Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited July 2009

    Peg  You have quite a story to tell and you are extremely eloquent.  I think your story goes like all of our stories go --- in whatever direction God takes it.  Having said that I hope you will not think me too glib.  It is easy to **take it out of our hands** by placing it in God's.  Yet....each of us has the SPARK of our Creator inside themselves, so it is still in our domain.  I have read a lot of books....Deepak Chopra, Eckart Tolle, Brian Weiss, and I believe that we choose what our life will be like --- the ups and downs, the disasters, the miracles --- and that their is a unique purpose to all of it. 

    No one can really tell you the WHY of your life, just as most of us can't tell the why of our own.  All we can do is think the best/highest/healthiest ( yes even in the midst of disease processes ) thoughts we are able ( these are declarations to ourselves ) of peace and harmony and wellness inside of ourselves. 

    At whatever point we are in life is where we are meant to be.  I learned to have faith in that because frankly nothing else came close to answering so many of the " questions " my life was so fond of presenting. When I took things apart to find the common denominator that was the final answer --- the one factor that was always a part of everything else.  People are where they are because they will learn and grow from what they are experiencing.  Sometimes we need these events to help us grow in some way, but we also are able in fact at times, to help many others in their growth too.  Of course, this did come after much studying and reading and thinking and praying.  My belief is that we are not randomly tossed into the universe.

    There is a neatness, an order,  to all of this.  I do not believe in fate, co-incidence, happenstance, randomness,chance,luck though from time to time for want of a descriptive word I may have to insert one of those words.  I do believe we are all deeply spiritual beings no matter where we are....meaning all the way from complete non-believers to the deepest of believers but belief or lack of is not really the point. Faith is the point.  It is the only thing that ever resonated inside of me loud and clear and I am humble that I was given this answer.

    The words of an old song:  Just what makes that little ole' ant, think he can move a rubber tree plant,  High hopes he has high hopes ---  high apple pie in the sky hopes

    Next time your found, with your chin on the ground
    There a lot to be learned, so look around

    Just what makes that little old ant
    Think hell move that rubber tree plant
    Anyone knows an ant, cant
    Move a rubber tree plant

    But hes got high hopes, hes got high hopes
    Hes got high apple pie, in the sky hopes

    So any time your gettin low
    stead of lettin go
    Just remember that ant
    Oops there goes another rubber tree plant

    When troubles call, and your backs to the wall
    There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall

    Once there was a silly old ram
    Thought hed punch a hole in a dam
    No one could make that ram, scram
    He kept buttin that dam

    cause he had high hopes, he had high hopes
    He had high apple pie, in the sky hopes

    So any time your feelin bad
    stead of feelin sad
    Just remember that ram
    Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam

    All problems just a toy balloon
    Theyll be bursted soon
    Theyre just bound to go pop
    Oops there goes another problem kerplop

    We have to keep going and do the best we can with what we have and keep the most positive attitude that we the faith that we are meant to be where we are.....even if we are not sure why.  I do know miracles happen and I do know as well that when it is time to learn the whys of our life.....we will.

    As far as this illness case is not anywhere close to yours and hopefully someone who has more practical information for that will chime in soon.  I just want to let you know someone here has heard you and cares what you have to say.  God Bless.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wwjd
    wwjd Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    dkhancock;  Thanks, but you have to remember that I am retired!! I can sit all day and read, or do whatever.  I'll bet you have 10 x the energy I have.

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2009


    Thank You, I couldn't have said it better if I tired.  

    Pegat13.  I have Stage IV cancer and people that are angry at me because I am refuse to be a suffering sad sack.  Go figure. BUT I am not in a lot of pain.  I can tell you it would be a lot different if I was because I am not one to suffer pain or inconvenience well.  One of the things I don't suffer well is headaches and my Zometa infusion once a month gives me a two week headache and flu symptoms.  I do get medicine for the headaches. So, I am learning to cope.

    I will say a prayer or two for you.  I was told many years ago, life is not fair, get over thinking it is now while you are young as it will just get worse.

    I am going to try to remember that as my next years go forward.

    Lot's of good wishes and good luck to you.

    Hugs, Pam

  • wwjd
    wwjd Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009
    PamW.  Thanks for the info.  How long have you been on the Arimidex? HER2 is a 1+. I've been on the Arim. for 6 weeks and I think there is a difference. SE  Hot Flashes (never had them before) The year I was 50 (almost 30 years agoLaughing doesn't seem possible.) I had my last period. My worst SE is headache on the left side of my head comes and goes, but seems to be less than more now.  You sound wonderful and in charge of your life. good luck  with everything. wwjd
  • dkhancock1948
    dkhancock1948 Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2009

    Peg:  To find a lump the day of your son's wedding and I am sure (by the way that you have written) you didn't tell anyone until after the wedding was way over, if then.  I am sure you thought, why didn't I feel this before?  I am considerably new to all this "cancer" compared to others.  I just found out last November.  So, I don't have anything to offer you in wisdom and knowledge.  My husband didn't have cancer, but he had diabetes that ravaged his body.  He had diabetic nuropathy and he couldn't stand up without putting his arms out to balance himself.  I wished I had known more about neuropathy then, but I didn't research it like I did when I got it from Taxol.  Bud and I had no idea that the balance issue was from his nueropathy.

    You will definitely be in my prayers.  I am glad you found this thread.  You can say anything here - whether you are up or down.  There is a lot of love and concern on these threads.  Debbie

  • Barbara173
    Barbara173 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    Hi, that would be great. My mom was just diagnosed and would love to speak to others.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited July 2009
    Barbara - your Mom is lucky to have you! I found when I was first diagnosed that reading what is here sorted out a whole bunch of questions for me. Now I know more than I ever wanted to - and enough to have some sense of order about what is happening. This site has been a  magnificent help.
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322
    edited July 2009

    pegat13, there is nothing fair about getting cancer.  I understand your anger because I am very ticked off to realize that all my years of being pro-actively healthy didn't prevent me from flunking my annual mammogram in June.  I went last year and was tested for the BRCA 1 mutated gene and tested negative.  So here I am the unlucky one woman in eight who are diagnosed with breast cancer. 

    On the positive side, my tumor was detected early.  It's small.  It's estrogen positive, which means I get to take 5 yrs. of Arimidex.  I've been reading the Arimidex thread on this web site and learning about all the unpleasant side effects that may be in store for me. 

    I wish you the best of treatment possible.  Feel free to vent. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2009

    I have neuropathy also..eight years now..and do I ever have balance "issues"...don't you just hate that word, any rate I had PT and it did help and I take Lyrica which , for me, has been a godsend...hard to believe I play doubles partners are very forgiving ..

     It is good that this website and this forum are now available..when I  got the news it was 2000 and not alot of support was available on the web...

  • 02929
    02929 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009

    Hello all.  I'm so glad I was fortunate enough to find this site several days ago.  Thanks for it!!  I am 79 and was diagnosed last Tue. with papillary carcinoma.  I haven't yet been able to find any reference to that.  Have an appt. with surgeon on Wednesday and will learn more then but have been trying to get a heads-up.   I also had seen mentioned  a thread explaining all the abbreviations used here but cannot seem to find it again.   I love using  the computer but don't know enough about it to do all that  I'd like.  Also, wonder if there is a way to fast forward to where I left off in a certain thread.  There's just no way to read everything in one sitting and it's so time consuming to start all over again.  Thanks for any help anyone  can send my way. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited July 2009

    02929 --- Papillary cancer....a very slow, lazy cancer for the most part....this could be a real bonus for you.  Having said that....I had a Papillary cancer and most of it came out in the biopsy tube.  I would have needed very little treatment if that had been all I had.  Turns out I had a second much bigger tumor in the same breast.....which shouldn't be the case for you. 

    At the top of this page is a forum index.....that should direct you to all the info and where to find it here.

    As to fast's what I have done --- hope I can explain it .  On the top bar of my computer is a place that says favorites --- on some computers it may say bookmark ---- anything I want to get to quickly....I put in favorites or bookmarks.  Just tap the word favorites or bookmarks and it will give you a little box.....I think it may have the word add in the box.  I'm hoping at this point it will get self explanatory as I can't leave what I'm typing and get back....I'll lose the whole post.  Anyway.....when you want to go to the page where you were reading last...look down at the bottom of the page ( I think it may be on top as well ) and it will give you numbers.....hit any of the numbers and you will go to that page.

    You will be learning a lot.....about cancer...and maybe computers too.  I still consider myself a novice after using one for years.  The only difference between myself and others is that I know that you can always hit the back button generally found at the top of the past with a circle and an arrow and reverse what you did.. 

    I hope you will come often and see us.  Also, as you become more familiar with names and will find roaming the site and others is not difficult and you will not lose your place and have to start over. 

    Hopefully, a couple of others will share their tips and we will get you where you are comfortable with all of this. 

    Hugs Jackie

  • 02929
    02929 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009


    Thank you so much!  I tried it and it worked like a charm and will save hours!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited July 2009

    Hmmm, yes....good ole' cancer.  It's most definitely equal opportunity based on nothing.  I have known people that did everything wrong ( at least what many of us were always told was wrong ) and often they are the ones who seem to do fair in all situations.  Yet....and as Carole can do everything right and still seemingly it did not help where cancer is concerned for her.  I still adhere to the principle that this is not some random act that happens to us --- because all of the above is a dichotomy and makes little sense ----  you know there just isn't some entity going  ---oh in the green blouse, you'll get heart attack tomorrow...and the one in yellow -- you get some cancer.  I don't always feel better about what takes place in my life though because canser are just hard to take......for any reason.  But it does make sense to fact, I do feel there is a reason for it --- even if I am not let in on that reason.  All I can that I have this is visualize healthy cells in my body doing their work to keep me well....( now that chemo and rads have been over for a fair spell ) and to resist any thought of ever having to do this again.  I say to myself....every time I remotely think of this disease....once was enough....I learned all I need to know and I will not have this again.  I will move into the light and energy of good health and stay there.  There is a mind, body and spirit connection to everything you go through and I intend to honor that ---  I have seen and known people who honored that fact....though often they did not even realize what they were doing and I saw it work over and over. 

    Lisa....yes...sometimes I can stagger from a standing still position due to little more than a slight tilt of my head to GET READY to take off walking.  Embarrasing now and then but not as bad as falling down under the same conditions which I have also done.  At first I found it a huge irritation but now I'm more amused than anything.  It has gottem better over time. 


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2009

    Animated Words - Welcome

    Peg  Glad you found the wonderful women on this thread.  We'll help however we can. 

    Chooks,  Hope you are having a quiet weekend.  I go for Taxol #10 tomorrow, then to dentist for check up for the Zometa trial.  Please send some positive thoughts, prayers my way--my oncologist nurse called late Friday afternoon to tell me my MRI indicated there is a lesion on my brain--total surprise to me--and that the onc is sending me to a neurosurgeon.  Hope to get info when I go for my infusion in the morning.  I understand now that MRIs frequently result in false positives, so that's what I'm hoping for.   Take care.  Helen

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited July 2009

    Helen - wow - sounds as if you have more than enough on your plate! Taxol, the dentist and MRI results in one day? I sure hope that you are right that it is a false positive or some other thing that doesn't really matter. Best wishes.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited July 2009

    Prayers, healing hugs and lots of positive energy from


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2009

    Hugs Helen!  I'm praying for false results on the MRI.  Hang in there.  We love ya!

  • wwjd
    wwjd Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    hi 0929   I am 79 too, I have idc with lymph involvement and I'm on Arimidex.  I felt a lump last April.  You and I are the only ones who qualify as" older". Everyone else is in their 60's. I really enjoy this forum, just started last week. Wonderful group of women, all survivors.  Alberta

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2009

    I just hope that  I have the same attitude as wwjd when I am 79. Do wish I had as much energy now, maybe thats because I have the flu and all my get up and go has got up and gone. Have to feel better tomorrow.

  • Lizzy90
    Lizzy90 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope everyone is well and had a great weekend. The east coast had a splendid weekend and no humidity.

    Been away doing research on radiation and its side effects.I have an appointment tommorow with the medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC about treatment following my lumpectomy and having clear margins and node negative disease I wonder if i should avoid radiation.I will also consult some other oncologist and would like an integrative oncologist as my oncotype test result are also due tuesday.

    Did any of you at age 65 avoided radiation with 3mm idc and total of 8 mm dcis??? node negative ,er+ 90% pr+90% her2- Negative

    does anyone taking a chance with hormonal treatment and nutrition alone??

    Best wishes and as always thanks very much for your insights.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited July 2009

    Beauty of a morning here in Southern Illinois.  Will remain relatively cool which is a good thing for me. 

    Alyson:  What a terrible time to have the flu but I think of our weather here ( quite nice ) and have no idea what it is like in New Zealand.  Hope you get over it soon.  Not pleasant at all. 

    02929/Maggie:  So glad things went well on the little computer lesson I attempted to give.  I learned some things on my own and those things stick with me better than any formal training could I think......but I'm always timid about trying to explain how to do things.  I use to think I would ( many of my "seasoned" friends did too ) blow the whole computer up some way ---  though I do think the older ones were trickier, or at least make such a mess that a professional would have to un-tangle everything but that has not happened and probably won't.  Whew !!!

    Peg:  Hope all is going well for you.  Your in my thoughts.

    Helen:  Still hoping, praying and sending healing energy your way for your medical visits today.

    wwjd/Alberta:  No one is really old here.....age is a number that gets assigned to everyone who happens to get through a 365 day period repeatedly --- and we all sure want to do that.  Jo stories about her friend really do prove that.  It is I think pretty much a matter of body, mind, and spirit....working and existing in harmony.  You can accomplish what you think/know you can because you have the will and fortitude to do so.  The less we give in with negative thoughts or actions --- the better we will do.  In that regard....age really is only a number. 

    Lizzy:  Jo gave good advice.  There is a thread on here with people who use alternative/holistic resources for their treatment.  I don't have a problem with it as such....but feel finding a top-notch practitioner might be quite difficult.  Also, I feel like...would you wear a silicone vest to stop the harm from bullets...I feel like certain disease processes often might call for going a step beyond so to speak.  It's true that radiation and chemo are hard on a body --- but each year it seems they are perfected more.  The radiation is really targeted to only hit small areas.  Having said that...and having said earlier two or three times that the mind, spirit, and body need to be in harmony to effect good outcomes...they do.  I got such a shock just hearing what was wrong with me -- that alternative therapies did not even register.  I wanted to go straight for whatever proved therapy was available.  I felt comfortable with the choice --- 6 mos. chemo - 7 wks. radiation. 

    Once you have consulted with your Dr.'s again and gotten your test results and factored those may feel that you can get by with just diet alone and hormones.  It really depends on what resonates with you as the right thing to do.  I second Jo's opinion.  People that did ( Carole H.  ) everything right still got cancer and conversely I have met and known people who went very strongly the other way and saw few if any problems including cancer.  No one truly knows but as Jo said....eating good nutritional food is a great resource for the body in general.  There is no test to take that will tell anyone who will or will not have a recurrence.  We are all different, our reactions to the same things are all different, and there are just too many variables to come close to predicting much of anything for anyone. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  See you later.


  • Lizzy90
    Lizzy90 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    Jo and Illinois Lady - thank you for the gentle advice and teaching me how to process it all..thank you for your time and dedication to this web site it is truly amazing.

    I have to think about all of it figure out risk and benefits factors..but I think you are both correct in using everything in my power -radiation in this case to keep the cancer away as long as possible.

    I have also heard that some women stay on Arimidex longer now like 7 years and there is research going on about taking it daily forever until we are alive.

    your kindness and honest opinion is very much appreciated.

    best wishes and God bless.


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2009

    Just dropping in to say a quick hello to everyone - and to especially wish Helen nothing but a positive outcome to her MRI.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322
    edited July 2009

    If I had chosen lumpectomy instead of bilateral, I would have had to take radiation treatment.  It seems like that's the standard treatment plan.  I wanted to avoid the radiation and thought that getting rid of the breast tissue would eliminate chemo, too, if the lymph nodes weren't involved.  Now I'm learning that the oncotype dx number could come back high, and I might be in for chemo with a tiny tumor and clear nodes.  My cancer grade is high, 3.  I've learned so much in a month that I never wanted to know! 

  • dreaming
    dreaming Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2009

    I was a considered 'young" when I was diagnosed over 15 years ago, now there are more younger people diagnosed, I benefited from my support group that had all ages ladies and one man.

    Age is in the mind of a person, my mother is 89 and is younger than me!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2009

    A friend of mine is a rad tech...she sits in on alot of breast  tumor boards and says that

    almost always surgeons want to cut, oncologists want to do chemo and radiologists

    want to that should be considered by anyone making choices of treatments..

  • MAGA922
    MAGA922 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    Hey Pam...We are neighbors.. sorta.  I am in Valrico which is between  Tampa and Plant City.  Anyway,  I love your posts, too.  I am just beginning this BC trip, yippee  I can share!  LOL  I am learning so much from all you ladies.  Some of the best advice I have gotten so far is from this thread!  God love you all!

    So.. watch a lot of comedy, laugh myself silly, and think absolutely positive about the end of the trip.  Does that cover it pretty much?

    Hug to all,


  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2009

    Marie - you will be a great addition to this trip we're on.

  • Lizzy90
    Lizzy90 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    thank you JO..Very much for you thoughts.


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2009


    First, welcome to: Small Word, Barbara, Dreaming, WWJD, Maggie, Alyson, Cindy, Lizzy, Marie, (If I've repeated a "welcome," remember that Chemo Brain is REAL.) This is a wonderful thread--I noticed someone said thanks for the "gentle" advice--you will NEVER find harsh, judgemental thoughts here.  I've read some other threads where women actually left the thread because of the intensity of some of the posts, some of the messages were just downright hostile.  One of the reasons I love to come here is the willingness of the "seasoned" women to share what they've learned, not only regarding bc, but the life lessons and insights gained through the years.  Who says being "seasoned" is negative??? 

    Maggie ((((hugs))) for your Wednesday doctor's visit. 

    Lisa  Had to chuckle about the balance.  Since my knee replacement 3 years ago, I can't pivot with my left knee.  Sometimes, I get started in a side direction, and end up kind of lurching/staggering and have a hard time stopping.  The folks I work with have gotten used to it, and either get out of the way, or stop moving until they see where I'm heading.  It does startle innocent bystanders, though.

    Alyson  Hope your flu episode ends soon.

    And, to Jackie, rita, Leslie, LRM216, JO, Gilly, Judy, L4T, (and I know there are others, but if I go back a page, I'll lose the post and I'm too tired to rewrite  Cry).  Thank you very much for your prayers and support.  I was "gobsmacked," as Sheila would say, by the call Friday evening.  I saw my onc today and he had the radiologist report.  The radiologist says "it" is small, dura-based meningioma (there are at least 50 impossible-to-pronounce words in the report)--and "it" is "consistent.......with this age group."  Maybe a nice way of saying little old ladies develop these??  The consensus was that, under ordinary circumstances, observing the lesion via three-month MRI followup to check for changes/growth would be recommended.  However, because of the "hx of breast carcinoma," the neuro should check it out.  So,will do so on Aug. 3. 

    The short version is:  I'm feeling much better about it.  Chooks, your support definitely buoyed me up when I felt I was going under!  Thanks again.  Now I wait.....

    Motherof7  Hope you are doing o.k.  I'm sure this has been a long, hot summer for you.  And about that rude, pushy, woman--you did nothing wrong.  I know you are a hard-working, sincere, honest woman and take pride in a job well-done.  She was the one who was out of line, and while you may have reacted in a way you later wish you hadn't, don't be so hard on yourself.  She was a bully who gets her way by verbally beating up on people, and YOU stood up to her!  

    Kind of Off topic :  Speaking of "seasoned,"  I'm really going to miss Walter Cronkite.  What a gentleman! 

    I'm out of steam--Taxol 10 done; 2 more to go.  I'm taking off tomorrow to sleep....zzz,  Helen