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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    jennifer1:  Glad you found the eye info interesting...knowledge is power.  When I first learned I would need the injection, the doc wanted to do one right then, but I refused, because I wanted to research it and find out if it was the best option for me.  I think he was annoyed, but he said fine, just don't wait too long.  Now I'm confident that this is the right decision, and I don't feel as nervous.  Those who have had them say it's not painful, just feels weird, so I can handle weird:)  App't is at 9:15 this morn to just get it over with.

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    I too have been on the roller coaster is so up and down - I totally understand - Remember the saying "The only thing to fear is fear itself"   - Feeling fear is what makes the ride so much harder...there was a book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" - I am going to try to dig it out of my book stash - I remember that helping at another low point in my life. (((hugs to all)))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Morning all!   Have any of you heard of having "too much" Potassium?  Guess my SIL has really been feeling bad, and a check-up found she is just "2 points short" of having heart problems due to too much Potassium!  That is the strangest thing I ever heard of.

    She is the one that had to have most of her colon removed a couple years ago...But I thought she was doing good...Now this.

    MinusTwo..... There should never be a forum, where all people were not welcome to post.   I think it is just because some strong-willed women like to have things their way..... I read a lot of threads, because I like to get as much information as I can, that would maybe help me...... But I don't post on there, unless I have a question...... 

    I used to post on the Tamoxifen thread, but since I don't take it anymore, I don't think I could help anybody on there....  Maybe the higher stages DO feel different around us, because they are having a much tougher time...  but I'm glad we don't have to feel restricted about where we post...  It's just nice to "make friends" and talk about other "stuff" like we do here.

    Mommarch!  Sooooo glad you are thinking about going on SS!  I did that at 62...Almost 13 years ago....And it's true, you just never know what's up the road from us.....   I also took the Tamoxifen in the mornings.... and I never noticed that many SE's from it. 

    Have you tried Melatonin at night?  It wouldn't hurt to try it, to see if that helps.  I just remember dreaming all the time! (from the Tamoxifen)   It' like I was just carrying on the day, while I was sleeping. Wink  But I really felt good taking it.  I would still be on it, if it weren't for that hearing thing.

    Jennifer, it's true, about being able to talk on this site.  I don't talk about it at home, or with any of my friends that haven't had breast cancer.... It's like I did it, but now I'm hopefully done, so there isn't anything to talk about.... except here. 

    Good luck today Kaara!  Let us know what goes on, okay? really helps to read positive things.... Just ANYthing sometimes to get us over a rough patch...I think we've all been there...

    Our youngest Grandson (23) called yesterday.....talked about Nascar for 30 minutes, Ha!  What fun talking to that kid!  We were with them all the time from when they were born, until they moved to Orlando about 13 years ago.... so we just became so close!  But talking to him about this "new" sport he is becoming interest in, was really fun!   He went to Daytona with his buddies and camped out, for the Shoot-out, and sent me pictures... 

    Carole, did you like the race?  And Smoke won it again!  Wink I didn't see what happened to Kyle, or Junior, because he (Junior)  was in the lead one time when I ran in the house!    Did the crowd go nuts?

    Jackie, that was funny, about saying things with your heart and not your head, or was it the other way around?  Ha!  I know,  sometimes it seems like our feelings are not connected, between our heart, our head and our mouth.  We KNOW we shouldn't do or say something, but our mouth over-rules our head, and we do or say it anyway.  If we listened to our heart more often, it would act like a buffer to what comes out of our mouth....  WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?  Beats me!  Sealed 

    Okay everyone...have a fun Monday....You too Kaara, let us know....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Well it's over!  I had the injection and it was uncomfortable but certainly doable.  The worst part is the burning after from the betadine that they use to sterilize the eye.  I'm using eye drops for that.  I go back in a week for a check and then in a month for another injection.  He said with my eye, I will probably need seven or eight.  They are $2,000 a pop, so thank goodness Medicare covers it.

    Once again, thanks for the support and comfort to help me get through this...I was a real wuss on this one:)  I'm going to lie down and nap for a bit. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Chevy, my DIL also suggested I try the Melatonin, will pick some up.  Can't hurt

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2012

    Chevboy, My DH had high potassium, we had to adjust the diet and I remember we had to peel then soak potatoes for several hours before cooking to lower the potassium. Now everything is fine. Kaara, glad the procedure went okay. Mommarch, I always had trouble falling asleep, I started on 3 mg of melatonin and now I fall asleep much more easily. Have a great day everyone.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Mommarch, good for you, what you do is live forever to get all your money back that you paid in.  Sleeping problems are terrible.

    Barbie off that rollercoaster we go, I am old school so the word cancer inspires fear however during this ride I have seen alot of wonderful things and have been amazed at the number of people who survive despite the odds.  Not just bc but other cancers too.  Some how its not quite as scarey as it was two years ago.  Plus medical science is doing the best they can, be it money motivation or science motivation.

    Carole I dont watch the races but have a friend that has a full size stand up of one of the drivers that she puts in her bedroom everynite.  When she got a new bf he wanted it moved and she refused so the bf is gone. 

    Kaara so glad this was doable.  Glad medicare covers it.  Have a good nap, usually naps solve alot of problems.

    Jackie as always thanks, you seem to say the things I need to hear when I need to hear them.  And thanks for the spelling info.  At one time I could spell and do math, now have to have spell check and a calculator. Dont think I am brain dead just a victim of technogology.

    Chevy have heard of that problem, we shall presume that with eight tubes of blood my dr checked for that too.  Because the evil thyroid stepped into our conversation I didnt get all the info about my other bloodwork except it was good. Thanks for the heads up going to see her when she gets back from India in April. My dr's mother had bc about a year before mine and her mother and I send messages back and forth. The one good thing about bc is that it has expands your world. 

    Everyday the kids and the grandkids are here with me and I do love them all but its time for them to visit rather than stay all the time.  One of these days I am not going to be in house out having fun and they need lives.  My home is large and we have made it baby safe but they are tiring sometimes.  My daughters bf can never go to bingo with us again.  He got bored and wanted to leave before bingo was over. Cant be having that.

    Off shopping today for t-shirts, wear a men's t-shirt in a size smaller for support cause bra's dont work and since the weight loss the ones I have are too loose. 

    All of you have a great day, Kansas is nice today and I believe we are expecting some very warm weather this week,

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    "If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a
    hardship today."
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Well, I'm on late but I'm here.  Just lost a whole long post....not sure what I did, but think I'm on barbie's roller coaster now.  Gosh, I hate to do that.

    It does sooth to know you are all so happy here.  This is one of my all time favorite places.  I too love that we can share so much and learn so many things from one another.  And as well.....I never realized the first day I signed up ( my first time ever on any blog for any thing ) that I would still be here.  I am pretty much there with "new normal", but I can't say goodbye to all the wonderful people who helped me through "those" days. 

    I started work this morning at 6 a.m. and didn't get off until two....then about two hours of errands so I wish I could say more, but I'm not the brightest cookie in the jar right now. 

    Kaara...way to go. 

    I'll be back later after I've done some other catching up.  Hope you all had a beauty of a day.  Nealy 80 here and warm most of the week.  Wow !!!  It will bring rain....but that is ok.  Have a beautiful afternoon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, here's hoping those injections do the job.  Keep us informed.

    Chevy, Tony Stewart is our boy!  I'm also pulling for Junior because he seems like such a nice guy and it must be hard on him to have such a famous father.

    I went to the bridge game today and faced all the appalled expressions and questions about my ugly "shiner."  Tomorrow I'll face a bunch of other women at the golf event.  It's too embarrassing to explain the whole accident so I evade! 

    It's wonderful that our thread has become so active.  I enjoy the discussion and the support.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    jennifer....I have worn front-closure bra's since my surgery....even right after, to hold the tubes from the MammoSite in place.  I got them online, but I see they no longer sell them....but you can measure your back, around, and try the kind from Walmart.  I have a couple of those too..

    No under-wires, and they have hook & eye fasteners, also on the straps, so they are really adjustable.  I notice the "front" closure is sort of to the right....maybe because of the Lumpectomy?  I don't think I "match"....Ha!  But then no-one knows except me....

    I'm like you Jackie..... I feel like I have a lot more friends now, with this forum.....! You work a lot Jackie!  Hope you can find a time, to just stay home, maybe work part time, and play with your pets....Wink

    Thanks for being here guys!  Take good care! xoxoxoxo

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    jennifer...front closurer bras can be found on

    i bought the zigzag pattern one..

    but they have others on the site and email u sales...i paid 14.00 for mine on walmart did not have one that was as nice.  I ordered several when i had the mammosite in me.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    would like to tell everyone that i enjoy the different i am an "older" woman and like this site..i look at some of the diagnosis and think ...wonder why i am having what i am having for chemo..then i realize that not everyone might have the same mammoprint result (i had mammoprint rather than the oncotype)..

    i guess i just need to ask more when i go to my MO on thursday and let it sink in.  i will be getting 4 rounds of A/C at this point. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Munnybunni, I had the 4 then 8 taxol.  After those 4 life was easier (without hair of course).  Since the cancer had been removed they told me to was to chase down any cells that had escape.  That makes one feel better to think something is chasing them and there is a reason for chemo.  I hope you are doing well.   You sound very together.

    Thanks for the bra hints, the problem is that my left shoulder will bother me, even with the shoulder strap in the car and right rib hurts with any pressure at all.  Since it got bad and then got good applied the two week rule, dont think its anything serious.  I mentioned it to onco but he didnt seem concerned since it was better.  I wear camisoles too since they dont blind at the rib.  A mens tshirt in one size smaller seems to solve the problem.  Holds the girls in place without hurting anything.  I have about a million dollars worth of bras and none of them worked.

    Chevy you are right, a lot more friends.  I have about three friends that have been with me since I was young but lost three when I got bc.  Its sad but happens hated to lose them.  One had her breasts removed,; she didnt have bc, to prevent bc.  This is before my bc.  Was at the hospital with her, at her home to help her and she hasnt contacted me in all this time to find out if I was oK, not sure whats up with that.  The other one was totally insensitive and made rude comments when I was finished with treatment about it was in my head that I couldnt get back on my feet.  When I was in hospital none of the three of them called or came to see me and we are in a smaller town.  Really dont have a lot of bitterness towards them, just took them off my xmas list.  Anger would hurt me not them.

    Carole, I am sure without an explantion of what happened they will think the worst.  Adds a little mystery to you.

    Jackie glad to hear from you, great weather in Kansas too.  You sound too busy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012 brain is not working so good right now, but I think your MO and you choose what is best based on a number of history, age, lifestyle, and very important what your path report had in it. 

    I had 4 rds. of A/C, three wks apart, and then 4 rds. of Taxotere 3 wks. apart.  It is always a lot to take in at first and many terms so it is easy to get  a little lost.  We will be right here though to help you get through. 

    The first one is usually the truly nerve-wracking one.....hard to imagine that you are going to be ok --- everything unknown causes lots of apprehension. 

    Ok. I'm off to the recliner.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    Play with life, laugh with life, 
    dance lightly with life, 
    and smile at the riddles of life, 
    knowing that life's only true lessons are writ small in the margin.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe,
    to match your nature with Nature.
    - Joseph Campbell
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Morning everyone.  Loved both of these couldn't resist putting the second one in when I found it.  Maybe a stretch for some but I really felt the second one deeply this morning.  I did have the instant thought.....trees just grow -- they don't ask questions and they don't complain.  They just do what they do.  Animals seem to do the same thing....they don't complain but just handle whatever comes the best they can.  They are very much one with nature too.....they just live up to the terms that life gives them --- so nothing is fair or un-fair -- bad or good -- it just is. 

    I find myself always assigning interpretations to things ----  and though you have to do some of that to get along in this world....sometimes I may be doing too much.  I know many things become easier when you just 'face' it exactly like it is, with all its warts and undesirable aspects. So....I'm thinking that is why I saw the quote at all.......just a reminder to attempt to be more in tune with nature and not to feel as though I have to put everything into some sort of form or shape.....I think that is called going with the flow. 

    Otherwise.....this will be another beauty of a day.  Would love to stay home and work in the yard a bit, but yard work is a week-end project for me.  Spring seems a bit I have lots I haven't much thought closets, and going back through some of my 'stashed' boxes for anything that maybe needs to find another place to call home.  Little by little, I keep trying to minimize my life.  Well of course, not my LIFE but so many of the un-necessary things in it.  We have been back home now for 15 yrs.  Enough time to have accumulated twice as much as I should have been donating to someone else.  I have had a great longing to go back to one of the happiest periods in my life.....starting over with two babies and  a rented apt.  I had what hand me downs ( and was going to throw away ) my family had......and I could move and did in a hr.  I ended up having only what I used almost daily or weekly ( as in bed linen ) and my life was simple and easy.  I know you can't go back.......but I'd like to be a lot closer to that than I have been for a long time now.  I think I can do better and I'm going to keep working in that direction.

    Hope you are all going to have a warm, sunny day. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Wow really are going way back.  Life was very simple back in those days, but I have never had a desire to go back there.  I see young women with small children today and I know how difficult it must many pressures that we didn't have many years ago.  I'm just happy to be where I am now, and thankful that I feel better today than yesterday.

     I am mostly a "go with the flow" person, although sometimes it doesn't seem that way with my intensive research on my treatment options.  I'm talking about daily living.  I don't have to always be in control if I'm with a group of friends.  I can enjoy allmost anything as long as I'm in good company.  If plans change, I can always adapt without difficulty, and it makes for a less complicated life I think.  On the other hand, my boyfriend always fights for what he wants to do, and sometimes it comes across as selfish and self absorbed to me.  I've told him that life is a series of petty compromises and he must learn to be more open to ideas of others, and as you said, just go with the flow sometimes and enjoy it.  He's working on it, but old habits die hard:)

    Yesterday was a do nothing day for me.  I slept most of the day after taking that anti anxiety pill, which I won't do again!  I will be able to tolerate the eye treatments without a crutch, although the burning after is annoying.  A cold compress helped and this morning I was back to normal, although last evening I was cranky and refused to make dinner, sending BF out for chinese takeout.  He was ever so happy to comply to keep peace:)  We watched the final episode of The Bachelor...a mindless entertainment event that didn't require any brain power.  It was filmed in Switzerland and I enjoy seeing all the places that they travel.  

    Well, off to get something done, hope everyone has a wonderful day! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Kaara you are really sweet to see things as you do, but actually my life was very complicated  40 yrs. ago......and I really don't want to go back......I would just like to get closer to some of the aspects that did help in that they removed so many burdens and make things so much easier for me.  I didn't think then, nor do I think now that life is simple necessarily at any age, but I did find that I COULD live with way less and have just as good a life as I thought I'd have before it became necessary to change my life so drastically. 

    It's really ok.....but I do look forward to de- cluttering my life with things that I become a warehouse for.  I'm being selfish.....I want more me time all way around. 

    Hope the rest of your day is perfect.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Munny,  I had 4 rounds of AC from June 24th last year and then when I was finished with those 4 I had 12 weekly Taxol infusions.  I made it.  I lost 5/1/2 pounds after the first AC and Dr. was not happy.  It slacked off and I only lost 15 to 20 pounds total.  Eat what you crave, even if it some Choc.  I drank alot of ginger ale.  Tomato products did not sit well with me, if we made home made pizza I had a garlic oil, artichokes, mushrooms with a little cheese.  Hope all goes well.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Our weather has become very summer-like.  Low 80's and humid today and the rest of the week will be the same.   After golf today I went to Belk's and bought some shorts and cropped pants.  I had sworn I would not buy any clothes in a larger size, but I'm tired of squeezing into my size 12 clothes.  I had thought by now I would be back to wearing those clothes comfortably, but no luck, or no success, I should say.  Maybe I can blame the arimidex or partially blame it. 

    I'll keep trying to drop some lbs., but in the meanwhile I'll wear these new clothes.

    I don't know if our weather pattern is "global warming" but this has definitely been a warm winter season all over the US.  I hear on the weather channel that Europe has had a butally cold winter with lots of snow.  We've had the A/C on for days now.  It's not just the temperature but the mugginess that's uncomfortable.

    Jackie, I empathize with your urge to simplify life and divest yourself of unneeded "things."  We have stuff in the attic that we obviously have no use for, stuff in closets, stuff in outbuildings.  Usually people get rid of stuff when they move.  We've been in this house for 19 years now.

    Kaara, I'm glad your eye injection went well.  I think the idea of such treatment is unnerving.

    I hope everyone had a good day.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Morning gals.... It's been so nice here too!  But we've had such a cold Winter, with high winds.  The last of the snow/ice just melted yesterday that was in the shade on our patio.

    We've been raking and cleaning all the Winter leaves, pine-needles, sticks & left-over birds nests.  I'm so glad it has warmed up, and I can get ready for plantings!

    Yes, I've been sorting out & getting rid of "stuff" also!  Not my DH though...He will not ever get rid of any of his "things"..... Not me!  I'm passed that......  I think it has a lot to do of when we were kids!   We grew up in the 40's & 50's, and our families had a tough time just getting by, so when we DID get something, it was usually a hand-me-down, or something really needed, and we kept it "forever" I think.  Wink 

    When we got married, we were so lucky to have spare furniture from family, Ha!   So we never wasted anything....think that's why DH wants to "save" stuff!    I have given up saving used coffee-pots, irons, etc. when we buy a "new" one!  We donate most of it if DD can't use it either.

    It's like you spend your first 50 years just trying to get and save "stuff".... And from then on, you're trying to get rid of it, Ha! 

    Munny & Mommarch, Kaara & Jennifer....Hope you guys are doing better.... It will be Spring soon, so that ALWAYS helps.

    Jackie, was it you that said something about our animals?  About how they just take life for what it is?   I know we could all learn something from them....but I just hate those commercials when they show those abused pets....Man, I can't watch that.   I donate for them, but I hate to read about animal cruelty in our news everyday also!    Some people are just born without a heart. Cry

    Going to breakfast with my friends that I used to work with this morning....Every month we get together, at this little cafe... So fun to tease and laugh like we used to... But our "group" is dwindling....and that part is sad. Our young friends don't want to get up that early, Ha!

    Have a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. 
    All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.
    - Helen Keller
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good morning on this very warm morning.  It is going to remain in the 80's here all week long.  Sort of scary.  I think someone my hubby talked to said it best.  We grow a lot of peaches in this area.  The guy said ( and we have had snows in April yet ) this warmth will wake up all the peach trees big time.....then a freeze, then no peaches.  Not a great thought.

    We are seeing what we see a few weeks from all the "wild" areas of the woods.  We are seeing that 'young' green beginning look --- sm buds and very sm. leaves, but the distinct green that comes after the winter dormancy.  Whew !!!!  Hope we can stay away from a hard freeze now. 

    Chevy -- like you, I can't watch those ads on t.v.  For one thing, having worked at our local no-kill shelter I know they are true.  There are in fact people who do not ( as we do ) have a conscience.  When you do not have one, you do not care how you ravage man or animal.  We are able to vividly imagine another's pain and distress --  these people don't and it becomes easy to do as they want.  When I imagine dog as man's best friend it is because they truly feel their only role in life is to please you. and be your best friend. They ask nothing and are grateful just to see you smile and say a kind word.

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic day......warmth ( no humidity please ) and balmy breezes.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    i just got back from the endocrine dr and they are putting me on a differ med since my avandia was taken off the market.

    wondering how diabetes and the A/C rounds will go....since i go to MO tomorrow I am going to ask her questions about it i reckon....just didnt know if others on here had diabetes and any issues.

    CHEVYBOY...thanks for thinking of all of us newbies....

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    We lost our home to fire in 1976, 1997 & 2005.  It is a shock when you don't even have a toothbrush, but here we are now, with full closests etc.  You should see the stuff my hubby has in the yard, I think his name is Sanford. 

    Our neighbor died yesterday from Gall Bladder and Liver Cancer, so I baked bread today and took it over.  I am off work for spring break at the university until next Monday.  Also baked us a caraway loaf, having german kraut and polish sasuage for supper.

    Have a good evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Mommarch, your supper makes my mouth water.  Love kraut and polish sausage.  My sIl Eva was polish--she died young in her early 50's.  Every time DH and I were up in IL to visit family, Eva would cook polish sausage (fresh) and sauerkraut for us.  There was a meat market in Oak Forest, DH's home town, that sold the fresh polish sausage.

    Everyone have a good evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Well mommarch.....if I lived closer I'd be spending the evening with you....fresh caraway bread with kraut and sausauge.....yum, yum.  My idea of heaven on a dinner plate.  Losing your neighbor to cancer ( any cancer ) is sad. 

    Isn't it funny.....this stuff we get.....never seems to be that much,( only a piece or two ) at the time but after a couple of years or more.....all of a sudden its an overwhelming amt.  I know mine snuck up on me.  I used to be able to do a quick good cleaning ( everyday variety ) which means to me, no wall washing, or not too much in the bath, and no windows, in a little over an with all the stuff hour doesn't even produce a dent; 

    munnybunni.....I don't know if anyone on here has ask lots of questions of your Dr. though.  Is there something to take the place of the Avandia......and would that make a difference for how things went with the A/C.  Write down all your questions....I think it is easy to forget things .....especially when you are getting a lot of information at once. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Morning everyone!  My Daughter called from Orlando last night...Wanted me
    to go out and look at the planets Mars and Venus....Did any of you see how
    bright they were?  A LOT more than regular stars....I have to look up to see
    what that was all about.

    Munny....You are going today?  And yes, Jackie is right, you have to write
    all of your questions down, and check them off..... I did that several
    Somewhere I read where drinking lots of water will help...Of course guess
    that helps with almost everything...  Let us know after the
    treatment!  And keep asking questions about your Diabetes!

    Geez Mommarch....that had to have been devastating!  I can't imagine losing
    everything... I know there are always things to be thankful for, but geez!   I
    remember watching a grocery store go up in flames when I was little, and I had
    nightmares about that for years!  I remember hearing all of the cans
    exploding... And about 20 years ago, our neighbors house, burned very
    badly....flames coming out of the roof!!!  Electrical fire they said.  
    But that house is still standing!  New owners, new everything, completely
    redone, even after the first gal had insurance that fixed it all up!   In fact
    Kelly, (and Nick) are expecting their second baby any minute now....  I'm so excited!  Their first,
    "Ivy Wren" is almost 2 1/2, and it's so fun to watch her grow up, and listen to
    her "chatter."

    Sorry about your neighbor Marcha....  Very sweet of you to take over that

     I just made that Kraut recipe with apple juice, & carraway seeds! 
    So delicious!   I found the best loaf of bread, beSIDES the SF Sourdough... It's
    that Irish Soda Bread!  I think it has sugar? sprinkled on it, and baked with
    raisins...but really good.  Carole, was it you that told me about the applejuice and seeds?  And I DID rinse the kraut this time....  made a big difference.

    Jackie...I've been sorting and cleaning for the past 6 months I think.  I
    finally have the bedroom "done"....I mean all "prettied" up...Ha!  I just want
    to remember where everything I have stashed,  IS!...  Either in drawers, or
    under the bed, or the closet... but getting pretty good at it now!   Those
    under-bed plastic large boxes are helpful.... but just getting down there, and
    finding which one I need..... oh wait, if I put labels on the ENDS and not the
    top, I can tell which one I need!   Thanks girls!  You just helped me organize
    them even better! 

    Going with DD#2 today to have our taxes done....  I always just DREAD
    this!  I'm just afraid I have forgotten something, or didn't bring what I need
    to....  But then we are going to that will help, ha!

    Take good care all... Munny, we're thinking of you....