnetts are blooming. 

    Hope you all have a good day.  Oh I started the Tamox on Thursday, we will see.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    So Marcha!  You had a cape cod!  I used to have one of those when we went to a Casino....I had forgotten all about them!   I hope you are feeling  a little better now.....Get lots of rest, and lots of fluids....Maybe more water than cape-cods.....Ha! 

    Also I didn't have any SE's from the Tamox, other than the leg cramps, and "warm-waves".....I also noticed I could "think" better....don't know if it was in my head, or if I was just moving beyond the cancer diagnosis..... I was happy again, and I felt good!   

    Yes, I lost my hearing, but that's just something for all the gals on the pill to think about...also blood clots...When something "happens" that is not normal, stop, and get it figured out. 

     I kept taking the pill for almost 4 months after my  ears plugged up.... 

    Maybe if I would have stopped the pill when it first started, I could have stopped the hearing loss?  Maybe it was the fillers in the generic I used?   I SURE don't know....

    It was not a tumor in my head/ear causing the abrupt stop of hearing....otherwise it would have started slowly....same with hearing loss from aging.

    So if you notice something "different"....  stop, and get it figured out.  I STILL wish I could take the Tamoxifen... but I'm taking Dim/plus, and a bunch of other supplements.

     Jackie, so glad you have missed that devastation!  Man, what an awful thing to happen!  We just go sailing along, and all of a sudden, something like that happens!.... 

    It's nice here today too....except for the cold WIND that is always around!  But lots of snow up in the mountains again.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Our kids who were just here from Vail said it was terrible skiing this year in the mountains.  Last week would have been our week to go, so we would have missed the snow.  Maybe spring skiing..that's always a plan.

    I'm back on my Tamox since last night, and I'll follow your advice Chevy...if there is the slightest problem I'll stop until I talk to my MO.  I've learned from research that I can't be on any blood thinners because I could have a retinal bleed which could mean further eye damage, so I'm even more cautious.  Glad I decided not to take that one asprin a day to prevent bc recurrence.  Most of the supplements I'm on are good for the MD as well.

    We're going out to dinner tonight with friends, to an asian restaurant in town that we love.  I've cooked at home all week, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Praying for no more tornadoes...what a nightmare for those people.  Hurricanes are bad, but at least you get a warning. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    joycek:  Coral Springs is on the east coast, just south of Boca.  My DS lives in West Palm Beach.  I would love to meet up with you guys, but March 7 is the day I have my app't with the retina specialist regarding my advancing macular degeneration.  I will have dialated eyes and won't be able to drive anywhere for the remainder of the day.  It would be fun to meet up with people from BCO though, so we'll definitely plan to do it another time when you're in Florida.  We're here every winter, and spend the summers in NC.

  • smva
    smva Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2012

    munnybunni:  Do you know what type of chemo you will be getting???  I am 71 yrs. old, had mx, and started chemo Jan. 31st.  I'm getting 8x of CMF .. onc said it has less se's and will be just as effective for my type of cancer.  Onco score was 27 .. high intermediate range.  Had bc 32 yrs. ago, also had mx then.  Good luck with your chemo.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Yes Kaara....Are you going to try the 1/2 dose?  And then try that for a month and try the whole pill? Honestly I really did good on it!  And like I said, I felt great.  I wanted Tamoxifen over the other two that are given, because a lot of the women have so many problems with the joints...

    Also if you do notice something different, explain it to your Onco, like SCREAM at him that you are having some sort of SE that maybe he is not aware of.... I think that goes with ANY pill or treatment we get!   I remember I was taking Acai-berry....Oprah touted that as a weight-loss miracle....and I broke out in such a rash, that was worse than the rash I got from some cactus concoction that I tried.  So now I am really afraid of trying ANYthing new...Wink

    .And good luck on your upcoming appointment.

     Jackie has done very well with the Arimidex.....  So if you can't take one, maybe another Al would work better.

    Have a nice week-end everyone!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  Yes...starting back on the 1/2 dose.  I see the new MO this week as well as the retina specialist, so another round of dr. app'ts that I thought I was done with!  Trust me..if those SE's that I was having when I had the cold come back it will be bye bye tamoxifen:(  I know you just want to scream when you hear me say this, but I researched on Life Extension and there is another supplement Indole Carbinole 3 that does the same thing tamoxifen does, so that's a back up plan, but in all fairness, Life Extension did tout the benefits of Tamoxifen.  They always give you both the pros and the cons of every drug so you get an unbiased report.  That's why I use them for a lot of my research.

    joycek:  Sounds like a good plan!  I'm sure DH just hates it that he's left in Florida with only golf to amuse him:)  My boyfriend would think he had died and gone to heaven!  I sure hope the weather cooperates for you this next week!  I'll do a little sunshine and warm weather prayer for everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Kaara...just be careful about trying something else, that has not been proven, I mean if it is not main-stream....  You know how to research, so if you decide to do something different, jump in with both feet!  At least it is worth a try, right?

    I'm on DimPlus, which is supposed to be very careful, because of your eyes....  Tamoxifen DOES cause problems with some women, causing cataracts.  I know those can be taken care of, but maybe not so easy, IF you already have problems....

    I just want everyone to do the best they know do whatever they can to never get cancer again...  But sometimes we just have to leave it up to our higher I won't scream....I promise....Wink

    Have a great night all!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  I specifically asked my eye doc about Tamox the other day, and he said it wasn't a problem with MD; however, I will also ask the retina specialist when I see him on Wednesday to be sure.  I've heard of DIM which is also supposed to be good in place of Tamox.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Wow joycek!  I didn't know that connection between Arimidex and Cataracts.  I KNEW about this with Tamoxifen, and know several women this has happened to.

    No surgery is easy, but the cataract one works out very well I guess!  Sorry about that.... Glad your Onco listened to you... Mine was just sort of ho-hum about my hearing loss.

    Kaara, this link is about Dim/Plus.. but I also take Grape-fruit extract, Chaga, Turmeric, Grapeseed extract, and Kelp, (for the iodine) a few others, and maybe they ARE doing something good for me, but I don't feel any different.

    Later Gators'...........

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  Those are all good supplements.  I don't think you would notice a big difference in how you feel unless you were weak and not feeling well to begin with.  Thanks for the link...I will check it out.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Woke up to bright sunshine.  It's a gorgeous day! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."~~~~~~~Buddha
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Oh how pretty it is outside right now.  The sun is out may not stay......rain/snow combo maybe this afternoon.....but I'm just so pleased to see the sun and little wind this morning.

    Chevy...I think you and Joyce are obviously in the 5 % or so who will get the rarer se's from these 5 yr. pills.  Considering how many women take them I'm not totally surprised.  Unfortunately, most of the "cancer" drugs tend to have a harsh side, but then it is an awful and very threatening disease and in the main......we get over the se's that come from these treatments and go on.....hopefully NED or many, many yrs. or even forever. 

    I think Kaara has a good point.....if your system is working fairly well you won't suddenly notice taking or not taking supplements.  I do notice if I skip mine for awhile....but only a slight moderate drop in energy. Otherwise......nothing.  I think that is due to the fact that I tend to be on the go quite a notice fairly quick if I've forgotten to get my bottle of vitamins refilled.  I was buying a brand called Alive.....which Wal-Mart was out of so got something called Total One....and they seem just as good. 

    We each have to do what we have to do.....I went through a lot with my treatments so while pesky things crop up with the Arimidex.....they would have to be so much worse for me to even consider not taking them. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday. I'll see you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    I love this and want
    to share it with you...

    Why do I have a
    variety of friends who are all so different in character? 

    How can I get along
    with them all?

    I think that each one
    helps to bring out a "different" part of me.

    With one of them I am
    polite.  I joke with another friend.

    I sit down and talk
    about serious matters with one.  With another I laugh a lot. 

    I may have a Coke with
    one.  I listen to one friend's problems. 

    Then I listen to
    another one's advice for me.

    My friends are all
    like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. 

    When completed, they
    form a treasure box.  A treasure of friends!     

    They are my friends
    who understand me better than myself,

    who support me through
    good days and bad days. 

    We all pray together
    and for each other.

    Real Age doctors tell
    us that friends are good for our health.

    Dr. Oz calls them
    vitamin F (for Friends)

    and counts the
    benefits of friends as essential to our well being.

    Research shows that
    people in strong social circles have less risk

    of depression and
    terminal strokes. If you enjoy vitamin F constantly,

    you can be up to 30
    years younger than your real age.

    The warmth of
    friendship stops stress and even in your most

    intense moments it
    decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.

    I'm so happy that I
    have a stock of vitamins F!

    In summary, we should
    value our friends and keep in touch with them.

    We should try to see
    the funny side of things and laugh together,

    and pray for each
    other in the tough moments.

    Thank you  for being
    one of my vitamins!  

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012

    Thank you Chevyboy, That was a great sentiment.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  Very nice!  Thanks for sharing.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2012


    Thank you so much for sharing that with all of us!!!!!

    The timing was perfect for me (one of those pity party days)  I hope you don't mind, but I copied it and shared it with my Vitamin F  friends.

     Again,  THANK YOU!!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    That piece and you truly are a treasure. Nice to see this as we were discussing supplements and vitamins....I think there is no F on my new bottle.....but I'll sure know where to look for it first now.  I'm proud to call you my friend.

    Hugs, Jackie