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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Our High today in the Davis Mt's was 33 degrees, we have had 70% humidity, Mt's behind our house at higher elevation are covered in Ice.  Humidity is welcome, Last week our humidity was 5% and we were under a red flag warning.  Is to warm up to 66 by Sun. and in the 70's next week. Next week is spring break, I hope we have some good business at our broom shop it is greatly needed.  I will get Wed. thru Fri. off at the Univ.  looking forward to it.

    So far doing ok on the Tamox.  Still having pain in my left shoulder and bicep muscles in both arms, it is worse at night.  I had my blood work done on Wed. at my Family Phy, it is for my thyroid, etc. they called to day and said it looked pretty good.  They are sending it to my ONC. 

    Hope you all have a good Sat.   Take Care 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  I'm the culprit who recommended Boudin Bakery.  And I say cuplrit because I could order monthly - it's that good.  Glad you're enjoying.  Jan

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    got a weird ? ...what does "bump" mean

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    Munny - that one took me by surprise too.  Someone's submitting a post to keep the thread active & alive.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi, well a few days ago the depression lifted, I gained a few lbs and my pulse rate went back to normal.  OK the thyroid is fixing itself.  I did have an ultrasound this am and the tech had trouble finding this spot which is the size of a tip of a pen, maybe another spot smaller than that one, she wasnt sure but did say to not worry about a biopsy because there isnt enough for that.  Have an appt with the specialist next Friday.  Since Aug have been through LE, cellutitus twice and three or four horrible sinus type infections.  Immune system wasnt working correctly.  Just so sick of going to drs, looking forward to spring, we are going to put up the pool and move on.  Hope you all can stand me again because I have ranted and raved and cried.

    Well the one thing I do is get hungry when looking at the posts.   DH dropped off chocolate a few minutes ago, its his way of saying he liked the test and results so far.  I would rather have that sourdough bread or asian food. 

    It was a great day in Kansas today and after a nap just enjoyed the air, opened windows, how much better can it get.  Then the greatgrandboy came over and played, he has some sort of flu and is on the mend.  Regrets is that I cant have time back with my daughter and grandboys and play with them like this.  Had to work and time was not my friend back then.  Also going to shop in a couple of weeks after dr hoping I can retain this weight.  Dropped two sizes and like it, what better thing to do than shop.

    Everyone has a great day and thanks alot for being here.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities.
    ~Deepak Chopra
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good glad things are going better, but your rants are one reason why we are here.  There has to be a safe place for you to let all the fear, confusion, anger -- all the negativism out.  We may not be able to do much but listen to you and care about you, but sometimes that is what it takes to push so much of this away.  Bye-Bye elephant. 

    Momarch.....sounds like you are getting to a better place too.  I think if may be possible for our bodies to adjust to ( the 5 yr. pills ) what we take after a bit so I'm hoping that you see some improvement.  Though I started w/o problems, did undergone some when my Arimidex went generic, but after about 3 months that cleared.  I do notice weather changes now and then......and some effort to 'get' started if I have sat too long......but really nothing that would make me give up this little bit of extra Insurance. 

    I do hope you are all going to have a super pretty Saturday.  I'll be checking in later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    jennifer1:  So glad you are feeling better.  The thyroid can make you feel so bad when it isn't working properly.  If your immune system is down, have your vitamin D levels checked, as they are probably low, but in the meantime start taking 5,000 IU's daily and it will help with your energy.  Mine went from 27 to 57 when I started taking the daily dose.  Make sure it's D-3

    Now for a little of that retail therapy...always works for me:) 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Jackie and Kaara, my dr checks everything and my Vit D levels were very low when dx but they are ok now.  Dr put me on that dose but chemo dr stopped it.   I am going to thrift store in awhile to buy some jeans because my size might change again.  I like the thrift stores anyway, they are fun.  Looking forward to garage sales to start again like we need more stuff at this house.  Did you put off doing house things during treatment.  This house needs organization from top to bottom, DH does dishes and cleans and he cooks but he dont clean like women do.  I have let so much go and its really not my way, not a clutter person, well guess I am now.  I love to watch hoarders, it makes me feel better, not to that point. 

    Have been taking the tamoxifen, problem was thyroid.

    All of you have a great day, sunny in Kansas

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    jennifer1:  If you're done with chemo, you might want to start up your vit D dose again...your levels won't stay up if you don't take the supplement.  We can't get enough of the vitamin on our own and it is very important in it's ability to prevent bc recurrence.  You need a level of at least 70 for this.  Check with your PCP.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Oh Carole, Happy Birthday, soooo sorry I missed

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    One more post then I will leave everyone.  When dx my breast surgeon told me he would rather see me with this than dibetics because he could get rid of this.  (shocked at statement) My brother and my friend both had heart attacks about 60 because of dibetics, my brother had 7 veins replaces and yesterday had his followup and is fine however my friend had another heart attack and is in serious trouble.  Point of this is that what we have is not good but there are other things that can be as bad.     Today counting my blessings.         (by the way, cant spell)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    jennifer...don't leave us too long.  Yes, many things are is just the degree.  And we don't mind if you can't spell.  If you look up in this little tool bar......where the blue check mark will be a spell-checker for you to use. 

    There is....if one can find it, a fix for darn near anything.  This champion speller, after all the bodily upsets has to use that darn speller almost constantly now.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer, it's great that your depression has lifted.  You sound calm and more in control.  I wish I could drop a dress size without the depression and thyroid complications! 

    Today was sunny most of the day and a comfortable temperature, in the 60's.  DH went to play golf about noon and I've frittered away my afternoon pleasantly. 

    My yard is looking pretty with azaleas bloomng.  The wisteria on both sides of the driveway entrance will soon be in bloom.  The trees are well on the way to putting out their leaves.  Spring definitely seems to be here.

    Hope you all had a good Saturday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Morning everyone!  It IS going to be another beautiful day!  Going to fool around outdoors for awhile, before the races start...Wink  Carole, I've been sweeping & raking pine needles from every crevice they fill up....  We have flag-stone for a large patio, and black-top in between the stones.  It really looks nice, when clean, but Winter with the wind, really made a mess this year.

    I'm going to start my tomato seeds in a couple weeks.... But they won't be ready to set out until about May 1st.

    Yes, Jennifer, I watch Hoarders too sometimes.... But that show just makes me want to get up and CLEAN something....Ha! 

    We went with DD to the Mile Hi Farmers Market yesterday, and man, what a crowd!  But bought some fun "things" along with the roasted peppers, watermelon, and we had lunch there.  Have any of you ever had a "Tornado Potato"...?  You have to try one at least once...Wink  We walked around until we didn't think we needed another THING!  But it was a fun day.

    You know, I NEVER post on a stage 1V thread, but I found this newer thread, talking about "Lower stages posting on stage 1V".... And I KNOW most of those gals do not like us lower stages posting on their thread...but our friend Marybe got on there, (stage 1V) and some of those gals made her feel quite unwelcome, because she posted that she "doesn't CARE what stage anyone is....that a lot of her friends are lower stage"..... But she finally said she would not go back to that thread.... So naturally "I" go there to mention that Marybe is our friend, and she doesn't care WHAT stage she talks to...and it just made me feel bad that she was made to feel un-welcome!    I'm always sticking up for the under-dog it seems like.

    I just posted that I never even "notice" what stage anyone is, that maybe they should start their own thread called "Stage 1V only"....  But they do not like for "us" to post anything about it, because  we "don't know how they feel".... 

      I feel so bad for them anyway...especially the gals with small children...I don't have any idea of what they are going through...I'm just sorry that what-ever I would say, would not be enough.  Some very strong opinions on there! 

    Oh well....

    Jennifer, glad you are feeling better....I know! I can always find a lot of things to be thankful for!

    Still enjoying my Sour-dough bread from San Francisco....Ha! I even gave DD a piece...but I am not into sharing something that special....Wink It just puts me in another world, when I heat it a little, and put butter on it, and sniff it!   My ODD  (older dear daughter) reminded me that we would put a slice of Brie Cheese on it, and melt it all, then eat it for breakfast with a cup of tea & lemon from my folks little tree!  Awwwwwwww!   Have a great day everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Yumm!!  That bread looks sooooo good...knowing that it's not on my diet makes it look even better.  My friend made the most awesome crabcakes for the appetizer at our dinner last evening.  They were do die for, and best of all they were all crab and not much filler, so ok for our diet.  She served them with some sweet mustard sauce over baby arugula.  What a cook she is.

    Chevy:  I know what you mean about the stage IV thread...I made a comment on one by accident one time, and boy did I get attacked!  I can take it because I'm tough, but it really upset me when I saw a young woman get attacked for posting about her stage IV mother who was having a difficult time.  I sent her a PM so she wouldn't feel so bad.  All the women aren't like that though...I post on the alternative stage IV thread all the time and there are some really nice women on there that I really admire...just trying to live and see their children grow up.  Marybe is really an inspiration to us all!

    DS and family coming over today...they want to pray for me before I go to my eye app't tomorrow.  I need all the prayers I can get to prepare for that injection.  I never liked anything foreign in my eye...even contacts, so I'm really nervous about this, even more so than my breast surgery. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. ~ Wayne Dyer

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jackie:  Excellent quote....I'll store that one away and use it at an appropriate time!  I absolutely love Wayne Dyer.  He's the one who got me started on my way of living and thinking many years ago.  He was a speaker at one of our real estate events, and won me over with his philosophies about life.  I've read almost every one of his books.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Now looking at that Sour-dough heaven is why "Bread is the staff of Life"..  I love Sour-dough and lots of other breads.....despite the fact that Dr. Oz said that is one of the BIG reasons we get too much salt.  Yep -- I eat some sort of bread daily ( as opposed to some other forms of salt -- like chips and pretzels etc. ) That picture just screams yum if 50 different ways.

    Chevy, Kaara, and everyone.  I find it a little sad that the Stage IV gals would not welcome hearing from us a little.  Is every person they ever speak too Stage IV.   We are still all in the same boat....just different area's of the boat. 

    I do know that we tend to disavow those who don't think like us, or in this case have the same disease, but at this point different prognosis.  I'll keep trying to understand.  I do think there are different forums  so that those with common interests and or disease levels can come together and I guess we have to view the forum that way.  Still, I think hostility toward anyone is not totally warranted.  Most of us come because we feel we might have something of value to share. 

    Personally I am only on two areas of BC. Org.  The one I started on ( still there ) was mainly women from the state of Illinois.  I have been there since 2007 and the other is right here.  I got on this ( seasoned with age forum ) right at the time it was being made a forum and I have pretty much stayed here.....through some pretty tough times.  There was harsh times and harsh words here -- but they finally evaporated.  Time heals if we just let it. 

    I guess that really is the message here --- we I hope will be strong enough to quit picking at people who are not Stage IV or vice-versa.  Who are not our idea and ideal ( thank gosh there isn't a clone of me....the world couldn't take two of me at once with some of my ideas ) and just celebrate instead our differences -- because we really don't know for sure where our best answers and possible solutions may come from when it comes right down to it. 

    That being said.....I do think there are different parts of BC. Org and it probably is better if we try and choose one that fits us --- and then hope we fit it.  Just for getting along and sharing agreements. 

    No one really likes bring judged --- either way.  I really see little need in drawing lines in the sand.  I hope we can look more at the fact that all of us here have had some form of BC, and keep some of our communication lines open rather than insisting people stay in their own coroner.  It is a matter of respect.  Hopefully....if felt strongly enough....a pm would take care of it rather then high drama's on the threads and forums. 

    I'll be checking in with all of you later.

    See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie 

    p.s.   I say things many times through my heart and not my this is my disclaimer.  I hope I have not offended or upset anyone.  In the words of a famous Mr. King --- "can't we all just get along". 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012

    Jackie, Amen. You certainly didn't offend me. Everyone should be able to come and feel comfortable expressing their views.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2012

    I believe that BC is BC whether it is stage 1 or stage 4, grade 0 or grad 3.  It is still cancer and each person has to learn to live with it in her/his way.  I have read here that some gals with stage 1 0 nodes still have had mets!!!! Its a disease that knows no boundary.

    We just need to grab each other's 'hand' and give encouragement to each other in the journey...

    I wish you each a wonderful week....


  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Vickie, totally agree, no boundary

    Chevy gained 2 lbs looking at that picture.

    Kaara, read the posts about your eyes, thanks, mine are working their way that direction.

    Last nite I went to bingo with daughter and boyfriend, we had fun but was very tired.  The kinda of tired you get from being inactive for a long time.  Got to get over that.  Its over an hour to get there and I did drive.  My calves of my legs hurt so I put compression hose on when I came home, fixed.  Soon I will just step into a compression body suit, do they make those.  I gained a few lbs, pulse rate is normal again and neck is fine.  Going to see the specialist next Friday and have to ask for more bloodwork because I think the thyroid is correcting itself, do they do that, omg, what a mess and the best is no depression outside of normal.  During the crisis I did take a vicodin daily much to my doctors dismay however they do help. 

    I read the new posts from those that are just dx and want to hug all of them and tell them it will be ok, you just dont know it now.  Makes you very sad because you know the horror they are going through and whats to come.  Want to travel across country giving hugs and making everyone feel better.

    Jackie, I agree and do read the stage iv forums sometimes.  I do not comment to them because I dont want to offend someone however I feel nothing but compassion for anyone on this board in any forum. I like the humor and when I read it to my family they just look at me like I am nuts, they cant grasp that there are things that can be funny about this and laughter is medicine.

    Well, its a rainy day in Kansas and little yellow flowers are blooming outside my house, wonder who planted them. Everyone have a great day.  Oh I changed my dx to the real one, acceptance is good.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, just reading your posts about your eye proceedure.  I have you in my radar, you are one brave woman perhaps the idea of it is worst than the proceedure. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, just reading your posts about your eye proceedure.  I have you in my radar, you are one brave woman perhaps the idea of it is worst than the proceedure. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Chevy, DH and I are sitting here in the living room watching the NASCAR race, the DVR version that lets you skip the commercials!  All sports programs are great in HD on large-screen tv. 

    I don't remember whether I shared a falling incident on my birthday.  I was wrestling my mother's big garbage bin out of a ditch when I lost my balance and bumped my head HARD against the rim of the bin.  I saw stars and was nauseated for a few seconds.  I managed to drive home and immediately began icing my forehead.  On Fri. and Sat. I had a huge knob on my left brow and took Ibuprofen for relief from headaches.  This morning when I got up and glanced in the mirror I did a horrified doubletake at my image.  My left eye was surrounded by purple.  What an ugly shiner I have.  The purple slowly extended underneath the eye.

    I have bridge tomorrow and golf on Tues.  I know there will be lots of questions and jokes about my black eye.

    I really like Marybe.  She has a wonderful spirit.  I can't imagine that any group on wouldn't welcome her. 

    I found this discussion forum in 2009 after I had recovered from the first shock of my dx and had undergone surgery.  I welcomed the idea of discussing other things in life besides bc or in addition to bc.  I dropped out at one point when the group dynamics changed and I didn't choose to participate.  Then I came back when the exchanges became courteous and considerate again.  Unfortunately, we lost some nice women who have never come back.  On the plus side, we've gained some equally nice and interesting women! 

    My bouquet of yellow birthday roses get more beautiful every day.  I have enjoyed it so much.

    Chevy, what do you plant in your veggie garden besides tomatoes?  I plan to participate in a CSA (community supported agriculture) beginning April 11.  It lasts for 12 weeks.  Every Wed. we go to a designated place and pick up our veggies, about 8 different kinds. 

    We had a nice Sunday at my mother's house.  Two brothers with their spouses were there.  I supplied most of the lunch and one sil brought a gorgeous (and delicious) cake for dessert. 

    Wishing everyone a good week. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Hi friends!  This thread has become so nice again!  Yes Carole....Jackie and I both remember when things sort of got out of hand.... but it's alright now.....

    It's just hard when women are not happy.....I think Breast Cancer is only one of their it is with a LOT of us....but I would never post something to make someone feel they weren't welcome here.... 

    I have Marybe as one of my "favorites"...and if you click her name, you can see what she said... .One classy woman there....   That thread has sort of calmed down since.....

    Vicki...that's right.... We ALL are scared to death when we get this!  And I honestly have NEVER noticed when someone posts here, what stage they are...  And I never will.  Sure, like I said, I DO read the other threads, but only because maybe I can learn something new!  And I have!

    Geez Carole, what are you going to say about your eye?  I'm so sorry!!!!  That's awful, that you hit your head that hard!!!!   Yes, I watched the race off and on today.....Still trying to clean our back yard and patio, and DH's Nephew came over to put another Serpentine belt on my car..... Didn't take very long, but it needed it.... So I was talking to them, watching the race, and cleaning the yard...Ha! 

    Jackie, your DH will know exactly what I'm talking about....  the belt was cracking, so he knew it would just be a matter of time, before it broke, then we would lose EVERYthing on the car..... DH's hands are getting so crippled with the Dupytryn's Contracture...And they really hurt him, so we are lucky that "family" can help us out.

    I plant tomatoes, and peppers....I used to plant everything I could get my hands on...even potatoes....but I'm just sticking with those veggies and flowers this year!   I'll grow herbs, like sweet basil, but we don't eat the others I have planted.  I also love Italian Parsley, and it comes up every year. glad you are feeling better!  Kaara, let us know about your eye appointment!

    Jackie, how are you sweet thing?  Glad you are always here, and show us the voice of reason.  I had better get dinner to y'all later! xoxoxoxo  Take good care!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    Interesting side note - my son was really pushing &  thought I would benefit by going to a local support group instead of our on line threads.  My MO said he felt it would be counterproductive & I would end up feeling guilty in those groups since I had a relatively "mild" cancer.  So - from what I've read BC is BC.  I'll stick to the boards.  Most women I've seen here are great.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Another night having trouble sleeping, and time change does not help. Decided to skip my Tamox tonight and take in the mornings and see how it goes.  

    Yesterday I filed for my SS.  I decided to take it early, why let the goverment have it if I do not live but a few more years because of BC.  It will help us out alot, and I can still work my part time job at the university for my insurance.  If our grant does not get renewed in Sept. I will take my unemployment and file for medicaid.

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday  

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    MinusTwo, I am out of dx about 2 years.  Mine was not aggressive but still scared the hell out of me and I try very hard to keep moving on.  There is alot of good karma on this site.  I guess when you are older things go wrong and the questions I have asked are not about BC.  I dont think it would hurt at all to go to a group and continue online.  At some point you dont feel the need to talk about bc as much but I do have the need to talk of other things and enjoy the recipes and pictures of food.  We talk about children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.  We talk about husbands.  We are no longer talking about thyroids.  lol   The info I received from everyone was great and made me feel better.  I found Kaara's eye problems interesting because someday may have to fool with that.  I do read the other threads but not as much anymore and its really hard to believe that you can make friends with others that you have never met but you can.

    I think after dx I was lonely and now not as lonely. 

    Have a great day