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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Those who praise others enrich themselves far more than they do the one praised.  To praise is an investment in happiness.  The poorest human being has something to give that the richest could not buy.

    George Matthew Adams

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Snow . . Snow . . Snow . . Today winter is back!  Around 5-6 inches and still snowing.  Absolutely will have to shovel or blow.  UGH!  Love the look tho.  At least we finally got the car washed on Sunday. I have a black Rav, but on Sunday I had a white Rav. It was just disgusting. 

    Cammi & Chevyboy do you have enough snow?  I can always send . . . .   What a cute lil' puppy, but I bet once you turn your back, there's trouble. Ha!

    When I was growing up getting new shoes or outfits came at Easter, Christmas etc. My mother made all my clothes so I always had a new dress, with the white gloves and new dress shoes. Don't forget the Easter hat and purse. She was a seamstress and the clothes were lovely.  But back then we had dress, school and play clothes. And wear them only at those times.  Even today I usually follow that rule and chuckle. 

    I was born in Chicago and would visit there often after we moved to MN as a child.  I remember our annual Christmas outing to Marshall Field's on State St. downtown Chicago. We were all dressed in our Sunday clothes and gloves. That's when the stores were really decorated and had the display windows with the animated toys and such. As a kid it was a treat to have lunch around the huge Christmas Tree. The store's ceilings were so tall and the tree so large, it is something I will never forget. The tables were all around the tree, with white linen table cloths & napkins.  Standard fare for the day as no fast food places. We only ate out on special occasions. 

    It seems we got dressed up for everything then. Maybe it was the dresses, and everything that went along with them.  Makes me tired just thinking of it.  But I love the memories.

    MinusTwo tell me more of the movie you are thinking of with the clock tower?  I can't think of what movie.

    Anyone else getting snow?  Have a wonderful day everyone.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    I can't think of it either....darn.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Hi gals!  We were talking about Cranberry recipes, right?  I mean I was SOMEwhere, and I found this recipe online...  I had another one from the, from 1968, but this one has a little less butter and sugar than the older recipe.  I always have ripe bananas, so this is another way to use them.

    Jackie, I also put that cranberry "salad" with yogurt, or little marshmallows!    I just made another batch, seems I can't get enough of it, ha!

    Yes Barbarella, it snowd all morning here!  But seems to have quit for now?  Probably snow more later, but oh well.... Spring is only 4 months away...ha!

    I remember going "down-town" also!  And all the major stores had the animated Christmas displays in their windows!   It was magical!

    Geez Wren, it seems like that's all there was, is WOOL!  Wool everything!  Our old neighbor used to put mustard plasters on me when I would get sick, and cover them with a piece of wool, and staple it on!  Well, not really, but I think all that "plaster" just glued onto anything... covered with one of my Dads T-shirts.

    And the lady that used to baby-sit for my brother and I used to tell me that she would make me a dress out of gunny-sacks!  I thought how could she do that with those packages of gum!!!   SHE was the one with the GEESE!!!  Wild tame Geese that chased us, running for our lives, back and forth to the out-house!    And I dropped my one and only favorite bracelet down in the out-house, never to be seen again!  They didn't care HOW much I cried....  I wasn't going to get that bracelet back!

    I didn't ride a plane until I was about 21, with our first baby!  We could never afford it...  So my folks flew me and my Daughter out to Oakland!   And I remember the stewardess gave me a DISPOSABLE DIAPER for my baby!  I thought how EXPENSIVE!!!   I was only used to the big cloth "curity" diapers... remember?   It's a wonder I didn't try and wash that disposable diaper out!   

    We never DID use them...  and I made all the girls baby clothes, and even their dresses for school!   I don't think we could afford "store bought" things...   But it was the most perfect time of my life!    Well, other than growing older and still enjoying life...Ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Chevy, when I had a cold, my mom put Vicks Vapo Rub on my chest and covered it with one of Dad's old tee shirts.  I used up the cloth diapers as dusters ... and when they fell apart, I bought some more twice ... still think they are the best dusters.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Do they still sell them?  I use Vicks in the cream I make for my hands.... it's really cooling, and I love that smell... I mix it with that 40% Desitin I get from Super Target. 

    And I always save my old sweat-shirts/pants for rags... man, it's just hard to throw away anything, when you grew up that way!

    Remember when they didn't have liquid dish soap?  We used clothes detergent, or put small bars of soap in one of those wire little baskets, and swished them around in the water!  I still don't have a dishwasher, but never saw any need for one! 

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Chevy, Amazon has both flat and prefold cloth diapers by Gerber ... In the day, I think I used Curity.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2014

    someone mentioned "Castle" and that is my very favorite show!  Is he gorgeous or what!!!

    Raining like crazy all day here and just happy it wasn't snow.  So we decided to go to the movies and see "The Wolf Of Wall Street".  Uh, whoa!  When we came out and got in the car I told my husband I felt like we had just seen a porn movie!  I don't think I am a prude and we see a lot of movies...a LOT!  We actually get invited to screenings at least four or five times a month to see movies that are ready to come out and give our input on them.  And many of them are R-rated and along with that comes some nudity and bad language.  But NOTHING like this movie!   There was so much frontal nudity, drug use, and not just swearing but the things they discussed were so bad.  The only redeeming thing was that it starred Leonardo Dicaprio, who in my opinion, is the greatest actor of our time.  And he, as usual, was amazing!   If you do want to see a great movie I would recommend "Nebraska"...just an awesome movie.    So, that's what we did on this rainy day.  Now off to make some dinner and watch last night's episode of "Castle" which we recorded.   Have a great evening, ladies!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone----I remember the Fields Tree at Christmas and having lunch there at Christmas time, my uncle used to take us and it was just as u described--magical, beautiful and huge, with our little hats on and gloves it was so proper and having ice cream for dessert, such a treat. And the windows what a display. I already forgot who was it that lived in Chicago then, and where did u live?

    Chevy I think we're getting more snow than u this year. It's just snowing litely now, but we're supposed to get some snow Friday so we'll see what that brings. It's really damp cold here today, I'm all bundled up in my room, but I'd rather be cool than hot.

    Little busy today, geeze if they got every job I take a message for they'd be doing great, but I don't have a clue what jobs they get--unless I get call backs about something.

    OMG it's only Tuesday, I feel like it should be Friday. What a crazy week so far.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    In the early 60's, girls were not allowed to wear pants to school in Florida. My mother wore gloves and high heels to work in an office every day. After I was married in 1970 and my husband became an Air Force pilot, I went to lots of social events. Hats and gloves were going out of fashion so most of us younger girls didn't wear hats, only gloves to all the teas, brunches, and luncheons. Proper clothes were a must. We had to have calling cards when going to the commanders house.

    I used cloth diapers when my daughters were babies. I was one of those "new age" mothers. Only cotton next to their skin, made their baby food, etc. When Allison was born in Jan.'73, I had her without drugs, using Lamaze techniques I'd read in a book. (No classes were offered yet.) I was the only mother breastfeeding out of 50. Husbands were not allowed in labor and delivery and couldn't touch the baby during the 5 day hospital stay. We got the babies three times a day for feedings but not at night until the 4th night.

     It was a little better four years later when Stephanie was born. By that time I was teaching Lamaze classes and was a La Leche League leader, working with new mothers with lactation issues. Giving birth without drugs was still unusual and I remember they asked if I minded if a bunch of student nurses could watch. Heck yes...who cares at that point? My husband was with me at that delivery and I had rooming-in, which was still new. I fed my baby whenever I wanted to and left the hospital the next day.

    Eight years later in Germany we were surprised by a son. I had been working in the Army hospital as a birth educator and breastfeeding consultant for four years, so they knew me and all my modern ideas were commonplace by then. My husband actually delivered my son and we left soon after. Overseas we couldn't even find cloth diapers to buy so my son had disposables. The Chernobyl nuclear accident happened and we were not allowed to eat any fresh vegetables or meat . So much for making my own baby food. He wore whatever clothes I could find to buy, cotton or not. Somehow he survived. haha

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    I had 'natural childbirth', which was actually the norm in Alaska. My instructions were a book by Grantly Dick Read who wrote a book for women having babies during the blitz. There was something sort of reassuring about, 'lean up against a tent post or a tree' and assuming everything would go just fine. Everyone nursed their babies because all the milk was reconstituted powdered milk and very expensive. That was pre-disposable diapers - cloth was all their was. And I wore heels and dresses to work. Most of my clothing budget went for hose which snagged on my desk or file. I blame my bunions on those heels.

    I found a book once and would dearly like to find it again to reread. It was written in the 40's to explain the Army manners to the wives of new officers in the war. There was a lot of calling and leaving cards and a code for which corner was turned up. And advice about only having white sheets & towels because who knows what color your next bedroom and bath would be. My impression was that pre-war most Army wives were daughters of Army officers and learned all the rules growing up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh all these birth babies---This made me think bout something tho--When I was and some of u were having babies I don't remember hearing about post partum depression, I'm sure there must have been, but it wasn't a popular thing like now--did people just not talk about it, but I have to say I remember all of my friends had babies around the same time and not one had it, oh we were tired and crabby, but we were fine--I wonder if it has anything to do with after having a baby then u stayed in the hospital nd got all pampered and only took the baby to feed and yes when they cried the nurse took them and u just enjoyed u'rself. And having natural childbirth myself--there were no side effects from drugs or meds and it was funny cuz my pregnancies were very specific I gained 20 lbs, (that's what they wanted then) and I was thin so I knew I'd eat like crazy in the hospital so in the delievery room I made sure they had a menu for me so I could order, cuz I didn't want broth and jello and when it was over I had lunch served to me--2 trays, I guess I was doubling up for mid afternoon snack--to me it was a fun time.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    There definitely was post partum depression, because I had a beaut of one. It was very severe. I've had several other severe depressive episodes as well. None in the last 20 years, thank God.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Wren, the book we got in 1970 was called, "Mrs. 2nd Lieutenant." It had all those things you describe. I'm sure I still have a copy somewhere. Never would have thrown away that gem. The line drawings in it looked very 40ish so it probably hadn't changed in 25 years.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2014

    Hi all,

    It is late and we are back at our DS in CS, TX, without dear GD.  Judge was very good, cannot dis her.  We have to have a home study, etc.  My DH gave a letter to her that the  states atty when we met with her concerning our problems with the petition, she told the judge that because of this letter she could not recommend that we have our GD.  Well the judge read the letter and ordered a mediation.

    Set for tomorrow at 9:30 AM.  

    We had dinner last night at our DG Foster parents home, so we could say good bye to DG.  The Foster Parents are Awesome.  I feel good about where she is.  I do not think she will agree to go back to her Mom.  We shall see.  We decided that we could not do any more and needed to remove ourselves from the situation.  It is heart breaking for all of us. 

    I told DH in kidding that if I had to spend one more day in FL I would have to by an Ozzie.  I also said that I think Fl should be detached from the US and everyone get off except the authorites and let it float to Cuba.  As far as I am concerned that is the way they treat their citizens.

    I have never seen so many unprofessional people in professional roles.  

    The court was not even private, we were all  threw in with at least 20 different families and had to set threw there drama.  I do think that is not legal.  I am so dam mad I cant stand it.  I am going to compose a document and send it to every one I can in Fl who is in public office. If anyone here has any other ideas please let me know.  

    DH is beside him self, trying to keep him upbeat.  If they had this system when his X deserted him the his first 4 children she would have been in a world of trouble.  

    Going to try and enjoy our time with DS, DIL and GD, probably will drink to much wine, but OH WELL.  I deserve it.

    Hugs and thanks for all your concern and support.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited January 2014

    Monmarch - what a heartbreaking time.  I'm glad you at least like the foster family  Hope the mediation goes well.  Yes - LOTS of wine sounds good now that you're back in TX & safe w/your son.

    Some ladies on another thread were talking about "juicing".  I decided I'll need go to McDonald's tomorrow for a chocolate shake - my healthy drink of choice.  Wasn't it Carole who first told us about them?  Sure hope she's having a great trip.

    I saw the tree in the Chicago Marshall Fields when I was 1 & 2 & 3 years old before we moved to CA - but my memories are probably what my Mother told me and not original.  My 'real' memories of a grand store tree are from the White House in San Francisco.

    Love the baby memories.  Cami - your eating binge sounds funny.  Wren - I like "lean up against a post".  So sorry you experienced the depression.  I had "rooming-in" in 1970 in Albuquerque.  My DH was in the OR and I had a saddle block.  Do they still do those?  Everyone I hung with was breast feeding.  Used ONLY cloth diapers.  My Mom gave me a diaper service subscription for the first 6 weeks.  Such a nice gift!! Sandra - you're amazing.  I never seriously made my own baby food.  Gerber was there for me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Wren I'm sorry u had post partem that had to be horrible, and I didn't mean no one had it, I just meant I didn't experience anyone who had it---Now I hear horror stories of what women do I told u guys I watch to many crime shows.

    Mommarch I'm glad u'r home but I'm especially glad that u'r GD has good foster parents so that does help. Tell us how the mediation goes, good Luck.

    Minustwo I have never heard of a saddle block, don't have a clue--tell us what it is now.

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Cammi it was me, Barbarella who lived in the Chicago area and went to Marshall Fields at Christmas.  I am glad that someone else had the same experience as I had.  I forgot the ice cream!  FYI I was born in Geneva, lived in Winfield, and moved to Stillwater Mn. in winter of '59 at 6 yrs old.  My grandmother and eventually sister lived in Chicago, so I have many memories of visiting with relatives growing up. I moved back to Chicago my senior year of HS.  Lived in Park Ridge on Higgins & Cumberland, off the Kennedy? I90 close to O'hare. I couldn't stay away from Mn and moved back 5 yrs later.  

    As far as babies I wasn't that lucky.  Being a child of the 60's-70's I believed all the hype then, that you could have babies at any age. Remember Gloria Steinhen? I waited too long, and the decision was made for me. Two years before BC I developed Graves disease and unfortunately I had to have 2 radioactive treatments to kill my thyroid.  Can't get pregnant within a year of each treatment.  Right after that I was diagnosed with pre-menopausal BC. Can't have babies when given cytoxen in chemotherapy. I have to believe it was meant to be. My kids are / were all my cats, and dogs. All rescue shelter animals.  Now I only have Puddy-tat 15 yrs and Ginger my sable rough collie.  My lover was Laddie my "Big Guy" farm collie who looked like Lassie.  He was very gentle who loved all of nature, except for my bumble bees on my bee balm. Amazingly he never got stung trying to chomp down and catch them. He passed 2 yrs ago, and I still miss him dearly. Patiently waiting for another Laddie.  We shall see.  Good night to all the night owls. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Barb I live in Winfield, a couple blocks from Central DuPage Hospital===see what a small world this can be. Wow

    This is my first Good Morning, it's still dark of course so I'm going back to ZZZZZZZZ. It's going to be a long goofy day--I hope we don't get snow today, we're supposed to in a day or 2 whatever. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image OK guess what day it is, come on guess.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Barb I'm not awake yet----I'm sorry about u'r not having kids if u wanted them, my DD1 didn't have any and I know now she wished she did, but things happened and then she was to old. I have a cat who sleeps with me and stays by me a lot which I enjoy and our dog--border collie/lab is so good.The cat is the boss of course. I do live with my  youngest DD and her husband and even tho my DD was advised against it she does have 1 son. Who is my baby along with my cat--everyone knows that. But our furbabies are our kids I still miss my first one, so I know how that feels. I just watched 2 hrs. of friends. hahaha I'm so exciting. and I see I have a message on my phone WTF is that all about.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    CAMMI!!!!  A "saddle-block" is when you are trying to buy a saddle for your horse, and your check doesn't go through, so therefore you get a saddle-block on your account!    That's all it is...

    I had post-partem depression too, but didn't know what it was, and in those days it probably didn't even have a name...  But mine came after my 2nd was born, and about 2 weeks later, I just wanted to cry all the time...  I felt so overwhelmed at 24, and with 2 girls, one just born and my oldest was 2 1/2. 

    Didn't have my Mom and Dad here with us either...  So DH made sure that every night we would all bundle up and go out SOMEwhere, usually to his Aunt's house, and with his fun gal-cousin, they would make me laugh, and help me with the babies... 

    But then the "cloud lifted" and everything sort of evened out. 

    And Cammi!  Answer your PHONE!  That is your job, silly girl!  And in case you ever want one, a "saddle-block" comes when they stick a needle the size of a crow-bar in your back bone, and it deadens you from the waist down.  Those were not recommended...  You can't feel any labor pains... and you can't "push"...  So I think they outlawed  them or something.

    Morning Barbarella...!  I just love our fur-babies too...  I'm just always worried about Lacey, our 11 year old Sheltie...  She is just slowing down so much, getting older, and doesn't want to eat, like she used to!  I give her Glucosamine chews for her bones, and she seems happy, but I just hate to see her growing older! 

    Mommarch, just hang in there.... I feel so bad for you...  Sounds like everything that COULD go wrong, did!   Every State has worthless people in charge!  And here in Denver, I think they are all on Weed! 

    I think that's why some of these little kids are kidnapped by one of their Parents...  I don't know WHAT I would do, if DD got divorced when the boys were little, and her Husband took them away?   I think I would seriously go after him with a shot-gun!   Those kids belong to who-ever in their family can care for them BEST!   If one of the Parents can't, then Grand-parents would be the next choice.  I'm just sorry you guys are feeling bad.... I don't blame you...

    Wren!  OMG!  Stand up against a post, or a tree???  That is the funniest thing I ever heard of!  Can you just imagine?  And then reach down, and grab that little baby out of the weeds, and wipe him off with a leaf or a few!   That is hysterical!  And I'll bet it was supposed to all be in the dark!  Because I remember air-raids also!  And we had to pull down all our black-shades, so no lights would show!  

    Heck, with all the weed-smoking going on here, the tokers would probably turn on their flash-lights, thinking they were in the middle of a concert, with all the sirens!

    Yes, I had "natural" child-birth also, but when I was starting to turn inside-out, they gave me a whiff of ether!  Well THAT made me think I  died, and I was standing there looking down at me, with a bag of pop-corn in my hand! 

    The next thing I knew, was hearing old Doc Brown saying "He's a girlhe'sagirlhe'sagirl!  And I had my girl!  And I was in heaven!  Remember that feeling when you SEE her, and realize you are her Mommy?  It was beautiful. image

    Okay gals....  hope you all have a nice day.... thinking of you Mommarch!  And Cammi!  ANSWER THE PHONE!  sheesh!

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Cammi, I am just blown away.  My older sister is no longer with us, so I will try to find out more information from my brother & also next door neighbor in Winfield who still lives in the same house.  Amazing.  My dad built a house, yeah himself on 3 acres. An acre garden, an acre orchard and the house.  After the house was finished he got transferred. When did you live there?  I was '53 through '59.  I was old enough to have a lot of memories.  We got our first collie there.  Been a collie lover ever since. but just never had one again. Not until I saw my Laddie at a shelter in Wi.  He was a stray and I never did know his life before us.

    Chevyboy it is so very sad to see our furbabies get old.  They came & go so fast in our life.  My Puddy-tat is 15 and has arthritis very bad.  He is my "postage stamp". Ha! Get it? But as painful as it is, I will always come back to adopt another. I can't live without them. A few have been very special, but they all have their place in my heart, and can never be replaced. I used to have 4 cats and 2 collies.  But I have downsized. Ha!

    What a very small world this is.  I was amazed at the Christmas tree, now this.  What a wonderful day it is.  I hope for everyone to have a wonderful day also.     

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Barb I basically grew up and went to school in Villa Park and stayed there forever and moved to Winfield about 1 nd 1/2 yrs go--so the move was only like 15 min. away, but at first I thought OMG I way out here now, but my DD1 lives in Lombard and my sister is in Elmhurst, all of my family is within this radius--we don't venture out much, but I'm glad cuz we're so close to one another

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow,
    it only saps today of its joy.
    Leo Buscaglia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Coming late today.  Loving a lot of the baby talk.  I had cloth diapers but my folks worked at a hospital and because there were other things in the "nursery pack" that the hospital sent home with new mothers......many had to be thrown out.  When mom and dad knew I was pregnant....the grabbed all the throwaways and brought them to me.  I had Pampers for the longest time ( newborn size of course ) and didn't need the cloth until way later. 

    I went through a very brief period when I had both my kids ,of overwhelm.  With the first I had the young neighbor lady from across the street calling me in the hospital to tell me my husband was entertaining a younger female from the house right next door to us, for a couple of hours with obviously no supervision.  Just what a mother having her first baby really needs to hear.  Nothing to do about it but I detested the blabbermouth neighbor lady after that. 

    The second one I knew pretty well that it was so highly un-likely things would work out well with my hubby then.  You get your sea legs going though and make a decent life happen....even if you climb over a few boulders to do it. 

    mommarch....I'm so sorry for how things turned out.  I know everyone here had very high hopes.  I think a lot of states are a bit backward.  Some while backward seeming do get caught up in how the law reads and end up with their hands tied to a certain extent.  Sad because sometimes the baby/child/teenager is sent the very place where they least should be. 

    I'm glad with everyone else that at least the foster situation is good.  Nice to have some bright spot somewhere.  Hoping all goes well with your home visit. 

    Some sun here today but no great shakes.  Ground is mostly frozen and some small snow flakes that don't amt. to anything.  

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Neither of my daughters will likely have a baby. Allison will be 41 next week and Stephanie just turned 37. Allison was too busy getting an education to think about babies. She had a few possible relationships, but nothing ever worked out. Last year, after realizing if she was going to have a baby, she couldn't wait anymore for the right baby-daddy to come along. She had a lot of testing and learned the chances of her getting pregnant were slim. She doesn't put out many eggs. So she started hormone shots and after a few months, was inseminated by an anonymous donor that she picked out of a book! (Another PhD so the baby was destined to be smart.) She got pregnant but it was an ectopic pregnancy. They had to send her to a chemo clinic to get a chemo drug that stops cells from multiplying. Otherwise it could have killed her, and of course there was no chance for a baby to grow in the fallopian tube. It was so sad. Just before Christmas she went back on hormone shots. She will try once more. If it still doesn't work, she thinks she will try in vitro fertilization. Her insurance will pay for it. If that fails, she's finished. So this is a make it or break it year. She cries when she sees families out raking the leaves or having normal family time. Allison would love that.

    Stephanie, as you know, had legal custody of two children from birth, but lost them when they were kidnapped and taken out of Texas by their bio mother. In her grief, she married (at 28) a man much older (45) who had 5 grown children and a grandchild. He told her he wanted more kids. She got pregnant twice but miscarried both. She spent the next year working with an infertility doctor but nothing worked. They finally divorced and she moved to Florida four years ago to start over. She poured herself into her career, like her sister. She is active on a miscarriage website and longs to be a mother again, but knows it is probably not going to happen. She's busy working and going to school full time for a second degree, chemistry this time.

    My son Ryan is 29 but has a long way to go before he can take care of himself, much less anyone else. He battles bipolar disorder. So it's unlikely he will ever get married or have a child.

    We don't mind not having grandchildren. Never really thought about it one way or the other. Ryan only left home for his own apartment last year so we haven't had an empty nest for long. Plus since then we've been consumed with my stroke, aneurysm, and breast cancer. If it happens, fine. If it doesn't, fine. The "children" are not required to produce more children or achieve goals we've set in order to make us feel fulfilled in life. We can do that for ourselves. But babies are sure cute.Smile

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited January 2014

    Sandra: Thanks for sharing your children's stories.  I have one DS & DIL and they have decided not to have children.  I haven't probed about any medical issues she might have, but since he is 44 this year and they have been together 13 years - it's unlikely things will change.  I'm with you - I'm adjusted to not having grandchildren, and agree - my DS is not required to produce children.  (unlike my SIL who has made it a requirement & mentions babies to both her son & daughter every time she talks to them - sometimes twice a day).  But yes, babies are cute.  I'm considering volunteering for a story hour at a children's library if/when all this BC mess is over.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2014

    Hi gals....I have a lot to catch up on and will try to do that tomorrow.  We arrived in Cape Coral on Sunday evening.  Our cats made the 2-day trip well and are now getting settled into this lovely vacation home.  I finally feel settled in.  It is so nice to be able to be outside without a coat again.....and it was cool today for Florida. 

    I will get caught up tomorrow but wanted to touch base quickly with all of you.  Hope everyone is doing well!