Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2009

    Helen you are incredible. Thanks for all the help and advice you give us. Have a nice day tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited July 2009

    Double yes about Walter Cronkite.  I'll never forget his reporting so long ago when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated.  I think it was his reporting that turned me into a person who wanted to "keep" up with news afterward. And it would be wonderful Jo if someone could do the news.  I'm sure I'd find out about the rest of the "stuff " if I wanted to.  Feel the same way about telemarketers....if it is decent....and IF I ACTUALLY want it, you won't have to call me up.  I know someone gets to work if phone calls are made --- but we did end up with a do-not-call list which I promptly signed on to as did just about everybody I know.  Now if I get usually comes from someone I can barely understand....I just lay the phone down till I hear the dial tone start up.....what  can you do. 

    Going out today to find a copy ( I think there may be more than one ) of The Biggest Loser cook-book.  I gained a bit back from my 40# loss from chemo when I started my Arimidex -- 10 or 11#'s....but I did manage to lose five of that ---  I have not been consistent in my eating patterns though....started to think I could likely adapt some of the "Loser" recipes into my South Beach as I think they might have an edge on how to get the most flavor out of some foods. 

    Hope you all have a wondrous day.  I'll be checking back in later.


  • MAGA922
    MAGA922 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    Good  Beautiful Florida (hot and humid) morning Ladies!  Just jumping in to say have a marvelous day to all! I am free from doctors this week!  Yippeee!   Next week have a PET - CT whole body scan with infusion.....what ever that is?  Sounds more exciting than a plain ole xray anyway.  I have been looking into the info on different kinds of chemo for BC... whoa, that's a can I shouldn't have opened just yet.... Don't find out about that plan til end of the month.  Meantime, I will just read your blogs and pray for each of you.  Hugs, Marie

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2009

    Glad to hear the news, Helen.  Keep us posted on what you fine out.  I am still hoping for you that they will just need to watch it - and that nothing develops out of the whole thing.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2009

    YEA HELEN!  There are advantages to being OLD, aren't there?  I'm so relieved and think it is wise to have the neuro guy check it out completely.  Breathe in...breathe out....and go right on with your day which should be a bit brighter.

    Welcome to the new gals.

    Marie...Several years ago my parents lived in Valrico.  They went to Florida as snow birds and settled in Ruskin first and then moved to Valrico where they stayed until my mother had her first heart attack.  Then they moved back to Illinois to be closer to family.  We took several Florida vacations to your fair city while they were down there and played several of the local golf courses.  It's a nice area!

     So glad that you're feeling better, Jo.  You're due for a long healthy period now!  :-)

    Hi to everybody else.  I need to get moving as I have a yoga class to go to in a bit and I still have things to get ready for dinner so we have something to eat when I get home.  Jackie, I try so hard with my diet and do so good for a spell and then I'm off it.  Part of that is the frustration of never losing anything even though I've really stuck with the diet plan.  (or maybe that is my current excuse!  LOL)

    Catch you all later.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2009

    Illinois Lady

    Thanks for your input on my outburst, yes, i did feel bad that I lost control, and after the lady talked to the ranger, she did come back and apologize to me, and I also had to apologize, you are so right about people though, most don't care what they say or how they treat you. I am so ready for this job to be over with so I can come home, however, I did give my word, so it will be September 9, 2009, before I get to come home for good.

    I hope and pray you have been doing great, may Jesus Christ bless you and keep you.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited July 2009

    A quick hello and HUGS for all.   I took no pain pills today, but will before I go to sleep.   After my shower I removed the tegaderm and put just gauze and tape over the stitches where they took out the port.   It looks twice the size of when it was put in.  Oh well... at least it is out.   Sweet Dreams.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2009

    Hi Gramof3

    Hope you are doing good, may Jesus bless and keep you. Thanks for your kind words. I have to go in the morning and have my liver and my breast tested, and they are going to do a complete bone scan, I'm just trusting in Jesus that all the test turn out good, they have already checked my heart and my lungs. I go to the Dr. on the 29th to find out the results.

    I went tonight and watched three of my grandsons play ball, they lost the game, but my grandsons did a great job. I guess us grandmothers always think our grandchildren do a great job, but they all three caught a ball to put people out, and they all got hits, so I think they did a great job.

    Well, I guess I'd better go to bed, I have to get up early.I can't have anything to eat after 12 midnight, so it will be hard in the morning cookin for my hubby, but he needs to eat and keep up his strength for me.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2009

    Hi, all you goldie oldies.  I will miss Walter C too.  He was a wonderful reporter.

    I had these rough growths all over my back so I went to the oncologists concerned about them and she said they are old age spots and nothing to worry about at all and I had not even thought of myself as old until she said that. LOL

    Isn't it fun to watch the grandkids play ball, sometime I have a hard time making myself get there but then am always glad and have fun.

    Motherof7, May the Lord be with you tomorrow and everything be normal.

    Lefty, glad you got your port out, it is such a relief to not have something artificial in your body anymore.  Hope you heal fast.

    Rita, I just realized Friday night there are advantages, we went to a buffet that had all you can eat crab legs and they told us there was a discount for senior citizens so we jumped on it. 

    Hi, JO and everyone else, hope all has a good night.  My onc said no more arimidex after 5 years either and seem to be doing better off of it.

    gentle hugs and prayers.  Sherry

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Well, I just finished my final paper for my class.  I just have the final profect to do and then I will be done.  LOL  Trouble is it is due the week I am in the OBX.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN.  I flatly refuse to work on a paper while I am there.  So that means I have to have it done by the time we leave, sigh.  I have two weeks to work on it.  Push, push, push, I get tired of it.

    I don't have my next infusion untill I get back so no flu symptoms while I am gone.  I just have my next blood draw on the 28th, then I am going to put my mind on hold until we get back.  We leave in the next couple of weeks and get back a week later.  My wonderful friend Carol, (the nurse) is going to come and stay with and feed and play with my kitties. Thank heavens, they are sooo spoiled. My friend Millie is going to help her so at least I will have people in my house the week I am gone, that is helpful as there have been some robberies around us lately. LOL, They shouldn't try my house, I have less then they do. LOL

    Guess what --- my insurance company called to let me know they have a consulting plan so that I can call and talk to a nurse about tests and proceedures etc., they will help manage my care, make sure I am not having cross contamination problems with drugs and --------- hmm, a nurse is gonna call me and tell me what else they offer and -- AND, I get to talk to or go to a nutritionist.  I am about 50 lbs over weight so I qualify.  Hehe, a nutritionist is one of the people I have wanted to talk to since I was Dx'd.  I am impressed with what they are doing, it's preventative medicine.  It's a good idea.  It's offered to people with ongoing health care problems.  Cool, unless of course one of you kind ladies has a warning message for me.  I am always willing ot listen to what you have to say.

    Allyson I hope your better.  Marie, yes I am close to you.  Rita, Jackie, Jo, Helen etc, etc. hope everthing is well with y'all.  I am going to take a brain RandR for a couple of days.  I will post again in a few.



  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited July 2009

    When there were robberies around our house, I was tempted to post a sign something like:  "go up the road, they have a lot more than I do."...   LOL

    Good luck with the managed care plan they are offering you.   It sounds like you will be acquiring a team of people involved in your care plan.   As long as each knows what the other is suggesting and not conflicts and a final run thru with your doctor to make sure it is the plan he/she knows will be best for you.   Good luck ((( Pam )))

    I cannot remember everyone's issues, so here is a BIG (gentle) HUG for all.   Blessings,   Nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited July 2009 great to have your port out. I second whomever said they did not like artificial things in their body....I would feel like that too, but it does sound like it could make doing chemo easier in many ways.  Hope all goes well and that you continue to feel fine and not much for pain of any kind. 

    Marie....yes, chemo can be daunting but I do think they have good "fixes" now for side effects and there are people who seem to barely notice most of the time they are having it.  I was not one of those lucky people but that is ok.  I looked on it as the thing that was saving my life and your ability to tolerate goes way up. Also saw it as short term ( chemo was just  6 mos.  ) so I could continue through my LONG term existence.  I plan to be around till mid- 90's at least.

    Helen ... only two more -- good for you. 

    Alyson....hope you are still hanging in there and that ole' flu is getting better. 

    Spar2.....I have age spots, skin tags etc.  I recall when I was younger seeing people with age spots and thinking how "evident" that these were older people.  Now that I am there....I realize that it may show up on the outside but my inside thinks I'm way, way younger. Now those spots are a part of me and I don't mind them at all. 

    Mother of 7.....hopes, prayers and healing energy coming your way.  Hope all goes well for you today.

    Pam.....that sounds great about your Insurance.  I think just to be able to "quiz" someone about things would be quite valuable.....sometimes when something turns out good we might never know why but a good nurse could point out what you do right as much as what you may need to correct with something.  Also getting nutrition help seems in-valuable.  One of my friends ( she lives a couple blocks from me ) is a nutritionist.  I don't bend her ear too much as we are usually into so many other things....but what advice I do get from time to time is excellent and I knows helps me immensely.  She is excellent about reading labels and her ability to determine what it all means.  She does propose for any of you that might do this --- when you go out to eat somewhere......give yourself a break.  She does not go hog wild so to speak....but she orders what she wants and generally has a coke to wash it down.  I'm so envious....her Dr. tells her she has the veins and arteries of an 18 yr. old.  But she has been a nutritionist for a long time. 

    We never lock our house here.  In fact.....I'm not even sure where my door keys are.  This is the beauty of living a couple of miles out of town in the woods.  Many people mistake our road for the driveway to another house and in the'd have to know we were back here to even realize it.There are only three houses total....but the way they are arranged ( we are the middle one ) it would be difficult to do anything wrong and get way with it  Hope it always stays like this as I have loved the freedom. 

    Rita....I found one of the cook-books.  It was not the one I wanted....but as it turns out I may end up happy.  It has exercises, good explanations and pictures of same, and figure that may be just the ticket for someone who is over wt.  I definitely have to include exercise in whatever I do and was thinking only to walk.....but this will encourage me to do a bit more I think.  I know that if you exercise as you start'll do better I think in keeping toned up --- less loose spots where fat used to be.

    Gilly, Lizzie, Linda....hope all is well with all of you. See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • dkhancock1948
    dkhancock1948 Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2009

    Jackie;  What's the name of the cookbook?

    I am on #21 out of 33 rads today.  After everything is over, I will be starting some sort of pill for 5 years.  Is there anyone whose se's do not take over their lives and can tolerate them?


  • Lizzy90
    Lizzy90 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    Good Morning Ladies<

    I had the appointm. with the medical oncologist whom I liked very much yesterday.I was given the copy of my oncotype dx report.

    Score:13 (low risk)

    Reccurence: 9%  ( I guess 10 year term)

    ER 9.8% +++

    PR 8.9% +++

    HEU2 -Negative 

    I was told i need to meet radiation oncologist to figure out treatment plan with radiology- dr said looks as if I will need radiation.No chemo!!

    She prescribed Arimidex 1mg a day to be started after radiation therapy and Boniva 1/month pill to be started right away.

    She also scheduled my 3 months follow up with her and blood test for tumor markers -i did that on the spot yesterday and nurse called me few minutes ago to tell me they look normal and now they have a baseline on me.The nurse told me my potasium was 3 units high and I have to repeat blood test tommorow morning (it is high I had 6-7 bananas over the weekend-made a couple of those shakes as they were quickly turning yellow and didnt want to waste them) -huge mistake

    Little that I knew but increased potassuim in the blood in cancer patient is not good as the potasium in increased units will damage our heart  I was 3 units over...i was told 6 units over will land you in the Emergency Room.

    Ok so these are the events that took place and I wanted to alert everyone about the bananas /potassium issue.

    I would like to ask if any of you tried or on BONIVA and how are you handling it or an arimidex- boniva combo? 

    I was reading about side effects last night and it all sounds like crap with bunch of painful SE.

    Thanks for your opinions as always and wish everyone a pleasant day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited July 2009

    Lizzy....more for you later.

    Debbie....the name of the book is "The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start".   It has some recipes in it, but is more I think for giving you a good exercise plan.  I thought this would more than likely address areas that would be a major problem for those who already have a little problem with flexibility ( mine is worse in general ) and as well keep a lid on those places that will show a lot if you lose wt. and they are not handled maybe around the middle area. thighs, backs of arms etc.  So.....rather than do a complete reliance on a book.....I decided to go on line and just join the Biggest Loser Club.  It is $19.98 per month.....not very much actually.....but if you sign on for three months from the get go they send you ( not the one I have ) but three other diet/cookbooks....worth $62.00.  That was sort of like getting the membership for free.  I thought it was a fair trade for the books.....access to on line help any time.....I'm sure there are lots of recipes to be had there....and you can speak to other people ( thanks to this spot....I'd be better at blogging ) and probably find out all the little recipe tweaks.  When I was a member of The South Beach Diet....on line was where the little tips and tricks came from.  I think this may be interesting since I am on the Arimidex. 

    Lizzy....I love bananas but had no idea they could cause such a problem in people.  The longer we go on,,,,,the more we find out about what we DON'T know, huh !!!!  I had to take lots of extra potassium during chemo.  I had terrible cramps in my feet.....around the toes and arch in my foot.  I was relieved to find that they were able to fix that.  Knowing this.....sort of makes you wonder what you don't know.  I have a friend who uses Boniva and she never says it bothers her, but of course, she does not have Arimidex with it.

    Having said's are different for everyone.  There is not a good way to tell how they will affect one body from the next one.  You may feel next to nothing while the next person could feel nearly everything listed.  I can't say I don't feel the Arimidex everyday.....but I have been taking it for a little less than a year....and there is nothing that is isn't fairly easy to tolerate.  Would be nicer if I didn't have some of the aches.....but nothing prevents me from anything I want to do and I often forget that they are there. In the end, I'd rather do something than nothing when there was an established gain from doing the 5 yr. pill.  Studies show people who do it fare better than those who don't.  I say that w/o having the figures to back it up.  That is the hard part of educating ourselves.....we do have to read some of the negative parts.....but hey who'd have thought a wonderful ( what you have always been told is so healthy ) banana could do so much damage...we have to take it with a grain of salt....hmmm, another whole can of worms that salt.  There is always this....there are two or three different 5 yr. pills so if one doesn't work well, you can always switch. 

    Hope all goes well. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  BTW. I'm not advertising for the biggest loser and looking for converts....I don't get points or anything.  I just thought when I saw the price that I could afford $20.00 a least for 3 months and I'd not only get the books, but I'll know in that period of time if I can find enough insight to bother with staying there for awhile and making use of the tips and tricks that usually turn up.  I could have re-joined South Beach....but I will be looking for that kind of food anyway. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2009

    Lizzy, the worst side effects I had on arimidex was vaginal dryness and pain, at first I had hot flashes really bad but started taking a low dose antidepressant that is suppose to counter that and it did work after about 3 months, had some joint pain but not that bad.  When they did the bone scan they said the joint pain was arthritis.  So for me arimidex was doable.  I wish I had had boniva instead of taking 1500mg of calcium a day (hard to swallow)  Hope you do well on it.  It has kept me cancer free.  I have been off of it now a couple of months but still hope to stay cancer free.

    Pam, my insurance has a team that call me about preventive health issues and keep up with my meds and offer advice, a pharmacist, nurse, nutritionist, a person about diabetes.  I always wonder if I could get all this weight off if I would still be a diabetic or if it goes away. 

    Hi Lefty, appreciate your hugs.

    Hugs and love to all of you.  We are golden.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2009 glad you found a book and are getting started in a regular program.  It's just really hard to do it by yourself.  I have such little self-motivation when it comes to exercise and diet.  I think I need the buddy plan.  I've done well at attending the yoga class but that's because WendyTY from the IL thread and I signed up together and go together so it's an obligation.  Let me know what you think about this diet plan. that you're off the Arimidex do you notice any differences at all?  Jo said that she was able to get off some of the weight and I'm also curious about the vaginal dryness and the joint pain.

    Lizzy, so glad that you don't have to go the chemo route.  I thnk you will find the radiation very doable....mainly just and inconvenience since you have to show up each day!  Hugs to you!


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2009

    Hi JO-5 and all you other beautiful ladies:

    Boy,did that liver exam hurt! They gave me a shot and I had to wait three hours before they did the bone scan, said they had to wait for the dye to go into my system, then for some reason, she said she had already did my breast scan, I said NO you didn't, so they finally did the xray of my breast.Oops, sorry I didn't realize I was still in bold print. I have been having little nagging headaches, but I am still trusting in the Lord. I will get my results on the 29th, and if it is the Lord's will, everything will be o.k., and if not, then I will just still keep trusting in the Lord, not my will but His be done. Enough about me.

    I hope and pray each one of you are having a beautiful day. Hope all that has to have surgery, radiation, chemo or test, have a wonderful outcome, just trust in Jesus, He can get you through anything. I am praying for all of you.

    God Bless the ones of you who have to take care of your sick parents. My son-in-law told me last night that his dad can't even sit up by hisself, and his mom is not able to pull and tug at him. Terry told his mom to put his dad in a home where he could be taken care of, and his brothers got mad at him. Pray for this family they really need it. They call Terry's dad Sonny and his mom's name is Dorothy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited July 2009

    Now then Mom of 7,.....are there visiting nurses or low-cost home care where Dorothy and Sonny live?  If your son-in-laws brothers don't want a nursing home ( I understand that one ) maybe they could chip in for paying someone to come and help with what Dorothy can't do.  Of course, there may still be times, but this might take a lot of the burden off.  Those sons need to realize that while doing something like finding a nursing facility is difficult, it sounds quite un-fair to ask their Mother to continue to try and find ways of doing things that she can't handle either.  She could either wear out or hurt herself and be bedridden or something...then what.  Sometimes the things we have to do are a hard reality. Hope it will go well for them. 

    I will also continue praying and sending healing thoughts all week to you that you receive good news and an all clear on your tests. 

    Rita, a lot of time I also do better if I am not alone doing something.  I think this will have challenges to it for sure. I'm thinking rather than try to lose, lose, lose  ( that could be nice ) I will first concentrate on the books ( the 3 free ones are being shipped ) and try to decide how to incorporate them into actual meals while I will also be seeing what I can learn from this first book about exercise.  It all has a place.....and I have be so bad about doing the positive things that seemed like they would be so easy.....before, but here I am not where I wanted or thought I'd be with many other parts of this seems as good as any place to get started.I think it is going to be a slow and steady progression.  Here is another nice part of "seasoned" living.  You can get over needing it last week and just be satisfied that you are addressing something that will come or change for the better.  I still can't get impatient....but not like the old days thank goodness. 

    I have 40#'s that need to start hanging out somewhere else, but they have been with me quite some time least the first #38 are gone so I don't feel that I have to rush into anything.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • noni1
    noni1 Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2009

    Hello Everyone,

    Hope that you are having a good day.  It is very hot and humid here in sunny Florida.  But in a couple of months it will be beautiful.  I love fall and winter here.  Next week my grandson will be down and visiting with his Mom from Connecticut.  We will be doing the Disney thing and this time I can do everything with them.  The last two times they were here I was on chemo and could not go out in the sun was bald and had to nap.  At Christmas when they were here I was on radiation and had to nap a lot.  But, I am ready for them this time.  I am not going to let a little bone pain keep me down. I even got my first hair cut yesterday.  It was scary.  I had fine super straight hair before bc, now I have a lot of very wavy, curly hair.  I have no idea how to style it, it is new to me.  But I am just so happy to have hair and my life.

    Hugs, kisses and prayers to you all,  talk to you in a couple of days.    


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2009

    Cindy, I'm so glad that you're going to be able to join your family in all the activities when they come to visit.  Isn't it good to finally be able to do that.  At Easter, I realized (right in the middle of Easter Dinner) that this was the first holiday that I had been able to enjoy in 2 years.  It's such a good feeling.  As for the hair, you will quickly learn to style it.  Ii think the key is keeping a good cut and trim, even though the hair is short.  Hugs to you as you move on with your life!


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2009

    Motherof7, that is so sad about you SIL family,  I will start praying for them today.  Praying for good results of your test also.  Please let us know soon as possible.

    Rita, the joint pain is just about gone now.  I gained so much weight while on it but have lost 10 pounds, the vaginal problems are still there but getting better for example it use to hurt to even wipe after urinating and now it doesn't sting,  I still don't lubricate yet, have to use ky also on arimidex the clitoris shrunk from almond size to a small pea size it is getting a little bigger now so maybe things will eventually return to normal, thats what I am praying for anyway.  I do feel a lot better off of it.  Sorry it the answer is a little too specific.

    Hope all has a good evening.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2009

    It was a lovely day to swim today..but too hot otherwise..not  typical Southern California


    I always feel better afterwards.,

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2009

    cindy, I have always had naturally curly hair and it came back even curlier, if its short don't even comb it after shampooing just put some mousse and stay in conditioner (aussie has a good one mixed together) mess it up with your fingers and let it dry naturally. 

    Now that mine is long I use the mousse and turn my head upside down, spray with a little hair spray and blow dry while scrunching it with my fingers and then when I throw my head back, I let my hair fall where it may and never brush it because then it frizzes out.  You may get your straight hair back eventually though.

    Sometimes I wish I had straight hair and even use an iron and make it straight but mostly I am happy to have curly.  Just experiment with it.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2009

    Lisa, your patio and pool are beautiful, I bet that is nice in hot weather.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2009

    Thank goodness that I seem to have shaken the flu as it has been a very busy week so far.

    Have kept my hair quite short as it came back extra curly like spar2 said hers did. It is thinner than it was which is a bit of a worry - I presume it is the Femara causing that.

    it is winter here in New Zealand, however the first of my daffodils are out and the magnolia is coming into bud. I am looking forward to the warmer weather but that will be awhile as August is often the wettest and coldest month. 

    Feeling quite proud of myself. I managed to give a talk to the fellowship group at church today. Got so many laughs telling them the things people say to you when they know you have cancer. Did have a more serious point about problems facing people and how we could help. Saw several damp eyes but managed to hold it together..

    I have got myself involved with our Breast Cancer Foundation which is working towards raising peoples awareness mainly through education and providing better facilities for women with cancer. It is different here as most treatment is through the public system. As well I am trying to raise money for the group that is doing research on treatment and possible cures. I have pledged to raise $1000 by next year whis is really doable, all I am doing is asking people for $1, then I can talk to them about breast cancer, its actually quite fun.

    Must get the dishes done.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited July 2009

    Tomorrow is the big surgery day.  Finally.  Bilat with 1-step recon.  I'm very nervous but there's a sense of relief that I'm finally going to get the tumor out of my body.  Just hope I can sleep tonight.  We're to arrive at the surgery center at 5:45, which means getting up at least 45 min. earlier.  Procedure to begin at 7am.  Hope they give me something right away to help me relax.  Time blocked off for the surgery is 4 hours.  After an overnight stay, I'm supposed to go home on Saturday.  House is clean.  Laundry and ironing done.  Shopping done.  I'm as prepared as I  know how to be.

    Say a prayer for me tonight and when you get up tomorrow morning.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited July 2009

    Prayer goes up for speedy healing (((( Carole )))).  

    My port removal site now itches like crazy.   That means it is beginning to heal, so I guess I should not complain.   Itch is better than pain - looking at the bright side...    I am off to get a hair trim - the back is too long for this hot weather.   HUGS,   Nancy 

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Carole, my prayers are with you.  I am sure it will go well.  Allyson, sounds like you are feeling better, good for you.  Nancy, yes, itching is good.  At least that was what I was always told when I was a little girl and a scrape would start to itch. My mom would say "That's a good sign, means no infection.  It's healing."  

    Finished my paper, only one more to go then I start a new session. 

    It is so strange, people I hardly talk to at all any more are crawling out of the wood work to keep in touch with me and ones that I expected to be sympathetic and caring have disappeared into the wood work. Go figure. 

    Next week another blood draw before we go on vacation.  This time it's the CTC test they are doing that scares me.  Things are going great, --- "I don't want them messed up?"  What a joke, I have cancer for pete's sake, everything is messed up.  LOL

    Lisa, I live in Florida but boy, can I come and swim in your pool?  It looks so inviting.

    OK, ladies, have a good day, week, surgery, medicine, or what ever else is going on in your life. May the powers that be,--  JC, God, Buddha, Confucious, Krishna -- any higher power as you understand him/her --- make today a good day for all of you.

    Hugs, Pam

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2009

    JO-5, IllinoisLady, spar2,

    Thanks for all your prayers for good results on my test.

    Yes, it is so sad about Sonny and Dorothy, what makes it really bad is that one of his sons live right next door, rent free, and he only works part time and his wife doesn't work at all, and they don't even go over and help them out. Terry told them that he would go over and help out as often as he could, but he told all of them that his mom could not hold out to pull and tug at his dad, and he thought the best thing would be to put him in a home. I think he is right. Pray they will all agree on some kind of help for their dad and mom.

    I hope and pray you are all having a beautiful and blessed day.