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(ahem!) belly fat



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    I, too, pick up every penny I find! I know it means someone is looking over me....

    Also, I've heard there is a couple million dollars worth of pennies lying around North America. I think I'm up to $3.76....but there's still time.

    I've almost gotten run over before, because even if I'm crossing the road I'll stop on a penny (dime) to pick one up! 

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2009

    lindasa and maire, thanks for the jeans tips, went shopping yesterday and bought low rise stretch denim, fit great!

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Member Posts: 624
    edited March 2009

    Susan - Hurray!  Wear them in good health!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    Ok, what to do about a bathing suit with one boob (not too big) and don't want to wear a prosthesis on the other side........and accomodate the belly.......which is hopefully shrinking cause the scales say so.  Any bathing suit suggestions?  Nice to worry about such frivolous things.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2009

    Sharon, why not a prosthesis? The gals on the "no recon" board make them out of shower scrubbies and pin them into their suit. Looks good, stays put, dries instantly, doesn't add any weight. I've been using them for swimming for several years and they work great. Only $.97 at Walmart, any color you'd like! Cool

    Their thread is here (sorry, but you'll have to copy and paste it -- I can never get other threads to link here):

    So far they haven't come up with anything to disguise the belly, though. I favor a beach towel slung around my waist.Undecided


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    Thankyou Binney but I can't be bothered with a prosthesis.......just want something to flatten out the other boob and then I'll almost match.  Likely a Speedo style will do.  I don't wear anything in my "land" clothes either.  But I've not had a swim since all this b.c. stuff so just wondered about swim suit styles.  The belly I'm working on. 

  • Mamie2
    Mamie2 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    Gosh... you guys are all so good humored about this. I have always been a slender person but this belly comes and goes and right now it has got to go. When I was first diagnosed i began doing the essiac gentle detox tea.... did two rounds of the Flora Essence bottle and around the same time my son asked me to start taking resveratrol...and I noticed that my belly flattened alot... The other thing is I cut out alot of sugar (use agave instead) and eat more grains, carrots and other raw vegies. I'm not good at this diet - and miss good old comfort food.... I am a real lover of mashed potatoes and gravy!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Mamie...I did all the research on the Essiac and  purchased the tea last year.  I have not broken it out and tried it.  My onc told me that it wouldn't hurt me but for some reason I've hesitated.  Do you think it helped you?  How bad was the taste?  Did you have the type that you have to brew and then store in the refrig?  I'm really curious about this and would love your input.


  • Mamie2
    Mamie2 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    Hi Ritajean. I think it did help me. I bought the bottle of liquid Flora Essence that once opened you use within 3 weeks. I drank 2 oz in hot water in the am and then again in the pm. Sometimes I drank it in the middle of the day as well. I ate really "clean" too. My BM's changed dramatically! No wonder my belly was big! Sorry to be so graphic. My son (who is a raw foodist) does cleanses regularly, and now as a disciple of Dr Servan Schreiber I understand how necessary it is to continually detox the body. That is my objective. So I am working out a plan...still reading his book and loving it.... intellectually i know what I have to do...should do, but there is always that compromise.....(McDonald's French Fries -for instance!!) I'm still getting used to diagnosis with breast cancer and so I'm even afraid to eat my favorite thick salty potato chips!!! Torn between two worlds...... Oh. Yes. I loved the taste. And because it is so expensive, I have done three bottles (are they$34/bottle?) I just bought some Detox Tea now and I mix that up with my green tea..... but still want 3 or 4 cups of coffee a week....(as a treat)!! I hate cancer!!!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009
    Oh JO thankyou so much.  There are a few places in the city I can go to for a swimsuit when I work up the nerve.  I never liked myself in one even with two boobs.Embarassed
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Thanks for the input Mamie.  I bought the Flor-Essence packets.  You make it up yourself and each packet makes a quart of the tea.  I was really impresed with the work of the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse and some of her success stories.  Now that I'm done with the treatments, I think I will crack it open, make up a batch, and see what it does. I think I got the three packet box for $39.00 last year.  Then I decided to wait until treatments were over and when you mentioned it, I began to think seriously about it again.  Thanks!


  • Mamie2
    Mamie2 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    Ritajean, have you read Dr. Schrieber's book Anticancer? He is a "must read" for continued anticancer "maintenance for life. It's not something we asked for... but at least he gave us a road map if we want it. I'm not completely done reading it. It's highlighted and underlined throughout! Detox is necessary for your body and your environment.

  • gymgirl
    gymgirl Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    I'm wondering how many of the meds I'm on are contributing to the extra I've put on around the middle? I've been a regular exerciser my whole adult life and eaten only healthy foods (well, mostly healthy). And now a year on Arimidex plus Neurontin and Effexor and my flat tummy is no more! I'm eating less and still working out but I've put on a few pounds and my shape is changing and not in a good way. If I stopped the Neurontin and toughed out the hot flashes could I sweat off the tummy? We should be so lucky!

    I think the no estrogen affects more than the doctors tell us. They were so eager for me to go on Arimidex. No one said it would make me feel old. Like I'm 5 years older in only one year. I'm 58 but not ready to feel old yet. I see my Onc in May and I'm wondering what would happen if I went off the Arimidex. I'm scared to, but hate how I feel and look on it. 

    Then I read your post Debbie - you say it well - no matter how hard a time I think I'm having on Arimidex, it's nothing compared to what you're facing. You keep on walking. I'll think of you when I'd like to flush my pills, and keep on taking them.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    Neurontin is like Lyrica. Some people have gained as much as a POUND a WEEK. Fortunately, for my 5 months on Lyrica I was also on a NO carb diet trying to lose weight. My brother lost 75 pounds, I didn't lose an ounce! Thank God I was on the diet or I could have gained. Had to go off the Lyrica as extra weight just makes my blood pressure even worse and I am already on 4 meds for it. I was taking Lyrica for peripheral neuropathy from my Fibromyalgia. It worked great! So sad.....

    Using Neurontin for hot flashes is what they are calling "off label" which means you are using the drug for something it wasn't marketed for, but happens to work. If I were you, IMHO, I'd get off it, but you have to wean yourself off it. See your doc. There's better stuff out there for you.

    I am dealing with the pain rather than the gain. 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009
    I'm still stuck at the 5 pounds loss........but I'm determined even though Arimidex says different.  10 more to go.  I suppose it will all come off my faceTongue out
  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009

    Here is my 2 cents on bathing suit advice......for my dollar you cant beat the bathing suits from Lands End, and even if you dont have a store where you live you can order catalogs or shop online and they always have free shipping days.....I just bought a suit for our April trip and what I love best about it is the way the front criss cross drapes and then there is a really pretty criss cross in the back too it holds you up and in so well that NOTHING is going to move or slip out or show and I feel really comfortable in it.....they also have a section of suits for post breast surgery ladies that are really nice, check the website if you can......

    So.........I have not printed this because Im not sure if I agree but when I had my Rad Onc visit last week I asked him about the supposed dreaded weight gain with Arimidex and he told me there is no documented blamable ( is that a word ?) weight gain with Arimidex.....he believes what happens is women develop joint and bone pain and become less active and have an increased appetite that isnt compensated for in anyway. When they weighed me I have only put 3# back on since surgery and I had lost 18# , I will never be thin, but so far Im not complaining.

    The breast cancer education series I was going to go to , has a nutrition class tonight, if I can get my lazy butt out of the house on my day off I may go.....

    Love to all


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009
    Thankyou for the bathing suit idea Jan.........and also for giving me hope that I actually can lose more weight while on Arimidex.  I've been (along with eating less) doing a lot of walking with my dog.  He's happy to report he now has a waist.......I on the other hand do not.Frown
  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2009

    Sharon, I had a partial mast, but ended up with a c cup on the left and an a cup on the right. Just to fill out my clothes, keep a bra from sliding up over the smaller breast when I lifted my arms and to keep straps on my shoulders, I needed a small prosthesis and I wear mastectomy bras and bathing suits, the comfort is amazing. I have gained and lost 60 lbs since cancer slapped me, so I actually have 3 differant sizes, anyway, my insurance helps pay for 2 bras a year and a prosthesis every 2 years, maybe you could check out your insurance and give it a try. Seemed to help my posture and backaches too!

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    OMG!  I saw myself in the dressing room mirror today and almost screamed!!  YACK! YUCK! ACK!  SHUDDER!  Where in the h*ll did that belly come from??? 

     It looked like a back pack on backwards! 

     I have to remember to buy a chain saw and lop that thing off the front of me!!  OMG.

  • gymgirl
    gymgirl Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    I've been giving this tummy problem some serious thought. The Arimidex makes me so tired all the time. So I've been eating small meals more frequently to keep up my energy. In my busy life before BC when I was tired it meant I needed to eat. In my new post BC life, being tired means I try to fix it by eating (not so good for the waistline) or taking a nap (not good for burning calories either). I think what I need to do is retrain my brain to think, Tired = needs to take a walk. That will keep me from eating, burn some calories and maybe the fresh air will wake me up. I wonder if I could keep it up long enough to lose weight? 'Cuz I definately don't want to go the chainsaw route mzmiller!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    OMG AHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a backpack on backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You saw ME in the mirror. That is too funny because that is exactly what it looks like. Were you bending down when you looked in the mirror? hehehehhehehehee

    gymgirl, ah, as I typed your name I realized where you get your discipline from. You are too right! We do have to retrain our brains. But the older you get the harder it is to learn. You know, "teach an old dog new trips, blah, blah, yadda, yadda...." 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Mamie, I have not read Dr. Schrieber's AntiCancer book.  I'm heading into town tomorrow to do some errands and I'll stop at the bookstore and search for it.  Thanks for the info.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2009

    I love it Susan!  I was seriously considering having my jaw wired shut but I'll try the duct tape first!

    As to that Acai berry stuff - I ordered the 'free' sample, put in my debit card and then went on the net only to find this was a scam.  Exactly as you describe it is what the net said - they keep sending you more and charging your credit card.  The next morning I was at the bank cancelling that card and getting a new one.

    First, cancel the credit card and get a new one.

    The worse is that what they are sending you does not have enough of the Acai berry to work.

  • kerry_lamb
    kerry_lamb Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2009

    Girls, I had a nice experience in the middle of a shite, Femara-induced week. I MAKE myself walk every day. 40 mins. Some days I can literally only just make it home because of the pain in my feet. Anyway, backtracking a little..when I finished chemo I was 8kg heavier..I felt it was mostly on my thighs. They were fat and really wobbly at the back. Anyway, walking this week I realised that my thighs were not rubbing together so much. Yes! They are made more of muscle now and look like it! I have been so concerned about the belly and the nana-fat on my back that I had not noticed the improvement in my thighs! Now the belly is reducing millimeter by millimeter. I finished chemo on Sept 26th..what's that...just on 6 months. Six months of torture and now I see a result!! Hang in there girls. It went on mouthful by mouthful, step by step (or lack thereof!) It will come off the same way! XXXX

  • kerry_lamb
    kerry_lamb Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2009

    PS: Sharon, you crack me up. My dog looks magnificent too!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    Kerry, very hopeful. I have extremely muscular legs. Like rocks. Except for the flabby bits in between my legs (lack of action....sigh, but that's for another thread). Nice to know walking will help. Once the snow clears and I get more energy, I think I will partake. 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009
    7 lbs. later......I think it's coming off my butt which of course next to my chicken neck was one of my better features.Wink  But it IS coming off.
  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    Good for you, Sharon!!  You're a loser!  It's amazing how success can keep you motivated, isn't it?

    I, on the other hand, have a choice of going out for a walk or doing my mother's income tax...I'm sharpening up my pencil and pushing my Nike's under the table. 

     Just can't seem to get going. Even after the frightening experince  in the dressing room last week!!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    Losing weight is mindless.  I on the other hand, could no more do my income tax (or any one else's for that matter) than fly to the moon. 

    My last weigh in at the onchs office was enough for me.  (I try to avoid mirrors, especially under bright lights.)  I'd gained 5 lbs. since Nov.  I finally got to the place where I said ENOUGH!  We'll see what happens.  Could be just a flash in the pan, so to speak. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Kerry...I try to walk 3 miles a day for 5 or 6 days a week.  I haven't seen too much improvement in my body shape or weight yet but you've given me the inspiration to keep walking. 

    Sharon...congrats on the weight loss!  I'm really trying to take off some pounds, too.  I do good during the week and then pig out on the weekends.  That really doesn't help much, does it?  LOL
