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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014

    By the way Chevy,  Washington is the other state that legalized pot, but hasn't figure out how to sell it yet, other than its the Rocky Mountain High and the EverGREEN state.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2014

    Carole....Enjoy your trip!  We'll look forward to hearing from you when you get the chance!  It sounds like a dream vacation.

    YEAH!  Chevy can hear again!   Watch out now, Cami.....she can actually hear you!  :-)

    Sandra....What a frightening experience you had!  I am so glad that you are o.k. and will be able to go on your cruise.  Have fun!  You do indeed deserve this time to relax and enjoy life after all you have been through lately.  I think I really like your doctor!

    We are heading out on Saturday for warmer temps.  I am looking so forward to the sunshine and above zero weather.  This has been quite a winter already in Illinois.   I should have internet access while there so I'll be able to keep up with all of you.  Maybe Kaara will have all that rain out of the area by the time we arrive!  :-)  I still have some packing to do.  Then the next trick is getting it all to fit in the suburban!  :-)  Maybe I'll leave for about an hour or two while Mr D struggles with this!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Chevy, you can hear! That's WONDERFUL. What a blessing.

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Di & all, I am an 18 year survivor who just turned 60 this year. I thought I'd post here as older, 15+ year survivors seems to be scare. Being a child of the 60's, I don't think of myself as "older" and I have to catch myself describing someone as "older" or "senior" and they are most probably younger than myself. It's really all in your mind tho.

    I was diagnosed with pre-menapausal, estrogen receptive, stage 1, 1cm, idc.  Treatment was lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, and 5 years tamoxifen.

    After all these years I am now experiencing extreme left breast radiation side effects.  Breast pain, swelling, fibrosis, almost rock hard in spots, periodic shooting pains. and major dimpling at the lumpectomy incision site.  I thought of re-occurrence but all negative.  At the time I had received more radiation treatments because of hospital, surgeon, pathologist confusion over number of lymph nodes removed. 

    Reconstruction was never discussed and prosthesis was decided upon.  But for me very uncomfortable, and even bras have become almost impossible to wear. After 18 years my left breast is very perky from the radiation and my right breast a grandma's breast.  I am very large breasted (f/g) and even wearing a bra, the size difference is extreme and very noticeable.  I would like if someone can educate me on reconstruction as after this, a double mastectomy sounds good. Seriously. Also this scar tissue is very disconcerting. I feel very fortunate with my many years cancer free. But the side effects of the treatments. have shown up now and seem to be have been permanent, waiting in the wings.  Treatments and reconstruction have changed so much since I was diagnosed, hopefully fewer permanent side effects.  Thanks and positive thoughts to all.   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Welcome and Congtrats Barbarella, u've had a long haul and I'm sure it doesn't sound like it's been all roses. I'm sorry I've never had recon or any foobs, I just went like two flat tires and stayed that way. I'm sure there are so many new ways of doing everything, but I do know from reading a lot of them are still hurting women--so I don't know--But someone will come on with positive ways and what to do about u'r problem. I know very little about all of this, I keep on learning but can't remember. There are wonderful, caring ladies here so u will enjoy them.--Yes it's senior citizen time altho no one thinks that here, but we are.

    Rita u rascal, u'll be out of here in no time--safe travels and enjoy u'r let's skip winter in Illinois time. And it seems like everyone is escaping and I don't blame anyone--I'll stay and hold up the fort--literally all the snow I will survive--as some song goes. And moan and complain for all of u--see how helpful I can be.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Morning Barbarella!  I hope someone around here can answer some of your questions.... I also notified an x-nurse, that can maybe help you a little more?  She posts on a different thread, but I sent your post to her by Personal Message...

    And that's what we're all here for...

    No..I'm older than most everyone here....  in fact in the world.... but we pay no attention to that.  We just struggle along the best way we know how!  Did you see how many of the gals are going on cruises???  Man, I would drown just looking at all the water.   I'm a Harley rider myself....  And Cammi works on furnaces and phones...Loopy

    So you might find us teasing a lot, but that's what keeps us going!

    MAN you guys, I can even hear the furnace running!  And our floor squeaks!  Who knew??  

    (i'm not really a Harley rider....either)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Start each day with a heartfelt prayer that reaffirms
    your intention to
    always act with compassion and love.
    - Lama Surya Das

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Morning everyone,

    I read all your kind words about the things I said.  You know, I sit down with only a germ of an idea and just write what seems to bubble up.  I feel fortunate that it is not some strange garble and people can relate to it.

    Barbarella, welcome.  I don't have any answers just now.  I too have worried that later on things will happen that need some sort of FIX.  So many of us have to in general go along with most of what we are told is the best thing to do about  our disease process.  It was/is a whole new language and some times we just go on faith.  So, congratulations on being here and still being NED.   I hope someone will have some answers for you. 

    Well, you are not old and neither are any of us here.  We are well seasoned.  As you stated, age is a number that we go by that many people use in different ways, but has not too much to do with how we feel.  I don't see myself as 68.......mentally I am so much younger.  I guess the fact that I feel much younger helps me ignore the calendar and the passing years.  Let someone else worry about that.....I have living to get done and don't have time to let numbers consume me. 

    Surprise, we are likely going to get up to about 47 or so degrees today with rain forecast for the afternoon.  Warm continues through Sunday so we will have a good melt-down with plenty of mud if any ground gets totally un-covered.  Just hard to imagine at the beginning that we were in for such weather extremes and the woes they have brought to everyone who has had to deal with freezing rain, ice, huge amts. of snow and the polar vortex thing.  It is going to be one of those "talked" about years.

    See you all later.



  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    A special thank you for your kind and welcoming words.  What a wonderful present I woke up to this morning.  Camillegal I am guessing that no reconstruction for you?  Fine with me, as after a while they can be very burdensome if well-endowed. For me that could very well be an option, as I lived 60 years with, now time for a change. I just can no longer be ashamed and hesitant to go out, looking like I do.  It's been too long like this.  My husband says it doesn't bother him, but it bothers me.  

    Chevyboy thank you for helping me contact people who possibly know about my problem. IllinoisLad thanks also for the welcome & support.  I have found a home here with some wonderful friends. I hope I can be of support to someone in the future. Have a wonderful day and Goodbye from the Icebox of the country, north of Chicago in Stillwater, Mn. where it's supposed to be cold in January and 45 degrees is not normal.  But you know that cruise sounds awfully good right now.  I never said I liked it up here.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    You said "Good bye"...!  You don't mean that do you?  You have to come back, or we'll come looking for you....Ha!  just kidding... 

    YOU have a wonderful day too!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Barbarella, Welcome to the "old broads" hang out. I just turned 65 a month ago and know how you feel. My husband and I were talking about this the other day. When did we go from "mature" to "old"? I didn't hear a fanfare. We didn't get a letter in the mail. (Well, that's not exactly true...we started getting mail from hearing aid providers, funeral homes and cremation services when we turned 60.) A year ago I was working full time as an accountant and teaching two hours of fitness classes after work each day at the Randolph AFB gym. (Zumba and Pilates) My husband and I were also ballroom dance instructors, teaching two classes a week on the weekends. Now everything is different. I had to quit work after a brain stem stroke, have had three breast cancer surgeries, and been hospitalized 4 times in 4.5 months. That's not me! I'm the one who never gets sick, has had maybe 10 colds in my life, and has never even had the flu. I'm the one who can not only keep up, but outlast 18 yr old active duty service members in Zumba , then go on to kick their butt in Pilates for another hour. Now I'm full of scars in various stages of healing with orders to take all my meds and stay quiet or my aortic aneurysm (another surprise last year) can burst and kill me. (Pity Party? Table for One?) The one thing I CAN still do, however, is eat so I've put on 35 pounds.

    You can still get reconstruction. A woman in my support group is 15 years out and just had DIEP surgery where they take fat from your belly to make breasts. She's delighted! Same as you, she's lived with aggravation and discomfort all these years so she was glad to get her remaining breast tissue removed and new breasts created. She had radiation - guess everyone did then - so her doctor said she wouldn't be a good candidate for implants. You might at least ask about it. There are several other threads on this forum that can give you more info about DIEP and the other kinds of surgeries using your own tissue. I had implants so I have no personal experience. Also didn't have to have radiation because I chose double mastectomy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Chevy Barbarella has to be back, how can she resist all of us? We are all one of a kind, well put us all together does that means we're still one of a kind or just a bunch of old people. Whatever, she'll be back. u'll see. I am so tired I'm in a struggle to keep my eyes open of just go to sleep and everyone is traveling now. OK sleep time, I'm not making sense, well more than usual. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Well, it's okay Cammy....  I don't think we even pay attention anymore...Ha!    It is soooooooooo windy here now, and icy cold!  I can take the cold but not the wind!   I met my Daughter, and 2 other friends at Olive Garden.... It's always  so good!   I had that soup and salad, as usual. 

    But going back and forth to the car was just the WORST!  I mean my hair is usually everywhere, but toDAY it was in the next county!  

    So Sandra, you had a "brain stem stroke"?    We have been talking about those of us who lost their hearing beCAUSE of a "small infarction" in the brain-stem.

    That means a stroke, and mine affected the 8th cranial nerve, near the auditory nerve.... So that's why I/we lost our hearing.

    There is a warning label on Tamoxifen, advising of strokes, cataracts, etc.  But it only happens in a FEW women who have this certain gene!    So it is Tamoxifen, plus the special "gene" equals a stroke, near the auditory nerve, equals hearing loss.... permanent.  

    What did your stroke cause?    Any lasting side effects?   Okay, so we'll all sit at your table of !....  Only make it for about 10 of us....Ha!    You have really been through a lot...!    It can only get better, right? 

    We have to thank God for every day.....  hang in there kid!

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2014

    MinusTwo- thank you for understanding. I am far from the end (yet) hopefully and actually feel better than I have in a year so for now I am just carrying on w/life as before as much as the body allows. As a retired RN I have held the hand of so may patients approaching the end of life and feel like I am prepared for whatever. Its just the " whenever" part I struggle with. Yes, I have seen way to many people held on way past their comfort stage by well meaning family. Home is always better than the hospital. I love reading all these nice posts and live vicariously thru everyone's travels.

    Barbarella6- I too am quite lop sided. Even though I had an implant put in the same time as my surgery Feb 2006, I gained weight and my other breast in now a larger granny one. I am losing the " puppy fat" now though so now its droopy and skinny-yuk. It IS difficult to find comfortable bra's and I most just wear a camisole- I should stick a pastie on the intact size one ..ha...I never have to worry about nipple showing on the other. Using a bra extension seems to be the only thing that works as I am starting to get hunchy shoulders. Anyway I still never go out w/out my makeup on regardless...ha.

    Wrenn- I did the Alaska cruise back in the 80s. Fantastic even though it was a rainy cold 40f weather in July.

    Have a great weekend ladies- Go Seahawks.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Sandra, your doctor sounds like a very caring person ... it will be fun to hear which adult beverage is in the picture you send him.

    Grammy, hopefully your son is coming to terms with your decision and supporting you.

    Kaara, it was good to hear that you did not have a skin cancer.  Before the appointment had you even considered having the cyst removed?

    Di2012, here's hoping your passport renewal goes smoothly so that you can go cruising.

    Chevy, it's wonderful that you can hear again.  Since the ENT was able to do what your primary care doc's office could not do, can you appeal the charges to your insurance company?  Hopefully, they will at least pay for future visits.  I too like the soup and salad lunch at The Olive Garden.  I always order the same soup ... Zuppa Toscana with sausage, kale, and russet potatoes in a creamy broth.

    Jackie, thanks for your daily quotes ... they really make me think which is a good thing as I enjoy relating them to my life.

    This Polar Vortex thing is new to me.  I wonder if it is a new term for an old phenomenon although I can't think of any other terms that have been used for this effect in my lifetime.

    ritajean, safe travels tomorrow, Saturday.  Will you drive straight through or stop once or twice?  I think we used to stop overnight twice when traveling from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale.  Traveling with two kids probably made my parents need a break.

    Barbarella60, welcome.

    Cami, I hope your doctor's appointment tomorrow, Saturday, is a good one ... I hope the reason for your fatigue is pinpointed.  If I did not remember correctly and you have no appointment tomorrow, please excuse my bloop, but know that I am thinking of you.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Chevy, my brain stem stroke last year was termed "moderate." Because it was caused by a clot, not a bleed, the symptoms kept adding up over the weeks. Vertigo was first, followed by nystagmus (eyes moving involuntarily up and down) sometimes. My hearing became acute and all sounds were amplified but after a few days, it was like I had ear plugs in my ears. My eyesight kept getting worse with flashes, floaters, and finally double/triple vision. The vertigo was strong at this point and nausea showed up. I lost my voice. Had none for 2 weeks, then it was like someone turning the volume on a radio up and down. A word or two would come out, then nothing for awhile, then another word would show up. That went on for another two weeks. I saw 4 doctors during the month of acute symptoms but they all missed it - and one was a neurologist! He sent me for an MRI because he suspected multiple sclerosis and was shocked by what he saw. When you look at the Pons area of my brain stem, it looks like somebody just erased three fingertip sized circles in it. After a year of recovery and several months of rehab, I have permanent vision problems and permanent impaired balance. The hearing and voice came back fine.

    My daughter had a bad cold last year and permanently lost 40% of her hearing in one ear. She hates the idea of having to have hearing aids at 40.

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Chevyboy & Camillegal you make me laugh. Thank you all for your kind words of welcome and acceptance. I will have to work hard on everyone's name, as that is not a strong point of mine.  I found myself on the computer after I got home, checking this site first, even before my emails.  So ....... your arms open with love, how can I possibly not stay and join in. I have had such an incredibly stressful year that this is exactly what I need, but didn't even realize it until now.  It took me a few discussion boards to find you all. I am so very fortunate that I did.  Funny I found this site by accident.  I guess it was meant to be. 

    I do have some wonderful news today that I'd like to share.  My brother and I have reunited after 20 years because of his illness. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and was treated with radiation etc..  They burned his bladder so bad that he had to have it removed.  He was ultimately fitted with an ostomy.  He spent 3 months in the hospital this summer and lost everything ie home, possessions. Since getting out of the hospital, he has been renting from friends in Tennessee. His friend's wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer after 2 bouts of pancreatic cancer.  Yes 2 bouts!  He has to leave ASAP and everywhere you look subsidized housing for seniors has waiting lists of years.  He just heard from one that just happened to have 3 openings (unbelievable) in Hudson, Wi. He found out today that they are expediting accepting him and a move in date.  I have waited and worked so hard to find him a place to live, I just can't believe the news.  I have been furnishing his new handicapped apartment with donations, from friends and friends of friends.  Everything from bed, dishes, microwave, sofa, etc.  Everything!  Wow!  A very happy ending for an otherwise homeless man.  Yippie!  I can sleep tonight, and thank the Lord.

    Friends thank you again for welcoming me and just being there. Grateful in Mn. 


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Barbarella, Love those happy endings! I worked with many homeless people and getting a place to live is so difficult and so crucial for mental health. Our waiting list is at least 2 years long. I knew one woman who quit her job to move in with her mother to care for her for several years. When her mother finally passed, they kicked the daughter out because it was housing for seniors and she became homeless. Family values!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2014

    It's taken awhile for me to catch up....I fall asleep easily at night.  I am still on break from classes but I go in to work each day. Mostly I sit at my desk and take care of a lot of personal things I never have time for...some of it work-rela


    As always, I hear so much support and wisdom on this thread.  I like the fact that anyone can speak out in her own voice and opinion and acceptance rules.  There are no "free passes" through life; we all have our struggles and choices to make.

    Carole, have a wonderful trip....wish I were in your pocket!  Not sure if I'll ever get to Australia but will love hearing your travel tales.

    Rita, count down to your trip to warmer horizons! Be safe.

    I have taken one was nice but my travel mates did not want to do anything except eat.  I did shore excursions by myself.  Being a geologist, I want my feet to touch the ground and I collect rocks and sand.  The only trip I want to take by cruise is Glacier Bay Alaska.  I've traveled through Alaska several times and prefer to do my own itinerary.  Rental cars can be pricey - but we get militlary rate and saved $1000 last time on a week's rental.  We stay at military bases ($39/night) or we rent apartments or houses from homeowners online.  (vrbo, airbnb)  That said, the Princess Hotels are nice and run about $99/night. 
    The Kenai peninsula is beautiful...and there are many things to see that are not  too costly.

    Chevy, I am very happy to HEAR that you can HEAR  (oops, sorry if I'm yelling)...
    I am afraid of losing some hearing since I developed tinnitus a year ago.  My ears are always clogged and I see difficulties ahead.  I will see an ENT this year.  Speaking of Colorado, every day on the news they have features about the pot shops and all the novel products and especially recipes.  I guess the novelty will wear off but it seems that some communities will change.

    Enjoy the thaw!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    SandraAlexandra....I don't think we become "old" until we stop having fun, and we have to thank  God we can still get up and move around...  and skate-board....  (just kidding about the skate-board... maybe when we can't climb fences) then we are "old."

    Heck, I have a TREE out front that is older than I am....   It is a Colorado Blue Spruce.... It was 50 years old when we moved in, in 1964...  We HAD 2, but we removed the one out back.... those pine-needles  will drive you nuts..... I mean even more so...  shut up Cammi!

    Can you guys jump?  I tried once, and it was like my feet were nailed to the asphalt!  I can hop, but not jump up!  Not that I ever HAVE to, but it was just a worry.

    Yes Sally, that's just what I ordered.... I mean every time I go there, I get the same...Ha!  AND the Peach tea....

    And me too, the Polar Vortex is just a new way of saying "sometimes you're gonna get slammed, others, not so much"...

    I've seen pictures in my Mom's album, of horrendous dust-storms, hurricanes, and snow-storms, even 100 years ago....

    Okay Sandra, that was AWFUL!  About your brain-stem stroke!   Do they know what caused the clot?   I never had my brain scanned.... not that they would even find one....(Cammi, don't you dare...)   But I was told a "small infarct near the 8th cranial nerve" caused the hearing loss.

    And about 4 Doctors had not heard of this happening from Tamoxifen!

    Even after all the research, I printed off, and showed them.... 

    Didn't matter now I guess anyway...  I can hear with my hearing aids, and I can hear "a little" even without them...   Sorry about your Daughter, but HERS might come back!  My PC, also told me to treat my hearing loss as if it were a "cold".... So for another month I used those nasal rinses, Claritin, Zyrtec, Nasal Sprays....  I blew my nose so hard, to open my ears, I thought my brain would fly out!  Maybe it did? 

    Ha, ha!  (Cammi, I hear you laughing!) 

    But my hearing won't come back...  probably won't get any worse either, unless I screw it up with ear candles again...image

    Barbarella!  So happy about your Brother!  A VERY happy ending!  I just love those!   You are such a sweet sister!     And how is his friends wife? 

    Yes thank God Barbarella!  Go enjoy this week-end, with that smile on your face!

    Hi Wren and Joan!  Doesn't that tinnitus drive you NUTS???  I REALLY notice it when my hearing aids are out.   Yes, go to an ENT....  they are the only ones that won't try and flush out your ears with a fire hose! 

    And the Weed?  Yes, that's all over the news!  Even people that have never tried it before, are doing it now!  Honestly I AM old!  I am too old to think there is anything good to come out of this.

    I mean I can see patients using pot for pain... but not just for the hell of it.   I don't even like to take a VITAMIN, unless I think it will help something! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    "When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define
    you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." 

    -- Author Unknown 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Good morning everyone,

    It is glorious here.....there is a fair amt. of snow here and there but the rain ( I think well into the nighttime hours ) cleared so much snow away.  Well, since it stayed around 40 overnight...we now will enjoy MUD.  Sigh !!!!  As  Gilda Radner used to say " Its always something "!  Still, it beats all the snow.  Amazing how it all swooped in here and what little it is taking to get it out of here.  Interesting....tomorrow the temps will be 60.  This has been a winter of great extremes so far.....we just didn't gentle ( the way I prefer it ) into any of it.  Bang and it's one thing, then bang back to the opposite end of the scale. 

    Most of you likely know this, but I'll put in it just as an aside.  Gilda Radner ( from years ago Saturday Night Live fame ) was married to Gene Wilder.  She developed ovarian cancer and passed away.....just before the book she had been writing was published.  The title of the book " Its Always Something" !

    Many of we older ladies have been through a few mills, haven't we???  Not sure but at least some of them maybe helped when we got THIS diagnosis.  At least, I've always thought mine did.  Likely because most of my travails were fairly well spaced.

    Anyway, when I saw the quote this morning.....I thought of many of you.  I also think it is easier for us in some ways because we are the HOME-MAKERS.  We direct most everything that happens in the home and become chief caretaker for everyone in it, including the dogs and cats.  Not to say we don't have "some" times and that some of them haven't been really difficult to come out of now and then.  Spiritually speaking.....that is your wandering in the desert period.  Looking for the way, falling as much as you are getting up until one day you starts to fall into place and you are joining back into it all on a higher plain again.  These sometimes happen more than once too I think. 

    A bit yeah, way to go, for those happy endings.  What a burden to have relieved and it will help to keep plodding along with other things perhaps that haven't quite gotten there yet.  All  in good time the correct things take place.  It is hard to let go and let God as they say, but it is in fact, one of the few things that work stupendously well.  When we are able to not let problems rule us ( yes, it can be mighty hard not to keep a bead right on them ) and find a place to relax and LET really go......the answer so often just nearly falls at our feet.  I'm the first to day how difficult that can be too do......and when new "issues" come along, it takes me a while to "realize" how much control I'm actually still trying to exert.  You have to do some, but it is figuring out how much is just right and where you need to let go. 

    Wishing you all a fantastic Saturday ( is Rita leaving the morning, I think ) and hoping that everyone's weather has settled down to a tolerable level.  You are all such fantastic ladies.  I'm in such great company.



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Joan, I'm with you. We moved to Seattle from Texas and brought hundreds of rocks. Every time I opened a drawer there were more rocks. Our first backpacking trip I bitched all the way there about how heavy my pack was (and it really was). The whole family still teases me because we reached the highest point and I picked up a large red and white quartz rock and brought it back. It's displayed in my living room. We did the Alaska cruise to Glacier Bay when I worked for a cruise line. The only other cruise that interests me is the Galapagos. DS went there on his honeymoon. He and wife are both birders. My first geology class they mentioned continental drift as an idea of one man who was considered 'out there'. The next class mentioned it as a theory and the third class said it was absolute fact. You would love the North Cascades. No one knows what happened there because they can't find any place without faults on all 4 sides.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Joan811, it sounds like you are having what might be called "down time" even though you are going into work.  If I remember correctly, the end of the year was filled to the max with work, so it's good that you have some breathing room now. 

    Chevy, I've never climbed a fence ... I might just put that on my bucket list ... that should give the neighborhood kids a good chuckle ... they are all nice and would pick me up.

    Jackie, the "wandering in the desert analogy" really caught my attention today.  That combined with the "all in good time" reference gives me a feeling of confidence.  Many years ago I was a camp counselor at a church camp on Lake Michigan on the Michigan side.  We used a book called Let Go and Let God as the basis for our weekly counselor class.  I can't remember the content of the book, but the title often pops into my mind.

    Wrenn and Joan, I too carry rocks home as well as small and medium pieces of driftwood.  I would love to have found a large piece of quartz somewhere. 

    The wind is blowing here providing wonderful shadows from moving branches. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited January 2014

    Hi, folks just popping in, Chevy asked if I had any thoughts on Barbarellas' situation. Chevy 's so nice, to think my brain still works. I've read Barb's first post and all the posts since. Before I talk to Barb, I'd just like to say you are a wonderful group You made me smile so much reading your carrying words to each other.

    Chevy, Chit, you never said they didn't scan you. Long time ago, but you should have been done as soon as you reported your symptoms. Even a scan now should be done b/c you have no baseline as to changes in the brain. So, if down the road something changes and a scan done, it may be erroneously attributed to something that's present now. xoxox

    Barb based on your posts you have found a BCO home here, congratulations. It's so nice to feel the warmth and love. I always think of the sitcom "Cheers" when this happens :)

    Your questions re: your foobs. In several of your posts, you have already found many of your answers.

    You've identified the problems: Your unhappy b/c of the pain---your ready to be done with the pain. You're unhappy with the way they look enough that you feel embarrassed going out-----you are ready to be done with feeling awful about how you appear.

    You are physically impacted and psychologically impacted.

    You've reached the decision point of taking action: You came seeking advice as to solutions. You have worked through a fair amount of the problem already. You essentially know what's available, but talking with folks about different approaches i.e. removal, flaps is a great approach. I suggest going to threads where folks have had the procedures is a great step, and I think you are in that process already.

    I, also, suggest consulting with Whippetmom(Deborah). She is unique in this whole world, that is not an overstatement of her knowledge re:foobs.

    One of your statements, may  be a thought that you need to work through to help you move forward. I'll have to paraphrase----"you feel guilty about wanting to do this b/c your disease isn't active." Methinks you have an underlying thought that's nagging you, that you are just doing it for cosmetic reasons? Okay, here's a word in that regard: Balderdash-------I'll repeat from above "You are physically impacted by chronic pain,  and psychologically impacted by chronic pain, and self image alteration leading to progressive negative lifestyle change. "

    Those two items should get insurance approval for a redo. You may have to go through some consultations, but just tell it too them like you told it to us. If you don't have doctor documentation of either over past years, the question that will be asked is " Why haven't we heard of this before". You, also, have written the answer here---again a parahrase "You learned to live with it, and now it is affecting your life too much to go on as you have".

    Hugs, hope there's a pearl in here someplace or Chevy won't be happy. Sassy

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Good Afternoon,

    Jackie, I had to laugh at your remembering  Gilda's "It's always something".  It got me to thinking, who said that on SNL?  Roseanna Roseannadanna!  I remembered the full saying "It just goes to show ya, it's always something"! It was a constant theme, and I'd always wait in anticipation for her to say "It just goes to show ya, it's always something"!  Then Roseanna would go on and on about that something "like the time . . ."  (Just for those, who weren't SNL junkies at that time).  Anyway to "Land the Plane" isn't that the truth, "It's always something". Once you think your "okay" for a while, that something is back trying to knock you over for the umpteenth time. At least that's my experience. I think what keeps us young is what we do with those something's: define, destroy or strengthen. Jackie from your quote today (which I love). 

    This must be the day when sayings I haven't heard or thought of for a while are coming back to me. As soon as I stepped back in exasperation, giving my brother's delayed apartment acceptance, to him to handle, it went through. Let go, Let God. Thanks Jackie. How quick I forget those lessons.

    GrammyR we will have to share stories of lop sided, t-shirts instead of bras, grandma vs perky breasts. When I started having the radiation side effects, I was referred to a woman breast cancer specialist and surgeon who was more concerned with my not wearing a bra than my "radiation problem".  I usually wear tank t-shirts under everything, then large tops to hide the disparity. What are you supposed to do? GrammyR you know what I mean! I said to her what would you do with these?  Do you have a bra for this "occasion". She was just one, who didn't know about the real treatment side effects, we all have had to live with, at their recommendations. Don't get me wrong, those treatments are why I am here today, but we all deserve to make informed choices. And years later to be chastised, and belittled at the choices I have had to make, for a somewhat comfortable and livable lifestyle, is well just beyond belief.  No I take that back, I'd believe anything at this point.  

    Wren44, how backward we are as a nation to have so few living arrangements for the seniors or disabled.  I wanted something for Charles, other than a government HUD subsidized highrise where seniors and the disabled are living with active drug addicts etc.  Independent & assisted living private, subsidized apartments with immediate openings are almost impossible to find. It really makes you think what our priorities are when exposed to the reality of the situation. What will I do when I can no longer live alone without some sort of community or assistance. Truly scary.  

    Chevyboy yes I am smiling today. I will enjoy moving (with help) all his "new" things and setting up his apartment before he comes.  Hopefully that is. It's a good day, today.

    I am finished with my "manuscript" Volume I for the day. I should forewarn you that I am also known for Volumes II & III.

    Have a wonderful day.  Barbarella

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,709
    edited January 2014

    Wren, I forgot to mention......about the rocks.  We seem to all have to collect something.  I've had several collections, but biggest one to date was the 4,000 cookbooks I had.  I finally put them along with a lot of other items in an auction.  Now I occasionally still go out and get a couple, but try hard not to do too much. 

    The internet has any recipe you could desire I think.....of course, you need the other kind found in books to remind you of some of your "desires".  Ah, Barbarella.....its always something, eh !!

    Don't know if I mentioned ( poor brain of mine ) that my latest collection.....and I'm keeping it fairly small, is small Pyrex baking type dishes, or small pottery types.  I have a nice, if fairly small collection.  I'm not looking very hard, or all that often, because I already know after 4000 cook books that I can take a nice thing to the ultimate extreme.  I actually ( with just Dh and me here ) use them now and then so that is something of a bonus and keeps even a hint of guilt from cropping up.   I had no intention of doing this but kept eyeing a little semi-oval Pyrex baking dish ( quite small ) in a "used" shop around here.  The price as $10.00 which I felt was astronomical and I wouldn't do it......but every time I went into the shop.....I went over to the table where the little baking dish sat.  Finally, the lady running the shop noticed where I headed each time I came in and reduced the price to $7.00.  I still thought it was high, but didn't think she would go down more.....and that was # 1. 

    See you all later.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Barbarella, did you see the post from Sassy?   I had mentioned your problems to her, and hope she could help you a little!    She called you Barb, but that was for you....

    We tend to shorten, or just plain screw-up everyone's names around here...Ha!   But we do it all in fun.... except Cammi!  That little dickens will probably call you Barbra Striesand pretty soon...  We just pat her on the head and smile.... 

  • Barbarella60
    Barbarella60 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Chevyboy, yes I got a great and informative post from sas-schatzi. Sassy you hit a lot of things right on the head, of which I never thought of.  Makes you think.  I do know that I can't continue with this negative self-image.  Thank you for the information and further places to go to.  I always heard even with mastectomies the side of effects of the radiation are still there.  Have to find out. 

    Sandra4611 your thoughts on reconstruction are very helpful. You have had a very long road to travel. How very tenacious & a giving person you are.

    My sister-in-law Donna, my husband's brother's wife, and I have gotten to know each other & have become very close after her husband Dennis died at age 59 of esophageal liver metastases in June of this year.  He was sick for 3 weeks, 2 days in the hospital too sick for scheduled chemo and 2 days in hospice. Chevyboy, Donna & I have gotten to call each other names dependent on our whims. I really don't know how it started but never a dull day. DonnaDee, Barbaraella, DonnaLou, BarbaraDoodle, DonnaBeGood.  What a hoot. I love you guys.  "That's my story, and I stand by it!"

    Good evening Ladies


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited January 2014

    Barb :) sassy.