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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2014

    Jackie - on reading of your " collections" it reminded me that I only kept 2 cookbooks over the years and always seemd to be missing an ingredient when I tried new recipes. Sewing is my strength have to say -not cooking. However I have become much better in the kitchen since online recipes have been easy to get. I just love "All-Recipes " and whenever I try a new dish or just brush up on roasting, soups or whatever  I can compare comments on these boards. So much easier these days.

    Wrenn and Joan- I never did have a "rock" fetish..ha.. but my two grandkids do. I often find " presents brought in from my backyard. Now if I only could get them to bring me a rose quartz..

    Barbarella6- So glad you were able to find a place for your brother, it drives me nuts that this country does not seem to care for the elders like some European ones do. I too wear tank tops a lot especially when its cold. Since I am the only one who sees my body its all about comfort for me. God blessed me w/a somewhat pretty face so that gets me by .

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    So much going on, and I'reading and reading thinking I thought I was on here not to long ago. Geeze.

    I was a little busy today so I emerged myself in work hahaha like I'd do that ever. I'm just lazy, I remember my cat laying croos me and 2 hrs later the phone woke me and we were in the same positions and she did not want to move--so I missed the call, she knew I would, that rascal.

    Barberella, was that Raquel Welch or Jane Fonda? Well someone was 10,000 BC--Why am I caring about this anyway.

    Oh when the original cast of SNL was on I never missed it, if I wasn't going out and having a good time.I enjoyed those the best.

    Oh Chevy u poor thing blowing u'r nose and feeling like u'r brain came out---when we all know that's not how u'r brain came out. AWWWWW

    Well it's sleepy time for me, wait til I get my energy back then I'll be up all the time. And wht's left of my brain (yes Chevy, I admit it) will be in full force, or whatever a brain does. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    BTW with this little job I have and my being so tired, this is throwing my goal way off of being a hacker, which was always my main reason for getting a computer.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2014

    ahhh rock lovers unite!

    I started collecting when we lived in Denver. When we moved back to NY we loaded the wardrobe boxes with rocjs on the bittom. How awful that must have been for the movers!!

    I can finally say I have enough rocks and I now believe they do not belong in the house.  Minerals are always welcome. 

    I went to the Galapagis and lived on a small yacht for 8 dsys. No collecting alliwed but it was amazing. 

    Jackue -- whew!  Thats a lit of books- i am ready to let go of many things. But like you I will always find something of interest 

    Warming here.  

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Cammi it was One Million Years B.C. that Raquel Welch stood there in her fur bikini.  Ha! that's all she did in that movie. 

    Jane Fonda was Barbarella if you can believe it in 1968. Remember her space suits / outfits?  In the movie Doctor Durand-Durand the evil scientist, invented Barbarella's Positronic Ray and what he called the Excessive Machine!  Jane was 75 last year.  Wow! Do you think many people remember Durand-Durand let alone who & where it came from? (Is that right?).  Too late to figure that wordage out. I was given that name, one of many. by my sis-in-law.

    Any lovers of classic movies? I don't subscribe to cable TV and have rabbit ears? for reception, which I never watch. Anyone remember Pywacket, other than it's the name of my cat? 

    I guess it's supposed to be bed time or there about. Sweet dreams.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning

    Barb I remember Pywacket, but I remember it from Bell, book and candle I think==That was a cute movie tho if I'm right or wrong. Oh but one of my all time favorites was Strangers When we meet--Kim Novak, (which I didn't really think she was a great actress) Kirk Douglas and Ernie Kovaks, I still watch that whenever it's on--it was so charged with electricity--brought the romantic out in me, or sex stuff either way. LOL

    Rita must be close to her destination, and who else is coming or going--well I'm here, so I'm glad I like myself so I have fun anyway.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2014

    Wow!  I skipped almost two days here and I am so behind.  I want to add my wishes for fantastic vacations to all who are packing those suitcases!   I'm looking forward to a quilting weekend in  March with a group of friends.  Had to pass on the last one because it was the same time as my exchange surgery.  

    Barbarella...what a wonderful story about your brother.  He's been through a lot and it's nice to hear that there will be a happy ending.  I'm not a stranger to having your bladder removed.  My mother had bladder cancer and is 94.  She lives on her own about 5 minutes away.  My brother and I are there on and off during the day.  She has always taken care of her urostomy bag over the years but due to dementia I have been changing it for her.  Last week it barely held for two days for some crazy reason.  Went over to make her dinner yesterday and had to change it.  At night, as I am sure your brother knows, urostomy patients hook up to a night bag.  She has been having trouble with I made the decision to let her go to bed without it.  I worried about this all night long.  Waiting for her to wake up and I will go over and see how she did.  If only she didn't have this problem her life would be so much easier.  The is now housebound...has not left for over two years.  She is DONE with doctors which worries my brother and I.   She went to the same doctor I do and my doctor said you really can't blame her at age 94.   She is a very religious woman and just wants to die.   Her short term memory is gone and, of course, she repeats her questions over and over.  It's so sad.  We talk to her a lot about the "olden days" because she remembers every details about that.  Our brains are such funny things!

    Regarding "weed", I think people are going nuts over this.  Why would you start smoking it when you never have?   We used to have some neighbors next door that had two teenage sons.  When the parents would leave the boys and their friends would smoke on their patio and the wind would carry it into our yard.  They would start talking loud and was an awful time and I am so glad they are gone.   My brother-in-law who is 66 has been smoking it on a DAILY basis since he was in his 20's!!   My sister-in-law said he is totally addicted and freaks when his supply gets low.  He is such an obnoxious person...I can't even believe he is related to my husband!  He probably wishes Florida would go the way of Colorado...good luck with that!  

    After I check on my mother, my husband and I are headed to Mohegan Sun for lunch and I will lose my usual $20.  I am such a big gambler!  LOL   My husband loves to play blackjack and they sent him a card where you go in and pick an envelope out of this big drum.  Each one contains a cash reward...anywhere from $25 to $2500.   Of course, most will get $25 (he did last month) but lots get $50.   The best part of the trip to Mohegan for me is that there is an awesome fabric store on the way and I will go in there and shop a little.  When I walk through those doors I feel like I have entered heaven!  HAHAHA

    Have a wonderful day, ladies!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    When we're helping other people, we're nourishing our soul.  Depression or unhappiness means we've got the wrong goal.  We have forgotten that peace of mind is our only goal.  By concentrating on helping another person, we renew contact with our soul and with God.  We can feel peaceful again. . . . Peace of mind has nothing to do with the external world; it has only to do with our connection with God.  Love really is the answer.  We're here only to teach love.  When we're doing that, our souls are singing and dancing.  When we remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings, that life and love are the flame eternal, that's when our soul is nourished.

    Gerald Jampolsky

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    What great messages to read here this morning.  Movies.....I think my all time favorite is " Gone With The Wind ".  I read the book as a very young person ( I was an EXTREME avid reader then ) and years later when the movie was out I was nearly first in line.  The old book I read had such fabulous pictures that I knew I would enjoy that movie and hang on every word.  I think it is one of the movies that very closely dove-tailed the I knew exactly what I would be seeing.

    There are newer ones I've many, many of the Julia Roberts variety.  Those and a great many with Meryl Streep.  I also ( still watch this one and many with the above actresses ) re-watch Fatal Attraction with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close and Anne Archer.  For the most part I guess I best like either comedies or thrillers where you can't be sure how it will end.

    I learn to love the thriller type I think when Rosemary's Baby first came out.  I remember part of the tag lines used in advertising the movie.....and the one that really stands out to me was "pray for Rosemary's baby ".  That gave me I think a lifelong love of those types of movies.  That one along with later o Psycho and When A Stranger Calls. 

    We will be having a really gorgeous day here with sunshine and temps. at 60 degrees.  Just stunning after what we have had.  Some of our mud may even dry up clean away.  Sure hope so.  I put my car through the car wash yesterday.  Knew that I'd go through "some", but not sure just how much mud.  I mainly wanted the huge amt. of road salt off of it.  My car is 10 yrs. old, but is a Chevy and should last a really long time yet.  I don't want it to get too beat up and faded looking before it has too. 

    I'll be looking for all of you later.



  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2014

    I, too, collected rocks. My favorites were always on display.  Movers couldn't believe it when they had to pack them. But when we moved aboard our sailboat, the rocks had to go.  I gave them to an amateur geologist who would give them a good home.

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Cammi, we're joined at the hip now!  I knew of only 1 other person who knew about Pywacket.  A young girl volunteer at an animal shelter, who watched old classics with her parents.  I'm blown away.  Kim Novak & Jimmy Stewert.  But you have one on me -- Strangers When We Meet. I haven't seen it, but I will now!  I really prefer the late '30s early '40s.  The women were strong, risque & independent. Their clothes were gorgeous & they definitely were not afraid to go bra-less. I love the art deco decor. That whole period was so carefree & glamorous probably because it was between the wars.  I find I am transported and I can forget those "somethings" for a while. I have a favorite "Shop Around The Corner". Jackie we are definitely movie junkies as we will usually watch one a night instead of TV.

    Mgster, we have a lot to talk about.  Never heard of a night bag.  He also has problems where he goes through bags every day. 

    Have a sunny Sunday. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OK I'm up again.LOL

    Oh Movies,  I loves those old movies, well they really weren't when I was young. But I still enjoy them and when I watch them I too look t the fashion, décor some of which has come back and I enjoy that.

    Barb the movie I mentioned isn't a 4 star movie it was just one that really got to meLOL and when my youngest DD had to write bout her favorite movie (she was 8 t the time) the girls were writing about little girlie movies, the boys were saying Star Wars and she wrote about Gone with the Wind and why..I got a call from the teacher cuz it was a little unusual (she said) but I loved that movie and Les and I would watch it together when they started showing it every year  and we still watch it and now Joey loves it.

    I just saw the bright thing in the sky peek out for a few minutes, but I think it's hiding again.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Ok watchers of old films, you have me hooked.  I will be visiting TCM to find movies to put on the dvr.  Although I am 70 and remember some of the movies, I have not been watching oldies.  Thanks for intriguing me! 

  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone,

    Today is a fearsome day for me and I'm only getting my hair cut.  It's down my back/to my bra strap.  Somewhere I read that you should not cut your hair before chemo but what the heck!.I      My doctor advised that I should not use the cold caps because some women who did had brain mets.  Instead I'm going for the plucked chicken look and making up my own wig via 'hats with hair'...

    Yesterday I went to my friend's shop but she only had time to deep condition and blow dry.  I felt like I used to feel when I skipped school, ..naughty and living on the edge. I went out to a local hi test grocery store and ate their gourmet soup sitting in front of the fireplace.  Maybe the last time that I'll be the me with hair and not  the sick chick....


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2014

    Jackie:  There's a new movie out starring both Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts called "Osage County"...I saw the previews and it sounded good...obviously academy award material with those stars.  I might go see it today since the football playoffs are STILL going the point of getting ridiculous!  

    At least we went to an art show early this morning and then breakfast after.

    Chevy:  I had no idea that tamoxifen could cause a's the one concession I made in my take it rather than do radiation...only just half the prescribed dose.  I've been on it for two years with almost no side effects so fairly certain I'll be ok.  Regarding the hearing loss from a BF lost his hearing suddenly and they never knew why...wondering if a small stroke had anything to do with it.  He would definitely be a candidate with his heart issues and diet.

    Barb:  glad you were able to help your brother in a time of need.  I was able to do the same with my sister and we did have some quality time before she passed.

    Beautiful day here in S. Florida....sunny and in the 70's...yea!   

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Rabbitvelvet, Are you sure the chemo will make your hair fall out? Not all of them do. If it does, fleece hats are soft and comfy. My friend and I were buying one for a friend having chemo. We mentioned to the woman selling them and she gave it to us for free. She said she always does that for women having chemo. How nice. We did each buy one for ourselves, so she made some money.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Rabbit I'm sorry--but on a bright note, get some really sparkly, uber hats and scarves and wear huge earrings and think I don't have to do my hair today. Oh and with some hats tilt a tiny bit gives u some attitude--well I did but then again, why not--I was working the first 4 months of chemo so I matched things up so I really didn't look sick--oh yea makeup too. hahaha, but when my eyebrows and lashes fell out I wasn't working anymore cuz then I kept on going with chemo so some of the cuteness of what I picked wore out.And no makeup hahaha

    OK Kaara we get it, it's 70 there and a beautiful day, when we are still looking at snow.Shocked nd if u see that movie tell us how u liked it.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Rabbit, Our departed Veggy had a scarf with dreads attached. Always sounded like fun to me.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2014

    Sandra, your doctor seems like a good doctor. Let us know which adult beverage you choose

    Grammy, thoughts are with you for your decision Hopefully your son will be understanding and support you with any decision you make.

    Kaara, it was good to hear that you did not have a skin cancer.  

    Chevy, it's great that you can hear again.  Hope the insurance will pick up the tab.  I like the soup and salad lunch at The Olive Garden I also love their lasagna and spaghetti dinners.

    For all the ladies traveling, have a safe and enjoyable trip. Let us hear about your travels.

    Have a great week ladies

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited January 2014

    Barbarella - I can't believe there is another person in the world besides me who does not subscribe to cable.  I too have rabbit ears - which means I only watch TV when we're in the middle of a hurricane and i want to keep track of the landing.  I just prefer to read.  I do have a VCR and DVD and lots of old movies (love Bell, Book & Candle) and a friend who orders movies from NetFlicks.

    Yes Kaara, let us know about Osage County.  I recently saw Judi Dench in Philomena.  Really worth a trip to the theater.  We truly are from a different generation.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Ok, there's 3 of us who don't have cable. I don't like anything on TV now and I don't see the point of having 100 things I don't want to see. I read a lot and get news from my computer most of the time. We did watch the Seahawks play on Saturday. Only football game I've seen in years.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2014

    We had dinner with Kimber and her foster parents on Friday evening, it went well.  Today they had us out to their home for coffee and cake to visit with Kimber, we took her step brother with us.  Had a good visit.  We go to court in the morning.  If it is continued and we can not take her back to Texas we will leave after court.  They had to move DG from her private school to a public school.  I think she will do ok once she gets a few days under her belt.

    Stress levels are high.  I hope this will be a new beginning for DD and her problems.

    Take care, will post in a day or two.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014


    My middle child, Stephanie, was introduced to rocks in junior high school by a wonderful Geology teacher. That fascination led her into a career as a Graduate Gemologist. She specializes in diamonds, buying and selling them to jewelers and designing bridal sets for private clients. One of her couples asked her to be their ring bearer! They were both orchestra violinists so Stephanie walked down the aisle carrying a violin case with the rings inside. SmileNow at 37, she's expanding her career and closing in on a degree in Chemistry. Scientists rock! (pun intended)    

    I'm on my second football game of the day. So glad the Carolina Panthers lost. They looked like a bunch of thugs, trying to hurt people. I'm too much of a girl to approve of that. Boys have to "play nice" or I won't watch. Now I'm watching Denver win, I hope. Football has been good this year, college and pro. Some years I'm not so into it, but since I've three surgeries since football season started, I've had lots of down time in my recliner and enjoyed it especially the last six weeks or so. Exciting!           

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2014

    sandra:  Good for you on the football....there's certainly enough on to keep one!  I head for the hills (shopping mall or movie theater) the minute I hear it come on and try not to return until it's over.  There are very few college games I will watch...USC and Clemson or Florida and Florida State...that's about it.

    DS came over to do his laundry and stayed for a visit which I enjoyed, but by the time he left it was too late to go to the movies, so Osage County will have to wait for another day.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    mommarch ... hoping that tomorrow goes in a good direction for all.  Your DGD seems to be in a caring place ... glad you have been able to spend time with her.

    Jazzy, salsa, spa, and writing class ... you are carving out a great New Year's beginning ... oh, and joining back up with your jazz group ... good for you!  

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Okay there is going to be major problems between myself and you beautiful women. How can I possibly remember everyone or even come close. Just when I think I have it all figured out, I lose sense of it and have to start all over again. It's not fair!  There is only one of me and so many of you.  How can I possibly do justice?  I find everyone so beautiful in their way, surely I will forget someone from time to time, but I am not forgotten.       

    Rabbit it's pretty dramatic losing so much hair at one time. Mine was mid back when it started to fall out. I was more worried about my hair than anything else. I had a friend put it in a ponytail and cut it off.  I donated it to be used in human hair wigs for cancer patients. Check & see if there is a business in your area who does this. Once it grew back, it was a different color, much thicker and curly. It was kinda fun and different.

    Sally I'm excited that you will start watching the classics! Cammi & Jackie, I really don't think it needs to be a 4 star movie.  I am always amazed at the gems you can find by accident. They are just hiding, waiting for you to discover them.

    I turned on the local T.V. channels a while back and I was just floored at the stuff they call entertainment. The longer your away from it the more horrible it it seems to get.  Minustwo & Wren44 we are very lucky in dis-owing the trash being shown.  Also it's soooo expensive. The cost was the reason we cancelled it in the first place. I really love being taken to a different time and place, getting away from the negativity by reading and watching movies, you know what I mean . . . .  

    Mgster & Kaara thanks for the kind comments concerning my brother. I am finding that what else in life is as important as loving and just being there for a friend. I am thankful that I was able to be there and help him as best I could. He really had a very hard road to travel. 

    Good Night & thank you for welcoming & making me feel right at home. I guess I will stay for a while. :)


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Does anyone know if Netflix has old movies? There's a rental place here which is pretty good. Locally owned by people who love movies, so a really good selection.

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Wren44, I know Netflix is really convenient and fast, believe it or not.  You put the one in the mail to be returned and you will have the new one come in the mail a day or two later.  As far as the selection of movies, Netflix carries everything you could possibly want.  My husband will go to Netflix when no one else has the title, they will.  He does not like the Netflix stream tho.  Also you can get the HBO etc. mini series and old TV shows from Netflix.  Like Gunsmoke. They are a hoot! Great morality stories.  I know I should have been born in another time zone.  I just don't like people with foul mouths swearing, and yelling at me. It's just not entertainment to me. Try your local place first then Netflix.  Oh just thought, Netflix I think is much cheaper.  It depends on how many movies you will want to rent. I would check it out.   

    Good Luck,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OK I'm guilty--I have cable but just the basics. I enjoy my movies, a few action show and true crime stories. The crime shows to me are like a train wrecks, I can't imagine people doing such things, then I have to try to make sense of it??? But when I'm winding down for the day older comedies come on and I fall asleep to laughter--my TV is on 24/7--everyone (almost) in my family does the same thing so it must be a tradition. LOL

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Ours are on most 24/7 too.  But of Perry Mason's, other serials etc. and of course movies. Oh, my husband has to see the Daly Show and Cobert Report.

    But then I am on the computer writing a lot of the day.  I have been trying to journal and document 2013 before I forget what all happened. 

    I really try to get things done around the house but I am so very tired and no energy it is hard some days.  I also don't do stairs well, so my  husband does the stairs for me.  Yeah I know but I live in an 1880's farm house with narrow, steep stairs.  
